The Exeter Times, 1894-4-5, Page 1� I .. ___ , , -_ I I -111 -5 --- �� ul .LuIJIX, �. 1.� I . �. � I 1 ",*4 , "�, , .1
I I- ��� ,"I `�� w I
, ,
� I � 0 . , , � _ . ! M!Tn I � ----.— 1'!n!!!�!!!!d4 — . � : � I., ionx w9lirs a 09.41�, ,
. . . PG0J111heVA%q,dFv9.p, �p, . -
i Lucan. , I - I . � .. 00,�, On � ''
I _ I - . 'j$j.,., ��
� Xr. Robert Rdwart1g. -Messrs; Delay i I -------- z�� - , --- I � �',,.,_
... I I !!�!.w " 4�0
— . . . Brol. of Grey county, . arrived in the vil. I Kirk pil. I I I I � � . . `7� - �i ,��`,,
BiiiE1Ps._Tb e Ladies' Aid of Holy 11 Sharon, , 1. I �
�� I I Trill. I �_,�, � � ,%-,.,�,.',,
I .
I Churo , will gtv a the Ur J Shier, and the other with Bltrmrs.—A week agr�"`arniera in tf!i# I Bend, Ii. C., oi is 4.011in - I ; I ,�� � ,
I I f ity with Tear North sioria ,
.� BE � I rORD 05 si their concert I lage lm$t woOk ; one of them himd ,. — N R Thurh4ay , p "I.
I . To a Ha[ On Friday evening, April oth Mr. i . I Bltuxs.�-Jfhe fariners. are once more evening, William Massonder, seAlon, map � ,g Bad! . , , "'.
I 1, 0 � , ,
I W Pegler, � I . I fieQtTO11 Worst making preparation$ to busy. at ti air spring worK,;--Soilloone I - I. CDougall, , fU113� , , I I ��!,
A splendi programme is being piep%red, . . . � Was shot sad killed by John 11 I , 41 1:�
I I I 1�
__� o0same'nos' se"ing kyl entire change has lately irculated a veport As3erting, . , I , I I 11� .. ��
t I which wl be'kendered by both local and I in the.,weather has or Course Changed b C I : I ... ��, ,
I I � I I I the Prospects and ' - Is n . 0 P , hab our teacher bas refused. to distri- I Wsto and, women were arrested and so has our spring and, 3um ... , �111 I'll, . 1, -
foreigil tolaut—The Rev. 11, Shaw, of . I thell I T 11�a MI, t1131,l -in I a I . � "I �'_,:,
f Woodham, this. muensall. in various p 31
1� � I parish, is down on the, sick list, gad - � roba- bute file ,ssail whin it -is left at the arts of Now York Ciz oil li��i. . mer , ,, I"
was unable to fulfil his .. __ I bility now chat spring:W111 be much , day charged ,A�itfi pl ,,goods. ,Step in ali4, see . I I ''I
I '
-`� danos on Sunday. any earl � . thin ti,ugi, I . if school., This is a' misunderstanding, ying the location, of I I .
. �� , In his'aba4nda Mr. Jainsas Sadlier officiated. W, 6AM)MDRON SUTTIr, Darriater Soliol- -A l; a race it as she rlid not make any s ch� statement, abortionists. i , I Our new dress goods, � $0 1 "'��.,,�' �
I I I I I , I ��,.,
I I . -or, � 4 1 �
This store is —me. I W. � Reld has sold his if al 0 i fionvopnoer- Offiee haia-st. meeting of ilia pstrons of the crea,n- but did. all she could unless she travelled 'A London oorres beautJul it) appearance, lo e- I I I I . '(, �'.
I .
I , I
.1 beaut an be consulted after office hours at the oily, Rooert Beatty was to I pondent, in Sarltailder� I V � :1
leam of colts. to Ur Graham, of oommeroW 3-1 appointed says thirty persons were killed by ly 14 finish, durable in I', �� ,
Lonslon.� otel. i-iblivall, aroundwitill it herself,—A the ex. . t6xture 11 , , ,v��.
� . ,. . forward the ittteroilts or th � number ni plosion in the hold of* tile I I . . -1� . ,.,,,
I . I . Our two weeks' 1�unkrupt Speoial Bargain 'I'll8mAkeln,st s0otaosa, nggreg1;tod3,7,_ of the opri taking ad vantage , Cabo Machichaco. . . for low , .. ""'I", 1
populo r Miss R Mina Fox id, Visiting. friblids in a taoto"y' th's'loCality litsve been, oalik,m steamer rLnd breaks allprevious records �
. VNI datook. for a few weeks,—Ur, R, sale of Boots and il ,5 I , � � �,, ",
Progressivo O! 00 shoots was a grind 3upoems ng season, in sualang maple L Prices. On new prin'ts
I I w6il, Of tile Queer"d Usital, .spent $&tar- butiLBWO havoqa�to rp,-lou of the isankrup 00lbs,of butter, and &11 arrarife, . sugar. . � Prussia is abouttofoll . . . Lr L '.
, I , Stock left yet, and also rooeivpd. 2U L I . ow Bvvarla's ex- I .1 I L ... 1,
. I I Persevoring L flay in,.tondou. -W9, are pleased to say of all kinds Of foot new eases Meats were made for berrying on the L L pass 4,1aw forbiddlig the use ,are. simply Immense, so t�e . �'
. � . . L I ans"I'le, and L , �L,
.�, tbmt Mr. Henry Robineou Is, getting. on suinister trade, )ire , woar for the S pr1ugL and buailloss on tile I NO I " of Carrier . ladies tall. us and they should I � L � , . , 1�1
I baVedeoidod to extead our SaInd- system d * . Ivra7.. pigeons Without a boonse from I �1.
I I . . I
anoo of this month up to April awaill - - I L d gents'
. raxinstaking niaely,, and we hope soors 'to, see I, L Sale for the bal tile Present year, -Rev, B. L. Hu arlig MoGrill I theLGovernment. : know. ForladiAs' an ; *�,�,
. L I I . I Y.
:. , -Xiss Hodgins, ot London L . .4 0 .
. around ay,kin.w Ilm let- lye Would therefare. invite Yea to Call , term airoastor of tl tho i I " .
I ) and bring Your XcDairinx,along and "t it � don I le me d st don. despatch s footwear wc, I '.`�.,
I 11, Busiaoss grows because who was visiting SCHOOL RzilonT, -The fol I 11 i1c aYs transcontinental , never did take I � . ��,
. L . I Miss IY14Y Porte lasls� while you- wait. sotol, a t,aw�.qaote,tions! egafton is neari lowing is passana Tgoafflo IS now Lmore demoralized I second ,pl%ce and we never I L I ,�L�
I , Or il'� a L Close, A'ld the standing of the pupils in S.S. N I - . �1
I builb on a sure foll'adation— week, , has rt.turned boine, , Womens, ruhilers from 30o and upwards',L general regret is'felt t1i at thm L tiS innit I 0, I than it has ever been and that, mieswill I had .501arge and well assort L . L
�, , L ' . ___ L wOmbns' Baff Bala, fpsis 7$c and up*ard* . XcGill ivray for February L and March' not be rest6red on April 1. - . 1,
. L Man S L I
I I I men's gaitors froni 90o and upw,trd I . be oevered. Ilia Very , Accepta,I)ls, I I
Reliable Goods ,and 1OWL . . . . . I I Usborne. L I �. . OnL ',llft� na.mea are in order of application .0 . I I ed a'stock'as now, And llow I i. I ,�
. . I I I L . L I shoes from 75c tud upward., men's long boots talniisl;ry has d a much to popular�ze I Mrs, 0 dwIn of Bayham, ,.mother. of L . ' L :.:4.
1 . __ I )nduot :-'JVL class,-Lawren a word to the boys from . .� .
. - I - . from §1.60 au4 upwards. 'Trunks Land vaiises agitation fbk a five year terin.-JaS. (). Kelly, Willie Kelly, Maud Bssyh ' ce I Mr. H. T. Godwin; X.P.P., died suddenly . I 6 to L L . 1-1 I
I . , prices. . . , , at rook bottom yrices, Boots and shoos made rufts has been and c(L of heart d roo years of ,age; Ve L L "'. ,
OBITUAILY.-Again the slokle of death to order'iu the late0,style. Cult and sea our I Visiting friends at Belie- ILI,, 'an ;- isease at her broth,�ea place, We ha ",
L I Houle"'L, - Quarry, 'Pat. near P it Stanley, Lon Wedaesda f, S 0 rl ' I � ,
I WEA A OE ON 8A I 1C ,has been thrust in and removed from our new$tOrO- Terms 04811,: I Ville and Detroit; --An "'At 1 Uses Curtin, Jas. J. � , .0 L Y. I I lething really elegant, to I IL I I '�.:"
� �
I . . - L- A- midst ons, of car oldes Siza of Big Boot, I I 12 rick 0 Dwy Thoi. Boyle John 1. Charles Clitmi)(31-laim, ,of Tomato who I show 011, ift ckWear 'L i .i L;� ,
L � ��;,
, , :
I , , and . '' :� ��; , .
I I 'L 'L
I . .1
I . . t vird Most respect- . ' . I . A., WESHWIT, the Methodist Qburcb netted $22 � Baybe I ; I T,81 -1 n - Wjn�jpeg JurJ ne . I L ' .
� T I rsona in the person of Jamop�Rowcli&' . L � Hot,] won's B look. : Arnos Doape mndL Ida M. H I Win. Bayheii, Leo. J, ated'soveral persons in the I I ; 1. 1,
- utton wc�re Curtin Gordon Frazsr ; 11 part,� L I r",
1. I H/SL WEEK , "" po" sa to the Epworth League. phl'ip b'Dpryre. L . P-le"17r1,0, I ,- �
. . A of I t 6, Con. 9, who died on -"ilia 26d of Following are the market quotations 1. dolegat on, was on Saturday - sentenced: to nishings. SfU6 made I I
5 0 er'. - , April, 1894, aged 54 yeai-a and 7 months. Nybea .... I ... L' I ........ 65 to 58 ' Convention I I 1, the: penitentiary. . ready made at it. � I .
Men,'s Long Ropts- at a ' . 11 I three ,years in I 'to order or ' I L I 11.
. 11 L I I
I 11
Though not all old mail, Mr 90woligehad Barley ................. 36 to �35 —ft-# -W-"— . 1. . I - I 01�__ I Th cond actor of a tailroad train r � . , L"
. . � �
L . I �
1 . ,� I L � Centridia. . I a . un- REDUCTION'.OF 50,w6 PER CENT I
seen abo at 4 r wn I up calm ....... L . Zur I I nilig b on Turin and Milam was ar. � ' ' - . .
pair; Womens' and Child- . borne O.yearaLof pioneer 'life .,in Us_ L ..... 30 to 31 I I ioh. . L , � , _. I �
' L
I I I . and had 8 Q With the .: peas .................... 1 50 to. 60 I . '7-'- 1 1 1 , rested 'yesterday on suspicion of having EV ur store i ' 'edt , ie , � L L I I '
. I :rens' Shoes at 20o and --Q�!'. Borts, in Devonshire, L England, ........ 8,00 to 7.00 ZRIEFS-111r. J. F, Rickbeil has BitlrP&..-7,Misj Cobleigh of London L 6 1011 2,000 Ere. He hanged aimself in eryt-lAg in o ' I - , .. I �
. I � ,,, ed to, hard time p ' epetd ' 'L�
11 60c. a. P&ir ;'Beantifal the d.wy.hsed was V ' Young when with I B`ia,ty,4-. .. -. .. .. . . . . . I . I ..... visiting Mrs.' , R. Cobleig h 8 call. . rices,. a "' ^ L
. ery
Eggs ............. ... 1 13 to 18
. . his father's family 116 removed to Canada� 151olli .arrived here with his family, from 15
colored Prints ' � W,,.�ll here. Martinez Campos, the Spa , upon ,it. Highest p,.rl I
I at 5c and bacime a vanident of this township jjogfi, . .,L. . . .� . . , OaValier, N�srth Dakoba,� all -41189 L,juie HiCk3j L Who nish cora- i ge, i��d I I
l I
... 600 to axed to be almsong old friend me on a visit raturned . to mander, has been. offered a ti',18 and a produce, .
I I I . I . 77,
. Oa or about Christmas Is grippe fastened clover dead ... I 1. 1 _ - Toront-o last week. -An interesting a( - . . I I
) - , 626 Pis i I a again has libm ho for fargi
lir d yard ; Fourdif on his system and finally ended in inflamn . I . . Mi., Jacob Warm returned from � I . I pension as a reward for his servIceg in. the. ' li . I
I I . Bpupps.-One evening recently the Visiting trip to Detroit a few days ai,,o. dress Was given to the members of she recent troubles in Morocco, bot a of which . P- ROSS, - MarlKet DeDot
. . - 8 ination of the hings,'of which disease he. choir of the Methodist church here weast -Mr. John Brenner has moved ii�.bo he I has declined. . L � � �,,,
, ' ( ,d,i,o after .6 heroic struggle of si&teejl R. T. r IfT. last Friday evening by Mi. I
I � .1 144 -, inch . ,% duration. Mr� Rowoliffe . to the parsonage ill a body 'and �rasent- Mr. D StOinbAOWS hous Ar. D.X a. Muir C f Exeter; - He gave an account Thos Higgins, . I a Chicago murderer, wits —_ I - , � � �.
. 4, � I I .was mar. . .a, hanged on Friday. OWT C , ::� `
, "'
, Cashmere, , , ad thd pastor, Ray. Mr. Swann, with a Qarral' of his visit to the Grand Lodge. I A large � , ....
, �l I] I I" A
. . T I I 1� I 1 14 1 �. �,
I . I ried nearly thirty yesus ago to Agnes. a into Mr. 0. Grab's house Rr. -ROV- 4emoustrabion at the gaol, dcor against . n ro
I � , I � .=4)b made, a " -
. I I g hill who with a family of four sons fine Photographof the choir, beautif 11 D. Gottsehalk.into Mr. James W, Afr..Bt,tt is preso4ing a series o ' I - Foll I ,.
I at 26c I y in 's I �-Sun- Prende
. .. a L . ree. daughters mourn the loss of framed, am a token of the good will aund day sy3ning sermons on the Bible.- I rgast, the murderer of: Carter Har- I E .11 W�_ _� ��,,- -�>- 1 -, :.�
- a I boyse, and Air. Q Brill into his house rison, I 'L�. "o �
" yard;- Boy's , . Atind hearted dad generous husband and . bDu he Black Knight will tell tbe-story of Friday for two week I I : " I
,�� . feeling existing bet�ean pastor alla . gh.t.from uAr, D. T I whose, execution was POtponed on,, I - l Ilk" , , 1-11, � .�1� "
. an indulimit fathel,. took L pl� - Gottachatic.41r, I . 8, I I I wja]�H,�� ?, . , I I I ''I � -
I : The deceased was choir. -A pla�s;ii sea at J.4610S moorelbas move"t his life in -night) I I �� I , �
Odd Pants at . warm hearted And genial, a good ricilibbor . b eyerse I . I to his rent ad Smith's Hall (to A public meeting was hold Ill 1, .,
the residence of Mr. D. Ball, of tile farm,�^ called the. Peang rarm."Air Thurs.lay. I . St. Cath- I I TO MANSON'S Big Slaughter I'll I , 1!11�11
J 6PO. Fh pair; Mens, who will be missed ,, � � arines pa Friday, at which resolations, pro- Sale of -130ots and Shoes. I I I ,'' I �11 .
I ,� .
4 memo to as . much, for his williak�, township of 114y, OTI Wedae,4diy, the John, Torrance from, near Vama; --- , testing against the Closing down Of the old I � �' �`,
. .
, oist his neighbors and to do kind 28th alt., tile occisAi0n. being tile mar- St Illey, as no� r6vad to mad sattl�,,d Welland Canal He has kn6cked the Old time prices clean . I..
Felt Huts for 25c ; . a h . I ",
� actIA was piovetbial of him. Sometime ago .fty I I -
I a of Ilia daughter, � . I .4eld � were passed, anil a delega- ' I I I . ,I
Glass Sugar Bowls Wz! be joined ;hc 0, 0- 0. rf. of which society � I Ellen to Mr oil his newly bought farm forme 71y , . tion ollit8d to 90 to Ottawa and inter- out of existence. For the, next 60 daTs 1, I '%I .1 1,�t
. . . . I .: ��_
ria , . I — aff I I !, �� �
I 1 = -we understand he was at thae of deoeasa,a_ John McAllister of 1,he Parr line. !the ov'vned by Mr. H. H.1pp I 01. P I I view t Govermillent. for Cash �. I "
. ifiterasting care oil I We exteqd Bltirips.-Miss Annie Erwi,- . � i Only lie sells (our own hand � ,�'.
Cream' Pitchers I and I m . i i has re- , . . I , �,!: .,
� . m . member in good stauding, garrying an'ia- y was performed by Our warm, welcome, to him and ais turned to London ,after spoilding The Governineuts of,Cireat Britain, the made) .. I . I . L , �1 , .
. B owl s I at 9� cents each 111rance Of 42,000., The funeral took Place Rev, J. S... Ecesidersun of � Housall, ill family And, hope .the United States and Italy have u-,iftedl ,Men's Pre �,�__
, , ,
. 'ille , will, with - lis winter at her home here.-Sabool re- Coln Y, �'re- 1101 Rip Boots at,44; Iffen's Imperial f, 11,
� � I .
. Ow Wednesday and was largely attended .the Presence of a large nuinbe of tainitY a his.4%v houle as well as 0 an mended to the Governm6at RiP J300ts at $3-50; Men's extra good Cowhide I I : �L'
� . . I � r : UJOY I n y with teachers an Of Brazil I soots, sa. Men's, N.Vouica,s and Childreii1i . :� - � ,� I '
. .
You P041�ively Cannot afford t I 0 Miss the relnftins being interred in th a Exeter' frie,hds. The lipppy, couple have 1ha tile one which he'dame from. schola.'s quite re d that a humane course be adopted in re- Shoes inendlesovarietiesat, 20 per vont.div ' I ' '. I � '.;
cametery. The bereaved wife end family congratulations of ljo.stS of friends for I I I- �, �0�_ - Easter ady for work after the gard to the insurgent refugees -who have '3`1111t* Repairiisgprom6tly and neatly done I � '' � , , "!
those great Bargains. They- won 't last I . I . vacation. -Mr, Thomas ban shelter on board the Portuguese w I at the following Prices. Xen'snalfAol I 'L ..
long., � . . . I I - have the isysifpathy of the neighborhood In their future: happiness and prosperity. .1 I . Hibberz. , . .moved to a house on I I arships, .. as oilit � ,
theiv affliction. I � h � I I Clan, 11regor 4004 women's"ll alf Soles only 35e., me an I �::
--- . I square Owned by Mr. Esmon._.�_jjlss . I I
Don't forget thab with $30 Go Worth � T eY will reside on the old homestead', . � Two railroad emplQyes,,,Wmlte� MeDouff secure some of,these,Bargains. ' , � I I
I L', . .
) � cation . : -.GEO-.� MANSON'S, I 1�.,� I �
Friend after friend departs Parr line. Mr. John Wisism le .-On Wednesday evening of McClu-iky Of Porter's Hill"s here via: near Kamloops station Manitoba. Me$- . I .
ofgoods we give 'Yoll One of those BRM,pa All and John Messenger, had all liter
. Who hath no; lost a friend ? "' iaLt, itin her brobbe -LThe , a hoad with a I . I The Peqle's Shoe Stor�6. I
BEAUTIF UL .P101, Ul.tE S. . . brother of Mr. D. Weismillor, ruarclIl r' last weak.ti'Aumbelr of invited trierds I
I . 9 r. I .
, , of this village, wits,, brie aame day, linit- gathered together at the residence of viCA in St, Andrew's church on 8 U �
11 Thore is no union here of hearts', I re was no set. senger hit McDougall over th
. ' ' "' Tb -t hath n,ot here ail and. . . . ad his marriage to �,[iss 514ry Blair, of �111`- (4, Leary, lot 13, don 13, Hibben, day lar;st.� . u .- slick and the latter then Pulled a Tevol r Next Door to Post office. ' � I
I -_ .. I I � I I $ The fishermen are getting and shot his assail . ve . . I I �
I . out three times.. Ifes- — I - - I 1� I � � 1,�
I I I the township of �Stanley. The mar- to wiinesi the Placid w te a of the their' i"Gatl rem lY for summer fishi Bsnger lived only 15 min - --- "
�'Ofl, 8. FORD d. Co. . r I I
woodham. 1-11 � riage carcimony Waa performed at, the I ill t , eabeing disturbed by the -OnFrida n _�_, utiss. I . I., I — I , 1. I
I . . . I
I I , ,,
. 1. a "I'moul", I y OVening April l3tli Rev. . Sandy McDuff, who escaped after hdip- , I
I I I I __ I manse, Clinton� qftur which the happy launching Of I lite boat havinglas usual, Hay. . I I
RFmvs.--,Tohn skinner 1&8 L been inakal yo is to lea- ing to murder Wilson Holton an old., her- � � L 'I-,
) !�__ _�Bh_ipka `____` * J' Livi ngstOuG Of Kincardine I I I I
I � L 1:
. � � . � �,:.
I — I .1 in !WPrO1V6rnaut3 to hig . Uv39 COuPla weilt on a trip and visit I two necuPants, in the persons of 11r. ture zr the town halltinder: the auspicea near Tilbury Centre ail years ago, SCHOOL Rzro=.�Tbo following is the ,
Armers a' I ' y among friends. 0 bride was the re . rh6 "li. aarburn and Aiss J. Leary. of the ROY41' Term Plars - The aubject mai' I I I I .
( place in the wa , -
1, , Tb - I WM i -
1311=0n.-Tfie f re busy P new front fence, 1. ,- I knot WA has jusb beers. found guilty of another mur. March report for S. S. No. 2, Ray. Tb - . 1 11, ,
. � . lowing The farm. an' . J(fiin is a hastler-', 6ipianu,uf 45ollso vat -V )lan,d Se�,Uik%ly tied by file -Wha',ldonli forget .1 a
. I I 1, I
I ,
atullithie week continues fia�*tfs d stock of the late Thomas .isoxhe presents,. ftr3V . . I (kf the. W,Ad' der in Gladwin,. Mich. . names ate in orderof merit.�Fiftb,_C 0 � L : 1�
. core will . and ir many friends in to. The Fait," ,,a very interesting. . 9 � .
be considerable seeding done. -Mr. Batz, Peawardeals to be Put up for we unite With itie; ' ' V9. Copeland, '01 Zlinivil , I
. sale Oli $at- . bride was waited o I . Ill Connection with Dun.,& Comptiny"a .1101411) RF Chapman. -Sr. .Fourth. -FE . I I .1 . - I
. . :Reeve was in London I wishing them all lin I d X1 ,by kisis, S. A., H ir- - harges Mr. Erastas Wiman's friends in Ross, Aland Bussell, A,nnia No I , , _ 1,
I I OD'*eak ittOuding urday next, April 7th -Ray. Mr, RICO - - ppinuss mi prosper- . -1"'
preached in the isveni&j at zion . . � burn sister cit. the ____�, I Aboott and , 1.
on Sun- it'y in I .groom-, while *,.qr , - are confident that he will be Nellie O'Brien, equal. -Jr, Fourtb,-X46lfia . - ,,, �
� where their new home in Glenallan' . Crediton; . i 0 ,W ..
tile lasv &ails between Stephen Council And I N York
. A. W. RobilisolL. day last. He Ur. Weisiniller shortl Win., .
Mr. Daman, harneass . is working in the interest of I I y intends I Leary, brother ofthe bridet acled , � . able to prove that lie has b ay. Nellie Xotthoott.- � I I
maker, is talking of building a new shop.- f 011ie :gL,.dI.hs' I .een made the., Gould, James Shirr I -
I . I
� i College. St.. Thomas.. This - moving and engaging in .the , mercantile ". groo,lisman. After the ceremony _ I victim of a conspiracy. . I . Sr, Thlrd,e-J W Todd, Beckie Northoott, . I I I . �
or tleyllas ,moyed into the Oil. , ch is at present very heavily business. ' � � � I , � all.50 down ton well Wden table a ad BRrEm.-Ths 21th Ray del ebration WilliaBullock, editor of The Hay Trade J Jackson. -Jr, Th! � rd, -W Jackson M M � I I I I
I . � I
house, lately vacated at Ratz,a saw mil found n6 means of paying it ex . enjoyed the necessaries for the Inner comm., ttde� hava raised a large sum ol of Can � Russell, Sarah Northoott.- secoull'- . I I .
'I I t' . . man. ajoharia, XY., was in, Vlashingtori W �
Indeb . I
-There it to be o,tolephono ,h,ire cept by 4pplyi . � - We �dougratulate IVIt. .
between tiara and Mr. Shorritt's. erected I Agli'lapr. ng to the people of Weatern .1 . Stephen Oounoll . I I � I . fl�srburn money for the purpose of celebrating last week. for the purpos4 of Busch, Bards O'Brien, Willie :O'Brion.- 1_
O, b i,o lo� help., The conference sent out I I I 11 on on able pa the QL-aen's Birth � . . �. presenting a .�.
oil t1h . , -, , . I sits an ,ami r "a � as ,M iss .1 clay with sports and maramothpatition to. Congress �a favor of Second Part, -J Jackson, Bibel'Sortboott � � -
Parkhill line in the near future. .. to . .lilist the RYMP&%hies and hel . Leary is. o b'b , ,rt,, . gain A good time is Gertie Harvey. -First Part I . . I �
I P Th C met on April 2 A Ine of Hi a fairAst proinised,___� retaining the duties on hay., Willie 0%
� of the P( 'I 4 �Ouaci' I all MaRs - . a, 11 - � I .'A
I )epic in freeing this debt. All bars a term. May th6jr ' Mr. Zhu G. Young .has been at Exet" .1ohn Eli Wads, a farmer of Clark I Brien, Lithe Mat) � Busch. The
I .*�_ . .present. ' Mivales of last, �maeting ' voyage through . coun m, Archie I I _�
Eire kiuMy invited to give whit they can, wore read and signed. By-laws ralatino, . "' I or the past week attendin t�v, Xy., has e . best spellers In the monthly spelling match- . I I.,
" I :'If, b'. both long and happy. They g his mother ,hristened a girl be by born at . I . . .
? Chiselhurst. and thus save our Mathodiab, College, to, 11 0 D'also read and si9ded-cle,li to lr�tenl to reside An Hensall, as Mr' who &IN been very ill. -The Lawson o dard - , after as W F I : , ��,� ,
. . . I . his house last Week Madeline P ere:- ifib.-C 0 Rose. --Sr. Fourthi- .
11 - which is doing a noble work. -One of our nee J Hartman in t6b matter- of damuge .84rbura, has secured ," a'�sltuistion . in farm ef 150 aores was sold under wort. the Plaintiff in the notorious br Maud Rust ell. -Jr. Fourth and Sr. Third, �. I �� '.
� .
. I
; BmEirs.-Oivific 12th of last month its Young men had q aite a disappointment the. costs. 1116 following loathmasstare war, Mr. Welah's, pifis jug mill. gage on Wednesday last, to, Mr. promise case at Washington. . Bach of ,.-B4Okle Northoott.- Jr. Thirai--sarah I . ,, F,
cLur gailial blacksmith was tak ng hie even- other day.' Wissising to have somb pure appointesi. 1, F Hicirs , 2, R cT flandfmdg; � il, . I � I . Goo. Lawson for $4,000,..___Mr, , W A petition will be presented to the I Vnit- Northooti.- Second, - 'VVillie' Busch.- I I I . I � � - �
Ing wAikdOwu by the rivers and maditating maple sYruP, lie struck for the bush . . ., 1. I I . atto r � I , , , I
some I . I where 3, T Essoiy - 4 8 Snell ; 6, A S Parsons ; ad States Congress asking that I Ody to Im- Second Park�Freaborn. Johnston. -First I I . I �
I hillmVffla. . I . Clark6 is building all implement shed. Part -�-Willie O'Brien. I I ".;
pails of the. sweet liquid, he began boiling I . I - � -Tille spring show will be hold next Senator P I � I � ZZ
on the bassaties of mature, . trees were t%pped. Gathering a few % Mr. �Allea'; ' �. 8; R Wilson - peach, Col. Breckiaridge, . . �
he discovered a 7, W Hicks , . . , � . th3
. gray bird'a nest contaisising four esvie' John 1 91.0 Christie; 10, W a. senders , 11) T . I . . . wh 0 1 1 I.. . , I I
. will be plusid 'to show any' vlatto . down. Towards, evening he,took a sup ot Shaptor '12, G Penhale ;, 19, P Lsue , BRtnva.:ReV. J. P. Rice, ocoup ed Wedn-asdAjr..W. H. Wenzel to build- in Ose conito tion with the Pollard -Brack- . I . I I , I "I
. I . ll� the theliquid, and exclaimed: ,, It,will squil ; ing'AlAftudsolne 'bus 'for 'Our g i ridge Case has given him .such motor at . I I . � I I 1.� ,.�
. .
Garioqitr.�Mr-'Xell Kennedy has taken 1 14, T .� Baker; 15, W Redden ; 16, W E. the pti.,pitSunday.morning and preajh- I , i y*. Bad Blood causes blotches, boils, pimples I I . ,; 1�
. Nofvice with Mr. Gen. Sillaryi: of Hibbert, be done.", Wishing to get.home to have -a Sanders - 17, J Stalslake, ,- is, ,T ed livery utiani Mr. Chas a n'al At Brooklyn, N.Y., on Thu sdny, Charles abscasses, ulcers, scrofula eta. Bar ..
. 11 Wicket- I Very RcCePtsblY.` oil "Gideed's . Wolfe.-Memarm . dook , � �7 ..
I I ' . . I I I 1,
I feed of the fruit of him labor , �, be raked th(, I I Trevathick & Walker a -ti. Morris, tax collector of! Gravesend, Blood :Bitterm cures bad blood in any.form , I 11 I
I for a term of 7 months. Mr.,.X has sa,.ur_ 9, T Lamp,ort'; 20, VV Banes ; 21 J Pilik- A"my"�11r"'- W. Farn6ombe Town- , re improving I 11
� I ad a good place aud Mr. Bills voils together and put in. an extra stick or Diner ; 22, F Eilber � 2 pleaded, guilty to the indiatmel-,t of Con- from a common pimple to the worst icrofa- I I I I I
� I
ry has A good - 212, -G ,Witi4'; 24 G ship Anglueer, theirpremises by tearing down the spiracy found against hial anc,was sen- loan sore. .
,. has . been in the .
Inan.-Mr, L. Parrish, a young Aje . two. of wood, Them. being content; he 0 astreicher ; 25; J G wine ; '26 S'Jonoa ;' neighborhood during the ol& bu toiler shop. -Mrs, i G I . . � I
,,I pr for some it 27. G Lawson - 28, 0 i ilba'r' , 29, J reference to d tchea an the 6th and f8th . W -Visiting friends in Exeter. fenced to six m I
smaller, who ban thodiab seatisd hims6lf on a log bear bV, but being week with . . . I . I ., Young onthis in the Pont ��
I stationed in Manitoba, is at proseele boo" taken up too much wi E i I I . � I Despatches fr �elltiar`Yo , Shin diseases are more or. less directly , . ..
at. he, th his present, com- Schwartz; N Kelatla ; 31, 3 Rowe , 32 T , concession . . I � om . sixteen points in the .
I � 000nsionea by bad blood, I 1, I I ,� ,
Alas'l, upon look. Killgallen - 33, J Lawson ;, 34',' G' _,N&w- in attendance at the asaiz I . I � - nd the following Skiii Diseases; Shingles$ I
Tiaiting his friends.-Afts. Donald Stowa ne fort he forpot his s,%p; 8, -Mr. G.'W. flolinan Vfas ------- J_ I -- great peach -growing district of Maryla 3B, B. B. cures
, rl� inR into the kettle as in London say the extreme cold of the a . � -
. he found nothing bat hiany - 86' J SOILthooti ,, , *� T 1�dstle - two �.dayg last week, having bman (fra . nd Bend. I � has blighted the b last .'wo tights Erysipelas,Itching Rashes, Salt Rhoum I I I
0 r � � , mains c in lag. I � . - I lossoms I .
. ears, of ago. "� . 9 . I I - , . � h V ,, but some of SCELid Hand, Eruptions, Pit 11
,has recovered from her � recent illness and the charre 87 1 1 ,�we , �'9, 'T G , , 0 I I nPlel, Blotches: ��
. .
. la,quit smis t. sh� ilj� 83 y d re i 1* , *to the , P Hall ; 38, J, I &mOu - summoned as a wit' , . I �
I Donald McKinnon I a 0 sides of .'the . men n the Grand BAWA. I the largeab growers - a 8 I Ot given � I
-, � California, all(I kettle. Being overcome 40, A Uc0ormick ; 41, 42, T Gulithisir ; 43' -Farmers are now com. I UP by removing all impurities from the blood
now of the Sth c,P) with , disappointment, he, arrived at the O Finkliltsor ;, 44,.. H Willert'; - 45, H - a Bend Cut oase.-Mr Thoss. Johns; flag hope. . . . 11 11 11
- okersisaith, hag ho . . InsinceJ their seeding and , report, from, a. common Pimple to the worst Scro- . � I ��
use ,in ,a very disappb Re been carriing the the 'foung Alfred Thomas: was auquitted at fulous Bore. I I I I I 11
fully recovered .'fro is I inted oo� ition. Haabon : ,16, il St. Marys 1XIMil land, in � good workin Stratford on Thursd the charge of I .
I . finest. . Roffulan ; 47, T Lan`- several days, relieving g order.��The
.. Donald has ficam� a; good deal of the world A.'roral-Watchfulness is the key to success, . Port ; 48, 0.,Willert , 49, J Winkerawade';' who has be ii in X r B- SOC'ex, �GtAu Bend foot ball ctub re -organized baying murdered ol ay of I I , I
I Rinds he 14 �,]!Ylr T d Norway Pine Syrup Cures coughs, colds, �
I . � his own dear Invernese. lie h6suas �Smith and Mr Samuel Glenn, � 50�, P Boulmhom ; &I, b 666,ijot -, 52 0 a attendance at the oil Satarday evening and will moon* :be telaber 17 Is' d Mrs. Martin. on Sep. asthma, bronobilisi hoarseness, more throat . I � I I
I- bed side of him liNthor-in-lavy the I.,ite at. The court reft,sod to, ad- sad diseases of the throat and lungs. .�
, served two terms in the two of the� oldest settlers on the Base line, F in,kbiner ; 63, J Baxter : 54,� A �rarn,',r ; jas. ROWCI,fre g mit prisoner's coutession I of guil, to: a con, p, I I I I I I 7
Ad 24 days annual, .-Tho choir leader end ,a elected :-Mr. Win, stable and others. � � riao 25 and 50c., I I
I lind.volantaerk They Is luv6rnesa Algh- .1,,,e died during the pisat few days. -Oar 65, A W'i6bli; 56, a Sava�e; 57 T Baxter; ,r;,dy for' practice, The followin
I I dtill to perforra. . I 11 teacher, Mr. Biooka, is at present hustling 68 , 8 Ireland , 50j 0 Carruthers - 60 0 a Organist were b6th Oismi . . .. �Wel I I 11 . - �
I I . � . I I need 0" OliV Pr% Gentlensev,-Two years ago my llnm-. . �
I . I __" . I 'the scholars along oominir e?cmnl.-�- i'll 1. M - ; Mr. A. Nollard, Secy. - Geo.X. Gould has announce I
. I . I . Stone , 61, 6 Sfierlu,t,; 62,'G Vubb ,- 63, Sunday, bub theformt-r was humediate- � d to the as- band suffered from severe indigestion, bill I I
I " , r. g,
� � Keep the blood pure by taking, Rood's Xr,. John Johnsturs, who has been worhing . lj'Walpai - 64, G, Rogrindate - 65 R ly re-u,Ppainted, a � in. A Foster, Captain. -Ur JOB. , Bessar of Lakewood, N.J., that lie intends was completely ettred by two bottles of . I I
Sarsaparilla. If kou decide to buy H000ls a vVis hereafter to vote and"be assessed therefor "I
I I for councillor St. John during the.winter, Roblasotx;.'66, P Balter , 67) J Turaer;'68, I tl,sdl,13��,ag the ,at roWidabout .Y Of' Brenn,)r is- ilow re -building his "lleds
I � ,�, , L6 Dodd for the c' B Brinker ;, 69, Mr Rading ; 70., R fiamil majolity of . tile Pa tar surely. a ha I ve themcompl�tad, -A on his personal property, which a ounts, . .
1 Sur A 11 d t be . persuaded to -cake has hired '�vitb * . A lfi`V and will moo Burdock Blood Bitters. I can truly recom- .
Ople are Ju, her ravor . in mend it to all Frifferers from this disease. I
. I . . ship, is at prosent, visiting her ton - 71. A Dosiardhi ; 72_W Roady ; 73, i rid their Wishes shall not be, ignoyed sand tar has formed across tile mouth cn is statement to that official, .
"i"'per" 6, "o no � I - . I brother, P Glavin : 74, J Mckeevei - 76 4 the out tu to $4,000,000. , , . Mrs, John Auld, 13,Cross St., Toronto. � � � I .
1113as011-Mics r' dwarda, of London lrwie.�
. A:,`� �_-Ir.` w,10.0 rningthe river some dim- . I I �
, &[I I ___ J 140. I
nard's Liniment for rho - . . � . "
, I ,T4k—.X. D . Carthy ; Protest and serious . results t&llce Hayipg,safferod over two years with I ,,I
. I � umatimill. I . . C. for soar stomach. 1 -,76, J Boland ; 77, V. iYays_78, fotio, ut a I to the sooll. lb looks something There are sceptics in the Nbw York Po- � I
- R �O'Raaka ;, 79, G Towle, Jaines Young � wiug, We behave in one 110411 ' constipation' and the dLotore not baying I ;
� . " a cannot alvallow the . I . that Mother Mandelbanin the crice-notor- ... I . 1,
� One vote but w , sinlilal'bo the formation of the old river. 'lea Department Who Profeig to believe helped me, I concluded to try i
/ 10. Whiteside.; 81, 0 a VV Ilion; w Paws ' On Molidey, Mrs. McDougall of Ions Burdock I )
-, . I I ae fence-keepor,'as the "Queen of ro, and before I used one 11"
,` and spite triumphs. ii, wood bee getbing about . 'bottle I w1bacurad. L� . ��
I n ; 82, r, Green ; M, Sam I Stan- envy blood NO
) - wi;lro . one inals all ii, theory. When Bra wa,16r had 4 I I
lake ; 84, J Ford ; '85, J Elariman ; 85, ov;r fitness 30cor�-lm of wood Crooks," is still alive. HordeajillilHam. , I I I . . .
. evening ilton, ont., was
/ HR WE' O'. it is times to shut up tile ,cut. in tile I I can a3so recommend
I I EK 0 A Burke ; 87,F Baker; 88, H Rat% I it for nick headache. I � ;,
1� 11 . I I 11 ,� I � . � . 1. . I der; 89, . shop 'or close the boys and girls gathered ill to tri ago. reported several Weeks, . �! t, i
i . . . . � I . I 1. , �T WOO ; 90, L Wajpsr� . I I I down for repair$ I . Ethel D. Haines, Lakeview, ont , ..
i I .L � L. � � . . I . I I I I - . the ligh I lie wee hana, . - - I "i I � . � . 1� I �1�
I I . I
� — � . 1. I . I POUND'HUGRER8. . ____ =�= . 1; fantastic bill b I `__ � I � I I �ig
I . . � .1 --------Or, T111i] I I , hours. All report havi � I �. . , � I ,�
. ,
'' 11 ton j 4, T Amy, jr. ; 5, w Clark ; Shap I ng a plea'sanu B , ` — I . I
, . 1, R Walker ; 2 J Edw%rdm - StrttfolOt �11'0ng the prIsofiars .of the time. � , . I 0, �
AT SALE -of I , 3, T Waii rd I a .
I Holt, at. ; 7; J Hannan ; .aye ago, I I _ ===!=_____T__ . I � � I I
. � . . 8 J Brenner � . �. I I I Lirn is MisnRy. . I .. I I
I -1 I.,
. .
I I . up Stlock 9, belongs to 9 ; 10, W H`sckoy-;, 11, W ,rho pek6 ,9p 'Assues; clossod To'ciany people who have the taint of .l".8 0 1 , I .
Bankr 't " :4�
GRE 61 & few d Jailto escape Wa discOye"ed I �
L ring.. _ rga B � I I I
, .- . I Willett ,1 12, L I Walper; 19, Silas Stanlaks. Saturday afternoon. 'The fo)lovrin - I � I . �;
� I - , . I �
I � Has passed at the POSt Office Store '. � I . 9 ,Crofal%j in their blood. The kgoni6s. I . I . � . : . I � .1
, . - irkton, and, � . I prigonert, convicted during tile sittmg I I , � 11 I I , �
, I � I
1. � I ' 11 K � I . I v9sonVIENVAns., , 11 'were. man caused by the dreadful running mores slid I I I , I . �. I I I .
, � 1. I
. it has far surpassed our expoctations. . . tencod,by Judge Robertoow otharimanifeAtations ofthis disease ate I � Just opened, up a .
: I I . . . 2 swiGn Balitir, Saptimus Win Wady, abductionj seven yean; in boyon6 description. � I I �
� 1. 1. : � . � � . � I � I . I I I Rogarth, Ed, DoitsoiLb, Woo Holt sr. 11 ^ T1181ro is no other I .
I . � . I penitentiary; Win. WaIsn remedy equal t cOmPlOte Range in , , , - � , I . � . I 11
� � 11 I I I � I I Doyle, JAinea Mollard, James Hickey� , .n, abduation o Rood's Sarsaparilla for I I � . .1 I I I i ,ii . :
I Our many customers are.surpris I I r parrell. I I , five years in penitentiary; John %1.)d_ obtofuix, salt rheum and every � . I I L' �, � ." lr�
I I , , . ad at the bargai6 they tire 'bing in 'eve�y I form of Dress Goods, �'. � 11 , �
I I -
. , � I . �:.� Iftle. We have Any quantity of surPrl got Aftat? passing ti I mond &0atilt, 23.� imsontlip, in blood claaase. It is reasonably sure to . I . � I I I I I L . , I 1. I . I. . . . .. � 11 11 I I .11
L I , S68 still left, slid bargains are to be had in 10 followingorders Coats- I I - I ,. I ..... 11
, I I ,
I - may Conti, cliall", Allan, Boyd,' drimnial benefit all.vrbo give it a fair trial, , , - ;S$ � L � � 1. 1 � . ' . . 1, .1
every line blio maine as tile first Wedij. of sale. Xote some of tile prices, it IV,,, Cit adjourned to in first, Monday in 11'Pri-ow! Prini I
. I . I
, . I'll.
. . pay you, . I . ravel coiltrookA ma I � � I . T � I . . I ,� , il �:
I I ,
�." I t 10 0, k, Oct slamault,on a girl,6f 13, ton years in I I � . I .. ':.,� ,
. I A Vice Q � . . . ,
., � I . Y be lot. penit IT 11004,0 Pilio Card all liver . i ., � I 11 � ,
I . I . I Pure Indigo Shirtings, lidaviest; wolglit, for 12.�c per ya .a, .17fia follino, otd*rA wbre granted , Mr's 611tiArYs Ernest Mann, bigar3y, I I ,file. I I � I I I I . I , I'll , ,,,, I �
. I
�' I i Pure Indigo ShiAing, 11 0 per yard I rog'ul 4 r regular price, 15c., Poalter $5 -' M Cr6nytk. ditching, $ill *. two years in. penitentiary I I I M9011A1,160 Braitliwiisite,. president of the I L "'' � I wlelbdsl � . I I I � .i 1� I 1:, �.. i
, I , . ? ar price,_12ib, HeaviOshoobtoliadts, 22o Mr Emsary� calv,fi lot itide road, ' ,a I I I . I . .. I i I I ' . , 1; I .�': , "
i , Peryard, regular price, 25o atid,30c. $5.50 P- Oil March 3 t6a Patrow of Industry, atlys the me, I .:. . L . . I : ",'�'_
w I I I . . "I
�. . value for.25c. See tile lifte we'aro selling at 15aper yardo Mr Nowcoinal $3 ,,, N Mo1jell- , Mann, who is R jeWf,lry I tariftlfl 40 AS You Wake orse.- . I I L, �. I . I " Carpe, "I . I I I , I 1 "'! ;
ood New Prints of all'IdInds, shadem and patterns, the babt makg , J Pickering, ditching, �1 'A ' al 9"'vel � POddlmt eloped With a daughter of.&. . I I � � Im I .1 ts, I � � . . I ,. , ;
7; T Gun-' . , 1. ' a , 14
'ng-12J.c'aad 15o for bholm. thi4r, tailairifig bridge, $3,25 1 W E agloigoll. Ar. 6jyagg1d for ljf6, when you are a I .. Xt M I
Tour.ohoico for 11-,�.o per yard. All others alve aski 'Bryan a P1 ullitiltonst farmer, was . Jul Tmap.rix DR�sqN�t ross you, -In ill I ead.y ---ade Clothi � ! . .
I SO4P,--we are selling 7 bars of Electric Soap 'led 1, buffeted by � " ng , � � , , t�
I � for 250, the same size and $8 ; 11 Hall, lumber, $8 ; reager astate, I 0 MItchefl, And a foW days 10114r th I � I . 11 .11 � -
, � 11
weight, as Dinginnit's but far Superior iii.qtiality, Oi I box conta lum , �1..I,,2r7 l urg'aanwom, $6 l' W Won, was'arrested in Bufff,16 charged T� evatet of adversity, mlithwhat thank- � A I I jl � �:11. I
. , for 02. Thislis as cheap as our cont illing 60 bam Zi r r $t ith fallses": you gthap the hand held Out to t ReinIrkably L o W -pric 0 S. I I . - I . I I ".�,
YOU . I, bs� bigainy, He eloped with 'him 11 Anva. The sick haiwaisiobg Wears the Ilia ,� � "
, . �. Pabitors call but any monp. . It will pay ll� IT 60 ; P Eilbor 60o', E14r. rat
. I , A . .
. r , J '. . ' I . . . `!9, � �
� to drive miles and ift8odet our goods an We are determined to sell at i 121 Ilia 500 � G webb, culven wife, Who is ms, dftughtat CVSTOZX 1T`AXX40:RX-N0* I I I . I � � ;t",
I . I . � 3 . of GOO. J. away. Ils'partlytos energy, It nalits for . . I �, I I . 11.1 I : . � � ,
1. . will put all opposition fak ill ilia distance. 30 lbs. very bright yallo Prides that $8, ,lorki 065 ;, YBollock, 1 oalvotts, 16 .' Frott, pt�uitori M Upper oalia(14 Colhga effort or 06n , A, �all ffleiltsuoh6ly
I � . : ,weak for Righosb price paid for butter and eggs. , w 8ugar this I 0, PROUTY, Clork, in i8ft� quaAi, I , !: I I _P
� .1 . . , $1. 1 � I Athis exanlinhtlon belbro Poisiek;mi, imind ,and 116arj� Amb,1tiou 10. ' ' 'Spring ' I 1.1��', � ��
I I . . I . . . I -, 0 - I tho pot'da m`%91strAt6 Mann, r0mit',ad PA90- The world bA ' is Us. 0 1%r I , 4 lkrge ail soloot Stock Ot : � ,,,, ",
. I Pailtin a, an 6 aro, JuAking gGod Napa Suits froth ,.I 1�-,,
:,* ,.. � . 1 L � I but dia)rhea to JOY, 8tarke PDwdors tire a friend I'll head. nlack:: , .Orst", � ,Suits f6r , 15, . I IL I
tor lotto mupperx it yon hit previous WtIirriage, ' �
I � Take X 11 C, of 8 no longer a single
:, 1. A. McGOWAN & Co I would Aleop well� I is' I
. "'o " ""'nl�
I t, I - I i .1 . � I I bo of Cho opinion that the flials of not The I'L'sh"be Vanishes like the misk bd- , "8'�fi 1 . . : I I I I.. I ,� 41T�11
.. . � I I � 01 I 8a gel' ' , � I I I
� h
11 I
T 14 1,
I 1. . I I - . � I . � I I Indigestion IN stubborn, but �,X, D, c. A saii, , 18 1`it�ilri�tg$018"Iue in anil(III)66 '86 our to 14rohnsin I I I 'I'll.
I ,� living with wi(O Nd, fOfQ tl V6r neavalgin, and bilious- .1 . I i � �111,1'
I . I I 1. . ( And marrying 11 . oo a Oto 94 �,
I - I I . I . . ; ! , � KirktOn. , , ovoruomoq it, wife No. � was not equiytient � to X 1108s Cosy are an equally positive nd r� � I I , . ,� ,
. . � I . 4aid, ... 11 - 11 � � ,,,
1. I .. . . I I . I I . 4M%kn�, 000 I 1, 4. 1S.
. I
I .. I
� . I � I I I . . I ,�, .1 I . I ; 4 divorce, � I A ma : I *" 01W a , ZZ, � �
. I � I I . . 1. . . I � I I I vellono care, 25 60hko a box, �qucd .0 4% JN � ww-*" W*1 .. � � I I : �f
, , . I I I . . . � . : � 1 � I I . . I � � .1 I I . :1 I � I I I I � I I I � . I , emsors to Brown & Sliebort, �� . . ,� I , ik,) , I ,
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