The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-23, Page 19• Dear Ann .randers: Can you." i tell 'me what has happened to health inspection? The kitchen help' in this town is absolutely filthy. When worked in restaurants no one was allowed • to go near the food without a hair net. Today we see young fellows with beards and long hair flopping all over the place. They handle food and their per- spiration drips onto the grill and into the hamburgers. We took the children to• sup- per last night and'when we saw -the filthy kitchen help, we ,walked out. I think something should be done' about it, don't you?--N.Y., JJJ. Dear JJJ: I do. Restaura' i'ts that hire such help should . be reported to the City or County H -,. eajth Depa;ent,..,�,A�.i�d�..xou_ should return in a Week to see if the filthy'' hes Njs, still employed. Ifit is, pass the word and boycott the place. A spokesman for the Chicago • Board of Health said the city or- dinance requires adequate protection against head hair falling into the food. This means long hair must be kept in place under a cap or hair net. A • Chicago spokesman said they have never been faced with the • question of beards, but * it should come up, the chin would probably be considered part of thehead. •Personally, I don't see how they could force a fellow to put a hairnet over his beard, but today, anything is possible. Dear Ann Landers: Yesterday --decoded- -to-- eleen--Bout the -- bookshelves. I discaiJed several shabby -looking books - among them my wife's baby Bible. When Mae found out she nearly tore me apart. Under ordinary circumstances her` anger might have been justified but let me explain: My mother-in-law is convin- ced that her daughter married the devil's personal represen- • tative. Mae and .I have been married nine years and for nine years straight my mother-in-law has given mei a imbid new Bible for Christmas. I don't know J• • r. 0 whether she forgets froni yearto year or if she is trying to tell me something. We had . ten Bibles in •our bookcase so I threw out the,.nne that looked the most beat up. It' was Mae's baby Bible. Please tell me if I did a terrible thing She won't forgive me. - Praying In Trona Dear Trona: Terrible? No. Thoughtless, yes. Suggest that Mae look up the Gospel accor- ding to Matthew 18:21-22 where Jesus tells St. Peter that he should, forgive seventy times seven. After all, what good is it to have nine Bibles in the house if you don't pay any attention to what's in them? Dear Ann Landers: May I present the other side of the plc -Wig-conger Bing the giving away of goldfish as carnival prizes? . The picture presented by "I , Love Life" was pretty grim - those poor things in plastic bags �•i with only_ a few spoonsfui of water. 'My child won a goldfish -at a; country fair and it was one of the most meaningful experiences of her. life. She named hien George. George had a baby goldfish shortly 'after and she naiued that one .Prissy,. My total investment for both fish wase 30c for a bowl from the dimestore and some fish food. George died first and Prissy soon after. We had two funerals. Those fish meant ,more to our children than anything we ever bought ,.,them. So, Ann,' if you haven't tried it, don't knock it., - Fort Worth. Dear F.W.: I HAVE tried it and I'm not knocking it. Our goldfish .�arlr�ere etrghiba , and Sebastian. We thought -they were brothers until two baby fish appeared one morning. We loved those "pets" and I'll bet the feeling was mutual! Kinettes plan tea, bazaar for Dec. 9 in McGee showroom • The Kinette Club of Goderich = met November 13, 1972 at the Kinsmen Playground. Three guests welcomed. atthe meeting were Carolyn S.mith,.Mary Lynn, •-Hamilton-and-Jane _Gampllell: • Brady's Girl Guides on Child Care. The' girls who successfully pass the exam will be given their Child Care Badges. This course. began November 8. At_this-- meeting the -girls- -tu ned• in their mitts they have made and also their Christmas card tags to be given to the Children's Aid Society. Again this year the Kinettes will be heading'the Ability Fund (March of Dimes).. This Com- • mittee will hold a meeting November 27. Also, a Committee was set up for the Mardi Gras. This Com- mittee will meet November 2.1. The girls then enjoyed a game of Court Whist followed by 'a lunch. One of the main issues discussed at the meeting was the Christmas Bazaar and Tea to be held December 9 at the McGee Showroom. 'Kinette Cook Books and tickets on a quilt are on sale now and will be available at the Christmas Bazaar. With regards .to the Cook Books, it was decided that the Businessmen who put adver- tisements in ,the Cook 'Books should be shown their ads as they' appeared in the books. Kinettes Helen Hill and Judy' Hiles have been instructing Mrs. • r4 The Little Village is one of the several UNICEF cards on sale at The Green Door on Hamilton Street. The card was drawn by the Belgian artist Raymond Victoir. Proceeds from -the sale of this card help UNICEF in its many programs to aid children world-wide at Christmas. If you send Christmas cards, send cards which will help others. • Former Dungannon man ack as area speaker Jim Reed of Toronto, and a frequent visitor to Du.ngtannon where he was raised, was the guest speaker at the Remem- brance Night Banquet of the Lucknow Branch 309 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Jim and his wife Bev. after their Marriage, spent two years in Central America and Latin America where he did freelance writing. Jim is now an employee of the CTV network and some of his recent work has been •heard and viewed on the Sunday night program of news and public af- fairs, W5. H.e..-showed._..s1idPs. _sof califs in South, America and Central America and impressed on those .in attendance what a privilege and .opportunity it is to live in Canada. In his remarks, Jim stated .that it was 27 years since he had lost an uncle in the second world war and' that having travelled in many countries in his adult life, he had an ap- preciation of what they were fighting to preserve. Jim's remarks about South America indicated that they had • travelled for two years by plane, if yovr furnace gets sick a lot We've got a get -well plan ESSO PLUS 2 That's Why you should protect yourself with Esso Plus 2 before something else goes wrong. With Esso Plus- 2 it's like having complete 'protection for the life of- your furnace. And besides peace of mind, Esso Plus 2 saves you money. Because Esso Pius 2 covers the cost of labour, service calls and parts replacement, and even replaces the most expensive part of your furnace, the heat exchanger. For as long as you're on Esso Plus 2, you have total security. And because old furnaces DO die, Esso Plus 2 total security guarantees to replace your old, sick and rundown furnace, when needed, with a new Esso furnace, and that includes installation. No other major oil company offers -a better security plan. Also, with Esso Plus 2, you actually pay Tess over the years than any other way of buying and financing a new furnace. The cost of Esso Plus 2 is $3p a year: However, if you mail the coupon, or call di, before November 30, 1972, you will receive the special introductory rate of $30 for the first year. If you think old furnaces just fade away, don't throw away the coupon. It'll be win- ter before you think. • 4°"--0 . For,poace of mind and a healthier furnace, fill in the coupon, or call us without any obligation:) r Iso m SW MA ow we ism - — - — IMII 111M ime — — Mr us mu A so mil tw Sales Agent - Mel Bogie -335 Oak Street, Goderich, Ontario Phone 524-7502. ' ElI'm interested in Esso Plus 2. Please get iti'touch with me so we can talk more about it, without any obligation. NAMF ADDRESS CITY SPECiAL INIRCORCT00 RATE $30 emhev r .(liyS NP4 We would like tr, take this oppotwttniryrt`o irittoducc "ou to our omplerc 1111.' 1tt EI'oIne eyutpnletlt. If you would like to rf.eile information on l.c5ro Home ('orntorr, \I Ifl11 11t ofsfQAtro11, please indicate below. ('entr,ll .Air ( :onclirioncrs t.j 1 +ter 1 I<•.rlc rt nli,•o Furnerc, (� I ,so liclrui litli'rs f lssd hlectronil;_ lir ci,,rners [J I:ssrt l ties (1rl . y.r. [1 I:.,ct 1lntnr,1Ihers 0 1,0 Pool 1.1e.1rers tMi GMM mi 14 MIS MMI Num 1 - mu MMM 1w Ma OM NOON MMI 14 um 14 IMI Mit 111E m ono out 4 Ell 14 - i t MSI so or mu or IMI as Ill Don't Forget Offer Expires November 30, 1972 a v1: bus, boat and train on "one of the longest 'honeymoons on record". Included in their• mangy► experiences was the confiscation of their passports by secret police in Bolivia. He said that they went weeks . without meat to eat and stayed in incredible accommodations. Jim was introduced by Irvine Eedy who stated that Jim was born in Dungannon, , attended Lucknow High School, attended Western University majoring in English worked with the Canadian Players and with CKNX, __CBC, as a. freelance _writer—and -now- -,w•ith-CTV..._.. His most recent assignments' with CTV included a story in' Chile where he visited within the last few weeks and covering the Canada Russia hockey series in Moscow. • .Jim was. highly critical of the conduct of the management of Team Canada while in Russia,' with particular references to Allan Earl He was thanked by Bud Thompson, and presented with a copy of Dr. Johnston's book, Gordon Montgomery, president of the Lucknow Legion, was chairman for the banquet and program. He welcomed all those in attendance and made par- ticular reference that' this was a day and evening of remem- brance for those who died in the wars. ' The mild weather in the Fall is a good time to make sure that your windshield washer fluid is going to be effective when the League says that it is a good idea, to pull over and stop before using the washer in extremely .cold weather, particularly if you are not sure of the strength of the anti -freeze: Fast evaporation of the anti -freeze at high speed may blind you • with a sudden sheet of ice. ° GENERAI. INSU ANCE AGENT . 46 WEST ST, { Having served as your Reeve for *1* pest four years, I am soliciting your support at the polls on Dec. 4 for another term, LOSE WEIGHT Canadian Family -Meal. Plan for Weight Watchers It's ours alone...make it yours! For information, write Weight Watchers of Oritarrio Limited 491 Lawrence- Ave: West, Toronto' °in at St. Gieorge's Anglican Church 16 Nelson St. W. MONDAY, 7:3 0 'p.m. • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT, TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS SPECIALS EFFECTIVE 'TIL SUNDAY, 6 P.M. • FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ARE THURS.-9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRI.— 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT.— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. CANADA PACKERS—S.P. DISCOUNT FOODS AT VANASTRA (FORMERLY C.F.B. CLINTON). AMPLE FREE PARKING ger-OLD SOUTH 12 oz. COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 6L7C PRIME RIB BEEF ROASTS HINT OF MAPLE BACON lb. 8 7c • . ' BONELESS CHUCK ROASTS ►b. 89c ORANGE JUICE 4 5c RISE 'N SHINE 2 x 6.5 oz. ORANGE CRYSTALS 69c RED & WHITE FLORIDA p GRAPEFRUIT ° R ONTARIO NO. 1 CABBAGE. . HEADS 3 9c_ ORA PINE RIVER CHEDDAR U_s. HEARTS 289c ' f: CEL RY RED CALIFORNIA SUNKIST /NGESNAVEL ed DOZ: 6 9c GRAPES' TREESWEET UNSWEETENED 48 oz. GROCERIES braage & , Grapefruit Jaice 2 R $ 9 c AYLMER CHOICE 19 0:. CREAM CORN WHITE SWAN 2 ROLL PKG. TOILET TISSUE 4 is 1 I DARE 1 ib. BAG IF COOKIES R $ 1 McCAIN INSTANT 32 oz. MASHED POTATOESµ. 8 7 c AYLMER CHOICE 28 02. TOMATOES 1 BUY IN CASE LOTS AT COUNTRY MARKET AND GET AN EXTRA- 5 0 DISCOUNT ON MOST PRODUCTS WESTINGHOUSE INSIDE FROSTED 2 BULB pKG. 100 WATT • 40 WATT 80 WATT 25 WATT