The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-25, Page 9O+QD>RICH. SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY JUL -. '25 974—PAGE l . Unless they have, taken advantage of the essential Successful completlon of th4a• a DIAMONRa C4UI#EE, •gemological knowledge, few •jewelers have ail of the with its diamlond gradin g and appraising .precu't's and vital ,knowledge, skills and techniques nehei sary to be recognizod,as professionals. The GIA home- tudy cour- ses were prepared to provide :the speclallzed, knowledge needed by Jewelers..,QIA gem at thoriues" review all course material frequently,: to •be Sure that it is !iv timely, up-to-date- and easy to understand as possible.• The first and foremost_ activity of the Institute is training In the Identlficatlon, grading and,appraising of gemstones. written examination, leads to .the GIA°DIAMOND PERS 'TIFiC;ATE. The. prerequisites for the ,COLORED STONE CERTIFICATE are completion`'of the, COLORED STONE COURSE,with its written examination, .and- the GEM IDENTIFICATION COURSE, with Its stone Idonttflcatiop practice' and stones °identification examination," which requires 1.100* grade to pais.. • lusStiluta Of 4to GDWWW%4? 4:44• des Mae*" .. I, 111,. ✓„•,/, Y. I///4./ � d,-/r//1//r/.r/I!, ./ do0/11,11h/4III A 0 •. ° y//II////V,/ �I'//,�/I rF I/III/ /F//Lh. CERTIFIED DiAMOND APPRAISER CERTIFICATE AWARDED TO MR. DAVID ANSTETT MAY 22, 1973 of Ansett Jewellers, Clinton Ltd. completed his qualifications as a diamond op - praiser last .year, the additional training just completed, now qualifies. David tty • Identify, grade and appraise rubies, emeraide , sapphires, opals; amethyest •and al! Other gem• minerals-. This unique, training makes "David the only qualified gem appraiser in Huron County and one of a select few o -in Ontario. 'Now Anstett Jewellers can identify,, grade and appraise'all diamonds, gem stones, and identify synthetics a and '.nutations for,. you too! Anstett's / offer,. an ' unqualified guarantee,of the genuine quality of all' diamonds and gem • Y stones they handle. Graduates, which number.moveihan 2500, are to be found in many countries tiii.oughout the world. Many more thousands have completed' successfully the. cour- ses In which they enrolled. Although gemology is Offered in night classes and by other forms of training In other countries, no other organization of 'this) kind and magnitude(Wilts elsewhere. Many 'Universities and colleges offer cour- ses ourses in mineralogy and. geology that lead to a degree, but, no educational source other than GIA, offers the comprehensive, .specialized gemotoglcal knowledge r. required by a Jewele L°' orp i AC � AONPQ'itA N +iAi7�lAiyd.nl•� rhe NOnprofICEducationel Organ ization • of the . v e welpry Industry, GEMOLOGICAL /NST.ITUTE ndustryGEMOLQC'CAL'NST.ITUTE Oc qMERICqVtcEtN OLyLOgANa-!pR,circrd tiddreav::: N CITY, NEW TORK06O KNtw JUo•6,-41111110Lt,ORNtA• °� r o o a C�MMUNI E WIT AN f dd ;� teat r ° CAT wn H LOS �EtE by Robert M. � OFFICE Mr• David. C,4 U, Anstett 'SS Mill St17.'0,. Clinton, Ont, ' `p.0 ° go a nx 849 A,.Deat Davids Canada I • It is a completion .and . mpletion o f.- the an honor t Your DiPloma is being requireents fo inform 'you of . as possible. ,Prepared and 'the. Graduate your successful b1e, Will be ate emolo i Your foresight- foaled You-, Diploma. only ght and °You Y t}te ion per e.v.ernce as ademanding sages o s ndence tours in completing' su` 1We at as from youreto People, ns eands treche o esident classes Ssss t W the �x recognition' from C and C`raduate ns titu.te have' ' IA. future in he 'GIn ewt LE a very i° bel,',? ,that b Ana�n, congratul.els industry. a!'ortant step toward D P0in .as' a d arduous ations 'for the succe8s� Successful task. t. fu1 completion of. $ ion g ` -1, !lit tttlttc 11 • , " /N/•Irr/• r/, J•/I,. '10,00;11 000.0 0IVI/"'//IIr////•14//!r/r//IN_1 r/1/I 1.. MIT ,Ir//iI/IIrrV(/� ///I •h// /��I/. 14/;.-pei I -,r -.•.;;VV// 7/1'I//1 /.�•r�/P'/rwN� A w . /•1amrn144/4"l r'III $,,,,,#�i•I// MV• / ///.r /0,0.4/00/ �l/I. r;rrN?/r/ 1 I••,!yo1Ik•/., C yr Jam/ ,Vd ;/7///' /.'R/. N//tlic/Yidyr . / ;+r//.4. /%/I Nr///.r/ry ' I - .4•- ° Colored stone 'grading, evaluation.„apd"ldentifirratton certificate awarded to • David Anstett: May, 29,-1974. Certificate for the tiucces fui.. completion of the prescribed course for . - m diaonds, colored, stones '> nd gem identification, grading and appraising. Awarded oto David •-Anstett May 31, 1974. ' To supplement the technical equipment obtained by Anstett Jewellers last fall, which included a GemPhotography unit, a Giemolite Microscope and a Long Wave Mineralight unit for medsuring' gem fiuoresence and color .., : N DUPLEX II; REFRACTOMETER • Designed and developed by the CIA to ft?Ifill the wide variety of uses required in GIA laboratories, The Large and Impressive,D lex provides for tile first time a refractom- eter which will give acctieate readings ea ly on CABOCHON -CUT stones as well at FACETED stones•in a range from 1 35 to t 1 The large hemisphere surface (t/4'/ x 1") provides a greatly.enhar'ged contact area tnd consequently a longer life for the unit. An easy to readphart of refractive indite birefringence and optic sign of the impor- tant gemstpnes is mounted on thcs'side of the instrument. Size apprgximately 7" tong.. x'3" wide x 4".high. Complete with instructions;. Refractive Index Liquid, and Xylene cleaning fluid. GIA SPECTROSCOPE UNIT 9 A hI'hry compact spectroscope assErmhly that incorporates the wide variety of adjust rneints find setups required for,;ilamond and colored -stone spectroscopic analyses Incorporates .a small high-intensity. focus able spotlight controlled by a voltage regulator which permits IOW intensity ,,liu• mination for setups as well as;hrgh-intensity (equivalent, to a 1°000 watt projector) for making analyse's The unit is also equipped with 'a /Beck Wavelength Spectoscope• o modified with the addition of a fixed -intent. . srtyy Ocala illuminator - ILLUMINATOR POLARISCOPE ' A basic as well as one of the most• important gem to%tmg instruments Primarily used to determine the optic War - oder of transparent to translucent.gernstones,',t can also be used to detect dichroism in colored gefn tonee Still another Lite is'the vital.functreir of detecting strain in dia- monds. Dual•purpose illumirhator,bese designee) specifi- cally to irtcprporate an excellent light source for the refractometer and the Oem Dichrosdope. " • • GEM DICHRSCOPE A. small (5/e” , 11/8") but effective i,hatrument for detect- Ing pleochroic colo of double refractive colored gem- stones. Incorporates a polished; color free prism for Maximum efficiency.` • y.: v'