The Exeter Times, 1894-4-19, Page 5FOUNDLaND OIIISIS The Assembly ¥ee.ts Under the New Administration. GOODRIDGE'S PARTY DEFEATED The WiriteH'ayltes 1»ov.o a. want of Colr- Adenee 1►rotion--Tho 'Usher. of the Illackrod eternised Admit - tango While the Debate is In Progress. Sr.'JOBNS, Nfld., .April 16. --Saturday's parliamentary proceedings were unprece- dented. tloodridge's Cabinet was 'sworn in in tate morning. The Cabinet ad;yised the Governor to prorogue in the afternoon and the Governor ,•greed to preliminary prorogation; to continue until all the acousodWhiteway members are unseated, or until the expiry of the revenue bill ren- ders necessary capitnlation of Whiteway's "demand for dissolution. r A.ssembly met at noon on the announce- ment being made of the formation of a new ministry. Ex'Pretnier Whiteway ovecl a vote of want of confidence in the ew Ministry, and made a lengthy speech, and was'supported by Mr. Morris, a colleague. The debate was not eoneluded when the usher appeared to summon the members of the Assembly to attend tae Upper House, where the Governor's Commis- sioner, Hon. Edward Shea, president of the council, presented a motion to form- ally prorogue the Legislature. The Whitewayites, then adopted a resolution refusing edmitt,:ince to the usher until the Assembly had concluded its deliberations. The doors were closed and the Speaker ordered the doorkeepers to refuse the usher admittance. The debate on' the main question then continued, and the motion of want of confidence was passed. Tho Whitewayites then decided to present their decision to the Governor immediate- ly, their aim being to delay prorogation. The Goodridge party, however, proceeded / to the council, where prorogation :Ives 1 finally accomplished.The Whitewayites refrained from visiting the Governor, and sent a copy of the vote by the Clerk.'The Governor was indignant at the affront put upon him, and returned no answer. The Speaker then visited the Governor, who expressed himself in strong terms at their action. The new departmental officers assumed their duties to day. THE BRAZIL REBELLION. 1fIello'a Itepdrtod Surrender Denied, but His Forces Arc scattered.. Rro DE JANEnto, April 17. -The Gov ernment is advised that Admiral Mello did not surrender himself to the Uruguayan authorities but remained the ant t leo on board tl e Ree lite a It is said, it was his intention to liTtreender to the authorities of Uruguay, and that ho offered'to do so on condition that they world not tarn him, over to the Brazilian Government. Tho Urnguynne were not prepared to give him any such guarantee, and he put to sea in the Republica. Gell. Salgado with about four hundred men landed from ,'tile .Republica and submitted to the "itrugnayans. The men were smarmed and were nearly all disabled from wounds, ill- ness and hunger. It is said that 'after Mello sailed away from 'the. Urugnaynn, coast he returned to the State of Rio Grande do Sul and attempted to land with his men, but the Government troops drove hint beck and he re.embarked and :+teamed away. His destination is not known. It is retinae., the State of Santa Catharine has declared allegiance to the Governments It is generally believed the 'Brazilian Coln ices will not meet on May 13, the day fixed, but that the state of siege will be prolonged until July 1. LoNnoN, April 17.—The Brazilian Minis- ter has received a despatch stating that the insurgents have abandoned .all their re- xnaining vessels at Parana and Santa Catharine. Brazilian bonds closed with a rise of 110 on tno Stock Exchange yes- • terday, on the resumption that the rebel- lion in Brazil is ended. MELLO SURRENDERS. lie Gives Up ilia Sword to tho Uruguayan Government -Cabinet I)rtFionittoa. MONTEVIDEO, April 16.—The Uruguayan government, after having been notified by Mello of his desire to surrender, sent out a battalion of infantry to receive his sub- mission. The commanding officer, after conferring with 'Mello, accepted his sword' and placed him and his followers formally under arrest. Mello landed his men from the Republica. • The insurgents lost 350 killed and wounded and the government forces 100 in the recent nettle at Rio Grande do Sul. Gen. Salgado, who had differences with Mello, with iR)O .inenrgent troops has ar• rived on Urn, beet soil. The whole force is Unarmed, What is left of the insurgent squadron has gone to Parauaguaya. The Cabinet eri,•iy in Rio de Janeiro is still fur from s•ttlement. The whole Cabinet will proably be rearranged, al- though not all the old Ministers will retire. The British Budget., LONDON, April 17. -The budget was in,g troduce d in tate House of Commons yes- terday t,v `lir Win it.ircourt, Chancellor of thN Exehegner. Sir William stated that the total revenue for the last year, "which was only £507,000under the eatimates, proved the solidity of the national finances in view of the depression of trade. It was estimated that the expe'ucLtures for:. the coining year would be £05,453,000, ;which will leave it deficit of £4,502.000. It was peoposed to cover' the deficit by appree t .. ) 00 from the sum engaged. �w,aJO • 1 3 irf 1 ltil n the nitvnl defence act, an increase of the death duties and the increase of a ponny.iu,the pound itt the Weenie tax, six pence per gallon on' spirits and sixpence . per barrel on beer, Farmer Burets' nerd Luck. telexwitr.L, Ont., .April 17.—On Sunday fire broke out in the barn of J'anies Burns, near this village The barn contained a reaper and binder and all the seed grain for this 'sensors These wort also destroyed. Origin of fire' not known, Loss partially, covered by insurance. Death of Drc 'Fat+lie, OTTAWA., April 1!7.—Dr. `Ioseph Chariet+ Tache, who for years was Deputy Minister Of Agricitlture, died on Sunday flight at Skater street hospital. He was 74yeere of Age. Decerteod erns fa brother of the Arch- bishop :['ache. A 3 nkor Sulo utas 'Banker .ktnrfrtttnitti April 17, -Cornelius Seltloas, partner in the banking firdn Of Sehaver, llirseli & Co,, killed itiniself by opening a vein in his . wrist. i3tfeinese treullle Wit/ the ea'uti of the, auleide. NEWS TOMOS OFA Wgellt Pew �+ Itatnot t, t .,x,+Fnts i t ]t T 'wcttrcls fon 's Isttey laeactere The Montreal city authorities have bo gun a war on the paitnbling, dens. Bradstreet a � reports ad strikes now in pt'ogress in the States, involving ,55,000 people. ' Senator Vance, of North Carolina, bad a. stroke of apoplexy at Washington. Satur- day and died that; night. Hugh Bothwell, a farnter, went to sloop: On the 0, '1'. R. near Jarvis on Sunday, and was ruts over and killed. The private bank of L. Becker & Co., Waterford, hes been closed pending an in- vestigation into its affairs. 'David Dudley Field died suddenly in New York on Friday, aged 89. The funeral took place on Sunday, The 'Town of Seafortlt has disposed of its electric light plant. Scott Bres. of that town are the purchasers, Dun & Co report 34 business failures in Canada the past week, ns compared with. 22 in the corresponding week lest year. Charles Wisdom, colored, was hanged at St. Louis, Mo., on Friday, for the murder and robbery of A. Drexeler, a tobacconist. The next presidential election itt France will beheld on Nov. 2. President Carnot will not seek re-election owing to ill health. At St, Louis, Mo., Henry Nehring, aged 18, wits murdered by bis, brother. George, aged 22, in a fight over a bottle of whisky. One hundred and sixty-five children from England arrived on Thursday morn - Ing at the Marohmont Home, near Belle- ville. The Brazilian Ministers of Foreign Af- fairs, Public Works and Finance have tendered their resignations to President Peixoto: Rain has not fallen for over five weeks in England, France, Germany, Austria and Poland. Farmers are complaining of the drought. At Virden, Man., Willie Hutson, aged 14, was drowned while attempting to save a 4-yearrold girl who had fallen into a creek. Gen. Henry W. Slocum died in Brook. lye, -.N. Y,, on Sunday. Deceased cone. mended a corps at Chancellorville and Gettysburg. ' In the Pollard -Breckenridge case ai Washington on Saturday a verdict for $15,000 for the plaintiff was returned by tho jury. Mr. K. F. Burns, M. P. for Gloucester, was sworn in as a Senator on Monday. The. election in Gloucester will take place, on Tuesday, May 1. Two or three miles of nets were seized and destroyed by Fishery Inspector Kerr near Fort Erre Saturday. They ,were owned by Buffalo men. William Taylor, a farmer from neat l}lenmorris, blew out the gas in a room at the Market Hotel, Galt, and was found dead Saturday morning. Judge Lacombe of the United .States Court has decided that thewrit L of habeas corpus asked for in the case of John Y. McKane will be denied. The grand jury at Platt City, Mo., has brought indictments against forty of the leading men and women of that place fox playing progressive euchre. At Silver Brook, near.. Hazleton, Pa., on Sunday, a Pennsylvania freight train ran into a Lehigh Valley express train, killing one man and injuring many others. Senor Einilo Caatelar and other mentbere of the Republican, grotip in Spain have seceded' from that' party, and announced their future adherence to the monarchy. At Fort Erie on Thursday R. Gallop, e laundry employe, committed suicide. He had recently failed in business in Pitts bury, Pa., and his wife had deserted him. Thomas. Fair, for over 30 years a rest• dent of Clinton and postmaster for the same length of time, died on Friday. He leaves awidow,two daughters and one e son ' The lockout of the building trades at Chicago, which occurred on Thursday, was not es general as was expected, not more than 10,000 employes being thrown out of work, Word.. comes from Uganda that the Brit- ish East Africa Company's forces have defeated King Kabba Raga of Unyoro af- ter three hours' fighting. Fifty natives wore killed. The man who was killed on Sunday week at the G.T.R. tunnel, Thorold, who was reported to be Tim Gavin of Hamilton, has since been identified as James Gavin of Montreal. The residence of August Krinkie, three. miles west of Janesville, Minn., was de- stroyed by fire on Sunday morning, and three of Krinkie's daughters, Augusta, Martha and Edith, were 'burned to death. The National Miners' Convention in ses- sion at Colnmbns, Ohio, has adopted a re- solution ordering a general suspension of work on ,.April 21 it all States and ter- ritories where the organization has con- trol. At Chatham on Thursday in the Ban- nister infanticide case, Mrs. Bannister was sent to two'' years in Kingston Peniten- tiary, Ellet to the same, and Emma, another of the babe, to six months in the Mercer. A subterranean grave of great antiquity T Foo- chow, been discovered a Sin tat near Poo• ha t , chow The grave containedapair of brass and candlesticks besides some an - vases , tient ornaments. It is thought to be over 1,000 years old. Wm. Vanderwater died in his rooni in a nightthrough inhal- ing Toronto on Thursday n Yg chloroform. He had been troubled ,with neuralgia and is supposed was en- deavoring to procure sleep, Director Preston of the- United States mint has completed his final figures on the gold production of the United States dur- ing the calendar . year 1893. The total product is given at $35,950,000. The American Railway Union 'has en tered into a struggle with . the Montana Central and the. Great Northern Railways, and a general strike began Friday. The pion demand that the schedule which was in effect prior to Aug. 1, 1893, he restored. Howard Gould and Odetta Tyler, the aotress, whose engagement was formerly announced on March 27, aro not to be mar- ried. Howard Gould sty's that the wishes of his brother George and members of the family have been effective in causing the cancelling of the engagement, Owing`to the grand canal at Iiungmiao having overflowed its :hanks ttvlee the Governor-General, Li flung Chang, stated' that the trouble was devised by the devil- try of a river god, who had concealed bitn-` self there,' The natives olefin to have seen him' in various guises+, : A. temple is de. eerted at the spot. The Executive Board' Of the Patr ns of ill . n Tndttstry, which Met in Toronto, has' de- termined to make representtttioneto the government with reference to rho proposed e n it line srtbsidy to an Atlantic st ttI ps #p + They Will urge that the bonus be only granted Ott condition of taufiieient Actin n- mOdatiOn: for freight and reesonabIO still` uti,b- i4w .a.•,�q'ern .•x' T'F1„ Y KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal :enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- tor than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting . the world's beat products to the needs of physical being, will attest; the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is clue to its presenting in the form •most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreehing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system,, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently During. constipation. It had given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid, neys, Livor and Bowels without weak- ening them and it perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but, it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the'name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at C. Lutiz's Drug Store THE VERY LATEST NEWS - St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, will be doubled at a oort of $50,000. K. D Uquickly relievee and cures Indigos- tion, Vancouver employs needy Italians on itt relief wok. - English parrots are scarce about St. John, N. B. ThcmatFair,for over 30 years.postm est er Clinton, died Friday. He 'cavae a. wife two daughters end one Fen. Do not neglect cougl s, colds, asthma and t ronchitie, but cure them by ui,ing Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The Sandusky Fish Company eav that Lake Erie has been drained of fieb, and will operate at the Lake cif the Woods.. Norway Pine Syrup is the safest and b et cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bron- chitis, sore throat, and all throat and lung troubles. Price 25o. and 50 cents. At Sudbury Friday =night a demonstra- tion was held in celebration of the Ontario Government's new ruining bill r,eepccting exemptions from royalty. Bad blood eanses blotches, boils, pimples abeceeses, ulcers, scrofula, etc, Burdock Blood. Betters cares bad blood in any form from a common pimple to the worst scro- fulous sore. ' Mr James 13.Huddart, the 'proprietor of Abe Canadian Pacific nihil seryice to Ano tralia says ho .expects that England's de- oirion in regard to the subsidy asked by the lrojectors of the enterprise at the conclu- sion of the conference to be held in Otta- wa in June will be favorable. On Saturday 100 men employed in J.1fc Pherson & Co.'s boot and shoe manufactory Flamiltor, went out on strike a;ainst re ductionon the scale of wages. Itch on human and items and all animals cured to 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion; This never fails. Sold by C.LUTZ. AL,L MEIN. Young, old or middle aged, who rind .thom- selves,nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, result- ing in many' of tho' following symptoms : Mental depression• premature old age, 1080 of vitality, loss of memory, bac draoms, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, look of enerty,pain in the kidnoys,lhoadaehes, pimples on the face. and body, itchingor peculiar sensation about tho scrotum, wasing of the organs, dizziness, %poets before the eyes' twitching of the muscles,' eyelids and olae- where, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak • and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to bo rested by sleep, constipation. dullness of hearing. loss of voice,<" desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with leaden circles. oily looking skin. et 3., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that load to insanity runless cured. The spring or vituleourso having lost its :tonsion, every function wanes in consequence. 'Those who through abuse committed tan ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send Your ad- dress for book on: diseases peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. Address :+1. V. LIMON, 24 Maodonnell Ave., Toronto Ont.,Oanada FOR OVER FIFTY YE IRS. S T — Mr At, OLD AND WELL -TRIED Rt,msnv s. been used fifty hsb s y Wmal a SoothingSyrupa Ow rears by millions omthers for their ohildren while toething,with perfect suocosa. 11 soothes the child, sof tens the gums, allays the pain, cures the collo, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, le pleasant to the taste. Sold bi e tof 25 cents part the world. druggists in ovary u,w a bottle. -118 value 18 tnealeulablo, Be euro and ask fort Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Englieh Spayin' Liniment romovee all hard,'soft or calloused Lumps and I3lem- ices from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, RInR Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,. Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Savo $50 by nee of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Drug- ! el. Sep 18,'93 Canada shipped 876 tons of bay' to Eng. land last month. Burn' TN Srx„Horns,--.listreesing Kid. no and bladder diseases relieved hi sit bourn by the "Great South American Kid- neyCure.” This new remedy is a great sut prim and delight to pbysioians on ac. count of its exceeding prumptneee In re - Roving pain in the bladder, ithineys,baok and every part of the urfr.ary passages in male and female: It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed atoly, If you want quick relief end cure this is your remedy, Sold by 0. LUTZ, At CUBED 10 A DAY - o t .1tnRtJ11[ Is>,t Uo . S u h American Rheumatic Curr. for Ithoutnatiem lend Neuralgia, radically euros in 1 to 3 days' Its sationupon tlteaystea) is'remark• t t rine t roln 've at once able tend In tenons. r . z o s ono rho cause end the diseeee Immediately dill' apttears. The Atilt dodo in eatl;y ` benefits, 7'G aediw, Sold bV' b, Ittttz, llrggalit, I�iIE# TUB NliIFY CASE. '�,',nl�. flastmrox DooToiie Ant, ruzzt,sl) AsoU'1"rue Itgkt.ilitca.nae ()VAX '1 nt4x OPI 43 ktP% QUIts IUD Cae$ etc ZWMAv Dt++11A00, DVT Dapn'e 1jr.1 nr PILLS BATE »ottz ep. Hamilton, April I0,—The dooterr of thea *pity are ehowlug great interest fu a re - workable eurereported from Port Colb,,rne. Harvey H. Neff, of the latter town, had an aggravated form of kidney disease, eon- sequent on an attack of typhoid fever. I'ltyaiolans could not cure the kidney dis- order, but Mr, Neff has regained leis health alt, r taking five hoses of Dodd's Kidney Pille, Dodd's was the first kidney remedy in pill form ever offered the public. Its wonderful encoess in curing' all forms of kidney disease, bas led to tbo introduc- tion of numerous cheap and worthless imitations 1" urehasers, for -their own eafety, ahonld insist on getting Dodd's Kidney Pills. ,t3old in largo boxes;; prioe, fifty cent, or six boxes for 82.60. To be bad of all dealers. cow at Owen Sound last gave A Isiah to three calves. Gravenhurat's Presbyterian church is looking for a'pastor. Thin and impure blood is made rioh'and healthful by taking Flood's Sarsaparilla. 11 braces up the nerves and gives renewed strength Women with pale, colorless faces,who;feel. weak and dieooureged,will rc o i •e both mere tal and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pine, which 'arc :made for the blood, nerves and complexion. HOW TO GET A PICTU1IE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott Si., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. Thio is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the beet in the market, and it will only cost le postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully, "SUNLIGHT C. O. Brunettes & Co. My son George, has suffered with neural- gia.round the heart since 1882, but by the application of MINARD'S LINIMENT in 1889 it completely disappeared and bas not troubled him since. JAS. MCKEE. Linwood, Ont. EntorPackinglinso Wo .have on hand a select Stock of Hants, Breakfast Bacon, Backs, Rolls and Long Clear Bacon.. . Lard in E, 8, 10, or 20 lb pails, 50 or 65 lb tubs at lowest cash prices. La O C weighing from 150 to 200 lbs wanted at all times, SNELL BROS. Carriages Wags: We have received a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold (%. Come and see them and be convinced: Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is now complete in every litre. , Prices to suit everybody. We don't advertise a 20 per cent discount` and claim' a 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them to buy. Coale in yourselves and get prices, and you see at unce we have no 40 per cent profit, Good Cow-hide,Hand• made Boots' $2.90 " Kin "r" Plow :Men's Half Soling Women's ' " 3.25 Bats 2.25 Boots 90 85 - 30 iNo, charge for rips; also see our Hai- ness. Catl't be beaten for style and quality, and everything in the Harness line. J. TREBLE. This Space BELONGS TO J.T),ATKINSON Furniture Dealer. WANTS Agents to sell our ohotoo and hardy nursery sties eitber on Salary er Qotuntission. We atm give our men tiro Privilege .of selling our new end choice varieties: of seed potatoes.. Ssoure theegonoy at 9005, whtoh will ihand• somata repay you as now is tbo tttno to sell stroll goods for snping. plantiu . Address the k'+ tV. MA $ 0oMP AN !, Nursory> men and Propagators of Olivine Seed retatosH,. ktoobester, N.Z Largest Finest. Desi ..g ns. LowestPrices. Immense show rooms loaded ` with goods every quality,, style and price, but all the best for the least money, Our Spring Stoke now complete, is the pick of the mar - keit in everything --is elegant and varied beyond 'description. on. Parlor Furniture' Willbe the fate this Ivor*. sk. The unus- ual size and variety of the line does not admit giving pieces in detail, Odd Pieces Will be especially attractive in pricer and all who wish for much, in return f or small outlay,will not be disappointed.. 8. GIDLEY & SDN, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. 7D0 YOT.7 Want a Bicycle? THE G. 8s J. PNEUMATIC T>� &�r TIRE ,c'61°- ar t, .' t: ailettaninaintanfallettleilatalleg After All Stylish Go a icing way tow 4g tlaaldirll gentierrlan, Times Are hard, and you wanttho best you can get for your rflonay,. Have youever tried 171 110 Grieve, He is prepared to supply you With tl Bobby spring suit at olotilns,ol superior quality, and make at hard time prices. Drop in and take a look through his stoc 1, it will sur- prise you. Exeter, EXETER LUMBER Y, Tho undersigned wishes to inform the g t r public injgeneral that he leeon-,. scantly in Stock all kinds of p BUILDING I' MATERIAL) ) (DR]SSED AND UNDRESSED)' PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C, RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND' And. PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowlekto be the Most Durable '.Graber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any olimato. W1L.LXS OIL, OIY,, OIL, OIL! THE BOBIER PRODUCT : 00. have decided to Retail Oil. at Wholesale Prices Best Canadian Oil, 12c. Best Canadian Water White; - 17c. Best American Water White - 20c. COME ONE , COME ALL. THE BOBlERSPRODUCE CQa Is the, only Tire that g'.ve satisfactionlast year MANUFACTURED BY Th Goold Q9 ypie CO. LTD. na VONOE STREET, Brantford, Ont TORONTO PERKINS & MARTIN Fanaon'F Nock. A DRI A Slow Coach is the synonym for stag- nation—the comparison to be avoided. It's enterprise that brings the business —it's the amount of business that makes the profits.. We hive cut our bargains to the last notch, and the trade must conte. Now is your oppor- tunity to buy PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING -ROOM SUITES, Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything in the Furniture .Liner. N 110'77.E. . CENTRAL Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" Corsets are tough- er and more elastic than any oth3r make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores. SHAVING PARLORS. A. HASTINGS,. �IL0 ' arro a. Agent for the Brantford Steam Laundry. FANSONS BLOCK. A Full Stock --OF— S2606 uruES --- AT Browning s -DEAt a Ds— Books,. N—Books,. - Stationery, - and Fancy Goods, Bibles' Hymn Books ks in every very var- iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper, Ink, Pons, Pencils, Lock Bores, Etc., etc. J . rowning's BOOKSTORE. See that horse ? --]'Ole IT— NEX..rL. WEEKMY Best Ordered Clothingproduced. in Exeter Gentlemen 1 lease your orders+ car ly,Cor With the best etafi of Tailors ; the bee - stook of Fine triniminge, ani the beat Cutting inTown,yea are euro of satrttlAet ton t� �y r�. M imoots bn d glOney coat. ind fools in good enough oondttion to win the "DE l EY,' %r.1 so 'would at • horse if itt owner Used. DICK'S BLOOD PUR1.i'IER. it renews the system, mulches tht blood and gives nature it fair ohance, is also at unfailing eradicator for bets and worms. i. It t, fust as good for cattle 'as for horses, tiro a Inc cook - ago if your horses or battle are not thriving, Fernsltnviu, curb, ringb r.e. s blin "t, Diells Mutter 600.-Dt0�sLinimentga ulfls s e r sprains, s elltags, bruisos.oo� o.-dto a Ointment f rSsratolrcs.oldsoros, snddlo .e0,20e. mailed on rcooiptof prloe, 'i IOlt ett00 P. 0.tot 462 alexia ttttArtt A MAN an always . Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper Tailor. We have a large range of Pat- terns to choose from - .Natty Tweeds, Serges. and Worsteds, Inde up in any style, and fitting the customers SO well that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask who made your Suit. Our customers never hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, The Tailor. IN OVERCOATS 'NE -LEAD. J. Murray & Co. The - Exeter Foundr; And Machine aC 1 0 O rl W rk 8 ' Manufacturers of and Dealers in PLOWS, SULKY PLOWS, GANG PLOW'S, HARROWS, LAND ROLLERS, S f AFTING, 'F UL. LETS AND .EA.NGERS. Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Points s ari d Castings. s. Moroi Discount to Cast C'tcsicinsrs. Change in B' ;ett.ess iS Butoher. Having purchased the Butohet-ing but iness of Messrs. Wood Bros,, will take)poseessian ort April 1st, "afid I would rot peo£fuliy solicit the o of a tllc. patrota tl e old customers of the shop l 1 p,alld els .li°len,`y now onos,f as CAB fitvor inc with a: Call. Meats of all kinds always on hailt and aotfoot satisfatition ii ' 1 ttzrixrteerrl.: g lours faithfully,