The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-04, Page 16r.` r m a �, "k t - ;ALOE 16--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRII. 4, m.1.974 • ffici�Istiron: ..i40, County . wools ,.., mee.tinf viith Ogtario, Hydro .vffitials . •••. . . n , . . . . • The CIJuntl of'Huron wants solutions to the location" of well cut and dried then," he . ning "board's claim that not all Ontario ',Hydro to. obtain an their facilities " added a people are opposed to Hydici amendment to the Official Plan Warden Elton said there- Reeve Allan- Campbell. ! tines 'and plants in the area for H'ydro, facilities. in Hurort were "questions all over, the McKillop, said citizens in , General opinion, however, was such as power corridors and place". Hei,said eounty officials Huron - particularly,farrners • that Hydro in the past has generating stations. , ' have no facts upon which "to want answers. treated farmers shabhil\ °when . "We can't say what we'hearcl It'canie to making financial set - This decision was reached at base answers. last Friday's sessionof county "We a1.Llttiow we need Hydro ,,n the street or in the fence cor- Clement for crossing their hind One reeve, Roy Williamson council during which Warden but we want Hydro to .work tier.", said Campbell. We iwant Bill Elston :' urged ,°a£n open with us so that we do, ,riot to hear directly from Hydro. of Grey, said Hydro was of- ,,, "idiscus§ipn on a rather unof-, destroy the, count\ as we now , . Indication's from t he fering farmers, in 1974 what ficial announcement of several know it," said the Warden discussion were that if Hydro amounted to 1968 priers for weeks ago rtthat Ontario Hydro Reeve Doug .. McNeil, aid the county are not agreed • their land, plans to build a generating Colborne, said the plans for the anon the terrrms of a possible •Mrs. Helen -Jermyn, de cel within 20 miles of corridor which is now affecting amendment to the official plan, reeve of Exeter, suggested that Goderich. some Huron Count',, tanner tie matter could go 'before an if Hydro wasn't setting �N a Count Planning Director were laid in (')t 9 Ontario Municipal Board "' ' meeting •with the -count`, the Gary Dai idson says that actor-, ''How mane farmers in that. Anson McKinley (if county should "approach H�•dro • ding. to .the Official Plant an ' area were aware c f twat S'anley Township' said lie°ywa" wtthNplans for a discus ion. amendment is required if, in ..corridor then?" asked' -McNeil.. 'pleased the,planning board had the opinion of the planning "Surely the people involved hr ought for' h this recommen- board, the use, is Of cotnty should at least have conte idea 11(1.01 to council, significance. • of it " .. • "It is one of.the basic reasons "The power corridors, I feel. Eames Mair deputy -ref• a it tor the plan " said McKinley. u are definitely, cif count• -wide .Morris 'T'ow'nship, .said :ii, Ir is a step in the right' said the planning 4cnuneil was first notified of the tem." .. director "and I would recon- corridor in 197 1. "It was pretty ' ' Some reeves reiterated' Plan—_ "Wiliat are *e planning for?" asked Deputy -reeve. Gerry Ginn. "What is our priority? Ii it agriculture? Is it industry? Is .it recreation?',: ' ...� ' Reeve Deb-Shewfelt-felt„there was "not enough input from the. rne.nd. that - Rotas h'. notified that such 4orridur:, shall � ” require amendments to the is q t'v � e ,� .Lo n a .�. .,!County plan. "In making this recomnien• h dation 1 should point out' that , it is not the intention at this to rtunitell„ simply oppose hvdrt� time to ( p1 tel corridors " 'continued 'Davidson. "Rather; the purpose • -.. is to deceloir• a mechanism „ whereby the fount On- and views to -.experts tario Hydre can work together „ 10 dela:lop_.mutually acceptable .`='' R.T. (-Bob) Currell included .4-ta;ne-au-sty--completes the ala-- P �I'' - P . in the twelve Powder Experts plication, a process r e iv-ing from 'Europe and North the. attention of large manufac- • America invited to 'present curers involved in extensive use 0Peni n..g . • . papers at, the'. Third North" of coatings and finishes. Gl American Conference' ,,n " Bob, and his brother Thomas Continued from page 1 Powder Coating, which attracts 'E. (Torn) Curren, who -. also lawn, care,. ihntography, bird and involves .international,•in- , studied' engineering at the study and taxidermy. . Confer terest and involvement, was •University. of Toronto, an is. _ nation ,has not been received held • this--Near—gin Toronto 'on ' Market Manager for B ick vet .,n all the programs but Mr April 1, ?, and 3. Division Automobiles ' and Dyiri.).id .i confident they will The Conference is concerned G.M.C. Trucks, at. Ge eral '1 • all materialize. with a new, . and .highly._. Motors ,Trucks, Canada Limited Dearborn'steel tubing company finally has a sign at its Newgate Street building. The sign. e summer ern ,lo��ment a , technical, concept in the field of .. I- te'ad'P'O�ffice, t)s.hawa-, are sons was made by Dearborn's pattern maker and handiman, Fred Barker, who points.at.the "rations are.,nowC beim taken - Coating and Finishing, of• .of Lloyd and Pretoria ( Pearl result of his• labor, Mr. Barker, who will ,be 81,in June, has been working for the Oompany. alio ^ o ' which much will be heard in Shipley) Curren of Toronto, at. the Recreation T�irector� <,f--' since 1958. He still works about six: hours per 'day, five days per week,.making all patterns the future because of its in- , formerly of Goderich and Clin- ', for i es that Dearborn •manufactures.' (staff photo) face Mr Dymond reel air ', pi p noyative nature and pcihly • on- ton re''Tecti�.••ly plavgroonri staff and lifeguards. • r�-.a ..� to assist' hirn in his .ummer 'el w.a ; f,n�•1r„nmen.t. • f` .� .�. .�,.�,-�.•. +�► % �► �II SII+% "3Flai!. + ► + �►•.g►.'';,'�'� programs• for chc�,,�children.. , g�c,ttt;,;•>;n. ar�,'1 tr�alrh factors. ���o.`��:���,'�',�'..� _ � He need, seven people' to super , Roh. �fiarir+'t "Il anal.;or. Coil,, . 1 BEE HIVE Extrw,i.�n andl Applianer tt� �... w � vise the tow* playgrounds, w .. F,nishe C Qna,dian „ Pittshurgh. MEA T' SPE' IAL . four lifeguards for the beach • r t g' industries' Limited..Will •speak a FRESH and nine. for the pool • • At the 9. � r 3 LB. 7—board meeting Mr. D4, -mond `''-1 ' High S lids and Solvent ,4. ( , ry Ba'A i'na”" KELLOGG S PORK ■ T PS L®.. SYRUP 79c toil ,Che members the he'had t ° � He tidied Chemical ' 22 applicants co dare and that he would be running the ad in Engineering -it rh. University• f ttz week.' of Toronto and holds anthe paper, for anoth Honours Degree in Busines Due to the uu cess of fast < . ►1 Z. Year's sailing ehool which Admirai't.rati n from York + Mike Dymond r,rgariize�i •for in - University e''?e',ted people, there w•;t1l be• His paper assn df�als with the - Eano'her program this year. `' ... c'onvers`ion -of existing •Plant The smiling club, under the direction of Tony Miller, Ooens High -Solids E 1 PRIDE OF CANADA 'to send two men to a school in the spring so that. then will be in this novel concept and in SAUSAG iiiii,i).01E TIDBITS3 Fp g FUTURE 27 FL. Oqualified to give sailing instruc_SLICED 'TM 1 MEaAT ._: _ .S9c. C.t_IV TLB:� Q� WAX tion to interested p�arttes -this � -� __ -.- -_ . __ . 0 $ 1 OR CRUSHED summer. Anyone wishing more information ' can contact a Charge combined with a WINDOW 20 OZ. SPRAY ,� ,� specialized colour coating member of the Goderich Sailing '� Club. . '' D A: -- Captain Roy Mundy signs his name on the inside of the ceremonious top hat presented to the skipper of the first ship into- Goderich. Mayor Harry Worsell congratulated the Captain and presented shim with the hat. (staff. photo) towns" in this matter. He said we against it?"asjred Deputy - not all Huron 1residents are far- reeve Frank Cook, Clinton. niers despite the fact. there were ,indications industry is not all Cook 'said a nuclear plant in` that welcome here. Huron was the "biggest thing "Are we going after progress . that could happen" and people in the county of Huron or are tare against it, • by Bill Dodds 1 know that, summer is still some time away, but we're get- ting' enough warm days 'to at least start thinking about it. It , shouldn't be too long before you can get out and start up the back yard barbecue., And when you do, there's a bet- ter way of lighting the charcoal, I'm told. ' Just once, forget about lighter fluid and the, electr_ig starting gadget. They're just a waste of money and energy. Take a large tin can—the family size < fruit juice tin• is about right arf i- cut off both ends. .Punch a heathy number of holes around one end, Then put the can—holes down -in the barbecue, put in crumpled paper and top 'off with -char- coal. char- coa 1. Shove a match through one of the holes to ignite it from the • bottom. The ...efficient draft gets. the coals burning ,.well without ar-, tificial assistance and when they are all glowing properly, the can 'may be pulled out with a coathanger or a piece of wire. The coals should just fail into place. Try•it. It saves money, and the whole thing is accomplished without the clouds of .'black smoke' that ' bring complaints from the neighbors. I ',just heard• about. this ' a couple of month�t;-ago. I'm going to try -it. myself—where the weather gets a little war- iner. . I assume that when summer gets here `we will still be able to afford..to burn paper. The price of good used paper )'las 'gci;ne up substantial v over the past few month and :recycling groups. are,Vgetting-,a welcome increase- ,fin income to 'underwrite their operations. In fact, the price increase is. causing some concern in areas like Metropolitan Toronto, where. there are municipal ',paper pickups. Officials there have begun to worry about paper pirates, lifting bundles off the streets before the municipal collection can get them. - Imagine that. The garbage ,you throw away is worth stealing. Motor vehicle accidents are responsible for almost half of all accidental deaths in "Canada. Experience indicates that 80% of all people who die from severe bleeding as a result of automobile accidents could be saved if the person at the ac- cident stege applied ernergency first aid measures. . i THE MACKAN GROUP LTD. 95% NHA mortgage loans.. MORTGAGE LOANS Prime 1 st PriMe 2nd 'IO1/4% H112% Residential Loans Summer Cottages Fares .. Commercial Loans Industrial Apartment—Hotels Land Mortgages Conitructlon Loans - Business --Loans Mortgages Purchased RESIDENTIAL LOANS • • $2,500 to .$75,000 COMMERCIAL:and PROJECT. LOANS UP TO $1,009,000 or more • ' CALL COLLECT 3.964866 ED GREGORY Area Representative' Head Office' 443 Mt. • Pleasant Rd„ Toronto and Equipment from. donven- tional Solvent-Ba-�e•Enamels-te • names, utilized 1, v.olves "electrostatic" equip- + trent and circulating -»terns. The magic cif the elt'crr"ic , powder, efficiently and instars= tJ KING SIZE 5 LB. BOX ROBIN HOOD 7 LB. BAG ,ALL PURPOSE MAPLE LEAF -1 LB. PKG. • 14 "FL. OZ. Aft�t '65'Yes ifs still EVINRUDE 74 BON AMI C.MEANER bye /- - BONNIE 1'5 OZ. TIN 8 � � SUNLIGHT LIQUID DOGF000 BLUE_. RIBBON. TEA BAGS .loos KLEENEX 2 PLY - ' ROLLS . o PAPER TOWELS 79c WHITE.,SWAN 1 PLYYROLI S - . 79c TOILET TISSUE 4 A 0 ...,. KRAFT SINGLES 69c 32 FL. OZ.' .CHEESE SLICES 1 OZ. PKG. ' , 99c • f 0 9c • DELMONTE 19 FL. OZ. rttil STEWED TOMATO ES ;0. " SUNFLOWER C PEAR 269c G1� 4 FL. OZ. . si no R` 0 ALVES 2 PLY 200s F EX 2,),KLEEN ROBERTSON SMALL BABY 14 FL. OZ, LIBBY'S 28 FL. OZ. BROWNED PORK &. BEANS59c WESTINGHOUSE 408 , LIGHT BULBS • oo$ 219c CANADA DAY ' .28 FL. OZ. ' F PLUS ALE .499�iST GINGER .SWIFTS a BEEF OR IRISH TEW 24.FL. OZ, 79c NABOB 18 O2. JAR COFFEE CREAMER . _89C ST. LAWRENCE 25 FL. OZ. . -CARROTS 379c CORN 011. 89c MAXWELL HOUSE 1 LB. PKG` - ROA STED COFFEE 9c CHEESEBLACKDIAMOND PL 16 02. JARE 99c RED AND WHITE BREAD - 24 OZ. LOAF FO efo q A YACHT IN apd LIGHTWIN—Ou'r quiet .4 horsepower 'twin comes two Ways: Yachtwin 'with 90,° power drive and -full - power pivot reverse that delivers impressive thrust for' sailors and surprising'-ispeed and performance foo fishermen. This year, lied Lightwin, it features a new folding handle and new choke for evenreasier all-breather;startiirg. Lightwin with angle drive specially designed for slipping through reeds and weeds and sledding over stumps and 'shoals—the only fully weedless t motor .mode. 'this year with a new Lekan:propeller and shock cushioned drive for oven better "way back in" operation. SERVICE III IION HA DWARE;. �Ir TREE SWEET UNS. .48 FL. OZ. GRAPEFRUIT on .ORA ,GF FROZEN FOODS JUICE CHEF'S BEST REGULAR • ° LB.' is' BACK 2FRENCH �RIES 2 n BLUEWATER THRIFT,,PACK 32 OZ. .KRAFT PROCESS 2 LB. PKG. �' �^ ' " FISH 11 -CHIPS 1.O1 •VELvETTA CHEESE I ate► o FOOD STORES 30 VICTORIA SV'NORTH,, GODERICH 524.8511 . M. C T'T FRESH FRUIT mo -VEGETABLES SUNKIST .VALENCIA O R A NG E LARGE SIZE M 91 VICTORIA' STREET GO�DERICH• OPEN NITELY TILL 10 P.M. PRICES IN EFFECT APR. 1ST TILL 6TH: OR UNTIL QUANTITIES LAST. ei rel► * +M, at► * * * + + 4+