The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 13 (2)t�1
31 Dec. 1 0967654
Public Library,
52 Montreal St . ?A 2G4
Goderich, • Qx t
1 27 YEAR
o ur -c andida
1. We've heard a good, deal
about conflict ofinterest in the
past two years. In your opinion:,
a. What constitutes a con-
flicO of interest?
There are mord "conflicts of
interest when an individual is
representative of a certain
pressure group and financial
conflicts of interest ,when one
.stands, to receive' financial
',benefit from decisions made by
council. These are very serious
problems and should receive
the very careful consideration
of the townspeople: We are not •
irrin\une to problems (especially
in the area of land speculation
and development), which have
in the past seriously injured
other communities and I do not
believe that Goderich can af-
ford to allow its growth pattern
to be linked with a developer.
b. Should candidates
declare a possible area of
conflict of interest during an
election campaign? Why?
• Yes. It is a simple matter of
ethics. •
c. Can a man or woman, fun-
ction' effectively on a public
Council or board with a con-
flict of interest?
le JAv,ould be inclined to
sayy no, - it would not be out of
the question for a conscientious
d. When an elected official
declines .to take part . in a
'discussion or to vote a par-
ticular issue because of a
conflict of interest does it
weaken the public body 'on
which that official serves?
I will say yes but 'my reason
• is only speculative as I have
not worked with such a board.
e. Do you have a conflict of
No. a
2. The mayor is the head of
Continued on* page 2B.
tion so they can make their
decision based on all the, facts
rather than learn about them
after the election.
c. Can a man or woman fun-
ction effectively on a public
Council or board with a con-
flict of Interest?
Yes, I believe they can. Con,
flict of interests are rare, not
continuous. Once a subject.
clears council . the personal in-
volvement of any member goes
with it. If a person had con-
tinuous conflict •then there
would be no point in running or,
input into counciloperations
would be jeopardized.
d. .When an elected official .,
declines to take part in a - RICi,.,ROBERTSON -
discussion or to vote a par- CANDID*&& T 'FOR COUNCIL
Ocular, issue because of a
conflict of interest, does- it 1. We've heard a good .deal
weaken • the public body on about conflict of interest in the
which that official serves? past two years. In your opinion:
Why? a.. What constitutes a con-
• Yes, I feel it weakens it. All flirt of interest?
council members have an im- A conflict of interest is laid
portant 'part to play as elected ou'. specifically in the
officials, they all have different Municipal Conflict *of Interest
points of view and a different " Act 1972, Chapter 142. There is
input into discussion. When , a movement afoot to make im-
. one=- member -is-not eligible. to,„ provernents to., this Act. _l;nfor-
offer input the final decision is mation is readily available at
deteriorated because of the the Town Clerk's office about
possible loss ofa valuable com this Act. •
anent on the matter. I would state broadly that a
e. Do you have a conflict of conflict of interest takes place
interest? when an elected official takes
No,- not to my knowledge. advantage or this position to
* * * further his own, his family's or
2. The mayor is the head of his firm's pecuniary interest in
'council. In your opinion: affairs of Municipal concern.
a. Is previous experience on b. .Should candidates
municipal council necessary declare a possible Area of
to become' mayor? . conflict • of interest during an
Previous . experience is not election campaign? Why?
mandatory, but is most This `question is rather am-.
Continued on page 8B • biguoUs, but if a candidate has
•k, h:,<y� r'#'sh? .-prior knowledge of future
business facing the Council,
and if he has, either on his own
behalf, or his family or business
interests, any pecuniary in-
terest it• may well be advisable
to declare these facts before
election. Failure to_ do so may
result in the public •becoming
prejudiced when reviewing
'his/her Performance.during the
term in office.
c. Can a man or woman .fun-
ction effectively on a public
council or board with a con-
flict of interest?
Yes - providing that he/she
conduct themselves under the
provisions of the Conflict of In-. .
'terest Legislation.
d. When an elected of-
ficial *declines to take part in a
discussion or to vote a "par--
ticular issue because'' sof la
'CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL conflict of interest, does it
weaken the public body on
which that official serves?
Yes it does - to the. extent
that a vote is denied and the'
public is deprived of support or
opposition to the problem un-
der discussion.
Continued on.. page 313
showing up at all. I do not feel
a ,full time mayor is necessary
as it 'would certainly affect
competent and 'professional
persons who would be reluctant
to take their valuable time to
participate in public affairs
when someone is being paid
full time. I think participation
by the public is the key to a lot
of our communicati'in
'problems. :It is an ad-
ministrator's; job to carry out
the decisions once they are
made and see that they are en-
- forced.
You mention, ate town
representatives well enough i
1. We've heard 4 good deal
about conflict of' interest in the
past two years. In your opinion: -
a. What con$titutes a. con-
flicft of Interest?
Many people have over reac-
ted to conflict of interest. In my
years as council member all the
members have declared a con-
flict of interest before' any
discussion on matters took
place and have declined to vote
on that particular item. In my
estimation a conflict of interest "
constitutes any situation where
a councillor can benefit finan-
cialiy from a council decision or
any area where a council mem-
ber's personal involvement will
- determine his or her position in
the discussion.
Yes, I feel it is very impar,•„,
tant to' give the electorate all
the necessary facts regarding
the candidate before the elec-
local -issues.
flict (of interest?
In my ,o1 -inion a conflict of
interest /nay arise in.a situation
• where monet,.orry or personal in-
terest may conflict with the
public good.
b. Should candidates
deciareup a possible area of
conflict of Interest during an
election campaign? Why?
Yes - In my opinion this
would' allow the voters to be
aware of a candidate's potential
ability and areas of weakness.
c: Can a man or woman fun-
ction effectively on a public
council or board with a con-
flict of interest ?.
county happenings and affairs.
It is important that they a'i!e
well informed and have a good
working relationship with the -
Continued on page 4B
1. We've heard a good deal
about conflict of interest in the
past two years. 'In your
a. What constitutes a con-
flict of interest?
Where a person or, persons
will benefit either directly or
indirectly by _voting on an issue
at hand.
b. Should •candidates
declare a possible area of
conflict of interest during an
election campaign? 'Why?
Yes, so that the person can
readily decline voting on "an
issue where a -conflict may
c. Can a man woman, fun-
ction effectively on a public
council or board with a con- "
flict of interest?
No, if . you feel you have a
conflict of interest.
d. When an elected official
declines to take part in . a
discussion or to vote a par-
ticular issue because of 'a
conflict of interest does it
weaken the public body on
which that official serves?
No. He is strengthening the
body because he is not taking
part in the discussion or voting.
e. Do you have a conflict of
2. The mayor is* the head of
council -In your opinion:
a. le previous experience on
municipal council necessary
to become mayor?'
b. Should the people expect
the 'mayor of a municipality
such as Goiferich to attend all
meetings, public functions
and convention* on their
behalf, or should the mayor be
free to delegate alternatives
Continued'an page 3B
May I take this opportunity
to thank you for the privilege of
expressing my views.
You ask about conflict of iti-
terest. It is covered •by the On.,,
tari,o Municipal Act
anything other than that is
strictly opinion. I feel it is a
question of conscience. I per-
'sonally have no conflict of in-
terest, I am a free agent.
Whether a new mayor should
have previous experience cer-
tainly depe;nds on .,his
background, positions held and
previous experience. I feel he
should attend as many func-
tions as 'his time will allow, as
what better way for the town's
Public Relations. 'There is
nothing wrong in delegating
someone else on his behalf as
this is better than no one
1. We've heard a good deal
about conflict of interest in the
past two years, In your opinion:
a. What constitutes a con-
flict of interest?
May I respectfully suggest
that this question is slightly
misleading. "Conflict of in-'
terest" is not left to individual
opinion- and interpretation, but -
is covered by The Municipal
conflict of, _Interest. Act, . 1972.
In broad terms, if a council
member (or his/her. family
member living ,in the—same
household) has a pecuniary in-
terest in a matter • with which
- the council is dealing, he or she
must disclose the interest' ant
'refrain from the discussion's°
this 'subject as well ,as from
voting on it. Failure to ly
FRANK WALKOM would be 'tconflict of intent",'
CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL punishable as provided by the
Act and ` leading to.
1. We've heard a good deal disqualification. The legislation
about conflict of interest in the puts emphasis on "disclosure of
past two years. In your opinion: interest":
a. What constitutes a con- , b. Should candidates'
flirt ot, interest's a -• °�` declare Ka ` possible area of
To my way of thinking, a con- conflict` of interest during an
flirt' of interest exists when -a- election campaign?' Why?
member of council or.his com-
pany will in all probability I find that in' view of the
benefit either . directly or in- above I cannot answer this
directly by the passing of a question sensibly.. Perhaps a
motion or bylaw *which may candidate should declare a
benefit the person in question. possible area of "interest" if he
b. Should . candidates or she can predict it during an'
declare a possible area of election campaign.
conflict of interest during an ' c. Can`a,man or woman fun -
election campaign? Why? ction effectively on a public
Yes. If a member of council is 'council or board with a con -
elected and it is suspected that' Mgt of interest?,
a conflict of interest exists and Again I presume you mean
this can be proven the person "interest" when you say "con -
can be disqualified. In the •oath flirt of interest". It would
taken at the inaugural meeting depend entirely on how the
he states that he nor his corn- matter is dealt with. Honest
pany has any interest in inside disclosure and complying' with ,
activities. all the requirements of the Act
issue of possible conflict comes
up, he pr she would declare
himself, and` absent himself
from the discussions ° and
decisions of that particular
d. When an elected official
declines to take part in a
discussion' or to vote a par-
ticular issue because of a
conflict of , interest, does 'it
weaken the public body on
which that official serves?
I do not believe so.
e. Do you have a conflict of
interest..? p •
None of which I am aware.
* * *
?. The mayor is the. head of
council. In your opinion:
a. Is previous expetrience on
municipal council necessary
to become mayor?
No. •
' b. Should the people expect
the mayor of a municipality
such as Goderich to attend all
nmeetirigs, public functions
and conventions on their
behalf, or should the mayor be
free to delegate alternatives
from his council on occasion?
In rny = opinion tl'te mayor
Continued on page 88 ,
of my family were to apply for a
job offered by the Town, they
would make 'it on their own
merits, and not with my in-
2. The_ mayor is the 'bead of
council. In your opinion:
a. Is previous experience on
municipal council necessary
to become mayor?
_No -- remember Mayor
b. Should thepeople expect
the mayor of a municipality
such as Goderich to attend all
meetings, public functions
before one finds out that there
are certain things that do not
fall into the' categories that
come under Municipal control
or that can only be done
through or with the approval of
other Provincial or Federal
You don't become a First
Continued on page 713
1, We've heard a good deal
about conflict of interest in the
past two years. In your opinion:
- on Witte • .a. Co . .
behalf, or should the mayor be
free to delegate alternatives
from his -council on occasion?'
Council should be ready,,
l' Continued on page 6B
g : s
c. Cana man or woman fun- seem to be sufficient. The, effec-•
ction effectively oh a public tive functioning + seems to,s's
council or board with a .con depend entirely on the person.
flirt 'of interest? • A man' or woman with no
I believe that no person can property and no possibility'of
function effectively on a council • "interest"' does not necessarily
or board because he is divided make ,a better council member
between two loyalties, one for as opposed to one who owns a
the• corporation. or town and ..great deal of property, does not
one for himself or company. seek ' any special favours and
d. When an .elected official openly discloses his interest
declines to take part in a whenever the occasion arises: •
discussion or to vote a 'par- d. When an elected official
ticular issue ,because of a • declines to take part in a
conflict,_ of interest, does it, -' discussion or to vote a par -
weaken the public body on ' ticular issue because of a•
which 'that •official .. serves? conflict of interest,' does it_ _
Why? weaken the public body on
• When an elected official which that 'official serves?
declines to discuss or vote en
any matter brought before
council, I feel it weakens the.,
power of the elected body. I
have seen this happen frequen-;
tly and it is not in the best in-
terest of good government.
With one councillor absent and
one refraining from voting an
unhappy situation could occur.
e. Do you have a conflict of
Definitely not and thanks he
never have had. -
"* * *,
2. The mayor is the head of
council. In your opinion:
a. Is previous experience on
municipal council necessary
to become mayor?
I feel that experience is
necessary before a person step's
into the mayor's chair. Dr.
Mills was mayor of Goderich
for two years and made ,a
creditable showing but had he
had two or more years ex-
perience. on •cntincil, he would
have achieved more success.
b. Should the people expect
the mayor of a .Muhicipality
such as Goderich to attend sill
meetings, . public functions
and conventions on their
behalf, or should the mayor be
fry to delegate alternatives
;,Continued on page 413
Again substituting "interest"
here you say "conflict of in-
terest'' (one does not disclose
an interest and have a conflict
of interest at the' same time) - it
would not seem to weaken the,.
public body any more than an
Continued on page 10B
1. We've heard a . good deal
about conflict of_interest in the
past two years. In your opinion:
What constitutes a con-
1... We've heard a good deal
about conflict of interest in the
past two years. In your opinion:
a. What constitutes a con-
flict of interest?
Where a candidate, or elec-
• ted official, • dr his family, or
public servant, by reason of
property holdings or position,
could use his/her position to in-
fluence a decision whereby
he/she stood, to gain.financially.
,Or where the same circumstan-
ces' could be used to 'have him-
self Rr a member of his family
or friend obtain a position or
b. •• Should candidates
declare a possible area of
conflict of interest during an
election campaign? Why?
Yes - to ensure' `that the
public knows any -area` where,
conflict of interest might
develop in the future.
c. Can a man or woman fun-
ction effectively on a public
Ceuncii or board with a con-
flict of. interest?
Not in the area of his interest
as defined in 1.a. .
d. When an elected official
declines to take part in a
discussion or to vote a par-
ticular issue because of a
conflict of interest, does it
weaken the public body on—
which that official serves?
It is honest to declare con-
'flict of interest at the outset,
and remain silent' during the
discussion and abstain from
• voting. .
e. Do you have, a conflict of
1. We've beard a good deal
about conflict of interest in the
past two years. In'your opinion:
a. What constitutes a con-
flict of interest?
flirt of interest?
. Conflict, is often the result of.
misunderstanding difference of '
opinion, and the ability of one
or both parties concerned to
master the basic principles of
human relations.
b. Should candidates
declare a possible area of
conflict of interest during an
election campaign? Why?
Services conflict usually, un-
fortunately, uses up -a great
'deals of time- and energy that
-undoubtedly could be put to
better use. I feel is necessary to
. get to know your candidate and
their views of interestit~ig sub-
jects tothe electors. However I
see no need to waste time con-
flicting with, our fellow ap-
ponents. ,
c. Can a man or woman fun-
ction effectively on a public
council or board with a con-
flict of interest?
There should be no conflict
man or woman as to why coun-
cil is there "to attempt to
make' the best decisions in the
public interest. However
human nature being what it is
whoever is elected it will con-
sist of a municipal body made
up. :of , people with 'different
backgrounds,"different sense of
nature and different priorities,
thus a certain element of con-
flict is bound to exist, but yes I
do believe the elected
municipal body can still func-
tion effectively it they are
genuinely interested in other
.people,. and attempt to grasp an
understanding view :point of
both sides of the conflict.
Continued on page .61
What" constitutes a conflict oT`
"interest is laid out in .t`The
Municipal Conflict of Interest
Act, 1972". As long as the. in"
terest is declared, whether
direct or indirect, the person
having the interest does not
discuss it in Council or Com-
mittee, . does not vote on the
' matter, and it is recorded in the
minutes of Council 'or Commit-
tee, according to the Act, there
is no conflict of int6rest.
b. Should candidates
declare a 'possible area . of
conflict of interest during an
election campaign? Why?
How can a candidate declare
a possible conflict of interest,
during an election' campaign,-
when as long as the provisions
of the Act are complied with, if
and when the matter comes
before the Council or Commit-
tee? ' .
c. Can a man or woman fun-
ction effectively on a public
.council or board with a con-
flict ofinterest?
d. When an elected, official
declines to take part ,in a
'discussion or to vote a par-
ticular issue. because of a
conflict of ,:interest; does 11
weaken the public body on
which that official serves?
Why? ••
c. and d. Yes, a man or
woman can function effectively
on a Council or . Public Board,
because the Act provides for
this situation. When an elected
official declines to take part in
a discussion' or a vote on a par-
ticular issue because of a con-
flict of interest, it does not
weaken the public body. This'
'again is spelled out in ."The
Municipal Conflict of .Interest
Act, .1972". The balance of the
Council makes the decision.
e. Do you have a conflict of
According to the, legal inter-
pretation of the Act, NO, I do
net have a conflict of interest
as long as the provisions of the
Act are carried out. In the' past
two years, in which I have been,
on Council, I have not had to
declare a conflict of interest: I
do not know what may happen
in the future.
*~* *
• 2. The mayor is the head of
council. In your opinion:
a. Is previous experienceon
munlcipal council necessary
to become mayor?
To become a Mayor of a
Municipality, previous ex-
perience on Council is not
necessary; but, I do think it is
When one is first elected to
Council, one wants to do cer-
tain things,, but it is not long
Our family holds no property
other than our residence and
Tlace of business. If a member
As a candidate in the forth-
coming election, I 7hav,e been
requested to express my
opinions cin a questionnaire
issued by your office.
Firstly, I have 'never served
on a, council committee and I
feel I am not qualified to sive
my opinions until I have• had
some experience on these
issues. On the other hand, there
are other candidates who are
running in this election who
will be capable of handlitlg this
questionnaire properly as they
are experienced' and 'have sat
on council for as long as two
years or more.
Secondly, I am willing to
..learn the business of the town
as a council member, if elected,
and in a years time, I will
hopefully be able and eager to
answer `the majority of
questions put forth to me at
that time.
My motto is "that , action'
speaks, louder than words",
and if given °the chance, I shall
try and prove this to the public
and the greatest town I know.
I would like to express my
thanks to the Signal -Star and
the people for your interset in
me as a candidate.
Looking for your support at the