The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-22, Page 15r„ 31 Deo. 1 09$7654 Public Library,. 52 Montreal St.., Goderich,, Qnt N7A 204 127 YEAR 34 obtrtclj • it THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, SECOND SEC,TiON Here it is - raw sewage arriving at Goderich's Pollution Control Plant. Starting at the left, the first drain` carries sewage from the new subdivision in the southwest portion of town; the second (centre) .drain carries sewage from the main part of town; and the third (rrght),4drain carries sewage from Highway 8 and Highway 21 districts..Before April of 1967, Goderich's sewage was dumped directly into Lake Huron. Now, after en - ,tering the .park -like sewage plant, it is successfully treated so it can be carried to the `lake in a pure and clear state. (staff photo) .This is just one of four,aerators at the Pollution Control Plant where bacteria breaks down to organic iriatter to an activated sludge. It takes seven hours of churning in these massive' aeration tanks-before"the effluent discharges over adjustable Weirs on its way to the •final settling tanksand the activated It may not be Niagara Falls but it onebeautiful sight at the Pollution Control Pant to see sewage sopurified that it 'Tuns clear and clean into Lake Huron. Superintendent'Gerry Fisher says the effluent from' the sewagepis, at this point, safe to drink. The effluent pictured here is emerging direc- tly from the chlorine contact chambers.where.th.e final treat- ment is given. Citizens Whohaven't yet toured the Pollution Oontrol Plant operated by the Town•of Goderich, shoulddo so when time permits. (staff. pho(o) • sludge`' pumps, and on to the chlorine contact chambers. Sludge from the plant is treated by the addition of ferric chloride'and lime and processed into a'sludge cake which is transported away from the plant and disposed onto a land area as fertilizer and soil conditioner: (staff,photo) Now it's s wage no it's not It is difficult •td inake sewage' spotles.- 4 true •cred ':to 'the glamorous but the Town" of Town Goderich '*d •its Goderich thrgstgh its Pollution people... Control Plant Supervisor Gerry .Staff .at he Sewage ' eat - F isher andhis, staff ofment Plan nu.rnbera •four • opel•ators `is making - a pretty 'fulltime:" As well as Gerry good attempt at it. Fisher, ther are three' It ,s 'no, wonder that next to operators. -" Ch tlie Adams, Huron 'County • Pioneer Harold Chamber.. and' .Cliff -Museum and this'summe'r, the ' Kennedy. During. t'e summer'' former Huron County Jail, the months when mainte : nce is' at Pollution Control Plant• is one its peak and etnployee:� are, on of the most toured spots in the holidays, a student .. t' em- municipality!' Four ..hundred , ployed. • This' year it •is ilte . school children were herded Palmer,.going into Grade 1, at through the , plant in . May GDCI this fall. • alone!, •A tour of •the facility begin. The plant was built in •1967 at the beginning where the raw -for a cnst of $900,000.t� handle • 'sewage enters the plant. The one million gallons .of• sewage , first ;treatment is a , four" inch per 'day .for a population of • bar screen which,.take' out. any 10;000 but sufficient land is. , large items. ..which ; may -have available to doubie its present git•ten into the sewers.• ca})acity to . serve ;a total The sewage. continues on its population of 20,000:. r... way through the parsha11 Operation4,c(sts at •the plant, Flume, measuring device which ' according to ,Gerry Fisher, are, overflow§ at 3,000,0'00 gallons. well within ' limitations. He Anything in excess,of 3,0000.00 feels it was, a good move on'the gallons is bypassed part iii the Town tordecide to tutorn'atica.11y„by the Parshall build and operate 'the plant as Flume. a municipal facility. He "This could only happen at estimates the Goderich' plant the'peak of a storm,” observes runs at somewhat less cost than ' Gerry" Fisher. When this hap-, similsr operations. under goer pens, the overflow makes its nment ownership. ' , way to. the lake untreated. • And it is doubtful if govern- Next,- the sewage is. carried inent operated plants would be; , through a grit remover which any better maintained than the takes out inorganics like sand, Goderich plint. Everything is grit or gravel. Then it is diree- clea.n .and shining- even what ted - through a' c:omminutor might become grubby pump 'which "'shreds any of the' larger houses are *painted and materials,' and from here into 'the first distribution'box which controls the flow` into the ° Primary -tanks and „acts as an outlet • fo..r wasting 'activated sludge: The''Primary settling tanks two -of them 45 -feet in diameter and 11 feel six inches 'deep remove between 60 and 6fi.per- cent of the°organic matter. The sludge settles to the bottom to ' holding pockets, out of which the sludge is Pumped -to the ad- ministration building and processed into what is' known as sludge cake "and trucked away" from the _plant oto be Spread on lana areas as fer- t.ilizer. From here it goes tip the - aeration tank§ where` the bac- teria breaks down to organic matter to an activated sludge. After this Seven hour churning and agitation, the sewage passes to the final settling tanks- - twt) tanks 45 feet in diameter and 10 feet nine° in- ches'deep.o The final stage before release into the lake- is 'the chlorine cotltact chambers. The effluent is. now clear: and "clean. Every two 'weeks, Samples are taken and tested,- the results going to the Ministry of 'the. Environ.' ttrent, Sew'age., if not glamorous, has been made pollution free acid `ac eptab1 . That's some trick. These .two devices, when the two graphs, are compared, should tell quite a story about the atmosphere. The top pic- ture shows the rainfall measuring equipment which charts the amount of precipitation as well as the time it fell. The bottom photo -is. ,a fieldrecording 'wind set and wind monitor. It measures wind yelpcity..and"'direetion. When the information from the two. charts is run Through' a computer, it should ;pin°point the source of pollution, if any; in the'rain samples wliichare coileoted in the -.six different' situations at Goderich. (staff phgto, "'charge at the Pollution Control Plant, Is justifiably proud of the Gerry Fisher, the man in g sornethin -Operation. The eight acres' inside the fence and g like four acres outside the fence is ,, vy01lrriaintt� ined and more like a park than an efficient sewage treatment plant. Here Mr. Fisher ` testa a sample of the effluent,which leaves the plant for the lake. Every month,. thesuperinten- dent make's 6 reprt to Goderich Town Cpuntsil, a`it5wing the town's elected officials to keep a vital cheek` on tl municipally•owned�'facility. (staff photo) n p M A rF. The, Three' closed containers on the roof of the shed (see , photc on „tight) are operated by this piece of equipment. A s'ening , bar automatically energizes the motor when it.. -,begins-to---rain and -the caps arse lifted off -the samplers to allow -rain samples to•'be taken. When the' rain ends,'the procedure reverses itself and the caps are closed again. This ensures ttireeaclosed samples of rain at the site .as well 4, as two open samples = one on top of the shed and one on top of the tower at right (note^the.hose running the length Of the tower and carrying the rain sample pIe 'to a container on the ground). (staff photo) This fib-foot'tower and the rather stark shed next to it on one corner of'thetiproperty occupied by the Pollution Con- trol Plant in southwest Goderich was constructed by Earth Science Consultants, the Ontario Ministry of the Environ- ment and Inland `Lakes in a joint project to d'eferniine the',` amount of pollution in the atmosphere. This as .well as a .device. on a buoy six tnilei out on Lake Huron provides six different sarmles -ef •rainfall which ,t"ver a period of tithe should give d fairly accurate pioture of the type c ,it polluthrr, "if any, in the air as well' as its source. The sophisfcated' Y equipment here is one of three setups tri the province; The. two are•at Manitoulin island and Wawa:(statfphoto) otherVv .� •