The Exeter Times, 1894-4-19, Page 8xicri
TrAlene of rorento: also for the rummx
nue INSuilANQE 00MPANY. of London
PANY of Enclene.
Vire are showiug SAMple Loteo uoule
Riegere Perfeine,
e are showing a nioe line of Heir
We are ehowiega Cheep line of Toilet
We are showing a line of Combs.
We show a fine line of Tooth Brushes,
We are offering a Snap M Whiske.
We have low lines in Sponges,
We keep Tooth Picks and sell them
We keep Chamois,Skins, best qualiey,
Ion May need some of the above, call
and we will try and please you,
Big Bankrapt Store
For Big Bargains in
Special for this and next
week. A. big Remnant Sale,
over 500 remnants of prints,
Drees Goods, Tweeds, an.dCur-
tain Ends. The -whole lot are
new spread out on tables; first
come, best choice, every piece
Is a bangain, but some are better
, bargains than others. We are
doing a great corset trade since
the break in prices; the public
appreciate our offer to beat all
opposition prices. Don't for-
get our prices, 25c, 48c, 05e,
and 75c, for the most popular
coreets in the trade. • What
about Spring Dress Goods ?
you better no the new choice
stock we are offering -prices
the lowest in town. The lad-
ies all say that our ansortthent
of New and Stylish Millinery
is by far the best in town -the
endues we know are right. See
our Millinery,it will please you
in style quality and price.
3. A Stewart.
Notice to TimesReaders.
2'hs publishers would esteem it a favor if
paelers would,whert mahing their purchases,
AIntIon that they sate the merchant's adver-
%ferment in Tix Indus.
NOTICE -All business announcomenta
notices of public meetings, lentertainments
auction sales, etc, appearing in there local
columns -will be oharged for at the rate of five
wits por line each insertion. Black heading
to count se three 1ine. Oash with order SAVO
So persons having open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in current issue copy
avast be handed into office on Tuesday.
(1)e txttipt iutt.
The sick.
Mr. Robt. Spider who wee very low is
able to be around autin.-Mr, I. Bower-
man is not improving. -Mrs. T. &eery of
Centralia hada paralytic stroke the other
There died M Usborne on Thursday Iasi,
at the residence of her son, Mr. Donald
McInnis, one ot the pioneer reeidente of
thrborrie in the pereon of Catherine, relict
oe the late Archibald McInnis, in the 9let
year of her age. Deceased enjoyed all
her faculties up to the rime of death and
until a very few days previous was quite
well and about the house- In fact she
was always in the best of health and dur-
ing laer life not more than fie) had been
expended in doctors' bills. She was
really a remarkable woman, and at time
of death had not lost a single tooth, all
;being perfect. Her husband preceded
her in death some years ago, also ett the
• age of 91 years. lifre. McInnis wee an
amiable woman and beloved by eal who
knew her. torn ineergylashne, Scotland,
she mooried Mr. McInnis in the year 1828,
• and with her hustand ernigratee to Canada
in 1833, 'fettling in the County of Lanatk.
They remained in Lanark Co. some 20
• years, when they came to the township of
fJehorne Where, with hard labor they soon
• hewed out a comfortable home on the
Thames Road. Deceased was a etrong
Adherent ot the Pteebyterian church, and
entil a eouple of years ago was a regular
attendant of the Themes Road Chanel];
There survivea her, two BOOS and four
daughters -Jobe who reeides in Exeter;
Donald of 'Osborne; two Mtg. John Came-
ron.', of Ueborne; gra., ,Wm. Monteith,
Winnipeg; and MM. Ri'abt. Hamilton of
Stretford. The funeral on Saturday led
was lergely attended.
The proposed ;sew game 1ant protect*
Petriagee, enilie end Woodcock ftorn shot -
gen" until Sept. 15, 1897, and
turkeyeuritil Ocl. 15, 1897. The act
will %leo take omay from genie Warderess
ell eower te sidei lieendes to American
aporteuren. They omit be predated freer
he Pre -vinare' Settettkey, and they Until
tile game bag &each eseotternan et
eft? And On clatike.
Oleen up I
Pec h tteeti and lilac Bluetit are bed
A Stretford Man hit a iblokett with 4
Seifert)) priors it* street weterer twenty
gout* pelf hour,
Yonerg Liberal clan will shortly be
formed tit $t. Merys,
Clinton waute a new Government post
efffice; so does Exeter,
Division Court was held here on Mon-
day. The doeitet wee email.
The nothern lights heve made brilliant
displays the past few nights.
Mr, R. Plioes has moved the Central
telephone office to Fanson's eloek.
A neat neve fence is to be built around
the Presbyterian church and grounds.
Mr. Chae. Perkins intends building a
brick reeidence on William St. this aping.
The congregation of the Caven church
have in contemplation the :purchase of a
new pipe organ.
Personghaving mileh cows for Bele, or
those wishing to purehese will do well to
call on A. Q. Bobier.
A meeting ot the Cricket Club will be
held to -night (Thursday) at Elliot's office
at 8 o'clock. F. Elliot, Bee'y.
The watering cart was put on tha street
on Monday, but owing to an insufficient
supply of water, was soon withdrawn kora
The South Huron Patrons have nomine
Med Mr, Riehard Common of McICillop
township as their candidate at the next
Dominion election.
The village council have decided to en-
force the black knot by-law, and Persona
on whoee trees the pest has grown, will do
Well to deairoy the same.
William Delve, formerly of Exeter, and
Eliza Jane Johns of London were married
at St. Andrew's manse, London, on Wed-
neiday by Rev. J. A. Murray.
The Davia-Rendle dispute over certain
land properties in Exeter, has resulted in
the matter being placed in chancery, and
a sale of the estate will take plaoe ahortly.
The plate glase,broken in the Othlfellow's
block, was replaced last week by Megan.
Cobbledick & Folland, who imported the
glass from Germany. It is a very fine
Ur. P. Bawden's horseran away Tues-
day morning as he was driving down Mein
St. The breaking of the breechin' allowed
the waggon to orowd the animal, hence ita
running awsy.
The close treason for pickerel if/ now on
and will end at midnight on the 151h of
May. Tne close season for bass of all
kinds begins on the 10Ih of May, and re-
opens until Dominion Day.
Exeter Lodge No 67, Independent Order
of Oddfellows will attend divine service on
Sunday morning April 29th, at tke Triv-
itt Memorial church, when Rev.Mr. Hunt
will preach theanniversary sermon
The General Methodist Board has re-
fused to transfee Rev. Dr. Pascoe from
London to the Guelph conference, so that
he cannot become minister of -tho united
Methodist church in Mitchell, as was ex-
St. Mary's Argus :-- "As a result of a
petition front the pupils, the trustees
Wednesday afternoon granted the Public
schools of that town a half holiday on
meant of the spring show." Lucky
pupil/; sapient trustees
As anyone clan buy a largo postcard for
a cent and Needle -A friend the family gos-
sip of a week, it does seem foolish to break
the postal law by writing notes in news-
papers, thereby running the risk of pitying
415 or $20 of a fine and costs.
Mr. W. Pugsley. of • Usborne, sold hie
stook and implements by auction, in town,
on Setarday Mat and has moved ter Exeter
to reside. Mrs. Pageley also sold her farm
of 50 acres on the 51h con, to Mr. Pen -
warden for the sum of 82,500,
The creamery will. commence operations
on Monday next with good prospects. Mr
Jones, the manager, has everything in
splendid shape, and being a practical
man and poesessed of eonsiderable affabil-
ity, the faptory has a bright season before
Fishery Inepeotor Kerr, of Hamilton,
with the tug Alderton, made ;a raid on
some Wale fishermen engaged in fiebing
in Canadian waters between Fort Erie and
Port Abino, near Windmill Point. and de-
stroyed. or confieeated two or three miler:
of nets.
Farmers complain that cattle buyers
are unwilling to make any offer for spring
cattle, and are feeling rather blue in son -
sequence, while the dealers state that the
grave •uncertainly of the markets and
ocean freights will not warrant thorn in
making any offer for export cattle.
The publiahere of the Farmers' Advocate
have juet isaned an engraving of a group
of puee-bred Ayralnee cattle, which won
such a large number of the prizes at the
Chicago fair. It is a handsome engrain
ing, and will serve as a permanent memen-
to of the suctions of Canadian cettle at the
greatest exhibition *be world has ever
A piano fakir is said to be plying hie
trade in the surrounding country just now
His method of procedure is to offer a piano
on amazingly liberal terms. A piano. is
placed in the house on trial, and the vic-
tim induced to sign what he believes is an
insurance policy on the inatrument, but
which afterwards proves to be a promissory
note for a large amount.
The Western millern propoee to petition
Parliament to take steps te compel all rail-
ways in Canada to make no distinction in
favor is( wheat for export. The millers
claim that the discrimination against flour
in the freight rates prevent them from
shinpitig flour to England, and they say if
the rates were the Same the export, trade
in deur would be greatly increased.
The regular meeting of Heron Medical
Asecedation was held in Clinton, last week.
when the following members were preeent
Ors Bethune, Smith and Campbell, Sea -
forth; Thompson, HernaalI; Amos, Exeter;
Turnbull,. Shaer, WG
Moore and wen, Olbaton,
The meeting was a leery interesting one,
with meverel important cases preeented
and valuable papers read by the lumberer.
The ieclemeney of the weather prevented
A larger attendance.
The Dominion Government hats reached
decielon in fogad to the proposed
chattges in the Post Office Inspectorehipe
et Ontario, and the followitig may be re-
garded at the definite location at the
different offices: Tweeter Barker, of
London, to locate at Toronto; Inspector
Spry, of Barrie; to go to tendons Inispeo-
tor Jones of Kingeton, to go to Barrie; In
epeotor Hopkirk will remedn at Stratton,
end Die/ream' Heyrken at Ottewa, The
new man to be Appeainted will haVe charge
et the K11104)11 Derivion,
TAOt, or diatom Rile* e
Mr, and birs..Alex. Dote of xeter, Mr.
S'amUel Lampert of Om-11ton, and /gem I.
Washburn of VVoodham, were gueste at
M. John Minoan's," lnarguber, on 8unden
last., --Nies Edith Mulvaney left for ber
home n mbtornkrhoeillanoanwitMe:Modf azeolbetnitze
Alberti, W, T. are the poste of Mr.
and Mrs, Wm, Follafli, Mr, Monroe has
been teaching school in the wed but owing
tont health Wan forced to retire. We
treat thet the reel will have the deprived
effeot of recuperating hie health. -Revs.
• Messrs. Jeckson and MoDonagh will ex-
change pulpits uerct Senday, morning Ala
evening, -j. 11, Vivian of Toronto, epent
the pest few days in town, superintending
the erection of a large wharfedale sweep in
Toe Tines office. -Rev, MoDonagh in in
Strathroy attending the examination of
young ministere.-Yfr, • Robert Sanders
may be aeen these days with his coat off,
and cliligently at work endeayorieg to
master the art of propelling e, "safety."
Re is doing nicely. -Mr Alf Millen who
has been with Mr A Hastings, barber, has
gone to London to take a Similar potation
with Mr. A. Thompson, -Mr. Harry Shen
ton, of Sacramento, Cal., was in town on
Monday calling on old friends of seventeen
years ago. Mr. Shelton is visiting friends
in Crediton, where Ms wife, while on a
visit to hereparents, took seriously ill. He
may remota in this country permanently,
possibly in Crediton. -A pleasant evening
was epent at the residence of Mr. Samn
Sweet this :week, by a »umber of friend,
Chas, Ross of Detroit apent a few
days of the pant week at her mother'',
Mrs. Geo. Eacrett. -Revs. Minim Mar-
tin (Presbyterian) and Jackson (Blethoeiet)
exchanged pulpits Sunday morning last --
Mr. Jackson, son of Rev. Geo Jackson,
who is attending Medicel College, in To-
ronto, is home spending vacation.
The race course is being made ready for
the 24th.
A. Q. Bobier shipped a car shied • of *egg
to Quebec on Wednesday.
Mr. D. Johns is building an addition to
his shop next to the post office.
The liverymen have added levered fine
driving horses to their stables.
The anglers are having splendid luck
just now, in their catches of Nuokers.
Citizees will Le asked by notice.
to observe and carry out proper health
Gardening operations are In progress,.
but to advance growth, a nice warn, rain
is required.
Yes, bicyclists should he forced' to
oarry a lamp by night and an intellect
all the time.
The council look a tour of inapeetion
yesterday, and found the public works in
good condition, •
Baw April weather is a boon only to
ladies who happen to be a trifle late in se-
curing their new Blaring outfit.
During 1893 there was 45 male and16
female prisoners in Huron county jail.
The daily cost of each for rations was 10
cents, •
e. New jerii4
Court of Pardons has
oommuted the "entenee ot Robert Fates,
Ib. Fewark boy murderer, to life imprison-
All is quiet at Bluefield'. There is no
truth in the report that the Government of
Nicaragua has allowed the Britieh to take
poeseesion of Corn 1s1anJ.
If only farmers' produce be in as great
demand this coming year as farmers'
votes are likely to be, rural mortgages will
receive many a black eye.
The trout fishing season opens Tuesday
May 1st. The close season for black bass
this year will be from May leette July I in-
stead ot April 15 to June 15. .
Mr. Albert Netter, a promoter of Meat -
mint companies announced his failure
Saturdey, in London. His liabilities are;
871000, and his Resets $28,000. .
. .
Mr. Jamen Atkinson will more to town
shortly and occupy his residence on Will-
iam Ste his SOD Marshall, who joined the
great army of benedicts a few weeks ago,
remaining on the farm.
Notioaa are posted calling the attention
of dog owners to the by law decreeing that
all dogs not wearing a tag on and after 1st
May, will be impounded,And enter 48 hours
destroeed, Read it carefully.
Saturn now rime about 'sunset, and can
be keen to **Laid advantage throughout
the entire night. It must no; be con-
founded with the bright star Spica, which
is about ten degrees to the southwest of
The Rey. Mr. Henderson, of Hensel',
will preacla to the Oddfellowe, of Ripley,
on Sunday, the 22nd inst.. and on Mon-
day night wIltlecture under the direction
of the ladies aid of that church, on
''Traysls through Wonderland."
The adjourned vestry meeting of the
Triyitt Memorial Church wan held Friday
evening last. .The auditors' report tor the
preceding year was acceptee, being eatis-
factory. Thera was also considerable other
business transacted, but not of public im-
• port.
Welthles week again crave the indul-
gence of our subscribers for the late
appearance of TnE Toms. Our prase waa
seemly 'ready owing: to an oyeraisht of
the agent, and a ps,rt of the machine,
which had to be reterned was not replaced
until Thursday. ln future we will 'nue.
regnierly as in the past.
Don't take cold wben cleaning the collet
this 'spring. Get to work at it at once,while
it ie evermer in the cellar than outdoor's. If
you wait till the outside air is heeled and
you get chilled retch Unit you go into the
cellar it is running a risk Which will result
in pneumonia or worse; besiden, it takes
longer to do the work, as it is almost im-
possible to stay in the cellar long at a
time. Clean the realise early while it is cool
weather andyou atillwear winter clothing
The Kincardine Itoview say": The Re-
view hid for 'several years the name of
Jon. 11.Riggin, jr„ on ita subscription list.
,Hie addrese is East Saginaw, Mich, He
Nal urged to pay up his tutee's but paid
no attention to theee demands until A few
weeks ago when he wrote to say that be
would'nt pay it. But Mr. R. may have id
pay it yet, VVe have not many subaeribers
of his stripe on our Hat and nothing will
give greater pleasure then forcing hen In-
to pitying hie honest debts.
During the year 1892, there were 46
malts and 5 females committed to Goderioh
jail, a total of 51. Daring the year 1893,
there were 45 Males and 6 female, the
same total, but a difference of one in the
sexes, The committmente for drunken.
nese only numbered three in 1893, Of
the total number oterirnitted, 5 Went to
Central Eileen, 25 remained in jail till
their Iseetteiscie expired, The daily oest
of rations per prieonee, at Goderich, watt
10c. The salaride of the, jell. officiate wete
ror followst-jailer, 4600: Turnkey, $500.
Matrons 5200; Surgeon, (1.120; rt, toted of
We are having a great
rush at our Dress Goods
counters. The Goods and
our Prices are drawing the
We have the
new All -wool
Satin Jean in
all Shades.
It's a great selling line.
Our Dela:rises are pro-
nounced by the ladies to be
by far the best in town, and
they are going fast, See
our All -wool Double Width
Serge at 25c.
Trade booming ;
the fine weather
has put things mov-
ing at a fast pace,
now is the time to
order your Bonnet
or Hat.
. Satisfaction guaranteed.
• Direct Importers,
The Clandeboye fair 'was helde. on
Tuesday, but little interest was taken
in it.
House cleaning is the order of the
day, and the good husband has to en-
dure many hardships.
William Snell, of Usborne, has pur-
chased a fine thoro'hred bull Mira J. A.
Smith, Esq., of Maple Lodge, paying it
large figure fpr him.
The foundry is doing a rushing
business 'at present, upwards of one
dozen men being employed. Murray
& Tait are progressive and will work
up a nice trade before long.
Mr_ Thos. McCallum has just placed
a large new boiler in his tannery, the
demand of increasing business. We
arc pleased to note the many improve-
All young men, whether Grit or Tory,
who are 21 years of age or upwards, can
have their names placed on the votene
1 at by applying to Mr. Geo. Biesett be-
fore he returns his aieessment.
Check your Indigestion with K. D. 0,
sos seinen' Cornell, a resident of Lind -
ay tor tie, past 25 years, was found dead
in garden Saturday afternoon. De-
c, esei was President of the Beekeepers'
1 ht. Advisory Board of the Manitoba De-
partment of. Education has appointed a
ninimitiee to consider the question of in -
i reducing the teaching of agriculture in
the public schools.
The Le -on -ear -01a little daughter of Wm.
Ray, living at Red Bank, near Newcastle,
N.11, wits badly burned while trying to
save her doll, which in some way had
caught on fire.
J. Tr011iriger, a leading citizen of
Shelbyville, Tenn., shot and killed hie
son-in-law, Wm. Posey. Posey had de-
serted his wife, and , Trollinger had for-
bidden him the house.
Milil Sabeni, the Syrian dealer in Turk.
ish eohis at the World' Fair, committed
anioide in New York on Thursday by
shooting himself. The loss of his money
is assigned as the canoe.
George Griffiths io new on n globe-trot-
ting tour, and expects to reach Winnipeg
on May 5, on route to London frein Yoko-
hama. He expects to' lower Nellie Blyes
record, and make the trip in 66 days,
A bright comet was discovered by Mr,
Gale, of Sydney, N.S.W., en the night a
April 2. The discovery position of the ob-
ject was right aseetision, 2 le, 30 me 48
eee. ; deelbiation south, 55 deg. 86 min.
The Executive Committee opposed the
repeal of the salary reductien by-law on
Friday. The heads of departnients will
be asked to report on the question of re-
adjusting the salaries of their subordinate
The Member o sttidents in attendance
during the past session at tbe dairy school
111 eonneetion With the Ontario Agricul-
tont College woe 103, Of these, 20 re
melee(' the full term and passed the final
The Democrats on Rhode /eland fetve
been almost wiped (Mt in the late eleetieete,
Glover:lee Brown has been ne-eleeted, but
only three representetivoir Ana three serf-
aens lifted been returned, Whereas hi the
last eltittions the Democrats scoured 41
testrettentativea and 14etrtetera,
The Windsor Salt Company runs night
and day
I can highly praise Burdock Blood
Bitters because it had a fair trial in my
ease with „wonderfunsuccess. My symptom'
were dropsy, backache and eleepleeenese,
and all these disappeared altar mina tyro
bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. I aan-
not praise He healing powderi too highly.
Georgina Holmes,
Wood Point, Saiikville, N. B.
J. A. Ruddick, who has had charge of
the Woodstock Elm rimental Creamery
during the winter, has left with his family
for Ottawa, where he will reside in future
in connection with the Experimental Farm
Wm, Taylor, a farmer from near Glen -
mortis, blew out the gas when retiring at
the Market Hotel, Galt, Friday night, and
nealeeted to turn it off. He WAS found
dead next morning, having been suffocated,
Wool delanes in dark and
light colors. A special line
of light colored goods only
20c per yard. A nice dark
ground, 25c.
In this line we have had a;r
immense sale. See our won-
derful roc line 32 inch soft
finished goods,
Stock large and complete. See
our black worsted suits to or—
der. All wool $r5 and $17.
Tweed suits to order from $r5
$rticzo'worth clothing.
too large. Low prices
duce. 13oys' suits irom
up. Mens stnts froni
• Wall papers, Carpets, Lace
Curtains, Boots and 8hos.
Stock an complete,
• Hath just in. New, /lobby,
Thig 'completes our
spring stock, Call mid see
our bargains.
C *7'
to re—
$3.50 011015TOINT
A or or 1LT irs*ut mi. Irlik
Is the pla.oe for Barge4tAs.
We hear a great deal through the papers about Bargans.
Who got one? Don't all speak at °nee.
Catching a Sucker
is an easy thing. We are not after that kind of game.
Fact is, we have got no bait for a sucker in our store,
to drop in and see .the kind of stocks we are I n nig
look at Goods, and get our prices.
P8oeohnsBiabhal, e.01Pap-teraop pellaeimasreofno"t,E:Gostbie caughtligge abty,
Most" Et. It's easy to Claim all this as easy as lying.
Indeed, see what we offer anu you will be convinced that
Our Truth
is stronger than their fiction. We depend on fhots, not
fakes.and humbug, to win us custom and build up. our
business. Try our 25c. tea, it has no equal for the price.
Men's Tweed Suits worth $7.00 for $5 00. Try us.
W. .oA. Park, of Lucan, has loft for
lFCOtt, ot Stanley, who
haspebreerinkattending Trinity College
this Iasi term, left on Tueaday tor
Alexander, Man., where ho has been
engaged to teach school far the
„relict of the- late
Thomas Crich, of the 2nde. con. of
Tuokersmith, died at the residence of
Mr. Jos. Townsend, Clinton, last week
at the age of 72 years.' Deoeesed was
it pioneer settler of Tuckeramith, and
passed through all the hardship' m-
ordent thereto.
Mr. Andrew Ginn, of Clinton, . has
rented his farm, being west half of lot
17, 3rd con ,-of Hallett, to Mr. John
Biggin, for a term or five years at a
good rental. Mr: Biggin in 'a good re-
liable man, having a farm of his own
close by and this ferns will improve
under his careful:management.
The Mem"; leansford of Clinton,
have recently teght about five hun-
dred acre of Canada Company bind,
situated in the township • of fiullett,
and known AS the Kinbum snArap. It
is pretty much buah land. The sale
of this leaves only one hundred acres
of Canada Company land still in [Jul-
iet. The proposed drain through this
rittamp will enhance the value of the
land very much, though it will cost*
Menem Raneford a considerable sum.
The town of Mitchell has a $22 spring
(law) suit on.
James Battericige furniture dealer,
St. Mame died lase week. He wan
well-to-do, an Odd fellow and it
The Middlesex temperance people
held A county convention, and
ischooAlporfil7mlethoda in Parkhill on Tues-
day,A terrible mow storm raged inost
of Tuesday of lest week at Grantors.
Two horses and four men arrived in
town, No exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs., Hardy, of .4nderson,
have removed into their new ,home bn
St. Marys. Their son, Mr. Ches. Hardy
lately of Belton, has taken up his re-
sidence in the old homestead.
Master Johnnie McConnell, of Pros.
pact Hill, who hair been under the care
of physicians nearly a year for treat-
ment el one of his eyee, which was htirt
by a kiok from a lame, han been re-
moved to the hospital at London.
The will of the late Alex. Wildgootre,
who died in the Stratford honpital
about two weeks ago, left $100 to the
lady principal of the institution: to
three nurses-Mirses Laucelin' Huber
and Stevenson -450 each, andto four
other nurses -Misses Milloy,Robertson
Bruce and McIntyre -5'; 5 each.
The barn and outbuildings, the pro-
perty of Jansen Grace, Intruded on lot
31, eon. 6, township of Buldulph, 1e
miles from Liman, together with all
the oontenti, two horeen, four eowe,
ten pigs and farming utensils, reaper,
binder, eta., Were destroyed by fire
Thursday. Very Itttle insurance on
building or contents.
On Wedisendey morning Willie, the
11 year old non of Wm. IVIillert, 8th
con., Elmer, met with a frightful aeon
dent. While leading a horse to water
the animal wheeled and :kicked hint
full in the right /ride of the forehead,
compietely crumbing in the front Of
the skull. The horse bad been shod
it day or two before and the aharp calk
penetrated the brain for nOltie distance.
Dr, Rice' rater workingover four hour'
removedfifteen pieeen of' bone, the
etnalleet of which was as largo as' the
nail tif a nianer little finger, an roll an
A large nuneber of larger pieces.
• itilnotnegx.
/hiring 1893,i Scott, Gillis, Jc
Stratirroy, paid out $120_, 000 for egg.,handling about 400,000 doten".
J. II. Alexander, :Patron candidate'
in North ttiddlene*," holdIng a serieo
of Meetings this Week in the riding.
MOO Bella MeArthitr, deughter Of
Den0an )4oArthur, or n arid, Wall
litartlia at tho,raildattoo Of hot brother
Archibald, Kelloe Station, Manitoba,
recently, to Charles Lamont, of Shoal
Lake, Manitoba;
BRIEN. -Ur. Daniel Yeller) is hauling "
stone to build a bank barn, 50180. The
material is all ou the grouud. He has
le acreaof the finest fall wheat in the
Township of South East Hope. -The
farm-ra around here are busy needing
t. Xarys.
BRIEFS. -James Little, fathe&-law of
Samuel Towle, west ward, iiec serionsly
ill. --The Oddfellows will celebrate the
75611 anniversary of American Oddfellow
ship by an " &t Home " in the open,.
house on April 26. -Some boys haye been
&mulling theinselves by kicking bricks out
of the corner of the post office building.
They will probably next try some off, the
numerous stone blocka.-The toirecouu:
cil Meat war with the underwriters' ;areo-
clation, which it considers too exacting.
About 512,000 are paid out annually in
premiums and the losses for 20 years have
not exceeded 51,000 a year. -The present
trouble isa demand from, the association
to have the engineer sleep iu the fire hall
and a committee has been appointed to
adjust the matter, though soma of the
councillors favor establishing a home in:
surance company.
(Too late for last week.
BRIEFS. -John Pickering is building
a new barn, -Mr, John Love has the
material on the ground for a new house.
First the cage and then the bird. -
Mr. John McLaughlin who has been in
these parts for the last month returned
to his home in Williams on Tuesday.
-Fall wheat around here lookbad,
and if we don't get some warm weather
it will be it light crop. -Mr. Clan in
going to start revival 'services in the
church here next week. -Mr. Chas.
Schroeder of the 14th con., was married -
last Tueaday to Mary Sacks of Dash-
wood. The boys gave them an old time
charivari.-Mr. Lawrence Deitrich is
making quite an improvement on his
new farm in the way of fencing and
planting ornamental trees.
Bars. --John rewho has been
in Uncle Sara's cioniaine the past few
years in now yiaiting his parents.- Mies
Millie Lampert who has been the last
( three months at her grandfather's near
I Exeter, returned home on Saturday. --
Quite a number from here etteridecl
the epring fair in Crediton last week.
They report A good ahow of horsere-We
• expect the postatfor the telephone legal
in it few days; the trouble now is itl*o.
will keep the office. It "seem to be be-
tween Mr. Holtzman and Mr. Sweitzer.
BRIEFS -Jag. Ross is building a kitchen,
at the back of hie cottage. The family
intend to remain hare for the summer. --
Robert Fletcher, of TJaberne, in adding
new outbuildings and fencers to his farm
on the boundary between Usboese and
Blansharcl.--Rev. E. Softley, jr,, of Hen:
sail, exchanged last Sunday with the
incumbent of St. Paul's church, who
preached the mitstrionary "armoire at
Herman mad Staffe.-The leirkton braes
band gave their find serenade in public)
Thursday evening last Which called out
quitoa crOwd of boy e and young people. -
Jai, Rose in leaving on the 2011i for a
position in Termite at manager of a cram:
Look at the date on your label this
weok, and neethat your name hi mark,
od well in advance.
40frr7ohaorsNvaloitflif4:11hily,pisaidd,iselneiplftttlaedtihuel"oi pt
The date when the reibeeription expires
is on the addrese lebil Of eeoli paper, the
change of widish to it subrequent date 'be-
come' 4 receipt for romittattereSubieribern
will pleat' Moonily) their label before end
After making A Stemittenon
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ft.D,C,Pilin awe chronic • oonitipetion,