The Exeter Times, 1894-6-7, Page 5YT, 4icltde O'hatesse Montreal, P. Q. Marvelous Medicine A Whenever Given a Fair Trial ; Hood's Proves Its Merit. The following letter is from Mr. J. Alcide Cliausse, architect and surveyor, No. 153 Shaw Street, Montreal, Canada:` `+C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, lass.: "Gentlemen:—I have been taking Hcod's Sarsaparilla for about six months and run glad to say that it has done no a great deal of good. last May my weight was 152 pounds, but since HOODS .Sarsaparilla CURP I began to take Flood's Sarsaparilla it has in- creased to 108. I think. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a marvellous medicine and am very much pleased with it," J. ALamr. CI:XAtrsaly. Mood's Pills cure liver ins, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sickhoadache, indigestion. Patrick Finnegan, ..t Eton, Ont, a car- penter, tried to get into Buffalo with a kit of tools on Thursday but was turned back by Inspector DeBarry. ector DeBarr . The cataract .was removecl from Mr. Glad - stone's right eye onThursday. No auresthotio was administered. and Mr. Gladstone bore the pain with great fortitude. The volcano on the island of Stromboli is showing great activity, The eruption is increasing in violence and there are fre- quent earthquakes. The appeal of Chamberlain, the Winni- peg personator, has been dismissed, and he will serve the three years' sentence in Stoney Mountain Penitentiary. Advices from China says an epidemic similar to the "great plague" which de - vested London during the seventeenth centuoy, is now prevalent in Canton. Jest -Landry, a Winuipeg hotel -keeper, wlio has been missing for two weeks, was, found on Thursday in Red River. Itis supposed he committed suicide. Governor Flower of Now York State has vetoed Assemblyman Lawrence's bill to prevent the display of foreign flags or em- blems ou public buildings. ed The G.T.R. have rescinded their order limiting shipments over the road during strike, and are now coal ). n r prepared the red to P P receive consignments as heretofore. At a convention field in Limerick, at which 200 delegates worn present, it was decided to nominate the convict Daly for Parliament at the general elections: . The French Government has sued the Chicago World's Fair directors for $100,- 000 for damage to the French exhibit by. the fire in the manufacturers' building. Hail fell to the depth of twofeet in the northern section of Oxford on Friday. Great damage to crops is reported, and several washouts on the Railways occur - W. L. 1?t.,1tlatz of Berlin, Ont., a vet- erinary surgeon, was.eut to pieces at Por- tage la Praire on Thursday, while attempt- ing to board a moving Canadian Pacific train. • George Holland, a farmer, living about four miles south of Madoc, while plough- ing Thursday evening was killed by light- ning, as were also his team of horses ancf a colt. Seagram's J. E. Joe Miller and 1lIr. Vi- car of Wakefield were first and second in the Queen's Plate on Thursday. Mr. T. D. ,. ' $oclt,cus.Lou Daly was third. Eleven horses ran. A bill has been signed by the New York state Governor which makes it a misde- ,• meanor for any municipal or state con- tractor to employ any other tbnu United States citizens. John Connolly, a Canada Atlantic rail- way brakesntan, on Sat-arc:toy morning fell from a moving freight train at Bearbrook and had his head split open. fie will probably die. Wore has been received et Coliingwood: i e at the Bustards stili r B ds of two the boats and.22 trapnets by theGovern- ment ow iu- ment cruiser, : The net were burned and the fishermen fined. • A. S. Macdonald, one of the chief own- }} ers of the Great Northwest Central Rail - "T way; whose affairs have been before the Canadian courts frequently of late, died at Winnipeg on Thursday, aged 62. John 3. Gauthier, an inmate of St, Pat- rick's Orphnns' Home: Ottawa, who set are to the orphanage a few weeks ago, was on Saturdayseateneod to three years' im• prisonment in Kingston peuiten fiery. In the Senate of Cambridge University cm Thursday the proposal to confer an honorary degree Upon the Duke of York was challenged, but on the motion being put to a vote it wascarried by 137 to 6. Six men were killed on Thursday at Stickle Hollow, Pa., in a riot, and a num- ber of others were wounded. Stickle Hol- low is sixteen miles from Scottdale on the Pittsburg, Mcleesport &•Youghiogany Ry. Ben Roffenbaeib, at notorious desperado wanted at Monroe, La,murder, , for was shot and killed by a Sherri's posse near Greenwood, Miss., while resisting arrest. SEfof1enbaeh formerly lived in ]luffslo, 14Ir, A. T. Freed, for many years chief editor .of The Hamilton Spectator, severed his connection with that puree' on Thurs- flay.: Mr. J. R Canoron, who hes been managing editor, succeeds hien. Mr. Freed has boon appointed inspector of weights and measures. t 1 r ruun or Petit between farrier By t2 .l 3 k �. ,A;ttornoy'1+ellows end :Gen, 'Tracy, Bru- tus 'Wimali's trial has been postponed tail - til Ajonday, dune 4. lair. Whelan says the Only Canadian lawyer assooiatecl with ! Olen. Tracey and Boardman, his partner, in the trial of ,the ease is Ali, J. N. Green. shields, Q.C., of Aleetreal. lt' Iai OP IIXT1 AORD;INABX:1'1irliVIt AND FIRMNi'1SS 01' PUBP081J, Amongst men, who have forced their way 10 fume and fortgno,, Mg may, name, as au example to all, worths of iu itatims, the famous and justly oelebrated Thotuar gollorray, better known throughout the. "wide, wide world' for his Pills and Ointment.. Of these rnedioines ilj is not our purpose at speak --we .are not writing puff, hut eoiid plain facts, 'to show what can be done by great strength of: mind and that what out man has done another Duty do, provided that he has the ability and determination to use it with all hie, goal!, We read of the Great Napoleon, whose ambrtioa was to conquer the world, but Holloway done something else, for, in- stead of shedding of busman blood, he has oured his thousands, and spread great joy among the poor eons and daughters of affliction by his wonderful Medicines; and,.. •although he does Pot pretend to "raise the dead," yet be has payoff strength the halt and soundness to the lame; and if he hoe not "opened the eyes of the blind," he has soothed the pain -worn, and oomforted those on the brink of the grave; and in the four quarters ofthe globe hie preparat. lona hope found their way—not by the force of the sword, not with the aid of leg ions, but have been silently borne on the bosom of old ocean In our huge merchant ships to every corner of the civilized world where suffering man is to be found. But to do all this gigantic work. to accomplish so wondrous a deed, required much thought and mach energy, for with- out these eombioed, anis mighty work could not hL vo been accomplished. And thus be did it. There is a wise saying "Don't spare printer's inks" and Holloway spared neither "printer's ink" nor vast piles of the precious metal, gold. He. advertises in all the languages spoken among civilized cations—and whether you go into France, Belgium, Rolland, Prussia, Denmark, Russia, Gr:•ooe, Spain, Portu- gal, Switzerland—nay, we might say all the kingdoms of the world --and in a thousand tongues theytalk of "Bolloway's Pillai" -in a' thousand languages they, utter "Holloway's Ointmenai" 'Ve are filled with boundless wonder and a-tonishment that one mac, one mind, ono head, could plan and devil, all tbis; and we may say that, if one man has really done so, there mast be sogie wonderful curetiveproperties about bis Pills and Ointment,—Poet Close's Historical Nuticrs. A Free Sample of the la)). C. will be forwarded to any address. K D. 0. Co. Ltd., New Gla>gow, N. S., and 127 Stale St., Boston, Mars. PECULIAR To ITSEaF. So eminently sucoesefnl as Hood's Sarsap- arilla been that manyleading citizens frcm all over the United States furnish teatimo- nials of cures which seem alwaysmiraoul- oue, Hood's Sarsaparilla is nut an accident but the ripe fruit of industry and study. It possesses merit "patellar to itself." Hood'sPills ours Nausea, Siok Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness. fold by ' all druggists, Rev. D M. MILIEU,. Adelaide St. Baptist Church, London Ont ,certifies, "I have used the remedy known ns H. D. C., and have found it to give relief when the stomach did not pro- perly digest the food eaten." E. D. C. Pills the best family pills on the market. The body of an nn know n man, about 00 years of age, was found in thWelland Canal at Thorold on Saturday evening. Near St. Hillere, Quebec, on Saturday morning Aline Blenaime, a well-to-do bachelor farmer, „committed suicide by hanging. In a riot between striking miners and officers at Uniontown. Pa., on Thursday three strikers were killed and half a dozen wounded. THE BLUE RIBBON RACES. PROGRAMME FOR THE GREAT JU- LY MEETING AT DETROIT. It Should be the Grandest Conclave of Trotters and Pacers in the . Annals of the Turf. With the finest equipped race course in America and a splendid stet of entries for the special events whin., closed during the early spring, the prespects for the an- nual Blue Ribbon meeting of the Detroit bright. t. Never was the outlook so cheer- ful as it is this year,and witheverything new and attractive he club believes the enviable record.. of past triumphs will have its greatest addition in this year's meeting. The arranging`of a programme for so important a meeting is a matter which oc- cupies much more time than the average spectator imagh es as he watches the sleek -limbed trotters •rush down the broad stretch. Records are gone over, success- ful programs of Ila reviewed and at last the program wa.s really for the conclave which begins on July 10. A feature that presents itself on the first reading is the fact that there are to be six days of racing this year instead Of. five, and for the 18 events the: enormous sum of $70,000 is offered;, probably the greatest amout in substantial purses ever given by an association. The five purses and stakes which have already closed have 141 en- tries and this time the club has made a departure in its set purses. In the first p place $2,000 is offered for a free-for-all team race and then there are pacers for 2:12 trotters and also for pacers of the same class, This is to give a chance to horses whose owners do not feel like en- teringthem in company where the Direc- f trims latix.es Fantasies or the'ti a,ac is ois , Flying 7 rs and Hal Pointers are eligible. 4MONDAY,. T . PI1 ,. DAY,TC .Y it1 - Purse $2,0(10, for 2-yearohl4 2:10 class, trot- ting (closed); lot) .extra to winner of fastest heat it faster than 2:13'4• Purse $2,000, i y tar -oils and under, 2:25 Mars, pacing (closed): $500 extra to winner of fastest .heat, 11 faster th to':001Ar Purse $2,000 2:27 class, trotting: $500 extra to winner of 1asteet heat, It feeler than 0:15%. 0000071. DAY, TUESDAY, T1lLY 'N1. Purso $2,000, 2:21 class, trauma; $500 ex- tra to winner of fastest heat, if. faster thftn 2:111A. The ITorsetnen stake for 4-year'Nd+ $11,000, with Sterling silver cup of $1,000 to brooder of the 'inner of the fastest heat, if faster 'than 2:0514, Purse $2,000 2:10 lass, /facing; $500 ix. ire to winner of fastest lisat, if faster than 2:10, TilItMD 1/AY, 1Crsrry1ODAZ T00X 10, Purse $2,000, 3 -year-olds, 2:30 sass. trotting (elosad); $500 extra to w(nner of, fastest heat if feeler than 2:14, Morel:ant.s' and 7,leniifnetarers' purse,:00,000, 2:21 class trotting- Celoa'd); :$500 extra to win- per of Ingest hent, if foster than 2:13:.' Purse • 2,000, trotting tenons 0500 extra . to winner le fastest heat, if rancor tisat 2:15. P0UIt214 DAT; Tit111SDAY lJi lta 10. Parse 0a.000 2:10 class, trotting; 500 a rtr n Pure 0.,OOi2:15 class, hrotn - .500 exra to winner of 'fastest haat, tf taster than 2:08lit,. Perm $2,000free-for•-all, trotting; $500 • to winner of fastest heat, If faster than 2:0514. II•^Tft DAT IrrtXDAY, 1t70 T 20, Porsn $2,000, 2:12 class. trotting; • 8000 extra to winner of fastest heat, it faster than 2:00'ita, Parse $2,000, 2:12 class, acing; $500 ox- en to winner of fastest heat, 1t faster than 2:091. Purse2,000, 2:1S class :trotting:.000 extra to winner of fastest haat, 11' feser than eietnL. suers DAT, SATURDAY, TACT 21, Purge $2,500, merchants and Mnnufaotttrers' connsolatleo; $500 extra to Witmer of fastest heat it better than fastest beat in the mate puree and 10 eeele be beaten. • Pers, 82,000, freo'for-all, pacing; $500 extra to winner et fastest heat, it faster than 2:04. .horseman's Consolation stake 80,000; $500 extra, to winner of fastest ]teat 1t better than foster hone le ate 01a131 stake if 2:01514 la beaten. Paso 82,000, Special to bo announce&L KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment 'when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due toits presenting in the form moat acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to ntilliona and met with the approval of the,,niedical. profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free frau every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs s is for sale by all drug- giste in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. 1'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store R. D. C. the Ring of Dyepepsia ' Cures try it. At Montreal on Monday a runaway horse with buggy jumped into a drain where 24 men were working. An Italian named Soliyeni wits very seriously injured. Geo. Steele is also badly Burt., Thin Lames. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may nee the California liquid :laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To got the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrpp Co.,printed sear the bottom of the pack- ages. ,,, Most coughs may ba cured in a few hours at any rate in a few days, by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 'With such a prompt and euro remedy as this at hand, tbere is need of prolonging the agony for weeks and months. Keep this remedy in your house. Health and happiness are •relative con- ditions; at any rate,thore can be little hap- piness without health. To give the body its measure of strength and energy, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous,by the nee of Ayer's Sarsepari1la. Planter, Hunt8v1 1 1P, Ont. Heart Disease relieved in 30 minutes. All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 mit:rites and quickly cured, by Do Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by C. LUTZ. Pimp]en may be permanently cured by the continued use of Eseljay's Liver Loz- enges. Siok Headache can be cured in the sinileet way by using Eseljay' i Liver Lozenges. HE STOLE A MILLION DOLLAR,.—The deteotiyes persued him acmes a continent. Ho assumed many disguises; was en old men to -day, a young girl to -morrow. Ohl what a relief when ono is almost mad with lleedaohe or neuralgia to find Stark's Pow dere at hand for they never fail to drive away the pain instantly and if need regular will -effect a permanent cure. 25ets, a box. FOR OVER FIFTYI YEARS. .As OLn .axn WELL -TRIED RemEDY.— sir8. W ' i w s Soothing Syrup has been used fifty wears by millions omothers for their children while teething.with perfect success. It soothes tho cid h h 1 soi'to nr ABt Ogll s,allay9 the pain, cures the scolio, and is. the best remedy for Diarrhoea. 1s pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, lie sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sirup and takeho other kind. Q'tEALE.D TENDERS. l: marked'Tor itfnal ted Police Pro ieiene & Light slime ies,"and addressedtotho Honour- able, the President oftho Privy Council. Ott• we, will be received up to noon en Monday, 4 June, 1894.' Printed forms of tender oontai tang full infor- mation as to the articles and approximate (maxi e required,rnay be on application ur an y of the Mounted a rated Pollee Posts t North-wost or at the office of the he , undersigned. No tender will be received unless made on such Printed forms, The lowest or any tender not necessarily aoocpted. Bach tender must bo accompanied by an ac- cepted Canadian bank cheque for an amount /nal to 70 per cent of the total value of the articles tendered d red for, which will be forfoitedif ther declines P e dee Lnes to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if ho fails to complete the sersfoe contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. No pa)Inent will be made to newspapers in setting this advertisement without authority baying been first obtained. • FRED. "WIEIi'E Comptroller, N. W. M, Police. 0 (tatira, April 23rd, I804. I�7 WIUKETT M. D. 0, M., • Trinity University ltr. 13. Medical De- i•artmont, 'Toronto University. Oifiae,Oredi- ion. 1)is solution of Partnership. '1•ho pn.rteersbip hitherto existing between Jewell Cobblcdick and Will Selland, styled "0obbledick w rolls nd." is tbisday by mutual ngrow:nen0'dievolved. Mr, Tolland retires and the business will be continued by Mr, Oobblo- diek under the name of Joseph Cobblediok. All accounts due the said partnership will bo paid to Ufa Cobblediolt, who assumes all the liabilities of the tire. JOSIIPH O01IBLEDIOR, Sl 'ed 'Sy L gn 2 WILL FOLLAND+ Eaetor May 17, 1851. EGGS ' HAT WILL HA,'I'OH Prone apes of thoroughbred Black mamma:.Ibis eon iaheaded by oneoftho highest scot- ;'•a'Ibirds in Canada. Those birds wore exhib- ited atthe leading fairs 10 Huron last fall, rsrr3 ing aft' 1st and 2nd. Exeter,1st and 2nc t'thane. and ail the lot rinses given for Ulineroasa0tlro $tafoxthfair, Egg9 i,].lx) par 13.1 Satisfaction grarantoed. Write mo for full it,formation J', 0.111M), ea£orth, ,ArrLXCT1/,;o PRONE f IN. A.bIQT, 4. l , n W340 r80» WWI lt005XQAL Xrl1088 AP Q*fxreneoms Cunene ea Dor1A'e'itipzrex Finns -Tun ,F seeznx :noes Nxvttxs Penate, sr bf.o.ItLtyre, Oat. June 4,—The young bon of ?,ugh Xiaront of tine place has been aftliote.d with -dropsy from infamy, fie was bleated and swollen all over. Flip parents Were at theirevlt$ end to ,find, wino cure for him when they read of Dodd's Rid. ney PMs. Mr. Ftamont got six boxes of. the pills And the boy began taking them. Before the sixth box was finished he wee cured.' It doesn't matter whether the pate ient is young or old, the pille will e1Yect-a our() of any kidney disease ea of any d'ie. ease arising from disordered kidneys.. Tbo1'e were 123 students enteral for the final' Jaw examination .at 0,sgoed° .Hail, The results were prated; on Saturday. 0f the total 26 were plunked 'Those who fail. ed only in ono eubjeot will take a supple mental in September. W. N, Tilley, of Bowmanville Welter Gow, of Windsor. L. R., Logan and B. 1al. Jones, of Toronto carried off the honors. Lrbeijey's Liver Lozenges do not purge or gripe like pills. They simply assist nature in the production of the necessary bile to promote a healthful habit of the organs of digestion. The trial of John Reginald Hooper, of Ottawa, on the charge of basing attempted to murder bis wife, Georgina Leblanc, by drowning, .at Louisville, was begun on Monday at Three Rivers, Que. Sira,—I had such a severe cougb that my throat felt as if.acraped with a rasp. On taking Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose gave relief, and the second bottle cotnpletely cured me, Miss, A. A. Downey, Manotic, Ont. Burdock Blood Bitters euro dyspepsia. Burdock Blood BItters auto Conatipation. Burdock Blood Bitters euro biliousness. Burdock Blood Bitters cure headache. Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the clogged secretions of the bowel, thus oar ins Headaches and similar complaints. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. , Send 25 "Snnlighl"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the worda"Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your borne. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost to postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. 0. 0. RICHARDS kt Co. My son George bas suffered witb neural- gia round euralgiaround the heart since 1882, but by the application of MINARD'S LINIMENT in 1889 it completely disappeared and has not troubled him sinew. JAS. MCKEE. Linwood, Ont. DzetorPackinzlinse Ask for our "PLUME" brand Meats. They the nest. SNELL BROS. J, Murray & Co, The - Exeter - Foundry Manufacturer of PLOWS, LAND ROLT,i+RS, TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Castings. Also General Castings con- tracted for in Iron and Brass. Also Manufacturers of Bridge Bolt ends, Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillings sl,.ePtct constant :, ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut- ed. J.U.A'1'IiItiSO\" Furniture Dealer; NORTH OF TOWN HALL 1-1.A.S SOME o . 'i�7'derfu1 xl� u Bargains g —IN— FURNITURE it willL' aJ you. well to call andoc>i his ee t l stook, , D. . Atkinson. David Irvine, a 10 year old ion ut Andrew Irvine, of 14lorris 1fan., was lobed by running into a pitchfork, the stoups' entering bre cheek sad colning out at the. top of hie skull FORdIPURE, Largest Finest Desi ns5 owet�ic s Inunense show geeing loaded with goods ; every quality, style and price, but all the best fox the :least money, Our Spring Store now complete, is the pick of the mar- bet in everything—is. elegant and varied, beyond description. Parlor Furniture Will be the fate this week. The unus- ual size and variety of the line does root admit giving pieces in detail. Odd Pieces Will' be especially attractive in price, and all who wish for much, in return for embll outlay,will not bo disappointed. 8. GIDLEY & 80N. ODDFELLOW'S 13L• OCK. DO -YO Want a Bicycle? THE ^^ J G PNEUMATIC Is the only Tire that g ti -e satisfaction last year • MANUFACTURED MY The Geoid Bicycle Co. LTD. Ila YONQE: STREET, Brantford, Ont. TORONTO PERRIN S fit MARTIN Panson'p Block. Furniture. r" r v A 11 � rh.- \lt. at 1�., ,1 z CO i�i� Not slaving more than 5o years longer to 1 e 1 AM deferrri 04 to do all the good t can in the interest of Men, Wooler and 011i1dr°e1i. There will be about as much financial 'profit in the tratlt1ao tion its. there will be to McLean or Woismiller 'whoever gets in. Men's all wool Tweed Sults to order for $fa an ,Mlle:: B1aok S11itA from $15 0o up. We xual(e a specialty of fine 'goods, Our Guinea Trousers best the worts' i5 25,' spot cash. Give us a call and see for yourself. 1 r , 'GUI ai E Malas -S t. _ _ E.3 -e ter' LD E8TABLIS; • Just received samples of American Binder Twine, Our new makeail ilk. c s e i 111 sell at sight. ellingnails, hardware and looks at frock bottom prices. avetroughing and furnace work a specialty. >l:'rices were never so low in years. Earvest mitts, tools, forks, rakes, sythes srlathe, cradle fingers. ' Come and inquire prices our hay balings—black and alvanized wire, wo lead in prices. Builder's hardware, sash Weis hts i e and fittings ins took, Buy plaster aril hair, akron and P l a � y p p a o nd port and oenents from Leave your orders for iron roofing. Our tin work Will be under the direction of Mr. Mann Bissett. Every job guaranteed first class. Doing a large trade in this lino, our prices axe low. X can give you satisfaction in all .branches. Cheapest place intown. "peeping pace with the wants of the people"—our motto. JOSEPH COBBLEDICM EXETER LUMBER YAR The undersigned wishes to inform the public ingeneral that he keeps ;;con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING I1IAT: IRLAL,z; (D DSSDDO+LND;UNDRFSSED) PINE and: HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. .. Said by i sixt in any1' competent judges to last from thirty o tor. earsclimate. 3 P � g yforty JE_" X2,-r.lg s. i eastsatese 1, r� � Wo must unload. We are carrying more stock than we should have at rbound to time of the e We are this a y sell, whatever sacrifices we must make. See here PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING -ROOM SUITES, Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything in the Furniture Line. M. MT itowm. L, THE BOBTFR PRODUCT CO. have decided to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices Best Canadian Oil, Best Canadian Water White. Best American Water White COMPONE, COME ALL. railion'ao Best Ordered Clothing probed is hetet Gentlemen! leave your orders early,for with the eat staff of Taillor b s thebeg- stock >% of Fine Trimmings, and the beat Cuttingin Town; you aro etre of 'eatiafaet ion 12c. 17c. 20c. THE BOBER PRODUCE CO. A Full Stock i change iia. E°a,161^1 �SS --OF— SCIIQR 9 ti SNHiLLS AT Browning DEALnrZ IN— Books, - Stationery, and Fancy Goods Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper, Ink, Pons, Pencils, Lock l3o'es, Etc. etc. W. Brovvning s BOOKSTORE. A MAN all always Be Dressed Well 1f he goes to the proper Tailor. Wo have a large range of Pat- terns to choose from Natty Tweods, Serg es and Worsteds made up in any style, and fitting the 'customers so well that inti - mato friends do not scruple to ask who made your Suit. bur customers never hoeitato: but answer with a knowing smile, : The Tailor. r OVERCOATSS W141 MAI), Having purchased the Buteheriug bus iness of Messrs, Wood Bros., will take possession on April 1st, and I would res pectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and as many new ones as favor me with a call. Meats of all kinds1 hy a wa s an and a anderfect satisfaction guaranteed. P g t 'lours faithfn11 y a g, Carriages Wagoa: We have received a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold y Come and see them and bo convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is now complete in every line. Prices to, euit everybody. We don't advertise a< 20 per cent discount and claim a 20 per cent for our trouble, nor do profit, we drag people le off the street to indtt o them to buy. Como ie. yourselves and. get prices, and you seo at once we have no 40 profit, )er cent 1 Good Cow-hide,lland-anado Boots 2.90 tI 1K,ip at t,, :y Itr9yf2s 13als .2Ci " Plow Beets 90 deli's Half Soling 85 Women's , r 80 to charge for rips; also t3eo our az- nsss.Clan1 t be bsatpnfor style and. quality, y and ever thing in the Harness. lines • iI 51 TREE