The Exeter Times, 1894-10-18, Page 5• ar��rver.•x:..rurn.e�e::.wrws�,�^:tw YC Rai 9,(MCH,R Torouto, Ontario. As ,Well. as Ever After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured! of n Gerioun• Dibease. ".1 was suffering from ' what 'Is known 80 Bright's disease for live years, and fi r clays ata ttime I have beenAin;if:lo to straighten myself up. 1 was in hod ft three v cc s; during that Elmo 1lead leeches applied , ni derived no bene - tit. Seeing flood's $ t sh T i in advertised epapers I decided to'tr;,: a bottle. I found area rEila TOW before T had finished to cing half of a bot- tle. 7'got so much help iroii takilig the first bottle that I decided to try another, and since taking the second bottle I feel as well as ever ,, E TT Toronto, Ont. . I1[(L^RR T I didmm life. GEO. , Y ltiood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy of action, Sold by all druggists, 25c. 9 KENDALL' PAVIN CURE =1 TM n MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY t FOR MAN OR BEAST. ` Certain in its eftoctc and never blisters. Read proofs below; !1. ri 14 ii TH'E $IDD U',1,9PH etewers .Get a feavy 9exttettcoe-Wheto KENCiL 9SSP V1N GIME. Box 52; Carman TlcndcrsonCo., Ill., Feb. 94,'00. ' Dr. B. J. KtNAArr.,bo. Dear Sirs -Please. send me oneo8 your Horse Rooks and oblige. Ihave nacd a groat deal of your Kendnll's Spavxa Care with good success • it as a t{�q,i1l ha had tadamntot t au ccultSD Davin I five b an Occult and ir.e bottles oared her. 1 keep e, bottle on land all the time. Yours truly, Cals. Powaia.. flE ALLT PAV CURE. Dr. B. S. 1tn&DALL CO. Dear Sirs -I have used several b'ttlee of your " Ecndall's Spavin Cai•3" with much success. I thinly it the best Liniment I over used. Have re- vtavedone Curb eae. Blued Spavin and kilted two Iroise SOaving,. Nave recommended it to a several my fr1endcWhe are much pleased with and Imp it. Respectfully, S. R. itAZ, P. O. Box M. For Sale bx,all Druggists, or address �; Dr. B. ,T..KEND4XL COMPANY, EN OS6URGH FALLS,. V'r. r the, Teenage Began. The sentence of tiye years in the Einget.'n Penitentiary meted out to Edward Bowers, for Inanateughter, is commented , upon generally by those who know the circumstances surround- frig the afi:Lir ao being very severe. The prisoner was well pleased at the resi1lt,,however, as from the remarks made during the trial, and. His Lord- ship's charge to the jury, he believed he would have got double the terns, Buivers' family are now livingin Landon. having been sola out under a chattei mortgage at the Biddulph farm. 'rimy are in a destitute oonditivn, and much unataoones. 1' app para that thed, for the fern(;mate where the tragedyp occurred belonged. to a man named Twohy, who is now living in the United States. rwoby had the farm mortgaged heavily, and was put off tbe place on refusing to pay a cent on. incumbrance, His idea is alleged to have been to compel the loan company holding the mortgage to knock off $141.100 or $1,500 . of the amount. Theh. Bowers was induced to buy the place, ' it being offered. ,to him for $500 less than the amount, of. the mortgage held against it, Here he is alleged to have incurred the enmity of hie neighbors, and stories of threats carne to his ears until the man and his. family were in constant fear. Their dread was strengthened by the fact that on the next farm was perpetrated one of the worst crimes that has ever stain- ed Canadian records, and also that some of the very neighbors of whom thy were in fear were the men arrested for having been concerned in the cool- blooded slaughter of the Donnelly family. The threatening n letter which the prisoner's counsel made such a vigorous effort to have introduced at the trial is alleged to have been received by Bowers some time before the fatal affray which terminated William Cain's life. It was writtenin:a man's hand, and was not a scholary production. Four pages of notepaper were devoted to a vigorous denunciation of Bowers, and the letter concluded by warning him that his life would be taken if he did not leave the mortgaged farm. Bowers handed the, letter to Father Connolly, and the latter read it from his pulpit, and vigorously denounced the writer. Edward Bowers left for Kingston iu charge of Sheriff's Officer Graham Sat- urday before daylight. Bowers term in the penitentiary is five years, It is unlikely that any thing will be done in the way of an effort for a new trial, as the unfortunate family have no funds. to his family at Bowers said farewelly t•he county jail Friday night, and, as. may be imagined,• the parting was a heart rending one. The prisoner, with his wife and children, were allowed the greatest freedom that the prison rules would permit, the kindly officals having much sympathy for the unhappy ones. And for a couple of hours they were practically left to themselves -the last time for a long five years. Mrs. Bow- ers was greatly affected, but not more so than the prisoner. The children were more unconcerned, evidently not realizing what it all meant. The final parting marked by sobs, kisses, and then a long, lingering look, Bowers returned to his cell, and the mother, with her children, went wearily home- ward. • FOOD'S PHOSPHOI INJO.. The Great English Remedy'. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly; and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Entissions,Sperm- atorr'hea, Impotency and all ejfectsof Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use e0,,9'e tznti! Afterof Tobacco, Opium or Stimu- lants, which soon lead to In. �itrnrity, Insanity Cons8mptton and an early grave. '1 Raabeenpresoriber*over 35 years in thousands of Cases; isthe only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Askdruggiatfor Wood's Phosphodine; tt teolers seme worthless medicine In place of this, Anolose price In letter, and we will send by return •• !nail. Price, one package, $1; six, $5. One will please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, • Windsor, Ont., Canada. For Sala in Exeter by ,f W Browning, NSTIPA EON, G LI O U .S , WICK 61E,ADAO H E, REG U LATE THE . LIVER. ONE PILL AFTErt EATIN6 t3II N SCUCREs 6'0010 t11DI G,E,pSTION. PRICE25 CIO. iHEUODVS'�T oZ00NT0. DO , DESPAIR. LL CURE YOU, We 4 uarantec 1)odrl's Is.ic1nty Pills to cure any case of BrisbNO Di.misc, Diabetes, Lumbago, Dropsy, Rhettniatio a. Heart Disease, Female Troubles, Impure Blood -or money refunded, Sold by all ice rs in erbox,hno, r Six boxes 62.3o receipt of (irtcer sot, n pp{, L. A.8MITSt CO'., Toronto. Burdock Blued Bitter" aura dyspepsia. Burdock Blood Bitters euro Constipation.. Burdock Blood Bitters dire biliousness. Burdock Blood Bitter" euro headache. Skin 1)ies"ses are mote .or less directly occasioned by bad blood. B. B. B. oared the following Skin Diseases; Shingle' Eryaipclgs, Itching Rashes; Salt Meant, Sean head, Eruptions, Pimples and Blotchep, by rentaving all 3mpuritiee from the blood troth a,00tnmOf Vitnpie to •that Worst Sorr,faloul 9 sus. ar KNOWLEDGE 3ilrings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many ,; who live bet- ter than others and.enjoylife more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds,, headaches and .fevers; and permanently curing constipation., It has given satisfaction;. to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid nays, Liver' and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, bub it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. J0Murray Si Co, The . EXoter - Faultily A WONDERFUL CoNOUIEROR.EZZE Nu disease is snore common among tbe people than scrofula. Handed down frena generation to generation, it is found in nearly every family, in some form. It nu,y make its appearauce in dreadful run- go'tre,ning sores,in swellings in the neck or or in eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the mucous membrane it may be known as cH -rib;or developinig in the lungs it may be, and often is, the prime cause of con. gumption. In whatever form scrofula may manifest itself. good's Sarsaparilla is invetrorate foe'and conqueror. .This med- icine has such powerful alterative and vi- talizing affects upon the blood that every trace of impurity ie expelled, and the blood is made rich, pure and healthy. A Boon To 13orcez:nsr.-One bottle tle of English Spann Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. 1 take in reoommening the remedy, as it acts with mysterious pcomptnevs in the, re- moval from horses of hard, soft or calf_ muted lumps, hlooi spavin, splints, curbs eweeny, stifles an'd spiaine. GEORGE ROBB. FAxnnolt, MARKHADI. Oar , Manufacturer of PLOWS, LAND R,OLT{FRS) ""WIN PLOWS. : Wholesale 'Manufacturers of Plow Castings. Also ,Goneral Castings con, traded for in Iron and Brass. Also Wittlaufaeturers of Bridge Bolt ends, Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut- ed. A. train was captured by robbers on the R. F. and P. Railroad, near ,Quantico, and $150,000 or $200,000 stolen from the express car, after it had been blown up with dynamite• RH suMATINS CURED IN A! DAY. -South American Rheumatic Corp. for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its aotion upon the system is remark. able and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. Tbo first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 518 • Sold by C. LIJ.rZ. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN: THIRTY MiNOTRs. Dr. Agnew's Cure for, the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases` of Orgitbio or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, , and speedily effects a cure It is a peer- less remedy for Falpitation,, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, -Rain in Left Side and . all symptoms, of r Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by C. LUTZ. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home.. The soap is the heat in the market, and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if jou leave the ends open, Write y'onr address carefully. Change, in, 73 ul i e S ELL'S Butcher. shop! r Having purchased file Butchering bus iness of Messrs. Wood Bros., will take possession on April let, and I would res pectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and as many new ones as can favor me, with .a call. Moats of all kinds alwaYe, ern band,. and perfect satisfactionaa r,3�Y,. ;u �ryyaPf;oea.; WEB. EX+L, J. C. CLAUSEN HARNESS MAKER ®rt.r. all -. O .tarso Begs to announce to the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Trimming, Furniture Upholstering, etc. Carriage and Buggy Tops' of all kinds MADE TO ORDER. Old Buggy Tops recovered and made as good as now. • • LIVE IIOGS WANTED AT THE EaeterPackingliaust: Our harness are well known, as giving perfect satisfaction.. We manufacture ar'gelyand consequently our prices are leer.A call will convince 3. C, OL. T74= , , People About to go to Housekeeping A MAN 4 iqr\A t�11 Should see what we offer in Furniture. After the ceremony come to us and we wiil fit you out for housekeeping cheap. WEDDING PRESENTS. -The wedding season is at its height. What makes a more appropriate present for a bride who is about to go housekeepig than a nice fancy rocker. ZT I OVV . London, Hurolt and Bruce., f'IoI to Nonni-- Passenger. Loudon, deport 9.269 A, N. 4,40 0 . S+;;ioneal 0,42 6.15 iloneell 9.47 020 Rrucefiold ++. 19.65 6.28 OI 10.12 6.50 nton . ., Londesboro 1038 7 28 Blyth Be'tgravo,....... 10.62 7,87 Wingham arrive-.11.10 '8.00 GOING Bourne-. Passenger Wingbem, depart 6.35 A. M. 3.25 r. tt e ... Del 6.60 3.47 7.03 , 4,01 B�t�h + Londebbot`o 1 7,,6 4.60• Clinton +. Drueefleld18 4.46 8Krnnen ' 53 5,12 --NEW--- DRITG STORE T. WICKETT, O. M,, TRINITY UNIVERSITY. M. B., TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Has opened out a new Drug Store on Herlssil , . s,22 1/1Xeter •0 .00....:0: 8.45 MAIN CREDIlON' ST., �+ Where he keeps a full supply of all lines of DRUGS, DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES, and PATENT MEDICINES. IS Et,bv ISTO tendedlto t Our prices will be found the lowest. Call and see us. Can always Be Dressed Well � OAR FOR SERVICE. e by 't Yorkshire with White .crossed Cheater on let 10. Con. 7, Usborne. A god •stook get ter. Terms $1, at timo of service. WM. SNELL: Elimville I'. 0. 9 iit Aeu. Hogs- to weigh from 150 to 200 lbs. liv a weight. Highest market price paid, SNELL BROS. Exhibitors If he goes' to the proper Tailor. We have a large range of Pat- terns to choose from - Natty Tweeds, Serge? and., Worsteds, made up in any style, and fitting the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask wllo made your-Sliit. Our. customers never hesitate but answer with` a knowing `smile,• The Tailor. IN OVERCOATS WE LEAD A Full Stock -OF- of S, °took. at the Fall Fairs If you would secure first prize you must have your animal in the lfinest condition, his coat must be smooth and.gl0asy and he •must be in good :mitts so as to "show off" well. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is the best Con- dition Powder known for horses and cattle. It tones up the whole system, regulates the bowels and kidneys, strengthens the digestion, turns. a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one. It gives horses "good life" making there appear to the beet possible advantage. Get DICK'S from your druggist or grocer or address. MOOL U?ULS Bi owrnng s -DEALER IN DICK & CO P. 0. Box 482 MONTREAL The Same Books, - Stationery, - and Fancy.- Goods, Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock Boxes, Etc., etc. Jute and wool blankets we always take the lead, Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, what youall will need ; ' harness, collars, whips and sweat pads, Lye ve a good supply, .frets, combs, brushes and cards when used keep away disease and the fly. Trunks, valises and school bags, in price and quality for the young and • the old, ,,)Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs, andmitts; to protect you from the' cold;` d Elm city harness' oil, dressing an , blacking, keeps,harrless. and boots 'a shining, Ilells, children's carriages and wants, prevents the' little oneS fronf'crying; Long and short boots) felt and robber boots, we claim the best and nicest, En uire,at Treble's Boot,, Shoe and g.Harness store, lie Sure and get his prices. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. raalittifoltStylli 0 OD Old Place, Oddfellow's Bloch, S. Gilley & son DRESS! About fashions in dresses, . but e agrees that the hest, foundation for ably tame is the EAL'TH BRAND." Black tigh which allow the figure to be shown to irfeetioli and do away with over-, stockings, bloomers, and unnecessary skirts, All ladies in Montreal wore thew last fall and winter, and during the coming season nothing else will be considered, they were uch a success. ' such. eillustrated for cul catalogue, tree by post, if your owls, dealer has not got them. THE I"ONTREAL SILK MILLS C0., Montreal! EXETER LUMB,�R YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general i -i coops con' atantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL�(D S (DRESSED AND UNDREdSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to. be the. Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles, Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. VSTIVSAIS.. Many changes and a com- plete renewal of stock, con- sisting of the Newest and Best Goods - - - Backed Bp by the lowest prices. The Undertakers The Furnil ure Dealers. S. Gidley & Son ODDFELLOS'S BLOCK. DQ "Y -0 -CT Want a Bicycle? THE Go & J. PNEUMATIC lest Ofdered Clothing induced in B titer Gentlefaeia 1 leave' your orders early,foil With the beet staff ,of Tailors ; the bey- . the t Trimmings, and belt e a f Fine g , Steak . ON A J i s tr foot ■ i.i.J. Cutting in Towb, you aro sure o a s lt)rt' Furniture Manufacturer, north ' 1.1"; r IIliilj Town Rail, TH�h'AS :, cosi TIRE 01,-. Is the only Tire thnt g we s ttisfaction last year t. ent1FAOTunEe 13y OIL, OIL I ILI THE BOBIER PRODUCT+'• CO. have decided . to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices : Best Canadian Oil, - 20c. Best Canadian Water White - 17e. Best American Water White - 112c. C01b1E ONE, COME ALL. THE HONER PRODUCE CO. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. The Geld Bicycle,. o.1T0. Ila YONQE STREET. Brantford, Ont TORONTO PERR-IN S & MARTIN Fanson'P B1ook. .tea By virtue of a warrant, under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the Corpotatiola of the County of Huron, dated the sixth day of August, 1894, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for the arrears of taxes repetitively due thereon, together with costs Notice is hereby given, the!, unless such taxes and costs are aoonor paid, I shall, in compliance with the Assessment Act, Chap. 193. R. S. 0., pro- ceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or so much 'thereof as m*.y bo necessary to discharge the same, at the Court House, in the Town of GOJERICH on TUESDAY' tbe TWENTY SEVENTH day of NOVEMBER, 1894, at TWO o'clock in the after - 1100n. Lot or palt of lot WHAT A ?LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY - - If spent in the right place, That J. D. Atkinson's is the right place to buy your furniture. The following facts and figures proye : 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, $90.50. BEp, DRESSER, $20.50. WAsII STAND, MAO'RRSS, SI'RIN'G, 2 Pitr,oWs, R001irult, part of 7 2 W.partof 3 42 43 44 45 46 47 42 43 44 45 46 47 part of 41. part of 10 part of block B N Tl 24 5Wpartl0 East of 2 East of 2 $10,50. OItAIlt, TA.RI,B." Coming brides and "ourrg married couples takeadvantage 1 the above offer. We supply comfort cheap. Con. or Street Acres Taxes These lots are patented. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. 13 W. D. 11 54.61 VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERZ, IN ASHFIELD Melbourne St. N. 4 1.76 89 88 s 88 88 } 88 88 88 1 32 1 32 1 32 1 32 1 32 132 1;13 do Sydenham St. East do do do do do Wellington St. Weat do do do do do Wellington gt. East TOWNSHIP OF 0OLI3ORNE. Coats &O 51 85• 18,S 1 85 1 85 185 1 85 1 85 385 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 85 186• 1 S5 1 85 Maitland 70 38.07 2_55 1 5.04 1415• TOWNSHIP OF GREY. 6 50 13.04• 193: TOWNSHIP OF HuWICK. B i. 1,44 1 85 VILLAGE OF FORDwIUH,:IN HOWICK. Louisa St 5 11.29 1 88 Edward St N 1 81 1 85 VILLAGE 01? GORRIE IN HOWICL 136 1/5 7.49 1 85 137 1/5 2.90 1 85 VILLAGE O1'' NEWBRIDGE OR SPENCETON IN HOWICK. 12 2/5 2.08 185. VILLAGE OF BELGRAVE IN MORRIS. 53 61 1 85• 54 I 61 1 85, TOWN PLOT OF WINGHAIIf, IN TURNBERRY. 247 i 2,46 185. 255 ,l 2.09 1 85 VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, Bayfield i 18 „ i 48 „ 48 4 48 1 48 4S 4 i 8 „ 48 ii11.95 It :t 48. i 48 i 48 u f 48 1 48 i 48 i 48 „ a. 48 48 ? 48 r, I 48 i 48 1.23 do • doJ)� do n 1 1.60 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. 3rd piece from Mill51• 5.32 6th piece from Mill St 3.99 VILLAGE Olt' EXETER. Con, 1, rebottle 10 26,65 VILLAGE OP WROXETEE. Frail,* St 5 I 5,82 5,81 5.81 5.81.S 5 1 7,76 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 99 100 101 102 103 104 St. Andrews Survey,8" River St, part of 6 part of 6 part of 15 1 2 3 4 1 oak C l Welt part b do do do Gibson St E Mill St N - These lots are unpatontcd.a VILLAGE OF F0BD' VILA IN HOWI0 . 1 Albert St N L404 2 do 4 1.01 1 4o db i 1.01 CountyTrewturers Office, Wld. BOLMB f n er 00101# T' Mat tit 1 1' fh 1$9 4 rd h A, n s 1 oderlo , 4 , Cu , 1,85• 1.85 1.85 3.85• 1.85 1.85 1.85' 1r85• 1.90 1.85 1.85- 1-85 .851.85 1.85 1,85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85. 1.85, 1.85 1.85 1.85, 1 85 18$ 1 85 911 1 94 �MSI- :1.85 L85 I85 . 1.86 1.8$ 1,B& 1.sie . IOW