The Exeter Times, 1894-10-18, Page 1ANI) ITURON & 11/„II?DLES1IX GAZETTE.
.V)L XX.II. io
Valsitshere end reoprietonet
Our stock of Overcoats, Waterproof Coats, Suits, Odd Pants,
sts, etc., is complete, and we feel confident that we have the
-assortment and prices to suit all intending purchasers who will
favor us with a call.
We have Men's Overcoats from $4.50 to $15.00.
" Boy's " $2.50 to $6.0e
KPSee our special line of Young Men's Overcoats at $8 . oo,
equal to ordered work.
Don't fail to see our Men's 25c Wool Socks at I23 a pr.
We have just received a choice assortment Of Ulster Cloths for
'Ladies' and Children's 'Jackets .
Our special line of Men's Underwear at goc. a suit is selling
All Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods.
A 'model wife can realize
=Great Peneate fromDia:nand Dyes:
No matter what her family's size
She dollats eaves by Diamond Dyes:
She 'happy makes her ehil,dreu's lives,
By using often Diamond Des;
Bar home is bright tie el iipilesot skies,
Becanee ahe rves Diamond. D:tos;
All otuer e• ands he opus, deems.,
When he can aboo•e the Diamond Dyes;
13'er fa led d ass Hue doftlj triem
-_,4ovate with Diamond Dyee;
lier'Cueband'e coats, ee4too puts aud ties,
Are goon enewed stroll Dmonottoi D
At Fair this year sue cove o proz-o.
For goods dyed with Ditmoopi, Oyoo o;
•She' causes wonder and au p
By rietitig -4,11rd with D. tonoleci Oyes;
'Spa with the artist often vase,
Baoloring maps vette Dianuen 1 Uv.-oe;
• She,a economical and wt•oe,
'DIM OW -ate thr0a4e 4114 DOI.D ,.t L
G tod eaturos spark,14 in .r -oss,
Because see's nil oe 1 by 0 ni•li Dios;
On tti s, greai color+ o le r -.lies,
S le knows th t to I t tr 0o kn1 llvee.
Bing es• —11r. Dorical Nlo Coyish h
rented hie farm on the Aitl road, to
Mr. C. E. Wason, for 4. term of veers,
at an annual rental of $250, Mr
retainine the house and
orchard. -1r. Wo neviah eitenni
going to Braish 0 wawa to tele
spring . --Messrs Wu, Irh-,rflot
Stanley, ami R. Oudin we, of Tucker -
smith, lett our station on Saturday
lastovith matte for the 01 Country
merket.—VIr. J. Jarvis ttilor, now
occup,es the store letely mewed by 1.
ivfolatosit _ylr. Win, Bei returni to
Toronto on elondev lest to reisu ne
- studies in Knox College,
Baum .-6dris. Cowie heti a pt.ore
on griday laat, which we ventunt to
sity do one elee in the county enjoyed.
She was able to treat her househo d to
Strawberries picked in ber own gar den.
On Tuesday ot last week she a so pick
ed some raapbernea. oultivatem
end a good crop will produce vonliers.
—Our village hes been me le the
choice of still soother farmer, wile
wishes to retire to a healthy and
pleasant spot for tbe remainder of his
days. Ar. Hophner, h meat Get.
man fronn the onson line hes reeled
Mr. James Poilock's large let house.
tnit the corner," atei will meve 10
about Nov. 1st.
ArroraErt PloNESIft GONE, —Death re-
_ ,
moved another pioneer or the county
on Sunday in the pereon of Ylreiana .s
Mulholland, sr., who passed eway at
the residence of his son, London road,
at the age of 79 years. Deco [mei was
one et the eareest aettlers ot (du lea,
and for many years resided on tot 10
anon the 2nd. About eight years
ago hewent to live ivith one of his sons
in flaw fle enjoyen fairly good lieelth
until about two months itgot Flo %vt.
a meneber of the Presbyterian church
He has been a widower for a number
of yearn and leaves three sons—two in
Tilekersmith and one in Hay, Of hie
five daughters, four are married, being
Mrs, W. Duncan, Clinton ; Cook,
Sitnehine ; Mrs, Mc &altar, Walter' ;
Anne McNair, Cranbrooic.
The. Exeter TIMES and To-
ronto Mail from now until Jan-
uary 1896, for $/.25 Only. This
low price ii.arrangecl to suit the
pride Of wheat. Everybody can
avail themselves of this offer.
Remember, the balance of this
year free, and subscriptions
payable in advance. Address
this office.
Bamye--Mre John Oh rakers of The Council Met by order at the Reeve
the 10th con. of IlIbbert, died on Sun-
day, 7t1 inst., at the hour of 3 o'clook
p. m. She was buried on Tuesday in
the nicTaggart wometery. Deceased
Was a native of Ireland and was a very
charitable old lady,
Olaiseiburst Vaster Mtinienrial. Council.
Amnon.. -- The 13 year old son of
Mr. Alex. Foster, of Varna, was
ruling Mr. Sparrow's running horse in
the race at Baytield shiny ' last Wed.
neaday. The horse on the second
round stumbled and 1Water Foster was
thrown. He was not, we are taleased
to say, dangerously itijured. Dr.
Whitley, of Goderich, dressed the
wounds. In the next heat Master
Ward was unable to guide his horse
1 and he was thrown between the fence
and a buggy. Being unhurt he again
mounted and won second money.
Dne.TR.--It is our ead duty to record
the death of -Mra. John Scheell, sr.
which sad event occurred last week'.
IVIrs . Schnell was in her usual health
until aboet a mantle ago, when she
was seized with a seyere attack of
'Cholera Morbus,', whieh speedny
clid its work. Deceased was born in
Germany' an September Oth, 181.1 In
1842 she was married to Mr. John
Schnell, with whom she emigrated to
Cenada in 1842, and settled its
Hamburg. Seven years afterwards
she removed to the 14th concession of
Hay township. as one 'of the earliest
pioneers where she wended tuail her
death, 'She ;eaves a family of four
sons and two d tuglaters to mourn her
‘,d -rand Bend
Bainvs,--The recent rains have done
a great deal of pod in refreshing "the
grass and the , fall wheat, and fall
ploughing now being commenced.—
quite a number of cattle lett this sec-
tion on Monday for Oentrelia which
were purchased by Pat, Curtin.—
Thos. Fallis finished threshing his
season's crop on Monday and bas
a good yield.—The plasterers are now
putting on the &it coat ou the hall
and will be finished in a short time. —
The Indies of Dorcas hive are now
(taking preparations for a grand
opening ot the new hall. The Sir
Knightstare aiso assisting them. The,
sir 'supreme officers have been invitt
eil and ere eximeKt to be , present.
Further parniculars next week. --Mr.
WtILOolver is vveering a pleasant face
this week. Another young yeornan 18
tee 'cause. Botli mother and child are
doing well. —Fred Fall's is leaving this
week for Petrolea where he intends
visiting Wm. Dunlop tor a few days.—
john Baird ivtli teave in a few daye for
his home in Bosarimiet where he will
Work John will be missed here as
he has been a resident here for a
numeer of +marten -Rota, Polack has
rented a houte and will pewee in as
son vaceted,--IVIrs. Robt. Fulton
etfor her heme in Michigan on rues -
1 1.1 1
St. Marys.
Nowrran.--A fashionable and large-
ly *Mended .wedding took place Wed-
nesday night in Zion church, Brant-
ford, when the nuptials Were celebrate.
ed of bliss Josephine Shannon only
daughter of Mx. It. Shannon. and Mr,
Richard Sanborn Box, of St. Marys.
Rev Dr. Cochrane offteieted. The
edifice wet( beautifully, dedoraten for
the ormasion, and at the top et either
aisle were floral gates bearing the
mina's of the contracting parties. The
bride was supported by KM Cochrane,
of Brantford, and Miss Loornis,•of
Buffalo, and little Georgte Crompton
acted as maid of hono-, Mr. Kirk-
patrick, of St. Marys" was best man,
and the ushers were Slessrs. J. A.
Wallace, J. Elewitt, G. Duncan and
Dr. Jones, of Lendoin At the con-
clusion supper was served in a hand-
somely decorated tent on the lawn.
The groom's gift to the bride was a
beeutiful pearl necklace and to the
bridesmaids pearl crescents. The
presents; which formed a notable
array included a piano from ,Mr.
Shannon and a silver service from Mrs.
Shannon. -
Bitters.— Che anniversary services
of nee YIethodist church of this place
on Sunday and elondey last were slew •
°motel in every partmular. The Rev.'
J. Holmes, of Parinhili, preached. high -
it instructive sermons on the Sabbath
wIttch were greatly appreciated by
all who Weird hum. On Monday even-
ing, efter the opentng exermaes the
pattor of the chareh called Dr. 'kick -
ere, of Crecliton, to the chair, who
presided with grace and 'conducted
the meeting to a suocessful issue,
Mite M. Morlock recited a fine oration
in a pleastng manner ;' Mr. Westoott,
Ar. G. Zwicker and Prof, Stuart de-
lighted the large audience with
ffecting solos rendered in good style,
and tne choir gavesone good aelect-
ions. Practical alio eloquent addresses
were delivered by Revs. J. J.
G. Litt, of Crediton, Eind 11. intt,
of Oentralia. The trastees desired to
try tens yeer what could be done in
raising Etnenoes Wahout a dinner or
tea in connection with the anniversary
ind, at the seggestion of tbe pastor,
they concluded to use the envelopes.
pastoral' letter was 'seat to eery
family.of .the congregetion with the
very gratifyieg results of $101,07
being?' pieced on the plates at tlae
services. This is the most successfel
anniversary thet the Crettiten churole
has had and the least !Aber connected
therewith. Everybody was delighted.
Berotto oiome taieotr.
Are the good quelities possessed by
Hood's Seteaparille, Above all it purinee
the blood, thus strengthertiag the nerves;
it rogale.tes the digestive organs, invigor-
ates the kidneys and liver, timed beildle
L1 the emend 'system, atone 8orofula, Oys.,
Petein Oatatrli and Itheumatiroi. Get
Honitt and ouly Hood'et
at the Town Exeter, 15th Oat, 1894.
All present. The minute's of the previous
meeting wore read and confirmed.
Titylor--Bobier-.-That the Council pet
In a ten Maki tile draM 'towns Main St.
between Vietorie 1,504 Baldwin genets.
protided the parties interested put in
neoeseary drain 'from Aitelrew street.—
Carling--Biseette-That orders be grant.
ad for the following *urns ;—Jas Creech,
36 charity to T. Dew: do, $2 Mtn Die
Intosh; Clerk $350 "expeuses re.s,ppoal of
the Bell Teleettnee Co.; Geo. Masan as-
sessor, $4,,e0leetliag nieces; Clerk, $4 do;
Reeve, $4 dot—Canned. •
The Counoil adjourned Wail eatl of the
M. Eeonzer, Clerk.
Perth Connty Notes
W. H. Grantee% lift St. Marys on so.
=May for /vIontyeanwhere he expected. to
find 100 head of **hobs cattle which
are 'raid to be an ,extrio thew lot averaging
4400 lbs meth. They were taken to the
&Wish market. ,
Clarence mac the little son of Mr. $, J,
Kidd of the erlingion Liefolval. wails
praymg with some other lade in the hay-
loft of the hotel stables, fell 'through the
hole leading itito the mow, and *Betted
on his head and, shoilder on the floor be --
low, fraoturing hisnolter bone, and also
injuring the drum of his ao.r,
At the annual meeting of the St. Marys
.Ourling Associetipn, the following
°facers were elected; Patron, Hon. T.
Ballantyne; pregnant, W. 0. Mosorip;
viae -president, J. D. bloom; honorary
member, G. N MathMson, of Sarnia;
searetary-treasurer, G. N. McIntyre;
representatives, T. O. Robson, K, Warring;
conamitte, W. Somerville, W. Andrews,
K. Warring.
Mr. and Mrs. D, McKee Wilton, who
test week gave . notice of action for libel
against the paintshers of the Stratford
Herald because cenne report of theLyons-
Wilson breach of protnise ease at the
recent assizes, tollowed up the notice
with writs on Saturday. In these
documents it is pet forth, thatnetr. and Mrs.
Whiten each want it5,000 from the
pablishette of the Herald.
Sheriff Hoene lute eompleted the com-
pilation of:statistics tor the PerthIcounty
jail for the year ended Sept. 30th last.
The total number cf persons committed
during that period Were 177-159 males
and 18 females, Nturober sentenced for any
period, 95. Number diaohareed with-
out trial, 66. Discharged under suspended
sentence, 5. Number awaitingnrial Sept.
301h 34 Greatest riumber in jail at one
time, 27; Lowest -number 7.
BRIEF& —Mr. A. Essery or Palmer-
ston came home beet week.— Kiss
Webb of St. Johns is visiting [elands
here.—Mrs, Avory ot Zion spent a fete
days with Mrs: inurley.—The Crediton
tailor has started a shop in our. village.
He Is ready to supply the public with
the latest styles on shortest notice. —
The Church Anniversary was held lest
Sunday. The services were conducted
In the morning by the Rey. E. 4.
Chown 3. D. of Liman and in the
evening by the Rev Geo. Jackson of
Exeter, The proceeds for the day
was in the neighborhood of $40. —Mr.
Wm. Pym has had leis barn moved and
a new addaion is being added.—Mr.
A. Hastings and Miss E. Essery of
Exeter were united m marriage on
Tuesday evening at the bride's father.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. EL Bute—The apple packers are
very busy at present packing winter
fruit. The crop is only middling.
. Stanley.
Blunt's. —0 n Saturday nut w bile -Mr.
McNeil and Mrs Elalliday were driving.
along the 2ad,, the horses becarne
frightened at some sheep, and ran 'to
the side of t he road at Mr, John
Ketclaen's bridge, throwing out both
of the accupante. Mrs. Halladay was
badly hurt; and lies at Mr, Ketchente
, unable to be removed.—One day last
week two little chaps, of the,
Parr line, who will tip the beam. at
600 lbis, anxious for eport,proceeded to
the bush to investigate Incoon worn'
plentiful, when to the astonishraent
of the niatrods they ran almost on the
top of it memnaoth naestadon, or a
bear of huge propoitions. They
turned and ran for dear life; but get-
ting short of wind they concluded to
return, after having armed theenseeeee
with e crowbar and club, and armed to
the teeth proceeded to annihilate bruin
when, horrible to relate, the bear was
Mmellister's celeitrated royal Toni
hog taking a sleep.—We have this
week to announce the death of one of
Huron Connty Note
Rev. O. Fletcher, of Thames road, was
very' ill the past two weeks.
A sad and fatal accident occurred at Mr.
Hughes' place, in East Niesouri, Tuesday
afternoon. Matthew Young, who, with
Mr. Abbot, tuna a threshing machine,
had completed the threshing and was
remoying the thresher from the barn.
His team was spirited and went out rather
lively and Mr. Young lost his footing and
fell. Both wheels passed over hie body,
killing hint instentli He was unmarried,
and widely known and respected. The
occurrence has oast is, gloom over nearly the
Whole township.
The death occurred Tuesday at M Rebell
of Mr Robert Jones, en ex warden of the
county of Perth, and one of the earliest
settlers in the Towdship of Logan: Mr
Jones had been ailing for some years from
heart disease, and Math came saddenly:
As has been said, 11It Jones was one, of the
earliest settlers in Ldnan coming to that
part of the country from 'Ireland many Middlesex County Notes.
years ago. He waa elosely associated with • the program of the township, being for A. young Hon of Mr. Wm. Hoddison, oe
enany years a 'member of the -township Bfddulph, had his foot hurt some time ewe
by a horse stepping on it. Decay of the
Mitchell Adyocate:—Horises are in bone ensued and the foot wes-amputed on
better dernatid than they have been for Tuesday.
some time, and if the large exportations There died at his son's residenoe, con. 3,
which hmea.been!getag on lately continue Btddulph, Mr. Thomas Flynn, aged 80
prime must anvance. Mr. MoMann, of years. He was for many years a resident
-Seaforth, who is one of the largest buyers of Stephen township, and moved with big
in the country, informed us on'antillnaat' sou and family to Biddulph township four
last that during the ten days previout lie years ago, where he resided tritil his
and hiel partner shipped 17 fine animate death.
to New York, 40 to England, and 15 to
the luniberwoods in intention. At $80 a Mr. Miohe.el Rowe, of 13iddulph, has
head, which we think a fair average, purchased the 50 acres formerly owned by
these would represent a total of 85,760, Simms Mc Laughlin, on the 7In concession,
which went directly into the pockets of Biddulph, for $1,300. Twenty eight hu-
thedred were refused for this farm some ten
• oapare ago, and the soil is as good as any
The Exeter TIMES and To- '
-n the county of Middlesex. -
The reanimates of Mr. Hurley of Seaforth,
was burglarized the other evening and 307
R. Reynolds, Cemetery superintendent,
Clinton, formerly of Holman, is connned to
his room by eevere illness.
Air. Edward McKnight, of Usborne, hal
rented the Harness farm of 94 acres in Blau -
thud, immediately emit of Woodham.
In Clinton the Liberals hays entered
about 40 Antolini against the town Toter'
Lista, and the Conservatives 'make sibout
70 spesale,
Dr. Opinion, of Brussels, Pie beep un
animously elected by his fellow practition-
er. of the counties of Baron and Perth. to
represent them in tne Ontario Claunoil of
Physicians and Surgeons.
Tuesday evening of leAt week P Scott
of Brussels, ran a sewing needle into the
bottom of his :nett foot. He had his
shoeoff and the needle was on the
carpet. It entered eye first and broke off
leaving 5hoet, nail the needle ih the foot.
Re still 0,‘ with him
Mr. W. lateof Clinton ie dead.
He was a nativaN.;',winebire and came
toCanada about 1816'. Prior to
his:residence in Clinton he lived in Strat-
ford for a number of years. It is in the
neighborbood of 25 years since he went to
Clinton, engaging in the grocery business,
which he dieeontinued emne yeere ago.
He has for a long time been secretary of
both the Patent and Collegiate Board of
Trustees, and wee well known on a man of
more than ordinary intelligence. He leaves
two daughters at hoine, and a eon residing
in Chicago.
Rnead of
the Ronald Engine
Company of Brussel!, haR been arrested
in Tweed Oat., on a charge of having
offered a bribe to mentherg• of Tweed
COancil to purchase big fire engine, The
Council, it appears, has been deliberating
over the price of the Ronald engine as
compared with an offer made by the
Watercus Engine Works Company of
Brantford, and in his anxiety to make the
sale he hurried to Tweed on tne night of
the council meeting to urge the merits
of his engine. Whether he used Illegal
methods or not, the future will telt.
On Wednesday afternoon, while the wife
of Mr. J. G Steep, Goderich tp., was arty-
ing to Clinton, aocompanied by Mrs. 13.
Sheppard, of the Soo, Mrs, Yates, of Oil
Springs, and a ten months old baby, they
met with a had accident. Some men were
at work around the railway bridge on
the Bayfield road, an& the horse took
fright and bolted, upsetting the baggy, and
throwing the parties in the ditch. It wee
found that Mrs. Steep had a couple of ribs
broken and her shoulder injured: Mrs.
Sheppard is hurt internally, but is improv
ing nicely; Mrs Yews was bruised and
shaken up, and baby maned.
The Secretary's report read at the Coun-
ty CLuistian Endeavor Convention last
week, showed that one year ago there were
but 22 societies recorded, now there are GO
includine 4 junior societies, and a total
membership of 2,846. as against 1,024 as
reported at the 1893 convention. The
following officers were appointed for the
year I894-5,—President, Rev. Joseph Edge,
Goderich; 1st vios-President, C: N. An-
drews. Wroxeter; 2nc3. vice -President, Miss
Hall Wingliam; Secretary. A. T. Cooper,
Clinton: Treasurer, Miss Sarabel McLean,
Seaforth. Committee, Bev J. S. Hendee.
son, Henna; Rev. G. H. Cobblediok,
Brussels; Mr. Parsons Exeter. Next year
the Convention will be held at Blyth.
Iowa and Minnesota Swept by a
Terrific Cyclone.
A Large lnumber of Fatalities Reported
terom Diatteent leist•rictitle the Two
Statea—A Whole Village De-
atroYed and Much. Dant- "
age Done.
FORT DODOP, Ia., Sept. 24—The CyCa0110
Which wrought death and destruction over
such a wide and. extended territory on
Friday night started a few miles Went
of Emmetteburg, in Palo Alto county. In
Iowa it went through the wino -
ties of Kossuole lIanoodle Winnebago,
Cerra Gordo, Worth, Floyd,Mitchell,
Chickasaw and Howard. Learing Iowa it
went through the counties of Moyer, Fill-
more and Winona, Minnesota. In all of
these colauties serious damage is reported.
The towns through which the cyclone
pissed after leaving Eraraettsburg so far
as reported are Ellington, Burge, Hayfield,
Newton, Tomkins, Buffalo, Bunyan,
OsageOsage Algona, Cresco, Burt, Blum. Creek
in Iowa, and Waseca. Leroy,
Springvalley and Homer, Minnesota.
While the damage through these places ie
Very great, it is light in comparisen with
that done throughout the country districts,.
The loss of life is estimated to be in the
neighborhood of 75 peesons.
ALGONA, In, Sept. 24.—Twenty six per-
sons are reported killed in Kossuth county
and 39 injured, some fatally, while the
greater part of the town of Cyclinder, 20
Manes west, was badly damaged by &storm.
Which swept coveithis section oflhe coun-
try. North of Cyclinder, the family of
Alix Goulden, four i0 number, was killed.
At Whittemore, ten miles west of here,
Robert Stephenson was killed and his wife
fatally hurt. Nearly a score of people
sought refuge in a house on the Durant
place. All were more or less hurt and one
woman will die. Near here Carl Derriek
was injured and his wife fatally hurt.
One of Charles Lees' children is dead
and Mrs. Lee is badly injured. George
W. Beaver, living three miles north of Al-
gona, had. just gone home from the fair
and entered the house with his wife and
two children and an adopted boy, when
the cyclone struck the house and. demolish-
ed it. Beaver had the baby in his arms
and with it he made his way north to the
house of Christian Date his father-in-law,
for aid. His wife was just dying when he
returned and his little girl soon after ex-
Myron Schneok, wife and child, were
carried 100 feet, and when found were
lying on a heavy oak beam. Both were
hurt, and Mrs. Schenck was unconscious.
Horace Schenck, Myron's father, was
covered up with a pile of lumber. His
condition is serious, as he is 73 years of
age. East of the river in Plum Creek
township the house of George Holman was
carried thirty rods, and dropped. with such
force as to wreck it. In it were Mr. Hol-
man and wife and six children. One of
the children was kilted and four were in-
jured, and Flohnan seriously hurt An old
man named Dingman, who lived a mile
north of Holman's place, was killed, and
seven more were killed north-east of Hol -
man's. Orders are owning into local un-
dertakers for coffins. A relief committee
has been organized.
SPRINGvALLET, Minn., Sept. 24.—
Springvalley was struck by the cyclone,
'wrecking the residential portion of the
city. The killed are Nehemiah Dodge,
Mrs. Nehemiah Dodge, Frank Moshok's
child and C. C. King. Mrs. Hopefel is
fatally injured and. many others received
serious hurts. Twenty buildings were
• totally destroyed and many others badly
damaged. 11 10 impossible to estimate the
damage done. t
OSAGE, Ia., Sept. 24.—Five persons
were killed by the cyclone whioh paned
five miles north of here ou Friday night.
Many persons were hnrt and will probably
die. •
MASolierrY, Ia., Sept. 24.—A terrible cy-
clone burst upon North Caro Gorodo.
The cyclone was awful in its suddenness
and intensity and complete in its work of
destruction. Four are dead and two
fatally injured.
Disappeared tront Montreal.
MoNTREAL, Sept. 24.—A email sized sen-
sation has been causecl amongst a number
of leading business people by the mys-
terious disappearance of E. A. Benjamin,
ea, well-known business man and social
favorite. A couple of weeks ago Mr.
Benjamin left on a business trip to Que-
bec whence he went to New York. There
he met with his brother with whom he
dined on the llth, and then left for the
station to return to Montreal. Since then
not a Word. hat been heard 01 11110, and his
whereabouts is a complete mystery. His
friends expecting hint back in Montreal
and hearing nothing about hitn becatne
alarmed, and have put the nese in the
hands of the detectives. His friends
claim there iS no reason why he should
ease town as they say ho was doing well.
While working at the bottom of a well
rpnro gall from now until Jan- the other day Mr. John Munroe, 6th con.,
uary I Ein6, for $r.25 only. This Westminister, WAS the victim of a painful
accident In some manner the bucket ll
low pl*r'ic'e is arranged to suit the and struck the unfortunate man on the
price of wheat, Everybody can head and face cutting several deep gashes
in hie forehee,d. and breaking his noee,
avail thernselveS of this offer.
the oldest pioneers of the eestern Remember, the balance of this
part of this township, Isabella Innie,.
relict of the late John Innis, departed year free, and subscriptions pay -
this lire on rtiursaay, Oat. 41h, at the able n a vanc .
d e Address this
advanCed age of 86 years and nine
month's. During the summer she had
unusually good health, but a week
previous to her death she was abtatik-
ed with a aleght cold, On Tuesday
she began to sink and on Thureday
morninge passed quietly and peacefully
away. Deceased tvas a native of Banff-
shire, Scotland, born near the town of
Keith, on Dee. 24th. 1807. She, with
her late huebiered, emigrated to this
country in 1846, and resided in the
township of Zorn' for a few years
$he game to Stanley in 1853 and set-
tled on lot 30, 2nd con., where she
WM reeding tue time of her death.
Deceased leaves orie son, Alexlimes,
well known in agricultural &roles, acid
'two daughter., Mrs, W.H.Scott, and
Mrs, Duncan McBwen, all reeding in
the township.
Tiernan life is held too elietmly when the
indivilittel who need's a tOnie for his mes-
tere, aeons to cover hie wants by parolee'.
int: (Wry OW mixture that is recommen-
ded to Wow Remember that Ayer's Sart
hOlf ft 0441 otteed reputation of
dity yeat'a standing.'
General Boothand his Salvation Army
steff had a hearty welcome at Belleville,
Oat last night. They were received at the
City Hall, with an address from the cor
poration: Geheral Booth replied and later
addressed a very large audience in the
Methodist (Murcia.
Ned Hogan, about 18 years of age, son
of Martin Hogan, laborer, Was shot and
instantly killed Wimpley afternoon
by hie companion, Win, Oren. According
to the story they were shooting in the
woods at the timeneanother tad who was
with them haviag gone to"another patt of
the Weed!. They began to play none
AMON, They marked off it distande and
aimed. at each other. Not knowing that
the hemmer Was cocked Otoes began to
fire and killed Hogan: The body was
taken to fiegareit tonne. gross gave him-
self up, and bluely in the lock -u.
tleoo's Fame cure alt liver ills,
jeundiam innigedtion, Nick headashe.
Tie inquest on Met W. R. Blmenhorst
at Montreal, resuitta in it verdict of death
by his own hand While in a state of teiet
pantry aberrationo
A very pretty wedding took place at the
residence of Mrs. L. Shipley, Oarlisle on
Wednesday last, when her daughter, Emily
was united in marriage to M. Clayton
Decker, of London township, by the Rev.
Mr. Venn of Adria Craig; The bride
looked charming in a dress of heliotrope
cashmere, with veil orange blossoms, and
was assisted by her 'sister, Miss Ethel, who
were lavender cashmere and roses. Mr.
Warren Decker, brother of the groom act-
ed as groomsman.
Sale Register
Tuesday, Oct. 23.—Farm :etook intple:
ments, eta., the property of Wet Baker
and Thos Sanders, lot 10, aon. 2, Stephen,
Sate at one o'aleck. H. Either, ono,
Wednesday, Oct, 33St.—Farrn stock,
implement's, etc., the property of Sidney
Clarke, lot 15, care 9, Usborne, Sale at one
O'o10014 H. Brown, Aue,
Tuesday, Nov. 6th.—Weirm stock, im:
plenoents, eto. the property of Mrs. Eliza
J EfUnkin, lot. 23. cO11 9, 'Unborn's. No
eetieeve ad the farm has been tented. H.
Brown, Ano.
Ivlust not be oonfounded with common
cathode or pttrgative pills. (tatter's Litt
to Liver Pills ate entirely unlike them in
every respect. One trial will prove their
Wheat .5 oe and down.
Peas 5oc and down.
• Barley 35c And down
Oats26c. and down,
New sults for men 50c and up,
New overcoats for Olen
Suit underclothes " sac 0
Overshirts for men 50c and up,
Long boots for men $1.5o "
Ladies' & youth's wear i
Silver Lining to every Cloud.
1 P R088
The Toronto 'Young Conservative and
Young Liberal Cleba eleoten °Seen Mon
day night. W 3 Newsome defeated John
Tyner, barrister, formerly of Leaden. for
the Presidency' of 905 former by 250 to
le. Stewed Lyon is the new President of
Young Liberals,
I pe' *
With the exhiliarating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal cleanli-
ness, which follows the use of Syrup of
'Pigs fis rinknown to the few who have not,
progressed beyond the ale time medieine
and the cheap substitutes eometimee offer -
but never accepted by the well inform-
The monument erected in Queeree Park,
Toronto, to the memory of Sir John Mat:-
clonal(' was unveiled on Saturdayafternoon
with appropriate ceremonies before an
enormous gathering of people. Speeches
were delivered by Sir John Thompson an °
several Dominion Minnows, and by Host.
G. W. Ross on behalf of the Dritario Gov-
So far as We can learn, Tont has never
distinguished himself, aud Harry's nem°
is not a synonym for industry. but among
stook owners Dick's Blood Parifier has
brought him into high esteem. For horses
and cattle it is invalaable. It strengthens
the digestion, gives e good appetite, and
turns a rough coat into a smooth and
glossy one t Dick's Blister cures Spaying,
Calks, Ringbones eta.
to -
A. North Bay Merchant Drowned.
Nome BAY, Ont„ Sept 21.—Mr. W. C.
Caverbill, general merchant, of this town,
accompatied by an Indian genie, while on
his way to Lake Tamagumingue in a catioit
by way of Troia Lake, Pine Lake, Lake
Tenon, Mattawa elver and the Ottawa
river, WAS drowned in Luke Tallow The
Indian waide got 'whore nod. 'reported the
sad oceurrenee.
alr. Newsome Acquitted.
Buenterto, Sepe 24—The grand
jury on -Saturday failed to find it trne hill
against Marclay Newsome, the Toronto
typewriter agent, WhOgo eagle was preSeht-
ed for baying, brought his attmographer,
Lillie Plantegan, here limier contract.
Inspector de Barry is very moh annoyed
over the outcome of the case.
.British Grain Trade.
London, Oct. 15,—The Alark Lane Express,
in its weekly revieiv of the British grain
trade, says :—English wheats have fallen to
art inereeitablylow price, 16s to ifis 2d having
been the average offered at Saturday's market
which is 13s 6d below the veil lowest price
compatible with profit. The farmers through -
out the Pharnes Valley are losing 298 per &ere
upon all the land they have put under wheat.
Foreign wheats have dropped a penny foe
California No. 2 and red vtinter. Foreign
flours aro depressed Glasgow quotes a shill-
ing decline on Septembir values. London
quotations are steady, Corn hes been rather
firmer, American corn being held for vs
Barley and oats have been quiet. To -day
English wheats are stronger, The best quali-
ties have regained an average of 20s. Flour
is steady, and there is an improved demand
for Bakers' quality. American flour is firmly
held. oats are dull, corn steady, and barley,
beans and peas quiet.
AN OLD IND gra/AL-T=11 Retalt.)Y.— Dire
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty
years by millions of mothers for their children
while teething.with perfeet success. It soothing
the child, softens the sams.allays the pain,
cares the collo, and is the best remedy for
Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by i
druggists n every part of the world. 25 cents
a bottle. Its value is inealculable, Be Bare
and ask for airs. Winslotes Soothing Syrup
andtakeno other kind.
A E.114 MEN.
Young, old or middle aged, who find them-
seivennervous, weak and exhausted, who aro
broken down from wrens or aye twork, result-
ing in many og the following symptoms :
Mental depress,on, premature old age, toes of
vitality, Is of memory, boo draoms, dimness
of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission,
lack of enerey,pitin in the kidneys. headaehesg
pimples on the face and body, itching or
emitter sensatiot about the scrotum. wasting
of the organs, dizziness, epeots before the voes'
where, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, 1055
twitching of the manes, eyelids and Ise -
of will power, tenderness of the ecalp and.
spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire tc)
sleep, 'allure to sle rested by sleemconstjpation
dullness of hearing, loss uf voice, desire foe
solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes,
surrounded with leaden circles. oily Ionising
skin, ete „ are all syreptome of nervous debil-
ity teat lead to insanity unless cured. The
spring or vital obtuse having lost its tension,
every 1 unction wanes in donSecuenee. Those
w ho through abuse committed an hem:trend%
meir be permanently cured, Send Your s4-41
dress for book on diseases peculiar to man-,
' env free. eeeled, _Wares. X. V. LIMON, ,24
Ilittedennell Ave..Toronto Ont..Canada
At the Electric r ewer house- As I have -beg
had °rooted A large Freoth burr stone, and anti
preparedto chop from 25 to"30 bags per
minuets to gill° it 4 trial. Satisfadtion,, genre
nteen J. 11; HOWARD. nee
Vortto, last et tun Towmegor 011 ILLY,
Notioe is hereby given that it "Omen will lig;
beta pursueiti, to the "Voters' List ,Acto, by hi
fionor the Judge of the °Gerdy Ootirt ef ittleg-
Oputty ef Huron at rho Torn Halt in Int
Village of Zurich at 9 it me and it Redeem'
Wale in the Villegeaf Hawaii at In p, m.
(Omelet interested %ter attend at either place)l
oa ThursdaY the let &twee November, 44« „1:),
1e94, to heat and determine the getretad comet
plainte or errors and. enitiettlei 're
Vetere' List of the ueleipelity. of Rent de
Net All artiet haVrig beeitteee et ,t tee
teurt are required to Attend et the said time
and place.
, Clerk of the TOwligi?iP Of
Ilar tifid Clerk O the Court
Zariebi Oct. lIth, 1894,-31