The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-02-28, Page 6U PAG
MIs. Wes Bradnock 52.6-1595
• AUBURN Wi . 'Everyone is welcome. • - Hallam and Janice Daer.
February Fleeting of the Friends and former pupils at - The Raggedy Ann doll made
Auburn'Women's Institute was U.S.S. ' o• 54.iuilltt. will be by Nita Hallam and her,
held last week in the. Com- 'pleased to know -that a former mother, "Mrs. Brian . Hallam
munity Memorial Hall withhe. teacher, -.Mrs.. Marie Beatty was won by Miss Wanda Fleet-
president, Mrs. Donald C, At- (nee Marie Welsh) of Varna is .zer.
wrigh,t in charge, , enjoying a vacation at Brown-
.P _ .T fie fi iinutes' of the preViiitt§
Games of crokinole followed
under, the direction of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross= Robinson. Winners
were high man,. Larry Plaetzer;
low man, Maurice Bean; high
'lady, Glen Naylor (playing as a
lady), and ladies low, Mrs.
•e e ruary ee - . ,
meeting were accepted as read Prize winners at the weekly Khox United Church•
- by the secretary, Mrs. Donald ' euchre party on February 11 Womenk h f f
A. letter from Vincent Elliott Hames, low lady, Mrs. Frances February 25 when members
of Exeter was read thanking Clark; high man Sandy An- d their families th red in
0 too t o ori o a
) were high lady, Mrs. Donald - family night on -Friday evening, Dungannon
�n efir amt fies ga e
ch auditorium for din-
ner and --breakfast to the novelty :prize; Arthur ner, entertainment and games.
teachers of part of Ontarto'who :Youngblut. February 18 ,win- -Group' 2 with Mrs. Norman
Wightman as leader=was in"
ehnrop rtf therlinn'r
Afterwards Mrs. Wightman,.
introduced -the McMillan
Family of Goderich who enter -
fined with musical' numbers
nd also presented a film on
their trip to the West Indies -
with the John • Woodhouse
• Donald Haines showed pic-
tures of 'last year'' s family night.
A humorous skit by Mrs. Brian
Hallam's Sunday School class
entitled "If girls asked boys for
dates" was greatly enjoyed.
the W.I. for catering to the din- drews; low man, ,Bill Moss; the church
took part, in the weekend.
Mrs. Thomas Haggitt was
named 'delegate to the Officers'
conference to be " held at
• Waterloo -University. It was
announced-- that the District
Executive meeting will be held
in• Auburn on April 3 to plan
for the District Annual to be'
held at Belgrave. Plans were
• started for the annual banquet Lands and Forests at
to be held May 8. Wingham.
A committee of Mrs. William 'IFriends of Mrs. Mabel
Empey, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor Brooks will be pleased to hear '
•„ and Mrs. Frank Raithby wdere that she is improved in health
named to look into buying and is out of hospital with her
ovens and .have the kitchen soh, Michael Sargeant, Mrs:
wising updated. ' Sargeant and family in Lon -
A request `for°xtwo' dozen tea don: _
ners were: high lady, Mrs.
Wilfred. Sanderson; low lady,
Mrs. Celia Taylor; high man,
Roy- Deer,low man, John
Hallam. •
•Wayne- Scott' of Lindsay is
vacationing at his home with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Scott' and Eric.
Rfindy Machan'is called back
to work with the Department of
towels was given and Mrs.
William Straughari donated
six. • .4 '
The secretary was asked to
Mrs. Violet Farrish of. Blyth
visited last week one day with:
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John-
ston. ,,
«..r u- Y
v�rite re �.iabets -; of Carreu- Mr:__. a•nd.... .s: _ 'Tho•rila•s.�...
Packers to see if premiums are Haggitt visited recently in St,
still available.' The members' Catharineswith their son Mr. g. (Continued from page:2)
decided tobuy a 24 foot ladder Kenneth Haggitt,- Mrs. �Haggitt operators of licensed nuclear
for use in the hall and 'also ••to and •,family, installations. to carry up to $75
have the piano tuned. Mr. and Mrs. 'Johnny • million in insurance, but does
rs. eanor ra • noc'tl--1—ma `Kay of Londorr Apeot time not requirethe insurance, corn -
.reported for the coming sewing weekend•with his parents Mr. panies to' provide it. The
course ... More about Sewing and Mrs. Duncan MacKay. .., Federal Government is respon-'
with Knits with the first Gordon Powell and Terry sible for claims at the present
meeting being March 6 at 7:00 Ruston left last Friday for Van- time.
Christian and Missionary
Education was .. theme of
Dungannon U.C.W. meeting.
A study on •- Mission Im-
„possible" took the form` of ,a
questionnaire, and a discussion
' on the "Means of Missions"
proved ingesting.
l'ne devotional was irl charge .
of Mrs. J. C. Drennan and Mrs. •
D. Logtenberg. A" reading 'The
Voice of the Cross" was given
by Mrs. Wintemute. .
The 'meeting was held at the`
manse with 20 ladies present.
Hostesses for the afternoon
were Mrs. •Clarence
McClenaghan, Mrs. Jack Alton
and -,.Mrs. Graham McNee. •
p.m. A collection vvill•be taken '.couver, B.C. where they will The Nuclear Insurance
,to•defray expenses of the hall. visit relatives. Association represents ' Insurance
Mrs. Kenneth McDougall in- Miss.finda McNall,'daughter
troduced the guest .speaker of of Mr. and. Mrs. Stan McNeil of proximately 100 insurance
the afternoon, Miss Ethel .Welland left by plane last Sun form a pool to; carry $30
Dewar, Huron . County day to 'visit with Mr. and Mrs. "million of (he' $75
- Librarian. She gave the history ' Gordon Jaggar of Droitwich, surance requirements. °
of .the Huron County Library' . E'ngland, who visited here and I wonder " "f the Federal
Association which began in at Welland . this summer. Miss of a�e
1941- -She told the ladies the McNall 'and a friend will tour.... Government ill carry on the
$45 million difference? I cer-
way to get a special -book is to Europe, after their visit in tainly hope the majority' of
notify' the Auburn Librarian, England. - Canadian, citizens and
-Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Every • Harold Cunninghkrri -of Lon-, especially Goderich citizens
effort will be taken to fill: the desboro visited one day • last' take note.
companies& which propose • to
request as sQon as possible, she q weel.' „with' Mr.. :and Mrs ; %.: Mr. 'Seaton of Toronto,
.„,S d:• Miss Dewar outt iieti';,,tihe4. Maitland Allen °manager, of •Nuclear 1'Ytsurarrce
book service and told a 16nti'n Mrs. Sadie Youngblut is a. Association of Canada stated•
films available. She stated that patient in. Clinton. Public insurance companies are wary
341,.000 books are circulating in Hospital. ,,,,,„,„, ,,� ,,.,`~,.because claims against
° t
4-H :Homemakers
The first meeting of Tiger
Dunlop III was held at Ruby
$rindley's home' on February .
25. We opened the meeting
with'. the'4-1-1 'pledge ,
Our leader -i;ubyi Brindley
handed out our pamphlets and
handout sheet, which she
discussed with us. We had the
roll call with all seven mem-
,hersw answering.
ers • ted ar the
following,: president, ' Brenda
McPhee; , vice-president, • Jean
Rutledge; press repdrter.
Charlene Rourke; secretary,
$andra N•ivins; telephone
callers, Lynn and. Susan
Pollock.. 1
The members for this club
are: Jean Rutledge,` Linda Mat-
thews, Susan Pollgck, Lynn
Pollock, Brenda McPhee, San-
dra Nivens and Charlene
The next meeting will be
-'fel; a ,in
March 4."
'Vacuum Cleaners
• Washer -/Spin Dryers
‘...Portable Dryers ,
RENT or ;6JY
on easy .terms.
308 HURON RD. '
r- •
The Howes Memorial Trophy presented to the best skater
in open competition in the, senior division was caetured
this year by Vicky Dierolf ot.Goderich. (staff phaco)
Local figure ,skaters
According to an article in the - .a s 'file t
London Free Press -dated
Saturday, February 23; 1.974 a
-number of Ontario Hydro of- • .• :. ark
ficia - • • • .- • • ' + ' r
.County -Council meeting pn
Friday: "February. 22, -1974
laying out plans fof another
nuclear plant slated ftr the to partmcrp��tte in a Figure
Goderich 'area. • „Skating test'day. a .
I, question why Ontario Members of the . Goderich
Hydro officials approached S
Several Godefich yoringsters
went to Listowel Febru ary 17
County- Council before holding Figure kating: Club who
a generaj�public meeting. Gould. passed tests were: . Brenda
Love and Laura Ross, who obi
• it be 'that Hydro 'Officials are.tained M•first figures; Debbie
trying to ".grease the ski -ds" Chessel who passed the, senior
before 'a public meeting is held
so that a public meeting will
• bronze dance; Caroli `Chapman
and Debbie Jeffery who passed
just be "going, through a•
® the senior silver dance.
motion" to ..let the citizens
'Organizers of the :figure
think they have been involve .� skating club's trophy day last
'but then when it boils downo- _Saturda'y, "were`1alsed. to see
• . a,final decision they have not interest taken in young skaters
' had a lea) say in, the .matter.
14'. am p'1;1'r. onelly appealing to s c s '
• the citizens of'oderich and the'
sui;.rounding area, BEWARE!
If insurarice companies are
wary and: we know there have
• been serious nuclear mishaps in
Britain and the United Statesc
some -involving death' and in-
jury, , do we want or will we
allow these plantsto expand pn
Think it over!
Huron County. - .
William ,S. Craig and son operators could be enormous,
Mrs. Sanderson 'thanked .. Timothy of Clinton visited last There hasn't been any major.
Miss Dewar on behalf of the Sunday with Mr. William • J. nuclear accident in Canada as
members for her message. Miss Craig and, Mr. . a•nd. Mrs. yet that the generalpublic: hall
Dewar .had an attractive book', .Maitland Allen. f-...••-_ -been„aware of but with Ontario
display for;.the:members to see, . EXPLORERS Hydro going- ahead quickly
Mrs: Celia Taylor, curator of J The "Auburn Explorer gi:rls'af with its Candu .Nuclear reac-
e Tweedsmuir Hfisfory book Knox United Church held a tbrs the likelihood of serious
spoke on the history of .Auburn k very successful bazaar and -tea' mishaps increase.
and requested -- members to tl th S d S
recently in e un ay choo1
tell heror the committee how Room of the church. The
many books on the history of leaders, Misses Brenda Bal
Auburn they would like to sell
by the next meeting in March. anal .Susan Thompson along
A piano.sot: ..was played by with the girls would like to ex -
Mrs. Robert Phillips and the press their appreciation for the
'roll call was answered by :,tions andrnto. tmake this event
naming your first teacher: , ,, .
Prizes, went to Mrs. Lawrence such a success.
Plaetier, Mrs. Roy Deer. andPant of the proceeds will be
,�',6•�',used[,-to laxly' Bibles' for Ex=
Mrs. Donald,iaines. plorers with perfect attendance.
Lunch wasaserved by Mrs. senior girls in charge of the
Andrew Kirkconnell, Mrs• financial part were Kim
Maurice. 'Bean - and Mrs: McDowell, Ellen Thompson,
Torrance Tabb. Diane McBride, Doreen Jeffer-
-soh and Janice .Robinson. , M
The Women's Wbr'l8 Day of Tea tables and ,• bazaar of
Prayer for the Auburn com- . crafts were in charge of Linda.'
rnunity will be held in St. and • ' °`„Debbie Cunningham,
Mark's Anglican. Church on Marilyn Archambault Carol
Friday, March4 at 2:00 p,tn- Seers, 'Kathy Machan, Joanne
Rev, Ron Curl of Westfield will Slater, Wendy, Vicki and
be the guest' speaker and will Shelley Powell, Molly, McBride,
speak on this—year's' theme, ',. Nancy Verbeek, , Patti
Make ns -Builders of Peace. McDowell, Tracy Machan, -Nita
John R. Ayres.
26” French
enn.r wnami x. x th. Saves
92 SO-UTH. ST: " GODERIC1H1 PHONE 524.8825
by parents,, grandparents and
friends. • . - - .
They -noted a great im-
'ovement in the calibre of
skating from, last year. Credit
was given to the prdfessionals,
Mr:' and Mrs. Bruce Btadey
and Miss Mary Jane:May'es.
The skating club is pleased
with ,the young skaters --who
worked '"so hard all season.
In an effort to. 'support the
young skaters, the club is
presenting their Pop Concert,
Tuesday, March' 5.
351 V8, power 'steering, power brakes, bucket .
'seats,.;console, radio, clock, sports •mirror,;-,.
tach, side moulding,i wheal ;discs, whitewall
tires, deluxe. bumpers,, vinyl root, only 10;000 389
miles:.Seeial No. F3193N500880F
• 'n
'9 -