The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-02-21, Page 2.t.
Recycling. in Goderich.
With, 411 the talk these days about
wasting natural resources, it is good to
know that some Goderich citizens are
looking to the future in a very practical
Mona Mulhern is the local lady who is
heading up a campaign to recycle some
Goderich waste - most particularly glass
and paper. •
Since, every home in the municipality
has a certain quantity of these items to
dispose of, it sounds like an ambitious
project. Ifit'catches on with the citizens
as one must surely hope it does - a
recycling depot could be one of the
busiest, spots' in town. .
At this point, Mrs. Mulhern has no'firm
plates made;, but•she is interested to hear
from men and Women in the community
who have ecological concerns as well
AS ideas for bringing about some
changes for the ultimate preservation of
the a ivironrnent.
If you are interested in' fa recycling
depot in Goderich for waste paper and
glass, would you get in'tou'ch with Mrs.
Mulhern at 524-8631. She will tabulate
both your name and your ideas. She will
also give you some, up-to-date" infor-
mation, about the project locally.
Please don't let this •chance slip by.
.: Mrs. Mulhern and her group need your
"support now.
Leadership in research
Over theyears, Canada has shown the
way to .the world in `many aspects of
inedibal research. It was here that in-
a...-. uIht��,
o""?fie "fife=lel°railCt..-of.-th-elitabetrc;_,G-�`.
discovered; 'it was here that. the Salk
, " vaccine for poliomyelitis was developed.
We -should be proud that•we have in
Canada, doctors and medical scientists
.who can provide., the leadership, in-
spiration and
nspiration'and imagination to the world of
medicine. Today, many of these men,
and women are engaged in an all-out
fight. against heart disease.
They ,-are" fortunate to have at their
disposal the facilities' of our medical
fl schools Which are among the finest in
the'world. Already much of their effort
:bas been crowned with success. `
.'research on heart disease in Canada
A pother. oo.iniorr
"Goon WORK MRs,
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S s A
,`"1* 0 AT` 1H E FEE RIS
ciecE St D'* AND Ttfe
pENAS-1'I 5 ARe
tNGk 4 -€TD. 1
need know no bounds,''• unless 'it is
limited by the lack of funds.. During this
month, February, the Canadian Heart'
-'Fund;�;.rs urittrctfng—a-drive•--to-.-ensure.--.
that, the research may continue ;un-
nter upteCd• Funds, are needed to meet
expenses' incidental to the work and to
maintain the doctors and medical Scien-
tists on fellowships: - •
All of us -have a vital stake in the fight
against heart disease: Our support ,of.
the Canadian Heart Fund will help our
.Medicai scientists„ to conquer yet
another. enemy 'at mankind.
`Remember:. Give From The Heart To
Help Your Heart!
The. logical
The„ announcement by Ontario Hydro
last week .that .it' will launch., a tremen- '
dous expansion of its' heavy water
-,production facilities at:Do.uglas. Point
.makes good sense. The '.Canadian
system of producing power from nuclear
energy . has • now proven .,itself and it. is.,
dependerft• upon .hea'vy water if it -is to,
function. -
The projection has been made that 60
per cent of .Ontario's electrical energy
will 'be produced' by •nuclear plants
within a decade. Up to this "point
Canada hasnot been able to produce
enough heavy water' for its own needs,
but the expansion at The Point pill, in a
few years, not only provide enough
h'bavy -water for our own needs, but
possibly a certain amount for export as
Although, it is too soon; td properly
• assess the full implication .of Mr.
McKeougth's 'announcement that Ontario
;will. find .the necessary funds for the
project without federal"aid, we„,like this
” approach. American promoters have
long since proven the existence of large
amounts of investment money in On-
fario—so it's high time that such money
be employed for one of our development.
projects.. '
One evening not long ago a television
program' was devoted to the. long-term
consequences of the present bind in
which the western -world finds itself
,where oil u'supplies ,are concerned. It
I'mjust fresh from the On- adage, "
Weekly News
tario Y Prules
Con- , bio
ken. •
are made to be
vention in4 Toronto held last I suppose the name of the
weekend. •• For newspaper game is criss-crossing the 'city
people„;,the convention is like a at a break i k` speed 'in order
retreat a :time away fr'o'm, the ;« to tally'up the greatest amount
telephones and the press desks . •�� `'of fares in a- normal' shift. I
to discuss common •.problems, guess that's why cab drivers it,
hopes 'and goals. Toronto ' manage to raise.. the
OWNA Conventions' area lit- hair on the backs of necks
tle different than some others. almost every time they hit 'an
One of the biggest attractions intersection, make a turn,'
for many news types is the' op- dodge' from lane to lane in
portunity to treat the kids TO a heavy, traffic and screech to a
wonderful: weekend on -the- haltat the curb. s,
•town 'in 'the heart , of a : city But give me Goderich cabs
where -things really seem to be which carry you in • relative,
.happening all the time.: • tranquility to your destination.
• The OWNA convention '-They are mo'remy'•speed.
organizers ''work very hard to
• ensure that the youngsters who ' Some things never, seem to
'attend the four-day"will not change. One of these • is the
• only . have• a • full,, prslgra rp •Chase.Alm'anac;,and,Fact Book:
geared to,kes . and The .19704:looks•very much like
dislikes, : but will alto be • the one which used to hang by.
. welcomed at all the social the telephone .in our home
events enjoyed by mom and when I was ,e chilli; .
was, pointed out that even at present
prices, without further; escalation, most° -
of the Arab 'countries will have such un-
believable aincomes*that they will ac=
tuall' not "be able ;to find ways to spend
.'' The•TV survey team decided that the
logical .; outcome would be ftp 'the
western nations to borrow •their own
money back from the Arabs, naturally at
inflated rates of 'interest.
We doubt that. The western peoples"
have achieved their present position
largely through a shrewd' sense of
business and we ,think it highly im-
probable that they will • simply lie still
while their economic life is sold down
the pipeline for a mess of,Ar,ab crude.'
Already the' increased cost ,of oil* has
made alternative sources viable from the
standpoint of investment—' -the Alberta oil
sands development as One instance, and
the Douglas Point expansion for
Scientific minds ' are already zeroing in
on ways to utilize the power of
hydrogen, the manufacture of methane,
the deVQlopment of wind and solar
power sources: Certainly the Arabs are.
in the driver's seat right now"andflwill be
for a few years to came, but the impasse'
in whichthey have placed, the rest of the
world will almost certainly spell the
. event'ual 'loss of the one and only
'product they have to market.-Wingham
Advance Times
• .4
Wit Elabicfi'c.h.
0-- The County Town>i eWspaper of Huron --0---
Founded in 1848 and published every Thursday at Goderich, onta'rio.:Member of the
CWNA and OWNA. Advertising,ratea ori request.;.subscriptions payable in advance.
$8.50 In Canada, $10.00 in all countries other than Canada, single copies 20 cents.
Second class mail liegistratron Number -0716. Advertising is accepted on the condition
°that, In the event of typographical error, the advertising space tfecupied .by the h
erraheous Item, together°• with reasonabte allowance for signature, will riot be charged
for, ut the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. In, the
event of a typographical error advertising goods or aervICea at a wrong price, goods or,
service may not be sold. Advertising is merely en'otier to sell, and may be withdrawn at
any time. The Signal.Star is -not responsible for the fos's or damage of unsolicited
manuscripts or photos. " - a
Published by Signal -Star: Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT G. SHRIEK- °pr+oidsnr";and publisher
R.W.'SHAWItorial staff „.
- � EDWARD J. BYASKI-tadvirtisirl rhanaO� ;
r-"4"16 DAVE R. WILLIAMS—advsrtlring reprasint*tivit ,
dusinir“, ,and Bditorltlii Office
TELEPHONE 524.8331
code 519
NA'�INnq Address:
.�. ii X 220, Goderich
' Masa nraiwii rlrglstratiOn, nuirnbe
4, •
dad. Published by A.W. Chase, a
Naturally, the kids of • division of ,Laurentian
newspaper. forks enjoy conven- . Laboratories' Limited -of Mon-
tion., time eas
their , parents'" .., and
d in • my `h).
opinion, the OWNA deserves
the, commendation of members
and non-members alike for its
effort to recognize the strength • s
to be found in family living.
For me, Toronto is a mar-
vellous place to visit :.. but I
wouldn't want to make my
home there. it was a real treat
to get back to Goderich where
the pace is a little slower ... and
the office is only a four minute
drive in light traffic.
The convention -was- in the •
Hyatt -Regency Hotel. We were
quartered at The Lord Siincoe .
Hotel, about six or seven
.minutes away -by ca'b gr 15 to
20 minutes- by subway.
Many trips were taken by
ta-xi while we were at the, Con
vention and I was thoroughly
amazed at the availability.. of
these yellow and checkered
chargers. Except for early mor-
ning when cabs appeared' to be
at a premium, one' didn;t have
to wait long for a taxi to wisk
you to your destination.,',(So
different to Goderich where cab
- service is often difficult to find
after dinnerin the e' ening)
And what ,a difference bet -
ween cabs. I remember
sometime. -ago in council when
the local' cab" companies were
appealing for a raise •in' rates,.
-Councillor Frank "Walkom
mentioned that in his opinion,
some local cabs' were in 'sad he
shape unclean and unfit°to be Go
used as a publidtransportation ,°f are c
passenger train service?
While the majority Of cabsi Howof com\
saw in TorentO'were well -kept, as Palme
there was the occasional Sound .alrea
"hack” which sported. chewed= . of,resunipfion
up' seats, 'mud -laden floor is known about
mats and streaky, sticky win- forts re Goderich . Why this
dows. Not too pleasant when lack of service and i poring of
' dressed 'to the ears fora night ' originalservice=guarantees are
out on the town, tolerated is puzzling,'especially
At that paint, • oderich taxis when it was the• Taxpayers'
took, on a look of rfection and 4 taxes . which financed . the
,I almost forgot their occasional building of the railroads in the
tendency to .,.be unavailable first place,
when you• need them most.,A • contract guarantee is a
Another place whore local ,egal icontract. Surely sueh a
taxis have it all over Toronto Commodity should not be
. taxis is in the carefree -ride allowed to discontinue in this
department. �• d widespread
One quickly learns not to Canada.beautiful an
treat_, this year'sDr.'
Almanac costs 25c from the
company at P.O.• Box 444x;
Pointe Claire -Dorval 700•,
Quebec,,,,..„ .. or'may be obtained
' Tee of ctiar"'g'e from :many phar-
It contains much of-tb Same
valuable information it always
has - weather report for every
month of the year, • a com-
prehensive• forecast for every,.
person according to his or her
"sign", household hints galore,
bits of wit and wisdom, a
handy--dandyguide to ,inter-
"preting your own dreams, a
brief outline of --the life and
times' -of the great composer
Giacomo- Puccini,. complete
tables of weight and measures
and some tips on wiarie.
Did you know,' for instance,
that tobacco can be more than•
•normally: rnji rious to persons
born between October 24; and,
November 22; that to dream of
puppets means *yon have a
degirefl to control others; that,
wine should be stored in the
ByShi'iley J:: Keller
The citizens oP
asked' the,editor of this paper tti-'"
reply tb a` lettter, to the editor of
this' paper concerning the
proposed C.P.R. rail extension°
from their city, to 'ours.. They
wish to know Why more energy
;has not been devoted to the
matter since Goderich is the
best harbour on the east coast '
of Lake Huron with the poten-
tial of receiving grain and other
goods for shipment inland.
They are concerned mostly
because they the.citizens have
devoted much time and money
into getting the' line as far as
• Guelph and feel that an exten-
sion as fa -r• -as, this town would
Wean a great deal to both
municipalities. •
Genial "Cap" Sullivan left'
for home Wednesday last after
spending Vacation in Goderich
and ,vicinity. He says that this
'section *of the banana belt is a -
great place to spend a holiday
• in the winter. He prefers it to
A splendid addition has been
made to the Goderich Marine
Band, in the shape -of a hand-
f Guel h. have
some new euphonium (E flat
bass). It is a $75 piece and of
very good class: It is the habit
of 'the society to add to the
band outfit as their finances
The Goderich Circle of Kings
Daughters would like to remind
friends -that"':M'rs:"Ti•1•iep••-will--'
dark in a home without central d liver an address'Friday After -
� __ ;_ ___
lock and a am at
of on
heating, that one pound
.raisins (seedless)' equals three seven i i the evening. Con-
roundedcupsful? tributions of not less than five •
Here's one for women doing .cents will be received at -the
their spring cleaning on a door in aid 'of the ;poor in the
• budget. A little white vinegar north' Good music will be
in water, a brisk washing and ':' • provided. '
your windowpanes will take on The Goderich ` hockey ,club
a new 'gleaming life!. Slow but will travel to London next week -
• Tor the 'return match with .the
In fact, vinegar has many F Forest City players.
woman. The Almanac suggests 50 -YEARS AGO
uses for the budget -minded
you buy the less tender cuts of The Western "Canada Flour
meat;to save money and;Chen Mills new salt plant starteda
'Marinate them overnight--in-a- operations on Tuesday and is
solution of.1/2 cup vinegar and working nicely. • Exhaust ,
one cup beef broth! Instant steam from the flour mild
primectit! „ engines pump the brine from e _
depth of 1100 feet in the earth.
No wonder • my ,'mother . kept... rhe wet salt is then carried to
this book 'hanging handily in the ,evaporator 'plant" by con -
the kitchen. It was indispen- . veyor where it is processed. -
sable! Think I'll take this -one Songs by Mrs. Gordon Sut-
bonne and dangle iebeside my cliffe and Mr. Fred`Holmes andstove. Who ltnows when ,I'll a recital by' Mr. Torn Cutt com-
have a dream for which I will° promised the program given on
want to know the -meaning Monday Nicht, ,preceding the
me morning
lecture by `Reif. Fulton Irwin o(;' .
_so m g
1110111' rail Ira vs
Dear Editor,
Responding to your request
for reports about Goderich-
Signal Star deliveries to out-of-
town Subscribers—O-urs has
been better during the'. last.,
three weeks. - ,Previously, it was
'often from seven to ten days af-
ter .date of publication but.
seems to be now more regularly
the' Tuesday following. .
This instance is propitious, to
tell you also,that we sometimes
have been missing your Ann
Landers and Smiley's Sugar 'n'
Spice columns°which we enjoy.
Our copy of the °Goderich
Signal -Star is forwarded to
.friends on Salt 'Spring. Island
(in the Georgia Strait) where it
goes to fresh "rounds' and they
have 'also made this remark.
,We appreciate, too, the young
cartoonist's (David's) sense of,
humour, and of course, some of
the• Editorials which frequently -
express wise reactions to con-
troversial subjects.
And, fora long time.we have
n wondering just whae
rich's ,"Powers -that -be"
tributing to, restoration
smaller towns such
ton, and Owen
have ,promises
ut nary a word
y tangible eft -
Watch the road when d>4iving Y Bus highways, ., tired and
with Toronto cabbies. If one harassed drivers are a menace
• knows the rules of the road, everywhere and many people,
clic soonunderstands the preferring tb use ;the requirements Indeed the Act tains numerous°highly rtrdioac provincial action under new
railways- •in anticipation of allows the council cif ally city to (contlnutld'on page 3) legislation.
more relaxed- travelling—have°
been and are increasing.
steadily. Not enough is done tq.
encourage and expand -the very
lucrative tourist trade here. '
It seems a number of folks
are asleep at, the 'switch.
The claim "not profitable"
hogwash. Easily, 'one can see
the, amount of freight going
through, at extremely high
rates, consequently any shor-
tage of profits has, to be -due to
bad management in the com-
pany. That stuff and nonsense
-of passenger •and freight being
kept as two separate companies
is only - leverage for thee• con-
venience of the railways. • Full
re-institution—,and i•m-
proverrients•---would substan-
tially assist` in lowering our
high unemployment situation
-Yours, for ,better• deals,
V. Miller
Ort sebool buses
Dear Editor;
Seaforth, at Victoria St.-
The evening was all about
Ireland and the .Irish. These
various numbers, • were heard
with much -enjoyment.
The town council had a
special session On Friday last to
settle the situation ' on the
G.C.I, by-law4 The council, in
figuring out this yearb taxes,
exempt highways under its
' f d th t it ld do without
the 'current mill rate for the
may be more than 35 miles per schoolM. The tax not needed
hour. ' works out to half a mill per
• As a father and citizen, I sub- citizen..: The council isexpee- ' w
mit to you that the protection ted to',giva the, 'ratepayers the
provided a child'in a,36. mile ' benefit of the half mill.
'per hour or over,zone, is•just'as Some, fifty or• sixty of•the
vital toa child in a 35: mile or • .marine .men of Goderich Eaten-,,
under zone. ded Knox Church on `.Sunday
Being list by a car at any last' for a special service in
speed . could indeed costo the memory of the sailors past and
precious life of a youngster. .ro honor those present who
This week I have written all follow the life on the ° great
members of our Provincial lakes,. Rev. R.C. McDermid
Parliament asking for' introdiic- spoke on the challenge and
tion of a bill'amending these.. - dangers of the life on the water
incoifsistencies in the Highway and the attractions it had.
Traffic Act. In the Votes and Proceedings
I implore yo,,ir investigation of the Legislative Assembly we
note an, inquiry was made into
the' state of the highway cvrr=-
oun a cou
jurisdiction where speed limits
anti public, support as a Jour-
Respectfully, .
Hugh. A. Crothers
• In rebuttal
Dear Editor,
I am responding to.the letter
in last week's Signal»Star from
R. Wilson, Manager of the
Health Physics Department of
As a Journalist, your support is` Ontario Hydro. While Mr.
needed to correct, what strikes Wilson dealt with one of the
me as an extraordinarily concerns expressed during the
structiori from Stratford to
Goderich. „ Mr. Wigle of the
ministry wanted to know if the
road had been, completed and if,
not then why, the Government
had not gone to'another con-
• Hydro. will cost more starting
• March 1 .P.U.C. manager Dave
Rolstoh'announced this week.
He said the average increase to
residential consumers would be
approximately $1.50 per month
dangerous situation in the visit to the Bruce Nuclear , with the figure being lower for
1-lighway Traffic Act. Power Development, . there is families of only one • or tiro.
Like :piny citizens I,have, for • one that, he did not 'mention,
years, been under the im. „nor have I ever .heard or read Education, which' had reduced
The Huron „County Board of
mention of it in Ontario •
pression that the reguan
lations y its number of possible sites for
required that: Hydro s, media promotion. -of pits new office building, was sur-
a) School buses must have" nuclear power. That is the prised last 'Monday when
'flashing ,lights .operating when "spent fuel Chairman Johnt Laois of Clin-
childrett are being' loaded or Wastes from a nuclear power ton Chai'suggested they 'use part of
unloaded. . - plant include reactor . wastes the high school in Clinton`.
b) ' School buses must have a . and spent fact. Some of the The building i8 built for 1400
sign or lettering, indicating former are dispersed (radioac- , students ,and 'only has 980
"DO NO PASS WHEN tivity releases to which Mr. enrolled. Mr. Laois claims
SIGNALS FLASHING". 1 Wilson referred) and some are s plenty of room for the
are there
c=) Motorists approaching ,, stored. These include metallic toffices.
must piping, failed components, etc.' R.A. Childs, waste
from eiil}er direction
come to a full stop until the which are 'relatively low iiy management engfneer with the
flashing lights stop: - radioactivity. The spent fuel °maxis) Dept. of Public Health,
Did you realize that in areas constitutes over 99 per cent of Thursday night dvi i d cou l cil
Where speed limits • are not the radioactivity produced by a to reach an agreement for an
more than 35 miles per hour reactor, simplistically apeakirrg+ alternative site for dumping the
bone of these, regulations are it is the used uranf+at>y And con towrits garbage or .face possible