The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-01-11, Page 19BAYFIELD RD. - GODERICH 524-7711 DINING AND DANCING EVERY FRIDAY -AND SATURDAY` NIGHT' 'FRIDAY & SATURDAY JANUARY 12 & 13 (AN mm.1: Lon n 1 RFSTAUR' - • 'AVE RN AVERN THE CAVALIERS v4 ,—BUSINESSMAN'S LUNCH, is now our specialty Something Different Everyday a II I% of rf as e va te ill 'ce s ru td ga fa 'et rm ld le tlso , fl) K d r r' ULLETIN BOARD We have a new group title leave -to cut both ends out of the' lock of good ideas -,"it you want RUMMAGF SALE --St o -Pilot'.' - who are going to can and'"'tl'leti` fatten it by step- me to pass them on -just write Gcorgc'.s Parish Hall, i'ridziy. ,, d some help with some of ping on it. We lived,iii Windsor . them down and drop in The January 19th, at 6:30 m., r skills. I trust you will, lentil at the beginning -of thetp.m., war Signal` Star letter box with sponsored by the Canon Taylor hand, if they ask, as they are and I'm not sure: now, if this "MARTHA" on the' envelope, Group, featuring - good winter rely i very fine group of can Ilattehing - • (You shoved please clothing and books.—g2 lung people, who, ' gotthis �„�,.-.... I feel, are the round ends inside the can) I don't know how 1 I y trying to' make their was to decrease the size,,of,the kick 'but I think the fact that M. O F 300 Card Party orester's Hall, Benmiller, iaturday, Jan 13, 9 p.m. Lunch ne.., av garbage bag or if they were - someday, soon, we 'are going to 1 was surprised to hear so recycling cans in those days. have to sort our garbage . and any girls do not know how to Anyhow, it' was a good 'habit start working to keep of y,coun- provided.—g'? it or crochet. and. to this day I often zip out try clean before we ru out of J just took it for granted, I both enda_of the can and flatten' garbage dumps, has been ess,, that they learnedthese itbefore tossingme. You 1 h b f it out The bit bothering notice. ASK FOR AN ills - at home - when they about washing the can, then, Toronto is going far afield for ere much younger. I know I was mainly to discourage'tflitrs this very thing.;..already - and APPOINTMENT ave been real happy with they and_ dogs around the garbage:-.., sooner or later it will _catch up a. .,.are -Sn theztt�:.;y►5...had the cleanest,,,.., with all of us.. av- todf�y s�--youngsters .� _.�..-.. ,�.�:. . �.�. _:�.�,..�„..., l w._._ ._ a su_ eel. -»1" . � __ _ .. �1ow to cltan Vii. bJ .. t - with a brush cans-irr--tflwn. g arning to pain 465 r with their fingers - but they Now we have a different saw a cute idea on how to put re learning the rudiments of problem. The tin cans need to your childrens art on display. .pression in art. When I was be clean and minus the p er You can only keep so many eir age I' just got heck for labels. It is a lot_ of work - an pieces, but often you don't cawing faces in all my books not' a very nice job, to,.sit nsi_ realize you are tossing out a 06 the d anything I could 'get my pull labels off dirty ,cans. So wee masterpiece. ands ,on. (I still want to do learn to remove them as you Of course, every day or so ACES!) , V rinse them out, - and you're a...`tliere is a new one to hang and There was little en- good girl. rr WAR the smart mother has a nice big uragement for one who wan- I've been rinsitlg ,cans for` board on which to pin them up d to draw or paint, but you years - mainly because I fihd for all to admire. ere taught to knit and sew many uses- for them. When ' Every once in a while a nd introduced to rug.and quilt you're painting and need tins special one will stand out and akingand h. such. your " tui sqyou learn to these are the ones to�put aside. p�- How times have changed, but watch for the ones that ,are Later - with- someone who can e are fortunate that art is useful. I especially like the ones see that speed quality in the asier to practice aid we can that are painted white on the drawing or painting, to help ach these young ladies how to inside = can't recall just what• you decide which one to rochet these granny squares comes in them, but they seem preserve for posterity, you can at are so colorful and how to to look nicer when -you have a - dupljcate it on rug canvas and nit and they, will be - very stack of them and, someone either hook it yourself or let the ateful for ourthoughtfulness. looks at you and looks at the youngsters do it. I know that many of Sou cans and - well you KNOW Use the colored felt markers rochet and knit beautiful they think you're out of your to duplicate "the -design - or hings but would you. spend a cotton pickin mind but you hatiie yogL youngster draw our once in a while to teach a either explain or think "So anything't'hev-want right on the w girls this fine art? If they what • I'm the one who is using canvas. The colored yarns - et the needles and materials them. and I think it is a smart precut are easy tci buy and a ould . you show 'them how to idea, because ., as soon as the latch hook is easy Oto use. Yes - et started? It will probably be paint starts to thicken in the the kids can use it. t North Street Church some • -bottom of them I just toss'them The result of this amusing or vening - or perhaps, other out and get a new, one." 0-0- appealing bit of vtour child's art rrangements can be made. Oops THAT'S going to make can be an attractive - wall hanging or � pillow top or a framed picture.! Childrens art, right now, has become ..very popularapd you are fortunate -to have the. artist right invour home. If you need more info or some -._encouragement, let 'mei know - I'm . a great "en- courager?"-- also I have a book to back me,'up! . { A few more dates for your - calendar - You have Jan. 20 for the Hard Times Dance - Beta Sigma Phi Girls Fun Nite at eat as a round table cover _.„don't recall any, tin can eon- Saltford Hall. nd'a tFi ow at one encs of the twiner but there probably was January 26, 'Highland Dan- hesterfield. x " i one. The re -cycling of these few sing . Ass' n Robbie Burns Ball These . two things have been items - garbage dump filler up- - . at White Carnation, ut of sight for years and I am pers - is certainly a fine idea Holmesville. arr list tor ?there is no moneyto pay for ssons, but I'm sure two or ree people can do a wonder - 1 job of teaching these girls hesimple art of knit and rocheting. How about .jt? Call e - or call Joan Spittal at 524- _ things difficult a fewyears from now. Well, by then I will have some other bright idea. - Ancrthe glass - which will be jars and bottles mainly - the kids -have a . bin where they smash them one by one after 111. " they have been sorted into clear I just love the hand made and colored piles.• hings the kids are wearing now In Venice, Florida I noticed "knit by hand" - and colorful. they have a large bin where you have a couple of throws made - can drop your bottles and f the squares they now call . another one, where you stack 'granny" squares, which look yourtied bundles of paper. I njoying them all, over again. and will soon be a MUST. - February 23, K. of, C. " q � out some' of these nice Bluebird Ball . e crochet squares used forTENTH =Another thing,when you ests and •jackets . purses and wash May 11 K` of C TEN An - any other things just go to tins you will find other uses for niversary Dance. rove that if youkeep a thing . them such as pretty, decorated , More about these later and ngenough it will come back tins to hide stained flower pots.don't forget' that . the last style. The tt'ouble is the style Right now you probably have • Friday of every month the usually the "same only djf- rent". -. Did-.yeu ..watch,.a..TM. program st • week which showed how pieces of beautiful .foil - from " ladies of St. George's Church 'Christmas wraps - and ribbons. serve a lovely lunch - all home These, a,re}easily glued to the made desserts, a hot dish and. tins. The tins .also 'take paint relishes 'Land cheap. tori: ' - ome youngsters are helping to easily - and can be wiped clean,"°' You- can't pass it up - et 'paper, glass and cans_ quickly, if necessary, later. after DON'T YOU FORGET IT. 'cycled? much use A gaily trimmed can - - BINGO every Sat:.'-•daX at Goderich Legion ;;-t'il, .6:30 p.m. Fifteen regu r games, $1200 prizes. Four share -the - wealth games with this week:s jackpot 80.00 if won in 56 CAM Door _ izes. -Admission $1.00.—gtf` JANUARY, meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Mon. Jan. 15th -at 2:30 p.rn. Year end reports will be given followed by the in- stallation of officers for ,1973.—g2 11, N. •-Arg d +,+••.s.r. If you have a hearing problem contact The Zenith Hearing Aid Service by calling R I EC K PHARMACY - 524-7241, x,4 Square. FREE TESTING, OBLIGATION. he NO, orwiS Zbe 3Inti BAYFIELD 565-2611 en Weekends 0 l Saturday and Sunday DINNER -5:30 - 7 'Sunday - Hot Buffet lunch 11:30 - 1 Love . it won't be long before this- --full of pencils and . pens looks - Martha. orting and fussing will be a great near the telephone - then UST so why' don't we prac- -you don't. have to dash around - ice one little item - starting looking for a pencil. ow. - ' Also the larger cans such as This group of youngsters are the coffee„tins with those snap oing an awful lot of ° work . on, plastic tops are great for hich should not be necessary, cookies or candies and so on; ut people aren't in the habit of and how - about all those bits ashing tin cans before they and pieces around the sewing row them in the garbage. 'machine -d bits of lace; trim, It is a simple matter to rinse buttons' etc. Perhaps a tin nd pull off the label'right after 'specially for those bits you are mptying the .can - and if you gathering, for a mat or tart now you will have the something, is, really handy and Gbit by the -time we are asked not bulky when you're busy.' A do it. - They're' easy to empty too. I can recall where we used to 1 know you probably have ARENA SCHEDULE, TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 2:00 - 3:30 Pre -School Skating 4:00 - 5:06 Lions Free Skating , WEDNESDAYS 8:30 CHHL HOCKEY mwsimmommemss "SUNDAYS ° 7:00 & 9:00 C'HHL HOCKEY `FRIDAY, JAN. 5 Intermediate Hockey ►epforth vs Goderich off' -/FRIDAY, JAN. 12 Intermediate Hockey' Kincardine vs Goderich SUNDAY,'JAN. 14 Intermediate Hockey Medford vs Goderich FRIDAY, JAN. 19 Intermediate Hockey Walkerton vs G1erich FRIDAY,. -JA i. Intermediate Hockey Seaforth-vs. Goder.iclt COME t _BlythLions Club Bingo every ..Saturday ight._at, 8:30, p.rn., Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 regular games, $10.00 each. Two Share- Th`"e-Wealth games. One $25.00 special. Jackpot has _now reached $145.00.—gtfn BETA SIGMA PHI Hard times Dance Jan 20, 9-1 Saltford Valley Hall. Tickets $8.00 a couple, tIvailable from any member. Music by Disc Jockey Unlimited. Lunch served.—g2,3 RECEPTION will be held for Mr. and -Mrs. Greg Jervis (nee Peggy Hodges) at the Dungan- non Agricultural ",Hall on Friday, January 12th. Music by the Country Boys. Lunch provided.—g2 • YOU are invited to attend the Adult. Health Guidance Centre, MacKay Hall, Goderich, on Thursday, .January 18, 1973 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:011 p.m. for: 1. Discussion on ' Horne Care 2. Health Surveillapce Volunteer 'drivers - available. --g2 1\1\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TM.11 rd.12 sole MOM presents A FILM BV RALPH NELSON TheWR TH of GOD JOHN )COS, VICTOR 1I. -,.M.„ 1RITA HAYWORTHfiorI Is Sea 01 La Plata awe usosw. N...'&, JAMES GRAHAM w.in.e'.s.. te,..n.,Mptreel, M RALPH NELSON o N.T„000IOn ►AM♦N.NOM' M01110 . . LANGELLA, 1 PARA' GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 ,eemPiPts restxates t rWarni /, Some. may;fi•nd the-dial.6gue in. this 'Picture offensive - / - ,JOHN H. LYNDON Theatre Manager \•':.\\\\ \\\ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \\\\\\\\. A A A A A "9 0 A A A A A A A A A A A 4 A © (!!) tr,€)e BEDFORD HOTEL 4)k_ 11111111111111 111111111111 aurae J N(Rasbord Sunday Smorgasbord From 5:30 to 7:30 0 Wednesday Smorgasbord From 6 to 7:30 P• RESERVATIONS ADVISABLE l 1. a a a a a a O 0 a a 1 a a a B-�'df�rd PHONE 524-133f' .azZ, .zmri' czair 3f..Ezt,s. zrzi , [.�T.ZaT4 Hearing Tests (NO OBLIGATION) - For appointment' call Campbell's, 168 The ,Square, phone 524-7532. "BELTONE" Service Centre, second Thursday of each month, 1-3 p.m. Batteries and repairs for most makes. - a a 0 a GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR,. THURSDAY. !ANUARY111,1410 LUTHAN Worship Service Sunday, Jun. 21, 1973, 2.p.ni. Knox Chapel,, 'Goderi'th. Bruce l3jorkquist officiating. Everygne " welcome. ---5 1 tf JUDO—Anyone interested in attending Judo classes,' please contact Recreation' Director at 524-8373 or Helmut Krohmer. at 524-6591.--g2,3 NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p.m., Jan. 11. Ad- mission i$1:00, fifteen regular games. $10.00 each. Thi. '- Share -The -Wealth games. Qne - jackpot fc r -' 7u..41544iumbers._:. consolation:' -"One call and --$10 added weekly if not won.--cgtfn ' ENTERTAINME NT *GUIDE STAGS DANCES PLAYS SPORTS PROMOTE YOUR ENTERTAINMENT GET RESULTS THE SUREST WAY(1=tx===xsc==.1 Sa'�s��mNrM��YmemiiisSi 1, Frank-----& IGus Carry -out PZZA ALSO SPAGHETTI -LASAGNA -RAVIOLI 50 WEST STREET, GODERICH (fear Az! e Laundromat) ... FREE. DELIVERY! OPEN 4 p.m. -to 2 a.nmi. CLOSED MONDAYS EXCEPT HOLIDAYS IC SCHEDULED -*c Intermediate "C Hockey* 44( 4 8:30 p:m. FRIDAY, JAN. 1.2 . *c i( GODERICH SAILORS vs. . KINCARDINE BULLDOGS -. , " 4 4( 2:00 p.m SUNDAY, JAN: 14 * L ELM HAVEN *GODERICH SAILORS MOTOR HOTEL r PLAYING' • 'THIS WEEK :.The 'Pad fever Trio ,'■ "Coming Next Week ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ r ■ ■ The Ring Matinee Saturday afternoon 4-6 p.m. ■ Y w hew■■■■■■■■/■■■■air■ ■■r ■ ■ ■ �` Goderich ■ 1: ■ ■ Arena■ ■ ■ ■ MEAFORD Admission ADULTS --$1;00 -STUDENTS AND CHILDREN -50c 1 r 4 !� ***** -sr • t TUE ., a O _ W1!1ODUNIT? The sola,.lhe stove, 1)+e bicycle. the,press -, all sold in a day. Who could have done it? It realty isn't a mystery a1 AS. Every fact points to The Signal Star Town 8 Country Classified Ads: the quick response, the number of calls. and most important!". the result* - sales Consider the opportunity ... The Signal -Star is read every week by more than 92'. of the families in our coverage area. Families next-door Io,yoU and in neighboring communities Consider the motive ... The Signal -Star Ad Department has a strong desire to satisfy your needs. whether you're selling a Couch or looking for a job 11's a smooth operation, one ' OW knows ixactly,what it's doing but the n, ,l, . „i., i l i$ too well known. making the - solution to (his case elementary. Whodunit? - SIGNiSTAR C!, ASSIF'IEDD ADS! 7 11•7 Call (KaII (;Iassif ied Direct 524-8331. 4)11 1)11111' l\ '1'11 37 11 Es I' `1. Cody r lel