The Exeter Times, 1895-12-12, Page 1TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No. 1
II O...
Only 13 Days
Before Xmas
13y glancing. over this list 'you may
save thee teouble a worrying about
'what to giye" for ' a X-mas present,
.0a11 now died we will hold anything=
til Christmas for you.
For A Lady
A pair of genuineFroach Kid Gloves
'black or colored, - - - $L25
A eream or white Silk Ildkf,
OR embroidered initial letter on
each. 35e
len f A I'UR, CAPE, Goat, Astrach-
1. an, and GreenlandSeal, $10 to $25
,.4.1 pp. 1 A FIVE O'CLOCK TEA. SETT
s",1 German China, beautiful, $2,00
i•OR- GAUNTLETS,—Something real
new and stylish, - $1 to $2
For A Gentleman
A pair of good serviceable Kid
'Gloves, - - - - $1.00
,oR { ATy,'/..11, of DOG SKIN (+Alin
•OR CHAIN, (warranted) regular
price $22, now - $18.00
A Silk Tie, 350. a Sille and Wool
••OR Scarf 25c. to 50c ; a plain or col
ored Silk Hdkf 15c to 750.
For the Boys and Ciirls
• A great variety of Toys and Games,
:such as we have never had before.
You will miss it if you don't visit our
Stove before X-mas, for we are giving
biehavgains in ell lines.
•11.• S. FORD &- GO.
w'4 held . on the farm of Thomas
' ..Ogden, on Saturday last, between
. EriniSeille and Saintsburnedube: , 'Each-
.‘eontestant shot at sparrows and
. four pigeons Following is the score :
• '
R. Woods, 1110 0 1 0 1 1 0
"Thos. Dickens,' 1 0 1-1 1 0 1 0 0 5
John Hunter, 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7
John Miners, 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 ..,. ,
Geo. Andrew, 1 3. 0 1 1 1 1. 0 0 0 ?A al a‘..,..,i,., No. 010. in this your- hour of sore
T. Ogden, 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 5 oureigst hS' ill'gl?Oarnitiect beg.telseexi
tend to you
Tho following persons shot at spar- • ref must oe suchYthitit wtir.ds from itis°‘veairlctn
i otallv, relieve your mind or restore your dem
rows :— ' - I wife. but true sympathy In from
atlilion mid
L. Abbott, • 0 1 1 0 1 3 words of counsel coming your orar go
W. Abbott, 0 0 1 0 1 2 brethren, at least assure you that we are sha •
BRIBPS.—The 'several persons who iani4 Airtchirilthat portion of sorrow which we
I parted sister we know rglit t eier dearh do_
shot at the match on Friday intend
holding another match about New Teeth. Hope and Charity," all. 1.YLern hrZ1X,'-le callet
Year's..—Wm. Culbert intends build- 1 faliuguiromises at the Master that of such
We wrld. direct
ing a new house nextstunmer.-Harry ibrhit too°01.4airnilliogra4•(vieSid:ofeitghel‘si a otiii
Dobbs whose barn was struele by '
fire,, intends rebuilding next sunnner. the rod
sati ilsieen purposesi in - -1 .
glegt Vtx t
lightning. last fall ancl ' deseroyed by d fnilyotliisegt fez°
imiove are to Mauve
--Thos. Dickens will put a brick found- draw us ein nearer to Min. aene tirarserinan'er
able to say with the Psalmist. "It is good for
ation and stabling. under his large i".",„ th „,., th,t, T la," b,,,„
barn. - Sohn Brown has sold Inc- IP -cair-i"Ylm:filies-s may taro then
photograph business in Leamington all powerful, knowing arlfINO 4.10th .nlotWaliglieit
Willingly nor grieve the children of men.
..and returned home. He intends fol-
lowing his old. avocation of farming. — The sleeping dust that lies,
Siena:it-Ian:0 aesus ripe ;
IVIr. and Mrs. Northy, of London, who idegrvrriin the skies.
have been visiting at James Brown's, There we shall again.meg
returned home on Saturday last.— .3. PECTXTAI3LB, TV.
Isaac Lewis, who has been working A. NEVINS, B. IVI.;
his father's farm. for the past five' JOHN NEIL Sec'y.
years, left it on Friday for parts un- , teete • —messes, ;tea B. 'Hui, of
known. —Thos. Ogden held a wood St TlE1' S.
1ontas, and Wnt. Hill, of Port
bee on Taesday, considerable evood Huron, were guests at the parsonage
was •cut and a pleasant time was the beginning part of this week.—Miss
.spent—The church of England intend Grigg, of London, is visiting Mre.
holding, a S. 5.. entertainment on
Xmas eve.
HURON • k......jyripplEsLf.t..-xi... GAZETTE
• Russelda,le.
Bniuns,--L'ngineee.. Rogers of Mit-
chell was in our vieinity the fore
part of this week laying out the course
for the propose(' Laing drain, Ithe
Adam Wiley a,nci -W. J. Russell at-
tended the funeral of the late Thomas
Wiley at Owen bound laet week. 1
Mrs, Wiley and family have the I
sympathy of the entire community in
this great bereavemeut 33ritit would
seem to the weiter that et•ensurround-
ed by sympathetic friends, its Mrs.
Wiley and her family are, that human
sympathy is far too cold to heal the
almost broken heart of a 'mother who
has laid. to rest two sons anci a daugh-
ter in the shore space of seven months.
Rie-AlutisSTED--The recent change
in the statute, which allows a prisoner
charstecl with a felony to give evid-
ence on his own behalf, has been the
indirect cause of getting Sohn Grant,
the Parkhill express office robber, into
further trouble. It will be remember-
ed. that at the last spring assizes Grant
was accused of stealing a valuable pack-
age from the .safe of the Express (Joni-
pany at the Grand Trunk Depot, Park-
hill. He went into the witness box
on his own behalf, and swore that he
had not been guilty of safe breaking.
He admitted taking the package, but
claimed he got it on top oE a truck on
the platform and pleaded as an excuse
that he was drunk. The trial judge
appeared to place considerable .weight
on Grant's evidence, judging from the
lightness of the sentence he imposed.
On Saturday Grant's sentenee expired,
and he was released from the Central
Prison, but had. hardly got Outside of
the tail evalls before he was re -arrested
by Detective Verney, of ' the ,Toronto
staff, on the charge of perjury, in giv-
ing evidence on his OWIl behalf.
0 e r_a_ti. a
The new harness shop is now opened for
business. Altkinds of harness on hand, heavy,
double, hght and single. Anything made to
order. Repairing promptly attended. to,. Robes
and blankets of all kinds, also Buffalo Robes.
Trunks, Bolls, Whips. Combs, Brushes and
everything kept in the harness line. Don't fa 1
to call.. COTTRILL, Harness 1VIaker.
regular meeting of L. O. L., No, 010,
th.e following officers were. elected :—
X. Huxtable, W. M.; F. Davis D M •
R. Handford, Chape T. F. Boyle, Re-.
Icording Secretary; john Neil, Finan-
cial Secretary; John AlcFalls, Trees-
Ill'er; F. Auderson, Lecturer; T. J.
Cave and John Wright, Deputy
Lecturers; W. H. Mills, D. of C.; A.
Nevins, R. MeFalls, J. C. Sheardoevn,
W, Moffatt and John Neil, Committee.
" '
The allowing reso ution. of condol-
ence was carried and ordered to be
transmitted. to F. J. Davis, who lost
his wife in the recent fire :--
To F. Davis Eq.
DE -tit Stu AND 13Ro num —We the members
paste—Arrangements, are being Made
fee the annual Sabbath Sehool AMA -
matey, to lit held on Sunday and
Tuesday, December 29th and 31st,
eseereaieeeeeee- 4000000000000
" Oredaton.
. Beeeeses. Metare 'frevethiele &
\Valleer, lattcliers have. dissOlYcd . Part-
ncxslup,Trevethiele inbax kuig in -
the ineacautile busiuess, eie
Fahrier this week sold a ;Mese y R,ed
Wessioll's Greet Slaughter stile at Boots 86 and, Poland 011ina 1)0ar to 'Messrs
Shoes is the talk of the whale community, and Henry Guenther and William Snell of
Dashwoo(1, — Richard Young mad
wife, of Exeter, spent the forepart of
this week at their eon's, John Young,
—There will be a grand entertainneent
hoes you buy from us, and he best way tt, .n ene • Orediton town on the
(noir day, brosgs new arkSt01110r$ to our store
from far &inn near:: Last wook was the biggest
WOOle8 busbm.e y we e as xiiiLeh
goods as sv'e, likt9rO, tr b
OM it.,
more known allover the country, that we sae'
au from 25e to on every am of Boots ox
prove tt is to come and see for yourself as him 1 xvening of Friday Dec. 20th under
?ireeofteseleugeg.afeeraoN414,PlissbaptpwoointeNdve. dkpsoia4w 1 Jhe auspices or -c.a., pubb,:c. sca;001. A
the crowd to Weselohs as inc stock must u, • ;real deal of pain SO being taken to,
sola this nionth. Terms (lash, As 1 am lsv-
Ihnsall after ow Voars all persons in-
dented to um aro requested to call and settle
their accounts at onee, WESET-101-DlW
FoNlvohNovalitig are the market quotations. ,
attrsleY 62 to 02
45 50
2302 tt oo 2311
$11.00 to $12.00
Butter .... ... • .... .... to 16
Eggs 11 to 11
Ames. Potty, of this vil-
lage, who has been spending a men-
ber of months at his old home in Hen-
sel", England,returned home this
week, accompanied by his neice, Miss
Oroysdale. Mr. Petty's many friends
are pleased to see him back again.—
A nmnber.' of our villagers, residing
near Cannel church, have, with com-
mendable enterprise, clubbecItogether,
and subscribed ertough to put an
electric light at the street corners.
This is, certainly, a great improve-
ment, and with a few mere oer village
-would be nicely lighted, and would.
give it a much better appearance to
stvatigees and visitors, to say nothing
Of the local convenience. —Miss Aggie
Murray, who has filled the position of
Organist in Carmel church for a num-
ber of years, giving the utmost satie- •
faction, has tenclersd. her resignation,
which the congregation are sorry to
accept, and would not, ever° it not
that Miss Murray cannot make it
convenient to continue the services she
has been rendering. 718
BRIBFs.---Business was booming in,
our town last week.—Robt. Bell. jr.,
has been shipping lumber to London
the past week.—Messrs. Turnleulle and
Geiger, deputy reeves of Hay Town-
ship, made a few friendly calls around
Hensall on Saturday last, after re-
turning from the County Council held
at Clinton last week.—J. W. Ortwein
was iu London Monday, on 'business.
—F. G. Arnold was in Loudon on
Monday buying new goods.—John
Zne fle w a,s in London on Teesche on
busluess.—D. Weismiller reterneci
home from North Ontario last Mon-
day and left for Goclerich on Tuesday
moaning to attend Conservative Con-
vention, where he received the unani-
mous nomination for -Weet Revote
Mr. Weismilier is an able debater, and
will. win the election without any
doubt, —James Coxevorth left 3fonclay
on a visit to St, Catherines„—Mr. John
Graybel and wife, of Dashevoocl, were
visiting at their daughter's, 'Mrs. John
Pope, on Tuesday.—Mr. Henry Wese-
loh and wife, of Zurich, are the guests
of their son, Mr. A. Weeeloh.—The
brickwork of 'Wm. Welsh's' house is
just about completed.—The anniver-
sary of the Hensel' Methodist church
will be held. on Sunday December
22na, when Rev. Mr. Livingstone, of
Kincardine, -will preach morning and
evening, and Rev. S. S. Henderson of
Carmel Presbyterian Church will
preach in the afternoon, when a
Thanksgiving offering will be taken
up in place of holding a Tea. Meeting..
--On 'Wednesday afternoonlast the
Ladies' Society gave a tea to the
ladies of the Methodist church when
they presented Rev. (Mrs.) Swan with
a ince China, Dinner Set. A suitable
address was read by Mrs. J. C. Stone-
man, after which Rev. Mr. Swan, who
was present, made a suitable reply.—
D. Urquhart was in Seaforeh on Mon-
day ou busies.—Mr, and Mrs, Mul-
lett of Seafortle, were the guests of
Mr. Wm. Colwill, on Sunday last.—
Miss Aiken, of Clinton, is giving
painting lessons in town.—Mise B.
Hodgine, of London, is -visiting at the
Commercial Hotel this week.—The
B0wslaugh.-0. Baskerville, sr., was Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
seriously injured on Tuesday by a
kick from one of his horses.—Parsons
NONE BETTER KNOWN. Bros. helve shipped two car doads of
There is no better known traveller poultry from this stations and there is
in the Maritime Provinces than. M. G. yet more to follow.—Rev. H. W.
'Fred. Anderson, the popular repres:- Locke, of Exeter, will preach here on
,entative of Messrs. T. S. Simms & Sunday morning next in the interests
• Co., St. John, N. B. Speaking, of Nor- of the Superannitation
way. Pine Syrup, Mr. Anderson says; G. A. Schram, who is visiting his sis-
h "It is the best cough cure I have ever ter, Mrs. James. Hodgins, occupied
-used and I prefer it to any other. the pelpit here on Sunday evening
have given it to friends of mine ancl it last.—Mrs. Quarry, died at her son's
,cures every these. It would be a dif- residence on. Thursday last, at the
yfult matter now to induce me to use advanced age of 95 yeaes, Her death
tany other. has been expectecl daily for months
dispensed in Carmel „Presbyterian
churcheon Sunday last.
Brtnees.—We are sorry to report
that Mrs. Kenner met with au .anci-
dent on Saturday last when coming
down stairs, she slipped and. fell,
spraining her foot and bruieieg her.
self, we are also glad to say the is o-
h* well: —Miss Kenner in eonnectiot
with others ie doing her best to train
the children for the entertainment: on
Cheistrzas night —Dame rumen, has
ie that several of our prominent young
ladies contemplate changing their
names before long.
Bansiss--Thersclay afternoon 113 pige
eons were loose.d from a trap router
_ alitiee: Ira 131ce Re M. Thompson J.0;
Now 18 the time to make your selections for Christmas Presents, Don't
,wait, until the last day when all the choicest articles are picked up ; be sere
And select something useful as well as ornamental. Don't you think there is
,something in the following list that you had better get. New Would you Hite
a nice Fur Cape, Fur Cap, Fur Muff, Fur Storni Collar, Fur Boa or perhaps
you prefer looking fee a nice Jacket, Shawl, Hate Bonnett. Dress Pattern, pair
,of Blankets or some Table Linen or Table Napkin. If any of the above arti-
cles are toe high .for your purse, why here are 80M0 that Will CO8t a very much
:smaller sMti, which, will make a nide and appropriate present ; Kid Gloves,
'Cashmere Gloves, Kid Mitts, Silk Ties, Silk Hatulkerehiefs, Embroidered Hand-
:kerehiefs, Corsets, 1 -lose, Braces, Collars and Ladies' and Gentienten's, Misses'
and Boy's Underwear, all of which are to be forint' abundence at our store
and are all A 1 value.
1 the gaz,e of eight brilliant marksmen.
The following are the mums and fat- address on Orangetem. Olsten
Ste.pb.ensaowncri.i. 'BolcM C, .&. °Iiir;tith: eWin.leWiritee,holgt Mile' helll,feoNcv.celpfliciiiclutt,
wane 8, R. McNamee S. One aollar each ehar in his mead 'pleasing manner.'
was the. sweepstakes, and 40 per ett, „avast he sena 'The mania
cent. each was given to the two first.— Egaty The Braes fitivi ,„1-.,,,,„„, (le
Stanley & Dight's mill has been leased mating with a
for a term to Messrs Young and Max- number of choice
well.—The Lucan skating rink was ing the evening. Pro -
opened. on Friday night. A large ceeds $50. It would be a wise ant if
selections dm
crowd was in attendance. Mr. Aaron ,corninittees he future would obtaiu
Bell is managete he promise of speakers advertised to
be present beton their names appear
MAIM Yet:Mama, fiTnONG, on the bills, --The annual Methodist S.
S. meeting was held in the church on
malea it a tices, bee postere for
oarticulars. —There are several more
weddings on the tattle. --Mr. and Misse ,
Fietz and Mr. and Mrs. Ginter have '
got nicely settleci in their vespeetive
reeidences.—There died in Port Huron
Mieh., on Tneschey last, Wm. Lawson,
formerly of this place. He remaine
Were bsought here and interred la
the Bethesda cemetery. — Messrs.
Ratz, Either anti Sliorritt attended the
County Council held in Clinton last
week.—The auction sale of dairy cows
held here on Friday latib Was well at-
tended, and the cattle sold welle—A.
load of flax men from Shipka paid our
mill hands a visit on Tuesday last.—
Bede:Vs.—The ladies are*: making
great preparations for the tea to be.
leeld in the church. on Wednesdayeven-
ing, 18th inst. A choicte pro,seram of
readings, recitatione and speeches has
been, prepared. The Crediton choir
annual meeting of the ruembere of le
0. la, No. 591, the following oilleertix
were appointed. for ehe ensuing. srear :—
Samuel Switzer, W. M. ; Arthur
Doupe, IV,, Harry Robinson, Rec-
Secy. ; Arch. Robinson, Fin -Secy. ;
Capt. Paisey, Chap. ; Joe, Doup ,e D.
of 0, ; Jesse Shier, Lecturer ; Ytobt,
Robinson, 'Treas. ; 'Wm. Sacolie Tyler;
Committee, Samuel Browil, Ecl. Ken-
nedy, Thee. Hollingshead, Sohn Elliott
Granby Itubbers are out again, this 'on
)0117; Ns. t) mylobs1 cligoltoti; fu20 f'i,obdoac&tleo, withoboutthoy iivit,lole Isr,104
of pure rubber. Be sure you get (4ramr.Sr
Sold only by C.'. FRITZ,
1. yr—,
terand Bond.
BnaErs,—The weather has been.
very fine of late, but vex cold, If we
had just a few more inches of snow
the slei hing woulcl be elegant —The
Grancl encl cut business has been set-
tled, the money being paid over to m-
tereeted parties here.—Mr. John
Youne- is drawing the material for his
new house,—Mr. Cornish, who has
beeu seriously ill of late, is progressing
favorably.—James Patterson visite
Dashwood on Saturday and remained.
over Sianday.—Mr. Berney intends
leaving here, and is going to live with
his son George, oettr Toronto.—W. B.
Faille sold his team of colts last week
to Edwoixl Desjardine, he having
sold leis fine driver. --Mr. Hamilton
has commenced. lumbering again.—
Mr. Bossenberry is proposing to re-
model his summer hotel here for next
has been engage(' for the occasion. season.
Revs. "Venetia of Oreaiton ,Jackson of •, 4 0
Exeter, and Butt . of Centralia, will Cromartv.
also ie r I en. ce.
1 ii" tt dan Everybody
c,ome, and e,iljoy socittl everung.--
Baneae—The Agricultmed °emelt
on the eth hest., at Staffa, was not a
Nelson Kestle was in Woodstock last
week. We suppose he was consulting silbeeas as a, naniber of the Performers
failed to appear.—Sleighing is fair
an architect for a suitable plan for his
around here and farmers are making
new house.—James Gould and family
spent Sunday with Mr. Sohn Rowe.— good use of it,—Mr. IV, Bell has got
Mr. and ere.. eanei Lamport, of niacin started and is now ready to do all kinds
of week in the blecksinithing Hue.—
ton, spent Sunday "with the latter's
A. number of young folks drove to Sea -
brother Mr. Salm:4 Rowe, —We are
ebass lea fullyseclte recovered
rt lest faMi,oma Ehdi s. lrZeeosetial et
fe°vIening last, ancl report a good coneert
th to the Scottish Concert on Friday
illness.—Mr. Wm. Coates, of Usborne, Amongst others were noticed the vill-
blacksmith andhis bonnie blue eyed.
and Miss Kestle, of Exeter; spent Sun- age
day with Mr. Ed. Kestle,---Mr. and lassie Seau.--Weciclifig Bells are still
ringing; this tune, it is for M. I:human
Mrs. Chapman, of Hamilton, visited
their daughter, Mrs. Josiah Kestle, INIcidal'en and Miss Aggie Ora -ham:
led weeenenme. and Mrs. nanneey who were nrade one on 'Wednesday
evening last. Rev. Peter Scott tied
spent SatardnY with friends in Mc-
Gillivray. --We can now boast of two
—Mr. J. C. Norris is drawing sand for
the knot, and more expected nextweek.
grain merehants who are buying large
his new house which he intends Wid-
get). es o. gram, All we need 110W
tilt ' V •
is 0,54010 and post office. tug next spring.
Usborne Council.
;mg sl•PQn. PhySiciane to carry out the
law With referemie to giving notice of
infectious diseases. Several membeee
of the profession leave during the past
year entirely ignored the Statute re-
lating to this Important .
G. W. EL, See'y 33. OR.
The Big Bankrupt Store will be
open each evening till after • the holi-
days, for the accommodation of good
old Santa Mee.
.11euenes.—George Fossald of Detitoite-
viSited friends in the neighborhood
i1iis..Week. To hie disa.ppOirititteitt,
however, there was a real friend he
Campbell have returned home trout we will sell you at almost yonr
Publishors and Streeriet0
caDon'i ar
Why should you we
sacrifice goods you lose
nothing, and if you are
sharp enough to buy the
goods when going you ar
a big gainer.
OVER 100
clid not see.—Messrs, es, and james Ken's Boys' 0 vercoats whici
Mamtoba.—Th4, funeral of the late Mrs i wn prfee.
Stewart, ott l'xionday was htrgely ,,
attended. See our Afen's Eleavy Deflate
OONCERT.-1110 C011eert On Friday Overcoat for $4.00.
See our Man's Frieze Overcoat
for $0, and Boyd' Overcoat with
gram consisted of an address by Rev. Cape, for $2.25.
evening last was a grand success. The
attendance was large, The Rev. C.
Fletcher occupied the chair. The pro-
14.1eGillyray on Forestry, also ad-
dresses byMessrs A, Bishop and James
Hackney; readings her Mrs. Colin Flet-
cher, of Farquhar, and John McCallum
of Exeter; also recitations by Mw.
Menem:tot Exeter. The Misses Stewart,
daughters of IVilliam Stewart and
Miss Prier sang beautiful solos in ex-
cellent style, while the Davidson or-
chestra interspersed the program with
first-class musical selections. The en-
tire proceeds of the ebtertainment
aniounted to over $45. • 'a b
Wsvas with smprise that the community
heard. of the death of Mrs. . 'Stewart; on
Friday eireniug last She had been in
het' usual good: health for sense thee,
and. had gone to visit at her sons' Mr
•Sohn Stewart. They had all just re-
turned from spending the (mono ig at a
neighbors, and shoetly after the de-
ceased had retired she took a fit Of
aoUghing. Mr..Stesvart waist to her
• room, when shetold hint shewas dying,
and within ten minutes expired; heatt
failure being the cause of death. De-
ceased was the telint of the late And-
rew Stewart, who died about two
years ago, and had attained the ' age
of 71 - years: Mrs. Stewart's maiden.
name Was Margaret Glenne daughter
of the late James Glenn, of Usborne.
She was born in the County of Fer-
managh, Ireland, was married in 18•16,
and with her husband emigrated to
this country in the same year. They
lived in the County of Durham for ten
years, when they moved to the town -
Ship of Ushorne, onto the farm, then
an unbroken forest, where she resided
instil death. Deceased was widely
known for her many acts of kindness
and was deservedly respected by a.
' 1ese • - • t
' BRIBEs.--Tne. Ladies' Aid of the f °::T.Iit: council inet On the (tie lust All 1 te 4 .,
1, JSIL testect by the latge attendenee at • the
Methodist church have not been or- 1the members Werwpresent. The min- I
voted Christian, and a life-long member
a- (le-
ganized, two yeaae, but everything utes of previous meeting were read funeral on MoutlaY. She svas
they have undertaken so far has been and confirmed.
of the Methodist church. Deceased
attended with great success. It had Delbridge—Gardiner—That the 'ex -
was possessed of a frugitlity istrely
been announced that they would have 'sense of the Board of Health. for the
a "Thiiry Maid Social" on the is 0117:Tcnt year amonting to $15 be paid, shared, by her sex, and she and her
eneenne of Dr. husband lived. to see their iudustry
of Thineleegiving Day aud great WAS and. also that the
the curiosity to know -what kind of a Thompson amounting. tO $11.50 for
social it would bee When the time services rendered as eseelsle. al Health
came a huge munber assembled. and Officer in 1894, be paid, as recommena-
were seated in rows until the base- ed by the Board of Health. but that
anent was filled, then the ladies each the M. H. 0. be instructed. to a,ct in
adorned with a neat white cap, ap- fature -under instructions of the Board
peered with pie Devonshire cream, of Health.—Carried.
&c., and so cou'timied until all the Garclinee—Kedcles—That G. W. Hol -
hungry hadsbeen fed, when a public mau receive the sum Of $10 for postage
meeting wee organized with the Presi- and. stationery for the current year. --
dent, Mrs. T. B. Coupland in. the chair. Carried.
Speeches were delivered by 3. Johns, limiter—Dellaridge—That the nomi-
Rev. T. B. °minima. and Rev. S. E. nation for Reeve and Commillors to
Westimm, andMr. McPherson, ffilV0 SerVe th0 Ml111101pality for 1896, be
some interesting blackboard exercises, held at the Township Hall, on Mon -
Music was furnished by the Ladies' day the 30th inst., at the hour of 10
Aid. the choir, and the Elimetille bawl. o'clock, a; in., for Reevn, a•nc112 c,'clock
The church was crowded, ceserybody • noon, for comeeillors; that G. W, Rol
heti a good. time, and the peoceecls man preside at said nomination, anti
amomited. to $30.35, although the ad- in ease polls be demanded they be
mission fee was Only 10 ceuts. held as follows :—S. W. Ward, Town
42-0- ven. Elimville, G. IV. Holman R. ().;
Iirkoti N. \V. Ward; 2.40 C-; T, 'Geoege
11 411 Lowe, D. R. 0.; S. ill. 'Ward, tot
BRIPIPS.--XisS Sarah Tufts, who has Con, 1.0, Louis Walktar D. R, 0.; N.B.
been attending, the Stratford Business Ward, Gardiner'S Hall, Farquhar,
College, arrived home on Saturday Alex Duncan, D. R. 0. Said polls to
last.—Bev. Mr. McMillan, a yonng opelied at 9 o'clock, a, ne, and (dee-
m= recently ordained, has been ed at p. m., Olt Monday the Oth day
appointed. to succeed the late Rev. Mr. of January 3.800, and that a By-law be
Cooper. Re will take charge of the drafted confirming the same.—Carrie.d.
apponitinent in a, few weeks. --Wm. Hunter—Keddy—That the. selectors
Jameson atrived home from Manitoba of jurors be paid $3 each. --Carried.
ou Tuesday last.—The Cheistmee Tree Delbridge—Keddy--That the mot -
entertainment held in the Presby- ion of Council made at last meeting
terian church on the evening cif Dee. authorizing the eCollector to deposit
24th, promisee to be a success. An the tow -nab -tie funds" in the bank, be
excellent program. is being prepared.— reesucted, and that the Collector be in -
Rev. Grant, of St. Marys, and ltIrs. structed to pay said meney over to
(Rev. C. Fletcher, Of the Thames the late Treasurer's bondemen or his
Road, addressed the "Woman's Foreign administrators. --Carried.
Missionary Society thePresbyteemn A large number of orders were
church on IVednesday is of last granted, and on motion of J. Hunter.
week.—The fowl supper under the seconded by IV. Noddy, the council
misplace of the Orange Lodge held on adjourned to Meet on Monday the 1.0th
Friday evening was well attended. inst., o'clock, p. n:L
The simper itself Was one of the 'best G. W. -Hoterael, Clerk.
ever given ie Klikton, . but when it Itomue Os, LTE—At a meeting,.
came to the platform meeting held in of the Usborne Board of Health held
the hall it was a disappointment as on the 7th eregoliition of regret
,only one speaker out of four advertis- at the great loss the 33oard, sustained
ed to be present put in an appear- during the past year theangh the
anoe, and that - one was the Rev. death- of Loomed Hunter, Esq., one
Snowden, who gave an eXnellent, of its most naive membere and Who
for so limey yeavs occepieci respon-
sible positions in Usborne..,
tesolution 'Wag also adopted calla
ion oto Cheap Eiki Steve*
Brown & Preeter,
weB 5w , 1, Britionr, Woolclham, also Of IsS-
If yotievould resist pneumoniaebron- Monday event', last Thos. Road. -
chitis, typhoidfever, and persistent house re-electec Sept ; Semite' Tufts,
coughs and colds. These ills attack the .Aset-6tie t Bible Claes Teacher", P.
weak and run down system, They Stiegon and Kate Dame ; Intermed -
tem find no foothold where the blood. iate, Roble Whaley, Norman Switzer,
is kept pure, rieh and full of vitality, Eliza Shier, Lizzie Shier and Lyda
the appetite good and digestion vigor- Pletcher ; Infant class of boys, John
mus, with Hood's Sarsaparilla; the one Manning ; Infant clasie of girls,
tette blood purifier. Amanda Shieu ; Librariens, John
Watson, Phoebe Tette ; Trees, W. H.
H ' eod s sMs cure liVer ton- Marshall ; Organist Annie Hollings-
stipation, bilionsnoss, Janndiee, sick head.
headaehe IlenoTSON 011 OP:MIMS ee t
-A, 0
Said a Word
• Abatit'oar Children's or Misses Shoes
for quite a while. Can't keep still any
longer. We're proud of the
Fine Shoes we sell at 90c a pair and so
are the people who buy them and, justly
10, The misses' Fine Shote we sell at
$1;35 are shoe perfectioo. They're need°
of the rieht kited of leveller. Satiefact-
ion ni every pan ,of them. Itlen's Aortic
Overshoes, Lined, at $1,25 per pelt..
ladies' High Batton Overehoes, $J1.60 a
pain at
tie, au
fully rewarded, in the family all beeng
conetertOly Sn'tticd 91.1 fermS of their
town, Or Witt a competency NMT1 whieh
to battle this world. The fatuity are:
,John, James and George, on
the north boundary ofUsborne; Mrs A
Bolton, of Usborne, Mrs John Mc-
Laren, Seaforth, and Mrs. - Himkin and
Andrew Stewarb of Exeter. Her re-
mains were interred beside those of
her husband in MeTaggart's eerectery
• Obituary of Septimup Hogarth
The snbject, of this memoir .was
born neat- Kendall, Westmoreland
Comity, England, in the year 3.82, and
castle to this painstry 'when ten .years
et age, and settled with the family hi
Darlington. In the year 1818. he Was
married to Jane Coleman, daughter of
the late John Coleman, of Darlington.
In the anthem of the , next year he
anci his eretlueelge pertnee omen to
Stephen TowilShip, 1166,1$ 11:4eter, and
hewed one for themselves a, new deirle
on a, bush farm, where he continued
to reside lentil the time of his death.
FOr many years Mr, Hogarth took a
prominent part, in the Agricultural
Society and in Minecipal aiTairs, in
both the township and county coma
Snell wait the confidence the public
had in his judgment end integrity that
he was often called npoe to arbitrate
upon disputed questions, and it, had
been Said that if Ise could but get the
disputants together an amicable and
satisfactory settlement was. assured.
He took strona grounds against the
e .
liquor traffic 'mid tobacco- babit and
made his infleenve felt in both public
and private life so much eo in the
latter case that, mem of his sons in -
do elged in. either. .
Ho was for some • time townehip
engineer and a justice of the peace for
Wee last twenty years. In politics
Was an active Reformer. Slime his con-
version, about forty years ago, he was
consistent sznerobet of the Methodist
church up to Tuesday morning, 'Dec,
10th., when . after .stiftering severely
from pneumonia, fiir , soma Weeks he
passed peacefidly away trusting in
the Saviour... •• .
Ile haves to mown the less of a,
toeing husband and kind father, a be-
loved Wifeand .a large family et grown
uj. song and daughters,besides two
brothers, aohn. IIngarth, of St, Marys,
end Stephen Hogarth, of Deelington.
nijoa,Sfse. a ot 11;5 Cline of A..len's Seatette,„,
Do not wait until the wmter is
jaAHI iRi Krog vbeeTrs tbperTf jocle oy ro u r itiel yr Eggsnuys
DEPOT. fiJ . P. „ctoss,
a week ago. For a few y, care past the
northern peat of that township • has _
been infested with a gang of Reampa
of this class.
Perth County Notes
While having a tooth e.xtracted the
otherday in Stratford, A. bert Gorbett
fainted, and with great difficulty waS
rePsieLletiltal itsedg.oing to have a Hotiee of
Refuge, and favorably received. at, its
recent meeting, computation eV
of establishing such.
B. Frank Kutner, of Sebriugville,
broke a bore in his leg while assisting
at Mr. Gourlay's raising on 'Friday.
The injury is not serious.
Mr. Alex. Mulherore ot :Vitiate%
was knocked down by a horse ;ilea
cutter in the west ward last Tueeday
evening and had. leis face badly cat.
Their gentle action and good effect
on thesystern really makes them a per-
fect little pill. They please those who
use them. Certer's Little Liver Pills
may well be termed "Perfection.
Lainbton County Council will !Mita '
a House -of Refuge, af tor the style a
tee Htreon.Peihr Bntise "---•
Will Parker, of Clinton, \visite chop-
ping. the other clay, • mit his 'Soot 80
latiliityywrttaSdou:teoers.sary to he ve it
Mts W,Seltor Manning, of teinton
possesses a libraey If ovee,70
volumes, which is an extensive library
for toypoonsnsgessman not ht professional
lik A see -en -year-old son of Mr. isaaa
Bezzo, of Clinton, fell on a rusty nail
hip it was with diffknliy ftai, l,1.cod,-
seal a trial for coughs, cold% or in-
finenza? If not do so as it is an arced-
I lenthousehold remedy in such eases.
I Sole' at C. Lierz's Drug Store.
John Pe irley, of Carberry. Siani-
toba. and formerly of b'eaforth, lost
his bakery by fire on Tuesday night,:
Foirley's many friends in Seareeth,
swmillrshyNhi na, psRait)001110)ilsioeneivei:.1t. eier liftontlotTfi sstisieciref
ellS011 county. Kansas, Sheriff Rob-
son has a host of friendsin this eeetion,
who will unite with us in congratula-
ting hint on his success.
etale Itegister
Friday, Dee. 13th. .30 Dairy coweat
Melville. From the Ingersoll dairy,
Sale nt one o'ClOPIC. 3, S.
Poop. H. Brown Atict.
This is the time when voids are 40. the cash.
ion -everybody who is anybody, has one. if not',
himself there's 000 111 thefninily. Por no COM&
plaint under the sun are there inore remedieS
than for a cold MI the heml, but of the throw -
ands eila8C'S Catarrh Cure is the hest, "In
twelve hours 1 was cured ar a had cold in the
head by Chases Cure," writes Miss Dwyer,
-111i4on. Ont. of all dragaists. with blower
The Da :hwood
Granton. • We are riow doh% businessititIie
Banees.---Mr. Chappel, of Blanshavd
occupied the Methodist pulpit on film
day an the Absence of Rev, Die Cook,
who WAS in St. Thomae.—Mr, James
Park spent Sunday afternoon with
friends in Bryanston. ---Mr. Scott, of
Knox College, ',Toronto, conducted the
services Miele Granton and Le can Pres-
bytevian Churches. Mr. Scott le 0
very able young auto, and We thin],
the managing board. Would do well to
seettre his services for s louger
Theve is a tumor n±loat that a chickeu
thief wag shot while robbing a hen
lesSit in the neighborhood of the 10th
on 8th coneeesion 0± Blanshard about
hew Mick Week., have greatly 'aided to
tele etiock end are offering inducement.'
in the following limos'--
Oovv Chains, tins and
Rifles, Axes, Saws,
L.8117p6 and Stoves.
' 'rho. Public are dordialy in -
1 vited to call and inspect our
stock and pikes,