The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-10-02, Page 2M1
Last Sunday 25 relatives and
friends .were entertained at a
smorgasbord luncheon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
McDqugall to honor the bap-
tism of their granddaughter,
Angie Gail McDougall,,
daughter of Allan and Laura
McDougall of Sudbury and also
the birthday of Angie's great
grandmother, Mrs. Ethel
McDougall of Seaforth.
The September meeting of
the Anglican Church Women of
St. Mark's Church was held last
• week at the home of Mrs, Celia
Taylor in Goderich. Mrs.
Robert Slater was in charge of
th&'program. .
The scripture reading from
Luke 14:16 td 24 verses was
Mrs Wes Iltadnock 526-1595
Marian Hunking will be in Teade Bakker,; Angie Gail Mrs.' Herbert •Mogridge, Mrs,
charge of the program arld McDougall, daughter of Mr.' Irene Wright, Mrs, Donald
Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey, and and Mrs. Allan McDougall,' Fowler, Mrs. John Graham:.
Mrs.,Thornas Cunningham will Shawn William Verwey and Mrs. E:dgar Lawson, Mrs.
be in charge of lunch. Shane Joseph Verwey, sons of Robert J. PhilliPs, Mrs. Fred
The election of officers for Mr. and Mrs. Casey Verwey; Ross, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs,
the coming year' took, place. and Jodie Helen Winnilred, "CharleS Straughan, Miss M.
They are as follo-ws: president, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Collinson, Miss Margaret King,
Mrs. Beth Lansing spent a Raithby, Mr. Tom Hallam,
few days last week at Agincourt Mrs. Albert Campbell, Mrs.
with,Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen. Herbert Govier, Mrs. Amelia
The reception for Mr. and Nivins, Mrs. Mae Munro, Mrs.
Mrs. Doug ChaPrnney was a John Houston, Aks. Bob
great success last Saturday Chamney, MrS. Wellington
evening. Mr. Greg Arthur read Good, Mrs. Harry ArmStrong,
the addreSs of congratulations Miss C. Collinson, Rev. C. C.
and Mr. Ron Plunkelt Washington and Mr. Bert '
Presented them with a purse of Craig. Two minutes silence
were observed in their
Mr. and Mrs. Don McQuirter memory.
of Don Mills , visited last The . charter members
Saturday with their aunt, Mrs. present, were introduced. They
were Mrs. Celia Taylor, Mrs:
Beth Lansing.
Friends are pleased to see Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Ed
Mr. ‘Warner Andrews home Davies, Mrs. Frank Raithby,
after several days a patient in Mrs. Dorothy Grange, Mrs.
Alexandra Marine' andGeneral William Straughan, Mrs.
Hospital, Goderich. Eleanor Bradnock, Mrs.
Congratulations to Mr. an`d Torrance Tabb, Mrs, Thomas
Mrs. James Schneider on the Haggitt, Mr. Arthur Youngblut,
birth of their new sort, a brother Mrs. Jean Patterson, Mrs. Roy
for Dennis and Angela. Easom, Mrs. Gordon
Pat Haggitt and Miss- Shelley Washington. Those unable tobe.
Haggitt of Zurich spent the present were Mrs. Harry
weekend with their grand- Sturdy, Mrs. Harry Arthur,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mrs. F. 0. McIlveen, Mrs. Mel
Haggitt. Craig, Mrs. Annie McNichol,
HORTICULTURALIST§ Mrs. Nellie Ladd, Mrs. Amelia
. MEET Straughan, Mr. Alfred
. Rollinson and Mrs. William T.
Bouquets of dahlias of many Robinson.
colors and sizes decorated the • Mrs. ,Ed Davies, a charter
Sund4.y School 'room of Knox member and past president cut
United Churefi, Auburn for the the anniversary. cake. Mrs.
Mrs. Carmen Gross; vice-
president, Mrs. Ted Hukking;
secretary, Mrs. Lloyd' Pen -
found; assistant, Mrs. Thomas
Cunningham; treasurer, Mrs.
Lloyd McClirichey ; assistant,
A successful sale of produce
was held with Mrs. Joe Verwey
beineft excellent auctioneer.
Lunch" was served by , Mrs.
Marian Hunking and Mrs, Joe
Verwey assisted by the`hostess,
Mrs. Thomas Cunningham:
The first meeting of 'the,
Auburn 4-H club for the fall
project, "Let's Bake Bread"
' was held at the home of Mrs.
John Hildebrand. The meeting
was opened with the 4-H pledge
and the roll call was answered
by each member naming her
favorite bread.
The election of officers took
place:, president, Faye Seers ;
viCe-president, Janet Cook;
press reporter,/ Judy Van
Dongen; telephone girls, Trudy
--Machan and Wendy Powell.
The secretary is floating:
, A' discussion took placeon the
ingredients of bread led by
Mrs. Donald Cartwright. Mrs.
John.Hildebrand demonstrated
the making of freezer bread
which is to be baked at -the next
Meeting. " 25th anniversary dinner of the
Auburn. Horticultural Society
SOCIAL NEWS , last Friday evening.
'Friends of Harry J. Boyle in Charter members, members
this district will be pleased to and guests were greeted by
learn that he has been named Mrs.- Frances Clark, Mrs.
Acting chairman of'. the Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. leanor
Canadian Radio -Television Bradnock and Mrs. Ross
Commission, the regulatory Robinson. President Mrs.
-body which sets and ad'- Kenneth Scott presided for the
ministers the directives , by dinner and program. Mrs.
which the broadcast industry in Donald Haines was the pianist.
Canada- is governed. For). Mrs. Scott proposed a toast to
several yearsm he has- been The. Queen and welcomed all.
serving as vice -Chairman. Mr. She also thanked Mrs. Alfred
d atin the 'three -
A observed last Sunday ,at Knox past president; Mrs. William
United Church Auburn with the Klie , of , Hanover, Pistrict
from "Gerri Kennedy and Pat inter -moderator Rev. Stanley Director of No. 8; Mr. Klie ; 'and
Cards of thanks were read
flunking._ Roll call was an- McDonald of Londesboro in Mrs. 'Eleanor Bradnock,
swered by -the payment of fees. ' - charge. The organist Mrs. treasurer.. •
A report of the trip taken to Norman Wightman and the • An interesting history of the
Dashwood Adult Rehabilitation Pianist Miss Nancy, Anderson Society was read by the
• Centre was given.' The draw were, in -charge of the music. secretary Mrs. Beth Lansing
prize donated', by Mrs. i Lloyd ' The " children baptized were' and this was followed. by Mrs.
., Penfound was won by Mrs. Kerry Elizabeth Bakker; Albert McFarlane lighting a
Catherine Jackson: daughter of Mr:' and Mrs. candle in memory of the
Plans were made to hold the , , deceased Charter: members.
next meeting at° the home of
Mrs. Leonard • Archambault. .
Come' in and choose
from a -Complete
selection of fine,
ctean, healthy
bulbs -all from
Reasonably priced'
and vire to bloom.
We have a fine selection of
Tulips, Hyacinths, Crocuses,
Daffodils, PaPerwhiles and
Pact 0
66 Hamilton et. Ooderich S244161
Celia' Taylor prOposed a toast to
the SOciety and Mrs. Elmer
Trommer replied.
- Greetings from the Ontario
Horticultural Association mere
brought by Mrs. William K lie of of officers. They were as Mrs, Frank Raithby follows: president, Mrs. F. 0
thanked the ladies of the Knox McIlveen; first vice-president,
United Church U.C.W. for thetr.e Mrs. W. T. Robinson; second
beef dinner Which they had vice-president, Mrs. Donald
served. Mrs, Gerald McDowell Fowler: third vice-president,
replied. Mrs, Harry Sturdy; secretary -
Mrs. Kenneth Scott presented treasurer, Mrs. Charlie
a Horticulture Service Diploma Straughan; auditors, Miss
to Mrs. Beth Lansing and she Ethel Washington and Miss
thanked everyone for the honor Margaret R. Jackson. Direc-
she had bestowed upon her.. , tors were Mrs. R,49bert Phillips,
Mrs. Dorothy Grange' in, Mrs. H. Mogridge, Mrs.,Gordon
troduced Harvey Wightman of Taylor, Mrs. William
Waterloo who spowed very Straughan, Mrs. Bert Craig,
• interesting pictures of wild Mrs. Edgar Lawson, ,Miss
flowers that are found ip this Amelia McIlwain, Mr, Alfred
community. Many colorful Rollinson, Mrs. Ed ppvies and
scenes taken of the surrounding Mr. Arthur YOungb*.
district in all seasons of the "Many projeces were carried
year showed everyone how mit during the years. A contest,'
fortunate they are to live in of decorated doors at Christ -
Huron County. Harvey . was mas was one of the first
thanked by Mrs•. Eleanor projects. Flower shows, rose
Bradpock. teas and dahlia competitions
Miss Nancy Anderson and received keen interest.
"Mrs. Larry Park sang two „' "Deserted , street corners
delightful duets accompanied over -run with weeds were
by Mi.s. Gordon Gross. transformed into 12'flower beds
The, decorations were placed and Horticulture signs,'
by Mrs...,Russel Brindley, Mrs. designed. and made by Ross
John Durnin• and Mrs: Robert Robinson were placed in each
Arthur; the program com-, bed.
mittee was Mrs. Donald HaineS "In 1952 the large concrete
and Mrs. Dorothy Grange ;• and AUBURN letters at each endof
the ticket committee was Mrs. the village were rnapie by Mr.
Haggitt, Mrs. Ross Robinson Mrs. R. J. Phillips and Mr. Art
The following is a condensed "In 1958 the site' of the
history of Auburn Horticulture Forester's hall was donated by
Society that was read' by Mrs. Elliott Bro$. of Blyth and this
Beth Lansing: was made into the beautiful
"On September 7, 195Q, a Manchester -Garden which has
meeting was held in ,the flowers .blooming from early
Forester's hall to consider • spring toMinter.
organizing a Horticultural "Trees and shrubs have.been
Society in thiS area.
•$ 'Mr. CharleS Asquith acted
as chairman and introduced the
Jackman and Mr. Ed
Roseborough of Owen Sound,
„ the District Director of No. 8.
Mr. Jackman showed several
reels of gardens, wind breaks,
landscaping and various
beauty spots.
"He presided
for the election
Ex -Service Men and Women
and Dependents
Mr. 14.w. Moyer
Provincial Service Officer
London, Ontario
will be visiting in the area
the week of,,Oct. 20, 1975
Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding
war Aisability pensions,_treatment, allowances,' etc., is
requested to cpntact the service officer, or secretary, of the
local branch, whose name appears below, not later than Oct. -
5, 1975 to arrange an interview.
George Low
Service Officer
"PHONE 524-7238 or 524-9,390
planted, in different locations in
the village, and also many_
spring bulbs in the flower beds.
' "The presidents during the
past 25, yearS have been; Mrs.
Robinson, Mrs. Dorothy
Grarige, Mrs. Gordon Taylor,
Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Kenneth
Scptt, Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs.
Eleanor Bl'adnock,,Mrs. Frank
Raithby, Mrs. Gordon Taylor
and now Mrs. Kennet') Scot/.
Pipe and fittings of heavy -gauge
90" ADJUST galvanized sheet. lnstall a "branch run"
from ypur warm air furnace to recreation
Or laundry rooms.
Monday Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursda
OCT. 20, 21,
.Archie Barber,
* Only Lions Club -members are
authorized to receive your contributions
if missed during canvass, please forWard donation
to Goderich Lions CILib', P.O. Box 65, Goderich"
Harold Knisley,
Campaign Chairman
PHONE 482-3441
master charge