The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-04, Page 3,
d -o
JACK'S 11111116$ FROM Qtl'alleS ?ARK
,Jsok Ridded, Huro►t MPP
by a client could " flationary trend of the last four
GODERICH SIGNAL. -STAR, TH.0 it SDAY, tlAPRIL 4., 01974,44G'O, 3
Police, cTiviiianstO�et
agree on some basic .rules
coach, the Goderich town clerk, representatives legislate, The
recommended changes by the who was tired' documents. provincial budgets is stopped a town councillor who also sits legislators should be Strangely, one of major
Premier William , vi dMue Ontario Law Reform Com- withhold: the
h t ditulres of The atmosphere was nervous on the. Goderich recreation questioned, not the pollee. As issues discussed• •.amid :talk of
titch wguld clarify An 1 board a local min far h ou y P Issues communications
h t sots lawyers o � repress s an ,.
under heavy alt k in t e ''' 'other recommendation we can expect expert
mission w ister, a the court system? The .once. arid. under.
Legislature from Nixonrad What agreements may would allow lawyers to raise - more than 8,3 billion this Year., . Small groups clustered in the
representative of Birthrate, a are fi• shnet from the courts. A t ` ding " was parking tickets. Robert ixon end
make with clients for payment "the interest they charge on with the' " Provipcial debto hotev lobby making small talk, representative sof the Can
thrice a � " p i man's job •is to deliver a Mr; :Earle said 'that studies
Stephen ocr a t Leader of the of bills and how' the fees ; may overdue bills frorn 5 to 7 1/2%. = growing by a • further $72.. Conversations ranged" from real
Navy Democratic Party for not s e Premier ,William Davis in- million •estate to a murder t ' 1 to high Council of Christians and Jewa suspected criminal to the court have shown some of itis worst.
d 'f client feel, h
ria g
inner was a and one local newspaper repor- for trial and sentence:: encounters between police and
ter. " Mr. Eavrle stressed these citizens have been over parking
points with a ,quiet but bylaw enforcement,
` authoritive manner. • The issue was first men- ,
Citizens are net the ontyones tioned by Town Councillor "Bill
the dinner at fault. Clifford who termed the task of
assuring hospital workers of a aPP.. e i a c
has been overcharged. '• "Mr. .dicated that the Ontario Gover- Murray Gaunt, Liberal em- school athletics. D
eatery increase. The Premier . Wells said the. proposed •nment is considering a possible ber for Huron Bruce spoke on little late being served. e „
intimated "t t pay increases_-.__._,..... Industry ...,nsor F the Throne Debate this week Some of the dinner guests
"It ' g the numbs
1 ff to let the ,
ddb • changes mean'' a member of the,
.����.,...,G,.� •..���-.J -- --_, - -- A PROBLEM.
h P t' d t ! criticized the On- seemed to be a little relieved L
r of lk• +,d d•n�. fpr
f propriate Judicia around than g apo
will likely b recornmen e Y•
two Government "committees` . ,public or a I'awyer can have an tium similar ' to the
soar is .an s ion A strange mixture of dinner
account or. agreement for ,l'egal Oils,Limited to" -explore for and tario " Hydros methods of- that dinner was announced, m y brit
salaried and d l uranium in the negotiation and purchase of They had been leaning, sten- cgmpanions, yes,
little t' they
officer in a
s to be siin- The',budget was expected to Aeorridor from •Douglas Point.
services reviewed. by an ap- ewe op g ,..- .chalking tares le
ratiyorking eanditions of OntarioProvinceproperty for the powetc line,din":and sittin.Just lookingwas .of imparante ois amaztnuests loosen up seasoned policemen who pursue lice officer.suggested
hospital workers. The report o way" that promise
the committees is not expected the bepresented on the 4th April, He also criticized the choice of . • Aa the 18 guests entered the •and get to know one 'another: an aggressive coursit: of action. that a bylaw officer; do the job.
to be ready before May 6th but pier, faster and fairer than dining room the typical , ,Rather than a dinner, it was a They don't keep their options Discussion followed that
sent, system The Ontario • but Treasurer John White has •• route for this corridor which at ' meeting] The purpose? open. Discussion is part of good pointed to Mr. Clifford and hi.
present,is to go through 86 per bewilderment of where"should police -community relations.
Th`e meeting_ was held 'to P fellow councillors as being
cent of class 1 ,and 2 I sit. was apparent.... The discover if there is a problem •, �`he problem is misunder- ' '
agricultural land whereas an Self lam soon righted itself . responsible for oreating the
Premier Davis to : make a sequences -of the increase tote alternate route could have with everyone finding a seat. with police -community standing. Police assume people bylaws. No accusations were
statement of good faith asking by another solicitor working for crossed only about 40 per cent $elf=introductions of people 4 relations in Goderich. If know the law, in'many cases,
Y made. Rational conversation
the hospital. workers to stay on or wit .ht to rdblems were discovered,. when confronting them because
just made the point. Someone
should, be simplified and it oil by 7c a •gallon. Premier of class 1 and g land. were made, making- the at- solutions could be offered. of a _statute violation. ,` j
•b, ordinaryDavishas . ' week r t dining
,;, Goderich ie pat.
� oun Most people e
in the meantime workers at 10 ° Pre rescheduled this for April 9 in
- Toronto' hospitals could decide Law Reform Commission r.
to strike... Mr. Nixon asked recommended that a lawyers order to have an opportunity to
k bill should be signed by hits or look at." the economic con -
Ian "uage . price of gasoline and heating
had to enforce the bylaws.
put. 1 felt that putting
A statement read in" the mail. Another recommen- his Government is planning Pat et em ,,room more friendlying organized the meeting in the main group Mr. Earle the responsibility of chalking
dation enables a client to apply some relief for people on low or labor critique from Rainy relaxed. cooperation with the Canadian spoke about. tires and issuing tickets on the
Legislature by Premier William for a review of 'the bili by a" fixed income who might suffer River, was elected Chairman of The dinner guests were a
Davis indicated that Ontariostrange mixture, two high Cduncil of Christians and Jews Values of `youth' today are shoulders, of a bylaw en the
County or District Court thdge , real hardship because of these the Public Accounts Committee whichrepresented by ' "h they question,not officer ld h 1 im-
wants Ottawa to relax foreign officer thin a price increases • Opposition of the -Ontario Legislature ' school students the GoderichEarle Persons invited
defy, morals and values of oltce-communtty
the job until the report comes should be sent y indicated also that In other matters this mosprw a within he g were
Reid, Liberal M ber and and h PoliceChief P t Youth. Young people
ownership restrictions in the
Uranium industry. The
or other revtew o Icer wt
yeareven if he has paid part oro member* are awaiting presen- which studies revenues an.
• , r s of t e Provincial
Premier said the restriction's ' b' 1't tos dereble interest for in the last Government of the preceding
are inhibiting exploration for fir and v
w s re resen. Changing, as e• - cement o icer Wou e p
•h-• Frazer •
pro -v. e • p -
all of the bill. It is the tatton,of the budget. with. con penditu e isecedin
Lawyer's resp:onst i i y and
i "
three Years since Mr. Davis year. , Also the• new Health
uranium at the time when the justify that his claim is to
-°proper. Another recommen- became Premier, the Govern- Minister, the Honourable
mineral is becoming an in: dation compels a lawyer to give mento expenditures have in- Frank Miller indicated that the
important source esof , a client ally.documents relating creased 18% faster, than Government may possibly
energy, Ownership n i shifines to his case if he retrieves him- revenues and the Provincial net reconsider allowing licensed
limit total foreign ownership of
if from a case or is discharged debt has grown%by 122% to. 1.7 denturists to work directly with
producers : to 33 113% se
al forei n holdings by' a client. Previously a lawyer' million &ete,rs. Unless. the in- the public.
and individu g
• to 10% .. Neither Mr. Davis nor
\ Ene•rgy 'Minister Darcy
McKeough- made sit' %tear . just ,'
how 'dfa'r they wand the
restrictions relaxed but`
are convinced that . equity
requirements with respect „to,
the ownership of uranium
mines and the granting- of ex-
ploration permits should be'
dff t than
significantly i eren
those applied to oil gas arid. continued from page 2-
'the community who are of the - TO WEST WAWANOSH
coal where there are .no • such
requirements. The statement opinion, that the , local. unit of • COUNCIL AND RATEPAYERS motives an purposes.
• was sharply attacked in the
the Corps of Frontiersmen This is my second- letter of It is a fact that, for the coin- have been known last' summer a"This meeting is fora free Earle's •earlier remarks, that a his .job. He is %hot, irritable,
works. as part of this Police proles above nattied Court- or -the'summer before. If so,
Legislature by Liberal Leader- venience of the Councillors, � I.flow ot1' Zeis. There is not policeman's job was to deliver nothing kiss'" gone, right. He
g Force, especially in the field of til. The first was .published in much literature or research; on a suspected criminal to court finds a parking ticket on •his
Robert Nixon,` wondering the Lucknow Sentinel Nov. 21, did offer four photostatic copies could nett the building of the
water safety: of an Article received, both by additional showers wand the subject. We're working on a' 'but he stressed • an important, •windshield after' his day's
whether it meant the Govern=' A dressin roams have been done
mint- is ready to let ownership I wish to point out that this 1973. It was in reference to the,Clerk and,myself. This ar- g" grassroots .level, accumulated. role of `petites is crime preven- work.,
urs uranium fall is not true. Any work perfor- Council Minutes - published title explained: Bitumuls Dust in the• fall <of last year. from experience", he explained. tion "When that man goes home,
and control over nPersonally i think that it is a- "the'
into foreign- hands: The On- mid by the unit is done ab- Nov. 14, 1973 � where a treatment and was received'If the He offeredtheidea that the`
" solutely :on their own and I paragraph relating' to „our at from_ the Agricultural disgrace for the town, it da Police are the public and the tell his wife, probably in front
,in t Government report tabled h ize that this tendance at Council Meeting children land young ad As part of a entire prevention
Guelph public are the police p pill train of the kids. Some rotten cop
I .. .. wish to imp as .
• in the Legislature' said" inceny h AS xeported in a manner �I Engineeri;ng apt: the O will, Department l College. Th not -have their goat;. they will, I the two groups aid basically program„,
police chief, a Gode
sergeant, three Ontario Provin-
cial Police officers, a Royal
Canadian Mounted Police of-
ficer, a social worker from the
Goderich. Psychiatric Hospital,
the head of the Huron County
. 'Children's Aid,'a high school
teacher, a county health inspec-
, 'ter 'who is also a Trainor hock• ey
p -
After ' a roast beef dinner, many fail to see, it. Authority is their • • •
met at the Bedford Hotel. society. Adults uq erstan relations. Offenders would still
March` 28.
hostilities would not be
tables were pushed together, one. of the values ' youth vented on •police•.
jokes and remarks were made, questions. With transient Another suggestion placed
and the atmosphere became' youth, police are the only real the parking problem as thes
loose and informal. Chief King . authority they encounter. . responsibility of the town. Poor
spoke first, c "This is a, whole new era,
ding of this giestionin"g• Worse, be irate because of tickets, but
planning was the cause.
"I feel that a little meeting Mr. Earle explained.• saying ' Chief King hinted that a
like this one will help us find that understanding must be at- bylaw enforcement officer may • .
'problems; improve coni,. tained by police, adults and
mun'ication, ands develop youth ,of each others values.
solutions if there is • a need.' ` One person asked,. in cam=
Polite are concerned about plete honesty, what Mr. tilde
relations- with`., the public-,' considered a youth.- _ ..
because it is an important mat- •"1 have been using the term
ter", he said. ' ' - youth because people up to 25
Frazer Earle spoke next to. are the ones we are dealing
give the meeting's participants with most of the time. I do:pressions• made on youngsters'
background about the work the know some 50 year old youths by both parents and police.
and dressing rooms according •
• factors in my presen-" CCOCJ has done to improve though'", he,saidwith a smile. d Parking tickets were involved
soon be hired by the town.
As the winding, everchanging• •
discussion continued several
pegple made,points - about im-
relating ac ors•to the board of health.
teflon of our. wishes, the reportonly knew : police -community relations, tri - The' meeting chuckled.
is a misrepresentation of our Is it possible they , other municipalities. -He noted An OPP officer spoke. An tWP officer said that
•, - - this 'recently?---0Uld this n
in one of them. .
°t that this' work is a new concept. He °`agreed with -one of Mr. , perhaps man has a bad day at;
NEW PROGRAM you know what he's going to
Th gave him a` p�►rking ticket.
different worlds usually crimep Youngsters .hearing
In h f t ff r
revention'officers. ,They
fives• should in.ciude• higher Police as no con-. int Agricultural
uranium, long' tr�t�l over. them whatsovero- Any - considered unfair and not en • gitumuls . Base is water .'� can assure you, be the cause of ' i
,market prices for urs i formal connection with this " tirely factual. • • inch consternation to the town n
ter commitments, by? • O Letter t soluble and•reasanably•priced,.,,°•►�.
+ that will
' will'. work wit sa a y. o ice s
ever meetings except in times bl'' lotions get a bad' impression of police" ,
olice_'They will seek out other,- and help wit pu is re the OPP officer said.
p of crisis or confrontation• A,We hope to start in the
Possibly not so good out -lets for •p"roblem police often eft- a Another OPP •off
m coin de artme.nt which may have In this first pen n
adiata utilities and en P According to •the Agri`cult 1 icer said
been declared or implied' is a Council and Ratepayers, I . Engineering Dept: of to he said.
agement of export sales. ' °`"° '
'figment of the imagination.. h �d f built-up energy. Then who 't' • n asking schools",
he agreed price of $6.'50 for g
Wester -n crude oil by. Canada's • • Yours very truly,
-,first ministers will mean•an in-
. -crease of - 7c ^ a gallon for
gasoline and beating fuel.
Liberal member Vernon Singer
said this was a,phenomenal,in-
--crease, a shocking increase for
pensioners, welfare recipients
and others on 16w and fixed in
comes' and asked what the
T. Government. ,planned to do to
hel,p.., , ..
_. -Premier- said -he - was very
cognizant- of ~the- inflationary
pressures on people on fixed or •
low - incomes and said the
Provincial budget which has' "
been postponed to April 9th,
would reveal the Government's
financial program. It has been
estimated that 30 to 45 days of
petroleum products., are • in
pipelines, refineries and storage
'tanks and according to Premier
Davis the industry should
maintain existing - prices until
current stocks• are exhausted:.
Energy Minister Darcy
1VlicKeough said we should not--
see "the higher well head price
• 'reflected on. the consumer level
'before May 1st but also in-
timated that there was -nothing
Ontario could do specifically to -
hold down on prices. .Liberal
- Leader Robert Nixon . said
prices in Northern Ontario are
higher than those paid in the -
rest _, of the 'Province and
suggested a Provincial- cushion
on fuel prices for Northerners. ,
A • repo'rt tabled in "the • -«;•
Le•gisla"ture ' by Attorney
General Robert Welch contains
Pat King
Chief of Police
that in his work with young
stated we a asked or more 'University of Saskatehe an, their • counter to citizens s
heavily soaked Calcium would*be the first to complain? The program. will be aimed
• Saskatoon, it is used on `rid rhetorical, redundant at young people in an attempt people he eras encountered
• situations when he
Chloride dust, • control treat- Roads in Saskatchewan with It would be the people who aro Mr. Earle said. y g frustrating
mint from our borne, Con. 11, - responsible for letting the
questions", "They ask police why they to have hem accept the police has brought :a ,youngster home,
favourable results.' • • again. They have to be shown caught committing
ci ex antiion
I make no pretence o haying , rat as
pe,is dust treatment in
W. Wawanosh, tp the wamP f pool's upkeep ayt p enforce certain laws. They 'asK . ga
We were willing to se to such a serious poi b h t that policemen are human oneeAs arent has belittled
west of us. • practical ,knowledge of the .lap d
rsonallV meet the extra'
ex= P "snow, man hi in front of the youngster.
pens°: It is true •w,e were not - conditions • Goderich is growing at such a
Dear o know cools. as
charged for the. extra chloride
e ,
Regarding your feature in the • g e ex b use it and sail types differ, but surely rate, I personally would say
t b the new
questions' a out t e cour
beings: Society has change a m
y ' ` value of this the result being that p impression about
D Editor: hl d Ontario Weather Another bad imp
l A MIS�1NDERSTANDING dont get t P the ,police.
1 Th f '1 toalize they•once'did. Both, police and •
tre~xtt'fient m eco
issue of the Signal-. �• � •the Council couldkeep open another pool, ou y The citizens a�i r hl b'1 w
roved unsatisfactory. We -wish citizens d, "Conestoga Work P m ds and seek extra infor- subdivisions, would not be ou
us:iness bice
The problem affects parents
tizens are highly . y 'mo t e no as well as police. �► smirking of-
Goderich • Prilice Chief Pat a agent
March 2$
Star titheh belittles p
Week B
ga the tax Paye in .
kons five .�, laws which the 'citizens' elected , King told. of 'the program he front of a child while 'giving -a
ls" •writ- already formed their opinion Now I may be wrong but I'has already started. � '
19"14 if 'acceptable to .Cquncil, 'aid v treasurer, Mrs. M. Pope; •. urs the' kids. speeding ticket is bad -too.
t that -police are only. enforcing
ten about feel that,your_ repor- their that, since it is not sire y believe •
that perhaps we have e You can t lett the ?
we-are-sympathetic-tof t ecretary Sandra .Kisch• t Conclusion. Both parents
payers to know we motion, 'Instead, they have f the way.
again offer to cant.rribute-:in
y ave o
local gals'';--we-the--"gals"
as . ria; so far as.: is spar s go into' ter did-anexceptional sob cif ...._-. _ at its used in Onta _. over -done • our winter- wo ears..have risen' You have. ""to and Police have to be' at their
-wish-to keep the mill rate The past t y
misquoting us and intoe- present' level, On the other known, it can have no value`in (hockey) a,; little and tend to classrooms expecting to -answer.
„ d best in front of children, B'cith '.
W. Wawanosh. In giving our forget not every child wants t� areal pleasure, and I call ori•'
prating his own ideas into the hand, every one must surely art Bill Reid
article to "juice it up". Road- Su t '" d t f 11 should keep '`a row profile'
.1 - of res onsible be • Bcbby Orr". Our children everyone to Supp Most persons" nodded., in Na. specific instances � were
his new executive as you
• p' examplethe extremely high amount excellent and arepf diverse interests and 5o and
in Thrift, yt , 'agreement t d as happening in
One netts mind
which for knowledgeable Road- Construe- G d h
realize we -Etre .comes to mind " placeof trafficbetween Belfast and we should be looking after not did me. .i • • �. •
during the interview with Jane' S Helens,
f ,ignoring, ,.I, H• Pe mss,
d chi rens sutra
has been a chief. Kids 'don't want to hear "ANOTHER .MEETING
deteriorate. .what -the police have to say, � ds the end of
a ween -
tion I might,neverthe es's the state that the
• Sincerely,
Clancy, The quote read, "I had t� 'h y attended three Coon quote the old adage, Out l 'ld + mer recreation
Past 1'resident; ,G.M•H•A•
A student _ from
cited Goderich.
d o eric The talk mostly was 'it Gould
District Collegiate Institute,
-named Tim, agreed with the y pie
no idea that secretarial wank
a" the th ' f babe§,•.•
--and o
w so demanding" - This
cil Meet t e m •
ou s o
st •
d. rhe s this may h 'that policing in the o
11 ed to
Meetings, reluctantly, I may ladies."
tended because we had I did not, as Council Minutes .Skaters n > >rec•t�til i t N ' Towerthe
five an' answer to ou..r� E �. they want to ask questions .and
do misinforms you, read. a letter I hope more people will discussion, it became evident'
far de nate dust con- get straight answers, Gs. derich
as . • • say: I at •
t was not made at all. .nota rete
Although this is only one
trol. Following my third alien -
example, we as' a group were C ncil. Instead for self speak up an per p
misquoted on several occasions, received a letter from protection against being. not be allowed to continue or
dance: I resen ever happen again
Several 'comments such as W Wawanosh Council in which
aye omen our• the second short
request . ,,, q
•to ou ,
Dear 'Editor:.
The 19.7.3-74 Board of Dirac-
"The police shouldn't sett e
area.. is of a -high calibre.
misquoted, I read my p - p.p tors of the Goderich Figure Another GDOI student, Relations with the public are .
I 1 keep a 6 Thank you, . excellent.. Communications
Mrs. 'G. Langford. -Skating eClub would ;like oton Margaret, said that the people
acknowledge their appreciation have been established between
p at the meeting' seemed- to be various social agencies, the
of assistance given throughout worried. about Youth hostilityn-town police, the OPP and the
the past season. ' • toward the police. .
To the Signal -Star our ap- "It isn't here in Goderich." public.•. These communication
The general consensus of`the lines "could be strengthened.
predation and thanks for write- • Mr.- a le noted,• however,
ups, photos and publicity, Meeting was that police- r
in that most of the. non -police par -
"the one above g f
s rad of two s or tenon to them. ,- a so _
former teachers the false im- hs 'states; "More copy for reference.
" aragrap In their published statement, -
that that idve''Were lazy cam adequate dust control methods
plainers. • will be studied and considered that 'I criticized Council Prac-
We „think ilial., in future ar= by Council:" This letter is tices and Ms,•"I presume
titles your reporter nshould they are, in part,'referring to
dated Mar. 12, .1974, four mon-
write his stories using the infer- th.... fter our first approach to my persistence in asking for a
1 I Dear Editch
=Thu nkyou
' r s a dust antro ►' t hes tV relatto
mationthat iv
he is given, rather written reply re: C - con1munl ,
Council on on the matter. It is a t business As the out, going president of withou t which bCiur c fly Goderich good Both the ticipants were people who un•=
than flowering p Yeas vague unsatisfactory an i test/ to The Goderich Mtn
d d 1 d the OPP main- de
u statements . } claim it is coerce or Hockey •would have been gree are
• retool the police position
facts like a high school
dent writing a composition.
Yciu-rs_trulvT -
Rhea• Hamilton
Kim Smit
ewer, and to put it bluntly; we Peace urs- an a tour ,. restricted. town police an
Any Petitioner to ansvCer by Association, I would like an op h k tothe d that they have ericotin- and respected it He asked if a
have made no,
progress portunity to say a few°"thank �-
Iii -reply to --Mar.-- 1.,974__ mail. malice
I write ite vvTtttr ut Yobs x t d
A special tan -yqU tained larger meeting with a bigger
Recreation Directbr, Mike - tered -few problems, The non-
' why came to ,, our, 1' rticipants agreed.
cross-section Of Goderich's
Jack Dymond should be held,
We get the. odd hassle, but population
, prejudices are pointle the year, also to ArenaThe answer was yes. No time
basically these are` pea file• wlio or date has yet been set.
dance again' is factual. d negative coverage; l L b d his will °°l b in conflict with n' direct my -to our coaches, managers, �wever � by 'their omission of P d r for Chief King The
Council Minutes, I,wish to say, toward anyone• • Petty tothe Signal Star an • ac 9ymond, first, the report on my atten=" ss and Cummings for your extensive assistance in
po ice pa
.Janie Clancy
,Cathy Mcilwai
manv ways
'suggest. immature an a arta ars, Manager Bill um y an i always e
thinking. I prefer to tree assistant, RusselP ru eobser- meetingended with the
thoughts toward a solution to• referees,
conveners,the police gfeeling . that police -community '
the dust problem. I hope Court-, - timekeepers, and score keepers; theirkind - co-operation and vedAgain general agreement. relations here are good but they
L' Le ion Legion help on countless occasions, can be improved.
106 THE SQUARE •' 524-8551
Steer Beef LB 95c Sliced Bacon L. 87c
SteakSpareribs LB. 79c
Creun� Chuck99c Le.
Pork Cie "
1 s LB 89c Sausdge
LB. 69c
cil will 'quickly finish their
period pf `studying and con-
sidering' and move into action.
.1 do not experience „ any
pleasure ryin publishing eitherof
the two., Open Letters. I have
done so only to justify my
Dorothy McKenzie
• Mar. 28, 1974
Newcomer ronimPtflr
Dear ,,Editor:
We are fairly new to, this
town andI was certainly very
upset to hear about the tos3n's
beautiful pool.
I certainly could not under-
stand how a town this • size
could wait till March to tell a
town that their only eublicsiool
really should notbe opehed
because of,,.,a lack of showers
- to the ficins,„ g ,
Auxiliary, Kinsmen, Rotary, To tire Lions. Club of
Police Association (Goderich) Goderich we give thanks for
for their cash contributions; their generous donation to the
-to the businessmen and Club. •'
organizations who sponsored Thanks also to the
teams; .. organizations and cofilip .an e
- to the Supporters Club, -and that came to the . aidof our
Wayne Cook. When - one young' competitive skaters.
realizes that only 30c of each Thanks also, to those who
dollar spent on a minor hockey bought tickets supporting our
player tonnes from registration activities. .-
fees, one can see the terrific job Draw for the colour TV set
that haw been done; - was made by Mr, Bob Chap-
- to the Town of Goderich man and won by Frank Hogue,
who placed a representative on 150 Krahe
donated by Ms r h de
our executive;
to the parents who gave Haas was won by Mrs. Eleanor
' freely of their time and use of Williariis, the winning ticket
cars; - drawn by Mr. Grant Ellison.
- to one , and all, especially To the incoming hoard we ex-
my executive for their' loyalty• tend aur best wishes for a suc-
The new executive, as elected cessful year, E Williams
at the annual meeting is as Public Relations
follows; President Bill Reid;
t Vice, John Bakker;
First for God,erich' Figure
Second Vice, Cathy McDonald; Skating Club.
CAC meeting here
A - poor showing at a March 28 -meeting of the Com
sumers' Association 'of Canada at Goderich Dietriot
Collegiate Institute has prompted the organization to hold
another April 18. -
Tt� e� CAC is trying to"organize a local group in Goderich
to` hwtp with national surveys and programs. ,.
CAC organizer Barbara Robinson says that . many
people who subscribe to the CAC magazine, Canadian
Consumer, are members of ,the CAC without knowing, it.
All interested persons, not just CAC members, •are in-
vited to attend the April 18 ;meeting in an effort to give "a
better"view of and understanding of the, problems which
. need attentign to help consumers throughout the
province" the Ontario branch says.
The meeting will be an informal` discussion of the •work
the CAC does and the possibility of setting up a local
committee. Time is 8:00 p.m. In roomthreeat GDCI,
cost to persons- who attend.
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