The Exeter Times, 1894-4-5, Page 4s Ntti , TU BXE TER TIMES. TflTJ 001111.10010.611.4001.,,,,,,,,4110.10,10,60 Establishedin i877 Mr. Ottratittr, the Britieh Mitlimore o eler of 00,_,AtiNioN pARLIANENT, . , DIS USSING TAU FF ' t -7 s ONTARIO LEGISALTURE Agrioulture, eays,114 wants infr- , 08 ss t $eim ox oineee Aheut.Inctorne Wax Metnen yet en regard tO the freedera a ler • d h' Weadtle Per Capita. a S. OVEZ34, BANIKSR, EXETER, ONT Trensaets a generalbankinglausiressa. Iteoeives the A.:motets 9f Metehante ana t there ea favereble erMit, Offere eVere eateemenodetion oanplatent wttle safe amicoeserrative beeitive preeeiptee. lotereetalleweelon depoeite, Draft* issued payeble at any %Mee o the trerehanta Batik. NOTEsDiseentiestin and MONarre LOAN leTiterXe And IlifeetTatikees. 11111310110.1111111111010MOMMAIIIMOMMONIIIIIIMINVIONSIMOMMIII txte• tintIto THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1894. °TES AND COMM BlisITS The Liberalannanimously condemned the action of the Dominion Government ire conducting it large part of the tariff enquiry in secret. lelow, then, can they now justify. the propene that IVIowat's fee coramissina shall hear evidence be- hind closed deeor•e X x X One a the government bile to he laid before the British Parliament pro - Cause% from pleurospneumonis before our cattle can be admitted to the K. market's On Old coaditioren ilifor- metlext he has reeeieed, beeked hy the beat teeth -stony thet can be produced, is that there is no contagious pleuro-pneu- mon% Canada. Nothieg fuller or more emphatic can be adcluesel. It is to be faared that the Caeadien ease for te-admiseion is beeeining hopeleele. Mr, Gardner is eVidexstly continood 010 het doers not want the competieion of Cana - dime eatble, and does nob want to be con- vinsed of anything else. x x Mr, Mule& has introdueed e bill. ht the Commons empowering the Govern- or-Geeeral-in-Council to fix the maxim- . urn of ociean freighte, the intention heiag to relieve the cattle exporters from the extortion to which they la.ve at tiraes been °subjected by ehipownars in the past, The bill is a vital necessity to one of colrgreateet iodeeeries. The vete charged oa stock sent frorn Mont- real has, on several oocasinns, been about double that leyied on shipments • via Boston or New York, the result being a serious handicap on Caoadian exports intended for the British mark- et, But the member of North York •Should go further and give attention to the railway tariff also. eCattle have been transported from Chicago to the sea- board at less coat than was incurred in shipping from points in Ontario several vides for holding all the eleettone in a hundred miles nearer salt water. general oontest on one day. The syatern heretofore followed, of spread- ing the polimg over a foetnight to suit. the ctonveuience of individual constit- uencies, hadnobluiag to commend it, save tradition, and a bad trerlition elle Expositor office, is not onty a that. Half the fun for the 'victors in a spiteful effusion, but exhibits the ig- 'netionel fight is in beipg assueed. of the resulb at once, and about the beaten noranee of the writer. In one sentence fellows it does not matter. s.sks when a Conservative Convent- ion t� select a candidete is to be called, X x •while in the next, he calls , Mr. Weis - Mr., Laurier has already pre.cticallY raillee who was the unanimous choice of X x x A communication' in the Buren Ex- positor of last week purporting to be from a Stanley townehip Conservative, but whieh bears all the • ear marks of pledged the Opposition to oppose the a rotising convention held over a year • proposed subsidy for the purpose of es- ago, all the misty huma imaginable, and accuses him of havieg been in turn tablishing a fast-, line of Atlantic steam- a Grit, an EqualRighter, an Independ- ships. This was not unexpeacted, but ent, and now a Tory. This is evidence it 'Kill be cause for surprise if members that Mr. Weismiller is a liberal minded on the Government aide array them- man, and haeing found all the platforms now reaches one -epee selves against it also. Afitet service on defective, he the Atlantic is one of Canade's greatest which he can stand with both feet,— necessities and the party time has the broad enough for him to exercise moth - courage to provide it will soon find its out impunity, his liberal ideas of legia- policy as fully justified by events as the lation- The men who are net inde. building of the Canadian. Pacific, Rad- bound Partizans are the most 'fit Parlia• way has already justified. enentarians, and are just now in popular touch -with the electorate. Our good x x x • Conservative (1) friend had better post There are ninety one constituencies in himself on public mattere or otherwise • Ontario for the Legislature, and in fifty drop his pen. This attempt of the Ex. • of these, according to the Farmer'sSun, positor to draw a red herring across the track to delude its Conservative readers the Patrons already have catididates in in the riding is oia a par with Mr. the field. Of the filty ridinge to be con- McLean's mean actions among his own teeted by representatives of the agrioul- political friends. tiara intereat 81 are held by Libere X x x als, eighteen by Censervatives and one The hotel. men of Ontario meet in by a Patron. If the Orden 'has any- conyention at Toronto this week. The thieg like the success in the general number, it is said will run from 800 to contest that attended its efforts in ' . recent bye -elections it is evident that 1,600 representatives. Sir Oliver will their promise to control the balance be waited on. Politics will be unknown of power in the new Assembly will be in order that no discord. may mdse, amply fulfilled. • The Ontario Government is to be told x x X very plainly of any defects in the license Wheat is more likely to drop to 500- system, by the Liberals as well as than it is to rise again, et legit in this Conservatives. A most determined generation, to one dollar. This is raid will be inaugurated on the tem- porary transfer of licensee, and a des because of the immense arens recently mend will be made on. the Government • brought under cultivation and the still to cease this. The Government will be larger areas that will be cultivated. in requested to make all licenses stollen - the near future. Argentite., a short seer in every case. Complaints about the abuse of dab licenses are comine time since au importer, nave exports . . - from nearly all the cities of the Pro over thirty million bushels per annum. vince. Under the cover • of respectabil- The change in condition in India has ity these places, it is said, do an im- 'been somewhab greater, but the period mense amount of drinking' on Sundays in bringing it about was a trifle longer. and at night. The general public, And the Northwest, 14 yeare ago the which is not always posted on these home of the Buffalo not obey largely things, charges the resultant dranken- supplies markets of Old Canada, but nese en, the hotisls. Another scheme is prevides a very considerable quantity to appoint a solicitor at a good salary to for export as well. The changes of the look into all cases where it is thought past are, nothieg to those about to take any license oommissioner or inspectors dealt unfairly with hotel men. plate. Irrigation. works are now being have carried outalong the Nile that willereatee. The conyention will discuss the candi- . wheat producing territory equal in ex- dates who should be supported in each tent to one fourth of Elurape. Even riding for the Legislature. Men favor - more wonderful results will follow the able to the trade, or who are regkrded opening up of other parts of Africa to as fair minded, in short, not pronounoed civilization ; Argentine and Souffi Am- temperance extremists, will be endorsed. erica generally have but begun to show what they can do ; and cue Western Territories are capable of producing A. foot of anew fell at Edmonton Friday • millions where they now produce night. ' remIrigratiOn business tbis year has been thousands. The lessen to the Ontario farmer is plain. fie must change his kably mall. ' whole present method of operation if he is to etirvive. The Thirteenth 13attalion of Haenilton has acoepted an invitation from the mayor Z x 1 of teen to viait that place on the Queen's Birthday. Mr. Wood, of • Hastings, recently Mr. Mulcok has a hill to sanend the • moved a resolution in the Legislature • declaring the present system of appeint- the provision of 'shelter for motormen 'some liedget, ispeeeli _ in the House yeeterday W•45:13.12"1°N'i Voesrhees Tonoerro, March tlie Tamil nukde five /lour eneeell, reeiewing the beget/. in the Senate Sate(b eday the eetle- Rouse yeaterday.the felloeving hills peened past reesilts of the Netioual Polley, end siou of the new Wig bill. His speech through committee: deolariug that it- Was the intelltIoa of oecupied the Attention a the Senora for Respecting mortgages and saleseof per - the Governinent to adhere etrlatly to their • to houre. ',tete peroration Wes eppleucled policy of Pr°te°acm" in the galleries and the orator was oon- Thai 4ari4 °et reeriesa. eln-brueea 'ma" gratulated by his party eriends on the changes in the sehedule of dutiable goods, the most notieeab,le !mall! heing itv%1;:bsseSan‘dlutl:4°a4:i----1 113'17L; Idr their eleange specie to eae°tet4t• On au the Wants and necessities of life lentiee. March90eeThe, Renee the mail of wealth with a heavy itionne, OTTAWA, . 2einietly got to work yesterday on the 'budget debate, which will be continued fromeday to day till finielted. Sir Richard Cartwright began by apple- gteing for the leugth of time he would. om oupy in replying to the speech of the Hon. Mr. Foster. He saw, that in the first and last halves of the Finance Illinietmee speech there were ineonsistericies. The epirit of peeteetion ran through all tlae epeech, though 'the much -lauded National Policy was mangled aud slaughtered. He refer- red facetiously to the inception of the N. P. reeking many leumorous references and eaueing considerable ,merriment. He continued in a semi-saroastio vein for a time and went on to quote from a former sp,eeoh of Dalton McCarthy, in which that gentleman said the Conservative party Were protectionists only because Mr, Mac- kenzie was a free trader, and he said he had theeword of MY. Mackenzie that Sir Charles Tupper had said he was prepared with a free tratle speech in case the Mac- kenzie Goverrinteut had proposed any in- crease in the tariff, • He concluded by moving the following amendment: "That all the words after that be etruok ant and the following inserted in. place thereof; While recognizing in the reduetions proposed, an admission to that extent of the evils inflicted upon the people by the syetem of high proteetive duties this House is nevertheless of the opinion that the amendments suggested being based. upon the principle of proteetionanel not solely upon the requirements of public service are inadequate to afford satisfac- tory relief from the burden& of excessive and unfair taxation. "That the highest interests of Canada demand the adoption of a sound fiscal policy whittle while not doing injuseice to any class, will promote domestic and foreign trade and hasten the return of prosperity to our people. , "That to thab end the tariff should be reddced to the needs a honest, economical and , efficient governnaent, should have eliminated .from it the principle of pro- tection to particular industries at the ex- pense ottne community at large, and should be imposed for revenue only. That it should be so adjusted as to make free, or bear as lightly as possible, upon the necessaries of life, and to pro- mote freer trade with the whole world, particularly with Great Britafn and the United States." Hen, Mr. Haggart replied. He spoke of the speech of SirRiehard Cartwright as an effort to talk around the subject, not at- tempting to deal with the tariff resolutions as introduced -by the Finance Minister. He challenged. the Opposition to shove wherein the expenditure of the country could be reduced. He denied that the Conservative party was eorrupt, and said that the contributions from manufacturers were not sufficient to pay for the printing of the pamphlets sent out to the electors. He, charged that the boot was on the other leg, quoting from a speech delivered by Sir Richard Cartwright in Napseme in 1873 to show that he had frankly acknowledged that he purchased the constituency. He also quoted from Edward Blake to show that a protective tariff was a necessity for several years in this country. -He (the epeaker) did not see how taxes could be levied except in such a way as to afford incidental production to the manufacturers. That is the policy of the present tariff. OTTAWA, Ont, March 30.—The whole of yesterday's session, after the answering of questions and the usual routine, vras de- voted to discussing the budget • Hon. N. Clarke Wallace resumed the de- bate. • • battle in the kingdom of Bornu, in the Mr. Charlton denied that the policy of central Soudan, between an invading the Opposition was for Commercial Union. army 30,000 strong and the troops of the Hon. Mr. Wood spoke of the necessity Sultan of Bornu, about equal in number. of passing the budget as speedily as The invading forces were headed ley one possible, in order that business might not Rabah, who was formerly a slave of ,Ycile be disturbed any longer than possible. hor Pasha, , The battle is reported to have Mr. McMullen followed in a general at been a desperate one, in which the full tack on the N.P., talking till the House strength of both forces engaged. Hun - rose. dreds of men were killed on both sides Orraw.e, March 31.—There were four sides and thousands were wounded, • Both epee' kers Jan the budget yesterday, two the Sultan of Baran andthe leader of the from the Maritimes Provinces, one from invading army, Babah, were killed at the • British Columbia arid one from Ontario— head of their commands. The advieem do Pr. Landerkin. not state eyhich side was victorious. In reply to a query, the Finance Min •.• later stated. yesterday that maple sugar, -would ',Blow Up the Ming of Corea. could come in either ender the classifica- Smenmesa, April 3.—A widespread Coll- • tion of raw sugar or unenumerated articlei spiracy to blow up the King of Corea'a Mr. Charlton yesterday introduced his court and inthisters during a religious bill for the amendment of the hews felate festival eves discovered Teem:Ley at Seotil ing to seduction and abduction, It raises through one of the plotters confiding in a the age of consent from sixteen to eighteen foreign resident. Elaborate preparatiens • and reduces the age at which a man is had beer made, including stealing all the punishable to eighteen. For the point of gunpowder from military stations. Con - abduction it does. away with the discrim- spirators confronted the king and avowed hued= in favor of heiresses, placing all intentions implicating several high officials girls on the 881110 footing. and members of the royal family. Had The Government has not as yet received the plot succeeded probably all foreigners, any official intimation of the intention of inoluding over one hundred A.merioan rest - the Imperial Government -to remove the cleats in Seoul, would undoubtedly have embargo on Caeadian.cattle in time fa shared the fate of the Japanese in the al - the commencement Of the spring exports. most similar attempt against the present efulock has introduced a bill to come king in 1888. pel street railway companies to provide _ shelters for. motormen, Assaulted, His llianployeris Daugriter. Mulock's bill t� amend the Senate LONDON, Ont,elarch 30.—James Dunne, and Hansa of Commons Aha prohibits a young Irishman from )3iddulph town - members of • Parliament from aecopting ship, was jailed. yesterday on a charge of pawls from railway companies and then indecently aesaulting Margaret Peasketh, chteiging mileage for coming to Ottawa and a daughter of his employer, and attacking retnrninghonie. This proposal will create Mr. Peasketh with a knife. The matter good deal of stir. Was afterwards brought up at the Oraoge OetewA, April 8.—In the House of Lodge at Granton, of which both meet are Commons yesterday Mr. Brodeur coked it members. Dunne admitted the offence it was the intention of the GoVerntrient to before the loege and was promptly ex., submit for the decision of the ,Tudicial pelted, while Mr, Peasketh was ordered to Committee a the Privy Council in Etig- , erosecute the case under pain of being land the questioa already enbmitted to the proseouted hirneelfh, Supreme Court in relation to the subject of the Manitoba flatmate. Sir John Thorn. A 14'"1- Dc' Scare, son replied that the question involved the furtner question as to what parties had or had not the right to appeal ; also those 'Whet Might or might not desire to appeal. As to these -points, the Government was not posseseed of full information. Sir Adolphe Caron, replying to Mr. Grieve, "said that it was. not the intention of the Governmeet to redacts letter postage froin 8 to 2 cents, nor was it the hitention • to reduce the fee for tegistretion, ter was it the intention to guaraetee the safe de- livery of all resistered letters and their °entente, Hon, Mie Foster, replying to a spiestion, 8,iict ow it wa n t the intention of the Goverfutient to preclude shipments of tea • coming elireotly from the country of growth eroirt tranehipment in another country. ' Ile gave the Orilne renewer in re- , wird to eoffeei •41" Mr. Davin then contintied the debate • the hudget sona Provettor•---mr. Oftsson of Hamilton. To establish a provincial park at -Ron, deal,—Mr. Hardy. To facilitate the acIministratiore jetetrom in the Rainy Rivet. distriet.—The Attorney Menorah TO extend the power of the High Court in respect of granting maintenance to i,. FELT HAT FELT I The Latest kr A s StYleS. In and Fine Felt. pays lees rates of taritt tax under emoting "woman whose wearing apparelae of Coarser di ntinuan of the nurnbere Mr. Whitney Presented a InOtaloibiafiolio•ttliine Ask for Our $1 50FEDORA fantie—rhe Attorney General. Street Railway Companies Act to make ing registrars and isheriffis to be magma faotory The motion further declared that such officials should be ohorsen by the people of the locality in, whieli they ' serve, either direetly or through the municipal council. This proposal the Government supporters voted down by a majority of twenty. That the present • system is unsatisfactory Cannot be deaieci. Under it, officials are allowed • to (irate as many thousavele, as they eaen in hundreds, Crider it, too, the people have not only had to pay iocornes that • were earned bub have been compelled to provide quarters for a Wholly tinneces. tory tegietrer at a coet of over $16,000. ]or leen exception very, well be taken to the remedy proposed by the Oppos- Won. If looal munieipaltiits are given 4control Of these appointments two reg- istrars will to longer be appointed to do • the werk of one ; even the eon Of a Premier will not be permitted ta draw' $8,000 a year fer Merely 'nominal duties; end offites will not be kept vectint for years, as in tho date of IldiddleseX, in order to provide a final 1 -sting piado ter ex-Oabinet Ministers, Howeyer an appeal Wi 11 no at be taken m frathe 'Leg- ieletnre to the people iime(we have he iolkt a the teeth, Deteetive Greer bag gone to Monism; to investigete the alleged confession there el the man who says" he eonamitted the Port It may sieve you titne and money to be informed that, when you rimed a blood - pacific!, Ayerei Sarsaparilla is the hind niost itt favor with the medical. •profeetion. It is the standard and, as aueh, the only blood -purifier admitted at the Chicago Worldie Fair. The North Erietings Conservative's heve nominated A F. Wood for the Legislature and A. W. Carseallea for tbe ()ontmons. t he rapidity with which orbup develops (mile for inetaiat tee:lament.; and yet few bougeb.olde are repots& for ite visite.An admirable retnedy for tbie disease is Aye's Cherry Pecitoral. It bag 611tVela hundreds of lives and should he in every hottie where there are miens children. Near Port Colborne the hoes's. of Ernest Pietz watt bureed to the groend and 6 15 ear old boy periehed. Wall paper reenufeeturers and rubber `eloth men of Mootreal are highly diesate isilect -pith the new tarig. Thw fl. Bargeall, River Phillip, N. S., writes tee to thertit you for ttio IC, D. C. tent Me attMe tines ago, Yon will ba glad to ktiow that in every 011140 Where it has been toed it has proeed benee laws than the laboring man or laboring material and whose tiousehola living is sco oe B eau. values never shown supplied With eheaper goods beariog a selirntpini:esosorsf. membersmexaugii McNaughton tal :ea Legislativexo etira bl ' leth cumulated riches of all kinds, an all in - se y. e motion was lost on diyi- over our counters. higher rate of duty, Hie boucles hie Ala' come arising from them, are exempt from all ,government burdens, remaining not All the Fashionable Colors, only undiminised aud munolested amidet darkened homes an,d flagrant,distress, but growinr. fatter, stronger•anel more defiant as the days and the years go by. voting with the Govetiameut Temormo, March, 29,—In the Legislature yesterday Mr. MoiCay (Victoria) moyed for` a return showing rebid (Wet= of paymezit the Goveromeitt adopted in dealing vvitle stockmen at the Columbian Exposition. This motion was agreed to. Mr. McColl Moved for a return giving a copy of the report of Mr. Stetvart, provin- cial license niapector, as to the charge that certain lieek660 commissioners in the eounty of Elgin were owners of licensed premises, and that lieenses were refused certMn parties on political grounds. The motion carried and the Speaker ordered that the Origivals of certain lettere which Mr. Harcourt bad read in reference to Mr. ',Tunnel standing, should be plaoed on the teble, Mr. Balfour's bill to amend the Phar - many Act Wee conaiderediu coMmittee and passed without amendment. Mr. Caldwell moved the second reading of the bill respecting Carleton Place, which proposee to allow the municipality of that tovrn to attract industrial enterprises by the granting of a bonus and the exemption from taxation. The motion Was passed. Mr. Snider's bill to amend the Land- lord and , Tenant Act, by exeenpting the goods on the premises not the property of a second time, and. referred to the Legal cthoemtmeniattnete.from distraint for renewas read Mr. White (Essex) moved the Second reading of his bill respecting executions. It proposed to exempt frora execution all the implements required by the agricul- turist for the carrying on of his business At well as crops growing or unharvested, The second reading was lost on division. TonOuTo, March 30.—Sir Oliver Mowat'a bill to extend .the power of the High Court in respect to granting maintenanob to in- fants was read a third tinae in the Legin lature yesterday. Sir Oliver's bill respeoe bag allowances to the Supreme Court judges was read a second time. • These bills were passed through coin , . rrattee : To amend the Public Health Act. —Mr ,Bronson.„ To authorize married - women under age to bar dower. --The .Attorney -General. The House went into committee of sup• BORN, Sfele-eIn Stephen, on tile ard t of efr, Frank Slant of a son. Bp Goderich, an the Zell ult., be lee , Item. Mark Vranees daughter of et, W. Bell, to Geo, W, mcA1,118121R-BNI.L.-A t the piled the bride's parents, on the e8th alt. Rey. 3 B, Rendereen. of Bonsai'. M Atolowanlillijsilt)earituoallelf.i.se Ellen Bell,a ,o ,bot • . ' 11088e le Mitchell, on the e4th nit., E Role, agoa att years. on the 20th ult., rEile;V-r-e;c1 7TY111"3. nn R. 'TA a orno, the 2nd in ..huties Roweliffe, aged 51 years 5 tr,ant:', flay. .- 1. M014111113N,-In Mitchell, on the lith ul errs. Robert McLaren, aged 25 years an month, Me DOUG ALL In Tueleersinith on the 2 el; ult., Emrna k;Greiter, wife oe Mr. W. Dougall, aged 51 Years, FOLLICITC--In E xete r North. on the ari in esesoyreaser%,118.1n, spolanthosfalinrci,26edeaeysoe, peteek' a Keld K-u—re infallible Try It. • • S TNDES WANTED. • Ten dere will be reeeived for tbereimirin the Public liall Kirktoo, ,Alltenders t t " In eousidering the income tax 'the- t Ever • most extraordinary and startling fact' we• BEST 0c. Ha Offered , disoovim . is the very small number of '..T118 Oonunissioeer of Internal Reve- We aro not going to say nue, ID a reoeut communication to the Ways and Means Committee ef the House, estimated the preeent population of the but we think you can't get and the weelth at $6U,000,000,000, or an better. • .. • an equal dmtrebution Hia further esti- Come and see them. tioations eau be seen at Shier & Mars store. E. N. SHIER, mate, however, is that so great has been Seo' of ConimIttee. the coosolidation of capitalinto the owner. Yours faithfully, • people to whom it applied. TIIB tho best 50o hat ever shown United Statics at not less than 6,000,000 received before the 15ta of April 1894,, ri Average of $i,000 per capita if there was • • • the past three yeare in °totes ot (3/ ship' vf a small and powerful class that the tax here proposed. on incomes of over $4,000 will reach only abont t35,000 in- dividuals aud corporations out of more then 65 000 000 These figures recall the worst days of Rome, and of other govern- ments,both aucieut and modern, whose libertis were lost by the accumulation and power of wealth in the hands of patri- cian arietocracies. " At the close of the speech the bill, which has displaced the Ressian thistle bill, and is now the 'unfinished business,' went over till to -day when tlae Republican side of the ciuestion is- to be presented by Senator Allison (Ia.). A demand has been made by Mr. rloae, that the bill shall have its second reading in full." PRINCE BISMARCK'S BIRTHDAY. Great Enthusiasm Displayed at the Cele- bratiou of Ills Anniversary. • Fal-RDMOHSRDEIS, April nee us - mann: celebrated his '78th birthday yester- day, Just before he took his breakfast the bands of the Ratzeburg (Denenberg) Rifle- men, the 31st Infantry regiment from the Altona garrison and the Hamburg Choral 'Union h'ad gathered in frout of the castle. They gave the old Chancellor his morning greeting between 9 and 10 o'clock. At 11 -o'clockthe Olmsseurs baud began playiug • and during the first number the Prince and Princess, Count Herbert and Count Wil- liam and their wives and the Count and • Countess Rantzau appeared on the terrace. By this time the exeursionists, who crowd- ed the inns, private houses and many of the banes to oveeflowing, had gathered in the meadow opposite. Ilieraarck's Iteply to the 'Kaiser. Bnumer, 3.—Prince Bismarck has • telegraphed to the Em.peror his acknow- ledgement of the Kaiser's congratulations on the occasion of the ex -Chancellor's birthday and thanking his Majesty for the present which aecotapaelecl his letter of coagratulation. The telegram says : "Please accept any most respectful thanks for the graciuusavishes and gracious words your Majesty has favored me with.- I • shall wear the new armor and bequeath it to my children in lasting memory of your • good BIG BATTLE IN BORNU. , 'troops Were Engaged. Desperate:lug:it in Which About 60,000 • TRIPOLI, April 3. --Reports have beeu. received from • th.e Soudan of a furious enneetenneeeteenteneeneethenneetetee • ...eSten•eena'• Yesterday the executive of the Canadian Press Association, consisting of T. 11, Preston, Brantford Expositor. president; W. S. Dingman, Stratford Herald ; L Shannon, Kingston News; A. F. Pirie, Dundee Banner; J. S. Willison, Toronto Globe; E. Holmes, Clinton New Era, with their counsel; Mr. John King, Q. C., waited upon the Government and urged the • strengthening of the bill touching the law of libel with reference to the provisions respecting secondarylibel and security for TORONTO, March 31.—In the Legislature yesterday, the following hills were given a tlaird reading; To amend the Pharmacy Act. --*Mr. Balfour. To confirm an agree- ment between the corporation of the town of Gananoque and the Thousand Islands Railway Company.—Mr. Harty. To con- firm and validate certain assessments of the town of Trenton.—Mr. Biggar. Re- specting the railway debenture debt of the township of Tiny.—Mr. Paton. To con- firm a certain by-law of the corporation of thee city of Kingston,—Mr. Harty. These bills passed through committee: Respecting the town of Carleton Place— Mr. Caldwell; to amend the Act to incor- porate the Pembroke Southern Railway ' Company—Mr. Barr (Renfrew); to enable the trustees, exeeators and executrix under the will of Richard Stubbs to lease certain lands—Mr. Tait. Dr.. Barr moved the second reading of his bill to amend the Municipel Act. Under the law as it stands a license must be ob- tained from the municipelity by hawkers peddling goods. The object of the bill was to bring under the terms of the pro- vision, owners, as well as agents,not being resident within the county, who sell. or offer for sale, dry goods, tea, watches, clocks, platedware, silverware, jewellery, speofacles, pictures, or carry or expose any goods to be afterwards delivered with- in the county to • any WhOleftale Or rend dealer in such article, . TORONTO, April 3. ---Replying to Mr. Rorke in the Lo3eislature yesterday, Hon. Mr. Dryden said he had received word of an outbreak among cattle in Grey county. Upon receiving the information the de- partment had communicated with Dr. Andrew Smith, one of the Dominion In- spectors for contagions diseases. Under his authority the district had been visited , and the effected animals examined; the • conclusion eame to being that the disease • was not contagious, but arises from local causes, and was mainly due to the speeial character of the food, which was said to contain more or less ergot. Dr. Smith had reported that as soon as the food was changed the animals would speedily ree°verie • ln.tlabeence of Mr. Whitney his bill respecting witness fees, on motion a Mr. Nrereditil, Was discharged from the order PaPer- Mr. Field moved the second reading of his bill respecting the registration of • births, deaths and marriages, which pro. vides for the keeping of duplicate returns of registrations. ' The second reading was carried on di. vision. .' MrWaters moved the second reading W eelsimect Oat April 2. --Coneider- of a bill to amend the Merneipal Act He able exeitement wile caused by the aPPear- eeplained that olio of the provisions sine° of a clog 011 Mahe Street exIllblilag all sought to abolish the poll tax. The bill the eyinpienne af tabiee. Many does were also aiked for the abolition of the provi- bittee and women and -children attacked, sion requiring one day's Astute labor from one Tt13ghi her renheadn ottee reaetietitit men faz.intresingaiea sons, thefaetlfortherthe fathersof of tireqsiyuoiuntgby 11. e Weapons. end after a good deal of chating amount of work in tlee locality. Another temeeeee in despatching the britt. provieion required the, earlier payment Owlet!, to the uncerteinty of the number tey colleetore of the moneys in theirpos. of dogs that may have possibly Yeceived eo„ion. the Virus thee tneeot haft issued an order to The bill was read a second time. itlIresoenffteheeetntalizied. • 111(11alltdicortlim) ust for . the rnAent Ace seeking to combine the (Aim of me. Monies bill, to amend the Aseces- • et„epee pew:, enniae epoonwnotrytheoeilte:ktionrganodf ottesnerartre:natnsalatotetemin- goNT=4Aori, -PtilmiltP°r/ the year thaa at present Was read a second feeler ce p s p son - ed Itt Tbree 1tvers, eharged with aeteuipt. um°. ing to murder hie wife, is eirculetin'g a two nrgclefiteS Burned.. petition asking to hey° his son's trial take Weeteen, April 3.—The residences of phew in April ioeteed of a tIne,, The petie Theinsti Rite not insured, and his hrother, WM Sete forth that the heitlth cho as. George Ition'ineured, Grange, iu PelhaM, ellItei.letis pooh - Wets Intrned on Seedily, one catehilig fire trOti thli other, 3. P. CLARKE. Dislt.RKET. EZPURTO. Axeter, April 4 1894. Fall wheat perbush.... a, 52 4 55 Spring wheat per ... 55 58 Barley per bush-. ..... ,..„ 33 35 Oats per bush SO 31 Peas per busk. ...... : .... . .. 00 51 Flour per bbl v 4 00 4 20 Apples per bag . 75 86 Potatoes per bag 40 40 Bee per ton 6 00 7 00 Woodper eord hard,. 3 00 3 50 Vv ood per oord soft . , 2 00 2 26 Butter per lb.. ...... 17 17 Eggs Per ............. '11 . 11 rkeys per lb.....,e 9 9 Pork nerhandrede ...., 6 GO 6 26 Hogs, live weight-- . 4 60 4 50 5 Ducks6 7 °Melte . . 5 5 LondonApril 4, Wheat,weite, fall, 1001be t 95 to Wheat, red, fali. p or 100 bs ,. 93 to Wheet. spring, per 100 lbe 93 to Oats, per 100 ...... .,98 to Peas, per 100 lbs . 90 to corn, per 100 lbs . 90 to Barley. per its e as to Bye, per 100 lbs.90 to Leuckwheat, per 1001bs... . . .... a() to Beets, per bus... ..... 1 CO to l‘ggs, fresh, siegis dos. 15 to Eggs, fresh, basket, Der dos 12 to Egg% fresh. store lots, nor dos 8 to Buttor,singlerolle,Per 114. . .. . 24 to Butter, perllt,1 lb rells,ba....s 20 to Putter, per lb. jarge tolls or crocks .. 17 eo Butter,r,erlb, tubor ' 18 to Lard. per lb. . 11 to 01tickens, per pair 40 to Ducks . 70 to Turkeys, a to 90 per lbt. eaeh 60 to Toronto, April 4, 1894: 4100 95 98 100 90 • 93 90 00 • 1 00 1 10 16 14 10 253 20 18 18 12 70 80 1 73 Wheat, white, per bus-- 57 to ' "'heat, Wale; per bus............80 to 50 Wheat, red NY Inter, per 57 to • ' 57 vheat, goose, Per bus ' 56 to se Barley. per bus . .... 42 to 43 Oats, per bus 32 to 32 Pees,....... ..... . . ... ..... .„ 53 to 53 Ray 800 to 950 Ego pct. (IC zen 90 to 25 I Butter, per b. . . .... . .. ............... 17 to 22 Dreentd hogs.„ .. . .. . ... 6 30 to 6 60 Potatoes, per brig • 60 10 t;0 tat3=.. TEE UARE ar THD SIK/N, lei an article on the cultivation of beauty, a pbyeicitin writes "The best methods at keeping the skin in a healthy and clear comiltiou is frequent hathine in cold water and avoidance of the uee et complexion powder containing amnia or lead, proper diet, eorrect habite, plenty of ekep ani open air exercise ; aud it. we might add ene article of medicine as being specially valuable for this purpose it Id b E elj et Liver Lozen es " Dyspepsia nausea Dizziness, Headache, Constipation, Variable Appetite, Rising Bouriug of Food, Palpitation of the Heart, Distresk afiet eating. Burdock Blood Bitters are guarranteed to care Dyspepsia, I faithfully used accordieg to direetioes, AGISTID7A7 L. D ELDElsiTIsT OLINION. •• • , • Will be at Grob's hotel Zueioli t ,hee*te , ' Month and at liedgin's . onsthe Sensed lienialey Of each eleyeteee- hotel Hensel' every Monday. ' " 14.11 TENDERS WANTE —FOR -SITE FOR— , . HOUSE OF REFUGE offers will be mei laid by the undersigned u • THE 1,5th DAY OF APRII, NEXT, for a site on whioh to locate the House of e fug e oonteinpleted by the county of Ear The quantity ofiand required will be f twenty-five tofifty acres, soil to be of quality and easily drained. To be within, miles of any of the following points;-Crin seeforth, Wingbam, Exeter or Cioderieh. party will with offer state the price retie. Per acre, together Witba full description the property. • W. PROUDFOOT, Cbairman of Conitnnts, Goderiett, P. 0 , Out. Dated at Pedalo's this 28th day of n aro D. 11,94. EGGS' THAT WILL HAT From a pee of thoroughbred Black tnnor This pen is headed by one of Mahe:best s lug birds in Canada. These birds were ex ited at the leading fairs in Riven last f carrying off let and 2nd Exeter. 1st and Olinem, and all the let erieea gee n atinoreas at the Seaferth fair. Eggs $1.00 per 13. • Satisfaction gaaranteed. Write me for iuformation. er J. II. REID, S f ea e NOTICE TO CREDITORS, 4" In the matter of the estate of The Penwardem late of the township Osborne, in the County of Huron y man, deceased. Ice Notice is hereby giv'en pursuant to Oh 110 °fele ROriaod Statutes of Ontario. see. 36 of the aot that all persons ha olaima against the Estate of the Thomas Penwattlen, who died on • 3r5 day of Marob, 1894, are rogues to deliver or send by POO prepaid to me Elliot& Elliot. Solicitore for the Adminie trix of th o aaid Deceased, on or before the day ef May,1894, a statemept rn arming tainieg their names and addresses and particulars of their claims duly verified by tutory Deolaretion and the nature ot the se ity(if ane) held by them,and that after the last raeetioned date the said Administr will 'proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled the haying reatird only to claims of vrhieh no ahall have been received as above required. the, said Administra,trix will not be liable the said assets, or any part thereof so dis buted, to any person or persons of whose ct or olaims notice shall not have been recei bY her at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter. this 281h day of Maroh. 1891. 31 Sol I ciBEteri's LiflporTa.tmE tLLtarTa r1 Exeter, 0 'HALED TENDERS marked "For Mount Police Clothing Supplies,' and *drilla* to the Honorable the President .of the BI Memel, will be reesiyed tip to noon on DAY, 10th APREL,1894. • Printeeforms of tender containing full! formation 1ta ;to -the articles andquanti required may be had en application to the such printed forme. • Patterns of artiolea dersigned. No tender will be recelyed unless made be seen at the office of the tuadereigned. ' Each tender must be accompanied by"4 accepted Canadian bank Cheque for an aria On Pilain skeet, Dec. 27111, the follow- ing letter, Owner may have it on equal to ten per cent of the total vele° application to Trans Office, and articles tendered for, which will be forret payiug cost of this advertisement ; My Ownest Own,— Since your cruel repulse from my side at the hand- or, rather, the foot --of pa, I have enusecl long and fondly, nry darling, on your daring propoeition that I should fly with you and he at rest. I know it's naughty, and my heart, and my tonscience reprove me, bet I'm ready to fly with you, dearest, to the utmost parts of the earth. If 1 reniember aright, the instructions were : Carriage cOrnor Street, midnight, • than away to a land where the, scorner is not. Terms to be made - at leif3ure with infuriated papa. Peace being made, we are to return to Exeter, re- ceive his blesaing, settle down, and live happily ever afterwards,just like Arthur and Angelina, the couple in "For Love Ana Forbune; or Love will Find a Way." You know the book, love. I do so hope nothing will happen to prevent our esaape. If pa should catch us before we are married.—oh 1 Charlie, I shudder to think of the consequences. Bub with you, love, Ien prepared for the worst. Senile when you see me in church, ea, I sh,,,u know you expect inc , to he ready When the fateful time comes, Aed now, Charlie, my own beloved mud much-LI:bused darling, adieu till we meet at the witching hour of midnight at the corner of the street. Yours till death, * * cotit'aSge.—fuPt"nritelIalle)(81,3'st)Ctitlhiaatcl vrbe°811711ght ae a home to come to east we are 'recent:II- ed to p9, Atkinson (opposite the grist null) has a fine stock and ho e1lE chtiap. Seel him ahOttt the fttraitlite at onao, , , if the party destine to enter into a contr.; when called upon to do so, or if .he Ian supply the articles oontraeted for. If tender be not aocptod tho ohettis wilt returned. t' inserting this a,clvertieeme t without seem No payment willabe to newspapi ity having been fast obtain d. FREE. WHITE, • nomptroller N., W. M. Poi' 0 ttawa, March lth, 1894, Itt the matter of the estate of Thole Penwarden, late of the Township Usborne, in the County of Rim Yeoman, Deceased. UCTION SALE Of first-class farm in the Township of botne, and farm stook arid chattels. There will be soldhy Public A tuition at SP,/ricrinEi8lelt'A,1/4, t`1111IET°7WriniiihDiPAY°f OUFsb°Ar 1891, a,t 1 o'olosk in the afternoon, Nubia subh conditions as shall than be prodimed Number TWO (2), in the t4inth ct 8i01111t°Yf f oll theult%riw,a8heinigirill;0bc)nrneHu ef °'li i 0011 n (100) adrOa more or leen chard,FswhiliTeiiiiii,bietsofitoolos:w4db onaritns 600°04,bbm:eoidantfliglmiwil:eciliotinb:iithottilenarircened. at htdet :Tee, j 5104 frame •2toolfeiroos A large eitidatimeof farm stock end elm to 8 milter from Exeter and 13 ftom Si Mar 11114918 011 SALE-Realte6 t 10 pat coat n on day of sale, balance is thirty days or alnoaciapc..nitrteliterdg.er Piweralsoo,dnitolo.porveepdeirottittlan100 6, Menthe eredit or Per cent. Pet 611161m tor cash. For further oartieulars apply to ELLIOT & lteLL1OT Sonr eiters for Mare etina Actorortist EllatnetS 001tenSet & ,IAME5 JONES. Witioheleaa I0. Petite etith Mate, 1894.