The Exeter Times, 1895-4-17, Page 8•
INSUltd N Oal,
1,11,4ST. 1.` FOR
WtesrgaN I"
• 4,NIC, of Turunto: also for the P110BNIX
'1,44 INSUttessaale COM.Pat.NY, of London.
Erafflaad ALLIAlst Obi INSLIKANOZ 00M,"
PANY of Elitaland.
FIRR INSUBANO 4 CO. 014'0.0143)A •
Head aloe, - LONDON.
Fo135 yearn this Oompeny lias done the
Z aest huaineee in Canada ot the lowest retos,
consistent wt eeourity.
*wets, Jen. IS $357,19a.00
sa,13001Po1ioies in toren.;
T. E. ROBSON, President.
D. Os Me DON ADD, Manager.
Ear -further particulars, aprde to
Agent, Exeter.
5 S
Book •Store.
is our text this time.
Never in the history
of Exeter has WALL
PAPER, been offered
at such
we shall sell at this
Season, and the Pat-
terns -will be more
ARTISTIC than ever.
Be Sure to See the New Stock before
Grigg's BookStore
—THE --
Big Bankrupt Sion
Is the correct spot fcir
Boots ez Shoes
T a 0 KS D.A.Y 17tb, 1805
Tlae weather coetinues cold.
A alight bait etorre visited us on Sun -
thy morning,
M11,. Knight has plaaed very hand-
some window blinds oa his shop windows.
The Easter decorations in the various
churehes added much to the speoial
tieryurea Friday and Sunday.
Owing to the wet weather on Good Fri:
day, the Gen Cilub did not hold the shoot.
in match, they had intended.
ItIr John Willis N making arrangements
whereby he hopes to recovez hilt tine farm
recently sold under mortgage.
On Tuesday *Teeing a daughter of Mr.
Jonathan Kyde, f Exeter North, fell oil a
wood pile and dislocated the elbow joint.
Tile South Heron f .11 fair will be held
in Exeter this Tear, nn the Monday and
Tuesday first following the holding of the
Western Fair.
Our, assortment is most com-
plete, and never before have we
offered such values—not cheap
trashy goods, but good, honest,
well -made footwear. Here is a
starter ;
. Ladies' hand turn Dongola Oxford
$1.45 ; usually sold for $1.75.
Remember we have lots of
cheaper lines but would recom-
mend this particular line as being
the best value that has ever
decked our counters. We are
after the shoe trade of Exeter
and are going to have it.
Come and see us.
J. A. Stewart.
NOTICE -All business announcements
notices ef publia meetings, entertainments
/motion sales, etc., appearing in there local
columns will be charged for at the rate of five
oents per lino each insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
.0 persons having open aecounts. To insure
change of advertisements in ourrent issue copy
ennet be handedinto office on Tura:den.
Trivitt Memorial Oh,
Piouehing and seeding is fully a mon th
ehind at this laic what it was last yeal-a,
The cold weather is alio retarding build-
ing operations. •
A splendid stock of stocking yarn is
for sale at the Exeter Wollen Mills. Also
tweeds for summer suits. Give us a call.
John Muir &Co. aso
Atkinson Bros. are removing the old
furniture factory from the property lately
purchased by Mr, H. Bishop, on Andrew
street, preparatory to the erection of Mr.
B's new palatial residence.
Of the 8,647 teachers in Ontario in 1893
only 261. held first clots certificates. Of
the remainder 3,074 held seeends, 4,259
tlairde aud 1053 other certifioates. includ•
ing old county boards, etc.
Mr. Geo Swarts of Clinton, has leased
the Martin hotel at Saltford and takes
possestion shortly. Mr. Martin who has
been in poor health for some time, was oue
of the best hotel men in the county.
Albert Warren, aged 19 years, whre
serving a term in the Central Prison,
died yesterday of consumpion. He was
sent bore St Thomas. An incite ea was
held, and the usual verdict returned.
lst sunday,after Easter, 4pril2i, 1815.
Speoial sermon at 7 p, 01. on
he Church and ;Present Day
Social Problems.
Among others the following points will be
dealt with
the church done anything in the at
towards solving them 7 if so, what?
2. --What is it doing to .day?
3. --What view of the EitUlti )11 does the
w church take 9
-r• FA ItBL13 TIS.
'Mr. and Chas,Seuit r 4 proutleim,
their on Jeaeph hete. t't e tire
Pleased to tate teat ,Mr. eior Lai
rewrote cl tqm. hie recent Believe i these,
is at Pt rEmtly himself again,
teacher, of Se. Mary, visited
Mrs. Luther latatied.-Mr. and Km.
Wilbur Maiming, •a Clielon, epent the
holiday: at the parentel home of Mr.
Manuirg, tom, u. -Mrs. Lee, of Liman,
visited hr daughter; Mrs. joho Blaloh-
taea,_nytiis Howard of Loudon. E pent a
few days at her home. -Dr, H. Kinsman,
Sernia, spent a pleattaur visit with bis
parent*, and among friends. -Mr. flog-
arth, of Wingharn, visited his parents in
Stephen where he will remain until the
re -opening 4 e11001 -Mr. and tras,
Pogue, of Ltleark, yisited Mr. And Mrsl. R.
Hoke over Friday.- Miss Pringle is visit-
ing her parents near Staffit daring the
vacation. -Mrs. W. AlelTevin spent the
peat week with her parents in Zq
Thar kg True to Lite.
The following from the Whitby Chr on-
icle might be taken to heart by a fel-t-
hereabouts: :-"It N astonishing 'how
people are, Many are sten t of
money to pay for actual household ueces
sake, yet every stranger that cornea
along can carry off a large sum of money
as the result of operations hare. Some
time ago a number of fellows came along
with a kodak, aud took a lot of the worst
pictures one could see in a lifetime. We
eve a jbotograber here second to none
. the country, and the work done by
these straugera would not bear the
dlightest competison with his, yet we do
not doubt that they took away $100 to
$150 with them. Next came a glib-
tocgued man with some compound called
diamoud tea. He probably sold $75 worth,
and, so fax aa we have beard, he recom-
mended it for every weakness reported
to him. Many of them are still deintriug
its steepings from old mugs in which they
have it soaked. Thia week a man is
around with a little rubbertabe for faaten-
ing into tbe end of pillows to ventilate
them- We would eatimate that a cent a
piece for them would be thousands, yet he
is selling them rapidly and in almest every
hovers for 75c. a dozen. People who can-
not spare a cent for what they need, have
dollare in plenty for the travelling gentry
who cotne along and who know bow to
Mr. John Crocker, jr., sun of the late
Jehn Crocker, who is at preterit visiting
his mother here, delivered the first issue
of the TINIEs around town, some twenty
two years ago. Ho hair been absent from
Exeter twenty one Tears.
A gentleman was heard to remark the
other day that the back streets of Exeter
fax eclipsed the front street for beauty and
neatueas. What do the business people
think of this ? Truly, the front street
might present a neater appearance, if
vacant lots covered with rubbish were
enclosed by a high board fence.
Our friend, Mr. Daniel Dyer, editor of
the Advocate, is the happy possessor of
an heir, a bright 10 pound boy, born into
the household on Tuesday. Mr. Dyer is
all smiles over the first born, and. is the
subject of congratulations from all heeds,
The TIMES joins in well wishes, and trusts
that Mr. and Mrs. D. will long be spared
to enjoy the comforts and he.ppinees of
rearing the ideal of their eye and joy of
their heart We take thia opportunity of
proposing &fr. Dyer for aldermanio honors
next year.
On Friday last Chief Gill had quite an
experience with four stalwarts from
Staffa, who had come lin town to remove
the gnods of one Beckett to that village.
On behalf of the owner of sthe house,
Bailiff Gill set about to recover tbe rent
past due, by detaining the goods, The
four men took the bailiff down'reheyed
him of his be.nd audit and held. him until
the goods were safely out of the house. In
return, Chief Gill procured a poase of ,
citizens, arrested the men •and arrainged
them before Squire Snell who fined them
in all. some e35. It is a dangerous act to
interfere with an officer of the Queen
while on duty.
, .0.
Royal Tern pia,re.
We hear that a pleasing and profit-
able surprise is in store for the mem-
bers of Advance council. Those who are
regular attendants will be sure of parti-
cipating in the pleasant hour, while
those whose shadow is but seldom Seen
on the floor will do well to put forth an
'effort to be present, thereby receiving
an inspiration to greater activity along
the line of personal work, Come one
arid afland lend a helping hand. Com.
Stanley Council ban abolished the dog
to X.
" The recent rains have caused slight
The prophets have decided to give
the fruit a chance,
The Easter bonnet blossomed in
spite of Aptil showers.
.Tames James, keeper of the Western
hotel, London, was fined $30 for allow-
ing gambling hi his house.
Seaforth turf club will hold their
race tneeting on July lst and 2nd.
There will be offered $1,800 in purses.
The geteral etore of G. W Stevens at
Bloomfield, Ont,, • was broken into on
• Saturday night and goOde to the amount
of $100 taken. Entaance Was effected by
breaking the glase in the frott door.
• Mr George Armstrong, who met
With a severe loss at Clinton recently,
When his dry goods store was burned
" clown. Ile will retire from lateness at
Clinton and remove to the Eastern.
• Stites probably.
A pioneer of Turnberry the
oxpired the °thee dsty in the seinen
•Of John Itelly, who bad •reached
• the age of 91 years and 1 tnonth• ,
Peeettied, ho had reeeled in the
rownihip •front the time it. • Watt a
fttbeett wee itiowe far end wide by
reason of hit •familiar ottetont of not
wowing a hat, arid wait •fetniliariy
irnoWn •Bareheaded Itellt
Fiplay & McDonell *hipped it ear
load of horses Tateeday, for tee Fritiall
"lose & '.Vaylor have beep awarded
the oontract for the erection of5 hen&
aeme °buret) an IldertOlb
The Hay Pest office has been moved
front MeTaggart's,building to the build-
ing on, Mein street, lately occupied by
John Vale.
Williana Winer, of Centralia, one of
the pioneers of Stephen township died
on Ttleactay, at the age of 65 years, 6
The marble craze having waned, the
mall boy is now perched ou the bank
of the stream waiting patiently for his
For the beliday-loving school child-
ren, Easter cannot come too often. It
marks, the beginning of the joyous out-
door play et the season.
Horseinen will find the DBEs office
well equippecl for doing all classes of
work in their line, such as bills, carcta
tabulated pedigrees, etc.
Advertisers wishing to reach the
publicshould bear in mind that the
Times has double the circulation in
this locality of any,other paper.
. It is stated that Wallace Graham,
late of Parkhill, died in Chicago the
other day by taking his own life. He
formerly ran ilia Perlchill Gazette.
Mr. J. P. Clarke has made a weeder-
ful improvement to the interior of Li t
store, which affords him considerable
more room for his large stock of goods.
The Ailsa Craig Banner says that Mrs
McLeod, of that village, sold. her Tam
O'Shenter, stolen by Chattelle, to a
curiosity heater ie Stratford at a good
The next public holiday will be the
Queen's Birthday. May 24 this year
conies on Friday. ln the British met
ropolis the event will be celebrated on
the following day,
The price of horses is rapidly going
up to the old. mark. Last week, afr.
Smillie of Eippen reftisecl $150 for a
draught gelding. Other big prices
have been paid lately.
The•Supreme Court of California has
decided that the holder of a through
ticket is entitled to stop-ove2 privileges,
min that t,he ticket must be honored
for the distance till used.
The License Commissioners for South
Huron meet at 'Jensen on Friday to
consider applications for licenses.
Licenses issued for last year were
taverna 35 (six months, 2) Shops 3.
A load of the Masonic brethren of
Exeter visited Clinton on' Tuesday
evening to take part in the exercises
exemplifying the beauties of the various
degrees, con.neotecl with the Order,
The funeral of the late Harry Sam -
well on Friday was largely attended,
the cortege being one of the longest
seen in Exeter for some time. Being a
member of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.
F. & A. M, he was buried under the
rites of the order in the Exeter
On Monday next, Mr. Jesse West-
cott, a former Exeterite, anil a son of
Mr. Jas. Westcott,,. of . Manitoba, will
marry MissNellie V. McVay, of Prince-
ton, Glean County, California., The
Wedding will take place at -Marvin
chapel,and be quite a fashionable affair.
The TIMES extends congratulations.
The Walkerville ,assessor has been
looking after the assessment of incomes
in his municipality, among others he
called on Mr. Robins, the manager for
Hiram Walker & Sons, who refused to
state the amount of his income, and
although he was fined. for such refusal
.as provided in the Assessment Act, the
assessor has not 'procured the' necessary
Memorial Church vestry Meeting..
The annual vestry meeting of the
Triyitt Memorial church on Monday
evening was perhaps the largest at-
tended in the history of the par:
lett. Mr. O'Neil, the people's warden
read the annual ataternent and said
that the church had enjoyed a very
satisfactory t ear. The accounts were
referred to the auditors to report at the
adjonrued meeting. The following
officers were then appointed :-People's
warden, Mr. Jas. Richardson ; rector's
warden, Mr. Thos. Case ; lay delegates
to synod, Capt. Kemp and Louis Day ;
auditors. Mr. Alex: Dyer and Mr. Chas.
'Sanders. The other officers were left to
be appointed by the rector and wardens.
The Sunday school report by Cant;
Kemp was received, and a vote of thaoke
passed to the teachers for their services
during the year. The vestry, by
resolution, with one vote against,
expressed disap proval ot oettain actions
of the wardens ih connection with
the parish, signified its appreciation
of the services of the rector, and
extended to him its co-operation and
support. The vestry theu adjourned
according to custom for two weeks
to receive the report of tbe auditors.
There was a frustrionable wedding in
Trinity Church, Mitchell, on Friday, when
Mr. Henry Lee Wilson, traveller for the
Barber da Ellis Co., of Toronto. was
married to Mies Carrie Louise Dent,
daughter of Mr. A. Dent, solicitor of that
tewn. The ceremony was performed by
the rector, Rev. G . T. Kerrin, and
the music for the oecasio I was entrusted
to Mr. Horrace Davie. The wedding
party, to the number of about forty. then
proceeded to the Davidson House, where
the wedding breakfast was spread. The
toast of the bride and groom ARS given by
the rector. The happy coaple left on the
evening train for Buffalo. The TTMES ex.
tends congratulations.
The mail bag robbery at Bruseele men:
tioned in last week's Thins, is eupposed to
have been committed by J. Howard Cole,
SO American who had been lounging
around the village for some time, The
registered parcel being forwarded consist:
ed of four lettere. One to Postmaster
Specce, Ethel, from Postmaster Farrow,
containing $61.73 , one from Cranbrook
Canadian Order of Forestere, to High
Court Treasurer White, Brantford, $30.05;
one from J. J. Vincent, merchant, James:
town, to a wholesale house, Toronto, $27.
05: and one from J. Pollock, Grey, to a
Hamilton Company, $45.00 ; $163 83 in
all. Up to Tuesday the thief had not
been captured, although every effort was
made to cut off his escape.
Spring hat been a loran time in coming,
having been delayed on the way by the
anoW banks, but she is here at last, and
everybody now seems to be glad to See
her. Spring is looked upon RS the Most
delightful season of the year, in that it is
full of hope and the upspringing of new
life, but autumn is not to be eneezed at,
particularly in the country districts, when
the leaves are turned to golden yellow and*
brown and the heat of the summer ie
over. But spring has a way of her own
that is always delightful, frotn the more -
et Of the arrival of the first robiri, that
red-breaefed harbinger of softer air and
Warmer sun, and frorn the first peeping
up through the grass of the tender
flowers. The snow drops are over and
the eroousee will soon be here. 11 BOOMS
a long time ago sioce we all aaid good bye
to last summerire flowere, for it has been
a long arid weary whiter, with greeter vole
meets of snow and keener wieda than have
been experienced for reeny a year. But
there is a, banner feelingin the air, the
donblavindows are coming off, a stnell of
whitewaeh io at hand, and we obeli goon
dee eXCIted and oveveontallietitious wonieri
With towels around their iteada directing
the Increments of lusty men beating car-
pets, ona ordering the displacing Ind re-
plaeing of Wei and table* with the air of
authority that ehatieteritei a brigadier,
general of in army on the ere of battle:
Mr. G. L. Money, of Koktf,n, was
elected to the office of Provincial Pickett,
at the annual convention of the Knights
of the Maccabees in Sarnia last week..
Rev. Jasper Wilson and two danghters, of
Strathroy, were in town on Saturday
visiting 1 riends. -Mrs. John White has
returned home from Windsor. -Messrs. 11:
Gidley, D. Johns, iind D. A. Ross have
returned home from their tour of inspect-
ion in connection with a Style of church
for the edifice to he built by the Main et.
people. -Mr, T. A, Brown leaves for
Stratford after the holidays, while Mrs.
Brown will viait among friends for a time.
-Rev. Locke preached two excellent ger.
mons on Sanday to large congregation& -
Mr. 11. Seldon, of Ingersoll, attended the
funeral of the late Harry Samwell on
Friday last. He called on rieveral old
friends while here. -Judge Doyle was in
town on Monday holding a Bitting of the
5th Division Court. -Mr. Puddicombe, of
London, spent several days of last week
the guests of the Mesers. Carling: -Mr,
John Crocker, of Shelbourne, visited his
mother in town the poet week. --Rev. Ur.
Fletcher and wile visited friends and
relatives in Toronto and Hamilton last
week.- W. J, McKay, formerly teacher of
No. 1 Usborne and brother-in-law to Mr.
Stephen Powell, of this place, hes secured
the Principalship of Eeneall Public School.
-Seaforth Expositor: -"Mrs. 1VI. Thomp-
son, of Sperling street, left Thursday for
Exeter." -Mr Fred. Bissett of Woodstock
visited under the parental roof the peat
week. -Miss Georgina McConnell of St.
Marys, epent Friday with Mrs. A. Hol-
land, town. -Mies Maggie Murray of Ben-
gali. visited friends in town last week -
Mr. Armstrong of St. Marys, spent airis
day a; Mr. A. Hollend's.-London papers
announoe the death of 11. B. Hungerford's
father, at the age of 85 years, -
Mr Ernest Farncomb has paeeed hur final
examination for admission to practise as
an Ontario Land Suveyor, at the recent
examination in Toronto --air. Will Fol -
land has taken a situation on the road,
and was on the train which truck and
killed the old mem tear Brantford the
other day, particulara of which appear in
another cerium. -Thos. Jackson of
Clinton has been elected District Deputy
of the Sons of England for the counties of
Perth, Huron and Bruce, for the yore
1895 -6, -Rev Fatt of Merriton, for Lincoln
and Welland.-Messei. Marsland and
Nellis, of the Molsons bank, have returned
• from their Easter visit to Toronto and
elgewhere.-Mr. Chas, ,Knight of St.
Thomas, vent Balder with his parents in
town. -Mr. David Millet has been 111 the
past week, hi cOnsequence of the removal
of a cancer from biS Dennis
Halloran has engaged in the foundry busi.
ness isa Liman, and togeher with his wife
moved to that village last week. -J E
Tom, cf Goderieh, Fe 5., it 10 tOWIL -
Niro Percy and son, of Port Huron, have
returned horrie after a pleasant visit With
friends in town --1Misti1arrie Drew Viiited
friends in London. the past werk.-Mise
Alcoa, of LUAU, spent teveral days of
last week among friends in Exeter and
Hensel:Ls-Mies 3 eseie Miller vidited
frienda in Hellman oyer Bentley.
/hiirei broke into John Bondi itore, oe
Aurora, Ont., on Saturday night, and,
atole about 00 A.orili of geode, consisting
�f bOta, stookingshats, ties, etel, The
roblylrit left Old heOta Ond 11410 11,6:
19`o duo al yet, •'
The decision by Judge Morrison that
a lodge doctor's contract Includes both
surgical and medical attendance is a
matter of wide interest, but,its applica-
tion is limited by the fact that it is
based on the wording of a lodge by-law.
To the average mind the attempt to
distinguish between medical and Bur.
gieal attendance seemelike a quibble.
The rising of the issue should lead
lodge members to have a more definite
understanding in all contracts.
A meeting of the Trust Board of the
Main street church was held Monday
evening. There was it full attendance
and the reports of the several commit-
tees in connection with the erection of
a new church were unanimously adopt.
o. The committee appointed. to visit
some of the most modem churches in
Western Ontario, reported that they
preferred the Glencoe church as the
most suitable in matter of architecture
and design, and recominended that the
new chureh be built after that style.
It has a handsome outward appear-
ance with amphitheatre interior. It was
decided to ask for plans and specificat-
ions, to be laid before the meeting on
the 24th inst., after which date the
work of erection will be proceeded
with forthwith.
Pe IlifikE
We will be
prepared to
meet the needs
of our custom-
ers in a few
days. Come and
see our improve -
men t s with
room and com-
fort to all,
here are others,
But the :place for sa,tisfactory
dealing in all lines of 1VIer-
chandise is CARLING BROS.
For example, take READY MADE and, ORDERED
CLOTHING. There never was a cheaper or finer assortment in
town. Take HATS, CAPS, FINE SHIRTS, Colored and
White, and TIES, where can you see a finer selection?
latest styles and colorings --handsome goods.
Take STAPLES, we defy :ompetition for quality and price.
Take TEAS, why! others are not in it, and for SUGAR,
every one knows that's cheap, It will draw flies but not cus-
tomers. Fakes and tricks draw trade for a time, but as for us we
are not disposed to adopt such methods in order to draw trade.
If you want square dealing go to
B.—Miss Tom is now on hand to do all
kinds of Dress and Mantle Making. 0. 13.
death of one of Rodgerville's most! Winslowti Soothing Syrup has been used fiftar
vririsebt;ea ntadlionweiteif meorthers for their children
esteemed. residents. We refer to the
cures the collo, and is the best remedy for
Diarrhoea.. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold bY
druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing S.vrup
andtakeno other kind.
It is our painful duty to chronicle the AN Olin AND WELL -TRIED ItamEnT.IsIre
late Elizabeth Harrison, wife of James Itvh sontgt'ena guf ant salleeysss. tilies"ptaiteng,
Johnston, and third daughter of Mr.
Harrison, of town, whose demise
took place on Wednesday evening last.
She had been ailing for some time, yet
her trouble was not theught serious
until a few weeks previous to her death,
when it became evident that she was
suffering with heart failure. As the
end approached, her suffering increas-
principal of a school. We wish 11105Mr. E. J. Hodgins of Birldulph, left
for Regina, N. W. Territory, on Tues-
day wriere he hn as beesecured as
ecl, but she bore it without a murmur.
We are now
showing the
most elegant
range of Dress
Goods ever dis-
played in town,
and we are sell-
ing them cheap.
You are wel-
come to inspect
our stock.
It. Pickard
SL Son, "T
This supplies a long felt want, giv-
ing the consumer one 20 cent plug'
or a 10 cent or a 5 cent piece of the
famous "T & 13" brand of pure Vir-
ginia Tobacco,
The. tin te,g "T 80 r is on every pion
health and prosperity.
She trusted firmly in her Saviour, and
as she was about to pass away, the
glories of the home to which she was
going seemed to open out before her in
all its splendor. Weary with the suf-
fering of life, she lay her head on the
bosom of her Redeemer and passed
peacefully to sleep. She had reached
tbe age of thirty-six years, and almost
from childhood had been a member of
the Methodist church. She was a true
christian, a.devoted wife, and a kind
mother. She leaves behind her it
sorrowing'husband and two children to
mourn her loss.
• The saw mill has commenced oper-
ations for the season.
Ailsa Craig spring fair on the 18th,
Ilderton on the 26th inst.
The public schools re -open on Mon-
day next after the Easter 'holidays.
The masons and ,carpenters have at
last commencedwork for th'e season.
There has been a large quantity of
maple syrup made in this section this
. It is expected that the corner stone
of the new Methodist church will be
laidaon July lst,
In Mitchell the town contracts for the
cleaning of the streets. This year Mr,
Blaze does the job for $23.50.
The other day Master Willie Howard,
son of E. S. Howard, had an exper-
ience which almost proved fatal. The
little fellow was playing in the engine
room of the planing mill, when his
clothing caught in the grinding stone
gearing, anti was slowly wonnd around
the shaft, when his screams alarmed
Mr.Will Howey who ran to the rescue,
and just as the sboy was being turned
around the second time, extricated. him.
It was certainly a*narrow escape.
John Grant, of Parkhill, is in jail
on it charge .of stealing $5,000 from
the G T R oxprees office safe. The
prisoner says he took the package of
money from a truck on the station
platform, and denies having opened
the safe. The money has been. recov-
ered with the exception of 8200, Grant
has hitherto borne a good character.
The package was ad -dressed to the
Bank of Commerce at Parkhill. He is
now in London jail awaiting trial.
On Sunday evening while Mre. Edmund
McDouvall, of Nine Mile Creek, P. ]El 1.,
was alone in her house a lamp upset and
fell on the stove, rausino an explosion In
an instant her clothes caught fire, and she
rushed to the barn, where her husband
extinguished the flames. She suffered
terribly for half an hour and died.
alai hotel, first-class wines and liquors,
commodious sample rooms, and an attentive
R. HORN, Proprietor,
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
lauron.-In the Estate of Trearazzie
SWEET, Widow, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all %transit,
having any claim against the Estate-n(1r-
Thamzer Sweet, late of the Township of
Stephen, in the County of Huron, Widow.
deceased. who died on or about the Enh day
of February, lea, are required, on or before
the 20th day of Apri1.1895, to send, or deliver
to the undersigned Executor of the Estate,
full particulars of their claims and securities,
if any, held by them, duly vertified by
affidavit. After the said date the Executor .
will proaeed i distribute- the Estate among
the parties entitled thereto, having reference '
only to the claims of which notice shall
have been given; end after such distribution
the Executor will not b e respons:ble for any
part of the Estate to any credidr, of whose
claim proper notice shall not have been given
at the time of such distribution. Tnis notice
is given pursuant to Statutein that behalf;
Crediton 0:
Dated at Stephen afarch 15th, 1595,
Stark's Powders, each 'swage of which
coutains two preparations, one in a round
wooden box, the cover of which forme a
measure for one dose, an immediate relief
for Costiveness, Sick Headache and Stom-
anti, also Neuralgia and all kinds of ner-
vone paiiie, and another in capsules, (from
to of one is an ordinary dose) whittle
seta on the Bowels, Liver 'and Stomach,
forming a never failing perfect treatment
for all Head and Stomach complaints,
They do not, as most pills and so many
other medicines do, lose their effect or
produce after, constiptition, they are nice
to take. Otic. a box at all medicine deal-
'To Smokers
To meet the wishes of their cus-
tomers The Geo. E. Tuckett Son
Co., Ltd,, Hamilton, Ont., have
placed upon the market
A. Combination Plug of
All Ready for a
rushing Spring
in this line we have, an
immense stock of of _choice,.
American and Canadian
Novelties, commencing at
3i -c .per roll. •See our Gilt
Goods 10,e.
Commencing at 30e per
pair. See oar big values •in
at $1,50 and $1.25..
Carpets, Rollers, Blinds,
Curtain Poles and all house
furnishing goods complete,
Ready Made and ordered.
We intend making a special
offer in ordered goods. See..
our ordered Black Worsted
Suits at $15 and $17.
Dress Goods were never
better. Some heavy double
fold goods at 22+c and 25c,
which were good value at
45c and 60c a year ago.
Groceries as cheap as any
house in the trade,
1 1300TS & SEIOES. See
our lines of Ladies' Oxfords.,