The Exeter Times, 1894-10-25, Page 8jt la F1i{�tJIt FF 1JtMrL,F�Ub:i���Ri.• J3
Hee W ..Schell 4850kt.AN,P4 9104.
Y>G of l'croetoi also far ti}e 1'ki;tatuN
til leielltt Ntili C0M1e4.14of headoe.
e sed .i.I LeANQ.3 eletllid.Nela COItee
'Lex et b+ua`l'erid.
G '
le tete place to get your
col s,
All the latest kinds :of
ribblers Exercise Books,
Priya and Pencils,
We also
Have a Frill Lille of
Pads and
Pass R.3011KS.
J. GRI G' S,
Big Dakrtpt Storo
See how we .make the
People Smile,
:281bs. nice Yellow Sugar for 51.00,
231bs. best Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
3 pound box best Soda Biscuits for 20c.
40c. Sailor Boy Japan Tea for 25c.
Royal Yeast, large box for 6c.
Best, Extracts large bottles, only 6c..
Carpel Tacks, best quality 3c.
Best Baking Soda 2}o. per pound.
1etb. scaler Forest City Baking Pow-
der 22c.
Best Black Pepper ground, only 12ec.
e3est.Ginger Soaps, 4 pounds 25c.
Green Coffee, best quality, 20c.
Fancy Wire Plate Handles, only 5c.
5 bars Oatmeal or Castile Soap for 25c.
3.3 bars of Our Own Electric soap for 255c.
85c. Black Henrietta, pure wool, 586,
12 -?c. Flannelettes for Sec.
40c. double fold, all wool, dress goods,
for .22:c,0
15c. Dress Goods, clearing at 10c.
10c, Dress Goods, clearing at 5c.
Good Blankets: for S1.1.5 a pair.
Ask to see our Special Bargains in
new tailor made jackets; we have the
best values that money can find. Come
, and see.
3. A. Stewart.
Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers wout4 esteem it a favor i
readers would,when making their purchases
mention thattheysaw aw the merchant's adver-
tisement in Tire Teems.
NOTICE-AI1 business announcements
noticesof public meetings, entertainments
emotion sales, etc,, appearing in these local
columns will be charged for at the rate of five
.cents per line each insertion. Black heading
to count as three eines. Cash with order save
to persons having open aoeounts.. To insure
change of advertisements is current issue copy
imnathe bandedinto office onTaesday.
October 28th, 1394.
23rd Sunday after Trinity,
1'he Festival of St Simon and St Jude.
Te Deum Clemens
iienediotus Holden.
Sermon "Creed"
(I) Why is it necessary to have v. Creed?
(4) What are its benefits?
(3)What are its obligations ?
r x. Bible Class for adults in sohoolhouse'
Choral service with Special Muaio,
'Psalms Chanted 143, 147.
lea7?onses Elliot
Cantate and Dens Bonnet
Sermon, "The house of Prayer."
Offertory Music '`Consider the Lilies" by
1 and 2 Cornets, 11 Gidtey and T Oke.
i and 2 Violins, Messrs J and A Davidson.
Mr. A, Leadman has mewed into town
'from Hay township.
The are dynamo has not yet returned
and nightly the streets are in darkness.
Mr, James Martin has moved onto the
farm in Ifullett, rented, from Mr. Hugh
The mutton of Canadian prairie sheep
imported to England alive brings six pence
a pound:
Wheat sold at 37 cents at Delorafne.
Man,, on Friday. Will the end of the
,drop never come
The pork factory is being taxed to its
-fullest capacity, and hogs are being
slaughtered by the wholesale,
n mbar of chattel :mortgages on
record in this count the firat Y on rt
uary last, was 444, covering loans to the
:amount of $17$,609, -
Sunday was one of the loveliest of Fall
days hereabout. The temperature was
abnormal for this season of the year, sad
visitingfriends Was the order of the day.
Many of the trees just new are n blaze:
of color that no human artist could hope
to imitate. The weather this fall is Moet
favorable for ,the tranaformatioa of the
foliage, and nature is making a marvellous
-die 1
P •Y.
The Trails hat received the
Statutes for 1894, 57 and 58 Victoria.
They comprfee a vofume of 900 pages,
170 pages of Which is taken upwith the
,orders.iu.Counci1 and the
h , r remainder with
tp b"
u i rib to
p P a acts passed by.
The provineial plowing rnetoh under the
rue pp icer of e
Eli Agricultural axid Arta lid-
sociatian el Ohtario; and the Bait and
West Lanibtdn A ricultural . ed
g �, 2x`latien,
Will be held on the term of A.. d.:Eti and
in the toW t et. Vv s
I'et o
r iia ori
*Wernher 14, when: $200 in''maney and a,
number of special prizes will be offered.
Ore elties
k otatoea may go lower•
Renters report ecjuirrela unusually
The Collector is on, bee rounds, but ie
meeting with slim Itemise,
Mr Aubry, of elontreal, chipped a fine
looking lot of horses from thio: station last
While picking apples the other day Ile
ai Et eerett, slipped and fell, gutting hie
arta .and handquite badly.
The Agricultural Society held a meeting
ou 'Tuesday to settle up mattere in con-
nection with the late fair. They have a
good empties,
Judge: Tomswill hold a court for the
Revision of the foters' Lists in Exeter on
Mr, Will keetrray spent last week visit-
ing frienna io Blyth. e -elegise Josale Niobol,
of f3osrevain, Mutt -tube, who hers been'
hero for some time visiting 'frientte, left
O0TQR41t 25th, 1804 on Thursday fo. ]sone, but her teeter, Mise
Belle, intends retnabeitag here during the
winter -eleir, E J Spackutan. is in Toron-
to this week. --Mr,, Thos, Fitted spent
the peat week visiting friends in eleinilton
and Toronto. -.Mr, R. S. Lang who is do
ing au tsteneive business in the apple line
in the southern counties .pent''fiunday in
town --Mr, Thos, Tyndall, o Ottawa,
who bas bean visiting Mende iu "awn the.
past few weeks returned home'.:" a'ouday..
-34r- Frank'l'orn is at present at home,
Since his trip to the Motherland hie
health is much improved -Aire. A' Q.
Robier, and family returned home on Fri-
day from an extended visit among friends
in Manitoba .-j E. Tom, I N. ;S , far
South Raton is inspecting the school0, in
this vicinity this week.- Promotion ex-
aminations are now going on iu the rural
schools, -Mr, A. Hoskin and wife, of
Brantford, are visiting their parents and
other friends in town. -Mr, and Mrs. E.
Brauud, after a pleasant visit of several
Friday. Thereare a large number of weeks in town returned to their home in
appeals, entered by both political patios. Brantford on Thursday. -D;: Hyndman
On November 10th, there will be . a vie,ted London on Monday on professional
trausis of Mercury over the Run's disc, business. -Mr Frank 8niale, wife and
The neat trap i!s will be in 1907 and 1914. 'femfly, of Brantford, are renewing ac
The next tranedt of Venue is in the year quaintances in;town.-Mise elyndmen is
2004. visiting friends la Sarnia, --1 r. D, Spicer
Have you bought your underwear,`-
was in London last week. -Mrs. J. 0.
blankets, stockings, yarn; eta , yet ? If friends and.organ, who has been visiting her many
bot the Exeter woollen Mille is the plane , relatives in town, the past few
to go for cheapness; durability and ex- eeks, returned to her home in 1f ingrne
oellence, an., on Mondays -Mrs, Penhale o of
ellen A. Holland of Hay, has rented hie • •' e Hat, N. W. T„ is renewing old
a,eq "n' = taneee in and around town. -Mrs.
farm to Mr. John Blatchford for a term of eee,,,s ` %op is visitiug friends in Toronto
yeara. Mr. Holland will hold a sale of ae her places. -Mr, W, A. Gregory bas
his effects on the 30th inst., and will ,eta'. ed home from Elora. -Rev. E.
thenmove into town. e'seey jr., formerly of Senaall, has re
Dr William G sham, of Brussels, was twined home to London from Nova Scotia,
last week electee by acclamation as ie. much benefitted by his stay in the Mari -
presentative from district No. 4 (Huron time. Province --Mr. Hooper has moved
and Perth) to the Ontario Council of into his new house cn William st and
Physioiaus and Surgeons. Mr Samuel Weeraway has moved into the
The estate of John Hannah, insolvent, House vacated by Ma Hooper, Mr 0 .W
of Seaforth, will pay about two cents on Drinkwater- is occupying the residence
the dollar. The farmers who were pat- vacated by Mr Westaway in Exeter North,
rone of his creameries will get practically -Mr.: John Muir, jr., who has been work -
nothing for their season's butter, ing in a large woollen mill at Lanark, has
The Revel Templars held a spelling returned to town to' reside, -big. • Abel
match ou Monday evening, Sides were Weeper and son Louis were in town the
mach ou M J. a caning, and Frank latter part of last week. Mr. Walper says
b. . T. Ws side won, bane there is no place like Exeter. They are
Clara Cudmore spelling the others down, negotiatingteinHfor the purchase of has moved
hotel. 13ensa1l.-air, L. Day moved
Reeve Bawden of Exeter, Iast week into his new residence on Andrew Street,
purchased the 40 acre farm of the estate cf -Clinton New Era :-"Rev. Mr Locke,
the tete Mrs. Steveus of Centralia, and of Exeter, preached in Rattenbury St.
also the 50 acre farm near Kippen. from church on Sunday last. Bis sermons
Mrs. Hunt. . A good price was paid In were crisp, terse, practical and sensible,
each case, and were appreciated by all who had the
Local bee keepers reporta poor yield of pleasure of hearing him; should he ever
honey this year, and the price of that return here a cordial welcome will be his."
commodity has an upward tendenoy. One -Mr. and Mrs D. Mill and Mise Mill
apiarist had, this year, a smeller yield have just returned from Fullarton where
from 80 colonies than from 40 colonies they were summoned by telegram an -
last year• The poor yield is owing to the pouncing the serious Melees of Capt. Franc e
drought of last summer. of that place, a gentleman well known
The large and brilliant star, which may throughout the country. While Mr,.
be seen any clear evening in the Eastern was some easier n hen they left for
sky, and which astronomers have been home, there is not any chance for his
watching with great interest for some time recovery, and the announcement of his
is the planet Mare. IC attained its near death is expected any moment. -Mr. John
eat point tot tae earth on the 20th fust., Southoott of Stephen, formerly of Exeter,
and then 40,000,000 miles distant. held an auction sale yesterday of lila farm
stock, etc. Mr. Southcott intends going to
At the James Street Church on Sunday Goderich to reside,- Mies Mary Tapp is
evening last service was conducted by Mrs visiting Mrs. Richard Elworthy of Strath-
Ruthyen Macdonald. She preached a roy.-Mr. A. Q. Bobier is in Lampton
very impressive sermon from Deut 30-19. County this week shipping apples to the
She speaka fluently and the simplicity of Old Country. -Mrs. Elliott and Mrs.
her preaching made all understated, Mr Williams of Mitchell visited Mrs. (Dr)
Macdonald sang several solos with great Anderson this week. -Dr. and Mrs. And-
aoceptanoe to the large congregation. erson will be in Goderich and vicinity on
There was a large and atyltsh audience Monday next.
at the wedding in Toronto Wednesday of
Mr Frederick W Broughall, of the Do- Important Oddfeliow D len.
minion Bank, and Miss Lilian Mabel The appeal of A. R. Rowland, of Whlt-
Strathy daughter of Mr H S Strathy,
Inde -
general manager of the Traders' Bank, and pendentto thrdSoerrof Oddn Fellows,ll of the at'one time manager of the Molsona' Bank, re, Order of Odd at Rowland
Exeter, more, has been allowed: Mr. Rowland
bad been expelled by the lodge at Whitby.
Elizabeth gestin, relict of the late John A friend of his had beta balloted for in the
Pedler, of Stephen (near Sharon) died on lodge. The result was favorable, but ba
Friday last at the advanced age of 89 fore it was announced two opponeees of
years. Deceased had been ill but a the candidate came in and were allowed
short time, but of natural infirmities. She to vote, putting in black balls. Mr,,Row=
leaves a large circle of relatives and land scored the Noble Grand for permitt-
friends to survive her. Her remains fog the late arrivals to vote and the row
were interred in°the Exeter Cemetery on led to his expulsion: He was successful
Sunday. in his appeal to the Grand Lodge of On-
Here is a most alarming statement from tario.
a contemporary : People who pick up a -r.�.
nice luscious peach, and eat it without A. Drainagelc
peeling, are probably not aware that they The case of Stephens vs,the township of
are also getting awav with nbout ten Moore. decided at Toronto last week, is of
million microbes. gThe doubter can be general interest as bearing on drainag e
satisfied by placing a ten cent microscope disputes. Plaintiffs moved summarily to
over the furry skin of the fruit: quash a bylaw of the township. passed
Mr J Howard Hunter, Inspector of In. 14th of October, 1893, to provide for
aurance Companies for the Province of draining a portion of the township by the
Ontario, was in Seaforth on Saturday and repairing of an outlet drain and for levy -
thoroughly overhauled the books of Mrinto on the lands and roads to be benefit -
Shannon, Secretary of the McKillop ted the sum of $47 for completing the
Company, and those of Mr. Thee Cameron same. The principal ground of the motion
Secretary of the Uaborne and Hibbert was that the original drain, being a general
Company: He speaks very highly of the township work, only the lands benefitted
neat, accurate and efficient manger in thereby were liable to be assessed for re -
,are Parra. The original construction was paid
which the books of these gentlemen
kept, for out of the general funda of the town -
Another of those happy events took ship, but the by-law in question .charged
place at the residence of Mr. John Cattle, the repair on the lots benefitted. Held,
of the township of Usborne, on which oe- neon the true construction of sec. hat she
casion his daughter, Miss Emily, was sec. 2, of hadtip Mr to al Act, that the
united in marriage to Mr. Matthew Clark, council power a maintain or repair
er., of the township of Taakersmith. The the drain at the expense ofof the local
knot was tied by the Rev. 0, Fletcher, of tory benefitted, and therefore the council
Thames Road, in the most approved man had power to pass the bylaw. Tho other
objections also
ner, and a very pleasant evening was failed, YIotioa dismissed
spent by a large number of invited guests, with costs,
The bride was presented with a number of
very fine presents, and many were the Of Interest to nsiderabje ir
muni -
good wishes for their future hap *inese. A alae of considerable interest to
cipalities was decided at the recent Went -
An order affecting about one-half of the worth assizes, being a suit by Willliam
conductors on the Grand Trunk went Meade, of Galt, against the township of
into effect Monday morning. The other .Beverly, for damages sustained through an
half t
will toe the mark in a week. The accident at "Stewart's'i hill on the 10th
order is no more or less than that each collocation The hill in question was for
Conductor will' take his tripe hereafter many years a very steep one, but a grant
about as regularly -or Y -
or rather irregularly-, carts made
by the township council; and
as the freight brakemen.
mea.He maytake
the top ta
e 'off
depth of
the L, $, t2 B. train to wingham ono ten feet in the deepest part, the earth thus
morning, and the next day may find him excavated being carted down. on . the west
collecting pasteboards on a through side, principally, and the roadway filled
flyer. The cleave will not cover the up, making a much easier grade, The
whole spawn at once, because el the fact filling tip was in places over six feet high,
it might prove impracticable.= and the roadbed though wide enough ap-
The lava of Ontario provide that any parently tor every purpose while all went
person taking up any stray stokshallright, h
t' as still not over ten feet wide ah
tribe aotfoe of daox taking; :up by publish- quite unprotected by any railing. Mr.
inga notice three times in a weekly news- Maude and Jas. Pickard weredriving down
paper, if one is published within the this embankment, when their !sortie tin-
eeetion where the estrayis taken up; and fortunately
stumbled and fell, breaking a
if the properly is riot called for within exert, which running into it, caused it to
three weeks after the first insertion of the the
the emb aakment-and tumble down
/Letitia the finder will go before a ' .tree of he side, breaking the buggy and injuring
the cage' and take oath both ocoapants, Mr, Maude the more
parole th to the finding and
advertising.If thePropertysertously,. ; M ny hesee were examined
fa notdlaim-
ed within one at the trial. and the juryafter a lengthy
year end should not ex- i i ' g i t
et 040. td
geed $50' hi Value, it then bolongd to the ra i a awarded Mr. Maude a verdict
party taking the same up if over $50 it et 5 00 darnages and costs;
Meati be advertised by the puttee and gold,
and the excess of all expedited shall be i metesv to .be removed, the the
paid over to the County treasurer. Any
Dominion Voters` Listr, is North
paroled taking up an early and neglectingRiding of t1 ilio o number silent help)*
?r, Tito
to cantle file game te. lie ad a tired sad e. Atlran�on at Btddnlpli was before.
Squire 1
Sxie on Tuesday, 1T ado charged
t frog dhal �
a l be liabl With
pp o to' a fine of $20.y+
The esttayy law .replier a]sa,to any griper assault upon a rd, bundle of lrbornee
arsenal property Which May be'found is 'off i dlsom tris for trial atxd taken to
ke triahttefr. y
We have juSt made another large purchase of Staple.
Dry Goods, and among this lot may be found
the cheapest goods ever offered in Exeter.
Special values in Grey Cottons.'
Bleached Cottons,
Grey Flannels,
White Union Sheeting.
all wool Tweeds.
all wool Freize.
Shirts and Drawers.
Ladies Vests.
Grey Blankets.
White Blankets.
We also have numerous other lines
bought much below
their regular price. Come and inspect our stock.
Hallowe'en comes next week.
F. W. Collins killed 13 black squirrels in
a few hours on Tuesday.
Rev, Hunt will preach a speoial sermon
to the Orangemen on Nov. 4th.
The death of Mrs. Mary Ann Jory,
relict of the late Simon Jory, took place
on Thursday last quite unexpectedly.
Deceased had complained of feeling un-
well for the past year, but nothing serious
was apprehended; in fact the day previous
to her death she had not felt in better
health for months. Early Thursday
morning she was taken suddenly ill and
expired in a short time. Immediate cause
of death is supposed to be the bursting of
a blood. veeeel in her stomach. Deceased
had lived in Exeter for several years,
having moved to town . from; the Thames
road, Usborne, after the death of her
husband. She was born in Ireland and
with other members of tha family came
to this country many years ago, was of
amiable disposition a nd a consistent
member of the i*lethodist church. There
survives her one daughter, two brothers,
James and William Earl, Mrs. A. Tyndall,
of Seaforth, besides several sisters in the
old Country. The funeral ' on Saturday
was largely attended and attested in a
marked degree the esteem in which" she
was held. The only sorrowing child,
Mies Jory, has the sympathy of the
community in her bereavement.
Shooting 14Iatcli,
Following is the Eeere of the shooting
match last Friday. Bach Man shot at 10
birds ;
Simpson 2 Stephens 7
M McCann 7 Blaokall 6
J McMurray 7 Dodds 7
Doherty 3 • Cantelon 9
Snell 4 Loadman 2
23 31
For the sweepstakes Cantelon won first
money, second, third and fourth money
being divided between the four who secur-
e07 out of 10 birds.
"The Church in the Fifties, is the
title of a lecture which will be deliver-
ed by Rev. E. W, Hunt in the school
house tonight (Thursday) at 8 p. m.
Mr. Geo. Davis, of Exeter North,
was joined in lvedlock Iasi evening to
Mies Bertha A. Willis of Rodgerville,
daughter of Mr. John Willis, formerly
of Exeter.
MONEY LOST, -Purse containing a
sum of money lost between Dashwood
and Exeter, o -i Thursday last. Finder
will be rewarded by leaving same' at
Prof. Stuartan ave entertainment
in the town hall 'ase evening under the
auspices of the Mechanics' Institute, It
was fairly well attended and the enter-
tainment was first class.
The concert given in the James et,
Methodist church, on Tuesday evening
last by H. Ruthven Macdonald, despite
the heavy and continuous rain during
the night, was quite successful, financial-
ly and otherwise. Mr. Macdonald is a
complete master of a most powerful
Voice and is a whole program in
himself. Tho local talent added niucli
to the evening's enjoyment. The re-
ceipts amounted to $40.
The anniversary of the reopening of
the Presbyterian church was celebrated
on S
unday and Monday last by special
services. On Sunday, Rev. Mr. Sewers
of Westiilinster, preached two eloquent
and practical sermons,. while on Monday
the annual tea was held. The usual
program oft such occasions Wad render-
ed, .and together with the receipts from
the tea and collections eotiond the earn realized
was oyer $1100.
X, D.: 0. file cute nk ilia oon$tipationi
Saturday and
continuing one
week, we will
give goods at
t h e following
quotations ;
25e. Men's wool sox, this
week 2 pair for 25c.
30o' Ladies hose (wool)
this week, 20c,
40e. Ladies' ribbed cash-
mere hose, 25c.
(Job Line) 10 pieces 60c.
dress goods, this week, 25c.
10 Men's Freize Ulsters,
$12 Men's Freize Ulsters,
$8 00.
$5 Men's Ulsters, $3.50.
$6 Men's Tweed Over-
coats, $4.50.
$5 Men's . Tweed Suits,
$8 Men's Solid Tweed
Smits, $5.00.
$4,50 Ladies' Mantles,
w 2�9
' I
$5 Ladies' Mantles, this
week, $3,95.
�7 Ladies' Mantles, this
week, $5,00,
$1,50 Ladies' Dongola
Butt shoes $1.25,
$4 Men's Milwaukee
grain boots $3.00,
40e. Tweeds, w ds, 20c. 600
Tweeds, _.. 4
w r 5e, r
'1 Tweeds $ 75c, 52, 50
blk Worsted, 52,00,'
� Coats:
- Overalls,
50c, '
Genuine Bargains in
+ 10 153"C?+Z".
'akar sad all
arts of Tricks
and humbugs resorted to by some : dealers to catch
trade. They profess that you can get dry goods
and groceries for nothing, For example
quote prices as follows :--
Overcoats worth
Suits at
Shirt tt
D,,ress Goods it
Cottons rt
Ladies' ITose
$15,0o for $x0,00
12.00. tr 8.OQ.
1,00 " 50c.
75c tt 50c.
8c tt 5c.
35c t'
35c " 25c
We call a spade a spade.,; Such absurd advertisement are o
no more value any more than cheap goods are, still as barnuln say people like to be humbugged. CARLING BROS.dan't
make such offers. We have been here too long to have to resort
to that sort of thing. Their trade .' is established and reliable,
GOODS' at a, PA:"F'. t r'
You get what you ask._ fs r:' and pay the
least money consistent with excellent values. fiy Tetley's cele-
brated Tea. Sample given free. soc., 6oc,, and 7oc. pr. ill.
Produce taken in exchange, p t
Butter 18e Lard i?c I Dried Apples 5c Geese 5c Turkeys Sc
Eggs 15c Tallow 5c ITS. 5c Duck 6c
The Celebrated Sttveir4Ra �e
Have yx .
seen theiii
If you have not got ygin' Stovo yet, it will
pay you to call .cud see us. We can show'
you a large assortment and at;orkies that
will astonish you.
N. 13.
r os -Cut Saws s just'
Make a better filling for Corsets
than any other known material'.
"Featherbone" Corsets are tought
er and more elastic ' than any
other make, as they are entirely
filled with quills (Featherbone).
To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores.
The Business College Sham is the most to be despised, Not every institute
dubbed Business College is worthy of your support. You will in all likelihood''
take a Business Course but once, therefore, why not select a School that has 'a
earned a reputation far practical conscience work. The
stands head and shoulders above the average Canadian Schools. -Graduates every-
where successful -Catalogue free -see
Address carefully, J. W. WESTER ELT. Princi al.
Don't You. Forg�l
that Winter is coming and you will want a new
Overcoat, and by buying from
andou will save
y hone Look well and feel co t
yl�ifbi a.b]e
in one of
our Suits or Ovorcoa,ts We make, a 'specialty of
p ,9
finegoods � .
sell them eln at
a price to suit' the Tithes,
our Winter Goods are itt now and we are showing a" ri0`
rylarge range in Tweeds and Worsteds of•all mdkeE;
a nice Overcoat, see us ; for a .fine ,Suit we lead
the trade, All kinds'
of JACIKE'.t'S CAPBS ` and:
WRAPS for Ladies',cut and made in the latest st ieWx
All our
own goods aods cut free. Biemembel thelea
h- of,
ilii H.
al.`s to