The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-22, Page 2NAL -STAR, .TRURSPAY,4UNE 22, 1972.
More entertainment ahead?
Recent developments in the field of
`=' •dralma, and the performing arts in
genera:l n:ight:we l i t e i ndi
area, can look forward to a• future of
strong;,representation in this art field.
We may be a few years off rivaling
°Perth. County and Stratford, but a start
has been made.
Huron County Playhouse announ'ced
last week, that it wi I I 'open its first
summer season on July 24 with a
production of "The, OwI and ..the
'Pussycat" at its quarters near Grand
Bend. The Playhouse is apparently a
' dream come true for theatre buff Jim
Murphy -and it can do a- great deal for
dreams of increased businessthrough
tourism in this county. .
Other ,dreams are coming true in
Goderich through the recent surge of
interest in drama. Although Goderich
has always n had an active Little
Theatre -group -who present -three -
productions each season and a fine.,
'drama club at .the local Secondary
School, this summer will see a new •
dimension ,in theatre entertainment
for residents and visitors alike..
The Pendulum Players, a group of
theatre people from oderrch-, -hare
been granted the use of the "former
Huron County Jail for the summer
months. The players say the •jail
courtyard is an excellent outdoor
theatre and ..with the addition of
bleachers from the high school and
costumes from the drama club wi I I
soon become one.
We can only say how pleased we are
to see this_ structure, who's fate is
more than slightly dubious,, receive an.
opportunity to serve a useful purpose
now that its original intent•is past.
• In addition the --reputation of
"Goderich as a performing arts centre
will be carried' throughout Western
Ontario this summer ..when • the
Opportunities for Youth sponsored
"Folks',' group takes to the road:
These young -people will visit many
communities with their program' of
music and drama: We wish them the..
best along with the'Grand Bend project
and Pendulum Players.
Such activities can only do this
community and county good and should
be supported fully.
Thank you
This town' must applaud the lasting
tribute which was established by"" .a
group of young people from Goderich
in memory of Bill Cult who died as• a
result of a tr,affic accident in May.
. The .fund will provide an annual $50
`award iwthe-name tutt fo
stC dent achieving the highest scan
in two languages other,. than English in
yearfour and five. The recipient will
have to -be registered at GDC I for both
years and his attendance i n . these
years must I?e consecutive.
Di rector of Education D•. J. Cochrane
has termed 'the fund "a living,
memorial". There is . no r more
•a ro riate.way"to express it -Thank_
you, friends of• Bill Cutt.,
4n capital punishment
Canada's five-year moratorium on,
.the ,death penalty ends in December.
Parliament must soon debate and•
draft new Legislation: And MP's mail
is reported running discouragingly
high in favor of re -instatement of
'' capital punishment.
The death penalty is the easy way
out for,ar apathetic public. They can
feel secure in the knowledge: that one
-.death has been avenged• by another,
that society • has been purged of
•another•:threatening element
• `Murder and violence is a condition
of society itself. It is the pathetic
story of poor mental and .physical
health, , retardation, poverty,
alcoholism, lack of educational or job
opportunities ,.,•mounting up. in the
pressure.cooker of daily existence-=.
Guest opinion
unti l the final blowoff.
W�i l l the death. penalty. stop ..the
psychotic's ,ki ller? "Wi l I; it protect
society from the premeditated killer
who 'rubs out' fora price? •
Invoking the death penalty for
Murder'has just about as much• logic
as handing out the death sentence to
the- guilty party in a fatal auto
accident. The punishment • 'does
nothing to get" at the 'cause, it does
nothing to deter murders or accidents
in the future. .
There must be alternatives. More
research financed out of government
grants—more • humane , efforts and
:financing in. the neglected areas ' of
human misery—poverty; education,
housing -and job opportunities,
Recently the. Huron -Perth Roman
Catholic Separate' School Board began
•�- studying the.; prob•lem.-of-schooLbus
safety.' The Board plans to form. a
•resolution asking for 'safer .buses in
:the near future. "'
The subject is one that should be
given : serious consideration by
everyone involved 'with • education
from--- the school trustees. and' -
administrative staff to the teachers
and parents. • .
More children are travelling more
miles every day buses these
, times than ever before. Under• such
Circumstances, accidents are bound
to ,happen
Have you:ev,er. looked at the inside of
a school•bus'and wondered .what would
happentothe passengers if'there Sivas
an accident? The seats are of the low,
bench type which allow whiplash to
Dear Editor, .
.--,We are not connected directly
witty Folks, but there are
relations and • friends of long_
standing among the group. It is
because of these friends, and
relatives that we were inspired to
write this letter, as your article
"nJastweek's paper could only. -do„
them harm:
First of all, itis apparent to us da
that Mrs. Keller has never
seriously spoken to any member •• In this week's Letters to. the My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
of Folks. about the groups aimsclapping
and objectives, or sat in, on a Editor, there's been plenty of left the audience and
. , quotations from last week's Dear . , stomping. It was.good to see.
easily The • drama portion of the
• retrearsalwhich could Readers.. . �•
have been arranged)•' I'd like to quote a few from that shoal -a tale about •a giant and a
Mrs. Keller, although the giant -killer -had the audience • planningboard official following a
column myself. They are g
'writers of this letter. are young, •Despite when may have been captivated, especially during the regular planning board meeting
we at least have the wisdom to, read into" this column, my good big fight scene where the two -netted small encouragement,
refrain from discussing a subject are.extended too Folks,: battle to the finish. ' however. ,Secretary • Fred Salter
about which we know nothing. We
, ., . - Theirs is an "imaginative venture . Then there was more singing— stated that the matter of .Sully
are surprised that a newspaper •
which, if well 'execu'ted, could and_ more enjoyment for the Park had not been discussed• by
writer with your experience show this part of the -world that audience. ``• the planning board because the
should undertake to write an young people are not the carefree, • Quoting again from last week's p 1 a n n i n g boa 'r d was ` •n o t
article with less than the first-- nane crowd they are -made out to column involved." ,
hand research and experience be,
i • ; "It is my sincere hope.thatt the Just for clarification, the
that forms the. basis for any "Folks could easily be the "generat1on gap" has been Tuesday mentioned was Tuesday,
serious critique. Your source of .much desired link between young,' comprehended', and closed by .• June 13. moorings at Flint., Mich., crossed
information seems to be either and old: everywhere. And that's Folks, at , least where their .It is interesting, therefore, to • Lake Huron, and at A,mberley its
unfriendly or misinformed, worth a government grant and a ` summer production is concerned. note the date in the letter to Town trailing '-300-foot steel cable
It i&fallacious to call the FolksAnd let there be no• mistake about Council by Fred S a 1 t er , tangled with telephone and hydro
summer's work any time.'.'
members `.youngsters when a it—it must be Folks who close secretary -treasurer of - ' the wires, cutting off telephone and
good . many of them , a re : A great deal of "reading into that gap: x' Goderich Area Planning Board, electrical servicrn_the,,,,area.
. approaching or past' the legal age has gone on in several quarters; n.„,b. ., onday=••sight at dii.,,U.r t•�,.,was The first paragraph- in Mr _ L --•• --; ° -.
• of majority in Ontario. Anther Goderich about last week's Dear • Folks that bridged the •gap -but ,Salter's letter 'reads:. "At the The forty -Seventh annual picnic
slight tothem was made when you Readers. What this writer 'there really didn't seem to be a regular meeting of the Goderich of the Huron Old Boys Association
._ ...;....- ...t,_4ssumed-that:: sound-pr-ograin—believ�ed, -to •�tctive _. avgeneratiou gap: It was = ust=people Area Plannitw 3"card -held �on` was -hel�i' at—High-:-.Park rid -
planning and hard work" were suggestions based on the general enjoying a good time just-people
Tuesday; June 13th, a discussion •favoured with good weather was a
missing from their agenda. Since street scuttlebutt in a small town , Last Week's column also said: took place with, regard to the great success. Old-tirners from
occur in case of a rear -end collision. mid -winter, there has ,been about the Folks Venture, others "If there is anyone in Goderich. procedure followed by council in all over the connty of Huron were
In a sudden stop, the passenger, may enough paperwork done in laying termed destructive. What this who 'would like to see Folks the Sully Park Jecision.'1- .out in large numbers, E.J.B. •
-' d-wor grantto_ writer offered as comment was , r e It wuul. ..._ _ it is o»vious__that, durin the Duncan, who was president of the
have--h�is�-•heard•._.smashed--•agai•nst:�_#teM.�.._the..gco, o lt..fn�° the �. � • •. •s >. ha�s�a,b - �. • . _ � ._ - ..,a, g.. r ,:
choke a horse, including a, 150- , taken as criticism. ive me extreme pleasure to be . telephone conversation with Mr. Association in 1900, took pat�t in
metal framework of the seat i n#rout of •:-��• •
him. The' buses are of w . a° flims
page report for the government. In Mrs Elsa Haydon s letter, 'able to report this fall that Folks `Salter the evening of June 13 several of the games..,Mr•. btmcan
construction, giving I ittl e' protection forward to their series of shows; recalled from°her. youth. Here's played—and t h ate£ - the .: me'etin, , it was just another •competitiotl. '
in a. collision; and there are too few far from being concerned with another gem of wisdom' which gov'ernment's money was well attempt topull-the-wool=Over-the-
Shirley J. Keller,
Signal -Star,
Goderich, Ontario
involved` in the. Sully Park
The editorial contained this
paragraph: "A quick 'telephone
call late` Tuesday` evening to a
JUNE 26, 1902
A special meeting of the public
school board was held to consider
the scheme for improving 'the 9,
Central schools The board 4
decided to ask the town couflcil to
pass a bylaw toprovide $4,000 for
the proposed , improvements,
which included new floors, neer
sash all through the school, a new
roof, and a complete system of
heating and sanitary plumbing. fp',
At the -.examinations- of the-
Unj.versity of Toronto Frank R.
Munro, a graduate of the Goderich
Collegiate Institute, was
successful in the third year ,
, examination in arts and took one 4
.,of. the" Alexander MacKenzie
scholarships inpolitical science.
The management n of Point.
Farms announced the opening, of
the resort, the improvements
which had been going on being
•almost completed.
One Of the most elegant up -to-
' date articles oi business
. furniture .ever seen in this—
indeed, its equal would be hard to
find in the large cities—was the
- new cash register which "George
Porter had placed in his book,
, store.•The machine was mounted
on an elegant cabinet of quartered
oak. The working of the register
and the details for keeping track
of the business transacted were
ingeniously devised, .Mr. Porter
having. had the register made
especially for the requirements
of his own business.
The regular meeting of the town
douncil"'was herd; -A11` the
members were present `except -
Mr. Humber. • "' • •
McKenzie and Howell wrote
again regarding their offer to °
keep the watering cart painted if
the town would allow them to have
an advertisement on the cart. No -
action was taken.
JUNE 19, 1947 ,
The internationally -known
Walter Disney,' creator of
"'Mickey Nouse•" and ,-other
screen characters, visited the
"land of his forefathers''
• Goderich and Holmesville—and,
expressed deep sentiment and joy
as he visited the place where his
pioneer ancestors lived and'
worked. It washis first visit here;
in fact, his first visit'to Canada.
Bill Wood made hjs first : solo
flight at Sky Harbor, going up for
five minutes for one trip and for
half an hour later in the:afternoon.
He commenced instructions in.
May With Sky Harbor'Air
Services, taking a total 1:)f about
eight hours' dual instruction`. ,.,
The quiet village of Amberrey,
on the,Blue Water Highway at the
Huron -Bruce boundary, twenty-
three miles north of Goderich,
was ins the litnelikht for several
days on account of a' run -away' •
balloon. The balloon, a 56 -foot
affair, broke away from its
Y The. Folks group are, looking she quoted a delighted fable made a hit in most- every spot it following, the planning board complained of lack of'
exits in case of emergency.- whatthey want, the entire show is Mrs. Haydon• might like to add to spent on the Goderich group." eyes -of -the -press" —a favorite The annual Harrison reunion
Buses were designed this way to oriented towards the audiences, he r c 611 e ct ion. It ' s by If the firstperformance at GPH game of politicians and would-be "was held a t H a r•b o r Park ,
• and what they would enjoy. (We Shakespeare's Hamlet I believe. is an indication of things to come, politicians. everywhere. Not only.. Goderich. Owing to the very rainy "
help keep costsP of busing down But � - --day expected rock, but Ave It goes: "The lady doth�pr'ote•st••t'oo �� ,reviews for ' F'olks" this�sumrn�r-- had �rrlly�Park been�d'iscYrssed, a - .the attendance was much
know you
which is more important, Cost; or the would hardly classify "Good- much, me thinks. .-
s`afety of our children? Night Irene" or ",My Bonnie Les °Mike Gregg,' ,spokesman for
The time. has come for the, Over the Ocean" as having Folks, said in his rather' terse
government to act'so that safer buses • youthful appeal). - letter this week that he did'n'thave
Will be available. So far we have.been Folks has no ambition to try and time to Compose a ,rebuttal to the
change elderly tastes. We believe Den Readers column from June
lucky, in that there have been very few thatthe members of Folks are far, 15 because he was, too busy.
serious school bus acc ide1ts In morelikelytoturnthp tour into a WELL, Mike, I'mbusytoo...but
Ontario, but it I S only a matter of time °learning experience, one that will not too 'busy to take time out to
before there is a terrible'tra ed •. Can ..give the members a sympathy and view a concert put on by Folks at,
° g and.,
fellow feeling - for the third the ' Goderich Psychiatric
we win the race against time and get generation. „
Hos' iia)' Tuesday evening,
proper safety measures first? These people want to learn; p
p p And I'm snot so anxious to nail
-:-Clinton. News -Record. they are open-minded.• ander someone to the wall with hot
friendly, an attitudes that should rebuttal that 1 cannot approach the
disarm even the Oldest of Fogies, situation with calm dignity.: .and
Sgt �obtrfflj
Th. County Town. Newspaperof Huron • - 'O -r °'
Pounded In OW and pubiished eve ytharaday:at a'Xwbst t.,Godari h imber-ei' t Audis
burlatiofCirdulat,on,thetWNA•andOWNA,Advertising rates on rest. Subscriptions psyrbie n
dal/thee. .0e in Coned*, 0.40•in on countries other then Canada: single c.pies'0 cents. Second
class rhsilftegistrationNumber 071b. Advertising is„kccepted on' the conditionJhst, in the event Of
tppbgreithical iirror,thetportionof the edrertesing space occupied by the erroneous stern', together
with t .winnable elowenta for signature, will. it be charged for but the baiii*e of the advertisement
well be•paid fee at thrr eppaicsbla rate, to the event of *typographical serer advertising goods or
,s+rv,CAs:ate►Wrdr►pprice,dbodsdrtierititotiniynot be told; Ad' merely an offer to it•ll,
an* may Withde*WM M *twilit*. •
published by Signal -Stair Publishing Ltd, -
eutlhli�lr atm• 1;ditOrial Offie. nROBERT p. HHIER— rasiderit and Iiab*r
'tr ySHIRLEY .1. KE1 E1C--edttoe
Ott add. 519' „, f, W, SHAWeditorlri: st.ff -
EDWARD J. BYl,SKIS--sdvortisiiig manager
Oast rtrialh �`" t�tra~tiaa► r►ufail�rt'--�8�'1�i
will be just fine. If Folks and this
newspaper are on tfie same wave-
length during the season, I hope 'to
begetting progress reports from •
the group from. time to time,
There *was one other comment'
in last week's column which bears
repeating: "I'm willing to wager
that it will be the members of
Folks who will receive the
greatest ° benefits-" froth this,
summer's activities and not the
persons for whom the concerts
are arranged." •,_ '
Watching .Folks pertorr'n
Tuesday night—watching them
motion was on the books• as• a smallerthanusualand the sports
result of that discussion.- program was .much shorter. •
Itis difficult to understand why • 5 YEARS AGO
people conducting public business
tend"tobe soecretive. Not only is - -
it infuriatinto. the press, it is Ina short but detailed meeting,
unfair to the citizen 'whose Goderich town council dealt with a
welfare such bodies eprotect and multitude of communications
breeds distrust touching onavariety of subjects.
JUNE 22, 1957°
At the°point at which Mr'. Salter Hunian frailty, in the fprm of
was asked if therew,had been any addiction' to tobacco,,reared its
discussion at the planning board 140 as council, by' resolution,
meeting regarding Su1(ly Park, the approved of srrloking during open
minutes from that meeting were a council sessions. Hitherto,
Matter of public record: Just smoking vitas permitted only when
hours later,.(Jhne 14) Mr.`Saiter council was in•comtnittee of the
Folks is not a representation of admit" 'that misunderstanding watching their audience . for would sit down and write a letter whole. Research has shown tha
Goderich youth;•they represent no . haveoccurred and work towards reaction—it occurred to me fay- to ToWn Council asking that "any ' the matter does not•appear to be
.one but themselves and their 'finding the best dolutions. greater understanding of people future decisions regarding land ° covered by' provincial statute
ideas. They aren't'• trying to °q" will be one of the benefits fdi• the u•se such as Sully°Park where -re- governing the conduct of council
'change the .•Goderich adults' If t11ere;wereAbad vibes" about members of the troupe. , zoning is involved be referred to meetings.
opinion of youth, a pointless and Folks, they ,should have been For their audiences, Folks will the' P 1 a n n i n g B o a rt'r f o r
vain•,venture at best, They:entered_ dispelled at Tuesday's concert at come. and go. Th
recommendation".a official, opening of the
upon. this project seeking only to : _ H by.folks., There was no doubt.. For Folks,. the memories of the Understandable, perhaps,, is Huron county" historical society
' do something both' for themselves abut t at that performance. The summer of ''1 2 w i 11 .b e the concern that Mr . Salter may archives room was held, attended
and others . ,They are.not kids—whoops,about n o ...insult remembered for a long, long have ' felt at , releasing such by a large number of Huron county
emissaries of youth arid, should
riot be regarded as such, nor
should theyi be judged by the
actions of their peers.
Butte ostof all, Mrs. Keller, we
objpct to the attitudes of th
townspeople• that you embody. It
seems that youth can do nothing,
right in Goderich. We are reviled
for bef,g longhaired, blue-jeaned,
Please turn tri Page i2
intended—had the audience eating . time.
out of their hands. It was a great,
'show, geared- specifically to the
tastes of the group there
Although I left before'' the°'show
,.was ended, I was pleased by the
music portion. It wasn't
flawless= -'off key, perhaps. Rut
that didn't ' matter. ' The . fact
remained that such oldies as Way
Down Upon The Swanee River aftd
z + + -1•
information without first c izens° 4,W. McLaren of
,consulting his associates on the
planning board. t 1t was the first lienmiller, presidentof the Huron
county% historical society, .was
time twiny history at the Signal chiarinan for the event. �,
Star that • 1 have consulted the
`" Last week's tigrial-Star also p 1 a nn i ng bees r d• ° about Goderich public school trustee
carried an editorial entitled anything,,.°and Mr: Salter mayHarry Mcreath was named 1►ice-
°'Pianner, should get; involved", have been reluctant to be the first chairman of the board df `the.
There ^was refer*"' oe'to the fact . *planning board 'Member to give regular meting t fill; out the
that Goderichis planning board ut information directly to the nitrcpir, d term ot" �C. Bra+iidrra,
p�wh s
had been "remiss by not getting o e lett* of .resigria'tion. as
y g g ,lee turn to Fag* Ili ireolved With regret. ,.