The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-28, Page 4PAGE 4__GODERICH'SIGNAL S fAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1975 ,
Study,tin ,
A committee -of -county council determined -to! strengthen local
session to be held today to discuss • government with greater powers and
some thoughts of. the county restruc- with more resources to.the extent that
turing committee should bewelcomed our resources makes possible."
by the people of Huron. Although the e Davis government thin has
meeting will not be open to the public, adopted a different attitude toward the
this is indeed one of the rare occasions P
oss.ible.• restructuring of the •
when a closed door gathering ,may be* remainder of the province •7whereo populations s arser,� the urban ,
of the greatest benefit to the people of P P are P
Huron. It is to be hoped' that county ' element less dominant„, and such
co%ncillars will': respond with• some ..P
roblems as environmental pollution
free -swinging thoughtful discussion and, urban sprawl much less urgent.
whi hJ will lead to better decision But the overall goal of the Govern -
making in the months to come. ,ment of Ontario hasn't changed. That
goal was 'stated this way by Sam
This meeting should not be construed
b the opleof•Huron as an attempt to Clasky, former' Director of the
y � � Re Tonal Planning Branch.
scrutiny. Rather this session should .
push policy throtgh 9 be �
considered,, as a direction -finding
session wherein some reaction of the
elected representatives concerning•
restructuring can be measured before
any recommendations are made to
county council in open meeting.
Restructuring must be done. County
officials realize this fact. While there
may not seem to . be any urgency in
getting the job done at this present
moment, .county councillors correctly
sense that the time Vis, ripe to look at
possible alternatives to the present
county system here.
To this end, . the province ' has province:"
initiated the County 'Restructuring . A
Studies . Program whereby the Each Huron aunty .
government shares with. °therefore, should be hoping that
counties and.their associated cities and. councillors meeting tonight will study
towns the cost of local government 'carefully, think, wisely, speak honestly
study where the local' governments and act 'responsibly remembering that
themselves ves request' one. �...
an thing less will leave Huron County
Premier William Davis spoke about open to the possibility of s,weeptng
the "voluntary process". leading to changes _planned outside its bo
• restructuring adding, ""We are - daries:'- SJK
"The Government. of,, Ontario
believes that the rnain,way in which we.
can preserve and strengthen our local
community bovernments is by giving .
thein more to do. In practice, this
means giving local governments more
responsibility to mare decisions. But in
order that local government can
exercise their powers effectively they
must be organized rationally. In other
words, by making local governrrtent
stronger, in terms of size, population
and finances, we are setting the stage N
for a major program ,of decen-
tralization^ of political power in this
Jail still in its infancy
With the 'second season nearly over,
fcir The Huron Historic Jail and at- •
tendance nearly doubled this year
from 7,000 to over 13,000 visitors - it is
now safe to say that the attraction is a
success. The jail, this summer
designated as a. national monument i f
historical 'importance, is a truly
valuable addition to the total county
scene. 'It deserves the support of each
Huron municipality now and in the
future. ' p Amsterdam in Holland this summer
What is most exciting' is°,that the jail
*attraction is only in its infancy: Many , celebrated its ,700th birthday, one also,
lans are already afoot to restore, the *appreciates the dire need to protect
building and improve its interest prosper
P and ros er parts of Huron's history
impact tooth Huron citizens and their which are still so new by comparison.
guests More planning :will un- It is im ortant that when Huron County
gw �
doubtedly follow. In the years to come, ,
Huron Historic Jail could . easily
become one ofthe foremost attractions
in this part'of Canada.
The .fact is, funds will have to be
,, raised thr,pughout Huron County and
from whatever other available sources
-there are to `complete`: the work and
maintain the momentum at the jail.
'Fund raising is not a happy business,
particularly when there are presently
so many legitimate demands on
municipal tax dollars and private
But it behooves this county to
preserve the efforts that have been
mane at the jail and to establish even
firmer footing on which the attraction
may 'grow and flourish.
When one realizes that the City of
becomes 700 years of age, as much of
its coldrful past as possible has
remained an integral. part of the
The jail has focused national at-
tention on Huron County. it must now
have the financial undergirding of this
county; SJK '
School starts. Tuest iv
Dear Driver:
A few weeks ago, I saw a little girl
struck by a car as she tried to cross the
street. I saw a father race toward her
and hold her to him as she •struggled in
the agony of death. I saw all the plans
that had been made for her dashed and
I saw the look .of despair that came
over •his face. I could only offer a
prayer that, such a thing might never
happen again.
Today my daughter, who is six years
old, started off, to S,chool'. Her. cocker
spaniel, whose name is Scott, watched
her leave qnd whined his be>"ief irt the
folly of education.
Tonight we talked She
told me about the girl' who Vs curl (f and
of her, a girl' with yell
about the boy across the 'aisle who
Makes faces; about the teacher who
has eyes in the back of her head; about
the trees in t'he school yard and the big
girl 'who does not believe in Santa
Claus. We talked about a lot of things -
B each b 111
'appeared kind of thing in an editorial last to .grips with inflation. >�ut in
last editorial whichpp
in week's :Signal -Star has week: That item called for Wage Canada, inflation is as bad .as
caught the imagination of some and price controls as the y , "The contrast between the
readers who for a variety of answer if not voluntary then U.S. and Canada is obvious
reasons will remain the result of government ac- one small statistic: that , the
anonymous in this case. The 'tion. Theorial
Pierre rate of negotiated settlement
editorial "Canac�i•ans never had for ,major labor ,contracts in
it so good" brought forth a Trudeati spoke some rather Canadair labor double then
number. of comments, some of ominous :words in. his presserate in the United States.
l)Y,J(iji S('(hh) rt
lig Shirleo 1. Keller
• which bear repeating here.... conference this • p Unlike only a year ago our
and all in time for Labor Day. noting that wage settlements in
reminded, for instance, this 'country are ntoo 'excessive, inflation
n lati our now
n borders, fueled
>G was price
that there are five million and are startingto lead tofrom outside. We can't blame
people In Canada today lrving •` increases . that threaten our the Arab producers. W e can
below the 'poverty level ... and trading position in the world. l blame ourselves.p
t twq-thirds of them. "One of the main problems`in only
h fact the • The 'government would
worse ye , this regard is the are the working poor., to impose
In Ontario, I'm told, the average Canadian 'fails to .see prefer notf ocou se;. because
himself as having 'anything to,' controls,
poverty line for .family of four
is $7,028 annually..., and thethey still haven't been proven
do with the' nation's trading to work well elsewhere. But lien
approximate number, of position in world markets.
"A school ' teacher, dentist, the' mother who sees'her child
families living below. ,this` � . eating much,,candy, "line" is "400,000 in Ontario... street cleaner or people in- avers too must soon do
alone. Of that number,. 65 per volved in,,a thousand and one government
v t save us' soon , do
cent have one or 'more family other occupations read
members' working! statements such as those made own
Controls are drastic action
Looking at, come by Mr: Trudeau and . dismiss is
now it is reported them as affecting only those but
els the conttrolstmight
agaan tl en aged in g
' as an interesting fact that the who
rodus~ e directe gservices jolt ordinary Canadians into the Dear Editor: structures" in question woulc
top ?O per cent of the population p g goodsawareness' that .we can't go on Our utility,.. personnel have not to effected with a rate
receives 48 per cent t the total that b abroad. g read with interest the "PUC rip
while the bottom z0 per "Obvibiisly, that is not the like this with, e if an looking off letter published
income wh at the The writer of the letter has
Many of the wage in out for himself and no she week's Signal'Star.Obviously c a ted W rates to those
aced the ne
in .many walks of life as a
partial solution.
To my way, of thinking, the
answer to inflation lies within
each one of us. You and•I can
do more to halt the spiralling
cost of living than anyone else.
But will We? And if 'we do, will
the folks in• the next town, the
next county, the next prnvince? So,
like SO many others I
Finance Minister John • co.rne to the conclusion also that
Turner exhorted Canadians to wage and price controls may
cut back voluntarily on the use have to be' imposed on us. If you
of the country's
.cient natural
ml haveear ita better -solution, let's
resources. No sufficient i
provenient was forthcoming,
hence the latest budget which
proved to he most unpopular
with the majbritY of Canadians.
Like infarcts, we want sweeping
changes made , without any
significant alteration in our
own lifestyles'.
No rip,- off
parison put .poses,, it was
necessary to' use the rates .in
effect at that time. The ratio,
however, between the two,rate.
- t'ul!
tremendoisly vital and uriimpor.tant
Now, as yfhis• is written, she is souThd
asleep -with herdoll Paddy in her arms'.
When her ddI I gets broken or her finger'
gets cut, or her head 'gets b roped,
can. fix them—But ut when• she starts
across the street - theri, Mr. Driver, she
is in your hands. Much as I wisht I
could, it's not possible forme to be N
her all the time. I have to work to paye
for her home, her clothes, , ,
So, Mr. Drver, ,please help me to
look out for her. Please drive carefully.
Please drive slowly past schools and at
intersections. And please remember
that sometimes children run Afrom
behind parked cars.
Please don't run over my little girl.
With deepest thanks for whatever
you can do for her, I, am.
Very sincerely yours,
A little girl's daddy.
cent pull down a pitiful two per case, rel
cent. creases' given to those engaged apparently .caring fo the writer "has completely orison purposes
"canned'' in export businesses are' an consequences arp for this use r camp' p p
A Labor Day(canned
in them into line, country. If we 'do, we're going misunderstood the meaning 9- with the two rate
and intent of the "card notice in d €,
editorial (canned meaning attempt to bring structures; a,.totally unrelated
with other occupation groups. in to hit a recession'that will make t what were formerly
provided through an editorialliis: country. Those people „the one in the U S look 1'k
service) has this to say: •
oo ie
. "In early August a teenager
was asked to record what he their taxes and provide their
~would remember most about f ale well as any other.people.ies with the neceSsities f
his summer camp experience. life
His comment was arresting," I "The end, result then is an
learned, "he said, "that justice •
incrthatease in te cost of o ontohhe worldpmarket,
doesn't mean `just us .• and when those prices become
"These are good words to, too high, importing 'crountries
reme'mber'• on •Labor Day.look t;lsewhere for their sup -
Nobody likes strikes -they are ..
disruptive and frustrating to plies. . The Canadian economy
everyone, but every purchaser is then ,weakened and unem-
of groceries for a growing ployment increases. , .,
family feels the impact of in- "That,. course, affects
nation where it hurts. The everyone, whether. they are
postman or factory worker has " directly involved in producing
feed h`is children just as the exportssor not.
banker or civil servant, and aonly viable answer to
dollar will stretch only S"The no far, the problem is wage and price
whatever our stations. 'controls. If those controls are
"A good `deal of talk- and„, not forthcoming on a voluntary
experimentation with „ the basis, then it will ..,..'require
concept of a_ guaranteed annual government action.
income is going ori -a scheme + +
that would help these minimum
wage earners enormously. It's •
�dd'1 h, The Blyth
worth examining, rather than Y enough,
hotly rejecting it out of hand. Standard ran a similar tom-'
"While it's true that pen- ment. That editorial had this to
sioners and others on fixed say:
Just over a year ago
income's ,from investment are soundly
also• caught in the ever- Canadians votedontrols
escalating squeeze, not many against wage and p Progressive
scream when interest rates rise as proposed by the Prog essi 'e
and owned houses double in Conservatives
�e rerTrudea�u back in power
"In short, we are all in this with a majority government.has
financial spiral together and Never -the -less, the time
Until someone, somewhere come for wage and price
•finds a way out of 'the controls in Canada. char ed
frightenlrig maze, patience.and "Conditions haVe changed
eat) since Robert StaiTfield
a willingness to examine facts. greatly year.
are something each of. UTTan proposed controls last - y far.
contribute to an admittecfly Canada wase suffering
frightening economy. " rorn
inflation at that time but,not as
"The youngster's comment is badly as places like t however,,
pertinent. Justice is not 'just the .meantime,
us'." because of thR recession or
because of common sense or for
++whatever reason; our major
The Exeter Times -Advocate like the U.S. and
had something to say about this Japan and Germany have come
oiir "All electric customers.'' and unfair comparison.
nts are -
r necessary they must be done on
'"W e need government ation It is not the utility's desire to When rate adj
require the extra ,money to pay'peanuts.
now before i 1 d ou
cu bills.seeded-on an after g
them informed to the bes,t..,cf -r
our ability as to the operation of date., hf such ,adjustments were
• I n a short discussion last, tli'e utility and the periodic need. n advertised
d er197tis td say yldffmeantiVe Aug all
week with Jack Riddell, the for rate adjustments. -With this . h, Uro meters ,the town,
first provinci i election can- in mine' would 'like to tom- approximately in,3,,th would
didate in the Huron -Middlesex d'lesex ment as follows: " •
have to he leafs at' t
Riding to visit my office during The card referred to was Julyato re an midnight,'m
the campaign, we talked'a little . prepared solely for the purpose ,
bit about .wage and "price ssible
of • notifying this, class of task.
controls. The Liberal ice customer that when the n new
carh noticiThe g question on eon' the
cumbent said wage and price rates came into"effecr't the follows: "Our in wills
controls, hadn't worked well in Electric rate" would. be follows:
ws:pleed clericalo q staff your
other parts of theworld,'and he discontinued and would be cries concerning rates,
was not too hopeful they were replaced with the "preferred queries
rate', comparable rate. Budget billing, etc. - phone 524 -
the total answer to the problem 7 71" It is unfortunate the
Canadians are facing now. But Whet -lithe card was prepared letter writer did not avail
he admitted the idea ,was being the new rates had' not been 1 8
tossed -around by many people thus, for com-
is too late." deceive or mss ea p the .basis of effective with ail
storners -but rather to keep d ft a suers
+ +" •
�(coht.lnue( ^'oil page 5)
—0— The County Town Newspaper bf Huron —0—
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Published'by Signal -Stas Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT G. SHR.IER_president and publisher
JEFF SEDDON--editorial staff
DAVE SYKES--editorial staff
EDWARD J. BYRSKI—advertising manager
DAVE R. 'WILLIAMS•--•advertising representative