The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-07, Page 70
mandy, Osborne rg
win summer dance
Rusty Ormandy and his
dance partner Daren Osborne
placed first in the International
Summer Dance Competition
held Augusta m Niagara Falls.
Don Cummings, their St.
Thomas Figure Skating Club
professional; their parents and
a host of friends attended this
special event.
The five judges,' gave' them
four firsts Andra third. Runners-
up were from, Winnipeg. and
The youngsters return, after
a short rest, to their summer
school training at St. Thomas.
Later they train in London then
back' to St., Thomas for the
winter school training.
They will compete in the
Western Ontario Sectional
Championship Figure Skating
Competitions in late fall at
�Tfie Central ,Canadian
Ghampionship Competition will
be -held at.Thunder Bay, with' the
Canadian Championship Finals
held in ,London in January,
where tile top Canadian stars
will compete,
lake Huron Patkwa
committee may fol
Members of Huron County 1973. The government's un.
- Council agree with Warden a favorable decision was handed
Anson McKinley and the down in the spring of 1974.
County Executive Committee
that The Lake Huro •Parkway
Committee should be
disbanded .and the " funds
disbursed. ,
Warden. 'McKinley -was
chairman of that •special body
which has not met formally
since November 13, 1973. A
meeting in May, 1974 was
cancelled after a provincial
government announcement
that Ontari'ii would -not proceed
with either the Lake Huron or
C 4.'Thomas Talbot Parkwaysi
The Warden told council
Thursday evening in "Goderich
that the,Lake Huron Parkway
Committee made, its presen-
tation to the government in late
Two accidents
mar weekend
The purpose of the proposed
parkway, was to 'devel,op the •
lakeshbre from Sarnia north
into a scenic &rive route. •
"The conservati.on
authorities were ,given,"
authority over the Lakeshore
and small watersheds into the
lake," Warden McKinley .said.
"They are now, in a position W
develop the waterfront."
Foundling Witch
on stage tonight
The —Pendulum Players
present their first musical of
the season, . "The Foundling
Witch" on Thursday, Aug. 7 at
8:00 p.m. The play, written by
Warren Robinson of Goderich,
concerns a prince, princessand.
witch in a fairy-tale type set -
The' Next, Goderich POlice' Next, a comedy will be
Department; was kept busy shown, entitled ' "Suppressed
during the past week and over Desires. f,.t, concerns a man
the 'holiday weekend in_ who is :unable to get a • good
vestigating four minor" ac -
.s sleep beeauseof his wife
cidents and two resulting, in who constantly pesters him
major damage estimates. with psychoanalysis..
In a single car accident on. All plays are presented in the,
August 4 a vehicle driven by courtyard at the jail on
Randy Keller, 15 Victoria:St. S., , Tuesdays and Thursdays at,,
Goderich left the road and 8:00 p.m. sharp. There will be a
struck a„te.lephbne pole on Rich
silver collection afterwards. ° •
street ,resulting 'in a total
"damage estimate of, $1,000.
Valerie Hutchins, a passenger
in the vehicle, was 'treated for
cuts and bruises at Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital
and released.
A two -car collision on August
1 resulted in total damage of
$475 when vehicles driven by•
John Fraser^;+ •.+ 426. West
Woodland, Ferndale,:' ' Mi ,
and:Jarnes Johnston, 160 Eats eight hours. •
St., Goderich, collided at the ` , The alarm was turned in by
corner of East and Victoria one • of the 'inember'§ of the'
Streets. There were no injuries. family around and the
God •t ch Volunteer Fire
,Mon dies l
ObFt!t cli
1 28 YEAR -32
UST 7, 1975
Gordon Ferris,iKar�n Sturdy
appointed by Aftorney General
„ The Ontario Attorney
General's office last week
announced the appointment of
two new •justices of the peace
for Huron County. '
Gordon Ferris and Karen
'Sturdy, both of Goderich, were
-�° appointed to their new positions
last Friday. The position was ,..
left vacant following the May 19
death of John Sturd,y�, who
served as justice of the` peace
for Huron County for 10 years.
Mr. Ferris, 59, is 'a 24 year
veteran of the OPP and worked
for 12 years out of theGoderich
detachment. He served as court
officer at the Huron County
courthouse for the past 10
years. He retired from the OPP•
'on Aug. 31.
Karen Sturdy, who became
familiar with the duties of the
justice of the peace through her
Ne w' deputy- clerk
husband John. will also see
duty in that capacity. Both
;appointments were provincial.
In' conjunction with the
retirement of Mr. Ferris, Ken
Armstrong of Goderich was..
appointed the ' new Huron
County 1• court officer. Mr.
Armstrong 'who assumed his
duties Friday •, is a constable
with the Goderich detachment
of the OPP.
. e
Alcock assumes county post
William Alcock of Goderich
was rappointed the new deputy -
clerk treasurer of the County of
Huron at a special evening
Force now
] 0 sarong
Barn, contents
razed in fire .
Fire destroyed a barn and -its
contents at the farm of William
Porter, RR's Goderich last
. Thursday night while the
Goderich Fire . Department
contained the blaze for almost
of burns
'Depart hent kePt an 'eye on the
fire to keep iffroin spreading to
the house\until 5 a.m. the
• following morhing.•
A 62 -year-old Goderich
Township man, badly burned in
a car accident near Goderich
July,. 8, died Thursday, in
London's Victoria kiospit-al.
Joseph Hewill, of RR 2,
Goderich, suffered, burns to
about 40 per cent of his body
when , his car caught fire
following a two -car. collision on
Highway 8, about a mile east of
4;" Goderich.
The other driver, Anthony
Uyl, 19, of RR 2, 'Clinton-,' was
not hurt.
There was a I muted number
of livestock in the-: barn when
,the fire started but Mt'\ Porter's
son was able to rernoVe them
without injury -before the 'fire
spread. Noanimals•perished in
•the blaze,. The 'fire destroyed.,
some grain leftover from last
year and a considerable
amount of hay.
No ,estimate on the•dainage
Was available but the barn and
its contents were ' covered by
insurance. Cause of th'e fire
was not determined.' '
Hands over ch.1aik'in- dofg
Sgt. George Bacon of the Goderich Police Force hands his marking stick over to the town's new
by-law officer Dick Eisler who began duties Tuesday morning. gt.SBacon who has chalked
more 'tiles than any other Goderich policeman made his final mark early Tuesday morning.
Mr. Eisler was hired. by the Traffic Committee to enforce the two hour parting bylaw, the
watering bylaw, leaf burning bylaw and;animal control. Mr. Eisler is retained by the Town of
Goderich, and isnot an officer with the Goderich Police Department. (staff,photo )
• N
session of the Huron ' County
Council last Thui-sda1 `'
The position, was left vacant
following the death of John
Berry, who served as clerk
treasurer and administrator
for the 'county, Deputy -clerk
treasurersWilliarn Hanly then
assumed the ,duties of clerk -
.treasurer and administrator,,
Mr. Alcock has, lived' -in
Goderich for the past 20 'years
when he started working fa A
and M `Harper, chartered ac-
countants. During his working
experience there, ° he served as
municipal auditor, auditing fou
„;16 of the 26 municipalities in
.Huron County.
Mr, Alcock will assume• his
new, duties on Sept. 3'and was
confident that b.e could get right
down to work. -
"I accept this •position with”
full knowledge that it:....will'
require "work 'and effort,` but I
feel that with my accounting
training and experience in the
municipal field, I`will be able to
do a good job," he, said. "";-"-
M -r --•'Alcock and his wife
Helene have four children.
Gerald Hilrgendorff, 34, who is
presently'"' employed. with the
Essex Police Department-, will
join the Goderich Police
Department, August 18..
Pid1ce Chief Pat King says
Constable Hilgerrdorff will not
be taking anyone's place on the
local force. the additional
..Man authorized by the,
Goderich. Police Commission.
''earlier this year and will bring
the total strength of ' the,
Goderich Police Department to
. 10.:
Constable Hilgendorff is
married with. one child. He has
been. with Essex PD for ten
crew troubled by dissent
Diva enters dmiral's Cup race
Bruce 'Sully Of Goderich,
skipper of Diva, Canadian
Admiral's Cup yacht, ordered a
Norwegian'rnember-of the crew
off the, .boat late Sunday • in.,
, Ccswe+s, England, off the Isle of
Wight. .,
In' a verbal exchange with
\P.O. (P!01 •Olayivken with' 20
or\more people watching from
the dock, Sully said the crew
members services were no
longer nc 'ded on the Diva and
ordered the an from'tlie boat.
The clash s the product of
differences of opinion„ and
personality problems :wIth the
crew concerning ho« thy• boat
'should be' handled in the r tic ing
Olavivken chalteng.e,d his ,
skipper saying he had at'rt1n city
from,the chartered hrytat's
owneto take the boat from the
' Goderich master, hind went. as--,
+fair as producing a keys
that would • nuke the threat
,possible. 4-t; was nQt known at
presstime whether Sully was
entered in Moncbiy•, ; ace..
Sully Ch'atrtered the Diva, a
'Canadian C and,. {' deigned '46
footer. in ,Norway for the race
series and 'agreed to take
aboard. th.rt'e.' •Norwegians,
including H Olaviviken whose
.race ,function is °mainsail
trinimin,g arthough he had had
the helm a few tittles. There
were several instances since'
the 'race beginning. according
to r'epor't, 1v1it n Oiaviviken
tried to press li'ome his',poiiit of
view. particularly when the
Canadians th'otjght ° lri430deas
clashed with their, better
"It'W,ffs irr'ase of him or us,
Sully said. "He felt he°knew
more. than we did land the
,.ituation became intolerable."
The Goderich'rnaster said he
felt sure that his, charter
arrangements were binding
and didn't include the need to
'carry Olavivken. Ibis main
concern. was that the 'chair—ter
cheque had:.not been cashed by
the Norwegian owner and
-several attempts to phone the,
pian for confirmation on the
mattes- hod failed,
The boat finiished 45th in the
(continued on page 16)
Bruce B .plant
elayed b months
A $30 million reduction in walkouts last l'Thursday and
Ontario °Hydro's capital Friday at the BNPD have been
spending will mean at least a resolved ,and' -.•work_ resumed
six month delay ',in, starting Tuesday on a not mal• schedule,' •
construction of the Bruce B About 125 engineers walked
generating station at the Bruce off the job Thursday°protestin
Nuclear Power Development at .the• non-use of oilers by $
Douglas'Poin't. contractors at air. develop -
ment; Oilers. maintain and
, . — news was announced last
assist machinery' ,which han-•
dies striictuFal steel.
. On Friday, the engineers'.
were joined by 600 'other
workers, frprn . 17 trades. The
Friday .work.. stoppage forced
the 'entire 1,800 member :work
force at the plant to Shot down
week in a statement issued by
Hydro Chairman . Robert
Taylor. • .
"The program of An -service
dates is deferred isix months,".,
. the statement said.
This will result in a reduction
of capital spending to 1985', of
about $1.2 billion.
Mr. Taylor made .the
statement to the Ontario~
Energy Board when he '',an-
nounced Hydro has dropped its
request to raise rates by about
30 per. cent.
It is now asking Tot a rate
increase Of 25.1 per cent for
municipal utilities and 24.9 per
cent for large ° industrial
customers. •
Disputes which touched -off•
Local winner
.Onto Lottery Corporation
has announced thatat least One
Goderich person has won a
$1,000 pr'ize the Wi.ntario
• Murray Hunter, 64 '"Picton-
Street Westwas listed as a
lucky winner .who has claimed'.
hisprize. ._
Plaza racewasi
„ •
w rr
Completion of the '100,b00 square foot shopping plaza, being built lay Suncoast Estates Ltd., on
._:Highway 21 N expected by mid-September with the official opening in October. The Rockiedge
er the
8 Was originally
$90 00 scheduled
of tanks, tile beds and fon.sometime in undation, on,the st a 20 acreear tslte is
lengthy OMB hearings and,
now overgrown with weeds. (staff -photo)
to m
eT yr rMb.".