The Exeter Times, 1894-10-18, Page 8Il7$1,111.4$01%.
4144 l 'l'laitfalUl',a. tN1'F(..l
]dI WeliefieltN AiSURA$Oi COU-
P.1«i , of Toronto; also for the PHOENIX
Flit t, INSUrteNdee UQMY U Y, of Londau
Flegltttd chir Nu13 ItiSLItt laO1 COM -
PAWS( of Ertel/tett,
le the plume to ett your
All the latestkinds of
Sribhler 1, Exercise Books,
Pens and Pencils,
tile'! a Full Lente Or
Pads and
Pass Books..,
Ladies' Coats.
Ladies' Jaokes.
Ladies' Fur Gapes.
Largest and choicest as-
sortment in town at the
Bid Dt Sim
We are the only house
in town selling the celebrat-
ed A. & A. Tailor Made
jacket. This Jacket is all
sewn with pure silk thead,.
sand the most stylish garment
in the trade. Ask tri see our
A. & A. Tailor Made Jackets
and you will see the nattiest
coats in town.
Our .assortment of FUR
CAPES is A. 1. A. beauti—
ful stock—good, good -big
'values. Come and see.
J. A. Stewart.
Notice to Times' Readers:
The publishers would esteem ita favor
readers would,when making their purchases,
mention that they saw the merchant's adver-
eisenssnt in TRE TIMES.
NOTICE—A11 business announcements
notions of public meetings, entertainments
motion sales, ete., appearing in these local
columns will be oharced for at the rato of five
oents per line eaoh insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
to persons having open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in ourrent issue copy
must lie handedinto office on Tuesday.
Trivilt Memorial Ch,
Ootober 21st. 1894.
22nd Sunday after Trinity,
u A. m.
Te Deum (Service) Clemens
Ilenedictus(Service) Holden
sermon `4. little child shall lead them,',
3P, it.
Rector's Bible Class for Adults in School
7 P. M.
Cantate and Deus. Bunnell
Sermon "The Prodigal Son -
Anthem "Thanks grateful Thanks."
From Oratorio. &aamaa
Soprano Solo "I dreampt I was in
Mil. Ward
WrtDNEBt,Y 8 raid,
Lecture in School Rouge, "A night with the
Ancient Britons."
'C1EURSfA5'. 00 1'0803 18411, t$911
Mr, L. L Polliclt, of Exote•, bee /teased.
the Junior liatrlculatiou.
Mestere Strati meifay art. having a neat
pip.• foe greeted arouud th tr' pretnisoe..
Janice Seel), who f tr the past 24 year's
wets an errrpl•a3a to the. Mitohatl Rex null,
(Lett ou Sunday lest,
W. Uullatiu is, of Ingersoll, hag leased
the 1't.rk4i11 teuuery, ani will tape p's-
scssiou next \i'edneeder.
5 The milk nrau'a favorite grey. !doggie,
dropped euddrnly deed the other day
while ou her dale„ rounds.
A term be cubing tr Mr Sidney Snell of
Stephen, rein away frotn the station on
Tunaday, but did little damage.
temente or J. Valmeley, L. H & 13 , is
at present enjoviug his l,olitleye. Con
ductusMcAnliffis relieving Mr. Widens -
It has been dis •overed that on the night.
of the netopted burning of the. Main tit
Method s: Church, the fire engine wan
Flom private lettere we learn that in
some parts of the Cauadiao Northwest
there has been splendid aleighius tae pat
two weeks.
Mr. Alfred sleek, of Taon.lon, cenlmer-
etal traveller, besides se:twine hirtr•en
black souirre'a, shot a fine fox while out
hunting j''onday
"Horses will ba dear next ye.r," said
local horseman yesterday. About twenty
earloada have been shipped frnm this
diatrict to the old country this fall. —Lou-
don Free Prase.
The by-election to fill the vacenov
paused by the resignation of Mr W. R.
Meredith in the Local House, will be held
in November next.
David Donovan, of Mitchell, has soli
hie farm on the 3rd concession ot Tucker -
smith, east of Egmondville, to William
Eberhart for •83.500.
Mr H. Biahop. moved bis furniture to
town from Parkhill thia week but beine
unable to get a vacant house has stored
the goods for a time.
The mild weather and an absence of
seyere frost have been productive of a
second growth of raspberries in several
gardens in this vicinity,
The death took place Wednesday at his
residence in Granton of 'lir. Ieaae Lang.
lord, (ether of Miss Susan 'Langford; for-
mally a. resident of St. Marys.
Quail shooting eommeno: d Monday and
the local sportsmen are out on slaughter.
Reporta indicate, however, that the birds
are very scarce and but few coveys have
been seen.
Mr• Geo Heywood of Usborne, on Men-
dey, droye into town with a load of grain
While here one of hia team, a valuable
mare, became suddenly sink of inflam-
mation and died same night.
Ronald Currie, a former landlord of
the Royal Hotel in Parkhill, died at his
father.' residence in East Williams last
week. He was physically a very strong
man, but' consumption reduced him almost
to a ekeleton before he died.
A bold northwest wind and fitful
showers of snow that completely eovered
the ground Sunday afternoon were th"e
ant heralds of winter to visit this locals
icy. A considerable quantity of snow
fell, but moat of it was melted quiokly.
The many friends of Dr, Sloan of Blyth
will be glad to learn that in his new famous
suit for the recovery of $7,000 he has
won his case in the Supreme Court: this is
final, § and carries with it costs, which
amount to somewhere in the neighborhood
of $2,500.
The Berlin Board of health reported to
the town council at its last meeting that
they have ordered a periodical inspection
of all meat offered for sale in the town,
also a visit and inspection from time to
time of all slaughter houses; also that all
milk is to be tented in future, a teeter hav-
ing been secured for the object.
Grand Entertainment Oct, 22nd in
James St, Church. Program to consist of
seven selections of music by Mr. Bsathyen
McDonald, interspersed by -recitations tea.
by local talent. Rev. C. Scott of St,
Thomas Central Methodist Church says: -
411 consider Mr. McDonald as good a bari.
•cone singer ' as Canada ever produced!'
Arthur Murphy, rector of Holy Trinity
Church, Chatbam, says:—"My church has
heard Mr. McDonald several times and al-
ways with satisfaction. His voice is a rich
baritone and eurpasaed in volume and
.expression by few singers." It is not often
our citizens are privileged to hear a vocal-
ist of Mr. Ruthven McDonaId'a stamp for
the small sum of I5c.' The League has
arranged for this fee that any one may
singer. the talentedger, Mrs, McDonald,
who is a talented musician accompanies
him. Don't miss the opportunity of hear -
lug them.
W. f3 PAReolis, MAT Glue
Pius. or E. L, C. E. Si;c.
The Junior Epworth League of the
James Se. Methodist Church, held a social
and entertainment is the basement of the
church on Tuesday evening, which ;, wail a
grand buceess. Tea was nerved from $ 30
to 7,$0 p. m., and after the good things
provided by the Juniors were fully en"
joyed, all went into the large school 'room
to listen to the splendid program prepared
by the children. The program consisted
bf readings, recitations, dialogues, in'
ittrumentals and singing and was rendered
in a manner to delight both old and
young. The Senior Leagures might
profit b%'.the lesson of energy taught by
the Juniors. The receipts of the evening
amounted; to about $20, notwithstanding.
the smtall admission fee of lfi Bents, and
the largo numbest of oomplimentnries.
May prosperity continue to attend the
little ones who are striving so nobly to
4, 4"rr71t ttttrtrt ' stayed,
The man) krfrude in this county of D.
S. 1;,, Gibson, wno about a yeer ago,
graduated from the London Medical
e'ollegp,e, but wtto le new loeattd net Laug.
d n, North Dakota, will be pleased to
learn abut he iadolutt well, and that lust
week lie was nominated at both. the Re
pubito•*n ant D twooratic „conveubiona for
t.a poeitiou of corouor, for Cavelier'
County, He wr>, the uuan, moue sahoice of
batt, oonveetieus tied has therefore been
sleeted coroner of ttie. County,
'Voters' T sts,
131-0. Hower, Judge Tacna, will hold courts
for the revision of the Provincial voters'
Bata in. South Huron in the respective
municipalities, es follows; Seaforth Coto.
Tier 22nd at 0 a, m.• Barfie,tl elotuber Sid
at 10 a• w,; Stephen at t'reditan, on Coto-
ber 25th, at 9 a, m,; Exeter eh:sober 26th,
at 10 a. nt ; Usborne, et l'))imviUe, on Q.
tuber 27th et 10 a. m,; Goderich tewuship,
at Holtue>;ville, on Oat 30,h, as 9 a in,;
flay, on November 1st. at Z.t ich, at 9 a,
m., and Heusall at 7p. re.; Tuelteramith.
at Bruoefi.ld, on November 2nd, at 10 a.
ur, ; Stanley, et Verna, i+n November 3rd,
at 9 a, m It ie hoped that all who are
notified by the testaeetive, will make
it a point to be preaeut at these courts,
S'. Marva Arg,.la:—t'iVfiae Emma
Harrison, of Lon ,on, who has been visit-
ing her friend, 'elle' Attiiie Tlamih:.n,
tvelliugtou st, fur the pa -t two week-,
left t,u. Friday for Exeter."—Mr. H+stet(
Cht keen, second sou of M . 0 0 ark n,
(lead Heater of the tiesforth Colleetate
Institute, who has beeu teaching, in Es -ex
County since the holjtiaya, lies been tea-
gaged as teacher of Edeo school. 'Osborne,
for next year, et a salary of 5390. The
Eden 1 eople kill find mfr. Clt'ket.0 au
exetuplary y ung man a id it good teacher
so save an a oh: rge Mr. Dixon, of
Br tctfield WSO, owu on Tuesday --
Loudon Fee Pres.: '•Mr 1Vm, Rieke
and Mrs. flicks, of the Hamilton Road.
lett Saturday eirbt to visit ftiende and
relations in Exeter "-14r. E.1. Bossehe
berry .aud wife, of Zurich, yisited lir. Ea.
Maguire, Exeter North, theforepart" of
this week.—Mr. J'hu• Gould, ,df London,
visited his parents in town the poet week,
—Mrs. A. Q. Bobter, who has been on an
extended trip through the Northweat ie
expeeted home this week. -Mr. 41. C:- and
Mrs Cametou, trodetich; Mr. and Mrs.
O'Neil, Exeter; Dr. W. A. Jones, Mr E.
0. Jones. Clandeboye; Mr, and lir. Thos.
Kent, Mr. and Mrs M. J tient and Mr.
and Mrs, Fred. Lone;- London: were
among the invited guests at the nuptialss,
of Miss Josephine Shannon, only daughter
of Mr. R. Shannon, Brantford, and Mr
Richard Sanborn Box, of St, Marys, at
which Rev. Dr, Cochrane officiated.—Mr.
Bishop, ere, was in Parkhill over Sunday.
—Mr. and Mrs. Chappel, of Hamilton,
have returned home after a pleasant visit
among friends in and around Exeter.—
Mr, and Mrs. A. Dempsey yisi+ed friends
in Lncan on Sunday last.—Mr. R. J. Bac
rett; of Brantfo d, spent a few days of
this week under the parental roof and en
joyed the excellent sport afforded in this
neighborhood.—Mr. J. E. Torn, I. P 8,
of Goderich, was in town on Monday
visiting the schools.—Mr Robt. benders
who has been on a hue ing expedition up
&sortie, has returned to town.—Mr. Thos.
Bi -sett, jr., has returned from the North-
west for the winter —Judge Doyle was
is town Monday holding Division Court —
Rev Locke preached in Clinton on Sun-
day last for Rev. J. W. Holmes. --Mrs
Gilmour, who has been visiting friends on
the Thames Road during the past summer,
returns this"week to her home in Montana
—Miss Lydia Madge, who a few years two
went to live with her uncle in California,
was married last week to a gentleman out
there. Her many friends here join the
TIMES in extending congratulations, —
Mrs Billings who has been in Exeter for
some time, leaves this week to join her
husband, who is located in Brantford, and
enjoying a lucrative dental praotice, —
Mrs Joseph Essery, of Chicago, a former
resident of the townabip of Stepheu, is
visiting Mrs 0 E1 ort and abet friends.—
Mrs Geo Easterbruok, of Rurlingtun, who
has been visiting friende in town, returned
home this week --Mr A G Dyer returned
home from Algoma on Tuesday night,
after having buried hie brother Geo ge,
who died there lest week quite suddenly of
cholera morbus. He was ill but a tew
days,—Mrs J P Clarke has returned from
Coboure, where she ' has been for two
weeks ministering to the wants of an only
siok brother.—Mr W J Clarke, of London,
called on friends here yesterday,—Will
and Ed Dittman ate ripe raspberries on
Tuesday picked from bushes in the
garden, Gidley Street, They - were
a second crop,
Mr. Fred, W. Farncomb went out into
the country the other day to do some sur-
veying, He tied his horse to the fence
while he pursued his work. Returning
to come home, the horse had gone. Mr F.
walked to Exeter and found the animal in
the stable, Phe flies haying, no doubt,
caused it to become restless. No damage
was done.
A postmaster has been appointed to the
Clinton office, in the person of Mr. Robt.
Porter, ex -M. P.for West Huron, but who
has lately been farming near Elmvale,
Simcoe county. Mr. Porter fought hard
in the interests of the party in West
Huron some years ago, and is well deserv-
ing of the recognition he has at this:late
date received, and we feel confident that
the people of Clinton will heartily con-
cur in the appointment. Mr Porter will
move to Clinton at once
Prof. Stuart will give an entertainment
iu the town hall, on Wednesday evening,
24th last„ introducing Stanley's travels
through Africa by the aid of the most
powerful oxy ether machine in America,
showing animals, birds, natives, forest
scenes, fires, rivers, lakes and Arabs in
actual combat. Theee views are perfectly
grand and original. The Toronto Mail
says Prof Stuatt is a whole entertainment
in himself, while the Parkhill papers
speak very highly of hie entertainment.
It is to be given under the auspices of the
Mechanic's Institute.
Post Office Inspector Hoplrirk. of
t ds
Stratford,fined ono of Atco
w business
men10 list week for enolosing money'
$ 8
ane~ at note in a parcel. The parcel was
addressed to a Toronto party, and was
sent as fifth -class mail matter. The In-
spector spotted the parcel down the line,
and ordered the mail clerk to open it, and
in it was found a $5 bill, and a note, con,
trary to the postal laws of Canada, which
forbids enclosing writing or money in a
parcel. Defendant could have been fined
$40 for the offence,
There mai be some in this locality who
purpose to take in deer shooting, and for.
their benefit it is well to'say that the (sea-
son opens on the 15th October and .goes`
out on the 15th November, giving, in all
twenty-five days of hunting. Doge &slay
be run each day except Bur days during
that period, No one person is allowed by
atatate to kill during the open season
more than two deer. Any decent hunter
going to a good locality is sure of his two
deer in hiS week or ten days --doer, not
fawn -and oan aff'or4 to let the latter get
They make onefe e l ae though lifer wee
werth living, Take ono of Oerter'e Little
Liver Pills after' Whig; it Will relie4e•dya-
work in She Master's 'Vineyard, pepsin, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to
A littu tat de Wire Saxton fooLou ' the system,
We have just made another large • purchase of Staple
Dry Goods, andamong this lot may be found
the cheapest goods ' ever offered in Exeter.
Special values in Grey Cottons.
•' t?�
Bleached Cottons.
,•..;Grey Flannels,
White. Union Sheeting.
SC •
all wool Tweeds.
• all wool Freize.
Shirts and Drawers.
Ladies Vests.
Grey Blankets.
White Blankets.
We also have numerous other lines bought much be'ow
their regular price. Come and inspect our stock.
Mr. Robt. Porterwasinstalled poet -
master of the Clinton office on Tuesday.
Miss Tom, of Shelbyville, Ill, daughter
of Mr. James Toni, will succeed Miss
Essery as dressmaker for Carlini; Bros.
Mr S J Latta, formerly of Zurich, has
been appointed associate master of the
Colborne street night school, London.
The late George Dyer appointed Menus.
Thos Fitton and W J Carlingas executors,
of his estate, all of which he loaves to
relations in the Old Country.
Mr. A. Hastings on Tuesday last
dropped the razor and shears and hied
himself to Centralia, where be wedded
Etta, the amiable daughter of Mr. Thom.
Essery of that plane. The nuptial knot
was securely tied by Rev. W. El- Butt . in.
the presence of the more intimate friends
of the contracting parties. They have
gone on an extended honey -moon trip,
The anniversary of the re opening of the
Main St: Methodist Church, was celebrat-
oa Sunday last by special sermons being
oClinton,Rev.3.Holmes of C
preached by W.
a former pastor o of the ch urea. -- The at-
tendaoce both morning and evening
was large; while the discourses of the
reverend gentleman were eloquent, inter-
estingand full of deep thought. The
collections amounted to upwards of $80,
the signal tea meeting having been
dispensed with, which amount fully
covered the expectations of the trustees.
The anniversary of the re -opening of
Caven.Presbyterian Churoh will be held
on Sunday and Monday next. On Sunday
Rev. E. H. Sawyers of Wants/twister will
oonductthe Services; both ,morning and
evening. On Monday 22nd, a good old
fashioned tea meeting will be held. Be-
sides a Splendid program ot mueio and
singing, Revs Locke and Jackson. town,
liendereun,l ensall and .Fletcher, themes
Road, tie well as Mr. Sawyer will giye
addresses.' Bee posters for further par -
tie Wars.
DAM' ?kW Krx.a he best and most
popp tiler Pamtly medicine in the world.
A, blessing to the rich; A friend to the poor
Within the teach of tell, it has saved mom
lives ane relieved more suffering incidental
to travelling than any other medicine. 25e
per bottle, largo Mize.
A couple of•sporte, W. J. and a friend
went huutiog. the other 'day. After
scanting the stuns for some time they
chased what they supposed t.o be a black
fax into a hollow tree. Darkness falling
Alper ttfem•they securely: im,riaoned Mr.
Fox,• until next da'y; when W J.and 1y. R
dove armed to the Leath, and quickly
deapatehedon:, their game—a black eat. Dis-
gusted; l whileon
Item but
gusted; they cettrned
teed way hee a nivel experience. They
were driving T. B's tip rite( mare, wh•n
thegilarnesssbroke which allowed the buggy
to run upon the horse. The animal rebel-
led in a formidable manner, and soon the
ooaupantsconld be seen making a rear
exit. After recovering their pins, and the
horre quieted. the harness wee repaired,
and they reached home safely, though
badly out of sorts.
OTH�- In Statinthe on ..6thu t
of air. A. W. Botham, teacher, of adthe wife
11OI4GE—In Fullerton, on the 6th inst., lIrs.
Vim, Bodge, of a daughter,
JOIENSTON—SHt.NNON—At the residence
of the bride's father, oathetst-lest., by the
Rev, P. puss -eve, William Johnston.'to Mise
Jane Shannon, eldest 't14 tenter of S. J.
Shannon, treasurer, batboy Meliillop. •
PROCTr1R—GARDNI1i-9t the residence of
the briee'sfather, Cut line, Godori.oh town-
ship, on the 10th inst., by Rev. F. A. Fear,
-• Mr. Louis Proctor. to Minns, eldest daughter
of Mr, John Gardner.
BOX—SEIANNON-In Brantford, on the tOth
into., in Zion obureh, by Rev. Dr. 'ochrane,
Mr. R. S. Rox, of St. Marys, ito Mise J.aseph-
ine,only daughter of Mr. It, ehannon, of
Brantf( rd.
HE )DEN— WGIAtIR—At the ;Methodist
Parsonage, Crediton, on the 6th inst.. by
itev. Geo, Baker, Mr. Thos. H. lledden, to
Miss Elizabeth Weiner. both of Crediton.
IIASTINGS—ESSEttY'—At the:residence of
the bride's parents, t-entralia, on the 16th
inst.. bRev. W. H. Butt, Mr, Alfred Hast-
ings, olY Exeter, to Miss Etta Lesory, eldest
daughter. of Mr. Thomas Essery, Centralia.
KiRR_Ere,ISON,—et the residence of Mrs.
Glazier, Queen street Clinton. on the it th inst•
by the Rev. J. W. Belmes, Mr. Geo. .c . Kerr,
to Miss Mary Ellison both of, Seaforth.
CHRISTIE—In Hibbort, on the 30th ult., Mrs.
David Christie, aged 69 Tears,
LANGFORD—In Grantou, on the 10th inste
rsaae. Langford aged,a0,t+ears.
SRI O11 --in itohell„dn'the 7tfi” 4nat,: James
Smith, aged6o years, 9 months and 7 days.
WALTERs—In Gaderioh•township, on the 4th
inst., Chas Walters, aged 87 years and 4
m •nths•
DEMPSEY.—In Clinton, en the 121,5 'nst,.
Margaret, relict of the late John Dempsey ,
aged 72 years.
MULRLOLLAND—In Tuokersmith, on the
7th inst., James Mulholland, sr.. formerly
Hallett, aged 79 years.
INNIS—InStanley, onthe 4th inst., Isabella
Innis, relict of iso late John'Innie, aged 86
yoars and 9 months.
HOGGARTH—In Goderich, on the 5th inst.,
Fanny Jloggarth, wife,of Robert Hoggartb,
aged 24 years and 9 months.
HEYWO0D.--InOlinton, on the llth inst:,
Jane Ann, wife of Riilhard Heywood, aged 86
yearn 6 months and day
The Exeter TIi141;s and To-
ronto Mail from now until 9 Jan-
uary 1,8 6, for. $I.25'orily. This
low pricet is arranged to suit the
ripe of wheat. Everyhody can
avail themselves of 't this offer.
Remember, the balance of this
year free and subscriptions
payable in advance. Address.
this office.
A• President of one of one colleges says:
"'We ypent many sleepless nights in con.
(liiquonce of our children suffering from
colds, bttt this never occurs nowt We use
Seott's Emulsion and it quickly reliewei
/ IAV'S'
Commen C i 11, g
Saturday and
Continuing one
week, we will
give goods at
t h e following
25e. Men's wool sox, this
week 2 pair tor 25c.
30c• Ladies hose (wool)
this week, 20c.
40c, Ladies' ribbed cash-
mere hose, 25c,
(Job Line) 10 pieces 60c.
dress goods, this week, 25c.
$10 Men's Freize Ulsters,
$12 Men's Freize Ulsters,
$8 00.
$5 Men's Ulsters, $3,50.
$6 Men's Tweed. . Over-
coats $4.50.
$5 Men's Tweed Suits,
$.8 Men's Solid Tweed
Snits, $5.00,
$4.50 Ladies' Mantles,
this week, eek $2,95,
$5 Ladies' Mantles, this
week, $3,95.
$7 Ladies' Mantles, this
,week, $5,00,
1,50 Ladies' Dongola
Butt s hoes $1 25,
$4' Men's Milwaukee
il'wau- ee
.rails boots 4V$4� 3.00,
40c. Tweeds, 20c;. .60c
Tweeds, 45c,
1Tweeds 75e 2150
blk Worsted,' 32,00,
1Tweed �,1w sed
}tubber Costs,
75o Overalls, (cottonade)
Genuine • ,r ,aine in
C. CI O'0111,7123TON,
and bulxlbugs resorted to„by some dealers to catch
trade. They profess” that you can getdry goods
and groceriesfor nothing. For -example they' will
' quote prices as follows :---
Overcoats worth
Shirt 44
Dress Goods
Ladies' Hose rt
$15,0o for $Io,00,
12,00 rt '8.00.
1.60 tt '50c, .`
75C " 50c.
8c" 5c. '
35c �5c.
35c tt 25c.'
We call a spade a spade. Such absurd advertisement are or.
no more value any more than cheap goods are, still as barnum'
rase to say people like to be humbugged. CARLING BROS,don't'
make such offers. We have been here too long to have to resort
to that 'sort of thing. Their trade is established and reliable.
GOOD$ at I'
You get tvhatyou ask for and pay the
least money consistent with excellent values. 'Try Tetley's cele»
brated Tea. Sample given free. 5oc., ,6oc., , and ;hoc, pr. lb..
Produce taken in exchange. „
Butter rbcLard I2c Dried Apples 5c • Geese 5c Turkeys 8c
Eggs 15 c I Tallow' 5 c I Chicken 5,c .Duck 6c i t.
The Celebliated Soaveriir iiange,,
IAr Irl
�t I tl ��imlll�'ri411111uc� �i ���i�iNoi��,_
llaveyouseen th.e
m •
If you have not got your Stove yet, it will
Pay you to call and see us. We can show
you a large assortment , and at prices that
will astonish you. •
N. 13. Oros Saws jut Arrived..
9 f
Corsets are now recognized
to be the Standard Corset
of Canada.
Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded.
To take a
We answer emphatically yes if you receive what you pay for. Not every
institution dubbed Business and Shorthand School is worthy of your T1 port,
Have you seen the catalogue cf the F. C. B. C. Forest City Business and Short-
hand College of London Ont., it contains full particulars about the School. Board
$2. 50 per week. School re -opened Manday, Sept. 3.
J. W. WESTERVELT. Principal.
Don't You Forget
that Winter is coming and you will want a new Suit .and
Overcoat, and by buying from'
f ,
and you will"save mone.. Look well tnd feel comfortable
y '
in one of our Suits or Overooats We makes a specialty of
fine goods and sell them at a ..rice to suit the Times. All
our inter Goode are' in now and we are showing a very
large range in Tweeds and Worsteds of all',makes;
For a nice Overcoat, see us.; for a fine Suit we lead
the trade, All kinds of JACKETS, CAPES and
WRAPS for Ladies', cut and i fade in the latest style
All our own goods cut free., Remember the places
o ,
Mai -St. w; Uixete