The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-08-10, Page 130 •R
Arnold Zonneveld, seen riding at Sunfield,Acresapaddock, discovered horses only recently (in
comparison to most horsemen) through his wife. Mr. Zonneveld is now a capable rider, however, and
assists his wife with instruction of students at the riding school. (staff photo)
i eons as well a� the
•Horses are only part (although they are the main part)n of living at including a'huge St. Bernard, pig .
Sunfield Acres for asummer. F.or many youngsters from the city, horses is a unique and wonderful adventure. Of course the core of
the whole experience, of living on a farm, around the animals, the whole thing still remains as riding.^(staff photo)
Proper riding, the English'style, is not only a skill and a sport but also in many ways an art. Students at
SunfietddAcres learn all the details, Step by step, progressing foryvard as they accbmplish each new
technique. One of -the -school's.. students_demonstrates _her style,. (staff photo)
Mrs. Ronnie Zonneveld demonstrates the first steps taken in their
course of riding instruction at Sunfield Acres using the Lunge
Line. The idea behind it, she explains, lets the• new rider
concentrate., on his or her proper 'style without being %„gverly
concerned about controlling the horse. (staffphoto)
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orses a.n
Sunfield Acres
Photo story by RoiiSIthw
Arnold and Ronnie Zon- ;.
neveld have' a dream and vision
of the' future that, step by step,
through hard work and careful
.planning, is becoming a reality.
Its a dream based on a love for
horses and a'dgsire to share' the
pleasure of skilled horseback
riding With anyone who is really
interested in learning tl e,)sport,.
in terms of the art it actually is.
The dream has a name now,
"Sunfield Acres". Sunfield is ac-
tually an English translation of
the dutch name Zonneveld, but
on a •pleasant summer afternoon
most would agree" the name is
an excellent description of the
location. •
Y... Farmland slopes away from '
the buildings (located on the
road. linking ,Carlow with Ben -
miller}, -providing a peaceful
view of the Huron County rural
landscape. The barn is. a Frame
structure; like many others in
the arh but its adjoining pad-
dock indicates only one thing,
horses. The 'house is however
unusual. Unobtrusive it sits in
the trees never betraying its
• unusual European .styl-i-n-g&
which feature no less than six
, (+`.Someday wie hope this will
be a ,resident riding school on a
year round basis," Mrs, Zon-
neveld. explains. "This is only
our second year of : operation
and the number of students who
live in has been few. Last year
two American families stayed
here for a time and this year two
students are staying with us, but
in years to come we hope to
have many more."
At ""Sunfield Acres life is more
than that of a resident riding
school however. Everyone
becomes part of the family, as
they participate in a.l familv°ac-
tivities, The' .whole group take
their meals together around the
big dining room table and the
feature of every day is fine home
cooking. Mrs. Zonneveld .loves
to cook and. her husband. was a
former baker.
As of this summer 20 students
are involved, in •riding instruc:-
tion at Sunfield. English riding
is the style and the American
Saddlebred the ultimate in hor-
ses. "To learn the skill of riding
well enough to mount the
American' Saddlebred is the
prize all our students aim for.
Its a real motivation," the Zon=•
nevelds explain. M
There are four American
Saddlebrecf' horses at'the stable
as well as an Arabian, two
Hunters, one Thoroughbred,'
and a Welsh Hackney Pony.
-Many of the 1 ses trace. their
ancestry to sore of the finest
stock ever bred and one is the
half 'sister of a two time world
If anything comes before
learning the rights and wrongs
of proper riding at Sunfield-
Acres it would have to be safety.
All students must wear helrnets
during their classes and each'
and every one receives
individual attention, instruction
and guidance when 'they are.
mounted. „
Everyone, regardless of how
well (hey might claim to ride,
begins on the end of a "Lunge
Line" until the Zonnevelds
decide their competence
"Many people think' they are
capahle richer:: because they
managed to stay in. a western
saddle as an old plug walked
around a trail ride. To ride the
Engish saddle on these spirited
animals is entirely another
story,.:' Mrs. Zonneveld
The Lunge Line, a :30 foot
tether fastened to the halter of
the horse (over which a bridle is
placed) is held by the instructor,
during these first classes. "This
;ivies the rider more opportunity
to concentrate on proper form
since he need -not worry so much
,about. controlling the horse,""'
the Zonnevelds point out.
From the Lunge' Line
onward the students progress
Fend learn• through many steps.
Each class is one 'hour long and
'So' me students attend twice
weekly while others only once. "
Mnv of the students come front
cottages in the area, where they
are holidaying with their
parents, while, others°live in the
local area. Mrs. Zonneveld also
explained that' the school has' a
number of older students
enrolled, including a fair
representation of married
Although much '%"as been
,accomplished,' much more still
lies in :they future for .the
Zonnevelds at Sunfield Acres.
The. plans are drawn for an
indoor arena -,where classes can
be carried out regardless of
weather conditions. It is also
hoped that through further
promotion the name Sunfield
Aches will hecome'better known
aria more. resident students
"We are dedicated to
horsemanship," Mrs. Zonneveld
explained. No doubt the future
graduates of this riding school
will be just as dedicated .tothat
cause through the careful-
instr.uction they receive a,t
Sunfield Acres.