The Exeter Times, 1895-1-10, Page 8sageleNCR, 1'1NIS ELLIOT, A.GIIIICTFO,B I '41'ELE, mniATHart ASSURANCE COMe Mar, ot Tore.; 0L also for the Pa0BNIX FIRE, XelSbleeeet014 002,124.NY, of Lonteere Beelend reLLIANCIt INSURANCE COM. VANY' of England. rritiE LONDON MU rU.A.L -LIN,Ria IN SUB ooe CO. OF' 0 Aat aDA • rtead oftiee, 1,ONDON. _ Fot35 years this Company has done the argttat bu‘eirrese Ortuadte at the lowest ratee, ttonatatreat with goeurity. Aaseta, jam Viet, $357,190.00 43,000 Pelletal; to forge. T. E. HOBSON, President, b.O. Mala ON AIM, Manager. or furth er particulars, nevi .yeto D AVeD JAQUES, Aimee, Exeter. he Mart Pocket &Office Diaries All Sizes and Prices. Start the new yeer by replenish- ing your office. We have a fu line of Blank Books, Paper Be sleete, &etc., tete. And. the prices are the lowest. Kindly call and inspect them. J. GRIGG, "THE MART." IMURSDAY. JANUARY 10th, 189$ LOCAL HAPPENINOS laretritte The Huron Ceunty Council will meet in Gederiele en. 22nd. The elootion is pest; heal all difficulties and set out afierih for anotber year. The Exeter Mupielpal Council are all Consereatives and Methoditte. The County Council of Huron will this year be eon/timed of almost entirely neer blood. We have just optned out an excellent line of Tablinas, Towels, and Toweliegs, at P. Clarke's. The South Huron Farrnees' Institute held a tiession here yesterday. The attend; ance was large. The sleighieg of the past week made things lively in town, and considerable wood was marketed. At J. P. Clarke's will be found a choice lot of menet fur ;ad cloth caps -also Gloves, all kinds. In Parkhill the Municipal election was conducted on P. Pr A. liners, and the P, P. A: Council were re-eleoted. Mr, Jae. Grieve has purchased the residence of the late Mre, Ferguson, William st., raying therefor a good 6 gu. re. Tee annual meetine of the Agricultural Society will be held today (Tharaday.) in the town hall. There should be a large attendance, Oar flannelette sales during the 'pest month have been larger than heretofore wad more (tholes patterns to hand this week, at J. P. Clarke's. The election of Monday, it is said, will be protested on account ofillegal practises. There are also to be oross petitions. The reeve's chair is the target. The salt manufacturers met in London last week and advanced the pries of sela thirty-five per cent to compare with -the prices charged M the States. Rather thnn carry over our ttoek of overeoate and mens underwear, we will offer them at Cost Price for cash -Come and prove us 3. P. Clarice. The Town Band. serenaded the tnembers of the Town Council on Monday evening and put enthusiasm into the hearts of those who must have been weary. Just opened up two of the choicest Black teas, they will capture your taste: also our renowned coffees hold the customers' ap- proval, at J. 1'. Clarke's. THE Baahrailt $toro Great annual stock taking sale now on Bargains, t h e Best on record. Come and see. J. A. Stewart. Notice to TimesReaders. The publishers would esteem it a favor if readers would,when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adver- lisement in THE lames. 40TICE-Al1 businese announcements notices of publie meetings, entertainments auction sales, etc., appearing in time leeal columns will be charged for at the rate of five xerits perlino eaoh insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. Cash with order save o persone having open accounts. To insure -change of advertisements in current issue %my -must be handedinto office on Tuesday. Trnatt Memorial Ch, est Sunday after Epiphany, Jan. 13th, 18e5. Sermons, 11 A: ie. God fools, e. tr. Safety, Liberty and Sustenanee. Specialelnsie for evening, Magnificat and Nuno Demitte Bunnett Anthem, "Arlie, shine, for the light is come,' Sir Geo Elves,. Closing Voluntary "March Romaine.' by te.ohestra. GI• Tho officers of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No 133, A. F. et A. M. S. were installed on Thanday evening last, by W. Bro M. Bari - Tett, as follows: -P M. C. Ef. Sanders; W. M., John J. Knight; S. W. Jos. Davis; J, W. W: H. Leyett; Chap, E. W. Hunt; S. D. J. A. Stewart; J. D. Jos. Senior; Tres., B. S. O'Neil; eec., M. Eacrett; I. G. S. Sweet; Stewards; Bros. P,Rowtcliffe and W. D. Weekes; D. C., G. .A. IC, Mcteod; Tyler, Wm. Brooks. The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Yellow Mok place on Saturday last and was largely attended. The funeral sermon was preached on Sunday evening by Rev. H. W. Locke of Main St. Methodist ,church. Mrs. Yellow with her husband and family came to Exeter a love years ago horn the neighborhood of Seaforth. She had been ill for aeyeral months and ber death as daily expected, she was held in the hiaheirt esteem by all her .acquaintancee. A western paper tells flu; readers how to mind their "P's' in the following para. graph: ''Peron* who Patronize Papers should Pay Promptly, for the Peouniary Prospectof the l'rens Nimes a Peculiar Power in Pushing forward Public Prosperity. If the Pablialler is Paid Promptly and his Pocket book kept Plethoric' by Prompt Paying Patrons he Pete his Pen to the Papa. in Peace, his Paragraphs are more Pointed; he Paints hi Pittures of Pealing events in more Pleasing color, and the Permed of his Paper is a Pleasure to the People. Nat° tide Piece of ?overbid Philosophy in Slemal Place where all Peretine oan. Perceive They make onojeel se thongh life Was worth living, Take One Of Carter's Little Pills after eating; 14 will relleye dyspernilar id tiOn, give tone end tiger to the bee Mr. Harold Clarkson, of Seaforth, will teach school in Eden this year, and the Misses Jennie and Belle Ballantyne in Bluevale and. Creditoreeeepectively. S. S. Cooper, contractor, for the County House of Refuge has contracted with Geo. Moatz of Crediton, for 230,000 brick_ J. A. Fowler, the architect helped make the Selection. Mr. Luther Braund, of Exeter, was mar- ried an Leamington,at the residence of Rev A. L. Russell, yesterday, co Mies Aphe. Essery, daughter of Mr. JohnEssery, of Exeter. AT REDUCED PRICES: -4 pair only, White Blankets: 5 only Bed Comforters; 'eeeeit e Ora liCa's. - S. A,. Popplestone, District Deputy of Huron, that: installed daring this week, the Odd•fellow's lodges: of Goclerich, Heinen, Settforth and Battlefield. He reports Odd -Fellowship booming. Rev. Alexander MacGillivray, P. H. C. , has lbeen invited by the Foresters of Kirkton, to deliver a public address in the interestsRof the I. 0: F. on Monday evening, 14ta Jan. A cordial ineitation is extended to all. The Drilled Teams of Exeter Lodge No. 67 and Huron Lodge No, 55, Goderich, go to Clinton next Tuesday to exemplify tee Dramatised Floor work before the District meeting of the Independent Order of Odd - fellows. We learn that the Inspector has given instructions to have another school trustee election in Exeter, owing to the late election being illegal in consequence of the closing of the poll an hour too early. We have not learned the date. The school house of S. S. No. 7, flib- bert, near Chisethurst, was burned down recently with all the ()entente, including aohool register. Tne origin of the fire is unknown Steps will be taken at once towards the erection of a new building. At the last meeting of the Exeter fire- men, Jas. Weekes was elected chief En- gineer, vice W. Treble :resigned. J. Mc - .Laughlin was elected Captain of No. 2 Company in Mr. Weaker? stead. In both instances good ;selections have been made. Everyone interested in dairying and ancceesful agriculture should be at the annual convention of the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario at Strat- ford on January 15th, 16th and 17th. See advt. elsewhere in this issue for par- ticulars. After a short illness caused by la grippe and inflamination, Mrs. McFayden, wife of Rev..A. Mea'ayden, of Fullerton, pass • ed quietly away on Monday, The deceased was nnivereally esteemed and respected by all who bad tho pleasure of her acal quaintance and her piesence in the church and social circles here will be much missed, Many persons through motives of economy turn the flame of kerosene lamp low'when necessary to leave .it burning, a thing they would not do if they were aware that the oil coesumes just as fast, but the gas does not barn, hence irethrowe off in- to the room, giving the horrible odor which is not only offensive to emelt but poieonoue to the human life. A well known resident of Stephen township, in the person (of John Ryan, died at his home near Mt. Carmel, on Saturday last after a brief illeacias'of erysipelas, at the age gof 53 years. Mr. Ryan was well-known throughout the township, having served on the council board and at Various times held the posit - of Reneger and colleolor. 131* famine were interred at Mt. Carmel on Monday. A correspondent to the London Adyer- User,. writes r-e"Clourt of Revision for the Dominion voters' Het was held at Exeter on Friday last, The Reformees added 29 and congeriatives 7 voter& The num- bar struck off the lid was, Reformers 16. Conteryativeri '36." The correspondent forget to Mention, however, that the Conscrvatiyint of tutor boa nearly 200 names pint on the lista before they were printed, while the Iriberels ettai an none. The Stein was intetly in fearer Of the Co. THE E RiTER.TIMB Rerseraiti; Was Ida Eaceett, of Sarnia, is vieiting friende tovir --A. leteTavish, of Lon- don, spent severel day e of laet wokin towir.-Kise Ida Boon, of Toronto, who him as bevisiting friende in town returned home Moneey,-Miss May Gregory, mil. liner, is home spendiug vaeation.-Mr. Chas. Ewing le visiting his parente 10.Palmeiston..- Mies Smyth of Seaferth, and Miss Urquhart, of Cobourg, have left for home to opeed vacrition.- Mies Sutherland of Bensall. exiled on friends in town on Mondey.-Mr. and Mrs ICenneth McGregor, of Highgate, Ontario, are the guests ot MeGreger's daeghter, Mrs George Manson. Mrs. McGregor had a °antler re voved from her person last week by Dr, Rrowning, and is doing vvell.--Mr. G(a. Fisher, of Ueberne, is slightly indisposed. -Mr. Mrs, Saru'l Sainple ef St. Paula, Ont , wear guests at Wm. Bagshaw'e, Stephen, last week.- W, H. Levett, learner citizen of Exeter has been again elected a member of the Parkhill couneil.-Mr. Chris 13alsden, of St. Thomas, is visiting friends in town - W. J. °little has again returned to hie studies at Harbard Collteriate, Toronto.-- Mr. John Bowden, Of Ridgetown. id NIS: iting town. -Mr, Joha Elam, barrister, of British Columbia, is vieiting under the parental roof Hymeneal Anothey of those nappy events whieh enlarges the naemberehip of the Case oettlement by one has teken plate) at the residence of Mr. Wm. Chapman of the 2nd Con. of Hay, it beerier the marriage of his daughter, Mies Jane, to Mr. John Haw; kine of the London Road. On Wednesday afternoon lea, the relatives and a number of the f deeds of the bride and groom as: sernbled at the residence of the bride's parents, and the Rev. Mr. Swan, of Hen: sal), tied the nuptial knot. The formali; -ties consisteet with tbe occasion, being over the happy couple left on the evening train for Buffelo,e,mid showera of rice and congretulations.-Cou. rallip*arma Hoa Gr W Rosa has suspended Eaten Williams, a clerk the Ontario Educe - tion Department. The charge against him was simply 'making improper use of letters and papers that came into his possession.' Williams is a young :married man, 28 years of age, who with his wife and three little children, 'dye at Lambton Mills, where he has a small dairy farm. For twelye years he has been a clerk in the Ed.ucational Department. Soine of the missing documents were found at Will- iams' house and. he acknowledged his guilt. His case will be investigated im- mediately by the Government. His salary was e800 per year, and. he vas till recently a silent partner in the firm of Dignum Bros di Virilliama, manufacturers' agents. He was born in Toronto, and, is a son-in- law of Col. Goodman, of Parkhill. Mr Beverly Ross, uephew of efr Renton°, formerly of the Seaforth Collegiate In- stitute, who was spending his Claristmas holidays at home in Port Hope, was seeing a young lady friend off on the eastern express on Thursday night, and remained talking until the train began to move, when he jumped off. It was dark, and as he walked forward he tripped over the bar of the switch and fell headlone. Ilia left arm went on the rail and two wheels ofethe Pullman went oyer it • The arm had to be ealmputated about two inchea below the elbow. pee ramoi, et,e-tereutoeeertoormiereee Da /caner home, efonday. The deceased gentleman had been ailing for some time but his death was very sudden. On Sun day morning he was sitting up, and called quickly to his wife for aid, Mrs. Morrison was started to see blood gash from his mouth, and almost instantly he fell over, and was dead. A doetor was summoned, but could do nothing. Death was due to the bursting of a blood vessel in his chest. Deceased was formerly a business man at Henaall and Bayfield. An old lady who lived with her son in law, Mr. M. Campbell, of Seafortb, de: parted this life on the 31st ult., at the ad: vanced age of 02 years. Deceased, whose maiden name was Donaldson, was a native of county Armanagh, Ireland, and same to this country in 1851. She and her hue; band scent moat of their days in the town- ship of Morris in the county of Huron haying been among the earliest settlers. Timothy Wade, of the firm of Wade dr Lamb, pumpmakers,Stratforcl, met with a serums accident Thursday, which it is feared may result Welly. While driving on Ontario street his horse ran away and the wagon upsetting he was pitched olit on to hie head. and rendered unconscious, He waa found to be suffering from concussion of the brain and a severe scalp wound. Governor Dickton,of Goderich,was in re; ceipt of a generous supply of fruits &e , for the inmates of the county jail. and also a basket of oranges, which ma.de an accept: able addition to the New Year's dinner of the unfortunates in his charge. The Brussels Herald has been sold to leir James Moore, who has auceessfully taught for nearly three years in Shine's school. We understand he takes 'possession this week. It ts said. the late editor will return to the dry goods business. PICKARD Good SoN•°solutions Are Clearing out All ,Lines of Wintor Goods AT Tremendous argains. PICKARD & SON, A TIE. Baviden and McCallum Tie fax the Re eveship. 2 . eletosereemeejerel, elect -inn nee,egeetgr. ell history of the town, and a larger vote was polled than for years. Excitement ran , high and no person had the faintest idea Mr.Gavin Wilson has sold his farm, being lot 37, con. 14, &est Wawanosh to Mr. Robert Slaiell, late of Manitoba, for the sum of $4,000 Mr. Wilson purchased this farm a couple of years ago for e3,250. Mr John Jenkins has sold what is known as the "Joe Churchill farm," 'el4th oon., Goderich township to Mr•Pickett,of Clint: on for the stun of $3,400;theafarm contains 80 acme with fairly good buildings. Thomas Cassidy, a farmer at Auburn, Huron county, has been committed for trial on a charge of ill-treating Charles Keating, a boy from Feagan's Home. Keating waa badly frost bitten' Miss Jennie Mustard,teacher of Stanley, was presented with a gold watch chain and an albeel by the pupils of the school on the eve of her departure for the high (reboot to prosecute her studies. Henry Kerr, of Nile, Huron county, had his leg broken by being kicked by a horse. He is in a very Critical condition and as he is Deer 80 years old, the heater° Will go hard with him, The annual meeting of the Wed Riding of Huron Liberal Coneervoltive Arieociatien will be held the town halt Clinton, on Friday, Jan, 18th, commencing at 2,30 p. m. Seaforth it growing at a telephone centre, the business having greatly Morons - ed Of reeent months. The total number of instrumehts now in use ie 88. Mr Thomas Diekeozi who purchased the • , Seeforth creamery a short time:ago intend running it himself with the aid of a first. eless'butter maker. The Miatreeir Amy Brett and AL Latimer, Of Seeferth, have been engaged to teach gehool nensall during 1895. The WAblinge gave an entertainment in tzeter last clotting tie a felt aliellettee as to the saccessful ones, especially con- cerningthe reeve. All worked with a determination to win, and each polled a big vote. When it was announced that two of the candidates for reeveship had tied, a sud- den silence came over the large audience, and until Tuesday noon, speculation was rife as to whom the returning -officer would give the casting vote, He gave it in favor of McCallum who will be reeve for 1895, with T. B. Carling, deputy -reeve (by acclamation. There was a big vote polled for the councillors, John Taylor heading the poll, W. Treble following and W. Harding next. With the exception of Messrs Carling and Taylor, the council of 1895 is com- posed of new blood. The vote stands as follows by divisions := FOR REEVE. Divisions 1 2 3 4 Bobier A Q 35 40 20 39 Bawden Wm 30 28 50 53 McOall1mTH 41 34 37 49 Total 131 161 161 FOR COUNCIL. Divisions 1 2 3 1 Total Harding W 58 49 90 75 272 Snell Chas jr 62 60 43 93 257 Taylor John 74 69 74 104 321 Treble Wm 01 71 56 81 305 It will be noticed that Mr. Taylor head ed the poll, and that he polled the largest vote ever given a candidate for municipal honors in Fleeter. The council of 1894 were an economical council, and deserved better treatment at the hand of the electors. They deegrved election by acclamation. Mumcipal Elections. AILSA CRAIG.-Reove, ,T Morgan; coun • cillors, R J Robinson, D MacArthur, G Morton and bus Alexander. BIDDIILPIL-Tbe old council elected by aeolamation. Bosanquet -Reeve Kennedy: councillors, Lampman, Carrothers Ross. BATPIELD-Reeve,fBarns : Councillors, Bailey E. Gerwin, J. Fraser and Dr. Stanbury. Bauesnee,-W 13 Kerr, reeve: Robert Graham, W El' McCracken, Benjamin Gerry and R. Leatherdale, Councillors, BLAME:CARD. -Reeve, Dan'l Sinclair; Depaty Reeve, Robt. Berry, both by aot clamation; Councillora, W. S. Dinsmore, Geo. TJIliott and John Fotheringhrom Fotheringham beating Mania, the defeat: ed, by only three votele BLven-Reeve, N H Young 127: deputy reeve, F Mettialf 94 : Councillors, T Ash: berry 121, W Campbell 124, James MeGee 145, Alex McKenzie 145, Andrew McNally 155. In the evening the elected Reeve and Councillors were drawn around town by a gang of men and boys headed by the band. COLnoutte--lieeve Malloy [awl] Deputy Reeve, Andrew Young 32 majority. Councillore, Nathan /Linea, Andrew Million and Samuel Potter, 0tareon.-Alayor, Holmes; reeve. Ale* MeMinethie; deputy reeve, D B liennedy, all by acclamation; committers, McKenzie, MoMurray, Cooper, Overbury, Gilroy, Taylor, Bruee and Searle. Dowene-The old council elected by acciaMation. East Nierneari-Reeve, nope Webster, elected by 146 rdajority; Council by recoil D McMfUtt5 14 Moquordele, 3 Murray, G Robinson, Grunr,.-Reeve Thotriail Strocban y • • b acclamation; let deputy, Archibald Hislop, by acclamatton; 2ed deputy, Ohas Turn- bull, by acclamation, Gonenica Townsme.-Reeve, Jno. Cox; Deputy Reeve, Thos. Churchill; tors, J Connolly, Jas. Johnston and Chas 1Williames RMcLan; deputy reeve, P Holt 'Eimer) ; .t.Ori n*T2,b, t•••••d.. -.eeesee, councilors, E Campion, A Dunlop, M Nicholson, T Swartz, T Smith, T Naftel, D Cantalon R Tbompson, J W Smith W 11 Murney, A Saunders, ,T Wilson, M 0 ohnston. Hawick -Reeve, B S Cook teed]: first deputy, A Southeran: Remind deputy, A Gril-re-in, -.Reeve, MeEwen; Deputy Tarn- bull; 2ad deputy, Geiger; Councillors, Batler and Dines, all by acclamation. B.ULLETT- McDonald was elected reeve over Britton 385 to 308 votes, while the three . councillors were elected as follows: -Snell 475, Laaham 434, Leach 384, Churchill 224, Dale 167, Mannar -Thome Ryan, reeve, Peter Campbell, deputy reeve; John A McLaren. Matthew Miller and William Feeney, councillors, all by acclamation. Lotto -Reeve, 0 M Simmons : Council - lois, 0. A. Paul, H. Lynn and B. Janes Lueknow-Reeye, Lyon faecal Council: lors, W 5" Holmes, D McDonald, W Ander: son, D MoQuaig. LIMAN. -Reeve Robinson Armitage. Councillors, G Efodgins, J S Gilfillao, A T Breathwaite, S Gibson, all be acclamation. Liseowen-adayor, A. W. Featherstone (acre) • Reeve. Wm. Welch ; Deputy - Reeve, J. b. Bowman (acol) ; Bismarck Ward, Henry-Goddard,A. Fairch; Delete°. C. Pruter, , Gladstone Ward, J. A. Hack- ing, J. Seabourger ; Trustee, J, Tremain ; Vietoria Ward, M. McGillivray, W, MaCurcheon ; Dufferin Ward, W. Pet on, S. J. Stevenson : Trustee. R. Seaman : Lansdowne Ward, J. H. Gunther, D. D. Campbell ; Ttustee, Jno. Torrauce. MoGieravnatee-beeve, eV CorbetaDeputy Thos. Prost: eecond deputy Drummond; Councillors, Hut cbinson and Grieve. Monate. -Reeve, Henry Mooney, deputy reeye, Geo Kirkby, councillors, Wm Isbister, Jas Bowl:men, Jas Code, all by accMlamartitoi oK,-The Reeve and Councillors haye all been returned by exclamatiou. They are Jelan Bennawies, Reeve, and Daniel Nanley, Jamea Evans, Wm Me: Gavin and Was Archibald,counoillorsr The Deputy Reeve will be appointed at the first meeting. alnoneere- Mayor. I. Hord (aocl) : Reeve, J. Dougherty ; Deputy -Reeve, Wm, Ryan (acci) ; Councillors, North Ward, W:11. Cole, John Phinnamore, Jos floppier: South Ward, J. joins, J. Whyte Another eleotion will be necessary to make right the number of Councillors in South and West Wards. School tunnies, North Ward, A: Barrett ; South Ward, A. D. Smith. No by laws. PARICHILL.- Mayor, John Cluneere reeve A M Miller councillora, Ward No 1, Wrn Fletcher, Neil McPhee; No 2, Win Ritchie, II Lovett: No 8, J 13 Canniogton, J Hall; Sehool Trustees, Ward efo 1, A K. Vanwyok, (acclamation); No 2, John Hamilton; No 3, T W Watson, STANLEY- Reeve, Robt, MeIlveen Deputy, I, Erratt ; Councillors, 8, A. Moffatt, Wm. Lamont, j. Aikenhead. Sletragte-Reeve, V.Ratz 1 • 1.st Deputy; Henry Eilber ; 2nd Deputy, 3. Sherritt ; Councillor°. flioke and Sweitzer ; alt by acclamation. Seafortb- The new ammoil for 1895 is elected by aeclamation as followa; Wm M Gray; reeve, B B Gunn; deputy reeve 3 Watson councillors, J Weir, A. M Carepoell, le Winters, 3 Nevill, John Roberton, P Keating, Geo Sille, J Gil: lempie, Gettridge. Serteeroitte--Mayor, Ww DievidieLlt aldermen, jas tamp, D Scrirogeoar, W .1 Fenimore E1 Mitten, Wm, litipbern, J MoMilleti, G T &Mein D Dempiefi F Ingram, 8 1?Your*, J Seeleth, of 0/1)one. held, J Head, 8' Trail, 3 Rogarth, Are usually made to take effect this month. Would it not be a good idea to resolve that you will save money bv dealing with CARLING BROS. during 1895. Those who traded here in1894 have no big dry goods bills to pay now. We Will Announce A Special Stocktaking Sale, Watch this sale for money saving chances, visit the store often, lots of lines we never advertise, because there's not enough of them, but they might be the very ones you want, We Draw Business with a chain of big values. Every link in the chain is unbreakable. Try its strength. CARLING BROS. ;ere a'.i t:Ielle4 - Wr i te. for Literature and Question Sheet, lowhich, if correctly filled out, wifi • enable me to send you a Truss, which is speeially adapted to ft V.e,d retain your Hernia WATIti COMFORT. AO 25 years' experience in dostnings • a.nd adjusting. 'Inventor of 27 9 ,„Ver, Patents on N'En.73,5.131.5.. for' . Rupture and Appliances for iic‘fleo .eltre the relief of CLUB FEET.: CURVATURE and all other ' „Sr. DEFORM IITEtereeite "i e e. enost. Celebrated Surgeons use i zetaeo them exclusively. Orclertheriugh eerier... physician, druggist, or 4 qv' direct from factory and fitting.rcorrise. CHAS. CLUTHE - 134 KING WEST Toronto. -can. •••••••=••••••• oefaosive Etessue HousE e Sr; MARYS. -May or, W 0 efoscrip, by ASTEA_LTILY FOE. acclamation; councillors, West Ward, R T Gilpio, J Fairies, R Hardy, by acclamation: North Ward, W Dunseith, J Spaeth), W Pearn, by acclamation. South Ward, W II Graham, 0 Richardson, J Clyde; Public School Trustere, North Ward, T D Stanley, by acclamation; Went "Ward, E W Harding, by acclamation; South Ward, W W Haines. TURNBERRY.-Reeve, Wm McPherson; depnty reeve,Wm Cruickshank;counoillors, Wm Gemmell, john Diment and John Musgrove. TI7CKERS11/T11.-Reeve, J. Sheppard, Deputy Reeve, P. McKay; Councillors, John McCloy, Jas. Patterson and Abner Counins. J. Sheppard defeated R. .13, McLean by over 140 votes, which means practioally a snow under for McLean, who it is said, was aspiring for the patron can: didateship for South Huron, in the next Dominion election, Uorandoy:axxcae: rRii,reilvteT,:i 1_1:aym; c.o;n:oxitllo„re, ene ire.e. ., ....adLhou oydt eetevuu 8GWardWinaerrc12-jr.R.; but as 025,000 of this is invested in a Weer Weeverrostr -Mesers. Stervart andi system of waterworks vvhich is fast becom- sHip,unvvtearird;NvWDdiWbraidrgde, W. Gibson were reelected reeve and deputy ing a Bonne of revenue, the anandird respectively, as were also Measrs. Todd, standing ox the town is considered good. Medd and Darman, conuoillors: According to a Montreal paper. about Wirtorreen-Mayor, W F Brokenshire; five months ago Sir John Thompson reeve, C Sperling: depaty reeve Wm consulted a efontreal physician, who told Holmes; councillors, Ward A, R. Arscott, him thatunlees he abandoned the excite- , J McLean, F Forbes. ment of public life he did not think WROXETER-Reeve, T. B. Sanders, by could liye more than tour months. acolarnation : Councillors, J. Barnard, R. W. Rutherford, W. Wilson : School Trustees, T. Rae, M. Sanderson and A. /elan roe. BRIGHT'S DISEASE! MAX :EXIST: A LONG WHILE BUBO= IT IS SUSPECTED. --- DRuNORD, Jan. 14-Brighte(disease hat no symptoms of its own, and may long exist without the knowledge of the patient or practitioner, as no pain may be felt in the kiddeys or their vicinity. There may be no albumen in the water and no tube- oaets, yet Bright's disease may be present. It often develops soddenly and may run re fatal course before it is recognized. Bright's Disease is thus recognized as, re mysterious, every day malady, which 'rite increasing at an alarming rate. Before: Dodd's Kidney Pills were placed within. reeerh of the /Sahli°, these diseases werer considered by medical men and the publie to be incurable. Thanks to this popular remedy, thousands aro now enjoying perfect health who, without it, would to- day be laid away in their graves. Election in Goderich Township. The official figarea for the municipal contest on Monday are as follows: - eon =nye. Wards 1 2 3 4 5 0 Total. Cox Beacom Churohill Sturdy Connolly Williams Johns ton Cooper 86 44 73 2E 97 45 870 88 40 59 65 20 34 266 FOR DEPUTY REEvE 42 37 58 70 99 58 361 71 49 62 15 22 20 239 Fon. COUNCILLORS. 73 67 81 41 95 41 398 40 60 58 31118 54 361 113 62 71 15 44 19 334 19 22 57 71. 14 43 226 It will be perceived that the only cbange in the Council is in the Deputy Reeveabip, Mr,Churchill being substituted for Mr. S. Sturdy. aereiree Huron County Council for 1895. l' —••—. The County Council for 1895 will be composed as follows Ree;r-e Deputy , Tuckeramith Jno Shepherd Peter McKay one to be Usborne T M. Kay appointtri Exeter T B. McCallum T B Carling FUr Coa.,ts. Stephen V Ratz Henry Eilber Geo McEwen M Geiger J Sherritt Hay c FUr and anibation Caps, l R Turnbull Stanley R Mcillvayne Isaac Erratt Fur Capes and. Sets, Bayfield Jae Burns Goderich Tp John Cox T Churclun Sleigh Robes in the Goderich R McLean P Holt Colborue Ashfild Arch Malley Alex Youn large size, $6.00 to $6.50 eJos Griffin II Chambers ) be Irvine WWawanosh Alex Stewart W Gibf These goods are worthson E Wawanosh T H Taylor Thos Brown WA.NTED, Clearing Sale of Winter G-oods, Blyth N Et Young Efullett A P McDonald John Brigham 'store in Canada. Zngluaat1'7EI eat 10SpaHerrlinv W Holmee an Turnberry W M.oPherson W Cruikshank Wroxeter T 13 Sanders . Howick B S Cook A Southeram Overcoats for Men and A Waham Thos Straehan A Hislop . DIVS. Chas Tarnbulif . 'Underclothing. relt Boots, Felt Sot and Rubbers, and anything and every., thing inithe store belonging to the Winter Season, tO be cleared out at any price regardless of profit and oost. C,37111t.it18.0,4641olatr 116medY a. C. ATOZNigier0241. $9 to g10 in any regular Grey MoKillop John Beuewels one to be -*appointed Seafortb B B Gunn 3 Watson We Mice not bad positive returns from East Wawanoah and Ashfield. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Awayl - Li the tretleftil, startling title of a bcok about No -To -Bac. the harmless, gurtran teed tobacco habit cure that brieies up nieotinized nerves; eliminates the nicotine poieon,nnekes tveak Men gain strength, vigoe and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No -To -Bao is sold neder guaraietee to cure or money refund.