The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-23, Page 25•
was mentioned in -Globe
by w.L. EW0tt
When editor George Brown of
the ,Toronto Globe received a
copy of the British North
America Act in 1867, he ap-
praised its news value as worth
the whole of Page 1 and much of
Page 2. if subscribers did not
wish to peruse its 11 sections
and 146 subsections, they would
not have found much else in
that day's issue. The B.N.A. Act,
assented to on March 29, 1867,
by Queen Victoria, set up the
provinces of Ontario, Quebec,
Nova Scotia and New Brun-
swick as the Dominion of
Canada. Only a sour reaction in
the United States prevented
adoption of' the title, Kingdom
of Canada. It was preferred by
John A. acdona14 irst,prime^-
minister, but was rejected by the
British Cabin,,,pt when the
minister at Washington.reported
that it,"aroused much remark of
an unfriendly character in the
United States." An editorial in
the Globe issue here mentioned
is' headed, "The Kingdom of
This 1867 issue is one of a
number of old papers found in
the attic of Mrs. Kenneth Hun-
ter's house here, evidently
preserved °by Dr. A.C. Hunter.
They were shown to the Signal -
Star by Colin Hunter, of Sarnia,
a brother of J.K. Hunter, who
died here on Aug. 4, 1971. He is
a grandson ' of Hon. Malcolm
Colin Cameron, of
, Maples," Goderch, who from
Confederation to -4896—was-
-4896-•---°was-almost continuously M.P. for
South Huron and later West
Huron. Archibald Crosse Hun-
ter and Grace Emily Cameron
were married in 1900. In 1912
the Cameron ' house was
acquired by the hospital board
and the spacious bedrooms up-
stairs became hospital rooms.
When Mrs. Hunter died, she was
a patient in the room in which
she was born.
The Globe was founded by
a ilk
Mr. Brown in 1844, as a ,Liberal °
Brantford .had an illustration of
weekly, became a daily in 1856 -its product.
and in 1855 absorbed two rival
publications in Toronto, In that A copy of the Huron Signal,
year it kept itsreaders-informed dated Nov. .26,.1886,ocontaiinaa..
of the progress of the Crimean ' long report of a speech in the
War, and one of the issues found House of Commons by M.C.
in the Hunter collection tells of Cameron, who at the time was
the siege of Sebastopol.•. Few member for West •Huron, and
names of advertisers in • those about"to meet his first defeat, in
days are now recognizable. The " 1887, at the hands of Robert
John Macdonald' dry goods , Porter, Conservative, by 27
house in Toronto published a votes. The Signal was afour-
dignified announcement; and page paper, for which sub -
the Waterous Engine Works in scribers paid $1.50 a year.
A safer Christmas
will be yours if
toys purchased right
Christmas shopping will soon
be in full swing and the Council
on Family Health in Canada
has a few pointers for buying
Christmas presents for children
— particularly toys.
Toys that are colorful, attrac-
tive and educational may hold
unsuspected dangers. Baby rat-
tles that come apart to reveal
sharp spikes inside, toy . stoves
that can become hot enough to
burn, balloons with whistles
that can be detached and ac-
cidently swallowed, are just a�
few of the hazards to watch for:
Manufacturers are. realiziing
-this -hatard and have redesigned
and in some cases discontinued
production of,....certain ' toys.
However, some of these products
may still be on sale in stores. If
parents exercise good : buying
judgment, these 1 nccident-
causing products will eventually
disappear from the market.
The Council, a nonprofit
organization established by
members of the drug industry to
promote and encouragesafety in
the home recommends the
For a ride
to the polls Dec. 4 Phone 524-8475
_following guidelines when
buying children's Christmas
1. Keep in mind the age and
size of the child you are buying
for. Think of his speed and dex-
terity and the area of the house
in "which he• plays with toys.
2. You should also keep in
mind the ages of other children
in the family. That chemistry set
for 12 year-old Tommy could
end up in the hands of four -
Year -old Susie. Consult parents
about this type of purchase. Is
therea.-puce where the amateur
Einstein can conduct his. ex-
periments safely -out of the -reach
and eyesight of younger children
in the family?
3. Spend some, time with the
toy you are about to purchase.
There usually is a model on
display that you can examine.
Take it apart it you can, feel it,
tap it, see if it pulls apart. Malice
a . mental list of the following
things to look for before you
make your purchase: small
detachable parts that may be
swallowed; brittle plastic or
glass that breaks easily and
leaves sharp edges; poorly con-
structed toys with sharp spikes
° or pins • that are exposed when
the toy is pulled apart; toys with
triggers, gears or other parts ac-
tivated by a 'spring or motor
that may pinch fingers or catch
4. Remember that arrows, toy
swords or daggers Should be tip-
ped .with some soft substance
that cannot be removed. Suction
tips can come off exposing a
dangerously sharp point.
5. And, while instructions are
not necessarily a safety feature
— be sure they are enclosed and
you can understand them. Poor
Dad will go through a night-
mare Christmas day if these.
aren't part of the gift. Incorrec-
tly assembled- toys may also be,
test drive the one
for family fun!
SUZUKI Xi# -400
• Dependably powered. styled and priced
for all-round family fun
• 2 -cylinder 395 c c engine
responds quietly smoothly
• Tough reinforced rubber
-, track provides- sot d
traction in all kinds
of conditions
• Engineered with
tuned exhafist,
twin carbs,
single fuel pump
• Low in f rice, yet loaded with features–a
great choice to get your family started in the
world of snowmobiling
• Full-size chassis for comfort and safety
• Powered with a thrifty, dependable single -
cylinder engine.
. Dependable parts and service
Convenient budget terms
Sales t Service, Mt 5, Dederick ° Ken Frisby, 524-6404
4 MINN East of Dunlop oro County Ad. 25 (Across from Carlow Tire)
A collection 01. simple eleg'e ceiin Canadian fashion' augmen-
ted. by pieces sent espectia 'I'ty from Israel and Paris delighted
members and friends of the Huron Country Playhouse Guild at
a luncheon at the Green Forest Lodge, Grand Bend, Ontario,
last` Saturday. Over forty pieces were in the collection shown
by the pretty models. Somber' dark winter shades have been
replaced with bright vivid colours, pale pastels, and silver
and gray metallics. Produced by fashion entrepreneur. Eric
Mcilroy of Grand Bend assisted by Mrs. Lottie Roff of London
the show marked the first official fund raising, event of the'
Guild. A Christmas.walk featuring six .interesting homes in the
area will :be held in mid-December when the public will be
able to view these homes decorated for the festive season.
Watch your mail
The PO is sending
special new labels
Over 600,000 households in
Southwestern Ontario will shor-
tly receive a set of specially
printed labels from the post of-
fice. These are to assist resident:-
esidentin bundling and tieing their
Christmas cards before they are
mailed - so they may ria h their
destinations faster.
The "out-of-town" labels for
6c Christmas cards are printed
in red, `while the "in -town"
labels are printed in blue.
If your Christmas cards con-
tain more than five words of
personal greeting, they should
be sealed, and mailed at the He
letter rate. -
Please make sure- the address
is correct and complete, includes
apartment or suite number, and
the POSTAL CODE Where ap-
plicable. This is the year when
many Canadians will be amen-
ding their Christmas card lists
by adding the POSTAL CODE
for addresses in Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, Alberta, North-
West Territories, 1✓'astern and
South-western Ontario and
The slogan, for our MAIL
EARLY for ...Christmas cam-
paign this year is GET ME TO
This year's deadlines are:
Canada and United States -
before 13th December for OUT -
OP -TOWN: before 17th Decem-
ber for IN -TOWN,
Britain: Surface mail Nth
To avoid trouble and ensure
safety, breathe through your
It keeps your mouth shut.
Women are meant to be loved
— not to be understood.
November - Air Mail - , 13th
December. Parcels - Surface -
10th November - Air Mail 8th
Rest of Europe? - Greeting
and letters: Surface - 0th
November - Air Mail 8th
Parcels to Europe: -Air Mail -
Before 6th December.
Please ask at the Post Office
for rates & deadlines for all
other countries and armed for-
ces bases overseas.
60 ER R
-...... or
1tt1e something
for the house?
11114 .44
You've had pretty loyal service from the
old place, all things considered.
Sure tte crack in the plaster keeps inching
along. And the windows' are still too drafty.
But it's Christmas now.
And fair is fair.'
Give a light bulb a nice home. Many lamps
to choose from to brighten up the seasons for
you. Traditional, contemporary, yciu name it.-
t. Some little, some targe.
Charming chairs...ett., etc. If you can't
find exactly what you Want we will help
you...even something -to put your feet on like
a hassock. This way, you and your home will
have a more comfortable feeling inside.
glllltlllllttl111111111111111111111111111111111111111111alls11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t11111111111NHit1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11 M111111111111111UL
ENSIBLE Administration
• Owner .and operator of Sky Ranch for eight years
• Director Canadian Restaurant Association, - London
• Secretary Ontario Retail Gasoline Association Huron
VOTE BILL- CLIFFORD f.r T.Wi' c.sacil
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