The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-26, Page 21M
I've just finished a book and not enough in the till to it went into. the soup pot.
Winghum hospital board fears
"hedith czars" are possibility
called "Ten Lost Years". In my meet the mortgage. And I remember the odd Prophecies -of unwieldly• " local hospital boards, especially
opinion, it should be required Stunned, in his late forties time when we had sornething bureaucracies, the establi'shl i'n bthe region that will incur -,reading for every Canadian un- with five kids,' he sank into r I've never tasted since, This ment of regional "health czars" porate Wingham and .Di.tric
,der twenty-five, and pleasantly, depression. There were no jobs was - when the butcher would and loss of local voice in health Hospital,° will dislippear
if occasionally bitter reading, for ,anyone, " let alone middle- ; advance no more credit; .and • affairs abounded as• the Board . beneath a bog of 15 regional,
for everyone over fifty. The rest aged, ;nen. My mother took _ there wasn't ' a cent °in the of G vernors of Wingham and area, and district committees
house. Potato -skin hash. • Dia rict Hospital discussed which would be set up by the
to save. "• She took in boarders, In the I wouldn't mind a good feed what Board- Chairman R.P. recommendation.
With another depression summer, we rented rooms to of that tonight You rake some Ritter only half in jest labelled Robert Gibson reported that
coming up, and remember, you tourists. A clean bed and a, baked potatoes and put then, the - "infamous Mustard he had been involved with the
`.read it 'here; it might' serve as huge breakfast for $1.50. She through the meat grinder. With Report" ` at a recent board Huron County Health Unit's
some sort of survival chart- for sold homemade baking.` She the colour of the potato skins, it meeting. Y brief against' the. proposed
.the young people heading• into was an Avon lady. And we comes out looking like meat The -report being discussed health care plan.
the next depression, and 'a went inexorably into debt: the and potatoes. Fry it up in a pan was pne recently. released by Executive Director Norman
justification for the older butcher's, the grocer's, the coal with some onions, dirt , cheap,. the Ontario, government which Hayes complained that the
people, who are so hymie about man. But there was no way WE and you had a pretty good din- calls for a 'restructttring of plan was ill conceived. He ad -
such things ,,as electric lights were going to go on relief. It ner. Top it off with home-made ° health care in the province. "ded that he would be wary of
that aren't turned off, food was shameful. bread and raspberry preserves, The ��chairman started the attacking the report because
- discussion with the -comment•_ such an attack should be sup -
scraps that are thrown out, and' "somehow, we staggered " 'alnd you'd had` a gourmet din;
through. My older brother got a ner. that he had waded through the ported' by air 'alternative
clothing that .is perfectly good, , g
but ten year, out of style. job in• the bank at six dollars a It beat hell out of the modern proposal and found has scheme which good or bet -
It's impossible to tell young week. My sister got a job in a,• frozen, TV dinner, both for some startling recommen- ter than the proposal.
• people about your •own"" ex- - store at 'eight dollars a week.' nourishment and flavour and dations. He could nbt understand
periences in the Great They kicked most of it back to was -probably better for•us than He explained to members of how the governr�nent could ex-
Depres"sion. And it deserves the my mum. That was the deal in most of the garbage modern the Board of Governors who pect-the people of the province;
capital letters. those days, everybody pulling kids eat. were not familiar with the to gain more direct °,contact
' When you try to tell the together. But it was mighty ' No, we never went hungry; report his view that the voice of with the government on health
ricin generation about your hard on_ the young workers,.• and there.was always a�bowl of t,4
own ° Depression experiences, who,. today, would be going to ' pea soup and home -ma -de bread'
they merely groan, roll their . college on governmentgrants.
are too old to care, and too late over. s
1 h 11 t for the hoboes who arrived at Goderich
eyes, and" think, "Yuk. Here We never went hungry. A lot the kitchen door, half -frozen
- goes Dad, or Grandad, again, of hamburger, at three pounds and. half-starved.,
whining about what hard time's for a quarter. A lot of -baloney. , But I never realized ,what
should read the look. They wasn't finished in the morning, wish I had, sooner.
y,imply can't real e, as they ., S eho.01 bind
scoff their two -bits worth of '
french fries, that grown men
worked ten hours a dayfor that
same two -bits, during the
Depression. v .
They can't realize, as they.
shoot a quarter into the pop
• machine for a Coke (capital C)
to wash down their french.fries,
that if you took out a girl'
during the Depression, and had' ,� • John Nesbitt of Blyth was about ,200 residents and guests.
a quarter in your pocket, you welcomedto the Horne at Mon- Mrs. Ray Rader was emcee for
- � which included
are really like. What a drag!" A •big, • perpetually simmering miracles my mother and father
That's why the young people, • pot of soup. ' If the porridge performed in those 'days, and I
matters, .which is one of the
aims of the new scheme, when
T the; government insists, on set-
ting up an. ever-increasing
jungle of 'bureaucracy.
Mr. Hayes labelled that
notion academic and said the
actual outcome -of the Mustard
• plan would be the creation of
"regional health czars" comfor-
- - tably ensconced in an 'un-
wiel'1ly tangle 'of boards and ".
The September meeting of committees which have little
• the Goderich Township local input. ' • . •
Women's Institute was Meld at • The director pointed out that
Holrnesville School on Monday,
1�� eI
the matter- will not -stop a s
with health are, noting that ;it
probably is Mess. than coinciden-
tal that boundaries used in the
scheme, correspond directly to
those used by the Ministry of
Family and Social Services
:which administrates welfare
However, he held out little
hope that government could be
blocked in the scheme sine% the
Ministry of Health has been're-
organized recently to accom-
modate such a scheme.
Doctors oB the board were
angry because the new • plan
would call for hospitals - to
become specialized in a limited
- facet of health care as well as
the fact that the government
will certify which doctors"are to
practise 'in' which areas.
Mr. Ritter suggested that the
only way to kill the scheme
would be to produce briefs by
every conceivable committee .,
and board involved ' in .health
care and to - cru-sh�it by leer--
volume of paper.
In- his director's+ report, Mr.
Hayes told the Board of Gover-
nors that he had• a "feeler"
from a psychiatrist in Goderich
about establishing a psychiatric
`�, rich.• day afternoons get-together. the program. w is
According to the book, the • Marie ; Flynn, • Norman Speir • `piano and violin duets by Mr.
hardest hit . areas were, the and Jerry Collins provided.the, and Mrs. Ross Love, . readings
Prairie Provin:ees, the old time music with Morgan by Mrs, Ivan Rader; vocal duet
Maritimes and Quebec. Ontario Dalton. • "My Kitchen Apron".by Mrs.
and B.C. were the only provin- ,Thirty residents -having Sep, Bill Berends• and Mrs. Martha
ces in those days which weren't tember birthdays were honored Miller - and vocal duets Mrs.
in really desperate condition, at a party in the Auditorium on. Mervyn Teiman and'Mrs. Lave.
• • , and they were -bad enough. Wednesday afternoon- Spon- Dave EUiott, who was
This is a very credible book',_ sored by, ' the Dashwood ..celebrating bis birthday on
to anyone who lived _through:' Women's., Institute. The Wednesday, thanked the ladies
those . .Ten Lost Years: The celebrants were presented with on behalf of the,' residents.
._ author wept .out with a tape •` gifts following the program.. F4ntertainers : from_ the
recorder and interviewed- hun Decorated cup cakes and tea Bayfieldarea arranged a
dreds of people who went ` were, served by the ladies to 'program for "'Family Night".
Albert Craig sang several coun
through them."The: results are fry and western favourites and'
funny,' tragic; ; +and extremely Irish `.este numbers providing to his
Canadian. It could never be ��� �e thOwwith
misunderstood as'a British or own accompaniment
V .guitar and mouth organ. Step.
American book; though these 1 dancing' students of Miss
countries suffered equally. this weekend Norma Garrett; Gerard, Mary'
Canadians then, in their Margaret and Charlie Bedard
pawkish, stubborn and often. A host of 1975. ,automobiles, danced as a group and solo
• stupid 'pride,. would " go to, •trucks, snowmobiles;•boats and..
were accompanied by
mot.orcycl•es will be on display 'Mrs‘ Margaret Garrett at "the
at the Harvest Car and Trade Piano..: '
Show; September` 26 and 27 By the way, we are having a
• . resort Arid "-relief" could be from 7:30 p:m to'10:0.0 p.m: •at ` fall roll : for volunteers
ten or.twelve' dollars a month, the Goderich'Memorial Arena. following the "Family Night"
for a'family. A nickel had to do Admission is free and per- program on October 10. If you
the work of a :dollar. sons attending will be .eligable would have some spare time for
After three years of drought for door prizes both nights:.: • volunteer work, we, would be
,, ..and, grasshopp°ers,•°ma---ny, prairie Friday, September 27 will be happy. to have you attend. •
farmers just walked away, and Pspecial night as a free dance
left everything: house . and featuring .Wi'lbee's orchestra
• machinery- The average cash will be held 'after the show,
income 'from 'farmers : in the
Maritimes, . including the •
wealthy ones, was 'something
like forty dollars a year; What
a modern ,kid from` a middle-
' .'class fa'mily'woul'd spend in a
moritch on clothes and—treats.
People. died, not of starvation,
' but of malnutrition. •
• Oh, I remember! I was only a
kid at .the time, but I remer. i-
.ber. '- It • all happened sort of
gradually. My father was .a
• fairly prosperous merchant, but
he was too 'kindly a ,man, bless '•
him, to crunch people who were
hard up. He gave them,. credit,
••He lost his business, He . had
too much money on the books,
almost any lengths to avoid
"••going ora•_relief." This was,..
.almost a -sin, and always a last
See the 7 51 s
September 9.
The roll call "A Health Rule
;.'would .emphasize to my Child
or 'Grandchiid!' - was answered
by 26 members" and one guest.
Correspondence and minutes
of the last meeting . were read
by the - secre:ry--treasurer,
Alice Porter.
An invitation from Tiger
Dunlop Women's•Institute was
received to meet with them at
their next meeting, Wednesday,
September 25. •
It was decided to' assist
Holmesville School Band in
purchasing music stands and a
drum, •
Final preparations were
made for the bus trip to Men-
nonite Country on Monday,
September 16. -
a' The group plan to --hold a
bake sale on October 1.2 at The
Holmsead. - +
Effie .Yeo introduced Marie
Betties, a 4-H- member who at-
tended. a four-day conference at4
Guelph ;July 9, 10, 11. and 12.
This young,'lady gave a very in-
teresting` talk on this cori-"
ference: -
Myrtle Banter and'. her group
presented ad interesting article
entitled "The Nine . Command-
ments for §hopping."••
' Lunch was served .by Myrtle
Banter and her committee.
The nett meeting will be
..held on Tuesday, October °15.
Goderich Arena
Thurs. - Fri. Sept. 26,27
7:30 to 10 P.M.
Fri., after the show
Free Admission
Remember when
Craftsmen building
ahose really care
about the job they
id for you?
You can have °
., your'take ' '
7102 W. E. "Ted" Williams
4 ° Bus: 524
Iles: •
and eat -it too. : • ' 524.665.
„With ManuLite 25,
the "specithe "tpeci0 advaniag e .
policy for people witifanv.
,appy going �petite forlaces..
call us'toda fora Zook at
y ttt
day care program in the clinic
building one -or two days 'a
The director ehiphasized that
the suggestion is still only in
the -talking"- stages ,but he
seemed to favor the idea,
of pride
We're Oroud to support,Ooderich.
We're proud to°be part of this community.
Were proud to have beer ,providing insurance
counselling and coverages to the people of
Goderich for -more than 22 years:
e ,
-Kingston & St. David St.
Goderich, 5249531 °-
Fish Darly
Perch,' Pickerel, Salmon
Whitefish All in,. Season
Phone 524-9211
Compact car size' with the attractive
design, quiet, smooth ride and high
level •.of standard feature* normally
Associated with more expensive stan=
rt •lard size models. Available 11142. or" 4
door models. ro
Special Note-- �r a
'All 1975 Mlercury.Products Use
-"Standard gasoline end. can be,
purchased at any pump, .any
place, any re.„
Their names are associated with "Delbar Invest-
.. Monts Ltd., and W.J. Hughes Realty %lid• Include •
' Mir. D. Sagan, Mt. C. Sager, Mr. F. Graham and Mr.
D, Shewfelt. -
These people and others ,have just completed a -
home -for me Goderich. The quality of their work
is Commendable. „ •
If some small mistake will made, and there were'
only p few, these men corrected them quickly and •
eproperip I think a town like Goderich s,houtd be
° proud of these men. -. `� ,
I know- I am or elide I + rouid not write th• is ad.
�'' .•R�P. BRYANT
:Goderich Pltychiatric •f ,ospltai •
4 door,, hardtop, full power.
. U SE D. c AR S..
2 door hardtop, .V8, automatic, i
poyyer steering, power brakes,
radio. " , . d e+
'76' METEOR „
door hardtop, power brakes,
power ste& n9, radio.
• PHONE GEORGE •CUTLER -524-b.271, 482-9782
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