The Exeter Times, 1894-2-14, Page 5Jiff+. Geo, 'W; Titrater
imply. Awful
"" Worst Case of Scrofula the
Doctors Erier Saw
completely Cured bV •,rrOOD',9
SARSA. 4ly',LL4,
"When I was 4, or 6 years old Iliad ascrof
Woes sore on the middle linger of my left hand,
Which got so bad that the doctors out the
linger oil: and 1 ter took off more than half my
hand. Then the sore broke out on my arm,
came oafsa my neck and face on both sides,
nearly n the
it '
gof one eye, also
e in � 4'.
t arm. 1 ].Doctors'
was the
Worst Case of
they ever saw. It Was sitnply awful: f Five
years ago I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Gradually I found that the sores were begin-
ning to heal. "I kept' on till I had taken ten
ten - Just think of what a
return I get for that investment: A. thou.
land per cent + Yes, many thousand. For
the past 4 years I have had no sores. I
Work all the T
Before, I could do no work. ' I know not
What to say strong enough to express my grit,
itude to Hood's Sarsaparilla for m perfect
cure." GEORGE W, Turnout, :Farmer, Gal-
way, Saratoga county, N. Y.
Hoop's PILLS do not weaken, but aid
digestion and tone the stomach. Try them. 25e.
Regina has adopted the single tax system
of taxation.
The late James McGee, Toronto, left an
estate estimated at $75,000.
Jos, Hawley, of the St. James Hotel,
Toronto, is in'financial diffienitles. The
liabilities are $15,000.. Assets, small,
A Free sample of the. K. D. 0. will be
forwarded to any address. K,, D. C. Co..
Ltd., New Glasoow, N. S,, and 127 State
St, Boston, Mass.
Louisa $rawer, the young lady "who altos
so severely burned at Welland avenue, St.
Catharines, a few weeks ago, died at her
home on Thursday frau her injuries,
The gold roserve`'in the U. S.. treasury
is again intact. It reached that condition
Saturday when the gold received,, from the
resent bond issue moiled • the gold beyond
the $100,000,000 mark.
The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills
is pleasant mid and natural. They gently
stimulate tltt -ver, and regulate the bowels
but do not. e.
u Theyare sure ale to�please.
Try them.
Easter Sunday this year will be the 25th
of March, as it was in 1883, and only three
Easter Suudaye in the nineteenth century
have been at an earlier date -March 22 in
1818, and March 23 in 1845 and,1856. The
latest d4teof any Easter Sunday in this
venture ""cd,trApril 25, in 1886.
" Bacteria do not occur in the blood or
in the tissues of a healthy living body,
either of man or the lower animals." So
says the celebrated Da. Koch. Other
doctors say that the bestmedicine to
render the blood perfectly pure and healthy
a Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Three Rivera. Que', Feb. .O, --The, court
room was again thronged -this afternoon to
hear whether the magistrate would com-
mit Hooper to the' Criminal Court or find
3 the evidence insufficient and release him.
ti4.. The case was taken up by Judge Barthe, at
s.2 o'clock,. who read a long document giving
his decision consigning Hooper back to jail
to await the term of the Criminal Court to
bo held here in June. Bail was refthAd.
Fifty-six Chinese actors and acrobats,
'be arrived at San Francisco by the
ismer Peru for the Chinese village at
Mid -Winter Fair, have been permitted
-Seven Germans and five Italians, who
took part in an Anarchist dembnstratien
in front of the Italian Consulate at
Zurich, have been expelled ori from Switzer-
land. ,
Advices from Japan state that the Jape
nese steamship Koryo Mares is missing,
and is believed to have been wreckedwith
the loss of her crew of 43 and twenty
Peel County Patrons have decided not
to nominate a candidate for the Legisla-
ture. A motion was passed calling for
freight accommodation on ii
the P roP osed
st9. tlautic service.
A'despatch from Conway, Ark.,'" states
that`lieury Bruce, Charley Plunkett ami.
Bob Plunkett were lynched in the gulch
country a few days ago for the murderof
an aged couple.
British Captains' Rewarded,
Loznox, Feb. 12.--. British captains,
Burkeind Proud, have received a gold
watchns. chain oaCh from the;United
Steed vernment for
Sta savingthecrews
the American vessels Acme and Peter
Cromwell respectively, on October 11 and
November 11.
rot. x, wnNAo
Tido xl.
The only `Sototitific and Pinoticed Electric
Belt made forgenoral tee, producing aQonuine
Current of Electricity tot' the pure of Disease,
,vthee on tlth ty and power, a. id and
to a ybpoart of
the body. It can be 'Worn at any time during
working hours Or sleep, and. will positively cure
Ceette ai Debilety
Nei"'v*ua Deeeasee
Sexual Weakness
Kidney Diseases,.
Lame Rack.
Vrinatrei Irlisoneteti
Electricity properly applied is fast tak ng the
place et, drugs for all .lserVeme, Rheumatic, ll id,:
period Urinal 'iroublete and will edhet tires'
in seemingly hopeless cases Where every' other
known Moans has failed,
.Any' Baggiest, weak or dlseasec 'organ may
by this moans be roused tc healthy, activity
before it is too late. e
Leading medical incl', us Valid reerA neond
the Owen Belt in their prat co,
eontaluittelleetifnforitelttior garffti thecute
of aottte,.piit=ei1t,,! '!d+:1?'o`.$":,
)Zrs, Imus411:or Tptiotw I risonori
Committed to Stand Tl'ial, —
7t;oalga "Very Black Against the Acensed
'Trio --Haggle, Xteid's': lilvidence.Oor-
ritltorated:by Another Wit.
peas -- trial at ioxt
Tenorene, Feb. 9. —The trial of the ao.
ensed trio In the case of alleged poisoning,
in which an attempt was said to have bean.
made on the life of Walter Evans, a hotel -
keeper at Sharon,'by his wife, his hostler,
named Osman, and a young lean named
Peggy, came up in the County Court house
here yesterday,
The first witness to give evidence in the
Case was ,laggie Reid, a servant girl. Her
evidence was of a decidedly sensational.
nature She had heard Pegg tell Mrs.
Evans that the only way now left was to
try the stuff in oysters. She saw a letter
that Mrs. Evans wrote to Pegg, who was
going on a visit to Toronto, telling him to
be sure and buy "the stuff that started
with S" when he reached the city. She
had also seen Pegg's reply, which stated
that he could not get . the stuff in the pity
Without being found out, and advising her
to send George to Jtrad f ord or Mount
Albert. Osman had been sent to Bradford
All of heii'1 Reid's evidence was of a
most atrtling. and. damaging a g g g oha raotar as
she told, the story of the domestic Infelicity.
existing between Evans and his wife and.
of the suspicious relations the young man
Pegg had with Mrs. Evans.
The whole case before it is completed
promises to develop some of the most sen-
sational evidence heard In. court for many
TORONTO, Feb, 10.—The evidence given
yesterday in the alleged case of attempted
poisoning brought against Mrs. Evans,
Charles Pegg and George Osman, was most
damaging to the accused trio.
After Maggie Reid hadfinished her story
of the doings at the Evans' house, Dr,
Lewis H. Campbell, of Bradford, gave his
testimony. ' Hie evidence corroborated the
statements already published, George
Osman had purchased 30 grains of stryoh-
nine on December 20 and 20 grains on
January 4, saying that he wanted to poi-
son faxes with it.
After a number of other witnesses were
examined, all going to damage the accused,
Mrs. Evans was put ou the stand, after
which the Crown rested its case
The three prisoners were then commit-
ted to stand their trial at the next assizes.
Walter Campbell Charged With Perjury
at the Inquest on His Brother's Death,
GEORGETOWN, Feb. 10.—One informa-
tion was laid yesterday with George Ken-
nedy, J.P., by Alexander Campbell char
ing Walter Campbell with perjury at the
inquest of his deceased brother. A war-
rant was issued for Walter's arrest. So
far he cannot be found. but the constables
expect to orertake him before many hours
go by.
Several others, who have been miscon
ducting themselves lately, will be sum
mooed for disorderly conduct. Next week
will be unusually lively and the magis-
trates arepreparing for heavy work. The
authorities aro bound to stamp out all law-
lessness, and those who cannot show clear-
ly how they make a living will,have to
leave the town or take the consequences.
Bill Introduced to Have a Plebiscite Taken
at the Coming' General Elections.
HALIFAX, N.S. Feb. 8.—In the House
of Assembly yesterday Premier Fielding
introduced a bill for taking a plebiscite on
prohibition simultaneously with the poll-
ing for the Iocal general elections, now
only a few weeks distant.
In the Legislature yesterday Premier
Fielding gave notice of motion for the
committee to draft a memorial to Her Ma-
jesty the Queen. It is understood it is
proposed to ask permission to increase the
number of members sufficiently to carry
abolition or to otherwise grant power to
abolish the Upper Chamber.
He Will Spend Another Long, Wear
Term id
TEranr Rlvnas, Que.. Feb: 10. -The
court room was again thronged yesterday
to hear whether the magistrate would com-
mit Hooper to the Criminal. Court or find
the evidence insufficient and release him.
The case was taken up by Judge Barthe,
who read a long document giving his demi-
sion consigning Hooper bank to jail to
await the term of the Criminal Court, to
be held
here in June. Bail was of ;
r •
Fur Thieves Captured.
MoNTRIDAn, Feb 12.—Messrs. Grose &
Libervrtoh's fur store, 84 St. Henri street,.
was broken into on Friday night, and two
menhave been arrested for the crime. Mr.
Melee Bastien, who lives over the "store,
was awakened by the noise and came down
the stairs in time to see three men dis-
appear with bundles under their arms,
lie called the police, and Constable Mc-
Grath arrested Thomas Dinnery, a molder,
living in Hermine street. and telephoned
for Detective O'Keefe. The latter traced
footprints in the snow from the store to
85 St. Maurice Street, where Samuel Dwyer
lives. There was a light burning in the
house and officers knocked for admission,
but there was no response. Through the
keyhole they could see the bundles of furs,
so they broke open the door and arrested
Dwyer. They found the furs hidden in
vagi ]
of s corners and:, took them to the
police station. Before Judge Dugas on
Saturday Dinnery and Dwyer both pleaded
not guilty and were remanded,
Death of a Newspaper Sian.
MoNTaxere Feb, 12; ---John` Livingstone,
a prominent newanaper man, who Was
formerly one of the leading spirits in New
Brunswick journalism, died in this city on
Saturday evening. Mr, Livingstone wee
born in 1837 in New Brunswick, where he
commenced his .newspaper' career at an
early age. He was the founder of the St.
John Daily Telegraph, , and was at one
time: connected with the Toronto Empire.
en 'Which a teatime Soils a Daughter and
a Lover Buys a Wife.
SonANTort, Pe, Feb. 8.—George Super,
of Luzerne county, .,yesterday at the court
hoose here sold his daughter Annie, aged,
20 years, to Frank. Nasta for $600, All
the patties are Austri+ins and tho trate.
action Is the outcome; of a love affair be-
tWeen Nesta and the girl whish began four
years age in Austria, 4.f tar the 'deal tli�
father, laver, girl and three fe]l'ow•oouttty-
mere who Witnessed the sale entered the
clerk of the court's office and seeured a
marriage license, , The wedding took place
last night,
The 5f renett A,re..tea'Iottw, ,.
I' lfxe, Feb, 8 -4110 Sieaie stay,
wt:.tyM> 44,3,01,. 4.4 .- ,+,...,,....., .�
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure,, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most accoptab".e and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshingand truly
beneficial properties of a erfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds,headaches and fevers
and permanently coring constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medics'
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is
free front
everyobJe ti iale substance.
Syrupof Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists au ' 75c. bottles, but it is ' menu-
factored by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose mine is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you 'will not
accept any substitute if offered,
For Sale at C. Luiz'e Drug Store
The. important Events in a Few Words
for Busy Readers.
Sheriff McKellar, of Hamilton, is dead.
Regina has adopted the single tax sys-
tem of taxation.
Many deaths from pholera'are reported
in Warsaw.
Serious religious riots are reported near
Messick, 95 miles from Bombay.,
Numerous Whitecap depredations are
reported at Middleton, N.Y.
Johnston defeated Norseng in two -skat-
ing races at Montreal on Saturday.
Hon.: Edward Blake sailed from New
York on the Umbria on Saturday.
The steamer Primrose of West Hartle-
pool has been lost off the coast, of Corn-
wall, Eng.
Mr. Isaac Mills of Hamilton, electrician
and fire escape inventor, died rather sud-
denly y on Friday.
The eighth annual meeting of the Dom-
inion Ayrshire Breeders' •Association was
held Iast week.
The British House of Lords last week
passed the Parish Councils bill through the
committee stage.
The Standard Oil Company has made
Plara,, ge poilurch
diasesstrict. of land in. the Sisterfield,
Two Anarchist workmen and a Czech
editor have been arrested at Vienna on a
charge of treason:
Bar silver was quoted in London last
week at. 29 13.16d per ounce—the lowest
price ever known.
Martial law will cease in Brazil on Feb.
26, and the Presidental election will take
place on March 1,
There' are 89 cases of smallpox now un-
der treatment in Chicago. Five patients
died on Saturday.
The Emperor of Germany on Friday
celebrated the 25th anniversary of his en-
trance into the army.
A retired French naval officer has in-
vented a rifle that is capable of firing two
kinds of explosive ballets.
There are now 57,280 persons out of
work in Now York city who usually have
employment of some kind.
Paul Anderson, aged 24, committed sui-
cide in Halifax on Friday night by shoot-
ing himself with a revolver.
The eighth annual meeting of the Do-
Shorthorn Breeders' Association
was held on Friday in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone arrived at Lon-
don from Biarritz on Saturday night, An
enormous crowd welcomed them.
' The Stratford City Council has decided
to reduce the number of hotel licenses to
bixteen, and of shop licenses to two.
Anarchists posted revolutionary placards
on walls throughout London, Eng.. Satur-
daymorning. ornin tt. One man as ar
w rusted.
Zing of the Mat
deserted t
ed b
y nearly all his followers
and is suffering from an attack of gout.
Col. Gregorieff has been convicted at
Kisheneff, Russia, on a charge of being an
Austrian spy, and has been sentenced to
Boob Manler, a desperado, who shot at a
train and killed 'Mee, Mary Bowling of
Middlesborough. was hanged at Pineville,
Ky., last: week.
At Owen Sound on Thursday Maud Ver
non, aged eight years, died from injuries
received by the runaway occident of the
previous day.
Alexander Skinner, farmer, living near
Waterford, has received word that hisson,
to telegraph operator, has been burned to
death in Dakota...
Samuel Cook, of, Brookville, a G. T. R.
brakeman, fell from a car at Napanee on
Sunday and wAs killed. He leaves a widow
and nine children:
Hanlan and Gaudaur will row a double
scuil race with any crew in the : world.
Gaudaur has heard nothing in regard to a
race with Stanbury.
At Winston, N, C., last Thursday, in the
presence of six thousand people, Peter Do -
Chaff was hanged for murdering his sweet'
heart, Ellen Smith,
The wool growers of the . United Stateit.
have memorialized the United States Sen-
ate Finance -Committee' against putting
wool on the free list.
At Quebec on Friday N. Jeanette, the
mail carrier
convicted of the robbery of
several money letters, was sentenced to
three years' imprisonment,
Great Britain's imports increased 425,,
880,000 during January, as tempered with
the corresponding month a year ago, and
the exports:inoreased .2180, 000.
Word has readied 'Vancouver of the
total destruction of the tug' boat Batelle
by exploaion, and the loss of theentire
crow, numbering eight persons.,
The Kearsage, the historic united States:
corvette which sunk the Alabama, in 18114
hat: been wrecked on Rohe dor reef, 201
utiles oft the coast of N3eeragua.
The Godey Publishing Company of Nit
Xerk, publisher% of Godey'e Magazine and
various hooks and periodicals, have ds,
slgrled. . ,"he Xiabilitiee are 050,000.
ee.1JTe L llti s 1ge .' I?1 .li- al0._
Portland, Feb. 12,*The people of this
neighborhood have net yet finished, tniking
of the remarkable core' of diabetea effected
lmy Dodd's Kideey Pills In the vase of Dr.
A. Rose, of tbia viliar,e. Tbe doctor is
authority for the etatenteut that his case
is totally eclipsed by that of a lady, a
pal lent of his, whom Bri8ht'e discrete had
brought to the edge :of the grave.He
etteoribed Dodd's Kidney fills for her,
and, thanks to them she is now cured,
These pills' are menufaetured'by Dr. L. A.
Smith d CO ,: Toronto, and are told by all
alere, or will be mailed on renew
of price : fifty cents per box, or six boxc
f. r $2.60.
—�41N Evxax Casa
In every ease of dyspepsia, where it has
been fairly tried, Burdock Blood Bitters
bas performed a complete cure. B. S. B.
cures whore other remedies fail.
IMPORTANT To WaRitneotrete.
Artl.zans, mechanics and labouring men
liable to sudden accidente and injnriea, as
well as painful cords, stiff joints and lame
rue, To all thus troubled we would re-
commend Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the handy
end reliable pain cure, for outward and in -
tergal use,
Dear Sirs.—Your Burdock Blood Bitters
excels all other medicines that I aver used.
I took
ltogether, it for biliousness and it has cured
Wm; Wright, Wallaceburg, Oat,
Ossentaen Conon CIIRZP,
Gentlemen.—I bard a very badcough
which I could not get rid of, but by rising
Ragyard's Pectoral Balsam I was cured in
two or three days. It is the best and ear -
eat cough medicine 1 know of.
Joseph Garrick, Goderioh, Ont,
Tins PINE FonusTs.
The pine forests yield up their healing
virtues for the mare of coughs, colds, asth-
ma, bronchitis and sore throat in the
pleasant preparation known as Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine' Syrup. 25 and 50 cents at
Tan BEsr TON/0.
Milbnrn'e Quinine Wine is the best tonic
for weakness, debility and lack of strength
It is an appetizing tonic of the highest
Q. C. RICHARD dd Co;
My son George has suffered with neural-
gia round the heart since 1882, but by the
application of MINARD'S LINIMENT in
1889 it completely disappeared and has not
troubled him since.
Linwood, Ont.
JAS. McKee.
American Rheumatic Curn, for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 ` to 3
days. Its action upon the system is remark-
able and mysterious. It removes at once
the cause and the disease immediately dis-
appears. The first,dose greatly benefits,
75 cents. Sold by O. Lutz, Druggist. 518
Itch on human and horses and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's
Sanitary Lotion_ This neyer fails. Sold by
C. Lox,;,
" Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap
per bearing the words "Why does a woman
look older sooner Than a man") to Lever
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you
will receive by post a pretty picture, free
from advertising and well worth framing.
This is an easy way to decorate your home.,
The soap is the best in the market, and
it will' only cost to postage to send in the
wrappers, if you leave the ends open,
Write your address carefully.
[gD REm — urs.
Winelos!'s Soothing Syrup has been used fifty
years by millions of mothers for their children
while teething,with perfect success. it soothes
the ohilu, sottens the gums,allays the pain,
Ares the colic, and is. the best remedy for
Diarrhoea, la pleasant to the taste. Sold he
druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind.
Young, old or middle aged, who find them
selves,nervous, weak and exhausted, who are
broken down from excess, result-
ing in many of the following symptoms :
Mental depression, premature old age, loss of
vitality, loss of memory, baa dramas, dimness
of sight,palpitation of the heart, omission,
leak of enersy,pain in the kidneys, headaohes,
pimples on the face and body, itching or
peculiar sensation aboutthe scrotum, wasting.
of the organs, dizziness, speo,ts before the eyes`
twitching of the muscles, eyelids and else-
where, nashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss
of will power, tenderness of the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby musoles, desire to.
sleep, tenure to oe rested by eleemeonetipation
dullness of hering, loss of voice, desire for
Solitude, exeitabilrty of temper, sunken eyes,
surrounded with leaden circles, oily looking
skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil-
ity �that lead to insanity unless oared. The
spring or vita oouase having teat its ,tension,,
every Junction wanes in consequence, Those
who through abuse committed .an ignorance,
may be permanently Cured. Send Vier
dress for book on diseases ember to man,.
sent free,sealed, address o
Ave., Toronto Oat..Oanada
Agents to Sell our :Acta() and hardy nursery
stook either on Selary or . Commueion. We
also give our men the privilege of Nailing our
new and ehoiae varieties of seed "Defame s,
Seearo the agency at once, 'whelk will hand-
seemly repay you as now is the time to Nott.
suet goods for seeing plantleg.
Address the F. «V. a1Ar Ou,11r'ANY Nursery-
Men and Propagators of Ohoioe Seed Potatoes,:
Bocheater, N.Y.
Will be at Greb's hotel Zurtoh
on the second'rhursday of each.
ntent and at Iles. in'S hetet
Hensel!. every Monday,
e - Exeter roundly
And .1Vfafihitle Works"
Repairing On effort:Motice and at
close prices,
We Manufacture GANG PLOWS,
I1Or?I' itYLPEHS, i
The beet fa t,bhe market.
fletkrtAfIk _ teed,iarr iteile11.
Bern free from all combines, we now offer fisrnlers the best in ever line. In Binders h
g Y ,, the �i�1t`t�ii as tt iiilrswr--
c.tineas maehino Never yet excelled. "Walter A. Wood,",made by Brost Les Wood,single apron, open backBinde denounced
byall rivals(you know why),and McCormick Ben4 10011ino • Mowers --Frost & Wood p `"
d d�lYtthera. , and I C`of all c. actin s
of every description, Cultivators — 3a,milton'a New: Elastic, Giant, Champion, Bell,and others. Ploughs of alithe�leadin
makes,Scufg Cutting. Crashers, TreadMills,WindMills, S
Scalers, Boxes, Cxus er , i' Say Forks,- either round rad .Oi' angle iiteal; ` Wagons,
Sleighs, Etc., Etc, We ask all interested to call at our Roonis„ and prove the correctness of our olttims and traistateMente of
unprincipled rivals.
WM, ELDER, H'xxsAS,I, AND Bavatrizal,D,
English Spavin" Liniment removes a
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem
isee from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs
Splints, . Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,.
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.
Warranted, the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Drug -
1st. Sep 18,'93'
Bzr.nnr IN Six Houns.—Distressing Kid,
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This new remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on ac-
couot of its exceeding promptness in re-
lieving pain ]i,'5he bladder, kidneys,baok
and every part di, the urinary passages in
male and female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost immed
ately, If you want quick relief and cure
this is your remedy, Sold by C. , LUTZ,
e 8, a es, Chairs
IL,;y 114
Under the guiding hand of the Principal of
of London, who has had special preparation for his chosenrofession assures sue
cess to every student. Itpays to attend a school that has a standingnamong'busi-
ness men. College re -opens after vacation on Tuesday, January ,'94. Good
Board $2.50 per week. Catalogue Free.. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.,,
ff The undersigned wishes to inform the;publio inggeneralr,that. 'he keeps con*
I stantly in Stock all kinds of
Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled„to be the.
Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Saidb
competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate.
JAS. Nocrluzas
See that horse ?jCENTI?AL S1 AVING'
He has a
smoothan d
glossy (oat
and feels in
good :enough
condition to
win the
The quotation above indicates that
the Bard of Avon in his universal wis-
dom was not above considering the con-
veniences of the, world. Neither should
you be—in the same line. Especially
when you can get
Chairs; Lounges, Springs, o
r anything
in the Furniture Line.
We would ask you to call and sod our
immense stock and get prices.
We have on hand a select. Stock of
Earns, Breakfast Bacon, Backs, Rolls
and Salt Meat, which wo are selling
cheap for cash,
Crocks, pails and tubs filled with
Pure Lard at lowest cash price ; as we
sell for cash only, we allow no one to
under sell us, and we guarantee all
Goods sold at Packing House.
and so would
nr horse if
its owner used
It renews the system, enriches tht blood land
gives nature a fair chance, is also at unfailing
eradicator for bole and worms. It i, suet as
good for cattle as for horses. Try a see pack-
age if your horsesor cattle t le are n thi i
et lY ng.
For a s
nein curb,'n
ti n gbono or splint, use
Dick's Blister Sic.—Dick's Liniment for
'sprains, swellings, bruises, etc 25c, Link's
Ointment fora cratohes. old sores, saddle galls,
etc, 25e. mailed on receipt of price.
& 00, P.O. Box 482 Motirv.EAL,
�sn1 Si:: -ah Up
Boots and Shoes
must be sold this month.
Now is t
1]e oh
save of a life
time to got good cheap
footvreearj fatR
The People's Shoe Store.
Next Door to Post Office.
Cuttings, Sausage, Tender Loin, ahioab1
and all cuts of Fresh Pork on.hand.
Want a 13ie ole e
pt'eese TIRE hU ra
41r4.r Nod
,ate IRLo ,sr
Agent for the Brantford Steam
Can always
Be. Dressed Well
If heg
es toproper othe ro er Taf
We have a large range of Pat;
terns to choose from -- Natty
Tweeds, Bergey and Woretsds,
made up in any style, and fitting
the customers so well that inti-
mate friends do not scruple to
ask who made your Suit. Our
hesitate 81
to but
answer with a knowing,smile,
e in raisin our businessfrons the smallest to thea urges,, not
only in the County of Huron, butsquat
to many in the city of Toronto.
A lar o Stook
Well Dough
W l Se1ooted
l? a's
�i�S � Sulci
The Tailor;
est ural s isthi
o oh