The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-02-21, Page 17The farm at prays together....Stays together THE ALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO S524-9341 SON, Y SCHOOL — 9:45 A.M. FAMILY ORSHIP — 11:00 A.M. EVANGELIS ° SERVICE,, 7:00 P.M. • W'E EKD AY Horne Lea . ye (ladies) .Wed:, 8:00 p.m. • Prayer 8& B .19 Studies Thurs. 7:30 p.m. OFFICERS -,CAPTAIN G. HE ER - CAPTAIN M. McKENZIE "AO Are -Cordially in ted to Attend" ST. .GEORGE'S ,C SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, OUINQ;IfAGESIMA` l•loly Communion' at 8:30 a.m. Morning •Prayer, and Sertnon et .11 a.m Ran9er-t,-..Guides and Brownies "Thinking Day" Nursery and Sunday School at 11 a:ni. RCH 974 Rector: Canon G.G. Russell, B.A.; B.D. Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph -S. Herdman COME TO A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL - IF YOU: NEED A RIDE, WE HAVE A BUS . • Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle • Affiliated'wlth the_Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada - CORNER OF, ELGIN and'WATERLOO STS: REV. PETER G. ST DON, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1974 ' 10:00 a.m.--SUNDAY•StrHOOL. 11:00 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 p.m.—EVENING SERVICE Tues. '8:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER ' Friday 7:30 p.m.—Youth Bervice • "Leadership is seeing the consequences of our actions further in the futltro than those" around us can." 1 These., 5: 12-14 For further information about , church services call 524-8506 6-'m. • n�. Our whole life is dedicated`"to to endless dissatisfaction., The the search. fos $hapinet,.-_brat; pleasure of .die -mornent begins oen men 'are like. the runner to wither alriiest as soon as it who wants to Win the race .but blossoms. does not know where the goal, is. We should stbp periodically • to seek, out the right. road. Every action is aimed ultimately,'in the°»direction of happiness. It is God himself who has planted this hunger for happiness in the very depthsof the human heart. This hunger need -not go, unsatisfied, for -God does not plant a seed which he .has no intention of harvesting. We have all experienced pleasure and joy in our lives. Pleasure might be defined—as the happiness of the body, joy. . ° . that of the soul. We should never rest'" content with just pleasure; it will never fully satisfy. If life- is spent • ex- clusively in the pursuit 'of pleasure that life is condemned Joy,, on the other hand, is, a reality of the spirit and shares. the spirit's immortality. glcorne• it into your life and you will at the same time ex, perience something of eternity. Your ,problems, trials, suf- ferings and death should never be allowed to extinguish the joy of the spirit. Pleasure and suffering are'in- compatible companions, but ,joy is able to transcend even the most trying of sufferings. ' It must be clearly understood that' pleasure is .not something bad, so long as it is not pursued as an end in itself. Gratefully ac- cept the pleasures which are a gift of God to help you on your way through life. • The road that leads to hap piness -begins at your ,doorstep Friends of ours write they're moving again, the fifth time in eight years. So many people are transient these days with little' chance, it listed,... "but I say unto you." Those old standards, and ideals, now over- . ;ssed, Christ 'discards.' Dr.,dick adds,, 'One way to be„a sinner in His • seems,- to -put-down roots.:Yet, I --eyes is to live its H ”; new -day as suppose that all depends on though the old difys till' were your point of 'view. here.' A. little boy expressed , his . Heaven and earth combine g,, opinion very nicely when his ar- me,d-forces father was'moved to another station, and the -family, finding`: it difficult to locate living quarters, were making out at a motel. Some sym- pathetic soul said 'to the lad, "I'm sorry you're having such a' ' hard time finding a .home." "Ob, replied the boy; "we have a home ... w'e just haven't found a house to put it in yet." You see, he knew it really didn't matter where the moving van took their chairs, tables and beds; .•his family's ' home was being together no matter where they "were. Beautiful. I haven't moved for-18,years, but before that I made seven shifts in 11 years ,and, L. know it's a wretched --business. It uproots the whole family from their friends, school, church and other activities. Then there's the packing and the inevitable breakages rand after the. moving van is packed there's still a° heap of little . na'aty,, things like stiff brushes, °- cans half`'fiiled with paint, an _old „coal oil, lantern .11 things , common sense tells you you'll rfeVeh need but which you sim- ply can't' leave behind either! There's the new 'house with ids different" sized rooms, dif- ferent length windows so that none of your curtains will fit at all. And,°noymatter bow carefully you've packed, you'll still go for days looking for something absolutely essential ... such as a comb, soap or the iron. Of course, _,moving has its compensations; like- making wider friendships, attaining crew ,.,experiences, and the chance to, live in a different part of the country or world. Not the least to be mentioned is the. , unparalleled chance to pitch out all the trash. That's worth a good deal. .Henry Van Dyke once wrote that -Moving Day is going on all our lives .:.'from house to'house we move', he says, 'from, youth to age..'•frorn opihion ' to save us from stagnation. They are wise people who know it and make the. Moving -Day of Life 'a challenge and not a curse. and radiates , out to others. You're unhappy? Why? 18 it bcruse no—one hastake ,, notice 'of your•work?„Your suc- cesses, your efforts, is it because you Kaye something to say and no one will, listen? Ask God, to forgive. you and then t)rrn' your attention out- wards toothers. Ask about their work, their interests, their hopes and disappointments'and these, without even suspecting it, will free you from your own concerns and will hold out to you the gift of joy. A conflict arises. within each - -of us from the fact that our desires are infinite whereas our ability to realize them are stric- tly limited. You must also realize that you can never be fully happy without God, who alone can satisfy that ,longing. fP - Woe to the self satisfied .who have extinguished the flame of desire for the infinite by drowning it in the' shallow waters of`finite experience. Joy .is nothing less than that new life which we find in losing the old life of sin. In Christ and through Him, the mystery of joy is made equivalent to the mystery of the resurrect on. - Where do you stand ,,,with Christ? The measure of your closeness to him is exactly the measure of your joy. God is joy and. in• giving- you rsel cite -God. you are giving yourself to joy. St. Paul says: Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither has it entered into the heart of •man, what things God hath prepared for those who love him.' O A meetingeof executive of the Goderich Pip Life and tlie: Chairmen of theOne r ton Name • Petition corimmittee was held recently to coordinate the Petition throughout the County: Honorary Chairman' :for the Petition Committee is Rev. Peter St.. Don, of the Bethel Mill ,.x Pentecostal Tabernacle, President of the Goderich . Ministerial Association Pur- pose of the Petition is to enact legislation providing for the child 'conceived but not yet r, born the same protection provided for any other person. A Pro Life Week is being planned for the early part. of Mrs: Gladys Van Egmond and Stewart McEwen visited the Home -on Monday after- noon and helped to provide the Old �I'rnn�e Music along with Norma S°peir' and` Jerzy, Collinsa A new Monday volun- teer; Terry :Gibbs, helped with the 'music, the wheelchairs and the genies. During the program three new Residents were welcomed, Mrs. Mousseau of Hensall, Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Parker °of. Goderich. " The Kinette Club of Clinton treated the Residents of Ground Floor -North and Cen- tre with a Valentine tea on Thursday morning. The girls served cheese cake made in the shape of a heart and also presented a lovely bouquet of flowers for the dining room. Members• of the, Club serving the tea were Roxanne Brown, Bev. Riley, 'Laurie Dew, Loripe, Denomme, Carol Bowker and Pat Marin. A groupof young prpre from the Clinton area with Jim Burgess as leader and teacher provided the "Pamily Night": program. Mr. Burgess in- \ *\\‘‘‘' 1. I " I I. I 1 I 41 tta/\ GUEST SPEAKER: REV. ARMAND WRIGHT 1.° skti71411 . V • 00 • FORMER CHAPLAIN'' OF THEW GUELPH REFORMATORY ` 0.0 41111111, k PRESENTLY 1N• CHARGE OF HOPE MANOR SCHOQL FOR BOYS •jM v . sus • SINGING GROUP: Ti[GOSP[LCUSToDIANs SUNPAY, FEB.. 24 Westfield Fellowship Hour - 2 p.m: Huron Men's Chapel, Auburn - 8 'p.m. :EVIL PREVAILS' WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING .• 100111111 'opinion.' • Usually, however, we' lovee'to settle down in customary ways; to pu't our minds to bed ' and tuck ,them in. But God's for- war"d moving purposes are forever disturbing us and for- cing ,us to move.sOnce man .set- tied for a flatotationary`trarth,tr-. ' with a vault of heaven a few , - miles above 'until suddenly the flat earth rounded out -into a sphere and went yipping through space. 'And that,' says Dr. Harry Fosdick, 'was the day God tipped the minds of all the world out of bed and gilled, "Move on!" "hives said unto you of old time," Jesus -in- if - troduced the numbers and ac- co:mpanied Janet Postma; Lloyd Crich, Laude Uendersan and Dave Harland with guitar instrumentals. Nancy Eastman, Jo Anne Cantelon, Brenda Fee, Julie Bartliff and Gayle La Crouix accompanied by . the guitars sang several numbers, Miss Pearl Gidley thanked'the entertainers on behalf of the Residents. 4 GQDERICH SIGNAL STARG TORSDAY , ?. April to show respect forlife in all stages. A nurse, Ann Marie Palmer, employed at the br. J.O. Ruddy Hospital 'in Whitby,. was demoted for retuning to assist . in an abortion. Concerned people—were asked to write the hospital Board. • Word was received that a Birthright Satellite is established in Goderich,. It is a free emergency pregnancy ccun- sailing" ser 'ice, that gives im- , mediate, personal . and com- pletely confidential 'help. They are a non ;profit, non sectarian organization whose purpose 'is, to help the unmarried girl .or ina,rried .women who find them- selves, • with unwanted pregnancy Birthright co-operates with existing 8° 601 agencies., Lines of communication will be set up with no delay "or em- barrassment. Competent physicians, attorneys and clergymen of many faiths stand ready to help in any way that is necessary.' For further infor- mation call 524;7157, Goderich. •CHRISTIANS! Israel is a natlon. again as prophr iiied In The Word of God.. The great sign of the coming of The .Lord . Jesus (In person) to rule the world from Jerusalem: Are you ready? , For free Information about this overlooked Gospel messagi--wrat—• "ASK " P.O. BOX • 221 WESTON,"'ONT.'' MON 3M? YOU ARE INVITED TOLATTEND THE 6 1st 'A'N N U A L Knox Presbyterian Church GODERICH 7:30 P.M. . m Sunday, February 24th w REV. G.L. ROYAL - Moderator SPECIAL MUSIC - JUNIOR, AND SENIOR CHOIRS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF WM. CAMERON JOHN DERKSEN A.R.T.C.--Organist, Wycliffe College; 'Univgrsity of Toronto. The service is held to pay tribute to those 254 sailors Who lost their lives - during the greatest disaster ever recorded in the history of the Great Lakes, which occurrd on Novembor 9th,' 1913, • SPECI 4 L MARINE DECORATIONS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER North,St. United Church MARCH 1 • Spetdit i':°Mrs: • C.L. Wittich, Blyth, Ont. 4'MAKE US BUILDERS OF, PEACE" BIWARY lh 1.074.,49kGE 3 j1.TKESE FAREWELL "QV ALL N Rev. Robert L..Raytoft con- ducted the funeral service February 14 or the late" Roy James Allinwho died : at his Colborne Township residence on February 11 at the age of 60. Born January, 17, '1914 in Colborne Township to Williani ,,,,John Alibi and, the ,former ., Elizabeth Nivins Mr.'" 4,.'tlin lived,'' atird worked • as a farmer,• in that township all his' life. November 4, 1941 hemarried t. Beatrice Annie Houston who survives. • • Mr. Allin. served for many years on the Colborne Town- ship Council and on Huron County Council for the past two - years. This .year he, was the Deputy Reeve of Crolborne. He was a member, of North Street United Church in Goderich. ' In addition :to, his wife he is survived by •a son ` and a daughter, Mrs, Kendal Berva Hislop,Wof R,R. 2 Stratford and Wayne at. home, .two brothers Clifford and Clarence, both of Colborne Township. Pallbearers were' Percy McBride, George McBride, Dick McWhinney, ',Gerald Feagan, Arnold Young and Charles Tyndall. Flower - bearers were Doug McNeil, Frank McMichael, Grant cPhee and . William Bogie: Interment followed 'the ser - vi e in Colborne Cemetery. RL,=A• R.' :M iLLAR :- 'Canon G. G. Russell conduc- ted t e funerals service Fehl uar 14 for 'the late Mrs. Florenpe ". lizabeth Millar who Yea thopsh1 walk *Malik Oe klrlllhG • 'tot the ahodow of daatl+ 0.15. too ate- vett, fes',& hou add wrath. are, >., - ltd l to ,t died February Ig at Alcxandrt Marine and General , Eioapit;xl follow frg� a short(illn ee at the age of 76a .The former • Florence Eliza$eth "Lawson .she was born, September 25, 1898 in Grey , Township to William Lawson and the, former Barbara, Gar- vey. vey. She was a resident of that . Township "until moving to Goderich' eight years ago, - Mrs. Millar wag a. member of §t. George's Anglican Church and a life . member of the A.C.W. group and the Salvation Arany Home League.. She is survived by her husbarid,, Arnold Ray Millar, two sons Murray of Clinton and Keith of Goderich Town- ship and four grandchildren. u U Pallbearers were Reg Miller, Ross Miller, Jack Medd, Jack Smith, Alvin Dutot and Roy " Thompson. • Flower bearers. -were Robert Millar, and Bruce Millar,' grandsons of ;the deceased. • Interment in Bayfield Cemetery followed the seryice. WILLIAMS CEMETERY ➢ MEMOR1ALS, Ar Finscriptions • Stratford - Ontavio Bob: ttA.cCALLUM Representative IrCambria Rd., Goderich Phone 524-7345 SUNDA Y SERVICES LUTHERAN SERVICES Roberitson .Memorial 'School (BLAKE AND .ELE ON STREETS, .GODERICH) • ..SUNDAY SCHOOL -.9:30.• A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11 A.M. Pastor: Bruce Bjorkquist 333 Eldon Street, 524=6081 `1'hi•rcforr• wa mor•Iurlr( that (1 mon is'jushjirxl by fraith without 1hn rlmmis of the low. Ilomrins .•:1:2!( ,FIRST BAPTIST 'CHU'RCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV: W.H. McWHINNIE F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett. 9:45 a.m.- -Sunday $dhool . , • Sunday 110. a.m. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US ' ALL ARE WELCOME The Free Methodist Church. Park it., at Victoria 'Pastor: H. ,Rosa Nicholls 10:00 a.m Be part of a growing •Sunday School 11:00. a.m., "Happiness is Sharing" 6:30 p•m• -Bible Study ° Anyone needing bus transportation. phone 524-9903 Everyone Welcome CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACH,ER, 'Pastor 10:00 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOLr • . For free bus transportation please call 524-9497 11:00 a.rr►, WORSHIP SERVICE SERMON: "WHERE ARE THE' DEAD?" 6:30 P.M. - YOUNG PEOPLES' SERVICE 7:30 P.M. - REV. JIM STANLEY, AFRICA, WILL PREACH AND SHOW "SLIDES" OF THEIR MISSIONARY- WORK ` WED. 8 P.M. PRAYER MEETING Welcome tb the Friendly Church Knox Pretbyterian Church THE. REV G LOCKHART ,ROYAL, B.A. Minister TH1 REV RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant. WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1974 10:00, ani. Sunday "School e 11:0( '4a.m, Divine Worship ' Sermon: "A LANGUAE FOR THE PEOPLE" (Nursery & Junior 'Congregation) Cubs and Scouts will parade 7:30 p.m. Mariner.►' Service "A FUTURE 'OUT OF THE PASTT" 1 Sermon: Enter, to Worship Depart•to Serve Victoria United X1_____1_ t . HOUSE Of FRIENDSHIP REV: LEONARD WARR 10 A.M.—Bible 'School .For AII Grades 11 A.M.—Worship Service • Sermon: "HOW DOES ;,SNE LEARN TO PRAY?" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH. 1.:30 P.M.—Worship' Service '& Bible School Mrs. J. Snider Victoila St. Organist & Choir Director Mrs. Leonard Warr Benmlller Pianist & Choir' Director North Street United Church REV: ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1974 . o 9:45 e.ni. - 10 year olds and aver 10:50. a.m. - Babies to 9 year olds 10:50 a.m. - Morning Worship (Hymn Sing Service) h • --W--E--L--C-O--SIA--E-•-- Lorne H. Dotterer • Director of Modic Miss 'Clare McQowan - •Asiistant Visitor 6a; 4 • b