The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 14 (2)3 • PAG 213—GODERICH SIGNAL -STA, THURSDAY, NOVBMBER 28, 1974 Joan Van Den Broeck Continued from page 14 council. In your opinion: • a. 1* PrevIOUS Oxperience on municipal .council necessary to become6mayor? No. Dr, Mills is a good exam- ple. 1 am sure that anyone who has dealt with the public and; has an administrative background could do justice to , -the position. b. Should the People expect the mayor of a municipality such as Goderich to attend all meetings, public functions and conventions on their behalf, or should the mayor be free to delegate alternatives from his council on occasion? It is my understanding that the mayor is free to delegate alternatives on occasion and this seems tobe a reasonable arrangement, though I would think that the people would want the mayor to attend public functions on the town's behalf if at all possible. c. Would a fulitime mayor be desirable in Goderich? Why? • No. I do not think that Goderich can afford a fulltime mayor. Before we give it any consider whether or not we could not make more 'effectiVe use of aur town clerk. As he is well versed in municipal law it would seem reasonable to me that more administrative work should be done by this office so that council can be freed to spend- more time • on policy making. The town clerk should not be used by council as a secretary. Administrative work should be less political, not more political. d. , What salary should a fulltime mayor receive? NO comment betanse of •. above. e. Would the election of a fulltirne mayor seriously reduce the number of eligible men and women in the com- munity who could serve? (refer to your answers to the previous two questions?). Yes, 'beduse in many cases we would not be able to afford to payfor the services of highly capable people. It would be. uneconomical ,for these people to offer their services to the town. A very competitive salary would have to be offered to in- duce an established person to leave his emplOyment to fill a term of office. * * * 3. The reeve and deputy-i*eve represent the municipality at the county level. In your opinion: a. Aree,local councils!,1wll enough inforMed ibout. th0 happenings at county .eoun- cil? established It should nut be a matter ot "wli‘lo‘er holler, the loudest gets the woik Int c. Would you be in favor of increasing the road budget sufficiently to provide good _roads, qurbs, sidewalks etc. across the municipality even if No. 114 meant considerably higher , b. Should Goderich taxes? representatives on county No council be more parochial in 7. Godrich is called The Pret- , their participation there, or nest Tovin in Canada In your should -they strive for a wider opinion: and more general understan- a. Is that so? , How could I say otherwise, nevertheless v: e are in grave. tit danger of losi our•communit\. integrity and ,aaracter which has made of / town a beloved spot for.so ii,liny over the years. b. If not, why not? If yes, what is your plan to preserve that beauty and build on it? The people in Goderich have got to di) a lot of hard thinking and decide what they want .for . , ding of .all municipalities within the pounty and those • problems peculiar to the county system? I belieti>e that, our county representatives must strive to better understand the integral relationship between urban and rural areas. c. Should Goderich representatives to county. council make regular reports to their colleagues about the community. ,How dense' do coUnty business? we want to becorne? What It is essential: • population do we wish to -4. There have been problems in sustain? How many industries?.. the past two years between neighboring municipalities. In a. st sa rea pro em Yes. b. If yes, how do you propose to work towards correcting it? • One step would be arranging bi-annual meetings to discuss common problems as areas for cooperative efforts are iny pn and varied: Also town coun- cillors must familiarize them- ., selves with the secondary plans for the neighbouring townships and establish, with them, guidelines that are of benefit to all. RE- ELECT •• Dave Gower For' Council * * * 5.. Soaring tax bills are everyone's concern. In your opinion: a. Are taxes in Goderich unusually high? While they would appear to be so I do not know how we line up in comparison t� other similar sized communities with the same industrial/commer- cial/residential ratio. • ' b. If yes, what can be done about it? If no, explain why you think local taxes are in line. I can not answer this question in context. I would to say though that it will be the responsibility,of the new council to scrupulously examine the tentative budget for the coming year and reassess. priorities if necessary. * * * 16.`There are always ,complaint; about roads. In your opinion: a. Is Goderich's road program adequate? It can not be considered "adequate- when people are unhappy. b. If not. why not? I am not aware of any long range planning. There should be a road program that people can understand and priorities DIRECTORY DIESEL Pumps and Injectors • Repsired For All Popular Makes • Huron Fuel Injection. Equipment -Bayfield Rd. 482-7971 ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICE — ARTHUR R. TUCKER C.G.A. Certified General Accountant 16 Victoria Blvd„ Vanastra Box 957, Clinton 482-3737 , CHISHOLM FUELS dist butore For PRODUCTS HOME; FARM, • INDUSTRY •, .• i Hour numor Service •, Femoral Financing • "Oasolines & Masai Fu&s • Niw Flamm* installation & Hot Water Sonora 54768I Ott 52945241 , ' Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED'ACCOUNTANT .39 St. DavidiSt., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 52'4-7661 Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSINO, BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST St. Goderich .1111114, For FASHION ... RIGHT, SHOES The Place To Go, Is • ROSS SHOES. The Square Goderich ' Do we want to be; a touu,t town or an industrial town Long range planning should' In chide the answers to t questions We must use •Iocal planners I'll drawing u`p our plans We do not have ti be a carbon copy of other places In our plans we should have a comprehensive tree planting program and also we 'must do a better job of protecting and developing community parks We must also protect. ;1'11' neighhourhoods from nom., conforming development .and recognize the significance of -Our town „landmarks such as being done in the sevondar plans which have been drawn up for the town of Brussels and the township of Grey. W e kA 111 need -lots of public input it ‘k . wish to preserve the quality of town life. I am sure that t he re are many people with good jdeas,. We will need everyone's help if we' wish to put beautification and preservation planS into action and maintain a_sense of 'community. + 4% 4, S. Lake Huron is 0 natural heautN sp,00,1 A3.,t.t 111 he community 1n you r opinion. • a: Should 'our beaches be improved and additional facilities 'added to, attract visitors to Goderich? At what cost? Native has our shoreline ill' recent years and I do. not think that the muniCipality‘can do very much un its own:°While, it night be a heroic effort it will have little. effect unless massive ' studies are undertaken ihto the problem by the Federal Resour- ces Ministry. I would he in- clined to recommend that the County approach the ministry fur a study of this kind. n b. Should a municipal cam- pground be established? 'Yes - a stop -over cam, mound would beappreciated by visitors to our community. c. Should municipal funds be allocated. for acquisition of future recreational areas beeir very unkind to 0 along Goderich's waterfront? Yes - the public has an inherent right to enjoy fuller acce!-;s to both the laltefront and the river flats. * * Some people believe regional gtk eminent looms in the not s'(1 distant future. In. your opinion:. a. Is regional government desirable? Why? • 3 No ; Regional. Government is planning on 'the grand scare. And, as they reason that such planning would be uneconomical unless you are dealing with region populations of 150,00() - 200,000 you can see that we 'would have no plan- ning control to speak of for our own community. What happens when you have such large scale planning such as is the case with the parkway belt, the Niagara Escarpment, and the To Centred Region is that, because they *are.so large, the degree of expertise .needed is so great that 'the ordinary .citiien is isolated by his lack of technical understanding and is 1 much easier .to dismiss. It is also worth noting that cin some, cases the regional governments which have been, .established are very weak structurally and consequently do not have the necessary economic base to pose plannifig controls on developers. I am inclined to believe that the next few years will be crucial for our County Council, and town. When neighbouring municipalities - start squabbling because of their own vested ;interest. (like that Of t he competing shopping centres) the government will feel more inclined to superim- pose its authority on these mat- ters through regionalization. * * * b. Do you believe the plan- ning on the fringes of the municipality , should correspond with planning in the adjoining rural areas? . Yes. c. Should Huron'A farmland be protected,' even abutting Goderich? -Yes. . • * * * 11. Why would you make 0 good candidate for town council? I do not, by any stretch of the imagination claim to have all the' answers but I do have some ideas that may be of help. Before formulating these ideas I would like to have the oppor- tunity to learn more about' the municipal -business. I can only promise that I will not support any proposal which could send this town into an economical tailspin. 12. Comments: I have attempted to the hest of my knowledge to answer each question in the context in which it was presented and it is my jape that, if elected,, yoU will feel free to advise me of ydur thinking on these matters. It is my 'sincere hope that you Will support my bid for a seat on town council and I hope too, that thy letters to the editor, this questionnaire, and my brochure have, given you some insight into the type of person am. THIS WEEK'S EXTRA SPECIAL GOOD BUYS! 0 CambridgeI e and ,,vopEt_ by BUXTON and ROLFS Fine leather gifts for men & women as shown on pages 44 to 47 of your 74-75 WOOLCO CATALOGUE' OFFER EXPIRES NOV. 30TH, 1974 W: make Christmas shopping. easy, with NO Down payment, No payments:lin *EG1LASEZIEC-TS,JAN1 111L3EPLEACH H 05! 1914 I Pte*I"-C'' 1: • R5& ba3 bEV+ .'"e'fL:f444,m4ie Rill 60B b133 f * IF YOU USE YOUR WOOLCO/WOOLWOR.TH,,CARDg THIS. IIVINHElitE YOU'LL FIND YOUR 'NEAREST WOOLCO CATALOGUE STORE