The Exeter Times, 1894-11-15, Page 1reeest-e; • e • .AND fITTION Sz MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. teHEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OHIPS F.A.LL WHERE THEY eilA.T' VOL XXiI, NO, 12, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER, 15, 1894 JOHN WHITI, ScniS riabliShOili and roPlietexs si roil!) co., woodh„.. ThiColdWeath.er has Set in.. Have you thought of where to buy your Win- ter Overcoats, Fur Capes or Dress, We recom.mend. ours :Because :— HE STOOK IS COMPLETE. 'The STYLES are all the NEWEST. The GOODS arra all Purchased tor CASH,direct from the MANUFAC— . 1.011Mal•Wit41=11.••••••••111•My TURERS and WHOLESALE Dealers in the DOMINI:M. And LAST, but by no means LEAST, our PRICES are in KEEPING with. the TIMES, Ro-Bes our Men's Fur Coats for $.1.5. AlrItc our choice assort- ment of Ladies' Greenland Seal and Astrachan Fur Capes. Higlae'elerice paid for all kinds of farm produce R..8. FO/?D& GO, tire en -way., BR/EFS .-Death has again visited our .community and carried away one who had only travelled on life's journey after a long illness. Miss Annie Hohn -expired on Friday and was buried last 'Sabbath in the Delaney cemetery. The funeral service was held at the residence -of her father, Mr. C. flohn, being core .ductecl. by Rev. J. 11. Ghent and was largely attended. The family have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood in their bereavernent.-Mr. W. J. Stin- son passed through here last Monday with 20 head of cattle that he bought in Ailsa Craig. -Mr. D. Jermette, Who has been in Michigan for a number of years is home visiting his parents. 1110 I (*rand Bend. BUIEFS.-We have had a heavy fall -of snow for this early season; hilly one f oot of snow has fallen and the weather is still cold, -Mr. Richard Robinson in- tends moving near Exeter this week, having rented his farm to his son, Mr .A W Robinson. Mr Robinson has been a reeident of this section for over twenty years, and all I am sure will wish him and his family health and prosperity in their new home, -Mr Thos Ciewe is here hooking up timber, which he intends to ship away in the :spring. -Mr Abner Mollard is home, after putting in a seven months' term on a farm in Usborne and is looking well. Arthur lVfollard is also home. He has been working for his uncle, Isaac Moll - Parkhill. -Mr W Oliver is •expees'ert home from 'the West aorne time next month. -Mr Ball, of Dash -L wood, had the contract for seating the "K OT M hall with chairs. They were -delivered here on Monday. --Mr 3 W Johnston of Sylvan, was here on IVioe- day. -Mr. John Bell reports Lake Smith to be frozeti over at present. In •oonsequence the ducksWill have to go to lake Huren.-Mr Robb Porter, of Detrroit, visitecl here on Saturday. Hie many friends here were pleased to -see him. He is still foreman on Capt liockerbie's dredge. A wonderful new oombituttion is R. Stark's Beadaolte,, Neuralgia and Liver Vowders, nice to take and pettedly harm'. less: Mr Alex. Rumsey, Imperial Bank. Welland, nape "They are excellent; I have no hesitation in recommending them to all who suffer from headachee," Mr. Plook, G. T. R., Hamilton Writee: 'Tor three years I vvas 'troubled with most severe hearetehes. Since 1 have used 'Stark'a Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders I have been entirely free from them," Mr, Lancefield, librarian of tho public library, Hamilton, says. "They are most valuable, and give almost in- stentanemet relief; I Alwyn keep a box in my !IMMO." Militant, Woodatock says; "They are wonderful." Mr. Hall Brant - lora, sive: haye tried many teteediee beteell without effect, until I took Stark's Beadaalie. Nearelgia and Liver Powders; I cen recommend them Most highly." Price, 25 dente a bole Sold by ell merle eine dealers. LUcaley:Henaall Beineee-Mr Sohn Cann is ereceing a neat dwelling house on hie fermi which looks as though he does not intend to spend the winter alone, --One night last week Mr William Dinah', of this place, had a'set of harness stolen from the barn. -On Sunday night 5, number of articles, consisting of whips, robes, horse blankets, overcoats, oil cloths and suoh like were stolen from rigs at Bethany Methodist church during servioe.-An unusually large number of tramps have beeri visiting this locality of late, and seem to be of ...the worst kind, using threats of the most daring sort,„as well as abusive language. 11.4-110-1.1 Dashwood. See Tung -Marge stook of Granby Rubbers for old and young. Prieea low. ,C. FRITZ, Dashwood. BRIEFS. -Mrs Wurtz is at present visiting her sister, Mrs Kibler, in Zur- ich. -Quarterly meetings were held in the Evangelical church on Saturday and Sunday by Rev. Mr. Grey, P. E., of Stratford. -Mr Will Fritz, of Credi- ton, was the guest Of his brother Chas on Saturday evening. -- Mr Chas Fritz spent Sunday in Zurich on business of a delicate nature. -Revival meetings are still in progress and. much good is being done. -A large quantity of snow fell last Friday which made fairly good sleighing, during the past few days. - While at chtirch on Sunday the smoke house of Mr F Scharffe was burned to the ground. Row -the lire originated is still a mystery. A quantity of this season's sausage was also burned. -Hog .slauglitering and sausage making is the .order -of the day. -It is stated that.Mr Robt Turnbull wili be a candidate for the reeveship of Hay township next election. -Mr. Hoffman attended the funerarof his -mother near Zurich on Monday last. The lady was an old resident of Hay township and highly respActed. She had. been ill only a short time and died from . natural in- firmities, Ister rernaine were interred on Monday in the Zerieli cemetery, ' III Presbytery of Huron. • The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis' cleurch,Clinton, on the13th ins. Rev. Mr. Shaw, Moderator, in the chair. The treasnyer, Mr, IVIusgrave, reported thata cash balance of $96, was in the treasury. Rev Mr. Ander- son reported for the Auditors that they had examined the Treasurer's book and found it correct. The report was adopt- ed. Revs. -Messrs. Ross oE Brussels i and Davidson, late of Wroxeter, were invib. ed to sit as corresponding members. The finance committee reported that a rate of 10c per family would be required to cover all Presbytery's expenses for the ensiling year.. -Carried. Rev. Mr: Anderson withdrew his motion fixing Clinton as the place of Presbytery meetings. Revs. Messrs. Shaw and Martin were appointed to address the Womens' F.M. S. at its next Presby- terial meeting. The assembly's remit, asking Presbyterians to consider the question of compelling graduating students and ministers received -from other churches'to take a year in the Home Mieeionfield before being called to a regular pastorate, was approved of. Rev. E. Cockburn of Paris, being pres- ent as a deputy from the Augmentation committee, then addressed the Presby- tery on the merits and present neces- sities of the Augmentation Fund. This fund which helps weak congregations, was reported to be behind in its pay- ments, although the outlook for it was encouraging. The small amount of 17c per member over the church would en- able it to carry on its work. The Pres. bytery was asked to co-operate with the committee in securing this amount per member. The H. M. committee of the Presbytery was viven charge ,of this matter. Rev. J. Ross7,of Brussels, ap- peared on behalf of Maitland Presbytery regarding a proposed re -arrangement of the congregations contiguous to both Presbyteries. A committee was ap- pointed consisting of Dr. McDonald, Messrs, Shaw and McLean and their elders to visit the field concerned_ A sabbath school conferenceewas appaint- ed to be held in connection with next meeting of Presbytery which was ap- pointed to be held in Hensel' on the third Tuesday of January, and the Presbytery adjourned, CLERGYMEN RECOMMEND IT. Rev. Leithmen, Angus, Ont., writes: 'It giyes me much pieasure to testify to the exeellency of K. Di 0., as a euro for Dyapepsia. I have recommended ir here widely, and in every case has proved successfully. Ilia the very beat remedy for that frightful trouble, that I know of, and never fails to help or cure when used you direet. It deriervea the name 'King of Dyspepsia Cures.' Have no equal as a prompt and poeitive euro for sick headache, biliousness, consti- pation pain iu the side, and all lives troubles. Cartet'a Little Liver Pine. Try them, The Exeter TIMES 'and To- ronto Mail' from now until Jan- uary 1896, for $1,25 only, This loi,v price is arranged to suit the price of wheat, Everybody can avail themselves of this offer. Remember, the balance of this year free, and subscriptions payable in advance. Address this office: ,n Following are the market quotations : Wheat ..... 4,8 to 49 Barley . . ... . . . 35 to 38 Oats .. . ..... .,.,. 26 to 27 Peas . 48 to 49 Hay 6,00 to 7,00 Batter.. , . . ... .. . .. .18 to 18 Eggs. . .. ... 15 to 15 A Weselob Dealer in eloots ea Shoes, haa been found guilty of selling men's loug Boots, raelil7egoeNds°,°H.1111"geber- Stoolgirgrasr'anti; Rubber Westgate over Stookiugs, Felt Gaiters, Teraulneleinantteecrauluinsets,, Wh'n in pet ealL ioatilg and exaraine our jock and be convinced that we sell cheap for ()ash, Woodhana. - Beiers.--The oyster supper here on the evetting of Nov. 5th, was a decided success both with regard to numbers and financially. The ladies are to be congratulated for the excellent supper which they furnished. After supper they assembled in the church where a grand programme was in etore. for thein. Mr Joseph Brown of St. Marys took the chair and filled it to the sat- isfaction end pleasure of all. After he had opened the meeting by a few jovial retnarks, he called upon the choir for a selection of mutate which they rendered in their usual good style. Then followed the Rev. Mr Snowdon of Kirkton who gave a most intellect- ual and impressive address which was listened to with- intense interest. Owing to the absence of day Mr Jack- son of Exeter and Rev Mr Fletcher of Thames Road, the chairman called upon the Mr Wm Johnston, who responded to the call, and gave a very appropriate address. Mr BrethoUralso gave a few remarks. The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem. Proceeds of supper $64, leaving a balance of $28 for the benefit of the lodge, -Miss Lizzie Bern who has been visiting friends in the States fora few weeka returnee home on Wednesday last, -The sale at 'Samuel Horn on Thursday last was rather dull except a pair of calve e which sold for the magnificent sum of $L00, -Miss Lizzie Horn has been spending a few days visiting her sister Mrs Johns of Whalen. --Several of the canine species attacked the sheep of Wm. Snaith, Wm. Cornish and &meet Brock. They bit them up terribly, enamel Beock getting one killed ,ontriiht and having to kill one or two innee himaelf. He alto lose a beautiful 3 year old hone lad week. BicIdulph Council.. Nov. 5th, 1894. The council met pursuant to ad- journment. The reeve and all the members preseat. Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and aligned by the reeve. , The following accounts were ordered to be paid :-Robt. Sceli, rock elm plank, diy 2, $6,65 ; James Whalen, gravel contract, $15.25; do, work at Sauble bridge, div I and 2, $8.50 ; Joseph Simpson, do, $7.50 ; Jno. Ryan, bal in full, spreading and over- seeing gravel, $15,00; Geo Lewis, con- tract re -building Richardson's bridge, $245 • do plank new bridge div 3 $6.50 : R. elcFalls, rep culvert, div 2 $1,15 ; Owen Sullivan, gravel account in full, $5.60..; M Blake, damages to buggy in defective road, $4.00 ; D. Crosby, tile drain, N. B. Moiety, div 5, $1.50 ; Dan'l O'Mara, culvert,. N. B., div 4, $2.07; do, gravel account in full, $9.24 ; R. Jackson, do, $50.00 : Jas. Ryder, concrete tile, culvert, div 4, l.50;eDennis Carty, ditching, div 4 and p, $4.f 5 ; Jno., W,estman, box culvert, div 4 and 5, $3.00; John Menem, div. 4 and 5, 82.00; M. Mc- Laughlin, posts. culvert and (Deming plank, $1 ; Jas. Toohey, spreading and overseeing gravelling, 318; Jas. Me - Roberts, gravel account and repairs to road, $6.55 : F. A. Ryan, rep culvert and drain, div 1, $1.50 ; Joseph Coop- er, do, 51.50 ; M. flodgins, gravel con- traceele B.'div 2, 34.60; Jas. Thomp- son, eulyert, rep bridge and work, div 2, $9.60 M. English, tightening bolts in the Sauble bridge, $16.80 ; Gee Felch, ditching, div 1, $7 Jas Lusk, searching for gravel, div 1, 75c ; Jos. Gowan, grading, S. B., div. 5, $6.00 ; D. Weetrnan, 2 new culverts, sI M. G. R, div 5, 88.40: A. Webb, 4 cords of gravel, S. B., div 5, Moiety, 32.50; J. Shoebottona, (farthing, S. B. div 5, Moiety, $4.00 ; W. Langford, spread- ing gravel, C. S. R., div5, $1.00 ; C, Wallis. do, $1.00 ; Jno. Shipley, rep sidewalk, Avenick, 25(3 JnoeDearness, rep road, div 5, $1.00 ; E. :Blake, tile, (Hy 5, 34.12; W. Boyd, balance on gravel coiatract,C.S,R„ div 3, $43.60 ; do, gravel account, in full, $10.90 : Jas Gritoe,eoulvert and &swing plank, C. S. R,, dm 3, $3 ; J. Lams, work on; 0, S., div 3, 310.50; Jno. Ogden, rep. bridge, div 3, 715c: Jos. Thompson, rep culvert, div 3, 250 ; Thos. Dickens, (libelling, $3 ; Jae. Powe, rep culvert and ditch, div 4 and 5, SI ; Jno Barry. rep culvert, O. S. R., 500 ; A Lang- ford, rock] elm plank, div 4 and 5, $18.e5 ; Jno. Brown, tile for draiti Under laward, $10.50; Dr, 11 Lang, services re Board of Health, $10; H. Robinson, balance on grading and gravelling Linian town line, $6,65, elm council adjourned to meet again on Monday, Deb. 3rd, 1894, at 10 a W. • D. SrAtnint, Clerk, Hood's Sarsaparilla is absolutely un., equalled as a blood purifier and stnegthe ening ttedloinoi It is the ideal Opting . medicine, Try it. Stanley. Deem -Another of our number bee fallen by the hand of deathebe in- fant daughter ef Mr, and Mrs. John Colleit, of Hills Green, died last Sat- urday after a brief illness. The funeral service in their home on Mon- day, at the noon hour, was led by Rev. James Walker, and was largely attend- ed. The child was buried in the Bay- field cemetery. The (sympathy of the consuannity is extended to the parents in their bereavement. Crediton Benin,- Messrs Samuel and John Eilber left on Monday for If bly Mich. to yiait their brother Mr. lien. Eliber. They will be absent about two weeks They will visit other parts of Michigan before they return.---Tbe huntsinen have returned home and brought Unmistakable evidence of their luck in the shape of upwards of a ctozen fine deer, They report fine weather and game plentiful. -Many of the citizens have killed their hoge and sewage making ia the order. -Miss Baines is still on the sick hst.-The sleighing this week enlivened business considerably and W. El. Wenzel has [(treacly disposed of several cutters. - John Nichols has been re-engaged as head master of the peiblic school for next year, and Miss Ballantyne as astustant. Both have proven them. selves efficient teachers. It is hoped that parents will send their children more :regularly during the incoming year. ieallarton BR1I1105.-1\ir. Aaron Roberts has a young visitor at his plaoe who is billed to stay for ails indefinite period. -John R. Gettler has moilett feciatelse ;elle ge to the 12th con. and taken his abode in H. E. leansones house. -Joseph Woodley, of Wawanesa, Man., is here - for a few weeks. visiting his _parents. Joe looks wen and his many old com- rades are pleased to see him. -John Jordan. of Mitchell, is in Mount Pleasant neighborhood with bis steam crusher. jack dose good work arid We think MB is the chetpest way to get grinding done. -The Mount Pleasant Epworth League beldam open meeting on Friday niglets e'here was a good attendance ot eeisitairs. Rev. Ball was chairman and the progrstreme was most satisfactory. -Mr. Roberta has been beautifying his residence and fence in front by s new coat of paint. -Joseph McIntyre, of Motherwell, has rented Ins farm to James Bolton. Mr. McIntyre will turn his attentien to buying and selling farm stock. • T tickers= th. COUNCIL. -The Council met at Kyle's hotel on Nov. 1st, The chief business was paying contrantorsegravel (recounts etc. Mr Hardy, of Exeter, was paid $180, the contract price, for building a bridge over Silver Creek, east of Egmondville. Mr Geo. Strong re- ceived $132.60 for Clearing and ditch- ing 100 rods of the sideroad between lots 5 and 6, concessions 8 and 9 II R S and $96 for other work. Mr S Gooch was paid $136.05. John Latta received $119.13; Alex. -Mustard, for timber supplies, received $140.95. Other accounts amounting to $850.46 were paid making a total paid out in the day of $l65509. The next meet- ing will be held at Weber's hotel, Egmondville, on Nov. 26th at 10 o'clock A. G. Smuts, Clerk. 13enirs.-Mr R Forsyth, the popalar teacher of No 2, is engaged for the ensuingerear at an advanced salary, -- Farmers have started to take their turnips up. -Mr P Leishmau, foreman on Mr Doug's farm has already housed hire -We clip the following from a Carberry, Monitobe, paper. It refers to a former well known Tuckersmith man: "Farmers often talk of hauling big loads of wheat to market, and often 100 to 130 bushels were brought from Petrel. But Wellwood now carries off the palm and Thomas Mc- Gregor is the man wile brought in, on Wednesday, oce load of wheat which weighed 590 bushels, or the largest load ever brought to Carberry market. Centralia. Beten,-Snow, the beautiful snow, is making things lively around the vie lage.-The school trustees have engaged Miss Robertson of Blanshard, as teacher of the junior department at a salary Of $220. -The Centralia lodge of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends marched to the church in a body on Sunday morning. They occupied the front seats, reserved for them nead listened to a practical dis- eourse by the Rev. W. H. Butt, This order which is the youngest, is said to number nearly 10,000 members. Mr. Same Bloke has been very ill but under Dr,ShouIts' skilful treatment he is improving and his recovery is hoped for. Following 50 010130 Upon his loss by fire, hie sickness is all the more sad. -The annual meeting of the Bible Society was held on Wednesday even- ing, when Rev. S. 11. Orme, Secretary of the Western Ontario Bible Society delivered a practical acldrese. The attendance Was small, thug evincing but little interest in the eirculation of the Word of God. Bible SoCietY meet- ings for „ectme cello or ether fail to ittoutte much etithusiasba either in town or country. Pity 'tie so. (Too late for last wok) Bemes.-The ne ffl hotel keeper has taken charge of the Elorigines house.- eliss Hanneh Butt is visiting her cousin, Bev. W. fe. Bete -The quar- terly official meeting of the Methodist church was held Tuesday evening, and the finenees reported to be in good standing. - An entertainment was given in the loll oh Wedneaday even- ing under the auspices of the .R. of T. The company engaged for the occasion gave a rattler inferior pro- gramme and the attendance was shm, Stanley. ---- 13entes.-We are glad to hear that Mrs. Pollock, Br.Goshen line, is inn proving, though dowly.--eMr G. Walker and his sister Ida, of Exeter, visited relatives in this vicinity the past week. -Miss Josue Brereton of Hamilton, Ohio, who spent the summer months with relatives here, left on Wednesday to visit her sister, Miss K. B. Buell in 7 Fort Wayne, Indiana. C.hiselhuret BRIEFS. --11r. Frank Fitzgerald, of G ilby, Dak., arrived home last -week- end intends remaining here for the winter. Every o'ne was glad to see Frank, 'especially the young ladies. When Frank returns he will not go alone. -The Chiselhurst Ep. League had their election ofollicers op Thursday evening last. The contest for the presidency was a close one, but as Wro predicted Miss Annie Merrell won. -- Angus McDonald, near here, has a. splendid collection of furs, consisting of mink., coon and nmskrat. Angus is a great hand at trapping. • *Ai • eeoderich. Beeers.-A meeting of tile West Huron Farmers' Institute will he held at Smith's am on Friday afternoon. -- The contest for the Goderich mayoralty has commenced, the geatlemen in the field being Mayor Butder and Mr. Geo. Achesons-Captam A. M. McGregor, of the Government survey steamer Bay- fielcl, has returned home for the whiter, the vessel being in winter quarters. - Mr. Harry Black leaves this week for Montreal, ,to take a position inn whole- sale house in that city.-- Captain Sutherland arrived home on Saturday from Sarnia, at which port he had put his ship, the Oorisani, in her winter berth. Zurich. Bernea.- The sleighing bas been splen- did the past few days, nearly a foot of anew having fallen on Saturday. -The A. 0,F, and the A. 0.1.J. W. intend holding a grand concert on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd. Sim Fax and Prof. Knight, together with the best local talent will give a supnb programme. Everybody Should Thos Johnston and wife, who have been vioiting in Hamburg returned home a few days ago. They repot a pleasant time. - Mrs. Alex. Dyer of Exeter, viaited friends in Zurich on Friday. -Mrs, Hoffmae of tue Goshen line, south, died on Friday •and:her remaina were buried on 'Monday. -Mrs. (Dr.) Buchanan visited her sister, Mra.McNevin in Exeter, on Tuesday. - 'lasers. Latta, Faust, Campbell and Dob: erer visited Hansen on Sunday The country air proved very exhilierating. ' • t Blyth. — - BRIEFL-OnMoticlay morning a large number of candidates were presented by Rev. Father Quigley in the Roman Catholic church to Bishop O'Connor to receive the rite of confirmation. A good congregation was present, -It is rumored that we are to have another drug store, also a barber shop, opened out shortly. --Hr. Clark having recent- ly bought out the butchering business of Mr. John Barr in this burg, opened out on his own behalf on Monday. -On Sunday next Methodist anniversary ser- vices will be held in Blyth. Ser- mons will bo preached by Rev. Geo. Jackson, of Exeter. On Thankseiving Day a platform meeting will be held in the church ab 8 o'clock, when several ministers will address tha meeting. A free will offering will be taken up at each se rvice. (Minton. Weese, of Zephr, daughter of Mr. W. Muir, who bas been on a visit to her parents here for the past two weeke, returned this week - Mrs. B. eheppard, who was so Beverly injured in a runaway accident a few weeks ago, had sufficiently recovered to leave cioderioh by the steatner Mon- arch. on Saturday for her home at Sault Ste. Marie Mich• ---Mr• john T. Shank fell from aluizaber pile at the Doherty Organ Factory On Monday and as a re. Ault will be lei& off Work for some days. The distance was probably fifteen feet. No bones were broken. He wars stover- ly bruised. -While Mr. ,f, C. Steven- son was returning from the Ontario Se Methodist Ohuroh last Sunday evening he had the reirtfortune to slip and fall opposite the Old Royal Elofel. The re- sult wail that one of hie legs Were bro- ken above the ankle, -Through a break-in the rig Dr. Moore was thrown from Ins buggy last Thursday hear llohnesville and hia shoulder diskette - ted. -Mr. Thos. 13eacore, of Geelerich township win Betortly reinove to Olin, ten He D. 0, is Marked, prompt arta lastirtg hi admires t4 nirnent ouret la grippe. its effeen: Exeter eVlunicipal, Council. The counell met by order of the reeve, at the Town Hall, Exeter, 7th November, 1894, All preeent. :Minutes of previoas meeting read end conftrmed. elessre Blatchford And Willis welted on the council re.drein aorriss Andrew at, requeeting the conned] to pay for digging across the said street. Robier-Blesett-That the council pay for the tile, the parties interested to pay for digging. -Carried. - Capt. Howard stated that the electric dynamo was here and would be ;running in a few nights. Mr. Dyer on behalf of the .Agrioultural Society asked that tbe taxes on the society grounds be refunded. Bobier--Carling--that the taxes be re• fended.-- Crrried. Dr, Kinsman waited on the council re drain on William at. Taylor--Bobier--tlast the commissioner inspect drain an William at and report to the council next meeting.-Carriecie Mesisrs. Smith and Huston on behalf of the Mechanic' Institute asked to have a reedit:1g room ettel up for the general pu.blio, Bissett -Taylor --that the council fit up a reading room for the use of the -public in eonueotion with the Mechehies' Inati- tute,-Carried Mr. MeT'a,ggs.rt asked to haae an outlet °carted between hie and Mr, aollert d's property. Taylor -Bissett -that Mr. Creeeh ip- speet the outlet asked for and report at next meeting.--Carried- A commuuioatioa from i'dra, Staten eaking for aid on aceouat of the illness of her husband and no meatus of support, was read. Biasest--13obier-tliat two a,enees per week be granted -until further orders. - Carried . Carling--Taylor-ordereas follows : Seto E. Dignau, §8.15 ; Ed Treble 60s, ham- rner beadles ;8 fandfoial $3 00, labor ; i•Tni) 'Heywood el '00, do • Thos Brock LOW Pit --FOR TE --- P a r Ar DARK SIDE. Wheat 5oc and down. Peas 500 and down. Barley 35c and down. Oats 26c. and down. 13RIGr_EIT SLDRI. New suits for men 500 and up New overcoats for men $4.50 Suit underclothes " 5oc Overshirts for men 5oc and up. Long boots for men $r ,5o " Ladies' .8z youth's wear in pro- portion. Silver Lining to every Cloud. J. P, I?088 professions, whose word cau be absolutely relied upon, and who rarely make mistakes, The result of these letters will be an eller - mous sale of Docld's Kidney Pills in Mon- treal. Huron County Notes. G E Gelb, V S St Marys is likely to remove to Sealorth ancl locate,1 \V Cooper, while coupling cars at Sea - forth the other day had his fingers cruel -l- ed. Rev. J. B. MeKinetore Clinton, Lae se•• cured a Sall to Zemptville and South Gower Baptist Churches. The petition presenied against the re- tain of Mr. G F, Marter, M. P. P. for ; •peoe umeeon $2 70. do , wee, North Toronto, is to be withdrawn. Creeoh 83.12, do, and;*i as Creech $90; Bev. Mr. Watts, of Henfryn, near Listo - part salary.- Carried. -- • tree fell from, a roof Tneaday, breaking Bobier-Oarling-that the reeve and Mr, Taylor be a committee to let contract for fitting:up reading room for Institute. Moved by J.W.Taylor that Mr, Bissett's name be added 'to the committee The motion was carried, airateeseezd eustaining a had scalp wound. , Mr David Prater., a --1-1seieeopeit., felt yesterday for Glasgow, via Allen line steamer 'Parisian' from Montreal. Mr Heanwell has been engaged as teach- er for school section No. 6 Varilli for the The council adjourned. until Ten lay, ensuing -tear at a aalary of $42o. 13th inse. EACRETT. Clerk, Mr. Lough a Clinton tech"r4 has e•s amoaa...........m..a...61semommway -tabliehed a record by usfxarne an increase of salary, owing to the difficulty of raising The Lueknow Sentinel says that, Mr. Hugh Morison, of that village, will be the Conservative candidate for West Bruce at the corning elections, Kirkton. Bann. ---Miss 0. Kirk has been re- engaged to teanh Anderson school next year. -Mr. J. Sooaerville has gone to Winnipeg. Word came by teleeraph that his brother Will is very ill of typhoid fev- A very interesting event took place oit Whalen. BRIEFS -Mr. aud Mrs, Ira Andrews, of Exeter, were the guests of Mr. John Fled- gsou re ently.-Reports from Mr. Jas. Brooks, are, as usual, ratber dell -Mr, Albert Genuine was presented with a fine present last week, by way of a brand new daughter. -Joseph Raycra.ft's sale went rather slow. None of the horse e were sold, while tee rest went with difficulty. Farquhar. GADD Or Taawns, -Mr John Tucker the victim of a severe accident recently, and which cost him the leas of one of hia legs, desires to express hie gratitude fer the many kindnesses shown by the neila hors and friends generally since his illness. He is on a fair road to reaoyery and able to be out. .Ele is having an at tifieial leg made. Baytield. BRIEFS, -Albert Vanden° returned home on Monday, having been away near- ly seven months, liabing at South, f3a,y.- Mrs. Jas McDonald se -el Miss itlaggie Fal- coner haver been at Zurich, Tenting Mrs. Torrance.-Dannie McLeod, who had his collar bone broken a i6s7 weercs ago is able t be aroned again. -Mrs. Struthers, of Clin- ton is moviug into Mrs.. Cleaves' cottage. -Miss Maude Ferguson has bean visiting at Grand Bend, 41 1* -14111-4— Sharon. BRITIP8 -The farmera around here are quite aneions to see the snow go away again on account of the turnips not being up vet, but we hope they haye made a repel growth while under the atm v. -Mr Thomas Hind is at present visiting his friends and relations around here. -Mr and Mrs John Pedier have rammed home from London wheteethey haye been visitnig her eister, Mr. Kestle.-Mr. Thomas Amy who was laid uP with a sore knee we are glad to say is able to be around again.- Your correspondent is informed that there is some prospest of a shoemaker ahop being opened up in this town soon, as a shoe maker has been prospecting, evidently looking for a suital3le place to locete.- Dame rumors that there la a weeding to take place shortly. DOCTORS INTERESTED. TUDY CANNOT DUT-ACCICYT ansiTDSTLF 0 7 OP Two or, enure Peernsetoster, Bn_ne_anee. Motteseee, Nov. l'e -The lettere ot Dr, eleCormick of Richmond, and ef Dr. E. A, Reose cf Pentland, recently published (ever their own. signatares and testifying to their complete our() from Bright's due ease And Diabetes respeetieely, by the nee of Dodd's Moot Pills, heve establielma to the satisfeetion of reedieal mon generally, that the pile do ail that is darned for thein by their reanueseturere, Both pbys sueeris are kno‘vn as Men well up in their eerie- etee...,e,ele, „Le - .. iWodnesday last, at the residence of -Hrs. Joseph Martin, near Constance, This was ' the marriage of Mr, Fingh Dunlop, one of Hullett's prosperous yonng ifarmere jo aiar. stinax rah, eldest daughter of Mrs. Emanuel Fineb, aged 80 years, died at (Jiinton. a few days ago: Decertaed VII born in -Devonshire, England, and came to aurora from Britain in 1870. Three yeara since deceased fell from a plum tree and received severe injuty. Two years ago paralysis set in, although he wart not confined t,o bed until six weeks ago. Mr. Jetnes A. Smith, of the 8th con- cession, eleKillop had the misfortune to have a bie fire at his place ou Tuesday night. The fire broke out at 8 o'clock, and soon the whole place was in dames. The implemente, which were nearly neva, and all the winter's feed, were berned with the buildiog, also about 600 bushels of grain. There was about $704 insurance. `7.7. -Arch. MeLeod, of Ashfield township and father, of ex policeman. J, L. McLeod, of Brussels, died at hie residence Saturday at the age of 77 years, Tbe remaina were interred in the Kinlose Cemetery on Tues- day, K. I). C. Pills tone and. regulate the liver. ESTERVILLA. FARM, RAPID CITY, Mao., Des. 23, 1892. Mors. DICK di 00,, Montreal. Dear eirs:--I had a whick was foul , skinned and hide -bound, the beer standing ttlititrea.-0 end. but after I used one of your now as elick and glossy as any amimal CfC11 be. I shall not be without it in the fu - difference in her appearance, and elle is Packages of Powders, I Mend a wonderful Yours truly, GE O. GERRY. Look Out For Cold. ViTen•Liter. I *- 13 u1 ride inside of the Eteetrio Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartmeet trains of the Chieago, Milwenkee & St, Paul Railway and you will be as warm, comfortable arid cheerful as hi your own library or boudoir. To travel between Chicago, St. Pani and Minneepolie, or between Chicago, Omaha and Stoat City, in these lexuriously appointed trains, is a supremo satisfaction; and, as the some- what eneient adVertisereent used to read, "for further partieulara, see small Mlle Small bills (and large ones, too) Will be acnerted for passage aed sleeping ear tickets. For detailed information add tees A 1 Taylor, Canadien Paaeettger Agent, Toronto Ont. The Exeter TIMES and1TO- ronro Mail from now until Jan - nary' 1896, for $t .25 only. Thi8 low price is arranged to suit the price of wheat, Everybody can avail themselves of this offer, Remember, the balance of this year free, and subscriptions pay- able in aclva.tice. Address this office,