The Exeter Times, 1894-6-14, Page 5r.i„'EfB EX TEB T
Broken in Health
'That 'Tired Feeling, Constipation
and Pain in the Back
Appetite and Health Restoredrby
Hood's Sarsaparilla.,
Mr. Chao, Steele
St Oatherine'S,•Ont.
r'0, Hooil & Co., Lowell, Mass,:
"For a number of years I have been troubled
with a general tired feeling, shortness of breath,
pain in the back, and constipation. x could gel
bnly little rest at night on account of the pain
and had no appetite whatever. I was that tired
in my limbs that I gave out before half the da9
was gone. I tried a great number of medicines
but did not get any permanent relief from any
source until, 'upon recommendation of a friend,
t purchased a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which made. me feel better at once. I have con-
tinued its use, Having • taken three bottles, and
I Feel Like a New Man..
Ihave a good appetite, feel as strong. as ever i
did, and enjoy perfect rest at night. I nave
tnueh pleasure in recommending Hood's Sarsa•
parilla." CxARLEs STnEnE, with Erie Pre-
serving Co., St. Catherine'sLOatario.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient,YOt
easy in action, Sold by all druggists. 25c.
Dr. Brace Smith,of Seafortb, was, at the
convention held in Toronto on Thursday,
elected President of the Ontario Medical
W. R. Climie, editor and proprietor of
the Bowmanville Sun and License In-
-specter for West Durham, died in that
town on Thursday.
An Indian named Baptiste Beauvais,.
while going across the river at Lachine
ion Saturday, was drowned by the upset -
•ting of a canoe.
While out on the lake near Vermillion,
Ohio, on Sunday, a small boat containing
five persons was upset and three of its oc-
cupants drowned.
James Barnett, aged 42, committed sui-
•tide by drowning at Hoard's Station near
Stirling, on Friday. The body Was found
in 2 1-2 feet of water.
At a meeting of the German Colonial
Council in Berlin on Friday it was pro-
posed to lay' a direct submarine cable to
the southwest coast of Africa.
The delegates to the world's Y. M. C. A.
.conference at London, making a party of
2,000, were taken"' to Windsor Castle by
four special trains on Thursday.
The Compagnie General •des: Bazarsof
Montreal, owners of the establishment in
that of y,cailed ` rela Ville bfontreal," has
assigned' on demand of Gault' Brothers &
-Co. Liabilities $180,000.
Chief Constable Petah, of Aurora, Ont.,
has, captured a lunatic about 48 pears old,
..5 feet 4 inches tall weighing about 160
pounds, and would like to hear from the.
unfortunate man's friends.
At Indianapolis, Ind., on Thursday,
Theodore P. Haughey, President of the In-
dianapolis National Bank, was sentenced to
six years in the penitentiary for his part in
the wrecking of that institution.
The Mayor of Limerick conferred the
freedom of the city on the Countess of
Aberdeen on Friday morning. The sere•
mony took place in the council chamber,
and great enthusiasm was manifested.
In addition to the four sealing •vessels
known to hose been lost recently on the
Japanese coast, it is reported six others
are missing. They are the Mary H. Thom -
on, Alton, Baitler, San Diego, Ungar and
the Kate. •
Sir Donald A. Smith has forwarded a
largely signed petition to Sir John Thomp-
son, praying for the pardon and release of
Donald. Morrison, the Megantic outlaw,
now dangerously i11 at St., Vincent de Paul
The United States steamers .Visitor and
Leroy Brooks, seized about four• weeks
ago for infringement of the fishery laws
hive been bonded, and left Amherstburh
o Monday for Sandusky, the hone of
sir owners.
uron. Ooul?ty Gonus:a•
Jpne nth,
commit met pursuant to adj
The warden in the ohaxr, M
and Oliver,abQent; they been
bee to attend the seAeiort;
unication from the Dominion
AAsooiation askixrpthat the c
aline the Dominion Erotica
'tech etel>e as will place the
cattle to the Old;-Conntry
safe, Refexred to epeeist o0
recommended the petition.
by the warden and aleik
ed to Hon. J. 0, Patt
rich, SeaEorth and ClintonInstitute Boards presented r
(treeing with the settlement
the county will pay to
o annually, viz ; - Gad
;Clinton, $2300,58 ; Sea
Communication from the Public
of the town of Goderich asking
on the salary ofthe Sohool In
Referred to Executive Comm
d. a rebate of CO per year f
and the first quarter of 1894
quisition for clothing for inmates
gaol Two dozen men's e
al for four dresses for females
undershirts and half dozen` aprons
assts from weal Huron and
Farmers' Institute that the
be made. 825 were granted
West and South Huron aha
Tenders for amply of stationer
d. Contract awarded to Fr
ci,ittifienteby Judge Doyle of
eon and P Barrellto the Victoria'
real Sohool. Papers were
soil adjourned till... ten o'clock
reader's minutes were read
usual grant of 825 was made
nd West Huron Teacher'e•
umber of accounts were refer
Hance Committee,
o Abe '
were granted to each #
ultural and Horticultural So
soil adjourned till Thursday^
council met pursuant to
urea of previous meeting
imunication Ecom the
Aaeociation asking the
rialiie the Dominion
t' in the matter of
l;eoommended that a pe{i
by the warden and clerk
d to the Dominion Governm
McLeo d and Wm. and Joseph and Mary
borne, were added to the
Wards, the former to
the latter $40, yearly,
Sed by 1vir.Dames, seconded.
rg that the dCounty 'sect
os of 50 feet and over that
built within the County
council adjourned till 3 o'c
O COUIICII 1'eaixmP.d.
Mitchell of Goderich
et a drain with the Coixntp
e Co. Solicitar'e. lett
e case betweeII tl<r
ship: was read ;:•. Tr , .
wily have the c:;
unty Auditoca' report
in cash on Dec_31At, 1593,
sociasBank of Commerce.
port of Jailor was
prfsonora in jail, 1: female
Five ofthem are vagrants
of age. Nater closets
needs attention.
ved by T. M• Kay, seconded
Dames, that the Road and
mittee's report be amended
clause 4, and that by-law
be amandedby striking
eF mentioned in eaidby•law,
at present within the
y municipality in the ()ounty
hie motion shall also. apply
added to County
any municipality
passed, except that rho said
be so amended that all
in length. from Amberly to
on the lake shore road
mad. This amendment to
e 1895 Carried.
report of the. Road and
mittee was then adopted.
oven by Mr. Roti, seconded
er that rile bridge mown
on the boundary between
Rosanrjuet, ba added to
bridges, and that the
to examine the same
paired if necessary: Carried
he bridge known as McPhee
i>oundary of Colbotile and iSr
and the bridges on the
from Clinton to Teeewa
municipalities of Wing
let o
o the 1
I ed n
h were ac
ges and rho Commissioner
or rebuild as the. case
ho council adjourned till 3
he council. resumed and the.
ts►ry, question was taken up
r D. D- Wilson, of Seafoxth
sale hie fine residence m
with a ooneiderable cl
and Tn order to, examine'
ams, tbe`"TIouee of Refuge
ort was hold aver until to
on motion of Messrs,"
u deputation was sent to
remise and report, Tho
n adjourned.
roes 1Y,
council met according to
nt, Minutes of previousmee
listen and Ssaforth
urea claimed arrearages
for the roars 1802 and.
were not sustained,
1Teports o#rho various commit
sired and adapted.
Moved by Mr. 1P11>er aea'by
in view uE rho Sterling llebo
2,700, maturing in Aug>{st
t the Finance Committee
said debenture account and
t7ouneflsome plan of paying
whoa duo, or;', en
tion ti,ereef.—Carried.
oixnoil adjourned tf113 o'cloc
Counoilresumod at 3 o'clock;
Bepoxt o£ Education
d and adopted,
Honso of Ra
eaond report of
ti and laid bn the table.. Tt
tided thatihe property of D
not pnraha5ed, be lig unsuita
9peotal report re damages'
tion at Grand Bond was
Iteport of Fgxtalir.Ation gonim
The courn-
Mime a g-
and unaLive:
C rani
Stook Punail
memort nment
to take ship-
tent of on it,
better b mrnite
tee who being
signed wad
Ottawa Col
iat a etolat•
t of tat" of
ions ° - each
amount erich,
$237 7 forth,
$2373 7
&2710. Sohool
Com ing for
Board a eot_
rt batettee.
m s,
G ranteor '01,
92, '93metas
A re
of the hirts ;
materi e ; also
foto n aprons
werer South
Reel usual
Hantsron to the
Tey y were
receive azer t
Porter George
Com ge
Indust filed.
Council a, m•'
to -mor
Yee and ar-
prove to the
The Instit-
Eaet a
uteel red to
the Finance Branch
ric Societies.
A. Halifax despatch says John Haigh,
awtid 55, *as found drowned on Saturday
near Digby,' The coroner's inquest did not
•develop whether it 'was t'a case of suicide,
accident or murder. Haigh leaves a wife
mach resected in the
family and was
where he resided.
Lord Mountstephen, Field Marshal Sir
Donald Stewart and Major-General Sir
John MacNeill have arrived in Canada
from England. Lord Mountstephen says
a fast Canadian steamship line would be
'`tumense benefit to the Dominion.
afa .
Gen, John Hewston, of California, has
'been committed for trial in London, Eng.,
:ou the charge of manslaughter, in. having
'caused the death of George Burton; an
itinerant musician,` by thrusting the point
•.of an umbrella into his left eye on allay 30.
Corey, Browne and Jones, the leaders of
cal were released m
the Commonw Bas d from
Washington jail on Sunday 'horning.
sCoxey and Browne addressed the Common-
tveal camp during the afternoon, . A
.census of the the camp showed 548 met
The adjourn-
ment. read and
signed .
Con Prisoners'
Aid council to
memo Govern:
omen Prison Re -
Recommended be
(toed and for-
ward a ent.
RachaelWilliams of
of Ija list of
Countyreceive $36
yearly,by Mr.
Mo me all
are at
The steamer Ocean collided with the
barge Kent five miles below "Alexandria
.pay on Thuesclay morning, and wits
beached and sank to the promenade deck.
The barge went dome. Two :of the lat'
ter's crew were lost. The passengers: on
the Oeeen were all rescued, but they lost
'considerable baggage•
The United States Government has filed
.a claim for $15,000,000 against the estate
:of the late Senator Leland Stanford as a
, preliminary slap to enforce the Govern-
ment's claims against thg original hoidera
of the Central Paola.° railroad grant. It
is said the enforcement of the claim. will
'practically wipe out the estate. which was
originally valued at $17,600,000.
Mr, 0: M. Walker, -of Walkerville,,
awoke early' on Thursday morning and
found. d burglar in - his bedroom, Mr,
Walker got hie ('evolver and fired five
shote at the intruder, who dashed through
a wie>:dow, 'firing a panting shot at `n[r•
Walker, bttb iniesi►lg6; hits, Bleed epP,ts
•yore found in the gardp in the morning.
•. fcly golcl'ezioens were ato.le •
Jamesapplied to
conn( sewer.
Co read.Bal.
in Ca
Re presented. There
are 8 and 7.
males., all over
70 yearsand jail.
by A.
C. Bridge
Com by strik-
ing outNo. 9,
1874, off all
bride referring
to bridgesboundary
of any to any
withinsince by-law
ryas bylaw
ehell bridges over
20 ft.Grand
Bendshall be
aesu take effect
by Mr.
Eilb as Gully
and the list ' of
Countyengineer be
instructedand have
it repaired bridge on
tbo .Wawan-.
csb, grayel road
leadingter, with
in theham and
f C y
Blyth Y
hri,9 instructed
to repairmight de -
T o'clock.
T House of
Industry , offered
for; Seaforth,
togetheruantite of
land,and report
ons committee's
rep morrow,.
and Gray and
to ecouncil
the •
Wings comfort and improvement and,
tendo to • personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will .attest
the value:to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in`' the
Figs. Syrup ,
remedy, Sy p g
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form. most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing.constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical;
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys,` Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured . by the. California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose namdis printed on every.
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
P'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store
1Wxts, ' Oermzail Leaguer w .p AnailEo'r 'q
fxxa'ia'of: FacwriTa Tato-1 alaztle Kxpzi tx
Pxaas, wawa ltirtvea Yar Vetere,
Quitai Pier.
m Laughter
London dune 11, -Mrs, Willis g !y
of 21 Euolid Ave„ London South, has for
the past the years been subject to fits.
She wee treated by doetora in Iaansing and
Detroit, Mich., and by three different deo.
tore in London. No one of them could
cure tier, ut two menthe ago she be
ben ske n bas had n's o return of the tits, Since To,
day she is perfectly cured. Tier trouble
was undoubtedly due to kidney disorder, a
fact which phyAieians who treated her nev-
er discovered and I consequently their
treatment was in vain.
Moved by Silber sec by Bawden, that
all motions and amendments to the Equal-
ization Committee's report be rescinded,
and the report of the • Equalization Com-
mittee shell read the same as the Schedule
of 1893. -Carried by 35 yeas.
The report of the Equalization Com-
mittee was then adopted as amended.
The council adjourned till 7 p, rn.
The council resumed and went into a
committee of the whole on the report of
the House of Refuge Committee, Mr.
McDonald in the chair, The Committee
rose to report that the report of the House
of Refuge be amended as follows, by etrik=
ing out that part referring to the building
of the House this year and that thefollow-
ing be substituted:-' That the Committee
be instructed to complete the purchase of
the property selected forthwith, and that
they with Messrs. Cook and McDonald be a
Building Committee to advertise for
tenders for the erection of a building on
the plan selected, to be built .. during the
summer of 1895 and completed before the
first of October, -Adopted.
The property recommended is . that of
L R: Sarvey. near Clinton, in the township
ofTuckersmitii, it being centrally located.
r0<. rh`
There was. a tire in thedytiog depatt-
ment of the To onto Carpet Company one
Monday evening. Damage $5,00C, cover•
ed by insurance.
Sire, -I had such a severe cough that
my throat felt as' if scraped with a rasp.
On taking Norway Pine Syrup I found the
first dose gave relief, and the second bottle
completely cured me,
e Mantic Ont.
A. Downey, Mica. A. e D r r
Burdock Blood Bitters cure dyspepsia.
Burdock Blood B1tters cure Constipation:
Burdock Blood Bitters mire bilioneness.
Burdock Blood Bitters euro headache:
Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the
clogged aecretione of the bowels, thus our.
int{ headaches and•aimilar complaints,
Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap
"Whydoes a woman
pet bearing the w
look older sooner, than a man") to Lever
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you
will receive by poet a pretty picture, free
from advertising and well worth framing.
This is an easy way to decorate your home.
The soap is the beat, in the market, and
it will only cost to postage to send in the
wrappers, if you leave the ends open,
Write your address carefully.
Paynter.: Huntsville, Ont.
Heart Disease relieved in 30
minutes. -
All oases of organic or sympathetic bearb
disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly
cured, by Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart.
One dose convinces. Sold by C. Luiz.
If sick „headache is misery, whKtare Car.
ter's LittleTaiver Pale if they willpeeitlyely
Mere it? People wbo hive aced tlxeuh Wait 1
fraplay of their worth They otic small end ,:
easy to•take.w, , ,. • '
IL A. 0, PUN cute obronic eonstipatiop. 1
Dyspepsia causes Dizziness, Headache,
Constipation. Variable Appetite Rising
and Souring of Food, Palpitation of the
Heart, Distress after Eating. Burdock
BloodBitters are guaranteed to cure Dys-
pepsia, if faithfully used according to
American Rheumatic Cure. for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia, radioally aures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system he remark-
able•and mysterious. It removes at once
the °muse and the disease immediately dis-
appears. The first Idose greatly benefits.
75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 518
Skin1Diseases are more or less directly
occasioned by bad blood. R. 13. 13. cures
the following Skin 'Deserves; Shingles,
Erysipelas, Itching Realms, Salt Rheum,
Seald Head. Eruptions, Pimples and
Blotches, by removing all impurities from
thelelood from,e cone gnPimple to the.
Finest Designs.
Lowest Prices
Immense show rooms loaded with
goods ; every quality, style and price,
but all the best for the least money,
Not having morey mined:
than 5o earsfQtx r ta, live.* amt deter
to do all the good' can in the interest of :14en, Women . and Children.
There will be about AS much financial profit in the tratonmtten as
there will be to McLean or Weismiller whoever gets in.
Men's all wool Tweed Spits to 'order for $xo o0 ; Eine Black Snits
from $15 00 up; We make a specialty of- fine goods. Our Guinea,
Trousers beat the world $5 25, spot cash. Give us a call and see for
Spring Store Main -St.,
now complete, is the pick of the mar-
ket in everything -is elegant and varied
beyond desoription.
Parlor Furniture
Will be the fate this week. The unus-
ual size and variety of the line does
not admit giving pieces in detail.
Od,d, Pieces
Will be especially attractive in price,
and all who wish for much, in return
for small outlay,will not be disappointed.
Just received samples of American Binder Twine.
Our new make milk cans sell at sight.
Hellin nails, hardware and locks at [rock bottom prices.
Zavetroughing and furnace work a specialty.
Prices were never so low .in years.
Harvest mitts,tools, forks,rakes,sythes, snaths, cradle
Come and:inquire prices.
- ff — alvanized wire, we lei} d in
,Cur hay balln ,s black and Alva 2
Builder's hardware Rash weights,pipe e and fittings in stook.'
IDo - -O '$ b ilk
Buy plaster paris, hair, akron and Portland cements from
Want a Bicycle? 1 us. for iron roofing. Our tin work will be
Leave your ordersb
i E: G &
under the direction of Mr. Mann Bissett.
l Every job guaranteed first class,
!Doing a large trade in this line, our prices are low.
I can give you satisfaction in all branches.
'Cheapest place in town.
" lteepiug pace with the wants of the people"—our motto..
T Ce EosT
Is the only Tire that g.,.'e s ntisfaction last year
The B001d Bicycle CO. LTD.
tt3 YONGE STREET, Brantford, Ont.
The• adjourn -
me ting read
anCd) Collegiate In
alit from the
County1893. The
tees were
ren Mr. Cook
thatntuzea for
$26 1st, ]896,
that investigate
the report to
thisthe said
accountrenewal of a'
0 k p. tn,
Committee was
r06 Refuge was
S g
res was reoom•
me D Wilson
be ble tor the
ln?r sustained by
parread and
adopted,nice lytic
,The Warden resumed the ;rdiair
report was amended as adopted. u
Moved by Mr Gray see by M>$ Spariing,
that the treagarer be authorized to Place
at the credit of the House of ft'efuge Com-
mittee the sum of $2,600 for the . purchase
of a site, and that the clerk be instructed
to prepare a by law to give effect to such
action, as ecommended by the Executive
Committee. -Carried.
Several by laws were read and passed.
Moved by Mr Neelin, eec by Mr Kay,
that the secretary of the County Board of
Examiners be paid 875 per annum, being
the salary paid the Iate secretary, Mr
Adameon. Referred to Executive Com-
mittee at next meeting.
Moved by Mr Rate sec by Mr Dames
that in the event of an'apfleal from the
equalleation of the assessment made by
this council that the final equalization be
left to the County Judge. --Carried.
Moved by Mr Kennedy eec by Mr
Griffin, that the County Commissioner be •
paid. $100 additional to salary., consider-
ing.ths expense of travelling through
the County. Referred to Executive Com-
mittee at next meeting.
Moved by Mr Cox sec by Mr Gibson,
that three valuators be appointed by this
council, under the Municipal Act, for
the purpose ofraeluating the real property
within the County. Such valuation .o be
used by this Council as the basis of equal-
ization. Referred to -nest meeting.
On motion of Proudfoot and Kay the
council adjourned to meet on the first
Thursday in December; at 3 o'clock p.
rn,- Carried.
r s.
The pleasant effect,and perfect safety
with which ladies mayuse the California
liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all
conditions, makes it their favorite remedy.
To get the true and genuine article, look
for the name of the California Fig Syrup
Co ,printed near the bottom of the pack-
'Word has reaohed Quebec that a terr-
ible conflagration had devastated the vill-
age of Lisle Vette, Temiscoata county, on
Saturday last. Twenty buldings were
burned. The damage will reach over
"With a smile on her lip
And a tear in her eye.
The tear in her eye because she was suffer-
ing with a terrible headache, but the smile
on her lip„indicated that she had been
reading of Starks, headache powders and
the testimonials from people' she knew
assured her that the could get instant relief
and in a pleasant form, for these powders
are easy to take and quick and permanent
in their effeote Mr. Maynard, Woodstock,
Ont., says they ate really wonderful,
Twenty -fire cents,
Mr A. L Shipley, day operatorat the
G. T. B. station, Lucan, for the past five
yearg, .ha been promoted to the position
Of relieving; (agent, and cetnmebced his
new aperatleas at Parkhill the other
As Oen Ago Want-xntyn genera' -^ Xdra•
Winslow's Soething Syrup has boon used fifty
Years by milhonaof mothers for their children
while teothin g,with perfeet.stloeads. It soothes
the oleild, Foftens the germs, a lays the pain,
mires the cdTto, and is
the boat remedy for
Diarrbsea, is pieaaant to the taste. Sold be
drug ists in' every Dart of the world. 5 cents
a bottle. • Its value .:s rnoalculable. Bo sure
Sbd ask tot Mrs. Winslow's soothing Setup.
and take ilia other Pend.
Ask for our "PLUME” brand
Meats. They are the best.
J. Murray &Ccs,
The Exeter - Foundry
Manufacturer of
Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow
Castings. .Also General Castings con-
tractedfor inIronand Brass.
Also Manufacturers ers of Bridge Bolt endc
Washers, etc..
Iron piping and fillings kept constant
ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut-
Furniture Dealer,
HAS, SO Ivz_d
ful Bargains
-IN —
Ib will pay 'you well to call
and see his stoop,
J. D. Atkinson,
The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps con
stoutly in Stock all kinds of
0. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled• to be the
Special settee is drawn to B.g
Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by
competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate.
If you want the best value for the
money ever offered' in the way of an
easy chair just tonne in • and see our
Cupid's Resting.on his laurels just
now -the matches are made and - now
the marriages are taking 'Place. Here
are facts of interest to all those .people
who are to establish new homed.
Cali and enamine our ,stock.
. N MOT7E,
THE BOBLER PRODUCE CO. have decided to Retail Oil at
Wholesale Prices :
Best Canadian Oil,
Best Canadian Water White
Best American Water White
A Full Stock Change int. 13u.sitlese
rOF— ;SE0Q11 -- -
BlltcherShop e.
Having purchased. the Butchering bus
iness of Messrs. Wood Bros., will take '
possession on April lst, and I Would res
pectfully solicit the patronage of all the
old customers of the shop and as many
new ones as can favor ane with a • call.
Meats of all kinds always on lio,ild,
'1 '
Liar. steed.
and perfect
lours faithfully,
'moil, Xr.
Browiiing s
Books, Stationery, - and
Saney Goods
Books in every
Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper,
Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock Boxes,
Etc•, etc.
J. W. rown i n 's
Rest Ordered Clothin . >'odaced in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early,for
with the best staff ,Of Tailors ; the hes-
stook et Pine Trimmings, and the beat
Cutting in Town, yen are sure of satisfaef
■ yi til i"3r CLIZle
an always
Be Dressed Weli
Carriages Run
We leave received a choice lot of
Children's Carriages and Wagons, whish'
will he sold
c'.5r '-rq " `,, /
_4 i. LTJ GA Pa
Come and see thou, and be convinced.
Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is
now complete in every line. Prices to
suit everybody. We don't advertise a
20 per cent discount and claim a 20
per cent profit for our trouble, 'icor do'
If he goes t6 the proper Tailor.
We have a large range of Pat-
terns to choose from - Natty
Tweeds, Sergea and 'Worsteds,
made up in anystyle, and fitting
the customers so well that inti-
mate friends do nob scruple to
ask who made your Suit. Our
customers never hesitate but
answer with a knowing senile,
The Tailor.
we drag people off the street to induce
them to bey. Cottle in yourselves and
get prices; and yon see at once wn have
no 40 per cent ,profit,
Good Cow-hide,fIancl•made.l3oc:ts
a t bili " A i -13.25
Bals 2,251
" Plow Soots 90
Metx'sHtll Soling +l
Women's c c
No oliarge for rips; also sqo our, Har-
ness., Can't be beaten for style and.
quality, and everything in the Harness
tt6 ` TRE