The Exeter Times, 1895-11-14, Page 1VQL XXIILNO 12,
B. S. roaD
Are Our
friOCS Eight
If you doubt it just try us for
I We're doing just 60 per cent.mere
business than we did last year. Our
prices must be right.
We buy largely, direct from the
r IVIanufacturer. Pay ()ash every
itune : Our expenses are very
light. Didn't we ought to sell
r -cheap ? '
R. S. FORD & G O.
N. B. --Highest price paid for Pout-
The Teems has some ex -
WE correspondents, to
WANT w-htein we are under deep
obligations for continued
THEM services. We appreciate ful-
ly their zeal and fieelity.
...:Teb we are selfish. We want even
more news than we get : not only from
.our regular corresponients, but from
Any reliable source. Anyone knowing
,any item of intereet Will oblige us by
sendingit in. Send '„us .short, crisp
items of news, and unless it is impor-
_ tent, make t brief' .
Beieure.-The direators of the insurance laid over for farther, comilderat-
ion the claims presented by Mr. John
Delbridge for lose of barn and content a by
.fire. Some damaged grain was awed
from the fire and some of this was taken
-at night by parties unknown. If the eaid
parties would return the bags, which were
'borrowed, Mr. Delbritige would be thank
dul.--The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church here intend having a Dairy -Maid
-mid on the evening of Thanksgiving day.
A good program ha e also been arranged.
This is something new and everybody.
ought to oome and enjoy it at the small
eee 4081 of 10 cents, -The Elimville council of
• the 0. O. 0. F. marched from their council
eohamber to the church on Sunday morn-
ing last, where they listened to a very
• acceptable sermon by RSV. T. B. Coup.'
land. The congregation was laree.-The
• esstate and chattels of the Mr. Thomas
Werry, sr„ were sold on Monday after-
noon, The farm consisting of 200 acres,
was purchased:1y Mr. E. Williams for
49,500. The stock andemplementsbronght
,nearly $1,000. When all the grain is sold
there will be nearly enough to pay 100
-cents on the dollar. Mr 11. Browu, the
popular auctioneer, wielded the hammer.
••t •
To properly fill ite officio and functions,
it is important that the blood be pure.
When it ia in such a condition, the body is
almost certain to be healthy. A com-
plaint at this Ohne is catarrh iu some of its
-various forma. A slight cold develops the
disease in the head, Droppings of cor-
ruption pleasing into the lunge bring on
-consumption. The only way to cure this
.disease is to purify the blood. The most
-obstinate casee of catarrh yield to the
„medicinal powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla
as if by magic, simply because it reaelaee
the seat of the Meow, stud by purifying
and viealizing . the blood, removes the
-cause. Not only does Hood's Sarsaparilla this but it giverenewed vigor to the
whole system, making it possible for good
health to reign supreme.
Sine -Last winter my father had such
• a cough he could hardly epeak. He was
persuaded to try liagya.rd'a Pectoral Bal.
nein at 'oat, and Wits completely cured by
• half of one bottle.
In Bath, Ont., Chase's Kidney Liver Pills are
•n standard remedy. Joseph Gardner, of this
towneeuffered for 40 years with indigestion
and AS ever present accompaniments-eon-
oitipation and headache K 381,i Pills are the
only remedythat gave him relief. 250 a box
of all druggists. One pill a dose,
will be ill TOWII
1 Week Longer
Garments Properly Dyed and
Well Pressed.
No CrtocKm0 or COLORS
Piti gt,, Opposite Town Ralf,
The following shows' the etanding bas-
ed upon good conduct, attendance and gen-
eral profioiency ot pupils of 8. S. No. 6
Stephen,for the month of October.
V, -Moline Ratz, Lizzie Ra,tz, Wctliaiu
Rate, Sr III,-Jaeob Ratz, Lizzie Lip.
pert, John Craft; Jr. -jecob Fiuk-
beiner, Jane McCann, Jeannie Yearly.
Sr, I1,--Kaggie Barry, Clara Rietz, Lim.
on Ratz. Jr. IL -Thos McCann, Alex,.
ltfoDoealcl, Christina Curry. Sr, Pk. II, -
Emma Keys, Clara Craft, Mary McCor-
mick. Jr. Pt Ur -Willie Shrader, Flora
M Cor rola k, Pb,I, -edit RRtz Allie
Herding, Alice MoWhinney. J. W.
lVf OREISION, Teacher.
Sogooe leerone.-The follo eine iethe
Ootober monthly r9port of 5, 5, Ne. 2,
y. Names are in order of merit,
V. --R. P. Chapman, P. E. Ross. IV,
-Fiore M. Northcott, J W. Todd, Nellie
Gould, Sr. !IL -Carrie Gould, Srerale J.
Northoott, if M. Gould,jr.III- Jessie G.
Mann, Robert O'Brien, B. E. O'Brien. Sr
IL -Eliza Timm, Ethel M. Northcott, H.
P Johnston. Jr. II, -Edward Gould.
W. E. O'Brien. Pt. IL-Loulaa Arm-
strong, Luella Munn, le, R. Northoott,
Pt. I, -J. R. Munn,Dfaggie Sutherby, tInce,
The beat spellers in the monthly spelling
matches were -V, -R. F Chapman, IV,
Nellie Gould; Sr.III, Sarah le, Northoott.
Jr. III, Jessie G, Munn; Sr. IL -Ethel
M. Northcott: Jr. IL -Edward Gould; Pt
/I, -Luella Munn, Pk I,-Iliaggis
by. W. if. JOHNSToN Tee.oher.
The new harness shop is now opened for
filminess. All kinds of harness on hand,heavv,
double, light and single, Any thing made to
order. Repairing promptly attended to. Robes
and blankets of all kinds also Buffalo Robes,
trunks,bells.whips, combs brushes and every-
thing kept in the harness'line. Don't fail to
eall., W. COTTRILL. Harness Maker.
BRIEFS. -Mrs. Darch and son, of Lon-
don, were guests at 0. B. Cottrill's last
week. -Mr. Clottrill has now •got nicely
settled in his new shop and residence. -
Miss Hedging has opened out a dress
making establishtaent.-There is to be e.
shooting match at Moat's hotel, on Sat-
urday. -.Revs R J Garbutt, of Birr, J E
Ford of Lucan, Geo Jackson, of Exeter,
were in the village on Tuesday with Rev
W H Butt making arrangements for an
Epworth League Convention at Parkhill,
at an early date. -The Women'Miesioir
rimy Society had their monthly meeting at
lldrs Thom Haudford's, Tuesday afternoon.
A load of Royal Template took in tha
entertainment at Orediton on Friday even.
ing last, and report haying had an enjoy•
able time. -At the annualerneeting of the
Epworth League on Tuesday evening, the
followhig °femora were elected for the en-
sifirig year ;-Hon Pfesiident,Rey W Ti
Butt; Vice•Presidents; ;Mies -.Martha Hill,
Miss Grace Oka,. 1.1r*'.Dhos Neil and Mr
Elijah Colwill; Recording Secretary, Mr
Byron Hicke; Corresponding Secretary,
Miss Flora Essery; Treasurer, Mr James
Weennace-There WaS married OIL
Wednesday at the residence of August
&breeder, hie youngest daughter, Miss
Kate, to a, young man from Michigan. The
ceremony vvas oonduoted by Rev Eby, in
the presence of the more intimate friends.
May they have a long life of happinees,
Scam. REPORT' -The following is the
report of U. S 5., No. 15, Way and
Stephen for the month of October, based
on written examinations and attendanco,.
during the month. Names in order of
V- Robert Turnbull ;-IV- Edward
Turnbull; -Sr. III -Lloyd Taylor;---JreflI
--J melee Turnbull, Annie Burmeister,
Alexander Regin, Andy Magee. Louis
Roeder Clara Walper;-Sr II --Edward
Willed, Charles Hartleib, Susan Schroder,
Clara Willertl- Jr Il --lVlary Kennings
Thee Pope. Sarah Marriot, Mark Wild,
Henry Bierling; -Jr Pt Il -Matilda Bier -
ling, Matilda Willert, Aken Marriot, Win
Ram, Emma Wild; -Jr Pt II -Mary
Pfaff, Mary Karmen, Annie Skipon;-
Sr P1 I -Elinor Whim% Elliot Shipley ,
Irvine Willed; -Jr Pt 1 -Mary Pope,
Alfred Zirk, Elba Roeder, Chris Fisher.
D. McDoureAree Teacher.
BRIEFS,-Stveet Indian summer was
suddenly interrupted by the approach of a
heavy downfall of rain which when the
wind veered around to the North acd
ch -angel it to snow made our oitizens feel
that winter was drawing nigh, -A num-
ber of out most noted people attended a
husking bee held at Mr. Guenther's and
report haying had a most enjoyable time
among the dry leaves of the fodder -Ur.
McDougall who has successfully taught
the school three miles west of the village
for the past two years has beenre•engaged
for 1895. -The building season which is
drawing near a close, has to all appear-
ances not been long enougla to nit the
desires of some our ambitious oitizene,
as another new house is being erected.
Wbo will be the next ?-Mr. 0 Fritz has
been distinguishing himself as a markg-
man haying shot ninapigeone out of ton,
and won drat money at the ehoottog
match in Orediton last week, -The mem-
leers of the Young Peopleea Alliance and
their Mende heve shown their sympathy
to Mrs 3 S Witztal by subecribing among
themselves for a song little eutn of motley
whittle will be of great benefit to her.-
letr. Henry Roue is ereciiisg a ilew dwell.
ing house on the lot be lately purchased
from Mr Kellerman. -Mr Ohas Schroeder
also purchaeed a lot next to Mr liocige
were he ittends to build a home next
eninmer.---Mr Con Sts.ebue has moved
into the house of ttfr J Holtz whieh Was
formerly occupied by Me Shetler.-Mr J
Kelletnaan bad been to Elkton, Miob., to
visit his brother and other 'relatives. -Mrs
W II Birk is visiting her sister in Exeter.
-Mr C Vritz intends to lsave .a shooting
match in town on Thanksgiviag Day.
X61 SPRI$G AtIti
COMM -I bay° taken Burdock Blood
Bitters eery spriog and fall as a blood
purifier for 'several years arid find it dope
great good, building up my eystem and
matting me feel like a new man, My
wife aleo has taken it for ecireciits debility
and wealth eiliereeeiving great benefit vi.hen
! worts' nietHe',Ic enol I,
Runls Aveue,
'North Aft ants, On
Barin -Mi lawny Moatz, jr, of Dash-
wood, has moved to town, He intends
working in the flex tnills,-Mr John
Thoinpson, of Dashwood, has moved into
one of Mr George Lawson' S honses,
nine' west of Credltone-Mr John Either,
jr, is on the siok list, -The B T of Tee
held an o.pett ixieeting in their hall on Fri-
day evening. The RS'S Smith, and Yee
land delivered very able addresses. The
reeltetions and Beleetions delivered by the
Oredi ton and Centralia people were second
to none. -Miss Maggie Holtzman, of Zur-
ich, is visiting friends in town for a few
HAPPY EVENT,- One of those happy
evrats which alwaye °restos a flutter of
excitement in every community took place
at the residence of Mr Hardy, of Brinsley,
unole of the bride, on Wednesday, Nov 13,
on which occasion hi a niece, Miss Lizzie
Hardy, was united in marriege to John F
Either, of title place'Rev Smith conduct;
ing the ceremony. The bride was assisted
by her slater, Miss Lillie Hardy, and the
groom's right hand man was hie brother
Henry. Thiepresents were nutnerous and
eeetlee. The wish of all is that Mr and Mrs
Eilber may enjoy a longe happy and pros-
perous married life.
SHOOTING MATCH, -A. grand shooting
match wag held in Crediton in oonnection
with the Oomnaeroial Hotel- on Thursday
last, consisting of live birde; Following
is the score.-
IVIOCann 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 5
J Brenner, 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
H Weber, 0 1 0 1 1 I 0 1 1 1 7
J Cunningham, 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 1 1 1 5
Hirtzel 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 I
G Reber, 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
F Kerr, 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
J CSheardown, 1 0 1 1 11 1 1 1
Verm Holt, 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
L Roedding, 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
C Fritz, • 1 3, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wm Yearley, 0 0 1 0 1 01 11
J Bowlin, 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 I 1
D Atkinson, 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
J McKay, 11 1010001
1 6
1 4
0 9
1 6
0 6
1 6
Beizes-Wm. Wieeman lent a valuable
young mare last Saturday. -Fred Taylor
has returned from Manitoba. -Samuel
neaps, breeder of shropshire elem. has
dispesed of his entire flock and leas gone
out of the business. -Mr and Mrs Me-
Marohie, of Elgin County are visiting at
A. Dawson'se-Miss Annie Di1110,in of 121h
con., Usborne is visitinglieends in Exeter.
-Mr and Mrs W. H. Marshall attended
the funeral of the lata Mrs Sixteen in St.
Mary' on Saturdey last. -e -Will Diamond
and :Ada Legeatespene Sunday at Jacob
Taylor's. -We H. HazIewood's chopping
mill is now in full blast, and rune certain
days In the week. -The Publie schools in
Kirkton and Woodlettin were defied on
Monday afternoon on the occasion of the
finerai of.theiate Rev. C Cooper.,
DEATH oo, BEV: 006VER-It is the sad
duty of your aorreeponclent this week to
chroniele the death of the late Rev Richard
Stepherreetoper B. D„ Incumbent of St.
Paul's church, Kirkton, whose death oe-
ourred on Thursday of1aseweek, Nov. 7th.
The occurrence has MO aeleep gloom over
the entire neighborhood. Jost five weeks
ago last Saturdayhe was stricken with par-
alysis from which he never recovered and
and finally on Thursday last succumbed
to the hand of death. He never Fipoke
after he received the stroke, but was quite
;tensible until the Met. Rev Mr Cooper
vvaa born in Brighton, England, and years
afterwards came to Canada and settled in
Invermay, Bruce County. At that time
he was given the charge of one mission
and under hie control it prospered and
increased and after 23 years of successful
ministry in the same place his labors were
crowned with success, as there were
twelve churches erected, due to the
fruits of his labor. He moved from
Leveret:lay to Kirkton last June, and dur-
ing the few months' here he formed a
large circle of friends, and was beloved by
all whether members of hie church or not,
He married a &figs Berfurd of Invernaay,
who with a family of four small children
survive him and have the sympathy of
this community in their sad bereavement.
On Monday the funeral took place. A
procession was formed at the Rectory, and
headed by the Kirkton brasieband playing
the "Dead March') proceeded to St. Paul's
church where a service was held. The
churah was crowded to the doors, a large
numbgr being unable to gainadmittance,
alter which the corpse was interred in the
grave alongside the church. Rev. Mr
Deacon of Stratford conducted the funeral
services. The pall bearers were Rev. Mr
aunt of Exeter, Rev Mr Taylor of St.
Mares, Rey Mr Williams of Stratford, Rev
Ur Jones of Invermay, Capt. Brethour of
Kirkton, and Mr Hodgins of Bidclulph.
Deceased was 57 years of age and belonged
to a number of societies, inolading Royal
Blaok Knights, Royal Arch Masone, and
Canadian Order of Foresters. A large
number of members of those sooieties at-
tended the funeral to pay theirlast mopeds
to their late friend and brother.
A Itletemen Term, WILL BELIEVE DIE.-
ThOSO who suffer from kidney trouble
suffer acutely. When some kinds of sick-
ness eau be borne with fortitude, it is to
easy matter to exereise this virtue when
one ie ,a 'sufferer from kidney` tronble.
Hope may sustain ro, person when a med-
icine le being mead that doctors say will
eventually effect a cure, Bat who wants
to continue en agonising course of trait -
remit when a tuedioine like South Americ-
an kidney Clive is within the reach of
even.' One that is to speedy as well as °at-
tain in its effects? This new remedy has
been thoroughly tested by learned physi-
otiose and stands today ahead of any
medicine used for thes porpose. It does
not pretend to cure anything elle, but it
does cure kidney dhows'', eold by C. Luez.
An authority Sees bhat galvanized
deal is about as geed a Oblidtietor of
electricity (lightning) as you couldhave.
Of course this metallic conductor Would
attract the lightning, but itt the same
time it would not AS a safe condader.
This galvanized WindMill Should not hie
°tease the' Tisk Of insurance. Thee Will
he inipertent MOO to Mentbete of in-
ametnee eerepithiee et these steel milkt
aro 'booming a coratuon thing.
efOlete Wellrelt 4t; SOW/
Fanitsliere end Proprietae
FienSale '
Following are the market enotatioess :
Wheat 6$ to 68
Barley • , 30 to 33
Oats , - .... 23 to 2e
Pesti 501050
Hay . . • ..... • 11.00 te 12,00
Butter- ... , to15
Eggs-. ... • .. .... 14 to 1.4
SPECIAL BAUGAINS,-MOneY saVed is money
made. A.Weseloh will soya you 25 per cent.
00 Your Pelt Boots, Rubbers & socks, Rubbers
Jr Overshoes, and Boots& shoes. generally.
Oall and see. VOSBLOR
BRTEPS . —When Wes Simpson. went
•to the door on Monday t) shake out
the table cloth she &Upped and fell,
breaking her righb. leg below the
ankle. Medical aid wets at once SUM -
moiled and she is now doing as well as
can be expecteclel-44i. john tleFarlane
went to London on alisat on Wednes-
day. -Mrs. Alex, McPherson, wha was
called by a telegram. to V7a.wanosh a
week ,ago last Monday to visit her
brother's son who wet just on the verge
of death, sent wordiest Saturday night
that he had died, and Mr. McPherson
left on the six o'clock train that night
to ',Mend the funeral there on letonday.
He returned home on Wednesday. -
Me. Treuman Brintnell eturned from
the Weist last week, havieg been absent
about six menthe. He likes the
country well and has a notion of going
there again next, year., .He says he
made el a day for 84 days, threshing.
-Mr. Herman Well, of Zurich, was m
town on Monday on business -Mr.
Richard Beek moved into his new resi:
dence last week, andthe house racated
by him is now being Occupied by Mr.
Remore.-Mr. Allen of Exeter, and
Mr. Matthew Elwood, our town bar
ber, movedinto their new residence
purehaeed from Messes. Geo. Brown
and James Clarke, last Monday and
Tuesday. -Mr. ThoeilYfuedock and wife
were at Lucan on Sunday visiting his
brother in law who is very sicle,--Mr.
Chas Bossenberry and family returned
last Friday after a Week's visit at Mrs.
Bossenberry's father, Mr, Abraham
Lehman, Bronson line, -1,1r. Abraham
Lehman, jr:, of Michigan, who has been
over on 4. visit. to hie parents on the
Bronson line and also at his sister's.,
Mrs. Chas. Bossenberry, left for his
home in Michigan 'Saturday morning. -
Messrs. John -Coulter and Chas, Red:
mond returned on Monday frorn a drive
to Milverton, where Mr, Coulter had
his mare and colt which he brought
home with him, -Mr. Robertson and
wife of Lambeth township, who were
'vieltineeicetheir daughteea, Mrs. ,T, C.
Stoneman, left for their home on. Tues:
day morning, -Mr, Willem Robertson,
of Denfield, formerlk of this place, was
in town on Tuesday' on busieess.-Me.,
Robertson, of London, was visiting ae
his daughter's, Mrsellenryiernold, on
Tuesday, -Dr. McArthur of London,
came up on his bicycle on Friday last to
visit his brother, Mr. John tilcArthur,
who has been sick for the past six
weeks, but who we are pleased to see
out again. -Mrs. Alex. Buchanan, sr.,
who is confined to her bed and who
was very low last week, is also some:
what better. -Mrs Peter Triggerson,
who was confined to bed through sick:
ness, is able to be about again. --Miss
Washington addressed the junior and
senior leagues in the Methedist church
on Monday night. -Rev. Bond, of
Seaforth, who occupied the pulpit of
theMethodisimhurchon Sunday morning
preached a very appropriate missionary
sermon, and also Lawyer Clement, of
Berlin, who preached in the evening,
gave an able address on missionary
work. Both meetings were largely
attended. -Rev W. J. Wilsoa w is at
Seaforth on Sunday preaching for Rev.
Me. Bond in the Methodist church.
BRIEFS. --A few days ago Mr. M. Me
Donald, �f Buffalo, township of McGil-
livray, fell so violently on his barn floor
that he fractured his collar bone .-Dr.
Shaw of Lucan, set the bone on Satur:
day last. -Mr. Arthur Atkinson, grain
merchant and president of the Winne:
peg Board of Trade, is in the village
and intends remaining here for a few
weeks with friends. Arthur is fav-
orably known in this, locality4 his boy-
hood days having been spent here,
ana young and old are pleased to
see him. -Mr. David Gillis, ash gather-
er of this place, unfortunately ran
against D. MeCarthy's foot' one day
last week. As a result of the collision
Dan was fined e1 and costs on Saturday.
The presiding magistrate bound both
parties* to keep the' peace for twelve
The West Middlesex Agricultural
Society cleared $400 at their fall fair.
Now thee the season for marketing
fowl has come round, , it will not be
amiss it we say a word oa the subject
of how to prepare them. In the Riot
place the fowl should be starved for at
least half a day before beitig killed,
and should not be drawn. All blood
should be cltained from the body and
the head entirely 'levered. Then they
should be plucked dry end never amid,
Preston people talk of Asking to
have the place incorporated no atosvn,
the population being now large
enough for tint purpose.
James Morris, of Mount Forest'
who formerly did 'business in Wal-
kerton, had his store burglarized the
other day, and goods to the value of
$200 caeried off.
A ease which has baffled the skill
of- the doctors et the Notre Deme
Hospital, Montreal, Pir some days
past has been that of tt Mrs. Dr&leb,
who went to steep thirteen' clays ago,
and Only awoke 'Thursday evening,
During the interval she seettained in
etiettieptie condition, Perfectly
Obliyiotis of all diet Wee transpiring
o;onuthutrd her, vpeart.taking of no nourish.
Beim's, -glee Bssie McTaggart hat
had the !Misfortune to get her leg dist,
located at the knee. -Mr. Rebert
Vartey, who has beau siok for some
time, is able to be around agaio, and
intends going to the old country with
It ear load of sheep for Mr. John
Silepherd.-Master Peter Boa, left this
place last Monday on a visit to his
finale Andrew, 10 Miabigan.-lefiss
Annie Morrison is at present very
poorly with inflammation.
Bentes.-The Forester's hall is about
etenPlete4.7-1r. Swan of Iowa, broth.
er of Mrs. Walter Cearchner, is visiting
in this neighborhood. --The Rev. A .
Gracey, formerly of this place was the
guest of Mrs Thos. Camerae late
Week. -Tho directors of the 'Osborne
and Hibbert Matted Fire Insurance
Co„ met in the hall on Monday lest
when over 100 new applications vaers
taken in with a number of renewale,
A. question of importanae to policy-
holders came up, as to whether steel
windmills when placed on a been with-
out a oonductor increase,' tire risk.
Farmers would do well to consider this
matter before purchasing.
(*rand Bend.
Bniees.-Mr. Gill, of Exeter, has
bought the property of Mr. Rouit,
(near the Presbyterian church) and
intends moving to it this fall. -Mr,
James Mollard has bought property
on Ontario street from Mr. 'John Dal-
ziel and is now renovating the house
and making it comfortable to live in.
-Miss Amy, daughter of Mr. Geo.
Spaokman. who was dangerously 111
with typhoid fever, we are glad to
learn, is recovering and will soon be
able to be in our midit again. -We are
sorry to lose Mr. Messer and family
from our midst. He has bought 25
acres of land at the saw mill between
Grand Bend and Dashwood and will
remove there shortly.
Ails a Craig.
BRIEFS. -Miss Florence Gilchrist, of
Huntsville, eiluskoka,is at present the
guest: of Mr, and Mrs. A. Munro. -
At East Williams on Noy. 6, Margaret
Stewart, beloved wife of Maleolm:Mo-
Intyre, aged 69 years' and 2 months,
'passed peacefully away after a long
illneste Interment at Nairn cemetery
on Friday. Nov. 8. -The reading room
at the Mechanics' Institute is at pre-
sent closed, but we hope to see it soon
reopened. -Mr. Blatt, teller in the
been ene rieenan '037e4:1dle, to
il here, hnoahai
and Mr. °hustle, efeBertehill. in ia
charge of that department here. -On
Nov. 6, Miss Christina Cameron, of
Lochaber, East Williams, was united
in marriage to Alex. McLennan, of
this village. Both have passed the
allotted years of men -three score and
Beare-Chas. Thompson,m. D., ar-
rived a few days ago from England and
Scotland, where he has been pursuing
it post graduate course. -Rev. Mr.
Campbell intends leaving for Lower
California next week, where he will
remain for the winter, in order to fur-
ther improve his health, and will am
cordingly ask his parishioner's and
Presbytery to grant him leave of ale -
Bence for six months. -Mr. John Flet-
cher has lett Mr James Parks' house
and gone to reside in A.wmick, where
he has leased Mr. Henry MoBride's
property. It is rumored that Mr.
Parke's house will not long remain
unoccupied . -Mr. John Langford, who
fell from a scaffold while building a
his new house, is slowly reoovering.
Mr. Langford, who has been very un•
fortunate this summer, has the sym-
pathy of tlae entire neighborhood. -Mr
W. EL Hudson has purchased the farm
of Mr. Hobbs at Revere for 81,800. -
The Greaten Methodist people have
completed their sheds, and have now
one of the prettiest churches on the
prettiest site and presided over by one
ot tbe ablest pastors of any country
village in Ontario. -Mr. Baynes will
soon occupy his beautiful new resi-
dence on Main streets -We are glad
to learn that our new harness shop
has been again reopened, under the
management of Ur W. B. Stewart.
His many friends will give him it hear-
ty vveloorae.-Mr. Wm. Richardson
was in town Thursday renewing old
acquaintanoes. All were glad to greet
Mr. R., who was at one time one of
our grain merchants. -Mess Melinda
White, daughter of D. F. White, who
has been visiting at her brother-in-
law's, has tiot.we are sorry to learn,
improved any in health. -We had it
flying visit from Mr. John Leavitt, G.
T. R. freight agent at Georgetown.
formerly of thie place. -When nearing
the village on Thuraday afternoon :Mr
J Weir's horses became unmanageable
throwing him out of the Wagon. ole
was taken into the residence of Mr„
Geo. Weatmite, where his woands
were dressed by Dr. Thompson. We
are glad to learn that he is in a fair
Way of recovery,- 0. M. Webb, of
Toronto, is about letting the contraet
for extenswe impreeements to his
house on the corner 01 Main mid
Charlee stroete-We are 'sorry to
learn of the serious illnesa of Thos.
Dinsmore, set. one of tbe pioneers of
thia clistriote-irhat has beconaa of'
otir Mechanics' Inetatute? Don't let
the Metter drop now, boys, When We
ttre so near attaining our object.
'Ism Po run lluarAtu,
All utter lees of hope is net °tweeter,
ietie ofeoristuttpti'
ve though no other
form of dieetote it HO fatal, unless its pro.,
gagaia erteeted by ese of Scot' Eitiul-
Mete Whitt( ig Clea Liver Oil 'Mikan as Pal.
amble at cream.
IAIEVO. —"Kinn Charlotte Bates, who
,'ser beg broken a short time ago
is improving as rapidly as can be ex-
pected.- Mrs, M. Murray left the Past ••••••••••••••••""
week for Minneapolis, where her hue:
band is laboring in the ministre. Her
mother acoomapnied her. -Mr, Sam:
uel Johnston, of Geshen line, has sold
bis farm to Mr. McOlinchy and pur:
chased one on the Babylon line, foina:
erly owned by James Darnby.- We are
pleased to hear of the recovery of
Miss Serah E., Reid, who has been ill
of typhus fever, -We are glad to leern
that Mr. Joseph Robinson, of Bruoe:
field, who has beea very low with ty;
phus fever, ts in the way of recovery
and able to be up in his home.
Befees.-Mr. Henry Neeb who lives
on the 12th con has purohased the
farm of Mr. Eolcard Williams We
welcome Mr. Neeb into our midst and,
wish him every success in the near
future. Mr. Krein is putting a nevr
roof on his barn whicla will improve
the appearance of hie farra.-Miss Ida
Finkbiner who hats been on the sick
list is able to be out agam.-Mr. Wal-
ker of the 2nd con., spent Sunday at
Mr. C Dinney's.-Last Thursday even-
ing the residence or Mr. Geo. Ma-
whinney was it scene of merriment the
ocosesion being a fowl and oyster sup-
per given to a few of their friends
All left in the wee small hours ot
morning thanking the host and hoetess
for their kind reception. -Mr. Richard
Glandville is improving his residence
by putting a new balcony to his man-
sion -Miss Mary Wilhelm has left for
Crediton where she has secured pos-
ition with Mr A. Hill. Mary being
genial and kind hearted will be much
missed by the young people of this
vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs. .Robert
Keys of Simplot, spent Sunday
last with Mr Robert Mawhinney.
-Miss Jane Glanville has return-
ed to London, to spend the winter. -
Our 'school teacher Miss Jennie Morris-
on is engaged for another year. -Mr.
Peter Martene.of Sharon is engaged
with Mr. George Mawhinney for a
couple of months.
Beines.-Miss Murray has gone to
Kippen for a few weeks' visit, and
Miss Aggie Murray is visiting her
sister in Blyth. -Miss Beatrice War-
ren has returned home, where she
intends to remain for some time.-tdiss
Meetregbr has returned from a two
weeks'aviait, &t her isieterite Mrsleuth.
ball, of London. -kr. and Mrs Arxn.
strong spent a few days laet week in
St. Thomas, where they were attending
the wedding of Mrs. Armstrong's
sister, Miss Henderson to Mr. NUDD,
baker of that city. -Miss Fleming
has gone to her home in New Yoik,
after spending the summer with her
sister, Mrs. Chris. Eacrett - Miss
Brickwood, of Toronto, is visiting her
brother here at present.- Mr. Arthur
Coxworth and family have removed to
his new farm south ot Dashwood. -
We are sorry to learn that Geo. Camp-
bell, who went on the harvest excurs-
ion to Manitoba, is laid up with in-
flammatory rheumatism there. -We
are pleased to hear that Mrs. Hender-
son, who went to Detroit sonae time
ago, is impreving in health. -Mr. T,
Harvey wears a broad smile these
days. His wife presented him with it
bemusing baby boy last week,
Didn't know what was the
But you felt weak and spiritless till you
took a bottie or two of Wilson's fanaous
Invalids' Port, And that made a wonder-
ful difference . You felt brighter. You
could eat your food with relish. You
began to get strong. You felt bright,
elastic, hopeful, for it is two things. It
is it fine, old generous wine, with it glow
at the heart, with an exquisite bouquet,
with a pleasant stimulus in the use, while
it is at the same time the best tonic on the
market, sharpening the appetite, remov-
ing that "ail gone', feeling which is in-
supportable, Sold by all dealers at $7 50
per ease of 12 quart bottles, half case
$4.00 or 75ots. per bottle. Thousands use
it to their advantage. The Bordeeux
Claret Co., BO Hospital Street, Montreal.
The prospects for a big crop of fall
wheat next year in title neighborhood are
decidedly favorable,
Toronto offioials have unearthed a
counterfeit gang, who had printed and
put out about $92000 in 48 and 2s purpOrt
ing to be Donainion of Canada bills. So
far as has been discovered, there has been
issued 2,000 $2 bills, 1,000 $1,and a:second
issue of 4,000 01, $9,000 in all, but very
few of the last mentioned counterfeits haye
been put in circulation, There may be
$5,000 in circulation.
Thomas Petry, Esq., Alyieer, Que.:
"I have been troubled for about five years
with it severe heart complaint. At times
the pee was en severe that 1 Was unable
to attend to business. The slightest ex-
ertion proved very fatiguing and Denman-
ated taking rest, 1 trioa Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart, and obtained immedi-
ate relief. I have now talon foes bottles
of this remedy, and am entirely free from
every symptom of heart Mimeo. I hope
this eietementrn ay induce others ttoublea
as I was to give this meet valuable remedy
triale, Sold by C. Luez.
Yellow Oil used internally and oaten-
elly careeeeathme, 'croup coughs, sore
throat, bronchitis and similar somplainist
Externally it cures rhelitnetistri, lembago,
onetime bruises, eats, ohilblitins, frosb titeo,
and eptahla and *era* of even' kitid•
As a owes for belipepilia,
Why should you? If we
sacrifice Egoods you lose
nothing, and if you are
sharp enough to buy the
goods when going you are
a big gainer.
OVER 100
Men's St Boys' Overcoats which
we will sell you at almost your
ovvn price.
See ° our Men's Heavy Knap
Overcoat for $4..00.
See our Men's Frieze Overcoat
for $(1, and Boys' Overcoat with
Cape, for 82,25.
See our line of Men's Sealette
Caps at 75c.
Do not wait until the winter is
half over before you buy. Buy
Highest price for Butter &Eggs,
DEPOT.tO JAP'14,104.741
Correspondents are re-
some _
A minded not to seal their en -
FEW velopes, as they then become
liable to the 3c rate. Teach-
nore gareTSverysecrha school
lll prompt,r°e
swhile others de-
lay too long. We like to publish them
all together. Correspondents, teachers
and all our readers are requested to
send news whenever it comes under
their notice. Don't neglect beettuse
you only know of one or two iterate
counts, and we want it,
provided always that it is legitimate
news and not unjust to anybody. Kind-
ly remember to write all names very
Exeter PubliceSchool.
Room 1. -Class A, -Allen jeckell,
Barton Hooper, Ernest Gregory, Ed- .
ward Pickard. Class .B. -- Victoria
Bagshaw, Lillie Hinton, Eva Carling,
Chas. Hyndman. Class C. -Eva
Browning, Anna Martin, Ethel Bissett,
Luther Howard. 35
.No. on roll, 43; aver-
age T. J. Lomeneate, Teacher.
Root 2. -Sr, IV. -Clara Fanson,
Lida Quance, May Thomas, EWA,
Gillespie, Gilbert Dow, Russel South-
cott, Maud Rollins, equal. Jr. IV. -
May Arnastrong, Coleman Moricur,
Frank Ross, Russel Frayne, ()live
Treble, Melville Howey. No. on. roll,
46; average attendance, 39.
C. VOSEER, Teacher.
Room 3 -Sr. III. -Winnie Taylor,
CharlieWestrievey, Frank Dennis,
Willie Mule, Frances Rowcliffe, Cora
Cann. Jr. 111, -Percy Hooper, Maud
Taylor, Ella Heywood, Harry Huston,
Fred Moore, Mary Quinton. No. on
roll, 51; average attendance, 40.
Miss A. E. GREGORY, Teacher.
Room 4. -Sr. 111, -John Leathern,
Lorne Cann. Flossie Snell, Ella Frayne,
Mervyn Huston, Norman Bern. Jr,III,
Olive 'Westcott, Herbie Gregory, Hit -
ton Evans, Orville Southcott, Annie
McAnsh, Millie Martin. No. on roll,
48; average attendance, 33.
Miss M. E. Gem, Teecher.
Room 5. -Sr. IL -Winnie Howard,
Willie Newcombe, Beatrice Luker,
Willie Murray, Ceara Ross, Maud Wel-
der. Jr. II, -Bruce Crews, Gerty
Smith, Offa McPherson, Gerty Trevet-
hick, Arthur Snell, Grover Bissett. No.
on roll, 75; average attendance, 59.
Miss H. E. WALROND, Teacher.
Room 6. -Sr. II, -Re Treble, Dolly
Dickson, V. Handford, E. Armstrong,
el -Newton H. Bissett. Jr. IL -R.
Rollins, W. Carlimeo. F, Taylor, 0.
Quance, M Snell, L liox:No. on roll,
67; average attendance, 56.
Miss H. Pmerate, Teacher.
ROOM 7. -Sr, IL -Percy. Westeway,
Netta Fulton, Milton flicks, Fred
Jeckell, Annie Brown. Jr. IL -Olive
Elliott, Tom Jeckell, Lottie Galster,
1Martha Snell, Viola Sutton. No on
roll, 81: average atttendance, 57.
Miss A. V. JECEELLy Teacher.
You Don t Have to Swear oft
Says the St. Louis Journal of Agricul-
ture in an editorial about No•To•Bac, the
famous tobacco habit cure, "We know
of many eases oured iey No -TO -Bae. one
it prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and °hewefi for twenty years; two boxes
mired biin so that oveo the smell of to-
bacco makes him sick." No -to -Bac nee
and guaraateed, no cure no payliook
free, Sterling. Remedy Co., 374 81., Pelts
St., Montreal.
Sava money and increase your
Bank Account by buying your
goads at Muir & Man-
ning's, Kirkton.
Coal Oil, 15e, por gal..; Baking
Soda, 3c, per lb.; Yeast Oakes, .4.0,
per box; 3.50. tog for /50., 31b. Soda
bOX, 2oc,; Extract Lemon,
Fancy Biscuits, i to. per lb ; Flour
, 1,90 per cwt. We are giving
cut in all goods. Ste us.