The Exeter Times, 1894-4-19, Page 1r
APRII.4 19 1894
Won't Know*
How well we can serve you
Lace Curtains,g=„,' ,
Ready Mixed Paints
If You're Looking for a Place
Where you can get the most and
best for the least money, you'll
L3nob make any mistake by coining
•frnitihere because oar stock is new,
bright and fresh.
Bought Well
It's Sold. W-11.
We invite you to come and see
our exhibit of New Dress Goods,
Prints, Delaines, Gloves, Hos-
iery, Laces and Ribbon.
-We pay top price for
-Butter and Eggs.
R, 8. FORD 6 (JO.
&amts. -Me. J. Beattie itt a eug an
eddition to his Already commodious at 0,
erlah iddeee is encouraging to know tbat
busitteas ie good in our little to S'n—So
oral of tbe Royal Templets availed teem-
. selves of a peetteure ride,: Friday „neint-,
engeging' the stege to go to Blyanston, to
again bear the Crusades whe are holding
forth it* that village. -Mrs. Bennett,
formerly of Blimeillw was at time of
writing visiting her sister, Mrs W Mid-
dleton of this place.. -A remark was pas-
sed on the night of the Oddfellow's enter-
tainment of erecting a new town hal'
which would indeed be very beneficial
this plaint, ties the one which takes t
place of town hall i not fit for such. We
trust it will not be thrown aside like the
new Methodist church was, for e more
. convenient season,
• • Sewn. RZBOBT.- The following are the
nornes vet the tuceeestul pupils of S. S. No.
1, Stephen, who wrote on the prenn t on
examination, April 6th and 6th, 41 pupils
wrete ancl 33 succeeded in getting over
50% ot aggregate. -From Part II to Jr.
2nd, marks required ISO or 00 •per ceutt
Ruby Hicks, 277; Cecil Walker, 270; Leona
eh Bon. 261; Lillie Elliott, 260; ..Aenena
Hnetable, 260; Polly Windt '
or 254; John
Bloomfield, 253; Katie Elliott, 253;. Lau-
rette Bitynham 251: Earl Mitchell, 213;
Willie Butt, 207. - rem Sr. 2n1 to ;fr. 3rd,
ItTo. of marksteuired. 290, Maggie McCoy,
375; jt nny Haggith, $39; Mazy Grace Hep-
burn, 320; Annie M, Boyle, 810; Mabel
Butt, 306. -From 3rd to Sr. 3,d,. marks
tempted, 80, Magee • Knox. 492; Luther
Pym, 427; Era Mitchill, 419; Alla Rieke,
391; Learn Butt, 366; Welter Baynhara,
360; Pall Cohleigle, 329; Iellie Andel son,
321.--Fro.n Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th, marks re-
quired, 44.0 Fax,ey Hicks, 521;0 ra Wind-
• ier, 461. -Sr. 4th Class, marks requieed,
420, Charlie Etaggitb, 622; Olive Walker,
591; Blanch Walker, 527; Ethelburt Bntt,
520; Ida Abbott, 512; Lillie Krause, 447;
rViLber Hicks, 431. Average attendance
for let quarter, 60.
JAs. Dement', Teether,
Minard's Liniment cures la grippe.
Spring Shows.
Lionsits.-Aged Clyde end Shire home,
'Sottish Hero, Hewitt et Kay ; 'Craig-
ronalde Berry ; 'British Lad,' Francis
Coleman, 3 year old, 'Bell Boy,J.
Oaughlin. Carriage, 'Young Felton.'
John Schafer. Coach, year old, 'Eire
mark,' Chas.Wolfe, Roadsters, Walloorge
Wm. Johnston. Blood, 'Glen Daly,' J.
E iwarde.
Buees.-'St, Patrick,' Levi Stahl.
Beton-There died at her reeidence in
Clandeboye on IOth inat., the only child
of Mr, George Lewis, a fine little girl ot
four yeare of agl, The parents have the
sympathy a all 'in their berevoment,-
Mr. J. frodgins of Ottawa. was the guest
of Mr. B, S. Efodgies, of Lncan last week.
-Mr. Warden, of Iowa, V711.5 in this
neighborhood for a few days, buying
horses. -The Royal Tempters of Centralia
seem to be 'thriven,' as the Irishmen
says. Tho Rev. J. Hector, the Blatt
Knight, gave them an intellectual treat
in the shape of a lecture last week.. Dr.
Sheens -is about to organize a lodge of the
Chosen Friends there shortly
Biddulph. Council
The council met •pursuattt to adjourn-
titeet on the 2nd inst. All the members
were present except the Reeve and Coun•
oilier Waimea who were abaent through
illness. The following 'accounts were or-
dered to be paid ; Elenry Dobbs, repairing
weehout div 3, 41.50 ; John Ryan, repair-
ing washout div 1, $1.00 ; J. Dorsey, new
culvert div 4, 114 00 ; James Dykes, new
culvert N, B moiety, $3 00 ; Stewart
Hodgius, building culvert dir 2, $3 00 ;
Jae eteFalla, building culvert div 2 $3 00;
•etinson, rep culvert dly 2, 50c
• No 4, appointing pathmanters,
. ars and pouedkeepers was duly
adjourned to meet again on
lay 7th, at 10 11. M.
Wel). STAilLAY, Clerk.
Blanahard Council.
The municipal coattail ,net pursuant to
atljoerement. Present fall board. Mi ti-
ent° of previous meetingwead and conerm-
ed. Matthew Forsyth and °there were
meant in the interest of their respective
rood divisions and asking for grants to-
wards the same. A. COMA/it tee of •council
was appeintee to inspect «aid reed divis.
and report at next meetine.
commueicelion was received from
Berrietere St. Matey', in
behalf of Mrs, Barton, Allen, threatening
Lo take legal action ogi, kat the council for
damages caused v " 'sill not being re-
pai: ed at le. tee.- , communication
was el iered to be filed.
lelcConniok semen addressed the
ecil asking for further relief. She was
.ormed by the board that they did not
.eal disposed to grant her any more
, Mr. Wm. Rundle asked the counoil to
put a gate at the entrance to his gravel
Wm. Nethercott •also applied to the
council to allow him to do his statue labor
in dtv. No. 82, Mitchell road which was
deft over for further consideration.
'rho subject of appointingen impoundng
officer was then teken up by the • board
and fully discussed.
Moved by Robinson and Fotheringham,
thee James Tufts be aftpointed impounding
officer for the Townehip of Blanshard for
the year 1894, and that the clerk draft a
by-lsvv confirming said appointment. -
Mr. McKeith addeessed the council re
ditch on 0. S. Road. Sonie of the parties
who bad agreed to •first ertangement
would now stand by said agreement claim-
ing that they had not sufficient fall
through the ditch not beirig dug deep
The reeve, deputy reeve- and councillor
Fotheriniham were a committee to meet
said parties end if possible cause a eettle-
ment of the same,
Tathameters, tenceievrers and pound -
keepers were appointed for the municipal'
ity tor the year 1894.
Council adjourned to meet finst elt inlay
in May at the hour of tea o'clock in th
• J. H. Jewett:in, Clerk.
• P. S. -I will be at the townehip hall on
Monday the 14th of May, 1891, from 10
o'clock it. m. till 4 o'clock P. m., and in
St Marys, at the Onterio Ilona Wel-
lington, at., south, on the following'day for
the purpose of givietg out toed lists In;
atructibus Stc. 10 VathMati1 re. --C lerkct
I WCAMERON 81511TIL Itarrietere,fleliel-
' tor, Conveyaneern Waco matn-st,
Oen be consulted after •office hour,* dt the
Commerolat Rotel. Iteneelle
ItWiU Pav You
To Ret this Advertisement,
and after you have read it,
think of you are paying
others for the samo Goods.
V4.4.vent Medicines.
-.Regular 25c Bottles for 170.
--Regular soc Bottlea for 4.4.‘
-Regular $ r.00 Bottles for, 76c.
-r-2 Lbs. Pure Black Pepper for /6c,
--5 Lbs. Splendid Japan l'ea for $x.00.
--The wonder is how we can sell st much good Electric
Soap for 150.
-We are doing it, come and see for yourself,
Highest price paid for all Ii*vin Prodtce.
• A. McGO WAN (fiz 00.,
Jure arrived another large asortment of an
kill& of Boots n Shoes at A. Weseloh's the
ionaing Boot es Shoo Store which wo will sell
at hard time prices for cash: Our trade le in.
creasing every year wild we are leading the
trade as wo have always en hand it large stook
of the latest styles, Ooll and examine our
stock before purchasing oteewhere and be eon-
vineed that we sell Gimp. Batter and .EEM
taken Same as clash for goods.
Sign of Big Poet. A. WEISOLOIli,
efolewene Mak.
Following are the market quotations:
Wheat ........... ... . . 55 to 58
Barley .................35 to 35
01110 8010 31
Pees 60 to 50
Hay ... , ... 6.00 to 7100
Batter...... ...... 15 to 16
Eggs.. , . . . ... 13 to 18
flogs.............60010 625 •
Clover eeed .... . .
Bitmes.-The Odd fellows intend bolding
a grand open meeting next month, to cele-
brate the anima ary of the Order. More
particulars will be given in a future igen°
-Mr, and Mrs, James Moir left here last
week for their home in Snowflake, in
efanitobt.-Mrt Zasfle has pni chased
a couple of lots ou Riohmond st. and
will erect it house thereon this summer.
--Gardening and sowing onions is now the
egrder of the day with everybody.-Meserg
Cook Bros. have shut down their mill for it
week, and are putting new Bills under the
foundation, and they have also sent the
roller; away to get fixoe.-Mr F. Meyere
wet at Zueicla on Wednesday on bueinese.
-Mr John MeArthur was at Zurich on
Tuesday.-Merers Wm Moore andete D.
Aritold were at Zurich an Friday. -Mr
Win Moore is having the foundation dug
for hi a new house on King -at, east. -Mr
Itellere is putting a new verandah to his
honae.--Miss Bella Ellis, who has been laid
up for some thus, with it sore knee, wear°
pleased to report, is improving. -Miss Me
Deiehert of New Hamburg has been visiting
hor sister, MIS David Weismiller, for the
pat week, and returned home, on Wednes•
day. -Mr Bennett of London, maabiniet
for Mr Robt Boll, moved his furnitnre to
tewn last Tuesday, and intends to move his
fanny as soon as he oan get a house to
rent. -Mr Jas E. Troyer left Tuesday for
Marlette, Mich., to look after Ms home --
Bev Mr. MoDonagh is teeoccupy the pulp
in tbe Presbyterian churoh next Suncley.
Election of office's took place in Court
Tyy Green, N. 143, C. 0. F , on Tuesday
evenine, when the following officers were
elected :
Bra E. Rennie, Past C. R.
• H. Welsh, C. R. •
F. Smallaeombe V 0 IL
John Molithur, FtSec•.
John Troyer, Bee. See,
Rich. Beek, Trees
Bev J. S. Hendorson, Chap.
John Smith, S. W W.
Jae lefeArthar, J. W W.
Robt ratterson, S. B.
Eznt Roedding,
Dr Thomson, Court Phyoicien.
• 1111
-13nutee.---Mielee Kate Doupa an4 Eliza
Shier were delegates to the S. 8. conven-
tion held •;n Mitchell last week.-Beytis.
Menwx. Hatton and Birks exchanged put -
pits on Sunday lett -Arrangements are
being made by the rcholare ot the public
echool to hold en eutertaInment la the
hall Fridey at -ening 27th.-Geerge Long -
buret bas been engaged ae butter meker
by Mr. Hannah for this seatton,-The
elancebees tendered Janes R0S11 a ferovvell
supple at the Victoria Hotel on Tuesday
evening last -Mies Acla -Hutton who hts
been visiting relatiyes in Loneon and
Stratbroy hats retuened home. -The re-
turn debatmbetween Fullerton and Kirk.
tonclubs will take plea here on Monday
evening next.
Bitieve-Rev. Gray of Waterloo is
visiting at Geo.Kercher's, and atbending
the Evangelical oonference at Zurich, -
Quite a number front Dashwood intend
going to Zurich Friday evening to attend
it special meeting in connection with the
E vangelical conference. Ca 11 on Louis a tid
secure a ride. -Mr Cites Fritz has 'dis-
posed of five new bicycles this season.
Chas. is agent for it first-class wheel, and
is cutting things fine. -Mita Jennie
Halls, who has been visiting friends in
London, returned home Monday even-
ing. -Mr. L. Staubus has purchased a
fish crane from Mr. Fred Elie. It is a
beauty. -Mr Louis Roadding of Credi-
ton was in the village Friday eyoning,
but left rather suddenly. --Quite a smile
on our M. D's face this week, --Mr,
Jos. Wambolt is fixing up his berber
shop, and improving its appearance
very muchen-Mis Fred Wurtz, who has
been visiting friends in Zurich, returned
home Tuesday evening,
1111:1Beil,—Mr. Duncan McDonald, vreo
reeldite on the London Itoad, it short die -
Wee north of this tillage is, probably,
one of the mutest men for hie years,
tbat MAU be found in the county. Ile in
now 90 yaws of age, and ene day lat weak
he monied hinnielf helping to any Sap
from the ringer bush, end weld trip along
with it pailful of the juke ot the maple Ix
blithely Baum), men not half his age. Ire
Is still in the enjoyment of all his lecnitles
aed ie blesaint with the beet of health. -
Mr. end Mee. Andrew Swan °Oche/tied the
40t5 waiter/my of their marriage on
Wedniottley, Alien 4th, when theiewhole
Wady with the exceptiou of Mee, Wm.
Kehler, of Bib [Ake, Witco:lain; and Mrs.
James Thompson, Moose Jew, Northwest
Territory, were pretext. Quite it number
of old friends of the worthy (couple Wore
tbete else, and 4 pleasant oftening wee
aperit,-Mr. Oeo, Simplon bits got nieety
Nettled in hid new mtote, and doing a rush$
hig bnainesi.
Bnporii,-,-One of the largest weddiug
partite that has been aeon here for some
tune, gathered it Mr. Andrew Bell's on
Wednetelae, the tumatiou being the mar -
risme of his eldest daughter, eta Lizzie, to
Mr. Luther Williams, a worthy votive man
°LEM:teenier, Northweet Territory. The
ceremony was perforated at 3 ontloak in the
afternoon, by the Rey. S, Atthatton, in the
practice of eon:0200 invited entente After
the ceremony Ode the eongraulatione the
guests at down to it most eumptueue re-
paat. The bride was made the rempient of
a large number of very handsome and
valuable preeente, whitili testified the let
teem in whir& she is held in the neighbor -
Staffs,. .
Baxtra.-The •metrimoniel fever halt
again' struck our neighborhood. Mr.
Michael Hawley, jr., has joined the grand
array of bow:Idiots, and taken unto himself
it wife in the penal:lot Miss leetie Neagle,
of Allison. --It is our duty ttris week to re-
oord the daile of one of Ilibbertes pion -
sere, John Young, er, The deceased set-
tled in Britian wben it was it dense forest,
and by porserveranee and induaby succeed-
ed in hewing out it comfortable home for.
himself and f many. He had been a great
enfteret from thountatiam and aethma for
years., and dtath was a ;happy relief. The
realms were interred in Salem ohurch
cemetery. E10 leaves it wife, ;seven eons
and four danghters to mourn hie lose, who
nave the sympathy of tleo community in
this, their hour of eilliction.
Bnisgs.-Mr. Robert Laramie has pew.
chased the farm of ItIr. Snider, near here,
being lot 18, Lake Road •East, The price
paid was 92,800. The farm contains about
70 sores, and is an exoellent place. Mr,
Latatnio has already entered into possess-
ion. He will have it nice comfortable
home- name ere few placee more pleas:at
to live in than along this lake shore road.
-The residence in connectien with tbe
Roman Cetholie church here, which was
destroyed by fire recently, IS to be re-bnilt
at once. Some of the material is alreedy
on the ground. and the contract for the
building has been awardee to Mr, John C.
Ka:Heise', This congregation has beeu
particularly unfortenete. A. few yeara ago
it fine new chureb, which was utterly come
plotted, osnght fire and was completely de
stroyed, and tbey au not have it cent of
insueauce on it„ Blit, with considerable
enterprise and lilqi laity they set to work
:rut erected. the present hancleome brick
edifile. They were Imre fortunate with
the parochial, they.had some
ineurance on it, altliongli pt enotigh to
cover the lose, In thie io tete ilia OB'
teemed patton Rev. leather tourtois, will
perhaps, be the grettest loser, as wo are
informed, he was unable to save either his
libraryor his wearing aperient, or any ot
the other ()entente of the house.
Ore =on.
. ---
Robinson v. Eilber. -E. le Armour, Q.
a, for the defendant, moved to dismns
the action for want of prosecution. No
one contra. Order made die missing tlae
action with oosts.-Empire, 13111 Apl. ;91.
Beni:ye-Bishop Bowman preaohed to a
largehongregation laet Tueeday eyening in
the German church.--Rovs 0. Brown, Cie
Brown, en G. Brown, jr, Whittiek, C.
Fink beiner, S Finkbeinor, E. a Schmidt,
J. Finkbeiner and L Umbach, trhile on
their way to attend anterenee at Zurich,
paid ',loudly visits to R07 Schwartz, wbo
is very ill. -Farmers am busy seeding.
What is weuted is it nice warm rain to
statt the grate and grain. -The Foresters
attended °hutch last Stiettay In it body,and
were tepresanted by over fifty member& of
their own lodge. Th s Rev Baker preacht d
an interesting Hermon from Luke 10, last
mut of the 20th verso, Which Was of prat
ieterest to the members as well EIS the con•
gregetion.-Walter Clef k is building, a large
implement shed, and int nds to go into the
business more extensively tbau ever, His
machieety hart given the heat of satisfac-
tion, and expects largo Pales this year.—
Tile flux men are very busy sowing flee;
they aro rowing over 800 acres Usk year. -
Conrad Kubn hae just returned froin Ilieh-
igen, where he has been attending the
funeral uf his brother Philip, who wee ac-
cidentally billed at a barn reign by a per -
loin post felling and almost killing him
instautly.-Henry Shelton of Caliecania,
who rattled ben for years, is her vititing
hie beloved wife who haa been very 111 for
• tome time. Harry spooks of the great
depression at present felt by all business
people in the United States.—Tho wedding
bells have not b - tolling in our village,
but the brass ..• elled the billnlast
Thuraday °yew , • I .et4 ell was
married to Me •A ninhbeiner, daugh-
ter of Jacob Finkbeiner. A, large number
of frioads and oequaintastees attended and
spent it pleasant time. Tile ceremony wts
• performed by the brident brother, Rey C.
Finkbeiner, in the Gerrnen ehurch, and
was largely Attended. livery person was
well pleased, and enjoyed the ceremony.
The couple bays the good Wiahee of all the
trioxide in the viointity.
Montreal, Sept. 4111.
TO THE runiao:—In praetnet
and in the caDacity 'of Veterinary Blinn
of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, I
have had °wale% to test the merits of
Dick's Horse and Cattle Medicines. I
heYe found them so thoroughly reliable
Wet I have prescribed them in hundreds
of oases, in all of which they have proved
eatiefatory. It. SV. GRAHAM.
A better liyer regulator and health reie
tent. than Eseljayet Liver Lozenges is
hard to be found. This is the experience of
it Toronto family who had tried only 0110
box, They want more tient oe at °Dem They
aro sold at 25e, e box at druggists.
Dr, Mill S. Matheson, chettioal mondani
itt Ititmtee AsYlnut, hAs been appototed by
the MenitobitOovermeent ntrdiosl ouperiu.
tendeet of the Asylum for /mine et Brett-
BRUirlf,--Tho men are busy putting
an addition to the church shed. They
are supposed to have it done this
week. -Rev. W. 11. Butt and wife
spentyrueselity at Mr: Earth Butt's,
K'PPen.-_-A very eueoessfel party was
held at the residence of Dies, J. /laud -
ford's, there being about 30 present.
Dueling the evening a couple of young
girls dreased themselves in Men's
clothes mod blackened their faces and
went to the petty. A, greet laugh Wee
t he result.
• +1111.1-1
• itaieva,-Hre. Keding's sale, eon,
ducted by C. H, Wilaoa, auctioneer'
was well attended. Nearly every-
thing offered • brought it ;goo(' price.
She Inc. rented ft house of W,J. Wilson?
and moved into last Friday. -Mr. Jas.
Brophey caught a Ene lot of fish 'last
week -Mrs. Geo. Morgan of Brinsley,
visited friends here last Sunday. -
Messrs Taylor and Jones were through
here this week buying fa cattle for
their butcher business in Parkhill.
They are paying lair phines consider-
ing the price of cattle in Toronto and
Grand Bend.
Banive,-As the weather hes been
fine our farmers are now nearly finish-
ed geedingt-Miss Alma, Holt ame
home on Friday and returned to Perk -
hill on Tuesday. -Miss B. R,obintion is
visiting friends at Centralia, -Miss
nary Blair, our forener school teacher,
now of Varna, paid our yillage a flying
visit Saturday and Sunday. -Mr. Thos.
Fallis has been visiting friends up
North. -The iron bridge at Grand
Bend is" now nearly oomplete. The
gang Seem to be a gentlemanly lot of
fellows, and they understand their
business thoroughly. -Mr. Chas.
Sanders arrived in town on Monday.
He is here inspecting the drain after
the freshet. He pronounces the work
very satisfactory BO far. -Mr. Barney
kleKane, the veteran fisherman while
reposing on the shore,and his thoughts
no doubt, on the next haul of suckere,
rose tip quickly to catch a truant
sucker mid only found he was dream-
ing, when hisface came in oontact with
branch of a tree cutting it severely.
It was anarrow escape as it was very
near the eye. -Hamilton Bossen•
berry ofthievilleze have peralefteed
man end irrtend erecting it here, which
yrill increase the. huffiness .
Blum.- Mr. Tohn Highet, while
performing his duties in Mi. Isaac
Bailey's blaokranjth ahop on Wednes-
day lett received a severe kick from it
horse. It is feared that one or more
of his ribs were fractured, but the pat-
ient IS getting along as well es can be
expected.-M.r. Scott Whaley, after
keeping bachelor's hall 'for many long
menthe, thought to ameliorate his
lonely condition. He firit sought the
affections of the eldest daughter of Mr.
Joseph Pearn and was received with
much cordiality, and on Wednesday,
the 4t11 init., wah joined in matrimon-
ial bonds et the reeidence of the bride's
father by. Rev. B. L. Hutton, to one
who vvill console him in sorrow and
share in his joys. -Miss Pym of Ellm-
via*, is the guest of Miss Lizzie Dickin.
son. -While returning from church
Sundity evening Mr. Hutton met
With what might haeo proved it serious
accident, being the collision 01 518 oart
with Mr. T. Driver's buggy, upsetting
Mr. Hutton into the ditch. Fortunat-
ly Inc escaped with slight injuries. -
Last Friday evening the Sons of Tem-
perance installed tbe following officers
• tor the ensuing 'quarter:- W P, J M
Cameron; WA, AI E Murray; P W P,
Ed Bearse: B, 8, J W Atkinson; A R S,
ROIR Lane; le 8, Jas Robitteon; 0 S S,
Jas Stephen. I S 3, 11 Bell; Conduotor,
Wm ilighet; Chaplain Scott Whaley;
Treasurer, Flora Lane; Assistant Con-
ductor', Mrs, Whaley; Organist, Ella
Billnrs.--Things are beginning to
look more like spring, and the farm-
ers are busy Beetling. .A fine warm
rain le what they are looking for now.
-ft. S. Ford, our enterprising met.,
chant spent it few days in London last
week, -The genial faces of Misses
Florence Mills and Minnie Nixon are
again in our midst. --Mr. Walden,
isarrovrly escaped having it runaway
here on Wednesday evening but A
runaway horse ran into hit, which was
tied at Mr. Ford's store, breaking the
• tle lino and thus letting it free. It was
caught however before any damage
Wars dene„-YoUr Worthy correspond-
ent of Elunville took the privilege
last week of speaking to the peeple of
Grumbletown as hit calls it, in it /molly
manner, Although he Bald they were
people of Grunabletown, yet his hint
was broad enough to let us knew who
he had reference to. In trying to
make hia atatemente istreng by refer-
ring to the seflthgOf ati aged horse at
the Penivarden sale, he bed to stretcih
things to make both ends meet. • The
horse was not sold fOr ati much al he
said and if he wishes to knew the cor.
rect pilee he may refer to the buyer,
I daresay he dOeisn't .„know anything
about it. The people has refer-
ence titre as free from grumbling as
his Own amnety, and stand pat tie high,
*althettgh they May not he in his ek.
J'Ontee WHITS it 101111
istaishors Audi Proprforar
timetion.--Our old friend, Mr, Alex,
MoNevio of Exeter, spent a tow bouts
ta tine 'Village On MOoday evening on
bit way home from Stratford.-prog
Birks ot London, is visiting his parents
here, tie goes to New 'Yorit in a few
BRIgFA.-i-Mr. W. a. Eestle hat had
quite it serious attack of 111°1E118as but
in consequence of good medical attend
5000 and cake he hi "bnproving.--Mr.
Josiah Pedlar of Ails; 'Craig was Visit-.
ing here for a few mentnts.-Mr John
Rowe has lately been improving his
farm by draining it. He has had 150
rods drained.
• Cantor..
131Intrie--Earl TeAdmorningfirs
ay re
was:chscoyered in the rear of the Cen-
tral Rotel,. owned by Ifirrs. T, Cooper
and Occupied by IL Mason. The ifalnee
soon spread through the huilding,
which was frame, to such an extent
that the saving of it was 'impossible.
An effort was made to save the adjoin-
ing hotel, owned and ocoupied by. Mr.
John Lea, and the firemen thought,
they had succeeded, but in it couple
of iloure afterwards the second alarm
was given, and the Lea hotel went to
ashes. On the Central Hotel there
• was $300 insurance ' on the building
and $800 on the furniture. On Lea's,
$2,200 on the building and $100 on
furniture ---The delegates returned
from Ottawa on Saturday. Messrs
Meraggert Jackson, and rodd had en
audience with the Eton. J. 0. Tatter-.
son, and the Minister of Public Works
and Were assured that Clinton would
be placed on the list for public works
and the town's olaims advocated for it
new- post office.
BRIEBS,--111111'. Mr. Ryan, of Tr 500
was hero last week on business.
-Mr. John Eamon pas gone • back to
Nairn for a few weeks. -Mr, Jatnes
Burns, a former Baytield merchant,
has opened it grocery More acroes from
the Post Office. -Mr. Ileerston is bey -
lug the premiaea he rezently purohas-
ed from Mr. T. 3. Marks handsomely
fitted out for his business. -Herring
fishing has been very good thia spring,
and now the fishermen are catehing
trout- and white fish„ -The viemity
has lately been well canvassed by a
shoddy pedlar frout sire tford,who atzc
ceded in gulling it good' number of
farmers, although; ihey have been so
often warned. -On Wednesday, the
4th inst., after an illness of several
Months, occurred the death of Andrew
Gardon Elliott, aged 28 yeara, 800 of
Edward Elliott, 01 the Albion. -Mr,
James Poilick has purchased from the
executors of the Connor estate the
Queen's Hotel, it building most suit:
able for it summer hotel. Ls will at
once have it properly fitted out and
repaired. -Some Toronto gentlemen
aro talking of building and operating
an eleotric railway from Seaforth to
Bey field. Tnis would certainly be a
great boon to Bayfield, and would no
doubt pay handsomely.
Blum --The first bass of the season
• wart caught on Saturday by Mr. 0.
Pennington. ilt weighed t wo and one helf
pounds ane its landing gays, what old
Isaac Walton would call twenty min-
ubos of genuiae sport. -Mr R. 11. Col-
lins, of Eneter, wa,s in town last week.
-Mr. and Mr. R. Davis of Exeter,
were in town lest week. -Dancing
commences on Friday evening and if
Dame Rumor iscorrect the 33rd Bet -
talion will have as merry a time as diC1
the old 33rd or Duke of Wellington's
own the night before Waterloo. The
Itlinistor of Milibia will likely be pres-
ent. -Mr. B, Y. Elliot of Exeter, wss
;n tee county town the pea week. -Dr.
and Mrs. Shopperd, of Bayfield, were
in town on Saturdev.-The fire alarm
sounded on Friday evening just before
• 8, the hose cart was soon out, end hun-
dreds followed it to St. Andrew's Ward,
to see a huge bonfire. -On Friday a,
man named Powell, employed oxu tbe
cribs now building, cut his heel severely
with an adze he was using.
Spring is Opening Beauti-
and so has our spring and stun
met- goods. Step in and see
our new dress goods. So
beautiful in appearatiee, love-
ly in finish, durable in texture
and breaks all previous records
for low prices. Our new prints
are simply. immense, so the
ladies teu us and they should
'know. For ladies' and gents'
footwear vve never did take
second place and we never
had so large and well assort-
ed a stock as now, And now
a word to the boys from 6 to
foo years of age. We have
something really elegant to
show you in neckwear and
gents' furnishings. Suits made
to order or ready made at a
Everything in our store reduc-
ed to hard time prices, depend
upon it. Highest price paid
for farm produce,
J. P. ROSS. MarXet Dertat
Follow CI40 W
1791EIER,E. ?
TO lYIANSON'S Big Slaughter
Sale of Boots and Shoes.
Re has knocsked the old time prices clean
out, of existence. For the next 60 deve
forldaCelh: only he sells (our own. hand
Men's French Tele Boots sit 54: 14.0P'S..rmOottl
Kip Boots et 53010; Men's extra, gotereentrbiee
$3. en's,. Women's and Children it -.
Shoos in endless varieties at 20 per cent. dis-
count. Repairing -promptly and neatly done
at thefollowing_ortees Irten's Half Bolos onlY
400.; Women's u elf Solos only s0c, Come And
secure some of.these Bargains.
- The People's She° Store.
Next Door to Po!! Office
Bemire. -MAr.-1317,D.°Brhailegle'y hos secured
a position In it honk in Allison. -We, eels
Sorry te bear that Mrs, Powell is etillkeep
inglovagla-Mt 13tewart SIojpf atidg4aP:ritt-
Present with a severe attaci.Z7tahllairi036,-
,tion,-.Iter. DeL, Dewet was etaceeetterilengft-es-
his,examine.tioe in Montreal last week. and
now holds the degree, B. D. -Mr. William t
McCallum; -of this place and Miss Lirze
Davis, of Hamilton, were united tin the
holy bonde nI reatrimoly lett Wednre-
day .—Mr John Grant having obtained it
situation in London removed his tinnily
there last week; his many friends wish "
them prosperity in.theirnew home
.o. E
BeILIFS, -Mr. John Sleamon received an
injury sorne time ago which has left bini•
very lame and tbe ElimviUo Council 0. 0.
C. F. of which he is a member arranged a
ploughing bee for Wednesday afternoon
laat, when twenty two friend's came and
together ploughed sixteen acres of sod,
half of it very rough, This is a big lilt
for Mr: Sleamon and he is prefoundle
At the last regular meeting of the Ellin -
villa Council C. 0. C. , F. the following
letter of condolence wee ordered to be
sent to Mrs: jamas Rowelbnin
To Ilirs,Tarnas Ziewoliffe.
DEAR °flown; Fittenn. Wo the mein:beet of
Eliciville0ouncil Qom:limn Order of Chosen
Friends, learned withilprofound regret of tho
death of your beloved husband, Truly it dark
shadow has fallen upon your horn, it familiar
voice is ervor hushed, the husband's and
father's ohalr is vacant, the sharer of your
past joys and sorrows has gone the way we alt
must HO. God in hie inflate to wiedem and love
has seen fit tetbereave you of rt!trusband, year
ohildren of a father and ourselves of a Chosen
Friend. We extend to 70n out heart felt sm-
oothy whilo passing through the furnace of
affliction and oornmend you to the eare of Him
who is a "rather to the fatherless end it hus-
band to the widow." The rainliew of bone re-
minds us that earthly separatiorta mitY" not be
final but that we May meet on Oa evercreen
Shore there 10 ettioy eternal Friendship. rare
in Fraternity, Aid and Pt otection,
J01114 JOHNS, C. 0,
SAMUEL J. PYer,13.
For NervoneProstration and Anaemia
there is no metlieine that will ea peomptly
eon infettlibly restore vigor and ir ter gthas
Sootra Bend. ion,
Just opened up a
oopiete Range in
Dress Goods,
Ready-made Clothi
At „Remarkably Low "Prices.
We aro showing in this Department it largo and aeloot Stook of Sprit
Suiting, Worsteds, Pantiegs, and we aro making good rwoed Snits from
$10 up. Men's fine Blaok Worsted Suits for $15.
Olme hi and ixieptet our Goois befere pnrehalting,
altOWV &pun,
COtlis VS to 13r it & Siebert. '