The Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-30, Page 51.04017Pr141S4 pro a Rev c covet,} that care the worst carer; a( NlWr ee Debility BostVlao`r eau 1 dUo lrlauhe,d; restores: the weakness Of busty Lr r(und caused by over -work, or 'the errors or ox* mass of youth. %his honesty ab- solutely cures tho most obstinate cosec when. all other VtiLtaAmN'rs have failed oven to relieve. ;,oldbydrug. nits at J. per lacks c, o' six for $5, or sent by mail on receipt of price by nddrcsslng WIZ JAylES MLDICINIC 00„ Toronto, Out. Writ.: for pamphlet. Sold in,- Eor Sale iu;Exeltear by 3.1V, IHrowniuse The Soo express „grog east was de railed. at Almunte early yesterday morning owing to the rails spreading No body was hurt, but traffic was de- layed seven hours. WDLL ADAPTED. The effective action on the glandular system and the blood, and the general regulating tonic and puriying action of B. B. B.•especially adapt it for the bilious, nervous, costive or scrofulous, From three to six bottles will cure all blood diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. Mr. Joseph Scott, Township Treasur- er of Augusta, was nominated for the Provincial Legislature by the Patrons of Industry of Grenville County yes. terday. THE WILD CHERRY combined With Milburn's Cod Liver 011 Emulsion make it delicious in taste aed perfect in curative power•.' Hon. Thomas McGreevy and Nicho- Las.Ii Connolly were yesterday found lu.lty of conspiracy, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment without hard All disorders caused by 'a billious state of the system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, No pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. Try them. At Montreal last night a meeting passed a resolutiou requesting the City Council to establish and carry on a bakery as a civic enterprise. DR WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUP. Dr. Wood's Norway fine Syrnp;cures coughs, colds, asthma,bronchitis hoarse ness, and all diseases of the throat and tuns. 'Price 25c and 50c., ac all drug gists. Ther er l pop ty owned ed by New York City is estimated to have risen in val ue from 8277,000,000 in 1871 to $559,- 000,000 in 1893. FOR CUTS, BURNS, SORES or WOUNDS, Victcria•Carbolic Salve, is the best healing and soothing ointment The New Isolation Hospital, on the east bank of the Don, was formally opened yesterday afternoon by the civic authorities. CONSTIPATION CURED. Gent]enen.—I suffered for a long time with constipation and tried many medicines without success. I then tried. Bur.lock Blood Bitters and very coakilkl.great relief, so I coutined' its usesfka am now completely cured. Joseph Phillioll, Quebec, Que, Canada took 27 medals for, butter at the World's Fair, according to infor- mation which Prof. Robertson received yesterday. No one kpown better than those who have used Carter's Little Liver ; Pills what relief they have given when ta- ken for dyspepsia, dizziness, pain in the side, coustipation, and dis, rdered stomach. Central Park, New York, contains over 10,000 building lots. valued each at $20,000, or in all over $200,000,000. PREVAILING SICKNESS• The most prevailing complaints at this season are rheumatism, neuralgia sore throat, inflammation and conges- tions. For all these and other painful troubles Haggard's Yellow Oil is the best internal and external remedy. A pie factory in New York runs from 2 a.m. to 2 p.m. six days in the week, and turns out 20,000 pies a day, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor's - When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children she gave them Castoria. Ova. - rhe only woollen mill in South Af :leads at Natal It produces an aver- age of 1800 yards of cloth per month. COUG FIS,COLDS, AST FI IIA, HOASE- T ,;-t1f0iNcurrIS, etc., yield at once : Wood's'Norway Pine Syrup, the successful Throat and Lung specific. At Ottumwa, Iowa, ou Tuesday, Fr•ed1iGustayson, who had assaulted a small girl, was lynched by a mob, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Burdock Blood Bitters is a medicine made from roots, bark -and herbs. and is the beet known remedy for dyspepsia c.onsl•ipin,ittol.F`aud biliousne' s, and will Cure alle4jod diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. .The Mexicans revolutionists tied or Manuel Garcia are reported to be more determined and hopeful that ever. MILBURN'S JRN'S I3E1I.F, IRON • AND WINS restores strength and vitality, and 'nukes ,rich red blood, , The life i)09t crews on the British coast saved over 200 persons from drowning during tho recent ;•a'er Their �ontie action and good effect: on the ay,steln really: tn;l•l.o thetn a per - feta little dill'. They please those who use them Carter's Latin Liver Pills inay well he termed "Perfection." During 1393, 1313,522 cattle, and 3,713 Sheep were en p lrted from Montreal,the 'poorest showing for some years. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY, Gentlemen. --We ria ve used Hag yard's' Pectoral Balsam in our house for over 'lute years, and find. it an ex, cellent.remedy for all forms of Boughs, and colds In throateand lung. trotibles it affords instant relief, Johns Brodie, Columbus, Out Miscellaneous. The best results' with pinks are ob- tained by raising new plants from seed every two or three. years, Itch on Human beings, horses and all. animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitar•y Lotion. This never fails. Sold. by C. Lutz, Druggist. Half hardy is the term applied to plants requiring protection during win. ter, but which can endure some frost. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, to, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warran'edthe most. wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. most growers feel that the best rose plants are obtained from cuttings, though many verities do w ell when budded ou strong stocks, Rheumatism Cured in a Day. South Ame ieaal heliatic Cure, Rheumatism and Neurr ,;ia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. it,. action upon the `systein'is remarkable and myster icons. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first doss greatly benefits. 75c.' Sold by 0, Lutz, Druggist. The Winnipeg bye election for the Coinmens yesterday resuited in the return of -[ion, Joseph Martin, Liberal by a majority of 427 ver Mr, Colin H. Campbell Conservative. The Advertising:, Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is always within the bonds of reason becatise it is true; it always appeale to the sober,' common sense of thinking people be - =use it is true; and it is always fully substantiated by endorsements which, in the financial world would be accep- ted without a moment's Ins:section. Hood's Pills cures liver illse constipa- tion, biliousness, jaundice, sick head- ache, indigestion, ''rho. hardy species of hydrangea are usually propagated by green cuttings iu summer-rldel ,lass.; The tender species are increased by cutting alou any time from vigorous young wood,' usually late in winter. iteiie8• in Six itours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di-. seases relieyed in six ' hours by tSe .`(Naw GREAT Soursi Atirzilcarl KID - T CUSS." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight sto physic. lana On account 'of its exceeding promptness, iu relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the, uririery•passages in male or fe• male. It removes retention of water � and pain lir passiu,, it almost immed•' lately. If you want quick rehef and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Ltitz, lertig:;ist. The inquest into the death of Lucy Denning came to a close early Thurs- day morning, resuitirrg• in a verdict of murder against "Doc" Andrews and a decleration•of his three comnaniotOr to be accessories. On the advice of the coroner two of the witnesses were ar- rested for perjury. Judge Swan, of Detroit, sentenced Thursday Fleury P. Jackson, the 70- year-old counterfeiter, to three years in the Detroit House of "Correction at hard labor and fined him $500 "Old Tom" Our is, who pleaded guilty two weeks ago to havhig counterfeit mon ey;,in his possession, gots eighteeir months in, addition to a $500 fide. Both are well known.in Western Ontario as counterfeiters and copfideuce men. Sltot 11118 Brother. St. Thomas, Ont., Nov. 27th. --A tele phone message from. Springfield, this county, tells' of a sad occurance yester day, at the residence of Mr. J. Pearson, of South Dorchester. His two little sous presumably in the absence of the older members of'the family, got hold of a loaded' gun and started playing with. it. In their pastime thsOyounger lad, aged only six, pulled the trigger; and the shot striking his brother, a few years older, the little fellow was in- stantly killed. Tnousands Starvinx. r Detroit, Nov. 26th: Amos ement is on foot for the relief of thethousands of minors arid their families and others in the upper peninsula, who, owing re the closing of the mines in consequence of the continued depression of the iron market, are out of work' and on the verge of starvation In the face oftlie fact that winter has ,just begun and there does not seeni to be any chance for the betterment of the iron "market, there are gravea�pprchensious �about the terrrb1 suth.riiig that' will fall to the lot of the uuamploy ed in the upper peninsula. Indeed, it is assorted that unless aid is tendered l from those 'wi n ecu spa ro from the.i r iworid ly posscssih'.s there is a fair prospect of Alan, pori,h int; from actual want, A mcet ing has been called Inc:to-meiiow after- noon at two n'ulock at the Cadillac, at which everyone who has the welfare of the unfortiairates;tt heart is urgently r•agoested to be present. It is believed teat 'there will be i large attendance and that the Manner ehcsan for the furnishing of relief will be entirely successful. IA0viOurtrr14n1-1414`tTS 1371(1 hetes. The M assachneettli cranberry growers report a good crop. • The Baldwin apple crop seems to be more or less a failure everywhere. The potato crop of Great' Britain and the continent are said to be extremely prolific this year. The Now England' peach crop is Said to bo the largest in inllny years. Reports make it appear that a short potato atop is inevitsabl(1. 'Queen braes are sent from this country to .Australia and Japan, and arrive thore safely • tie idea of sending an exhibit of live sheep to Chicago to `represent the flocks of Australia hasbeen abandoned, Sf. Officer A. H. .Braley of the Fall River Pollee Is highly gratified with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ile was badly run down, had no appetite, what he did eat caused distress and he felt tired nil she time. A few bottles of Hood's sarsaparilla e" effected a marvellous change The distress in the stomach is entirely gone, he feels like a new man, and can eat any- thing with old-time relish. Por all of which .he thanks and acordially recon- �� mends Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is very important that during the months of lPiarch April May the blood should be thoroughly purified and the system be given `Strength to withstand the debilitating effect' of the c1iantiing season. For this purpose 'Rood's Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar merit and it is the Ftcdt Spring Medicine. ®Tho folloWing, just ireceived, demonstrates its wonderful blood - purifying powers: " C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: S have had salt rheum for a Number of years, and for the past year one of My logs, from the knee down, has been broken. out very badly. I. took blood Medicine for a long time with no good results, tand was at .one time ».., obliged to walk with f ii A,. crutches. I finally con chided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and befbre I had taken one bot- tle the improvement was so marked that I continued, .until I had taken three bet- ties, and am now better than I have been in years. 'rhe Inflammation has all left my leg and itis entirely healed. I have had such benefit from 1;1ood96 Sarsaparilla llou! fli6iii T!ii! • People are waking up to the fact that lloet1 X. Rope • ; , has the Largest and Best Stock of Furni- ture in Town. An- other of those , llellhitll Sflitos 0 in, Call and 'see if you want to furnish your parlor. T. tlTs7 v r"0? E Remember Manson's Big Slaughter Sale of Boots and Shoes 1'a at• I concluded to write this, voluntary state•. ru;ml.. F. J. TxaipnE, Ridgeway, Mich. k i DOD's' P I L LS act easily, promptly and effl- oe t'tiz en the 114,er and bowels. Best dinner pill y p Vegetable Pills axe pre.. ®®��e pared to meet a legit- mate eg t - mate demand for a mild, efficient and reliable family physic. They are purely vegetable, containing no ,r n calomel,mercury, or mineral sub- `" " II� stance of any kind. Hood's Pills i actupon the stomach liver, and alimentary canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation, Nausea, Biliousness, Headache, Indigestion, Sour, Stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold may be broken up and a fever prevented by promptly taking Hood's Pills. Hood's Pills Are prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Price 28 cents per box. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. NEGLECTED t® c . SAFELY. AND SUREL'i CU !OA ,:lee's Lung a'a1sa e The post-ofli.be at Oil, Springs was robbed of about 8400 .in money and stamps on Tuesday night. .Of the officials in one Helena, Mont., church, the president. 'secretary and treasurer aro saloon keepers. For Over JH'iity Years. AN OLD AND WDLL -TRIAD Ri:axEnr"—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children, while teethine, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind 'colic, and is the. best reinedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every• part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its valne is jneaiculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Iliad take noother kind Coteau St Louis has been annexed S' Montreal, The Britian Commons continued the diseussioli'of the parish councils oil: yesterday • Mr. C E. Waterous bas consenter) to become a candidate for the Brantford May oral ity. Over fifteen vessels which have pas, sed tho Son are still overdoe at West Superior tit 'is. Iron. Mr. Fraser left'i'orouto yester- day for the south for a few weeks' rest and treatment. Mr. James Greenfield, a Toronto commercial traveller; Cried yesterday in Loudon, En gland.• The surface of Lake Superior is 602 feet above the ocean's level. Mr, and Mrs, Gladstone visited the Qnet n at Windsor Castle Thursdey. The, police of J3arctrlorra have un esrrhed an important club of Anar- chists. 'George Osborne,i the ' iai iso and corm poser, (lie(' in Loridon Nnglarrd, `iVed- .hesdaY• A meeting in ilehalf of •Mr. Sohn Pearson, thb Literal nominee Ihr the; :Legisla.tnre in North 11r•nec, was hold: at Tara last night' 1lou,•A S, Hardy was the. .principal, 01)130ker. which will be continued every day until the whole stock is sold out. Next Door OE. 1,1 PCsto1C iI1i1II,tl south • Frlliture S TT S FURNITURE gt ONDERTAKINO -Establishment.- Odd-Fellows Block, Opposite ,T Grigg's Stationary. ��etier Puking douse, To Pross Yo1I Ioge Wasted. ' Dressed or Alive. Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per ewt off; 5lbs 'extra if,shoulder stuck; albs for. either bung gut or gtllett, if left in, All JTogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SNELL BROS & Co. PALALBAKERYC wl► The undersigned having handsome- ly fatted up his parlor and restaurant ' —will serve— ICE CREAM during the Summer Season, Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread Suns, • Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. • Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season, D, W, FOSS, Hensall Bicycles, • • Sewing Machines Baby Oarriages And, Musical Instruments. We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can givethe people Exeter e le of E: eter and vicinity,- . Greater Barg' ins Greater Choice ! t Lowest Prices. v r t The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware-rooms,—ane door north Dr. Lutz's drug store. PEEN& BRA 'TPO D STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent. if you want your linen to look whiter tlia,n snow, take it togLe U�TIJ&tL • EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist. Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A Specialty. • UNLOCKS ALL THE CLOGGED SlcnETIONG or Tut EOWELS, KIDNEYS AND LiVER. cnns)YlN[iOrreRADUALLY, WITHOUTWgAKEN- BWG root TH C SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND r s 110 loons. AT THE SAME TIME CORRECT. ING ACtDITV or rlec STOriiIAOH, CURING bit,fouauussi, DYSPEP'SiA, HEAD - AC RS, EADAGh1ES, llizZIi0LSS, 1.1'EaR'rStlR51,'. CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, SALT PMIIUM, EP.YSI17t:LAS, Sot1O- FULA, FLf1Ti'EtrINO OF THE 'WEART, eierle, u^s nEss, AND dFIhJERAt. ALL SIMILAR MILAR l DEBILITY, TH£SE AND r COMPLAINTS OUICItLY YIELD TO THE CURA- 71vs lNFtuCNOc or• uuoeocit EnLDOD' El ITTERn. I4ai'ur,P. Vosy Bad Calow,°ki, '- Tiy Arf Eaailcas lag -frown Lung Troubles, ..hroligii Illness Have Lost Flesh :f'� Aro�'Y'tCrea�eaeed with Consteasiptio n• inetniier that iltc.��,Yy�" ✓' �rqi, 13 WHAT YOU' .t�FoUlllE ..,•,.;. •F 0 R It isnot necessal that you should hakk{ your Ulothes made froIi the very best mateiitd neither need you balk` the very latest style but to look well yam clothes must fit. This is Our Aim, Not only to make fi Sil.lt It .proper but i11 the latest style, We Guarantee Eti eG' c�'li °'IJ'lePt l l'if't le.tves oalr alio 1� illi G BERT. KNIGHT, The Pashionaills Cui`tir' and Ei,tx. CENiflR1 D�QC TQ!L A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugt ALWAYS KEPT. --t— Pa(miterliciags, SDODIBS,, Druggist's SuppIIgS 4t right and reasonable prices, Prescriptions and _ Family Rcceiptz Carefully Prepared. VIirii's OoRgitiort !NM the best in the market.' C. LTUTZ PM' CL A. J. 1 s j 1`✓Za5.=]. EXETER ONTARI u Has now in stock IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and 'Iron eriugs, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trorser ings. French and English Worsted Clot .A.11 made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. ITSNELL IL4c1.1:43' W.0 411:1i:44 a Atkinson's Furniture Ware- rooms a e - ...a m i the cheapest ar d. best place in the County to buy Fur- niture. u -niture. • . 0 A first'class lied -room Suite for only p and every, thing else in conpailson, All goods oods gl( 1:iCed to be my own make, of hr'bt-class dry material, nothi:i , but best hard lumber used. umber and •.'Tarsen in exclit ,nge for Furniture, Wire .Mature ' es. The only place in town where you can buy the Patent Dominion ?fickle -Plated Wire MattreSS ranted not to rust. •'