The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-03-15, Page 11AVM(
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John and
1 524-6667
Edith Pearl Jenkins,
All per tuns having claims againstBrenda Thompson, Sea forth. Gran -
the estate of the above mentioned, dparents are Carter and Grace Ker -
the estate
Twp, ufGo rich in -the slake, Staffs; and Ken and Item!
County of Huron, who died at the--Thohnpson, Giiderich.`-gll
Town of Goderich cin, the 23rd day
of May 1972, are required to file
proof of sane with the undersigned
`on or before the 1 5th day of April
After that date the Public Trustee
will proceed to distributcthe estate,
having regard only to the claims of
which- he then shall have had
'1'1IOMPSON:. [tick announces the
arrival of .h14 4.41 iy sf+tter, Renee
Grace+, at Alexandra Marine and
General Ilpspital, on March 7, 197:1.
Renee's proud parents are Jim and
DATED at Toronto -this 5th day of
March 197:3.
145 Queen St., West, Toronto.
LOST —White male cat with black
markings on head and neck, an-
swers to name of Snowball. Lost in
Cambridge St. district last week.
Anyone seeing this cat please con-
tact 524-7598 as it is a cltildC
pet. —gl lx
DOI)i)S—At Kincardine and
District General Hospital on March
a, 197:1' to Shirley and Rick Dodds,
R.R. 1, Kincardine 0 baby buy,
Jason, Richard.
ESSEX —At Alexandra Hospital 00
March a, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs.1,
Alvin Essex, E(.1(. 4, (soderich a
baby buy, Scott 'Raymond.
MAI('I'iN—At, Alexandra Hospital
on March 7, 197:3 to .Jim and Pat
Martin, R.R. :3, Goderich a baby
WOLFE --At Alexandra Uiospital
on March 9, 197:1 to Mr. and Mrs.
Blanchard Wolfe, R.R. 5, Clinton a
hahv girl, Victoria .Jean.
MILLION -Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Million, Hanover, wish to announee
the arrival of their chosen son, -
Gerald Kenneth, a brother for Sue,
Robbie :rod 'Perri. —g11 mF
'PHOMPSON, I would like to ex-
press a sincere thank you to Dr.
R.G. Lomas for his wonderful care
of Renee and myself. Thank you
also to our family and friends for
their visits, flowers, cards and gifts
While in the hospital and since
returning horse. Many thanks also
to Rev. Royal for his welcomed
visit. Y-rtlr thoughtfullness will
always be remembered. -Brenda
and.- Renee Thompson. —gl 1
EEDY —1 wish to thank evervnne
who remembered 1110%001e i was in
hospital . Your kindness and
thoughtfulness was greatly ap-
preciated, - Colleen Fa•dv. —g1 1 x
('AL[)WE1.L•-1 wish to thank my
friends, relatives and neighbours,
for their cards, flowers and Gifts
and visits, while I was in hospital..
'T'hanks to Rev. L. Royale, Rev.
McCallum for their visits. Special
thanks to Dr. Watts, i)r. Wallace,
and all the nurses on the Surgical
1104r . It was'rnuch appreciated. -
Mrs. C. Caldwell. —g1lx •
CAI('I'WRiGH'i' -1 would like to
thank All who sent me cards and
gifts while I was a patient in the
Goderich Hospital and after coming
home. Special thanks to Dr. Lynch,
Dr. Lambert, nurses rind 'staff on
second floor west. - Derrick Cart-
wright. ---g1 1
Peter G. Sullivan (left), Dominion Dairies Southwestern Ontario district sales manager,
samples Sealtest ice cream, one of Sealtest's products to be distributed by newly appoin-
ted distributor, Alexander 'Sandy' Bisset, (right), president of Bisset Brothers Limited, for
the Goderibh area.
S.S. 6 0 qrd
d like to extend a sincere
you to the Kinettes for
ing me queen of their
.Gras. The gifts were
ly appreciated.
('ALLAN" ---At Alexandra Hospital
on March 8, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs.
.John Callan, 104 A West St.,
Goderich ..a baby girl, Meghan
acDonald Electric
Owned and operated by Dave Beach
For better and longer* lasting
heiher it be barns, a garage, teen -to or home
We do them all to your satisfaction.
Call or write for free estimates with no obligation.
PHONE 481-7290
Announcement ...
On March 1, 1973, the partnership of MacEwan &
MacEwan Insurance agency was dissolved.
This division was completed on a friendly and co-
operative basis with Peter S. MacEwan continuing on
an agency in his name, and Donald MacEwan has
moved to W.J. Hughes Insurance Agency, 38 East
Street, Goderich, Telephone 524-8100.
l will be handling all insurance business for W.J.
Hughes Insurance agency along with certain clients
tlrom the MacEwan Agency: •
Our office handles an lines of Insurance and real
estate, and my main interest will be in the insurance
Tenders for Gravel
for the crushing and hauling of app•
12,000 u. yds. of 5/8" gravel and must be capable
011000 cu. yds. a day. Work to be done to the
satisfaction of the Road Superintendent And com-
pleted by June 15, 1973.
Tenders are to be in the hands of the Road
c ftntendent by 6 p.m. March 19, 1973 and ac -
by a certified cheque for $500. Lowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted.
For further particulars contact
Joe Potter,
R.R. 3, Clinton
Road Superintendent
There are plenty of motorists
in Goderich these days 'who
are wondering whether the
municipal .road budget is
adequate. In the midst of all
the discussion settling around
the former "Huron County Jail,
Sky' Harbor Airport, the shop-
ping plaza and Suncoast,
Estate's new. housing develop-
ment., cars travelling some
Goderich streets are encoun-
tering seas of mud which in cer-
tain cases are non-navigatable.
Chairman of Public Works
for the town, Reeve Deb
Shewfelt admits tae problem is
serious in some parts of the
municipality, most particularly
the portion of Eldon Street
below Bennett Street.
Shewfelt said indic tions are
the road budget needs to be
substantiall\ increased this
year to begin an intensified
program- -of-.. digging out --and
rebuilding streets in Goderich.
He mentioned Eldon, Warren,
Brock and St. Vincent Streets
for starters.
The Reeve did- say that the
1972-73 winter has been the
worst winter in many years.
"We've had 'three thaws and
three break-ups," said
Shewfelt. "The road crew is
doing the best it can with pit -
run gravel but it really isn't
- solving the problem." ,
`Last year's road budget was
$125,300. Shewfelt said that his
budget for public works in
Goderich, as yet unapproved by
council,, could he , as high as
$460,0(10. -
In fact, Shewfelt claimed
that if a half million dollars
was spent every year 'for five
years on roads in Goderich,
"we might get caught up".
Taxpayers have been
telephoning the town office and
Reeve Shewfelt voicing their
displeasure over the ..condition
of the roads.
Reeve Shewfelt urged
ratepayers to bear in mind that
not all their tax dollars go to
the town. of Goderich. About
half` of all taxes collected goes
to the Huron County Board of
Education; another substantial
portion makes its way to the
County of Huron; and Goderich
gets what rema-;ns to pay for all
the services needed in the
local planning board
hears lawyer's letter
about the county. jail
A co t t i t ri s Of
correspondence discus?; at
Tuesday evenings Plant 'ng
'Board meeting was one letter
from Stratford lawyer William
Byers requesting, on behalf of
the Save the .tail Society, a
change of -zoning at the former
Huron County Jail to park
it was pointed out at the
meeting that such 0 change
would not he a by-law change
or amendment, as requested by
the letter, 1'11 a change to the
official plan.
Gary Davidson, county plan-
ner, explained to the meeting
that he supposed the ap-
plication was meant to request
an official plan. change and
that'it represented the first, step
of legal maneuvering by the
"Once the application is
made," he explained, "no ac•
tion can take place with regard
to work at the site (tearing
down t he controversial jail
wall) until the matter has been
dealt with."
if the board were to recom-
mend such it change to Town
Council, and if it. were atr-
proved, such zoning would not
permit construction of the
County Assessment offices on
the site.
If the Planning Board and
Town Council turn`e'd the
request down then those filing
it have the right to appeal it
before the Ontario Municipal
Board which would again tie
the matter up until a ruling
were made.
Decision 'on the matter' at
that point could take some
time. .
The Planning Board agreed
to send a letter to Mr. Bvers in-
forming him that his ap-
plication was incorrect.
Save the .Jail Society
president Joan Van den Broeck
said Wednesday morning that
the lawyer had been contacted
by phone and a corrected ap-
plication would be filed in time
to be dealt with at town coun-
cil's. March 22 .meeting.
Trustees will meet
St. Marys council
By Wilma Oke
Faced with the prospect of
prepaying 5O percent of the con-
struction costs of the sewage
nutlet for the new addition
started this month at „Holy
Name School in St. Marys, the
I[uron-Perth ('ciunty Roman
Catholic Separate School
'Board will send 0 five -man
committee to meet with the St.
Marys Town Council in an at-
tempt to get the town to pay a -
larger share. The meeting will
he held tin March 20.
On the school ho0rd commit-
tee 'an ad hoc committee for
huild1ng _projects, are trustees
Gordon Ball of St. Marys,
Howard Shantz and F.J. ' Vere
both of Stratford. Added to it
are trustee David Teahen of
Stratford ` and former board
member Chris Walraven of Kit-
chener and 'formerly of St.
Marys, who were both on this
committee last year and are
familiar with the sewage
problem in the town.. • '
Mr. Ball, reporting for tte'ad
hoc committee, said _that con-
struction for the $193,245 ad-
dition to St. Aloysius School in
St rat ford °\yati e xpec ted to start
the first week of April \E 'ork 0n
the $289,891 addition to Holy
Name School in St. Marys
Superintendent of wine at ion,
.101)11 Vintar, and trustee
Michael ('onnolly of RR '1. Kip -
pen, and Ted (;eolfrev of I(.i.. 2
Zurich, ill . attend ' the
Regional Conference for School
Trustees and Adm1nisi rators to
he held • in Han►ilto11 from
March 29-.x31.
David 'Peahrn, chairman of
the Personnel ('omrnittee, said
his committee would hold its,
011 salary
March 27 in
The. Goderich Brani-h of the
Huron Unit. of the Canadian
Cancer Sorit}tE•-,(net Thursdav-
at St. George's, church - and
heard Education Chairman
.Yeah Ginn give a report on a
seminar she attended in Lon-
don recent ly.
The speaker at the seminar,
Canon R.C. Brown, education
chairman -for Ontario, said that
if people would notice things
early and see their doctors
early, a greater degree of suc-
cess in treating cancer could he
Canon. Brow . stressed the
seven safeguards mall people:
regular medical ('he ups; no
smoking; dental checks 'for
unusual conditions in ..the
mouth; bowel examinations
arranged through family dot --
tors; no over-exposure to
sunlight; and for women,
regular self-examinatiirn of the
breasts; and regular pap tests.
Consideration is being given
to the need for. an Industrial
Cancer Education program and
the benefits to he derived from
resident nurses in industry.
A letter was received concer-
ning the Daffodil Coffee Party
,to be held at The White Car-
nation April 4 from 2:30 tc► 9:00
to kick-off the annual cancer
campaign in Huron. Each
branch in Huron [Unit will
assist at The White Carnation
at some tirtie during the day.
A project entitled, "Send tt
Mouse to College" was
discussed but the matter Was
tabled until a later time. The
project provides funds for
laboratories t -o buy nice for
cancer research.
New pamphlets . ('out cancer
were displayed , the meeting
and the educt ion chairman
was given pe • issiop to place
suitable pa ' phlets in each of
the school in the county.
The ike-a-thou for the
Goderi • area was discussed
*rid f rther plans for this an:
nua event will he released
go .
residentf3ob Swartman was
lected chairman of planning,
development and nominations.
The next meeting is April 30 at
St. George's Church.
first meet ing
negotiations alt
Seafort h.
Trustee Vincent Young of
Goderich," ciiairnian of a sub,
committee on the Family Life
Advisory ('ornmittee, said his
committee would present 0
report on 'Tuesday. Nlarch 1:1.
at St. James School in
Seaforth. •
At the board meeting held in
St. Michael';-' School in Strat-
ford aptesentation on Library
Resource Semites was trade 1)v.
Miss !Marigold ('ollins, teacher-
1ihrarian at St. Michael'
School and b'. Pascal
Calarco, program consultant,
with the ministry of education
in Waterloo.
Miss Collins gave ;an outline
off her duties in developing 0
program of school lihrary ser-
vices, in 'selecting appropriate
and essential books and
materials that -support- - the
school curricultnn, in meeting
the eth ca11onal needs :ind in-
terests of every individual
child. in tvorking closely with
teachers and making available
even Issi,tance from the
library for an effective
claisroon► prograru and in
assistirtg with 11rriitt 11111
development and unit planning..
with teachers.
Miss Collins outlined ad-
ditional duties she has as it
librarian and also presented
slides tie+";wing different
pr0)('•ts carried out by the
students through the art ap-
Mr. (' larco told how
lihraries have evolved in the
school ,stem, that they ares a
recent thing in some eletnen-
tary schoolsancf something Yet
to carne in others. Ile ;poke of a
.greater stress being placed on
language as a learning vehicle
and this is helped- by exposing
students to a wider• range of
gond books.
Mr. ('alarm said that in
rural- areas students are ill
pr'tepared to compete with
student' from large urban cen-
tres with their fine lihraries. He
stressed the importance 0f
providing good libraries for the
hest quality of schooling t0
overcome this inequality. Mr.
Calarco showed pictures of the
new library resource centre at
tit. 13onifa(e School in Zurich
to demonstrate Ahat.. can be
clone iia ;I ,small rural school
12.12 pupils), then he showed
pit tures 'of hoar 0 small
lS'ellington ('aunty -shoo! ;it
Marden has used its general
purpose room as, a part -11111
in the question and answer
period, trustee 'Ted Geoffr•e\
asked if bookn►oohilt's would fill
the need where no lihrar'v
resource centre was available
in a school. Nil-. Calarco,,-aid it,
was_ not':)lirr1,cti(al alterniitive.
ile suggested that two or more
schools in tht' same area share
the .services of one librarian.
"Materials, will he used to ;1 c
greater extent if they are
located in the school, readily
available to both the teacher
and the students. -rather than
0v ailahle only once ' 1 week
during a bookmobile visit," he
Said. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grigg of
London visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Martin over the
Terry I-(oy of Toronto visited
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy '
over the weekend, also Debbie
and Kelly I-fov of God&tpich on
Mrs. Grenier had several
guests from Detroit over the
weekend, Her grandson Arnold.
Meader and June .Jewel were
married on Saturday.
Lois Adam; °'1' itr''tc:r rind
Brian Petrie, Cheryl Ann
Hodges, Sharon Shelly, Lloyd,
and Susan • Tigert, Phillil_
Black, Phit ip Young. Joanne
and 13d1 Mole- were all confir-
med hy'Bishop H Applevard at
St. George's Anglican ('hurch,
Goderich on March 4. A recep-
tan) was held after the confir-
mation. On March 11, the ones.
that were confirmed took their
first communion at Christ
Church, Port Albert
Congratulations to Dean
Dougherty on winning ``;1lit) on
the ','Who am I' contest on
('KNX-'I'V Friday night. •
Mr. and Mrs. George Fritzlev
and Ron "of Burford visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Elton
Draper over„ the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cozvn and
family of Stratford were
weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Elwin Petrie.
On Sunday 1tev. G. Russell
dedic ated bihles, Prayer looks,
and a new ;tole at Christ
Anglican church.
Mr,. Sally Johnston and
family and her sister Florence
visited with Mrs. Arnold Green
o11 the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs George
Williams, returned home 0n
Monday. from Florida where
thi•v had been on holtd;:vs for
the past four week`.
Local boy home
from YBCSevent
Larry 1)aer of Goderi, h was
one of more than (4111)
youngsters from wari+orr- p,or(1ts
in southern Ontario; too (ortyerge
4an the city of 8c:rrhor,'r,:;h to
compete in the loth inatio!
proyinc`ial Youth flows ling
Council ('hampionship),,
Competitions \ere hell for
girls :1011 boys singles and
teams in three age di\Neons
bantam, tumor- and senior,
catering howlers from eight t0
19. years of age.
These voiingsters tatted in
competitions in their own
Mewling centre, unwed to zone
plaYdow'ns and then into the
frra� 1111 i;il
Coin i)etiti0ns.
Sottt hemi • Ontario, , because of
Its -i1(', is divided into 1 7 runes.
A total of 1t youngsters
represented each zone. which
also meant a representation
from about 811 bowling ((111 res
.Althloigh Larry placed lith
in the Bantam Boys Singles
with a scOre of 419, he did very
well to go as far as this.
Huron New Democ"ratio candidate Paul Carroll, right, with the support of NDP Prorincial '
leaderStephen Lewis44left, toured the facilities of Sherlock -Manning Piano's Tuesday mor-
ning when Mr. Lewis made an eleventh hour campaign visit to the riding., The New
Democrats also visited the County offices in Goderich, Goderich town hall and the Sheaffer
Pen Company plant at Goderich. Their visit to Clinton wound up with, a press conference at
the NDP committee rooms.