The Exeter Times, 1894-9-27, Page 7Only the Scars
emah any
aye HEIM!' IfUI QN, of the Jaines
lnii 11 Woolen.
'Machinery Co.,
x'ililtttl of p ll a,
:Pa„ who certi.
flex as follows:
" Among the
many testirnonia
els which I see
in regard to oer-
taiii medicines
cures, cleansing
the blood, etc.,
none irprosatne.
more than. Any
own ease.
Twenty years;
ago, at the age
of 1.8 years, Iliad
swellings come
on my legs,
which broke and
beeamo rune
ping sores.
Our family pby-
siciau could do
me ,� good, and it was feared that the
bo ,a would" be affected.. At last, my
A old
Mother Urged Me
do try Aye" Sarsaparilla. Itook throe
bottles, the soros healed, and I have not
been troubled since. Only the scars
remain, . and, the memory of the
past, to remind me of the good.
Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla has done me.
I now weigh two hundred and twenty
pounds, and am in tho best of health.
I have been on the road for the 'past
twelve years, have noticed flyer's Ser-
. saparilla advertised in all parts of the
United States, and always take pleas-
ure in tolling what good it did for me."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla'
Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer & Oo.,Loweli,Maea.
Cures others, will cmroyou
Dray. Sacs; I had
ne severe headache for
the past three years,
and was not free
from it a single day.
as leans aicfos.wv. I used doctors' medi-
cines and all others
could think of, but it did mo no good.
Iy cousin said I must
beenit is the bust =albino ever
ma and I took three bottles of it, with
the result that it has completely cured
me. I think Burdock Blood Bitters,
both for headaches and as a blood
purifier, is the •
and am glad to recommend it to all my
friends. Miss Feor.A McDoxann,
Gien Norman, Ont.
The Stt ffot Life.
In some of our smaller towne there seems
to bea great demand for good home.made
brown bread. The bakers' .supply of white
bread usually holds out but their supply of
graham or brown bread never yeaohes• the
demand. In ono of our eastern towns a
maiden lady has made a goodcomfortable
living for two years making this bread and
delivering to customers. Until two years
ago she wee a day laborer in a manufac-
turing establishment, but ,one fatal
night fire wipeda'\o whole plant out of
esistenoe, throwing one hundred men and
women out of employment, and this one
among the number, with a dependant aged
mother to support. Fortunately she own-
ed her humble home.: She made her own
bread and supplied a few of her neighbors,
all the time: her mother was not so feeble
but she could aid in the baking. After
the fire she immediately set out to find
more customers. She found no trouble in
securing customers among the foreigners,
as they are great lovers of brown bread.
In a little while her trade increased audio
less than one year she had, by the strictest
economy, saved enough to buy a second,
hand delivery waggon and au old horse.
With these she opened a trade with
another town. three miles distant and de-
livered her bread twice a week. In a
little over a year more the old horse and
wagon were sold for what she could get
and a good new horse and a new canopy
toy baker's wagon -took its plaoe, A man
was hired to run the wagon and deliver the
bread, and a trained baker hired to assist
in the baking.
She says the bread is much more easily
made than white, bread, as there is so much
less labor in the manufacture of tie loaves,
as the laborious kneading and mixing is
done away with in this kind of bread.
When viewing her huge < mixing troughs
made the remark : "You have enough
dough to last a week, have you not ?" "No
indeed," the says. "This will all be gone.
by to morrow night and I must bake every
morning and sometimes in the afternoon"
The material used in this : bread is one-
half graham flour and the other half white
flour and sweetened slightly with molasses.
This dough was stirred together with large
wooden spoons, in wooden bowls and mix-
ing troughs ;.the dough was soft when
poured in the tins and placed in the ovens.
They baked much more quickly than white
bread. would, and; as fast as the oven was
emptied it was filled again, • and this was
kept up every forenoon and sometimes
every afternoon for a whole week at a
Now it seems to me that this would be a
much moreremunerative employment for
Many a woman and girl that is looking
about her to find something to keep soul
and body together, than seeking positions
in stores, factories,etc., at starvation
wages, for as long as the cry is sent up
that it is "hard times' people will not and
cannot buy anything; but the necessaries of
life, and it is best to labor for only what
people must have, and "bread is the staff
of life."
vetoed, in your gerdezi, It is hardy and is
not affected by ohan( rug atmosphere,
Sloeves are made very full, but, drooping
from the shoulders and plaited or gathered
on the Weide of the arms, in order to hire
the necessary fullness,
Parental restriotiun, if it, is wise, will be
exerted with the view of rendering the
child independent without it. If you let
your children know that you have iknplicit
faith in them, the chances are that they
will not disappoint you.
The best =eons are those that cover the
entire Immo space, hooking into a staple at
each lido. These are rather expensive,
but if you own your house, or have a long
lease, they will soon repay in comfort for
the first cosi. If you cannot afford to put
them all over the house, have them in the
kitchen and bedrooms,
A I'ew Items of Interest to Men of
There is a prospect of a union of the
Ontario Creameries BBoer&with the Western
Dairymen's Association.
The Secretary of the United States
Treasury has finally decided that Canadian
lumber shall be admitted free of duty.
A long-distance telephone line between
Madrid and Babcelona, a distance; of 500
miles, will bo completed in a few months.
Louisiana has the largest, farm in the Unite
ed States. It is 100 miles one way by 25
the other. The fencing alone cost $50,000.
With the new and improved methods of
mining it is thought that it will Dost less
than 22 cents on the dollar this year to
mine gold in Colorado.
Coffee is taxed £62 a ton in France ; £50
in Italy .; £40 in Austria, £25 in Portugal,
£22 in. Norwey, £20 in Germany and
Spain, £15 in Russia and £14 in Great
Algoma Park, or Point Aux Pins has
been made a custom port by the customs
department. The post office at that point
is to be reopened and will be called Algoma
A Movable Pigpen.
Our illustration shows a very complete
pigpen that- eau be moved about from place
to piece to secure fresh ground. The
construction is well shown in the sketch,
the only point not shown being the partition
that divides the pen into two ecjuel parts,
the part under the -roof beteg thus chub in
to provide a shelter against cold and storms.
The trough pulls out like a drawer to be
filled, or may be made long enough to be
left half within and half without the pen.
There is, of Course; no floor.
The True Seed Bed.
Tho summer hoe been dry and the lack
of moisture may make fall plowing hard,
but the drouth makes the best possible pre-
paration for the future crop if the raine
come at the proper time. Last summer
and winter were dry and the drouth has
continued through the present summer yet
a better crop of winter wheat never grew
than was harvested this year. This proves
that a small amount of moisture is necessary
for a crop if the land iethoroughly culti-
vated. W. Fe Farmer says : Most farm-
ers now appreciate the importance of mak
ing a good seed bed for wheat, The stone
dard of the average wheat bed is -very high
today, but improvement along this line is
ever open to those who aro longing for it.
After the crop of oats early potatoes,
barley, or grass is harvested the sooner the
laud can be prepared for the wheat the
bettor. It is quite essential that the wheat
plants should get a good start before frost
so that a protective mass of leaves can be
formed over the whole field. In this way
danger from winter freezing is removed. A
nuns are said to die earl
ass of Wales dislikes card
ailroade are the most dangerous
Orleans the gond are never
swig to be 30,0001ady oy
d States.
Naroteon once said Inv
of Jerusalem aro t� ho
of Sweden is about to p
hie speeches,
d,sinee the Garman occupation.
par csnb. of the operatic
now successful;
that as far back as1845a
d rade a bicycle.
Duchess of Portland is said to
ens in the world.
a theatres in London
gj aro music -halls.
e built in 1815 in England
operation in Savannah,
that caster oil applied
cal weeks will remove w
.Queen's friendship for the Em
remains as strong as ever.
to be convicted of having
.tic family means social
d Currie is a firm belie
qualities of a sea
to the "Woman ab Rome
Fife is an, admirable b
cars at Chemnitz, in
no conductors. The
a toad is estimated to
57 times its own
Cromwell is to be honored
in the Palace at W
2 murderers condemned t
1890, only seven were
Donald Carrie says that when.
ft• was just like one of
to At Ziarthelemy-S:n
characteristic of
are said to be particular
of the c estrus
Capital letter "Q" will be found
Old Testament and three
woman does not
much as the average Eng
in a month.
has the
lfnhtships—ono for a
ge has a by-law to
bicycles on the sidewalks
on the streets.
owing words are to be found
Bible :—Ash, atonement,
and reverend.
epic in British Central
crocodiles than by all tb
put together,
von Werner, in his
the German navy the Bfirmhisnovel.leaves,greatThucydides.MarieWalesbearingis
American• andprevent• footballthemillions,AfricabeastsAdmirallatest• thats from
a total lack
Mr. Williamthe great
publishingname, is
dead agar
It has h cordite wears
away the unpre-
cedented degree.
Professormaking a
trip to theto view
the numerousre to be
The nationalFrench
women to memory of
the latePresidenttreached
The Londonn has re-
quested plane a
physician ate chil-
dren free.
Ina me great boa
constrictor,sa whole
ox for its so close,
sir, if you
A Germand a new
dye prepor rather
has solve manufacture;
for it has
• Mr. Cospeeches,
stated thatTimes con-
tained morethe his-
torical w
Misst, thinks
the Princehe richt
word jus and in his
manner andti a king."
" Good Petersburg is said
to be partitioned14-distinct come
partment if consti-
tuting th
An ev of foreign
grandees life, Eng-
lish cos h grouse
moors anda in their
own cape es.
Investigate it, by Writing to the Mayo?,
postmaster; any ater or Citizen of
H.. rtford City, India .ae
Certain kits eireets and never blisters.
Itead proofs below:
Lrt .I.n.1094.
ii II raiN:C, I, ,N.Y., A 13, A
Dr. B. J. KEN2ALL Co.
Gantrenten—I bougbta sonlendid bay horse some
time ago -with aspavin.
. 'used
ICendairs Spavin . The yavmu is gond ow
and I'have bton orer d lre for the eahao horse.
I only had lmtm nine weeks, so I got $120 For using
52 worth al Itenden% Spavin Cure,
Your truly, W. S. Bzausexx.
Dr.B. r. l-ENnazL Co.Surnax,Mion., Deo. 16, 1893.
sirs --I hare used your Irendairs Spavin Cure
with good suacesoTor Curbs on two horses and
it lathe best Liniment I have ever heed,
Yours. truly, A.VotisS FritothtcL
Price Si Der nettle.
roc Bale by anloruggists, or address
n'. 23. tr. K..zrDAZI; COMPA1VA
ghlOaeUHali LL§, VT. -
HA$TFoiw CITY, Blackford County,
Indiana, Jane Stb, 1593.
,South American. llfedicine Co.
Gentlemen : I received a letter
from you May 271h, stating ti -1t you
had heard of my wonderful recov-
ery from a spell of sickness of six
years duration, through the use of.
for my testimonial. I was near
thirty-five years old when I took
down with nervous prostration. Our
family physician treated me, but with-
out benefitting me in the least. My.
nervous system seemed to be entirely
shattered, and I constantly had very
severe shaking spells. In addition
to this I would have vomiting spells.
During the years I lay sick, my folks
had an eminent physician from Day-
ton, Ohio, and two from Columbus,
Ohio, to come and examine me.
They all said I could not live. I
got to having spells like spasms, and
would lie cold and stiff for a time
after each. At last I lost the use of
any body—could not rise from my bed
or walk a step, and had to Lc lifted
like a child. Part of the time I
could read a little, sand one day saw
an advertisement of your medicine
and concluded to try one buttle. By
the time I had taken one and 'one-
half bottles I could rise up and take:
a step or two by being helped, andf
after I had taken five bottles in all 1
felt real well. The shaking went
away gradually, and 1 egnld at and
sleep good, and my friends could -
scarcely believe it was I. I am sure
this medicine is the best in the world.
I belive it v y life I give my
name and address, so that if anyone
doubts my statement they can write
me, or our postmaster or any eitisen,
as all are acquainted with my case.
I am now forty-one years of age,
and expect to live as long as the
Lord has use for me and do all the
good I can in helping the suffering.
Will a remedy which can effect
such a marvellous cure as the above.
cure you ?
C. LUTZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter.
Du. McDilltsxxn, Agent, Ilensall.
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o",,J' Purchasers should look to 5lia'Label on the Ilexes and 1?sts,
If the address is not 5.33, O ?0I31D fix., 1LONDll'3', they are apitt.,twv;