The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-01-04, Page 1_1" -
_Y HIS tcuJi. ! i►' 11.4 YOI1 HARRY WOR-
E;1, l.
'This inaugural ceremony tai' -night,
dar°uary 4 1973: --marks the beginning of the
Term of office for this Goderich Town Coun-
fo three of the Councillors, it is their first
!err<i ,r •- .,nuc,pal office. i welcome you to
;oundi' and look forward to your par-
tiolv, ,on and perhaps. new approach to
prob ems that are of concern to the council
and the ,` wn dppreciate the fact that we
have trree ret.Jrning councillors this year,
whose past experience we will find in-
valuaoIe Uu,r Reeve. Mr Shewfelt, and
Deput\ .reeve Mr Profit, have added new -
resporsrb,l1t1es ny representing the town at
county council.! congratulate both of -you,
and wish you well.
"As for myself, this evening marks the
beginning...of my .second term In the. Mayor's
chair, and my eighth year serving the Town
of Goderich on the council. In looking back
over those seven years, there has been a
great deal accomplished.
-""However, a newly inaugurated council
must look to the future, and plan for the or-
derly growth and progress of• the tdwh.
"With this in mind, there are certain areas
of development which, --! believe should '
receive our attention -1973.
"in December, 1969, work was begun by
planning consultants on our restricted area
zoning .by-law. The first draft of'this was sub-
mitted to the planning board in August, 1970.
There have been many amendments. and
proposed changes, and it is -the council:.
wish to' have this document completed in
1973 for the benefit of all5the town.
"Another major project for 1973 is the
South Storm Sewer. Tile major . roperty
owners affected by this drainage area are
scheduled to meet January 10th, and it is
hoped some decisionscan be made then, so
that the engineer can be instructed"to com-
plete the report, and necessary steps taken
to initiate construction. The present
estimated cost of this project is $23;000.00.
"The town engineer has submitted
estimates to council on three phases of a
sewer -system affecting the South-West .sec-
tion orthe town. ;
"Phase 1 of this system will drain the area
south of Britannia Road to 'Bennett Street_
and Rich Street, and !would hope it might_ be
started this spring:
Phases II and 111 of the program could be
begun after 'a decision is reached on the'
South Storm Sewer. This program will be
financed in part by 'contributions of
developers in the areas affected, and
probable subsidies from government sour-
ces. The remainder of the expense will be the
responsibility ,of the municipality. This.
program is an absolute necessity, and, i'n
time, should be extended, until the whole
town is completed.
"Council must continue to, spend a major
portion of the road budget on improvements
to town. streets. Ir must be a continuing ,'
program from year to year,-. and demands -
heavy financial expenditure. Fortunatery, the
P_rovinpe . subsidizes this road maintenance
and construction:
"With new activity in our industrial park, it
will be necessary to extend, the seivi'ces to
accommodatethe, industry locating there,-;
"I hope this yearthat we will find it feasible
p install, the r1ew, lighting at the ball-park,—
,before those „poles collapse on 'the playing
field,- or someone is electrocuted! The
facilities in the building at the swimming' pool
will also require some 'renovation this
"As we form our. committees to -night, and
begin the task of guiding the municipal af-
fairs of Goderich for 1973, 1 hope that each
,member of council... will, realize that it Is an
honour to serve the people of this town; each
councillor will have his or 'her various areas
of responsibility, and with your best efforts,
we will get, the job done.”
1 26TH YEAR -
The inauguration' of
Goderich Town-. Council took
place Tuesday evening,
January 2 in the council cham-
bers before a small crowd coin -
posed mostly of family mem-
Piers of the individual coun-
Judge Hays at one -time
presided at many inaugurations
in the county, but. has discon-
tiriued the practice everywhe ,e
except in Goderich, his home
Town Adrtaiiiistrator Harold
Walls administered the oath of
office 'to Mayor. Harry Worsell,
Reeve .'Deb' Shewfelt, Depu"ty-
reeve Stan Profit, and . Coun-
cillors Elsa • Haydo_-E1le'en
Palmer, Bill. 'Clifford, Frank.
Walkom and Dave Gower.,
Councillor Lena Harrison was
absent, en.joyying. a vacation ;tin
Fore the first .titneTn 'many.
years, the oath Of office wtis note_
administered- by Juclge .SII. .
.Glenn Hays. It is understiiod
that_Judge Hays has simply en
;ded a tradition Which was
begun in the year ,of the
Coronation of the Queen for an
Special speaker, of the
evening was Rev. G. L. Royal
who provided the spiritual
leadership at the meeting. -
Mr. ,,Royal rerhinded- eoun
cillors they are "called upon to
rule and not t5 be intimidated''.
He urged them torule welhand
wisely" and always to. be
`"spiritually prepared" to serve
the. community,
"Reek ---knowledge where
knowledge is to be found," ad-
monished Mr.- Royal. It :is a
particular and peculiar task,
ruling us, ,,,and
may not wish
to be ruled."
His Next was the first three
verses of Genesis and he ended
his sermonette by directing,
"Let there,be ,light!" ,.. '..
In his inaugural address,
Mayor Harry Worsell stated
that . 1975,0,41.11 be.
giving attention to' completion'
of the" Restricted' Area Zoning
Bylaw; installation of South
Storm Sewer' and a sewer
system affecting;. the south-west_
section of the town; -Yiiads; the
Industrial Park; n'ew' lighting
at the ball park; and facilities';
in the , building at the Swim-
ming Pool:
The report of the Striking °'
Committee was appaved by
council. Those persons who will
serve on, the ~various coinmit-
tees are:
Administrative Committee, -
Chairman, David Gower,. Elsa
Haydon, Eileen
Finance Division, Chairman,
David Gower, Elsa i-Iaydon,
Eileen Palmer. -•Proper.ty
Division, Chairman, Elsa
Haydon,. David-_Gower,Eileen
.Palmer. Special Division,
Eileen Palinei', David Gower,
Elsa Haydon: , °
Public Works .Committe,
Chairman, Deb- Shewfelt; Stan "
Profit, Frank Walkom, Bill
Clifford, -Leroy Harrison.
',Streets and :Roads Division,
Chairman, Deb Shewfelt; Stan
Profit, Frank Walkom, Bill
Clifford, Leroy Harrison, Fire, -
Traffic, and Safety lrivision;. x
Chairman, Stan Profit,- Deis,,
-Shewfelt Leroy- Harrison;
Water, Light, .and Pollution
C.o;ntrol .,biv srony....Chairman, ...
Frank Walkom, Bill Clifford:-
lifford;Stan '''Profit.'Parks"„ °"Division,
Chairman, Leroy .Harrison,
Frank Walkom, Deb Shewfelt;
`Harbour ,Division, Chairman,
Bill Clifford, Deb Shewfelt,
Mayor Worsell is, ex officio,
a member' of all • Committees.,
First in the c
The 1973 New Year's Baby made her appears ce at 10:55 a.m. January 1, 103 in Alexandra
Marine and General. Hospital, the.daughter o Mr. and Mrs. J:A.'(Andy) Plunkett of Auburn.
To be known as Karen Elizabeth the seven and seven and one half ounce baby girt with
have three brothers and one sister in the Plunkett family. It is thought that Karen Elizabeth •
was also the first baby of 1973 for ,Huron; county: .'(atitf;.p',to).............. ,,,
The God hrich Recreation
Board learned at their meeting
last week that their 1972
budget of $90,311, will leave a
surplus of $6,000. -
After short discussion the
board moved to Create . a
reserve fund with the money as
cushion against ca ital costs
of future recreption progr ms.,
Town' council had earlier given
its approval for the fund to"
estahli4hed„in an effort to save
the board time in implementing
The surplust according. to
Recreation Hoard Chairman
Carroll, wtis`created by an
increasing revenue, a lack of
!Argo building expenditure and'
rutting corners duri : .s
fund *Ise
!erThe nnton seti Phe
that' . any.
surplus on budgeting be added
to the fund.
The chairman also noted
that the board's operating
budget had been in good shape
consistently over the last three
•years.•"It's time to think.about
a reserve fund to save us
having to go back to council for
money," he sa}
Although final budget figures
are not :yet available, but
figures up to October show' in-
come from rental of facilities
tend grants totalling.. $89,817
si ce last January 1.
he • ncome„reakdown
sho a #5060-havtng
6'01.11'0e arena, $32,566 from
municipal grants and 86,Op0
from 'the province,
In • of ,business last week
the boar Approved tiresee
grants. Local figure skaters,
Pam Craven ,.and Rusty" Or-
mandy were given a grant in
trust of $100 to further their
amateur careers. The skaters
have won. several honors
throughout -the province.
, The Goderich Judo Club
received a grant of $100 toward
the cost-: of mats and the
recreation committee come
pleted negotiations on their
behalf' `fob" the use of -gym
facilities at St. Mary's Roman
Catholic ,Separ`eite School
locally. , -
, Members df the committee
agreed to'iookc 'uri. r into the
' matter Of making repairs at the'
local swimmltfg pool- building.
Recreation Director Mike
Dymond is to
look into the
matter _with the aaeeiatance of
County Planner Nick .Hill and
obtain repair estimates.
In a letter read at the com-
mittee meeting a special com-
mittee.of Co-Pilrit (the local in-
centive program . sponsored in
formation and social ,group)
outlined to the Recreation
Director their recreation plans.
Co -Pilot hopes to advance their
aim of , drug education and
limitation through the offering
of alternative activities.
The Co-Pilotrecreation i im
mittee will concern, itself with
three main areas of . interest:
initiating arts "and' crafts
workshipis, developing a n.
physical educattion -programme,
and providing a• job` hank:,or
listing of part time jobs for
(By W.E. Elliott)
Mat�'icari.. Walwyp was "a bright and beautiful child" at
nine months, when christened in `Goderich on Christmas
Day, 113911. The
subject its pleasant
of Dec. 31 reported the event, but the
peasant ap'pratisal never.wlearnerl..of it until 8'1
years -tater.
"One of the best Christmas gifts I hive' had,". Miss
Walwyn writes from Toronto' in acknowledging receipt-of-a-7-
eceipt-of --copy of the Signal news .item.
• Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. William McLean. ' Mr.
McLean, son of Edward McLean of Goderich township, was
-a prominent cattle dealer. in -this .area, .his, .wife was Ann.
Jane Elliott,.,daughter of James Elliott_ of
ship. , •
The McLeans iived- for some time on St. Vincent •street,
but Mr. McLean in one of his prosperous periods had built
for him in 187:3 the big house and outbuildings on Nelson
street now owned and occupied by-Crowri Attorney W..G.
The;'McLeans' _only child, Prances Atelia, became the
wife of Rev. I.B. Walwyn, a. Methodist minister then on his
first charge, Bluevale and later stationed at various Western
Ontario points.
In reproducing the Signal item of Dec. -31, 1891, its"
spelling off the family names is retained:
"A very interesting and plea sant Christmas was spent at
the residence of Williatp McClean, it being Mrs. McClean's
birthday and also the occasion of the christeningg of their lit-
tle granddaughter, daughter of the Rev:" LB. rWallwin.-..A
number of friends were present and Mr, ---McClean, feeling
better for a few days past then' forliime month's, was able in
his former generous -andearty manner to make direrything
bright and happy."' Four generations were represented.
"The spacious drawing -room was filleds,,,,Rev. J.E.
Howell, M,A, who threeyears a o ordained Mr:
�.�,�_ g � �., Y�r►llwit�,__,.
perfprmei the ceremony, giving the little girl, who is a bright.
and beautiful child•lifnearly nine months, the name of Fran
es Marion 'Fha child was made the recipient of some pretty
�Cliri"mas w.zes..
-Marion-visited theMcLean place from time to.time,wwith
her mother, for although her grandfather died only two
weeks after the christening, Mrs. ,McLean retained the
property for some time before selling to\W.T. Kiely, retired •
Toronto street railway' 'operator.
Miss Walwyn, for some years now the head of,ft 'Toronto
travel agency, revisited her grandfather's former home in
1967, at the time of' the 'Huron Historical Society's tour of
historical houses here. She was a guest of honor at , the-
gatttt fititfi Mr. Cochrane's grounds, and recalled some of
her early memories of the place.
In that house, 2$ NNson E1. Woet, Frances Marton W
was christened on Christmas Da ,1trli.'Aft the ,death
her gisndfat rrrr, '111ii11$ai Corm,' h wail i13d"` " T..-...,'This' picturewas taken h'., Mr Klrrly's time, but
shows the full verandah, but apparently, not the orlglnal
shuttore. The r. was also a ooneervatory (Photo bl►',+IM urs
-telly Of John N..K�a) .. �.