The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-13, Page 46Page 14b The Kincardine News Rich ,The purchase of the Kincar- dine News from R.G. (Goldie) Buckingham in October of 1969 by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. was just another chapter „in Kincardine's rich history of ro newspaper transfers and amalgamations. Thea Western Canadian Com- monwealth was the name of the first paper published in Kincar- dine when it was known as the village of Penetangore. It made its first' appearance in August of 1857 and was published by John McLav of Glasgow, Scotland. This papef• wasblater•sold to :Kincardine editor Eric IIoU'(1Id in histor 'Joseph Lang who renamed it the Bruce Review. The printing office, located at the site of the present post, office, burned to the ground on October 9, 1870. Both of the above papers were published in the interest of the Liberal Party but Charles Cliffe came to Kincar- dine from Sault St. . Marie to establish the Bruce Review as a Conservat've paper. .It was later solFo T.C. Bartholmess who changed the name vof the -paper to the Kincardine :Stan- dard. In 1882 the paper was sold to Andrew Denholm who turned around and sold it four years later to Joseph Lang., It:, was sold to Col. Hugh Clark in 1890. Col. Clark operated Ole paper until May 7, 1925 when it amalgamated with the, Kin- cardine Reporter 'under the ownership of J.J. Hunter. Kincardine's second paper had been started in 1866 'by Albert Andrews and was known as the Bruce Reporter. It was sold in the 1870's to T. Crahbe and •1,I-1. Brownell, sold again, in 1879 .to W.M. Dac•k and later to a .S., Gadd before it wt•J as finally purchased by .J..J, Hunter in 1905, ' After amalgamating the Review or Standard with the Reporter in 192.5, Mr. Hunter a short tirne later purchased the Ripley Express from George -- Mooney But the town was not long in gettinr; another newspaper a4' Art Rogers Sr. started, the Kin- cardine New in 1926. He, and later his son, published the News until 1953 when Mr. Buckingham bought the paper - Kincardine • advertising manager John. Garton from the widow of Art. Rogers junior. Meanwhile the Review - Reporter had been purchased by the Kingston Whig - Standard in 1932. Mr. Rogers purchased .the Review -Reporter continued) 'on page 15S BROWN'S DECOR {ENTRE were pleased to supply''.. V 61 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-7117 PAINT WALLPAPER FLOORING FOR LUNCH ROOM • congratulations and best wishes SIGNAL -STAR on your new building 11 a little camera? Pages must be photographed before a newspaper can be printed by offset. But an ordinary pocket camera lust isn't quite big enough t� accommodate pages that are 16" x ,22" large. For,,huge .page size negatives-, . Signal -Star Publishing has this new Kenro Vertical 18- 24 ---= considerably bigger than your pocket camera! and supplied by ' GAMM DISTRIBUTORS 1145 BELLAMY .RD., SCARBOROUGH congratulations signal -star publishing on the opening of yournew building