The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-03-29, Page 25(,4
"AA" Cha
A petition has been cir-
culating through Goderich fn'
about two weeks now concer-
ning the feasibility of ,a per-
manent youth -adult
organization and centre here in
The petition reads: "We the
undersigned feel that the town
of Goderich should support a
permanent youth -adult
organization and centre."
Signatures- are being ac-
cumulated very quiAly. and
should give us a good insight
into the number of people in-,
terested'in having such a set up
in Goderich. .
As Co' -Pilot we have MI6 -MP -
ted to give young people'
something • to do after school
and on weekends but the lack
of funds and 'facilities has
greatly limited our. success.
We have however provided free
activity periods at North Street
United Church three days a
week as, well as a free activity
period. for younger kids on
Saturday • afternoons at Knox
Presbyterian Church. We have
also set up human relations
seminars every second Tuesday
evening covering such topics as
ve.neiqr disease, abortion,
drugs and, the law, broken
homes and others. An ex-
perimental judo clinic and
batik workshop were set up as
well as film nights on Fridays
and Saturdays at St. George'!4
Anglican Church.
Co -Pilot is only the stepping-
stone to -what should he a per-
manent organization in
Goderich. Once all the
signatures have been gathered
up from ,the petition, we hope
to present a brief to town coun-
cil explaining our achievements
and discussing the possibility of
organizing a permanent\youth-
adult group in town.
Temporary Coffee-Hotle:
This week Co -Pilot has
moved into the old Eaton's of-
fice on the square and set up a
temporary drop-in centre.
Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bruno
LaPaine, for 'the use of the
building, we have now set up a•
one week coffeehouse to give in-
terested people a taste of what
a permanent operation of this
type would be like.
Games, cards, ping-pong,
music and a variety of other ac-
tivities are featured to give
young people something to do
during the holiday Novek. .A
special. invitation was alsci
made to all visiting and local
Lee-Wees n Goderich for
Young Canada Week to attend
after games.
Friday, March, 23 at 9:00
p.m. Co -Pilot will he spon-
soring a one night coffeehouse
featuring a variety of local
musicians entertaining par-
ticipant. We hope that many
people' will turn out 'for the
events so as to feel the good
vibrations eminating from this
one night venture.
Hopefully this will bring
some people together and be
one of the first steps to building
a permanent youth -adult
organization. _ •
Human Relations:'.
TueFlay, March 20, saw
another Human relations
seminar in the parlour at Knox
Presbyterian Church. Dr. H. R.
Cekler gaYe a small- presen-
tation on "Abortion' —legal
and medical aspects" and' an-
swered question from the
Tuesday. Aril 3, at 7:30
p.m.. Co -Pilot will_be presen-
ting another seminar titiled
"Civil Rights: as discussed by
Mr. Dan Murphy. The well
know barrister will be relating
the various laws governing civil
rights and will also answer any
questions, concerning arrests,
demonstrations, raids, search
and seizures and any questions
related to civil rights_
Sexuality and Com-
munications wil 1 he the topic
for discussion on _April 19, at
Victoria Public School at 8:00
p.m. The seminar will feature a
film titiled • "Sexuality and
Communication" dealing with
both- - the- medical - acrd
with special emphasis .on the
importance of communication.
It was made during a' two-hour
presentation at the, Ontario
Science Centre
Synipos M
Using the medium „of
pla. the film features
Chernick, M.D., F.R.C.S. and
his wife R. Chernick,
P1) 1)., of London, On-
tario. They explore'the subjects
of sexuality and com-
munications as they relate to
both the doctor'patient
relationship and the
husband 'w ife relationship.
The film. stimulates
'discussion and is ideally suited
for use 'IN:" t hose—involved •
fam i1 -life
education. The discussion
following the•film will he direc- •
t'ed hy Mario Cauchi and
his wife Lorraine Cauchi.
For the past few months a
group of men and women in
Huron County interested in
sports have been conducting
meetings on sports in Hunm
County. Thev are now at the
point where a Regional Sports
Council will he formed.
The regional councilis an
organization comprised of
representatives from all sports
and all areas of the County
It would also incliide an
associate membership of per-
sons dedicated to sport and in-
volved in such areas as
recreation, goviernment, univer-
sity, secordary and elementary
educati;M. etc.
Its objectives are three -fold:
111 organize, promote, en-
courage and maintain develop-
ment excellence of - and par-
ticipation in - sports within the
region (County):
(10 ''de services for the
members of t organization;
(cl seek Out f nds to further
these projects.
In Huron County this
organization can assist in the
following services: • knowledge
of grant's and funding available
through Federal and Provincial
agencies; organization and
promotion of clinics for coaches
Ind officials; communication
inter and intra sport; Sport
directory for region.; Infor-
mation centre for public as well
as members; Liaison between
this region 'and Sport Ontario
and Sport Canada; provide.,
organizational network for
Regional Games, should region
host these games; sports—equip-
ment safety; provide 8 unified
voice for Region in matters of
concern in sport: purchase and
publish teaching, ,coaching and
officiating aids; communication
- newsletter; eventual librarY
and resource centre for public
and organizations. services of
assistance and mailing to mem-
ber spO.r.ts ot the,council such as
ad ntinist ra t ive material such as
notices of nwetings, reportsr,
meetings and committees, con-
stitutions_ and by-laws,
promotioraal material. newslet-
- tors and bulletins to members,
puhlicity and proMotion of
sport events, results of races,
competitions and sports events.
Starting this Saturday, ,and
continuing at the end of each
month for at least the remain-
der of 1973, the Goderich
Branch of the Royal Canadian
Legion will hold its 50'50 club
draw and son) lucky ticket
holder will he the winter of
$500 or more.
'rickets are available for
$1.00 from any Legion member
and the total prize money each
month will represent one half
of ther tickets sold, or
$500 whichever is the largest'
sum. The Legion guarantees a
minumum prize of $500.
The series of draws is plan-
ned to help raise money for
facility expansion at the local
legion hall. The Legion ex-
plains they are not destitute
hut t hat t he expansion 15
necessary and the funds it will
require should not have to
come' from other Legion
programs causing those to suf-
Plans for the moment see the
draw carried - on during 1973
but organizers also hope to con-
tinue it if enough support is
shown. They point- to Owen
Sound where such R project has
hcen underway for several
years and where the prize
money each month is well in
_ excess of Goderich's $500.
• Goderich Mayor Harry Wor-
sell will make the draw at 8:00
.p.mat the Legion Hall this
Saturday and the winner, if not
• present, will be' contacted for
the cheque presentation.