The Exeter Times, 1894-2-1, Page 1r,
I k
Stook -Taking Clear Up
Now tat Stock -taking
titrao is here, customers visit-
ing our store'during,filie next
few weeks will cerfaiinly be
agreeably surprised to see
the Real Bargainswe are
givifg ress Goods,Ready
Made Oloting, Boots and
Shoes, Remnants 'of Prints,
Ginghanas, Shirting's, Etc.
call early and secure a
bargain while they. are going.
Huron Onutetty Council.
(cohtinuedftem 8th page.)
tificatea of the temeheris employed. British
History has been placed on the H S. En-
trance purse for examination.
That ea action be taken re East Huron
Teacher' Institute application for grant:
That clerk ask for tenders for blank beeke,
ete. Tient Housed Refuge be delayed to
1896. That clerk's salary be inereased to
0700. Tleet dark peoeure statutes' for dis-
tribution. Teat no aetien be taken in ref-
erence to look up at fIaneheater. That no
itetion be taken on motion of Stewart-
furnbull fore grant to Meehardes'Iaatitutest
' That the tender of tlse Exeter Teems for
PrintMg be aeoeptedt That no., action he
e . taken re application of Seaforth and Chu
toe Collegiate Institutee for payment of
allegea arrears des them. Re application
been Golerich, Clinton anti Seafortle Col.
legiateInstitete beards for the proportion
Ate cost of main -le of coulate PilPilt
attending : the- *ire Collegiate litusti
total vie.•54, &Sae•p'7, see 31, and sub -seas,
com. have agreed that hey re to be paid
(lest the feu received from county pupils) ;
Goderich 02,373 72, Clinton $2,317 95, See -
forth 02,710 39, providing claims are found
comet, settlement to bold good for three
The Porte ill Sehool diffieulty was
reported res renews; ; That in the ommon
of Bahl committee the oharges in the petition
frost S. S No 5, Goderieh township, are not
correct, and ate recommit:eel that thia omen-
ese ell do ndt interfere in the matter between
* the said section and the inspeetor. The
statement contained in said petition attri;
bated to Mr Robb, I P. S. East Iinron,ehas
beerneatee by Mr liobb to be untrue. That
and may be said to be tottering on the
edge of the greet). Throe of these aged
ones are in for ehort terms, viz. :-One
for two months and two for 30 days
eaoh. Whet are they to do then. ? go
out on the public street and Wait there
till some good samaritaa comee and
takes theta home No. The season
of the year will not permit of their being
turned out. I will lay the matter be -
tore the sheriff and be guided by him.
Of the females, Mary Walton is very
feeble, the other is strong for her age.
From thie report, gentlemen, you will
learn that atepresent your twenty jail is
doing triple work -as an Asylum, letquee
of Refuge and a Hospital ; and in work-
ing your jail as each the expenses for
the year will be largely increased as
per inspector's report of June 23rd,
1893. I hey° been under the necessity
oferneking requisition to your Clerk, as
per idles and regulations for the govern-
erient of shOmmoirjeds, for the following
goods :-6 stools, 12 pair blankets, 2
dozen coverlets, undershirt and drawere
for Win. Shaw, pants and cap for Wm.
Kelly, bill for which will he laid before
you duly certified re. All of which• is
respectfully submitted.
VVex, Deakeort, Goaler.
MaIloy-Gibson--That clause 3of
Executive, re H011ee of Refuge, be
struck out and the following substitut-
ed :--That a committee consisting of
Messrs, Moiturchie, ,Eliber, Milne
Piou fpot, and Bawden be appointed to
obtain a list of sites availeble for the
erection of a" Elouse of Industry, the
coot of the same and to procure plans
and specifications with the eon of a
building fit to Accommodate 75 inmates
and report fully at the June mooting
Said oommittee also to try and obtain a
grant to aid in l'such enterprise out, of
the estate of the late Janaes S ta
Carried. Later on it was wetted by
Cook and Benneweise that the above
amendeeiont to clause 3 of the executive
report liedittruck out and the clause 55
first referred to in the committee of the
whole be reinstated. Loot, 24. to 26.
we recommend the inepeetor to ....Jerry out
the school Iaw end regulations in the mat
tee of providing an assistant teacher foe the
said seetiou.
Tho report of the Goderich Horticultural
Society, the; eubstatice of which hu pre*
vionsly appeared be those ' coirtmue, was
reed and filed. -
TIM JAILOR'S exeone. ,
Jailor Dickson reported as followd :-- ran away, broke the bit, and threw Mr
et, ek
'41 present there are ,14 ' prisoners in Walper out, (tatting his head. He was
oustody as follows :•wo females and stunned butedfd not appear to realize )hia
twenty males. The fema1es ttre vag-
raf and under sentencteeelary Walton,
Go rich, 84 year of aRte, committed
, by Mayor Itstler ; and Maty J. Mc -
Do d, McKillop, 60 years of age,
oomuf ed by S. Caldwell and A. T.
If pc.s d, J. P.'s. Of the males two
of the o intiane, neither of them
violent ono has been reported and is purchased and is purchasing a large quan-
MOW a iting rernotral to 'ehe asylum ; the; of hay in Biddulph.-Me Win Quinton
*threat or is under investigation, The 14s threshed 60 Miami,/ Aleike clover seed.
risme tug 18 are agrants ell, undo .Died in Clapdeboye, on the 14th tda„
sent' Am ging from ene to sixinonth Tranois Jones, Esq., brother of Mr Win
as /61 11° 541.24(1000 frOirick donee, Eketer, and uncle of nets Joe la
comneitte Geo. ,Bmilett . man_ Cobblediek, Exeter. Deceased was 6. man
' Weep •and Wart. Shaw, Elowiek oi'more than ordinary intelligence and
,core( ed by James Foster and Thies'. ability, and rose by his induetry 'from a
small beginning to an independence. He
GibbOds t Jigs. Johnson, Seaforth, was one of those that 'what their hands
committed by J.:Beattie and D. D, findeth to do, was done with all their
Wilson ; Geo. Nichol, Wiathrop, might,' and this was the 'secret of his sue-
cotrunittecl by A. Gorenlock and M. ceer through iffe. His example was for
Mertie ; Geo, Constable, Seaforth, good for all theee who would profit there-
eoriertf 'ea by D. D. Wilson and J. by, His Chrietianity was such,ehati white
Be ; John Gilchrist, W.Weeetanosh, making no outward display, his walk, talk
conerni 'ed by Wen , Lane tJoim. Dern. and oenvereation was that of a Christian
10137 GO orielf, Win. McTunes, Colborne, gentleman. He was an ardent admirer of
Thos. Smith, Wingharn, Robt. Rich, all that was rare and beautiful in nature
and art, and had a choice collection of
pio. Pardon, Chicago, jiis.
such as interested him meetly. He had
tieLood, Stratford, Alex, McNab, Grey, the esteem of all that had his acenain-
own Butler, Hamilton, John ,ROSS, term, He leavetwo sous and two daugh
Toronto, Edward Sullivan, Kingston, tors to lament his death.
1,Vin, 13Iaok, Goderich, and James
Moyqre, Ridgetown-all committed by
Meyer Buttler, of Goderioh, Of the
male vaorants eight of them are said to
bete' I unable to earn a living ; their
ages range from 62 to 90 years ; one is
blind and one a paralytic ,; one bent an,
, The geesstion of erecting a p3or house
was thoroughly discussed when several
motions in reference to ilestveere before
the Boarl. As already stated, after
an effort had been made to leave the
matter over until 1896, the committee
appointed to Mitestigete and report will
do so at the June stesion. The questi,on
of the House of industry for the County
of Huron will then leave to again run
the gauntlet. On the first motion there
was a rnajoriey of seven, for it
A large number of 0 ounty Wards, as
will be noticeds have been added to the
already largo number, A motion was
carried to reduce theamount one half
each as given in the report.
Balance 'of reports ivill appes,r :next
week. -Huron News-Reicord.
ACCIDENT -The accident. to Mne WalPer
of Hullett, which was referred to last week
under this heading, happened ebont as 301
loiys-'3sr,.P Walper was driving down
„the London Road when his horse became
frightened at a leree that wee being cat
down on Mr Couch's /arm. Ths animal
-gegir 10AMERON SA/1T1, Barrister.ohei
• ° tor, Oonverantene Office Main -tit,
Oen be coneulted after offioe .hours at the
Oomneeroial Rotel, Beneath
position, angetting fnto tbo eutier, droe
off'. Readhing 13rdoefield, his strange
actions 'fere netioed, whee he was oared
for as -before stated. He lies been removed
to his bona°, and is recovering,
Stook taking sale in boots and qhoes. During
this mouth we will sell alt wiater Ot8 at
greatly, redinied prince. to order to make
room for peeing eteek, Oallandget our erioes,
urea be °may:aced thet o gel cheap.
timers -Mr Blatchford of Exeter has
rubbers (trad $ocics fee' t 23 ; moree fox telt
N°t° the 'f 013e -riving Prices :
Me' s rubbers aud ..eoelte foe $.1 50
boote, $1 30: neen'e rubbers, 60%; men's
overehoes.plain-tit, 75o.; women'rubbers,
3eo ; woraen's rubbers, wool lined,450; a lot of
German slippers, men'e,wom en's enteelateiree's
from 2c, to 709 you have cold feet °all and
get a pair of electric insoles for 25o.
Sign of Bisr Boot. A. W112E1011
Out in Two.
Pricee of Ladie'a Mantles.
$3 tO Mantles for 531 78 :
$4 . $2 00 ;
$000 " s3 00 ;
$8 00 " $.1 00.
We are losing money, but wa epaulet afford to
keep them oven
Misses' and children's hoso worth from 149.
to 45o, at 10o a pair; 12 doe spools at Se a doz.;
melee ties at 5o., 10a. and 25s wortb, 20o, 25e,
and e0o.Ladies hose worth 25s for 15e, ;
enen's relies worth 50o and.350 ; double width
raelton these goeds worth 2ec for 15c, ; over -
'oath at prices that will make others squirm,
D. Wsiseneenn, kienean.
REV. D. M. Manua,
Adelaide St. Baptist °hutch, London,
Ont., °artifice., "I have used the remedy
known as KB. 0., and have found it to
give relief when the stomach, did not pro-
perly cligegt the food eaten."
most double and the other as feeble,d lieep Minard'a Liehnentin the hnuse,
ASH VS. ellE131
Following are the market quotations:
Wheat 56 to 68
Barley 35 to 35
Oats . 29 to 29
... ......, . 50 to 60
Hay .. 6,00 to 7,00
Butter............,.....19 to 20
Eggs.. .... 15 to 16
Hogs ... 600 to 6 25
° ()lover acted..
MASON/O-The brethren of Zuriou lodge,
Ne 221, reek in their hall, Hansen, on
Thursday evening, January 18th, wnen ties
following officers were installed for the
ensuing year,viz : Durican MoEvien, W.
Dd.; Wm C.Davies, S. W; David Weis -
miller, J, W; Jae Boutheon, See.; Wen R.
Houginn, Tress.; Cha e Meyers, Chap.;
Joe Ellis, $, D ; Henry L. Pelee, le D.;
Donald Burial, T. G.; John T. Wren
13mees.-The Rev, .1. S. Henderson, of
Hensel' will conduct ehe annivergary ser-
vicee nt Eemontlyille church on Sbeebath,
February llth. On the following evening
Mr flendereon will lectare. - Mews
Graham & OE, eoese-buyers, of St' Marys,
were in town on Tuesdeee-Bishop Bald-
win was at Stella bat week and oonfirmed
a large elasa in the Church of England
there.-Mr.G. J. Sutherland was in God-
erich this week on baainese.-Our enter-
prising citizen, Mr ,Tninas Petty, will offer
for side, privately, a number of choice
Landing lots, on the West aide ef the rail.
way track. The lets' ere in a splendid
condition. and anyone wishing, to build
will find it to their advantage- to me Mr P.
-Mr. E Mollie of Kippon, was in town
on Monday. -Mr. Reinhardt Cook, of So u th
River, Muskoka, was visiting his brother
Mr. Henry Cook, this week.--allr. John
Dick of St. Thoreag, Dekote, is visiting
his parents -Wood and saw loge are com-
ing in in large quantitieg this week. -Bev.
J, S. Henderson is td preach the anniver-
sary servicee in Seaforth next Sabbeth.-
Mrs. Softiey mother of Bev. Softley. is
visiting her son and daughter this week.
11 -Mr. August Pope is eisiting his brother,
John, Merchant Tailor. -J. Zeefle of
Clandeboye, bas moved to town. -Mr. 0,
e/leyers is up north on import/tut base:lase
-The Patrons of Ineastry held an enthus-
easter oeneerition on Wednesday. -Meier.
McEwen' Stoneman, and Scott met as, a
Board ofHealth in Zurich on Monday. --
Mr, Cook gave a party et hie residence on
Tuesday evening. Guests were present
front varioes placer, and a, very pleasant
them was spent -Mr. Jas, Troyer returned
on Saturday from Marlette, Mich. He
was there on business and reports times
duller than here.-Querterly meeting was
held in the Methodist aburch last Sunday."
There was a large attendance, Rev. Swann
and Fergus pre/tolled a opecial sermon, -
The Royal Tempters attended the District
/fleeting at Setiforth on Monday and report
grearprogress M the teeeperanee move.
inent.-The ice harveet hart commenced
Mr. Hedging is making material improve,
!silents to the Commercial hotel. ---The
Direetore of the Fareaere' Institute met
here on Monthly and finished bueinees tor
the sown.
We herewith announce to the public at large that
for the fu.ture we have decided to do principally a Cash
Business. The advantage
will be readily seen by the difference, you will have to pay
for your Goods, thus saving you
bosidas all t e 'worry and trouble about inding accounts.
he advanta e be t paying Cash
arid thus be
tit baitsifit.
DEBATE -The relative,evils of Style and
Tea will be discussed on Tuesday evening,
February 6th:ern Four opeakere one each
Melon's. Graham of St. Marro ship-
ped 18 fine harses to telftegow last
The death is announced of Itobert
Elden, tor twenty years postmaster at
A double ehloeicie of (*old Cure club
ham been started in Mitchell with a
large membership.
The tete Miohael Miner, of eHibbert
township,left an estate of 813,031, His
widow and Mr. V. Miller are the exec -
A horse and buggy were,stoieu Sal.
urday from the barn of P. Nolan in
Dovenie, /six miles from St; Marys.
Both vfere valuable.
I eldae Orangemen of t Stratford 'and
County of nTorth Perth Insets imettPted
aueinvitation to celebrate the nl2th of
July in St, Thomas.
Mr. efeurrie, oft Strathroy, epatron's
candidate for the Coma:one i, West
Middlesex, was a former resinent of
the 10th line Blausharol •
At the Perth County Connell meet-
ing, Warden Hacking appointed Mr
Wm. Johnston of Blanshard, , one of
the County auditors for 1894. '
A couple of smart alecks of Mitchell
got theneselves into trouble lit*t week
by putting tobacce stamps on tlie
ofiertory plate of one of tile ehurches.
LDr. Thomas Guest of Virden, Man.,
formerly of Sc. Marys, ched ein , the
Northwest last jvveelc. The remains
were brought to St. Marys forinter-
A. team belonging to We Dunseith
St. Marys ran avvay the other gist, and
colliding with Billings' plump deep one
of the horses was so badiy nmju red
that it had to be shot.
Bainre-Mr E. A Chatabeelain has been
re -appointed towneclerk for the ensuing
year be the new camel -The 0. 0: F.
have leased the Watson hall, and in future
will meet there. -A, 11 Bebb is, we are
Riad to letern, able to attend te his duzies,
after a severe atteek of erysipelas in the
face. -Mr A. McNally has purchased the
fine building site on Dinsley-s$ west, from
Mr A. MeNaughton, on which he intends
to build in the spring, -The many friends
of Mr P. Kelly will be sorry to learn that
he has /lei been So well the past few days.
-W. D. Bentley, who has been spending a
few weeke here with hie parents, left on
Friday for Vancouver B. 0.
41 1.4.1.,-••••••••••.,........
Bruers---We are sadly in need el a looal
butcher, The Stanley vendor of neeete iS
debug a good businees hore.-The Albion
hotel ought fire the other day, and but
for timely aid wouldebeve beessedestroyed.
--Rumor/ are already afloat about the
probable ooeupans of the 'store now oteme
pied by Mr G. IL Revlon when that
gentleman mores hit° his new one ; Mr
Jan Burro-, how a Teroato, but a former
merchant bored) is meant/ thou mentioned.
.-.14fr Cheri Mara came near having a
gerioue accident. On Sunday, While at-
tending his liovotes, One of thena knoelied
him on the oboist with it head, -Mt Una
Geniehrhardt and eerie were busy last week
tearing down the old bridge.
The death of Mr. David Fyne,
formerly of St.' Marys, occierred at
North Branch, Mich., last welt,nestitt-
Was an old resident of the Striai . town
where Inc rerneins were' interee
° The firemen of St. Mary', daett week
presented John, MacLean, cariteddan of
the Fire and Light conamittee,e' the
town couacit witne gold heacletie'cane,
as an appreciation of his serettet.
Robb. Golsen' was recelatlY •'1,
Stratford hespitanfor treatmee
brokeatleg. A few days ago le WAS re-
letteed, get drunk, f011, and i ag
in that tostitetioe for repaira.
°hell vooate.
Stratford papa its Clerk, $7011; rea
urar, $500 , Aseessor, Cellector,
f$5OO ; Solicitor, $200 5 Auditors, $6
each; Street Comnaissioner,, $600
Chief Fire Dept., $144; Engineer,
860; Chief of Police, 8600 ; Pc:Omen:le
8550, $500 and 8300 respent y ;
Janitor, I50;8eleelth Offieeme 820J ;
Sainitaxerelnspector, $40U. elite Lest-
owel pay is Olerk, $125 ; Tee seeder, .
$80 ;,Assessor, 875 • Ohiet oejeeecnice,
who ne also lampligter, streerrier.ter-
er and Sanitary inspeotor,
Themes lley, for sonae time in the
hotel business in Ailsa Craig, has sold
out to Peter Dewar, ofNairn.
Dr. Shaw has purchesed Ur. Wm.
Staaley'siresidence on the cerner of
Mein and Williain streets, Lenten, for
the SUM of $2,250.
Mr. B. S. flodgine, of Luoan, has
Leased the brick warehouse at the west
end of Thedford, a began buying
grain there last week.
A yell known London merchant
offers handsome 'prizes to- chase of his
clerks who are most summer/fel as
writers el oadvertisements. 'rhatpaan
Fire was discovered irt thar1or of
R houae, Luoien4he other
day. The tire was started !Jr a four-
year-old daughter vrtio by scone means
got Lund of a match, and not antil the
carpet sone curtains were destroyed,
Was it extiuguistied,
Ant to Rev. Dr. McDonald for the suin-.
mer six menthe.
The many friendof Mr, H. 13. Det-
vveller, formerly 'ofBlake, will be
pleased to learn that he has now got
comfortably settled luelies ue w home,in
Virginia,having purchased a farm leder
Midland, leeway.
On Monday, Mrs. Brydon and mhild.
ren, Mr. W. Laithwaite, and Mr. H. W.
Tebbutt, of Gedextee township, left
Clinton for ()awe°, Cal., where they
vvere all tiolcetad through by W. Jack-
rer -"I10 agaia heord, and the farmers' weint.
purpose residing in the future.
are being Bien, lied io the way of all
13E1E1171-The ofileers aad delegates of
the R.T's of Centralia Council/attended
•the convention in Seaforth on Monday,
and report a profitable time, They
say the Seaforth people wove very
kind in fitraieeing free meals, and
meking everything comfortable in
general. We would judge that they
Werelesed a little too well by the tirom
the team reached Centralie on Tues.
day. -The -whitstle of the chopping mill
mon, agent, Clinton.
Last vveek the eldest son of Mr. Wna
Moon of Goderich townehip, in trying
to reaoh /some grain in a barrel, over-
balanced and could not get baek off
the edge ef the barrel. He was in that
position for sonae tune, until his father
found him and lifted heixt down. He
complained of being hurt, and soon
inflaramationset itt and he died on
Friday night,
On the reconeneendetioci of the
Winghane twin council last year, the
License Commissioners last Iyear re-
duced the number of elicit° licenses
fromsix to four The counsel having
tine year changett its eornp ion, it is
expected that an inoreazie to eve hotels
will this year be reoommeoded, and
thenn.obatality is that Dinsiey's hotel
will again get a licoese.
,O. A. Strong, druggist cd Seaforth,
Oloised hie shop the other G. ening,
leaving a coat, in the pooket which .1(ippen.
were some matchee, on a oh tneer.,,,,,„4
t a ii thetog,atien.j.).:atiseodg . -Lea Moltenrdie of London
ini SOMe way iguited the metceer and
soon the coat and chair were`ee "ettneel
and but for the - tfneely- 7d'iiirttre' e of
citizens the shop would have .443 no
Theamount of money ex , d by
elle-We/It Huron Ternperaneje-
ation an furthering the h, ;ITV1
(33-r{:- ;Dal go
was cortainly not '.
The total amount collei tas
8125 75, and of this arnentne kalY
$162 18 was expended, thc of
7610 going to pay the eecd1rt t of
ilencatIdeierenrtsa1,and t e oe L
ti Th arcaiiniet.°I.F
d r East Huron as
sing somewher bo • t $80P .' he
xecut- there a defioj tuatead
ondville correspedent of
e says "One of
of the ter able des •
..people of the
c •elated by a
o has latrly
1 igenhe
ine-sIri. e
a store-
d his sta
kinds of fee, .-Chap shot a fox o
Tuesday, He says he could easily
have had its mate, only for the gun.--
MrtWm. MItehell and wife of Bensall
are visiting in this section. Mr. Mit.
chell formerly resided here, and all are
pleased to gee hum -Tile sleighing is
showing itself ea the bustness of the
town.-Mdenhomae Handfordet wood
testes are malting good use of the
elemhing and many hundred cords will
soon be moved, -Mr and Mrs. R. F,
Hicks attended the wedding of Miss 0.
Henderson in London on Tuesday,nliss
Henderson being a sister of Mrs. Hicks.
-Mr. Butt of Clinton is visiting his
father, Rey. W. El. Butt, -C. W. Smith
attended ethe Dairymen's Convention
held in Ingersoll last week, and reports
the largest attendance and -most inter-
esting convention ever held by that
the ha
thettenex 0reteens,--The ono'
ineetieg of IlidclulphDistriet L. O. L. Was
'Ala her. on the 16th ; the meeting was
repreateited by. members from every ',edge
in the 1,,A 1161.4 The returns .from the
..41fieent todkes' ;.ttleette the eitfee tot)." In
,ietteetettiViie retteirete''17elite eviritL fez
,Mr. John Noble left on Tresieday for
Cookshire, Que., to assume the duties
of Customs' officer -a position to
which he was recently promoted by
the Dominion Government. His friends
in Parkhill wise him long jiffs and
prosperity in his new home, end ten-
dered him a very flattering j address.
Hie family will not move tilE dpring,
John Smith, son of N:r, Wm,
Smith, tile n3aker of Lieury, nearly lost
his legjn a horse -power at Mr. Geo.
Saunders' barn on .Saturday, while
some men were engaged iti outting
straw. He had been warned to keep
away, but got, on the power with the
driver, and let his feet .hang down
when one vvas drawn between the
orestkpiece and.the top of the bell -
pinion, is apace of about tWe inches.
leis ankle Was badly bruise' and his
oboe torneto pieces.
In Seaforth the constable receives
town clerk, $2505 treasurer,
On Friday last Mr. Dinsley of Wing.
ham was fined $50 and eosts for
illegally sellsng liquor.
Mr. John Middletown, of Goderioh
townglaip, delivered over so, hogs in
Goderieh the other day.
Mr. Irian Halted hat; rented the
farm belonging to Mr. John Currie, , of
Manitoba, on the 7th eon., iioderuth
Mre, Alex: Hislop of Walton, died
lase Week at the Ago 81 yeere. She
was well-known itt tile Northern part
of the County.
Mrs. (Jooper, who lives liorOes the
river, near Olinten,, Wee hunting Or
ogles in the hey loft on Monday, when
she foll to the flooe breekiug her *rm.
11.A. government detective in Itin'
cardine Pe:Orkin• d Thee t-heer
ldren, but
as fused be a had no money,
but, driven to desperation, he snatched
tiventy-fiv-e pound sack and ranthme,
followed closely bv a policeman,- Who,
on entering the destitute home, found
the famished children devouring the
raev flour in handfulls. To the credit
of the otlioer, he left the family to their
repast and went and paid the merete-
aut for the flour."
A correspondent writes :-We have
home rule here with a vengeance. In -
vector Tom told the trustees person-
ally that they must get two teachers
for Porters Hill school, the average
attendance being over the number re-
quired by law for one, but the trustees
sett the Inspector, law and all at de-
fiance, and hired one. The Inspector
has now stopped the achool grant,
which he can do according to the
school act, We do not think it is
right to have children travelling
through mud and snow to school
where there are 65 to 75 scholium and
only one teacher when the law de-
mands two, What is the use of the
School Act, what good is an inspector
to stee the law carried out, or a Minis-
ter of Education to frame the lavowbon
two or three dissenters can set the
whole outfit at defiance?
is spending a few days here visiting
ber relatives and friends. -Misses M.
.Monteith and A. C. Mcelordie have
senditIondon the pain's, two weeks. -
`Mrs. Acheson is ill with bronohitis.
We hope seen to hear ofeldeeee Peaevery.
Th fi d f "(4 o Hunt
BRIEFS -Revival serviette will be con-
tinued in the Methodist church this
week. --A. new organ will be placed in
the Presbyterian ohuroh at an early
date. -A few oases of scarlet fever are
reported in echool aection No 3, Us -
borne. Dr Thompson has taken the
necessary steps to prevent it from
spreading by having the school fumi-
gated with sulphur. -Joseph O'Brien
of St Thomas was , home for a few days
on account of the illness of his parents.
-Walter Robson spent a few days in
Parkhill last week Visiting friends and
—0 many r en a o e
wilt -regret
to letirn that he is again
prostrate by illness, having had 'id re-
lapse since be returned ,to his home at
-- OF MISS FORE:alt.-The death
of Mise Forrest by drowning in the
Toronto Bey on Monday was received
here with general regret, The partic-
ulars are :-"Saturday afternoon Mists
Sarah k'orest, a teacher at the Center
Island school for the past four years
W08 drowned in the Channel at the
Western gap, while four others who
were in her company had narrow
escapes from meeting with a similar
fate. About half past three o'clock,
Mesa Forrest, who had been in the l city
went down to the Queen's whiter with
the hope of getting somebody to take
her over to the Island. While there
she met several friends,ewho had rowed
over to the city in the morning and
were returning. Miss Forrest went
along with them. When half way be-
tween the dock and the sand -bar the
immense floating cakes of inc were
caught in the current and thrown
against the trail little craft. It was
caught:between the ice and crushed
like antegg shell, -An effort was made
to bail the boat but. it quickly- filled
with water and sank and the occupants
were thrown into the tie.s,y water. All
were saved with the excepetion of Miss
Forrest. Kimmings suoreeeded in
clutching her once but a euddee crash
of one of the cakes separated them and
the lady sank beneath the waver,
The other four were rescued by the
arovvd whiela had collected. after being
in the rester for over half an hour,
Subsequently the body of Miss Forrest
was reoovered and taken to Kippen,
her former home, for burial.
Mr. Duncan McBeathe an old resid-
ent of Seaforth, now of Victoria, B. C.,
has seeured the contract for the neve
Legislative building for that Province.,
amounting to a SUM in the neighbor.
hood of 8350,000.
• 1.41 4
J3nntes -A very large and enthusias-
tic meeting of the different sooiettes
who have met isa the temperance hall,
and those in syntpatttyevith the true -
tees in the teinperance ball difficulty
was held here on Settesday eVening
leek The meeting was opened, and
Mr John .Corraime was appointed
chairtnae, and Mr J as Armstrong, dere
retery. All were unanimous in cen-
suring Mr Ward in the very extraordin
avy and unjust attempt to deprive the
_Tempters and other soeibties of their
hall Which they built and :occupied
unieterruptedly for over 30 years, by
nailing up the wtriderrs and door, but
all were determined and tinatannous itt
pushing the thing through. It wee
then moved, seconstoci and carried
that thitt meeting advise the different
societies* that occupy the hell'ito ehter
an aetion far damagets Against Mr Wad
for nailing up their property, It Walt
ale° resolved that is union tea, meeting
and entertainment of the different
socileties be held, mid an efficient 0Orn-
leelttee wee appointed to Pinto the
nOoOltarY erratic:tech:tents, and We fally
0 til hbe there Will
BEIEFS.-The Church of England
day Sebool entertainment was 11 ever
euceetss. The children who took
proved to have been trained well
were well pleased. -Mr. Joseph F
Wail the guest of R Horn over Se
Mr. 0, Webb of Toronto is having
Reaford property repaired and fi.t)
condition fit for rental whieb w
the appearance of the place,-
sister of Chicago is visiting he
-Business is very quiet in
meeting of the Biddulph Ag'
folloWieg officers were oleo'
Pres; J 5 Bryan, Viee•Pr
Jas lObster, Herne Jerneyn
,Tas Reath, Gilbert Garr
Sanal Gunning, Win Wo,
Radcliffe, Seey; Jas Isere)
year was a successful on
and there was a email b
standirtrdebt fot new h
With: the able staff oi
should also prove same
Huron County Roy
parance mot in the
Seaforth, en Monday la
J. an Tons of Goderich,
wore over 80 delegates
parts of the County
ofiloors wore eleeted
Torn, Goderich, reselooto
Mrs. needier, Seaforth 1
ler, 3,H, Pyper, Seafort
Piokard, llohnesville ; r
lellwoed, Holum/vine ; 0
Lewes, Oreilitori herald
Exeter . gaped, Ed Merl
liebey Monteith
meeting was opened at
at 9 p. In. A large
611030015 pertaining to
thefemporatite 01i1156 N
meeting. Tho leoyal
perenee el Soaforth
vote of thatke for tee
dowel the visitors. T
meeting Will be bold at
Mott, The Rev, Gal
weloonted the Welters t
Watch this s aoe next
J. P. ROSS, Market DeRot
BELEM-. Mr. L, H. Ireland, who rented.,
Mrs. Chubb's blacksmith shop, eleareCouli`
last week, taking a, pair of pinehers and
some other valuable stuff, the property of
Dan Fred Chubb. Fred caught him at
Dublin and made him deliver up what did
not belong to lone, -Mr. and Mrs AW
Hothaue have settled down to the sterner
realities of life.
Baas. -What might haye proved a
sterieue accident happened on Saturday last
to Mr. Charles Kate. While sawing wood
n the busk a large limb dropped from is
tree above him, striking hint on the beak.
Had he been ;standing up, atul the limb
dropped on his head, it would heve Wiled
him instantly. -Mr. J amis.!! Zeeett is pre-
paring to build a large bank Meru next
summer. Mr,. Joseph Nichols is getting
material ready for a fine brick house. Join
is a hustler; first the eage, then the bird..
Mr. Valentine Paulen is also preparing to
build a brick house next summer. And
then, muff said.'
BRIP.178.-The roads around here are in
great shape again. -Mr. Thos. Coates
has the school Wood delivered. -Mr,
Thad. Jones who has been ill for some
time is progressing nieely.-On Sunday
evening last one of Stephen's promieing
young menedrove to the second eon. of
1.7aborne, tintending, so we understand to
spend a couple ot hours with is young
lady there Finding her engaged how-
ever, All decided to take another route,
a route which I am afteebl will not be a
safe one for him to pure/wee, We under-
stand however, that Neleenekept w '
on Sunday evening eek7.-
home without meeti.
-Our old friend,
visit on Sc'
Skinner waled
diet a ljttle