The Exeter Times, 1894-7-12, Page 5k r p s 7 A�Apppp sem•'.CEck�.'~s.1=t 1:3 Toronto, Ontario. As Weil as Ever. After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla rated of eI $erit:tis Disease.. a'I was suffering :ront what 13. known. as Wight's diseasefor ilea years, and for days at a time I Intro been unable to straighten myself UP, I. was in heal for three weans; during that time I had leeches, ap:riled and derived no bene- fit, � aadvertise(' t i t, S4e1 I r) '9 S s, a ri b d to 3110 Papers I dealt ,L 1 t.) try abottle. I found F it cap relief before Iliad finished taking half of a bot- tle. T got so mueb help from t i:,i; the -fleet bottle that I deoined to try another and since Salting the second bottle 1 feel as yell rs ever IMUM mylife." Goo Mn urrr,Tuttut1;Out. Hood's Pills are prompt and ancient, yet sasy of action. Sold by all drtig iate. Kyo. Mr. S'Vin. Hyslop, ex -champion bicyclist of Canada, was married at Woodstock on Thursday to Miss Madge MoLood, daughter irtf the well-known millionaire of that town. . Out 8f 275 deaths in Montreal last week 512 were of children under two years of ge, This is the heaviest death -roll in at city since the smallpox epidemic of :x6. Ernest Harper, 10 years of age, was drowned at Charlettetown, P. E, L, Thurs- a , Ho went bathing with some other boys and tried 'to cross the creek on a raft and fell intothe channel. The Newfoundland Methodist conference rias passed a resolution deprecating the, political disturlfances and advising the people to. fear God, honor the Queen and respect constituted authority. At New York on Thursday Frederick B. C-loldhorn, the absconding cashier of the ,American branch of the IITanheim Insnr- ranee Company, was sentenced to seven years and six months in Sing Sing. Evangelist Belleville, who escaped from the Hamilton city hospital on Tuesday last, is still at large and no trace of him can be found, Belleville is insane and it is thought he 41as jumped *into the bay and been drowned. The Prince oC Wales' yaeht Brittannia defeated the America cup winner Vigilant by 35 seconds in the Thursday's race on the Clyde, The Sara& collided with the 'Valkyrie at the start,and the latter.yacht Sank in three minutes. The-ittalian Chamber has approved the bill making punishable the publi- cation of . anarchist doctrines and .pologies for anarchist crime and increas- ing the severity of the law governing the manufacture and possession of explosives. In the British. Columbia Provincial elec- tions on Saturday, Vancouver Island re- turned fourteen solid Government candi- dates. Vancouver rind New Westminster cities and the four electoral districts on the lower mainland returned eight straight Opposition candidates, The interior elec- tions will take place this week. .:t George Boyce, who was drowned Thurs- day in the Ottawa river, was 54 years of age. He is spoken of as a steady young man.He was a son of Mr. John Boyce, 'of the House of Commons staff. He was a member of No. 6 Company of the Guards and accompanied the battalion to Brock- ville rockville on Dominion Day. The Prize May Be Yours. Dyspepsia and Debility Easily Banised. Paine's Celery Compound Dos the Good Work. Statement Issued ''r'0n the Ontario Bureau of industries, No troubles are more common and pre- ' valent in our midst, than dyspopeia and -nervous debility. These horrid ailments make life miserable for thousands, and may die every year because they have received. improper treatment and bad core. Hundred's of lives daring the past year have been saved by " Paine's Celery Oom- pound, that wonderful medicine that copes so'sncceesfully with dyspepsia, indigestion and all nervous affections. Mr. H. G. Poirier, merchant, of Belle - dune, N. B. writes as follows: "It gives me very great pleasure to say something in favor of your wonderful raw. edy, Paine's Celery Compound, My object is to let others know what a valuable ouch - eine it is for those afflicted with dyepepeia and nervous debility. For years I have been a victim of „these dreadful troubles, 'and have suffered terribly from time to time. 'have triad to get relief and ewe by using advertised medicines, but all failed to (rive the desired results. I fortunately gave your medicines trial some time ago, and soon found I . had got hold of a valuable and honest agent. lc soon begin to do me good, and after using•itfor a time it bee cured me. I know of nothing I can so strongly reoommend to the suffering dyspeptic:; if faithfully used it will give him a new and enjoyable life instead of misery and woe. I cannot say too much in its favor, and woad urge all to give it a trial at once," GE,',4RAL PROSPECTS WOO. ran Wheat and Barley Will Present a .Pair Average—Omit tiertofOther Cereals ''avorakty Itevortert—Only a Voir Crop In bruit r;x- peated,: • Tonne ro July a -.-Bulletin L., issued from. the Ontario Bureau of Industries, contains the following report of 'the cod- dilion of tile crops in the province up to June 15:•(�� FALL Wx1L"AT.—The reports for this time of the year are quite up to the aver age. With favorable Westher fur the next three weeks a good crop of faafl wheat may be looked for. In the Lake Erie dis- trict the crop was fair to very good, In the Lake Huron district moat of the re, porta are for a good crop. In the Georgian, Bay eonuties a small fraction of the crop has been lost, but on the Whole it is quite up to the average. In the West :Midland group the boat reports come from Welling- ton ins theworst t r om ft dleee; where, however, the crop is reported fair. Along Lane Ontario reports are favorable for a fair crop—folly up to the average. In the eastern counties the amount of fall wheat is too small to affect the total, but reports are favorable. To sunt up: The present condition is fair, with prospects of a crop quite up to,. if not a little over, the aver- age, with favorable weather, • SPRING WHEAT. -,-As usual there is but little spring wheat in the western part of the province, while in the eastern half the acreage is declining. The grain was sow4 in fine condition, and is now recoverip rapidly from the extra rain. In tea. places correspondents state that the t. iii did more good than harm, Less than usual has been sown in the northern diet tilde. On the whole present iiidioatiopa are for a crop about two-thirds of the average Beimay,—In the Like Erie districts only a moderate quantity as been eown, and the condition is under the average. It has suffered from rain and also from frost. In the Lake Huron district barley is -not in so good a form as spring wheat. In the Georgian Bay district ; rain and frost did some injury but an improve- ment has taken place since warm_ weather returned. In the West Midland district the crop is reported as being uneven or patchy and backward. In the Lake On- tario district the condition is a little under the average. In the St; Lawrence and. Ottawa district the 'condition is reported as more favorable. In the East Midland district the crop is fait. In the northern districts nothing of any consequence is reported. On the 'whole -it may be con- cluded that the barley has suffered quite extensively, is backward in growth, but at present is making very rapid progress, and with a continuance of favorable weather will 'probably come up to nearly the aver- age of the last two years. OATS.—The reports, from every section of the Province are pfactioally the same. The c:aili is on the whole somewhat More backward than usual, but present condi- tions point to ayield fully up average. , BvE.--There appears to be less and less of this crop sown every year. A's far as reported upon it came, through the winter in good condition. PEAS.. The. continued rains did more damage to this aro_p than to the other spring -solos crops. The reports from the largest pea counties of the west are quite favorable. Coma—Prospects are for a crop a little under the average is quantity. BUCKWEEAT.—The only report possible at this time is that quite en extensive acreage will be grown this year. TIMOTHY.—,A. small amount of timothy was winter -killed, but the principal damage has resulted from some cold wet days bf spring and early summer. There is no need to differentiate counties or dis- tricts, ,,as all report the same, namely a light crop. CLovxn.—On the whole the clover crop promises to be below the average. Dam- age by insects is. reported from a few counties. ROOTS AND POTATOES.—Early planted potatoes were much injured by frost. The season is not far enough advanced to re- port upon roots, as sowing is later than usual. Fairest—The frost has done some dam- age to fruit. There is promise of only a fair crop. Apples are setting well,: and on the whole promise a good crop, especially east of Toronto,' The Essex and Kent and Niagara districts give on the whole very favorable' reports as to fruits. • LABOR ArD WAGES.—Out of every eight correspondents reporting seven stated that there was a sufficiency of labor, and as re- gards quality, one out of every three men offering for farm help was considered a poor. hand. The result of the large num- ber of men seeking rural employment in the spring and early summer is seen in the lowering of the scale of wages. Domestic servants are still scarce on the farm; the woman question has yet to be settled in that quarter. Terrible Accident in a Woollen 11411. CAMPBELLPORn, Ont., July 6.—Yester- day while works g in his uncle's woollen mill here Fred Fair, a boy 13 years old, was caught in the belting which runs the carding machine and killed instantly. The. body was horribly mutilated, his skull cap being torn off and brains scattered, one leg torn from the body and the other leg and one arm broken. No person was in the workroom at the time of the accident, but it is supposed that he unnecessarily. approached the belting and was caught. An inquest was deemed unnecessary. Killed in a Sawmill. Iil3ELBTRNE, N.S. July 0.—The three. year-old son of G. W. Lantz, of Centre- ville, was instantly killed in the sawmill of his father by a revolving shaft which protruded two feet above the floor. It is supposed the child thoughtlessly ap- proached and took hold of the shaft,which was revolving, with such velocity as to ap- pear almost motionless, when he was thrown with such violence against an ad•, hjoining beam as to cause instant death, is head being literal, smashed to pieces, Ditoutreal's Weekly Trolley Accident. Mor aiuAL, July 9, --Montreal is keeping up its record in the matter of trolley car accidents. Another horrible accident took place by which a child was so badly in- jured that it is not exp,cteal to recover, While an slF i tear. .. ti la is trailer was coming Iloilo t r ig street the trailer jump - ea the truck, 4;:,i t tu: lira, who was on board, was tints s a het e met t he car and trailer and badly niatt;;l'ed. aonirlainin g of .the softness of the pork" funnelled to them, In a great many eases large numbers of the animals are totally unfit PO their pee. Should thi9 state of atlaira continuo, it will result in ,great lose to the farmers of this seotioll, as an immense quantity of hogs are l' annually ehipped from. this part. Th ere seems to be a difference of opinion even among the paekers as to the cause, and variousreasons are advanced. It is the got:Whip opinion that the softness is caused by the feeding of wheat to the swine, whilst some believe in the theory that soft fled will produce soft flesh and that it is .causerlby the feeding o roots. It will those . raising swine to investigate the onus() of this soft pork, for whilst there may be no loss at pre- sent, the packers state that: should it' centime they will be obliged to cease buying. "Ten cents it coat,' a west Mary criers, "My dress is just a treasure, I dyed it with the Diamond Dyes One day when I Ii ad leia'mre." RsTlf you mail this verse and notice and 25 cents instamps or money to Wells & Riobard,on Co., Montreal, you will receive Our Home, Canada's New monthly family paper for one leer; alio illustrated book orf clow to snake Mats acd Rues," and 1 psoltageInk Powder, for making 16 entices of best black ink. its Mention this paper. There were, according to the last report of the health bureau, forty per cent, fewer deaths in Canals last year than ever be- fore. Smart Weed and Belladonna, combined with the other ingrdedients nerd in the beet porcusplaeters, make Cotter's 8 W. & B. B ackache Plasters, the best in the world, Price 25e. R . G Dun & Co. report 34 failures in Canada the past week, aga'net 23 in the corresponding week last sear. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick sad then leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver PillsIegulate the bowels and make you well. Dore, one pill. Emigration to Canada through British e porta declined 64 per oen t. during June, as compared with the same month last year KNOWLEDGE Brings Comfort and improvement and tends ; to personal enjoyment when rightly tined. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with lesJ expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beat products to the nocdQ of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of F'igs, Its Excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas.. ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly I:enefloiaal properties of to perfect lax - Wye ; effectually cleansing the system, sy , dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with tho approval of the medica` profession, because it acts on the Kid nays, Liver and Bowels. without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance.. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75o. 'bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store Few medio'nes have held their ground so successfully as Aye; 's Cherry Peotoral. During the past fifty years, it has been the moat popular of all cootrh cures and the demand for it to day is green r than ever before. Prompt to act and sore to cure. It is said the choice of the West Bruce Patron convention for a candidate for the House of Cmmona lies among John '.l'ol- mie, Peter MoXeezie, William Valens, Dr. Bradley, Peter Corrigan, Neil Mc- Dougal, George Leeds or James McEwing. 'Be thou the rainbow to the storms t f life, The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, And tints to -morrow with prophetic ray." For headache, neuralgia and billiousness take Stark's Powders. 25 cents a box, Near Glencoe Monday a seven-year-old son of John Thompson of Avondale Park was killed by a kink from a horse. To prevent pale and delicate children from lapsing into chronic invalids later in life, they should take.Ayer'e Sarsaparilla together nith plenty of wholesome food and outdoor exercise. What they need to bold np itio system is good red blood, Carter, the bicyclist, rode 423 miles, 1,564 yadrs;in 24 hours in London on Sat. nrday. Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter's Little., Liver Pills. The result wilt be a pleasant surprise. They give positive relief. Canada's revenue for the fiscal year end- ing June 30 amounted to $85,382,000, as against 137,183,000 the previous year The customs yielded $19,110,000, as compared with $20,707,000 the previous year. A Boon to Horsemen.—One bottle of English bpavin 'Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse, I take pleasure inrecommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness •in the removal'„froni horns of hard, soft or calloused luittps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEo. Ronn, Farmer, Sold by 0. LUTZ p HOW TO . GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than .a man") to Lever Bros.,, Ltd,, 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost le postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. BEDROOM. sci/TES ry? • Its a genuine pleasure to show our goods. Never before were we able to give so much for the money as now. Look at this, Ladies. You never realized the beauties of furniture, it you haven't seen our lines of bedroom suites. An inspection of our line of furniture will reveal to you a variety of designs and lowness of- price such as you could hardly dream of. A lot of new goods arrived this week. Call and see them. WHAT A LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY - - If spent is the right place, That J. D. Atkinson's is • the right place to buy your furniture. The following facts and figures prove : 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, $20.50. BED, DRESSER, WASH STAND, 14IATRESS, Selsun, 2 PILLOWS, Rocnuli, $20.50. Clown TABLE. Coining brides and young married couples take advantage of the above offer. We supply comfort cheap. $20.50. JJ.ATKINSOS Went, Furniture Manufacturer, north of Town Hall, ltnsus13110i i.'trlr;P' IN A 1.13.7i..- South. Antarioan Itbun at'c Cu' F. let Ilbruucatiasu and Neuralgia, radically cures lu 1 to 3 day's. Its action apes the ss stew is r'ennat k " able and torte, leas. It removes at once the cause and the dikeaec inemediately die - Appears. The fifert dose greatly neueftts 75 cents. Sols Ly (, Luiz. Druggist, 518 Positive Retention, Positive Comfort. A CURE IN1THOUT AN OPtrRATION. Children 4 to 8 weeks. Adults 7 to 14. Sire, --I had such a severe eongb that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp taking Norway Pine Spot) I found that sue dose gave relief, sad tie veecad lot,le cowiletely cured n e, Mies D. A. A. owney, Mamotio, Ont. Burdock Blood Bitters cure dyspepsia. Burdock Blood Lettere core Cenatipation. Burdock Blood Bitters cure hiliouencee. Burdook Blood Bitters cure headache. Burdock Mood Bitters nulook all the clogged secretions of the bo veils, thus car- ing headaches and similar oomitlaints.. Twenty -Seven Years Continuous Practical Experience with. over 22 years in Business in Toronto, Should give ruptured persons oonfidenoe in our' ability to relieve those suffering with this terrible affliction. Even after all others fail, I succeed. Oursystem of treatment is entirely new, No treahyor foreign goods on hand; all high-class work. :Remember, a poor, ill-fitting Trust may in oduoo life-long deformity. If you got any, get the beet. My appliances are of my own manufacture, the grandeet.most perfect instruments the world ever saw, designed on the basis •otHeinen Anatomy, and oonetruotod,in aocordaneewith theWishespriuciplrs of Salome and Mechanical Art. 0 he undersigned has long aiuooabandoned the beaten path travelled by so -caked surgical meohinists and truss makers, and is to -day aoknowledeed as The First, the most competent authority on this continent in the science of meohamoal surgery in its ap- plication to the positive relief and Absolute Cure of reducible Hernia, in suits forms in old or young—age makes no difference. I Can refer you to physicians, eminent in their profession, as well es to parents and patients throughout the Dominion, who can testify to my success. in hopeless ewe, where all other moans bad failed. mothers, don't negloot your children. Remember, a neglected Hernia in childhood is a dangerous thing, and if put off now you may regret .itwhen too late, Prices within roach of. all, Children cured in six to eight woke, adults in 10 to 16, according to the severity of the ease, The evidence that tolls the story is the testimony of those who suffered, who tried others resulting in failure, and I alone succeeded. Examination end advice free. For those who write, our address is J. Y. EGAN, Hernia Special - 1st, 226 West Queen Street, Toronto, Ontario. The Rupture Specialist will visit EXETER, Central Hotel, Tuesday and Wed- nesdayJul 24th and 25th. � Y. Wingham, Queen's Hotel, Thursday, July 26th. ICin.cardine, Royal Hotel, rriday, July 27th. sotorraoltiagEouo Ask for our "PLUME" brana Meats. They are the best. SNELL BROS. rtutum. a Largest Finest Designs. Lowest Prices Immense show; rooms loaded with goods ; every quality, style and price, but all the best for the least money. Our Spring Store now complete, is the pick of the mar- aet in everything—is elegant and varied beyond description. 0 0 Parlor Furniture u�. e Will be the fate this week. The unus- ual size and variety of the line does not admit giving pieces in detail. Odd Pieces Will be especially attractive in price, and all who wish for much, in return for small out lay,will not be disappointed. 8. OIDLEY & SON, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. A Full Stock —OF— SCR�d6 SIIPPIJfN AT Browning s —DEALER IT— Books, - Stationery, - and Fancy - Goods, Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock Boxes, Etc., etc. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. Carriages a Not baying more tban Co years longer to ilii , tl� ilei nrnita to do all the wed I cot. in t.11allatr+est ot.Men, Wt. lit( at rl ('l:ilcl. There will be about us, much financial profit in the trattsactta,p there will be to McLean or Weismiller whoever' bits iii, Men's all wool Tweed Suits to order for k3xo on ; Fine Ma o1 Suits from $xu ao up. 1SFe Mike a specialty of fit e mcotls. Ou Guinea ^,r -Give tand i Mt 1° s 11 seefor Trousers beak the world art 211, apo cash,i eta yourself. IETTE1, 341.0. -St, C:e an E We have receive& a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold 0E1 C&P. Come and see them and be convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is now complete in every line. Prices to suit everybody. We don't advertise a 20 per cent discount and claim. a 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them to buy. Come in yourselves and get prices, and you see at once we have no 40 per cent profit, Good:Cow-hide,Hand•mace Botts p2.90 ra Lip .a - " 8.26 Bals 2,25 " Plow !Boots 90 Men's Half Soling - - 85 Women's " a - - 80 1vl'o charge for rips; also see our Har- ness., Can't be beaten for style and quality, and. everything in the Harness line. 4, r, J, TREBLE. FOR EVERYBODY. Harvest Mitts, Forks all kinds and sizes. Best machine oils. STOCK OF ALL KINDS FULL. Cofar See. JOSEPH COBBLEBTCK, EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that lie keeps con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which iaacknowled to be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent; judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. JAB. ..47711,.aX IL.! THE BOBIER PRODUCE CO. have decided 1-0 Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices : Best Canadian Oil, - Best Canadian Water White Best American Water White COME ONE, COME ALL. 12c. 17c. 20c. THE ROPIER PRODUCE CO. Jt Murray & Co, The - Exeter - Foundry Manufacturer of PLOWS, S, LAN D ROLLERS, TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Castings, Also General Castings con- tracted for in Iron and Brass. Also Manufacturers of Bridge Bolt ends, Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repairs promptly executed. - DO OU Want a Bicycle? THE G..& J. PNEUMATIC r o� TIRE N Wsuo t" �r Fos lathe only Tire that gave satisfaction last year MANUFACTURrn BY° The Goold Bicycle Co. LTD. u s YONOE STREET, Brantford, Ont TORONTO PERKINS &1MARTIN Fanson', Block. 1101104.14*. The name of Rev. Bro. J. W. Hodgins, of Seeforth, the Rural Dean of Huron, is freely mentioned by leading craftsmen in Western Ontario for the position of Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Masons. The office is held this year by l3ro. Bette, of Brookville t two yearn since Bro.Fairlie of Melford, filled the position, and now it is felt that a Western clergyman should 1 receive the honor, Change in. 13usi .ess SN H LL'S - Butcher Shop ! Having purchased the Butchering bus iness of Messrs. Wood Bros., will take possession on April 1st, and I would yes pectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and as many new ones as can favor me with a call , Meats of all kinds always on hand, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. 17724S. $211,ZX L. !inab $tyo$! 0 O 0 CAC z 3 63, Best Ordered Clothing11 roduced in hetet Gentlemen l leave your orders 'early,for'1 with the beet staff ,of Tailors ; the bell, stook of /Pine 'trimmings, and the. best Cutting in Town, yen are stare of aatisftic ion 3