The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-13, Page 20col PAGE 4A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1974 Keep active keep happy BY WILMA OKE Keep active and keep happy, the advice offered by the Rev. W.H. McWhinnie of Goderich, pointed up the theme of the day -long , workshop held at Huronview, Clinton recently. Workshop agrees fitness key to good old age that he does not seem ,to be get- ting any older. Panelist Mrs. Betty Cardno of Seaforth, Home Care Ad- ministrator for Huron, spoke of helping.people to keep their in, dependence and remain in their homes when disabled,- by sen - Mr. McWhinnie was one of - ding a physiotherapist, the five -member panel at the homemaker, nurse gr oc- afternoon session of' the cupational therapist to work workshop. "Keeping Active Af- with them. Mrs. Cardno spoke ter ?" which was sponsored by on the importance of ` good the Huron County Chapter of nutrition and the telephone the Registered Nurses link maintained by sone older Association of Ontario. people who phone regularly those living alone. Mr. McWhinnie said:'one of Panelist Mrs. Stella Tate, an his objectives in life had been occupational therapist from to keep young and, he had been Toronto, said our enthusiasm doing it down through the for life is what makes aging years, by keeg active and 'successful. She said the way we happy. As chap ain at Huron- feel has a lot to do with the view he said, he enjoyed visiting way we keep active, She the residents and he continues stressed the importance of to golf and swim. He laughed "" being responsible for one's own West Wawanosh Auburn dogs at large West Wawanosh.Township Council met for is regular June session- on Tuesday evening, June 4, at the Hall. All. members attended and . ReAve Bob Lyons presided. A representative group of4 village residents and trustees from Auburn attended the Council meeting to discuss 'the running -at -large of dogs in. the ' village, particularly one or two vicious dogs. After much con= sideration as to what should be the proper course to ofollow it was decided that the Village Trustees would .ask the Village of Blyth for a copy of their dog by-law, and the Township Clerk „would contact Dick. Eisler 9f Goderich, to ascertain what would be involved in ob- taining his services as Dog Con- trol Officer for Auburn, and possibly the Township, as well. The Chairman of the -..Village Trustees also, approached Council >;egarding the feeling of West Wawanosh 4toward a withdrawal of the village from -the Township of West and East Wawanosh,; and becoming wholly a, part of Hullett Town- ship. Opihion is divided on this -question. Don Cameron questioned Council 'about a back-up of water on his land since the reconstruction of sideroad 18- 19 Concession 8. Mr. Cameron . was told the"situation would be checked to see if a drain has been -plugged during the con- struction work. 18-19 Concession 7, was made by Councillors Hickey and Foran, and carried. AsksOntario to step into fertilizer plan Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. (Liberal Agriculture Critic) has called upon the Provincial Government to give top priority • to developing our own self- reliant fertilizer industry. "Our farmers are entirely dependent on fertilizer .to in- crease production sufficiently to feed our own people, and, continue to ' maintain 'our present ,level of exports',, . said Mr. Gaunt. "Fertilizer is the cornerstone of the Green .Revolution, but there is a world-wide shortage and prices have skyrocketed. Farmers' can- not absorb the increased costs of fertilizers production, and ultimately the effects will be felt by Canadian consumers in the form of higher food prices, There is an obvious' shortage, especially of nitrogen, in On- tario, yet. large amounts of fer- tilizer have been ah'ipped to the U.S. in spite of:the fact that the industry had' undertaken to en, sure'•Canada';s needs are met on a priority basis.' '.'The Provincial Minister of Agriculture maintains we can- not be too tough about exports, because we depend on the U.S. for our phosphorus supplies, but no government in ifs right mind would refuse to supply Canada with one ingredient for fertilizer,"when they are depen dent upon us for the other two vital ingredients. "Recently Russia and, the U.S. have entered ' into reciprocal agreements regar- ding fertilizer needs, and 'the States will be selling phosphorus to Russia . in,return" for anhydrous . ammonia. Canada should not continue to depend on other countries for raw materials necessary to fer- tilizer production. We have our own sources of phosphorus, in the Rockies, Northern Ontario and the Shield of Eastern Canada.. In, fact:• there used to be a thriving phosphorus in- dustry in the Perth area. "The .Minister of Agriculture should, and must, give very high priority to the develop- ment of a self-reliant fertilizer industry in this country, in co- operation "with the Federal Government." Messrs. Wm. Hardy and Ed- ward Robinson. appeared before Council to ask about having the „ creek running through Lots 25,26,27 Concession 7 and 8 cleaned out. Mr. Hardy was ad vised to contact Sam Bradshaw of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Clinton, to deter- mine the, best procedure to be taken in this regard. JWm. Beversbergen ap- proached Council about the, inefficient function of a road culvert on Concession 10-11 in front of his property. . A resolution from the Region of Peel, regarding violence in minor hockey in Ontario was tabled, since Council felt that ad the Hockey Association is already dealing with the sub- ject, such a resolution in un- necessary. An. application for Tile Drainage Loan on the S 1/2 of Lot 21 Concession was ap- proved on motion of Coun- cillors Rutherford and Foran. A motion that West Wawanosh Township request an additional subsidy allocation for reconstruction of 'the south portion of sideroad HELD OVER! Friday Special� EVERY FRIDAY IN JUNE Senior , Burgers 40c Reg. 60c AT THE BURGER BAR EAT -IN OR TAKE-OUT ' 37 Kingsttxr St. G,od+rrlch 524-6152 i1 health and well-being. if we are watching our weight and eat well, we shall help to keep our health," Mrs. Tate stated. Mrs.. Tate said Canada has more people in institutions than any other country. "Is in- stitutional care what we want for ourselves?" she asked and warned that we should be plan- ning for the future to get the environment we want. Chester A. Archibald, Huron - view Administrator, said retirement at a certain- age has encouraged the general attitude that at that age people are ready for the boneyaird or to, take it easy in their declining years. Concluding his talk, Mr. Ar- chibald said, "I think we have to convince retired people themselves and those ap- proaching retirement of their continuing personal worth. Retirement is not an ending but merely a transition into a new phase of life and if we plan it as carefully as we plan the work .phase it` can be not only funbut downright soul satisfying." Mr. Archibald reminded his audience that retirement can mean the start of a new life -- that some of the great figures of history made theirgreatest con- tributions to mankind after the age at which we fate retirement today. Mrs. Ann Redmond, Goderich, a volunteer for many years, was the final panelist. As a volunteer co-ordinator w,ho had organized 500 volunteers for the Psychiatric Hospital at Goderich, she spoke of pepple taking leadership when they realized volunteers. were needed in the hospital. In the question and answer period following the panel, Mr. Archibald reminded the audience' that when people are admitted to a nursing or county home they should not be forgot- ten. It is exceedingly important they are visited and retain a .connection with their old com- munity. ° , Some of the suggestions put forth_by the audience included - - adopt' 'a grandparent; en - 1 couraging young people to visit ancltiossibly assist -older people in their homes so that they may manage without having to be admitted to a Home; have older people with their many experiences " share their knowledge (such as teaching knitting, describing bld ways of doing things, etc) with young people; telephone chains to those living alone; and identify with older people, give them a sense of dignity and they will respond and something will come out so that •they won't just sit. Mrs. Fran McHale, London, supervisor of senior citizens'ac- tivi'ties, Department . of Recreation in London, was the guest ?peaker. She said, Canada is fast becoming an aging society but it is ill-prepared to face up to this situation because of its negative attitude toward aging in general. She said aging is still.aperceived in terms of loss, rather than a biological as well as psychological and sociological process that varies tremen- dously from one individual to another. She urged that people would be better off' if they lived livres of involvement and- purpose to sustain them after all illusions have been lost and passion cooled. Mrs. McHale spoke of young people as 'great new allies' in working with older people.' "Young people' and old people have much in comon," she said. Mrs. McHale spoke of the New'Horizons program started in 1972 by the federal govern- ment when $10 million was made available' for non - repayable grants to groups of retired persons. She said this, is an invitation to inyolvemen`t and explained how to apply for , such a grant which is available for almost any activity which will usefully and creatively in- volve retired people, meets their needs -and benefits them or their community. Mrs. McHale said there is only one absolutely.: reliable statistic about aging -- therate eri.c carman photography PASSPORTS WEDDINGS P.O.1RTRAITS-' -COMMERCIAL,- -POSTCARDS- -FRAM 1NG-, needlework PHOrODRAWING ENLARGEMENTS - 524 -7924 large family aerialV' colour oil 95 Toronto "S►. small children industrial brochures SALTFORD VALLEY HALL. FOR, RENT PHONE 52.4'-68.38 FRP.=SAT. , 14-15 JUNE' Color • A Notional GenerarRictures Release • SUN., ONLY JUNE 16 OP"f..: ff f;�:fi "The word of mouth is out ! UNILA ILINCI .A C It in I11--1IFIDA1F I� A�I� 1r SCI . in color q r�'10� 151 0.� "C IMA Xn /6#574,,,e - DRIVE -IN • soo�ci� • GODERICH ni at which people age is exactly the same all' over the world, one day at a time from, birth. Mrs. McHale outlined many ways of getting older people in- volved in keeping active and brought along a group from her senior community centre in London called the L.B.'s who have prepared a program of exercises to be done to music and games. The group, all in their 60's and 70's kept the audience laughing with their songs, dances and skits. Old-time hoedown entertain- mentwas provided with 95- vear••old Mrs. Mary Taylor on her mouthorgan, Mrs. Nellie Welsh, on piano, Norman'Speir on vtrblin, all residents of Huronview, accompanied by Ross. Love of Exeter on violin. Harry 'Hoffman and his group from Exeter area enter-, tained with their singing of old songs and hymns. Mrs. Sheila Hallahan of Seaforth, president of the Huron Chapter of Registered Nurses, presided for the event attended by about a hundred ,guests. BRUCE MACDQNALD ELECTRIC Domestic -Commercial -Industrial 133 Britannia Rd.. Phone Evenings 524-8146 f6• out and Craft corner 46 HAMILTON ST„ opogruCH • GRUMBACHER ART SUPPLIES • LEWIS CRAFTS AND KiTS DENIM HANDBAGS Embrold•r•d or boadod 524-8815 ,or mornings 524-8479 OPEN 1-5:30 FRIDAY TIL 9 CLOS WEDNESDAY YES WE CAN $2,000—$50,000 2 n.d & 3rd tinges ' We are now making loans on all types of properties in your area. CaII direct .collect and lets discuss it. Prompt Investment Corp., 330 Bay St., Toronto, 366- 9586 svgs. 231-8146. Low cost, any purpose, Ontario wide ser- vice. JUNE DRUG SALE Heavyweight panty. At Sheer leg. a Reinforced toe. <nude''heel' :In beige and taupe. PICK UP AN ENTRY BLANK AT YOUR CLOSEST ReXALt. STORE. • Represents an unrivaled value in performancefor the active out..., door family. The Safari is rOomy enough for six people and, has, as, standard equipment, such luxury features as,2-burner stove, sink ane pump. 110V ceiling Itght,Ahydraulic brakes, privacy curtains' and many -more. Enter now ... Enter Often! "TO QUALIFY, THE SELECTED "ENTi<IANT MUST HAVE COMPLIED WITH ALL CONTEST RULES AND CORRECTLY ANSWER A SKILL TESTIN0 OEIE5,TION# • Try ' �," Once Only I MI -31 SOLUTION ANTISEPTIC For colds sore throats bad breath DISINFECTANT SPRAY Destroys household germs" . Leaves' a cyan fresh scent /► SPECIAL V 14 OZ. 990 4 ALL DAY/Ail NIGHT DECONGESTANT COLD CAPSULES 88 10's • . i.f t t mot MIRACLE GLASS CLEANER With TX 100 & Silicones 19 oZ, .89 'Yourfamil,rs health cs a year round concern FAST PERMANENT (Regular Gentle Super and for Tinted or Bleached Hair, t 1.6? MMI��e BAgY�ER 13, OZ.S -,a-t a. 1 d 'The Square " 36 Tablets For Only LIMR ONF. BOTTLE PER CUSTOMER NSEC41PELLT ENe A1' 4, 1 _ � t .INSECT REPELLENT 5 OZ. COMPARE QUALITY ! HERBALAMPi WITH PROTEIN' For soil manageable bounCy Harr SPECIAL 12 FL. OZ. SUPER DRY ANTI- PERSPIRANT SPRAY DEODORANT For long to ;tinq protection' against *odor and wetness SPECIAL 9 OZ. 1.09 IPN ULTRA CARE Fernrnine Hygiene Deodorant Spray .99 3 OZ. ANTI -MOTION , SICKNESS TABLETS 10's A $1.19 Ate CHEWAMINS IChildrenst Multiple Vitamins 73 100s s2.91 ' PHARMACY Archie Barber, PHM,B: Larry Rieck, PHM.B. Goderich IN,AM- N./ MEDICATED 'SKIN CREAM Tyvo Jars '1.33 s • /40 igig SILQUE LOTION FOR DISHES IRequtat or Lemon .. Fragrance I 32 OZ. X1.11 tto,?_taul �1 4