The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-01-11, Page 11GOD)RICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JAN!JARY 11, 4V7 $--PAG$ 11
RMS QF REFERENCE AND local agencies„ will -attempt to
Eset up a permanent youth
FINED OBJECTIVES OFCO-PILOT organization for Goderich:
PROJECT 6. Co -Pilot workers will be sub -
The project will provide ject to the direct. guidance of
ht jobs at a federal cost of the advisory g*o *p.
A drop-in centre or yh IN the past few weeks many
will_ . be young'people have come t that,
vicie _ give_in orma'Jion to j" ei ' e ta' w ox
ung people about drugs, 'it- was n,oW perfectly-tegat° to-
ohol and other problem :—earr5, a minimal amount of
ey may encounter with marijuana and hashish. I do
()vision for referral to ap- •not know where these rumors
opriate agencies for those originated but would be .yery
o need special help. interested in finding out. None
Co -.Pilot will organize ,of the young' people in question
ograms and activities for the knew exactly how they had
out-patients of ,•the ,,,come 'across tl}is information
they Psychiatric ..Hospital, but were .positive that it
Co -Pilot will arrange adult - was factual.-
minars and. discussion grou[js Not being a professional on
r local parents of the ecorn- the Food andlDrugliAct1OI imons f
,who are concerned
out the problems ot,youth. mediately called upon the ex -
Co -Pilot, in conjunction with pert t e)p of Deputy Chief_Pat�
King of the Goderich Police
EYepa>:tment. Officer King
assured me that, to the best of
his knowledge, it was illegal to
carry any amount of marijuana
however minimal. Marijuana is
an illegal drug and anyone ap-
prehended )wktile carrying the
substance shall be charged and too complex a'situation, we will
prosecuted.Ig:-s4.4ttal ;.-hope• ..4eadAly, suggest that, clients, seek
that -this, will,- clear- .,, up . a _,x o a r„ sponsors -'�
"popular misconception". The... It is very difficult for us-i6-
storisks one takes in carrying combat rumors of this nature
marijuana are simply not
worth the consequences if you
are apprehended.
qualifications. We are
definitely not professionals in
our field. Co -Pilot staff mem-
bers may offer suggestions and t
referral services only to clients.
We have quite a number of
professional people sponsoring___.
us and when we are faced with
through the press., as we are
only young people interested in
our community and not
professional writers. Please, if •
you have .any doubts as to our
WE ARE NOT sincerity, drop in and get to
PROFESSIONALS , know us better first. I think we
a Many people in Godeti b
seem to be under the F imi
pression that the Co -Pilot staff
members are assuming too
.much responsibility for their
at least deserve a chance from
• -the 'Goderich community.
it 1
Valve -Priced Refrigerator
This new project will have
something to interest everyone.
The subjects will be as varied
as the participants. Some of the,
prepared ideas are as follows:
nutrition, parent-child
relations, contraceptives,
family planning,' abortion,
broken homes, sex and
marriage, group therapy.
With the help of Ann Sills,
public health nurse, and
Lorraine Cauchi, R.N. Co•Pilot
team. He said they would face the borrowing for an amount of hopes to set up a seminar on
difficulties. ., $650,000 in the aggregate -for one subject at least every other'
John. McCann of•R-R 3, Ailsa Father Mooney assured the capital funds to finance the week. A professional will give a
raj board members they had a role building projects at St: Aloysius small lecture in his 'particular
raeg, was elected chairman of .y
e Huron -Perth County to play in handing on the faith School,in.Stratford and at Holy field and will then be open to
()man -Catholic Separate }�
in this area (through. the Name School in §t. Marys prior discussion. J'
hoof board at the inaugural schools), and that they are wit- to the sale of debentures. We hope to obtain a suitable
eeting Monday. He succeeds nesses upholding the work 'of The legal firm of Donnelly ' location' for these seminars
. mes Morris of Stratford. Mr. the Boardershortly. If enough ,interest is
and 'Murphy, Goderich ''.was generated - from the discussions
cCann was vice-chairman Father Mooney brought best named solicitors for the Board.
wishes from the Huron -Perth then we hope to continue them.
st year.
Nominated .for the chajrman Deanery, of which he is a vice -
The board endorsed a on a.regular basis and to` make
sition along with ,Vincent president. I -le congratulated the resolution from the Kirkland Human Relations one of the
ew members and the other re- Lake District Roman Catholic " major Co -Pilot projects.
oung of Goderich the 14 n Separate School Board urging
testees divided their votes elected. ,
qually between the two
He told the Board members the Ministry of Education to
ominees twice, Following the they have the- respect, support seriously consider amendments
o tie votes the candidates ' and the co-operation of the to the. Schools Administration
nests ---in the Huron -Perth Act that would tend to more The recreation committee
row lots to fill the position P � has secured the use of the
nd Mr. McCann was declared Deanery. He said he recognized equalize the levels of
- .the excellence of the members remuneration of..all: trustees of North _Street United Church
airman. boards 01' education (public, gym thinks to the. cooperation
Michael Connolly of .RR 3; of the Board in their giving'Qf .
ippon, was acclaimed vice- their talents and time. He Y secondary and separate) in the of Reverend Raymont: We will
urged them to work with joy. Province of Ontario, so as to supervise free activity (basket -
airman of the board. ball, ping-pong, ,floor 'hockey.:.1
Chairman McCani% vice= Mr. Vintar administered the provide less inflexibility in the
airman Connolly, John- Vin- oath of office to the 14 trustees"
r, the Superintendent -of Two novel`'„ meMmbers tct ilio
3ucation for the . Board, and Board were sworn in --Donald
rustee Young were named- to: Crowley of RR 2,:Cadsbiil''and -
nominating committee to , Gordon ,Ball of St. Marys.
rm the , committee§ 'for the
'* Completely frost free ----never any frost build-up
* 13.8 cu. ft. of well planned refrigeration.
* Full width porcelain crisper & meat keeper.
* Infinite range of heat controls. on
all, plug -out elements.
* Deluxe glass covered --control
* Dual oven element adds a
"golden ''touch" to' all your baking.
• Both Mr. Crowley and Mr.
Ball along with -Trustee ran -
cis Hicknell of RR. 5, Seaforth
financial- measurement of in the gym on Mondays, an
trustees' responsibilities. ' ' Wednesdays from 9:00 p.m. to
11:00 p.m. and on Saturdays
The Kirkland Board` feels from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m: starting
that the responsibilities are the Monday, January. 8. We are
same tor all trustees regardless very grateful to Huck's Spor-
of .the size -of-the enrolment: ting Goods on 73 Hamilton St.
ear. They will present the list 1 g F presently the practice is to pay for donating a soccer ball and a
t the next: bord meeting on all trustees Fates of honorarium basketball to our committee.
anuary 22. will attend the Pick-up Con- d that are variable in accordance
p So, if you're looking for
Con -
Rev. John GMooney. of RR ference for Newly' -elected with the silo of .the enrolment. something to do -come on down.
Parkhill, of Our Lady of trustees to be held in Toronto We also hope to initiate a
ount Carmel Parish, presided on January 18, 19 and 20. Arpproval wase given for '
number of arts and crafts
sr the devotional exercises at Trustee Howard Shantz of " another CORE weekend to be
e opening of the meeting.He held at St. Michael's School in workshops and would like to
P g Stratford reported he -had been
old the trustees they should, talking, with .the Stratford hear from anyone who would
ork with joy, showing en-' Police on the "Block. 'Parent at
husiasm as they worked as a , Plan which willsoon be „under-
way in Stratford. A "Dear
Parent" - fetter will be sent
- home with ' the -pupils in the
Separate Schools'similar to the
one which accompanied the
public school children,.
The meeting 'adjourned
11:30 p.m.
Mein Corner Clinton
,Open Closed
tJnder'the program, 'volun-
teer block parents screened by
police place a large, Aeasily iden-
tifiable sign in their front win-
dow indicating their home is
one to which achild can turn if
in trouble. The plan is
primarily to protect children
against child molesters. It Is
being initiated by the police in
The board authorized a'
borrowing by-law for
$1,000,000 in the aggregate Mr
current operating purposes:
The board also authorized
_.. be interested in teaching ,or
pa rt'i li'atltt g.: ---it :----such a
workshop. Our telephone num-
ber is 524-9111,
An effort is also being made
to provide a "job bank" which
'is a `listing of small or odd jobs
for young people...if . you need
someone to shovel your walk or
babysit for you, give us a cal)
and we'll try to find someone.
* Exclusive "Double Wash" -
tub agitation.for a thorough
* Heavy-duty turbo -vane
agitator ,with built-in lint
* reetemperature selec-
ns--Regular, Low, and
it -Fluff.
* Cross vane tumbling and
balanced Air Flow for even,
fast drying.
1 Vinyl covered basket, 1 , vinyl
covered divider.
- * 23 cu. ,ft. ,.788 Ib. capacity:
* Lid lock, warning light.
On The Square, Goderich 524-8434
(Men's Ladies' &
Hully Gully
M.O.S.R.A. Sanctioned
Over X1,700 in Prize Money
• 'BIRD •`f EEDERS .
(BOYS' &
PHONE 524-8761
Industrial &
Garden Centre