The Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-28, Page 345.,Ttrx, Abuoratt,. SANDE12S & DYER,'1'r'ops, THURSDAY. December 28, 1893 T"IIE AMERICAN TARIFF BILL• There is great; cacit mCet in Wash- ington just now over the monthly re - pert of the Committee on Ways and. Means, That report was prepared by ex -Speaker Reed°, and presented just before the adjoin nment of Congress for the Christmas holidays. It has thrown a bernbshell into the Democratic iiaaaks, many of whom are about to withdraw their support if the Wilson ta'rif'f bill should. pass. As we hinted in, a previous number of this journal, the Wilson Bill is specially obnoxious,. tothe manufacturers who are backed by the millionaires of the United States Those' man'ufaeturcrs are formingc themselves into a league to defeat, if possible, the passage through (:oiinress of the Wilson tariff in its present shape. The minorityreport vigorously oppos es anything like the admission of Ca- nadian products into the U. S. free of. duty -particularly coal. It contends that Nova Scotia coal, if admitted free, would compete disastrously with the mines of Pennsylyania and Virginia to- the injury of railroad companies. Ie. the minority report it is contended that, • ° while the Wilson Bill professes to raise ilii a revenue, its effect would be to 'owe) se the U. S. revenue by $74,000,000--- le 74,000,000—,., whereas the revenue of 1893 was only two million dollars over and -above m v ' sunning expenses; and while the pro- f., µ posed tariff pretends to give protection, ;it really destroys it in . every, ,possible' way. It is quite evident from the re v' portpresented by the n inority that one of the chief objections to theWilsou tariff is the proposal to admit Canadian coal free of duty—as they fear keen Competition from Nova Scotia ` mines in the East, and also from the immense coal deposits of Canada on the Pacific coast which, they say, are capable of ... supplying the whole of the north-west- ern states. We fear that there is little s prospect of obtaining reciprocal favors in tariff arrangements: from our Amer lean cousins, as theirolio first and •n y, r. to tat e�care�of•nuznber"one. I well, however, to know -and the Americans` are beginning to find that, out -that we in Canada can live without the United States, -and that even when we had a reciprocity treaty our neighbors were more the gainers. thereby than we in Canada. Since that time, howeyer, we have grown with our growth and have by giant strides attained the proportions of ea- tioual manhood. AA' 0I'HER SURPLUS. It must be gratifying to our cou servative friends to learn from the published aeeounts of the Dominion that there, is a substant1al surplus of revenue over and above' the expendi •tare for the "fiscal year, ending June �=8Oth The Hon. Mr. Foston is to be coli eatulated on his financial a.bilitl-. and ,ells success Int carrying' out the govern- f went promise of reducing the annual ° I expenditure, The blue book shows a ' surplus of revenue over elfpeuditure. for the last, financial year to be '$1,85'1, 555, This speaks well for Canada; for ,.•'" while in Great Britain there is a heavy' defeat for which the present Chancel- lor of Exchequer proposes increased taxation,—and while in the United s es States there is a shortage of $28,000,- i 28,000,i : 000 in the year's operations, -we ie �. under a r - �,nada good financial ili� 1 �,.tiaage. i,e ,. nt can 'oaisc of considerable 1 sue ,b a co sae able sur- �� ' plus. And when the ,Cabinet at Ottawa tbrings before Parliament the proposed' e modification of the tariff to meet the exigences of the different classes ill the community, it will be found that the changes contemplated will be more than met by the prosperous Condition ' sif our finances. • News of the Week in Brief. Y`ICl®r9.17.,ilDece3aallrea,.+;naa9• The arrears of unpaid takes in. Ser via amount to 80,000,000 francs, and the country is so danger of b; A fire in Sheffield; Eng,, yesterday. caused over ;$1,000,000 do triages to the establishment of Hovey Se Sons,drapers, and other buildings, Thin and irnplai'(', blood. ]s m:ad(, Pleb and healthful by tail;in„ Hood's Serge-. parillo- It braces up the nerves and gives renewed sternest -i le The Tavistoelt flour mill wascorgi rletely destroyed by fire last night, along with 2,000 bushels 0,.' wheat, Ihe nts to about lose atmos t $39 u 00. 0 4� Y the <. hotel r4'Ile. I3lbmell ,,.rouse a. t , on , ; r p ''tree t, Choma eves ,..t. Andrew s market, , a , S , burned gutesterda morning, alolrg .Y y • 1 , with nearly all the furniture and, bonrd.; els' elf ets, the U S. Connl'ess acl'otalnc,cl for the IL J ti < , rr"sfhias holidays _�c,Itird,a3 rvitl, ,Y, 3 c more live burning questions veitins'. '1 1 l SA.TIT1ti1AY December'23rd• The ' new opera house at Woodstock was totally destroyed by fire last night shortly after the audience dispersed Bon. A. 11. Augers, Minister of Agri- culture, has taken out a suit for libel to the amount of $25,000 against Ern est Pacaud,dr'oprietor of 1'Electeur, of Quebec. Au eight -foot ledge of silvor and i gold quartz assayln,,g $151u silver and $27 in gold per ton has been discovered in the heart of Tacoma, Wash., by a man who was digging a cellar. During the 'performance of 'The Creation" in Knox Church, Winnipeg the gallery sank three inches with a crash. and the occupants rushed for the doors. Fortunately nobody was badly hurt RLORTDAY December 25t1.. Never be without Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Sir George Elliott, whp had been a member of the British Parliament eighteen years, died iu London, Eng., Saturday, aged 79. A young man named Lyons who had his limbs badly frozen, has had both hands and both feet amputated at Win nipeg General Hospital. John 11 Hooper, accused of murder- ing his wife and now in Joliette, prison has sent out Christmas greetings to his friends in the shape of cards, A boiler exploded in a sawmill at Whitesburg, Ala., instantly killing En- gineer Ben. Thomas and ' Fireman Amos Banks, and perhaps fatally wounding three laborers. Conductor Scott, charged with being responsible for the awful collision at Battle Creek on October 20th, has been found not guilty by the jury. The charge on which he was tried,was man- slaughter. While impersonating Santa Claus in Joseph Allister's''house, London, Mr. Allister's sister in-law was seriously hurried. A wax candle fell from ; the Christmas tree and ignited her "head- dress. In 119 cities of the United States there are 801,000 wage earners in en forced idleness Dependent on these for support aro 1.966,000 ' persons,' An awful state of affairs; yet' Canada is holding her own. The Grand River is on a Christmas rampage at Brantford, and the resi- dents and in West Brantford at d on the fiats are visiting their neighbors in gondolas. The damage from the flood is estimated at several thousand dol lars. Chicago's finances are said to be in -a deplorable conditioi,. It's' dcubtful if there' is enough money in the civil treasury to pay bilis at the end of the month CorporationP „ .em loves did not receive their salaries before Christmas as has heretofore been the custom. T JEgIDAIt December 'OM Dr, Eseijay don't ask you to take pills, There is great distress iu Aus- tralia. Thousands of people are home- less. A jealous Indiana husband yesterday shot his rival with a shotgun, instantly killing him. • John L. Sullivan got into a row' at Sandusky, Ohio, on 'Saturday and - was locked up by the police. -An aeronaut fell sixty feet from a trapeze at Havana yesterday, , and re ceived'iujuries,fr:om which he cued an hour later. Burglary brelse into J. T. Parks'' store, Tilsonburg, Tuesday night. The tiIl as broken open and ten fifteen dollars taken. No goods are missed as yet, A large ` ewfoui t and dog, velb h inn• over 100 pounds, in resentinga kick from fourteen -year old . James Collins in Covington. Cincinnati, to day literally chewed him to eieees. The dog jumped lumped oil the lad, knocked him down, and tote one of his ears off, .A crowd of over .1,000people were attrac- ted by the boy's screams, but not one• of them had courage to interfere.. A policeman finally succeeded :in' lassoing and afterwards shootingthe dog, but before this was accomplished, the boy's body had been terribly' torn and lacer 'ted He will die, Hon; Edward Blake has arrived home. The floods at Brampton and B•ant- ford continue to subside. Below Chat- ham great damage to property has been caused by the Thames ' overflow- ing its hanks, The annual meeting of the Domifr ion Coutrnercial `I'ra ycller's',Assouiatioe Was held at Hamilton yesterday, Mr 1-1 Matthews, Toronto, .was elected Pres- ident. Foxily Capped Sections of Honey. A few sections partly finished mixed in with a nice lot of honey will hurt the sale of the whole., That which lacks a very little of being finished:tears be sort- ed into a lot by itself and sold for a lower price. There aro two ways to proceed with allose unfinished sections that you clo not want to sell, says The American Lee Journal. One way is to extract the honey out of them, the other is to let the bees .rob it out, In either case let the bees do the finishing, for a section is not fit to be used the following season thathas not been thoroughly cleaned out by the bees. Pile the supers of sections where the bees can get at the, rain from ' them, -protecting them o and allowing entrance for only one or tw 'ObeO§ aC a time. you Ifallow the large entrance Elco ece bees a ss 6y a , you will very likely find the sections torn to pieces by the bees. e n' If your unfinished s Clio s have boon kelt nice a ndoleaii and have the bee been Ithe. thor- oughly Cleaned out by s, y "bait" alt nest season, 'valuable £ b Will r 0 Indeed, if yonyott havo enough of theta for your 'Whole clap, your crop should be larger, on the same principle that you Miscellaneous. Itis again stated that. t1it.A Emperor of Germany' will pardon the French spies who were sentenced last week: Eseljay's Liver Lozenges invigorate the weak. Owing' to alarm caused by the bomb outrage 111 the ,Gyeeum Theatre, Bar eelona, several of the theatres- haye had suspend tos end business; a A new discovery. of great yalue— Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. At Sandwich yesterdav FI F White, late of the Walkerville MalleableIron works; was found guilty of embezzling funds of the firm• Kee the system regular wit11 Esel- p ea jay's Liver Lozenges, The United States Senate' has 'cen- firmed the nomination of J. B. I:eilly, of New York, as consultgoneral at Ot- tawa, Canada. Itch on human beings, hot ses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotign. This 'never fails. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist Hugh Steed, a young farmer, while riding one horse and leadinti another into the town of Essex yesterday, was thrown and trampled upon. His skull was crushed and his recovery is, doubt- ful. Headache is generally the 'result of a constipated or deranged 'conaition of the digestive organs. To cure the headache it is necessary to get at : the root of the evil, and, for this • a toning laxative is much better than a violent purgative. A doctor says, "I know of no bettermedicine for this purpose than Eseijays Liver Lozenges. The sawmill owners in. Saginaw, Mich., do not fear the Wilson tariff, but they do fear the reimposition by Cana. da of the export duty on Jogs.' English Spavin Liniment removes . all hard, soft or calloused Lumpsand Blemishes from horses, .Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring, Bone,' Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore. and •.Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the • most wonderful Blemish Cure`"ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. An agreement has been arrived at between the committees of."the two Houses of Congress by which an ad- journment will be' taken on Friday un til January 3. Pain -Killer is a purely vegetable p y preparation, safe to keep and to use in every family. The simplicity attend- ing its use, together •with: the . great variety of disease that may be entire- ly eradicated by it,- and the great amount of pain and suffring that,: can be alleviated thro, gh itetnse,;make, it imperative upon every person to sup- ply themselves with this valtiab1e rem• edy, and keep' it always near at hand. Ask for the New Big 25c. Bottle. A Montreal despatch say§ a' Ciev'e- land syndicate, with Mr 'H.'A .Everett atits'etead, has secured 'a 'controling interest in the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company. Mr. H. A. Mullins, formerly ,of .To- ronto, now of Binscarth,' Manitoba,` left there on the 18th inst., with 4 carloads of fine western cattle for the Christmas markets at Montreal. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Badder di seases relieyed in,:, six hours by the "NEW erREAT SOUTH AMETSICAN KIv- NET Curen." " This: new remedy is a great surprise and,cdelight 'tb physic ians on account of its ':exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder,kidneys,every back and part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention ,of water and p ato in passing it almost t immed• lately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your. remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 1. Eleven tion is Heller. Than cure, and those- who, are sub- juct co rheumatism can prevent at- tacks by keening the blood • pure and free from the acid which causes the disease. :You 'tan . rely upon Hood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for rheum• tism and catarrh, also for every form of scrofula, salt rheum, boils and other diseases 'caused by irnplire blood. It" tones and vitalizes the whole system. Hood's Pills are easy and gentle in ef- fect. The U.S., warship Kearsarge, has been ordered from New York to San Domingo to protect American's inter- ests. An attempt was recently ' made to assassinate President Aeureaux. ALL _2011.EN Young, old or middle-aged,' who find themselves :nervous, weak and ex- hausted, who are _broken down from excess or overwork, resulting; in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss ' of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, 'palpitation of the heart, emissions,lack of energy, t a1n in the kidney", headaches, pimples in the'face arta body, itching or peculiar sotlsation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching, of the mescles, eye- lids, and. elsewhere, baslifult ess, depos- t i in the Urine loss of will -power, ten- derness of the scalp and saline, weal; and flabby muscles,' desire to sleep, failure to lie rested' by sleep,' conatipa tion, dullness of healing, loss of voice, t ' 1 ( teal-, for solitude exclt,ib it.v if t d(, per, sunken eyes, sul rouitled �vitir LI]Ap"T7N I tCr .]S, oily leakiest,. skin, etc,. are all 1 svrnl ltonl,i of nerveus debil- ity that lead to insanity unless mired, Thus ring of vital force haying lost p b r, lte tension, every ,10neti01S wanes- in consequence. TIoso who through abuse committed iii 'i+!11Otaliee,130) 1)0 permanently cured, Send your ad- dress for book on diseases pteulier to (nal:tt sant frtte, sealed. Address M, Alan Have aaou vi,.i a e on si y I:,>TBOiv, 24 Macdntoel Attie., "Toronto, etons for melee, tree" s ., r> sse% >tf ngot mornextractedthancomb honey, 1,(jet, cnasli ,.,��t •' ..,. , t OF'FMA ' HAiitil SS HEADACHE P D CRS ALL H.EADAC IE,- a'locy.ar•e not a ver. trfSed tG Car0 ever y/• thinp,2.uta€vnply/ head, aches. Qtly them, it Celli cost bat oerat: }}''✓r a bex, and they u,ra Iiarrf legs, Thus aro not a Catharthe POPULAR PLYMOUTH! ROCKS. A Variety of Poultry 'Which Returns a Fair Profit.., Talking with Mr. Nesmith a few weeks iago about the egg season, he send he breed- wished he had had twico as many 'breed- ing pens of Plymouth Rocks; that he had sold more than twice as many of their eggs as of any other variety and couldn't keep up with his orders for them. "In fact," said he, "I've a, good mind to keep nothing but Plynaouth Rocks hereafter. Everybody wants them, and the kind that . everybody wants ie the kind to keep," The foregoing is from 'the- pen ` of a contributor to Farm Poultry, who gives his own experience as follows: We have kept seven varieties of purebreds ,an out place this season and have been aware that the call for Plymouth Rook eggs was very loud, but were hardly pre- pared to give them such an astonishing lead as a comparative table of the sea• son's orders gives them. We began shipping eggs March 1 and shut down July 1, shipping in the four months over 800 sittings, as follows: Total sitting shipped. Barred Plymouth Rooks..... ....... ........ 2.83 White PlymouthRocks 81 Light Brahmas ` 12 Black Langshans 11, White Wyandottes 51 Silver Wyandottes 5f Golden Wyandottes 44 And that shows the Barred Plymoutl Rocks to be more than twice as popular as any other variety we have offered. We were surprised' that the Light Brahmas should have come second or the list, but perhaps they would nol have done so if we had not had twc large orders for 'them from California one of 12 and the other of 15 sittings, subtracting which: would put Light Brahmas in fourth place. White Wyandottes should be in seconc place, and would be easily if we had beer able to fill the orders sunt us. . We re turned the money for some 30 sittings of that variety, and 15 to 20 more sitting. 'were transferred toother varieties whey the eustomers were told they would hay( to wait five or six weeks for the eggs we being sold that much ahead on thal variety most of the season.' This is an instructive table and war worthythe careful consideration of thos( of our readers who are thinking of offer- ing stock or etres to would be buyers. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, fol Neuralgia, -radically Rheumatism and I�eura]g •t, cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removesat once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits 75e. Sold by C, Lutz, Drug gist. Hon, Mackenzie Rowell is 70 years old to -day. The Cronin,murder trial is still in progress at Chicago. A game of baseball was played in London on Christmas Day. The mem leers of the late, Council 01 the Township of McGillivray havebeen elected by acclamation. Indianapolis authorities will try to get the Canadians to give' up Pugilist Costello, who is in Sarnia. At the East End Abattoir, Montreal yesterday an ox was confiscated on the ground that the meat was affected with tubeoculosis. .� �R ASV S WEDNESDAY 'V &�p �s, Ta� EVENING �� `SIEPPARIPS 0 s r .,a R 1. , �io All the places of interest in. THE WHITE CITY REPRODUCED IN ALL THEIR GRANDEUR AND BEAUTY. The only Colored Views in Canada OE TUE CHICAGO COLOMBIAN : EXPtSMON AN INTER'ES'TING AND HUM OR017S LECTURE BY 1'I1E WELL KNOWN ARTIST Introducing some of the Funny "- Sayings and Songs beard by him in the MIDWAY PLAISANCE. Those who did not Visit the World's Fair Can have its' beauties aid t wond- ers' vividly brought before them by Seeing this entertaitunent. Sale of tickets at F. ,,might's' Grocery, . • ir-- � u n M.K f..1 1 � I es Sickness C®ST'l tillComes �y !I•i� l�aide t a of befoteSti ax CA . J PERRY , �A-. VJ PAIN'.l LLE YOU May st d it to'ni ;inti OUR SUBSCRIBERS . ARE OUR FRIEND 2000 sussoRisERsT TO TFIE "EXETE11 Ab-VOCATE" TheP ublishers of the .AD- scriber or not, may secure one • VOCATE have completed ar- or more extra copies by order is bywhich a 1i'r 'e before,Nov, 1st ran ems 1 1 W c �, ing , 1893 The magazine which contains 100 rice paid for;the magazine illustrated p laced to . the) Credit of pages of 11, ustx'lzted anti read -will "bop c h Ino' matter,- also veryvalla- anyone ear's subscription to ;, Y P TE ble statistical reference pages, the Anvoca� , whenever circler- to be issued first week in Dec- ed. The Coupon below, .when ember as a Christmas supple- presented at our . office and went to the ADVOCATE. We bearing THE ADVOCATE PUB - have secured this magazine-- LISHING COMPANY'S Sig:114H THE CANADIAN ANNUAL -in is good at any girlie in/part hopes of increasing our list to payment for-tihe ADVOCATE. 2000. We propose to send it Cut out the Coupon as per free, postage paid, to all instructions and bring it, or our subscribers -old and new send it to us and have it sign- -who are paid in advance. ed, which must be done by Any person whether a sub- Nov. lst, to secure the Annual. Cut out this coupon and send it with 25 cents to our address, before Nov. 1st 1893,, and you will receive the Magazine, first week in December. We will giye you credit for the amount iu part payment for one year's subscription to the ADVOCATE 4 � ,^ , 1 , A A A. h re '� `es 6 .9A I.A. This Coupon, when presented cd our office and accompanied with 25 CENTS in Cash 9 p or Postage Stamps. will entitle the Sender or bearer, to our Christmas Supplement also to part payment to Advocate for „.1.118,:r.'. , GOURD FOR Subscribers. u Signed.. ",""--" { 1-1E E)t.ETER A CI:f AA A , -., • —A PROGRESSIVEE PFIt PAPER is r A NEWSPAPER b RTE , M ---For the People. ADDRESS a SilDVOCATE P1.1$IlIST4I$G' CO. EXETER, ONT The ADVOCATE makes it a point to chron.iole all the .most importa local items of interest in. Exeter and surrounding country: ✓, liaThose of our Subscribers .who are twat or more yens in arieart', are requested' to pay up within the next two montlhs. o ADDRESS llllYQOTE P11111.13010 JOMIY, Exter, Outr!o. NEURAAD IRAHPELUEURAPYSSEM ATICA 'CURED AVERY TIME WfHENaMC:MENTHOL PLASTER usti . RQVR and FEED 1 Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oat Meal, Corn Meal Cracked Wheat and Rolled 'Wheat, constantly hand. ©ond. For sale in large or small q uanti:ties. A Call Solicited. C. w. ran, Boitirgia. J'ohla Giilard of W H, Gillar•d & Co, Hamilcou,,died yesterday aged 52, The Michigan Central Railrrsd Com- pany has declared a regular dividend of 2 per cent, and an extra one of 1e per cent, the same as last year. LOSS OR FILING MAH1060, Bacerd! and Horl,'oils Ceililit, ," Mind Effect of d sof Weakness a w y , Y • Young, Errors or J;�ccsses in Old or o t,, 12.0use,. Noble Turillecil.fully Jle sto ed. 'low to Enlarge land Strengthen \\ Teak, Undeveloped Organs and I':litsof hotly. .absolutely un- failing failin : Jiattne Treatment—Benefits in n day. rc testify flora o 0 StatesandJoleiSn oun Dies. Write them. De setiptivC'Book,ex-,, P lariatiolir end proofs mailed (sealed) free. cHRIsTIE's CEL)e9 t VLniv) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO, 'rrerm:. - - Reo, aossa b Telephone ohone Gonn `i Oct on o d 9 stLass Horses x ses axtd R><s,,s, SPECIAL RATES WITH - CCMMERI'AL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'}Tarc'w.ire Store, will receive prompt attention`. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT DR. \WOOD'S orwav Rime: 5 01 , .A. Rich hs the lung -heating virtues ofthe Pint d conetiete with the soothitrg and expectorant properties of outer pectoral herbs and bark's.. n PERFECT CWF?E FORT ANT) OC)LbS ttt,, .. 1 i�ioersestess,listlizna, �icOhaYrl.+s; Sere Throat, r,rmc and all 11kOAC,iRCi4c111 L LONG DIS8SkS ObStinate coughsvlreh 1• ast otttr remedies yield 1n:tlt 4d lleasantpiny syrup. , 'l a.' -W mC AND atar'� Ca COT E lt1C>a �i3r r, F r1Da.n .il' „4G onwr.oidveir, N. ENIE MEDICAL Cgi'y Butfalol N. itlti;1