The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-15, Page 24Aog 'BA. GQUER1 :R SIGNAL .STAR, THURS>GDAY. ATNE 19, 1974 From tlk Minister's Study REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM Knox Presbyterian Church • Believing and sharing John. the Beloved Apostle, tit I'fit E van'-;elist's work is our Lord. states hit thesis i:i exernplttieit 1t, the mitA,try of Chapter One. Verses- 303 and 31- John the Baptist Wtttt the utmost. "Now Jesus did many other signs of sell ett,ice neat he u,tr0dtR't's, in 'the. presence of His disciples his follow et's to Christ -1 ,ttm.the which are not written In this hook. but these are written that ve may believe that Jesus is the Christ arid that believing. ve' may have life through His n>;irhle ' The primary • purpose of John is fo establish the Deity of Christ in the minds.and hearts of his reader's Jesus IS the Christ, the Promised Messiah. Whose corning was .anticipated by the Jewi&h people for so long -this is the burden of his message. He writes. not merely of the great acts'of a Great Man. but rather of the Presence of One Whp came from clod. Who WAS God, and: ..having accomplished his wot'k here fn the short period of just .shove thirty years. returned, to God The key word of :John's Gospel is '.'BELIEVE" It is his \tt1Ce of oho t•t yti,l,' ret chi' wilderness"- not a messenger to he see!, t, but. .1 Ines ;t•0t• ht he heard the Baptiy saw his i'oliowtoi'S it,ote hirci and itientity t' theiuselves with Jesushe seised a .;re.tt he.trt Satisfa.ctItln. for iti.ls as his • Dlvit,ely urdaut,�d MISSton .)nhti• the' Apostle h.is w i ttt� r, 01, tti1,•l;,tpt1 t. 'mere was .1 111,tt, sept trout God whose t. into tins John He came to bear w itriess to the I.i<<ht that .ill inert throuE;h him mezht belitpve ht;`yi,is not that-l-,wht but v' .ts split to %rear witness ufthat 1.it4ht' • .John 1 0. 7, The evangelist realizes ht's 1tiahtst..aspiraton whet, he can 'say with the Baptist. I have seen. and 'havebornewitt.:tis that this is. the tion or God. The Evangelized are first rotund characteristic' word -for faith- to - in the barred Pccorrl orrrong• Jesus Christ a.s the Son ot God anti •Johns own followers As .the the• Redeemer of•the world The • Baptist preached repentance. he word involves acceptance of something proterred. plus an outgoing activity in sharing' with others .that which- has tieeti accepted. The very essence of :,'Believing and 'Sharing" is the aoceptance of Christ as Saviour and then persnally sharing that gr ateS.t fit: X11. t a r:.ies _x:ith,;- pri c.l�riult c1l�u jai . t.ki ,-f yip t- s _.-I ac .. oz'res ndenc con.ceMing _..__ a busri t I ik h tech is being arranged for the. purptse of visiting St. Anne de' B•eaupre., St. Joseph's Oratory and Cap de la Madeleine. - • saw' -Jesus approachin2 and cried. "Behold the Lamb 'of Gori' wich t,iketh away the sin of the world...arlti they followed :Jesus." One of the twco who heard John speak was :Andrew. Sithon Pete-r's brother:. John 1:35.40) Tie Evangel, so, efjfectively e .5 The Explorer's Penny Fair andSilver Tea wpsheld during the weekend at Knox Presbyterian Church. A special guest'was Mrs. G. Schwalm of Hens aI I, secretary of the youth department df the Presbyterial (back row, left). Exploeers in the picture are (back row, Ieft to right) Randy Kisch, Jerry Horton1Qavid Smith, Doris Pagan (chief counsellor) and Lynn Goddard; (front row, Ieftto right) Barbara Goddard, 'Susan Horton, Laurie Ryan, Tina Kolozvari and Mary Lynn Pagon. Explorers -Penny fair, -Tea---- makes money for charity Knox Presbyterian chur•sh auditorium was the setting for the first Explorers Penny .Fair and Silver Tea. • ' The sales tables wore handled by therhovs and girls who proudly offered their crafts they had made during the year. Articles such as candles, bookcases, birdhouses, flower's and linens were made under the direction, of Suzanne Ku,lkman. Misses Hazel and Flora MacDonald poured tea. Mrs. G. • Schwalm of Hensall. secretary of the Youth. Department of the Presbyterial, paid a st.r�rprise visit; Everyone agreed it was a huge success. Proceeds will go • to charity. St: Peter's CW[.plans trip About thirty Members of St.' Peter's C.W.L. enjove.il a pot -luck supper at the June -12 meeting. • During the business. meeting which followed. the secr'etar'y -others, The word "Evangelism" carries with it a ,strong emphasis on •action -Personally sharing. that which has been personally accepted -the gracious story of the Redeeming Saviour of men. -The objective of all evangelism is to_leadmen to -believe" and in believing• t&", experience: life in. His name." John 3:16 is the theme text of the Bible **God so loved that He „_cave... portraying the -evangelistic and- missionary accepted and ,believed by Andrew and this quiet. unassuming believer, first •iindeth his brother Simon and said to hint, "we have found .,the Messiah. ." and he brought him t0 , Jesus..." •.John 1:44. said noth foI' the hi' 1 Nothing more is ng more need he said,,, to.r'.v of the Christian,_ Church•1demon'strates the fruitfulness of • this one act of personal evangelism. When "on the following day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. arid He found .Phillip heart of God: Jesus, the.Wara, "',and said to him, 'Follow Me.' -it is• became the great evangelistic clearly statecl•in the record that. thrust of this•mi'ssionarv-hearted ''Phillip was of •Bethsaiada, the God into the darkness of the city of Andrew and Peter." (John world, and all His followers 1:434141 Why identify Bethsaiada experience a Divine impulsion to as the city of Andrew* anti Peter. carry the true Evangel to all who unless to indicate- the strong aIeturrter rl'W"i rst'T,:-'• '' i` ew-and Any consideration of the �, had preceded Jesus and, had subject "Believing and Sharing" already laid the, groundwork for will involve at least three factors Jesus' appeal to Phillip? 1, The Evangel; or what is being Phillip's heart. evangelized offered ° and jay -filled, prompted him to he• 2. T -he E'van•gelist. or the'" a sharer and he seeks for and offerer • ' "found'Nafhanae'1 and said to him 3. The Evangelized. or the 'we have found Him of whom, potential, receiver. • Moses' and the prophets wrote. The Evangel is the "good Jesus of Nazareth. the Son of news" of God's proferred grace. Joseph.' " (John 1:45) Nathanael offering deliverance from sin. subsequently expresses"' his. th and hell a.,nd imparting the- st.t n.g.. personal conviction neatest joy kna•wn to man. This Rabbi thou'art the• Saar of God. was„the emphasis of Tar the (T oFr 1:481 John. •chapter one •is Baptist, experienced and shared the chain re -action in "Believing by Andrew, Philip and Nathanael. - and Sharing -John the Baptist. It was the very heart of the appeal Andrew. Simon. Phillip and of Jesus to'Nicodem'us, as well' as., Natha'nael. The great'” Evangel to that unmoral woman, a finds its truti. 'setting ire their �.. roemher,of_.a.. despised people_ hearts aid. the Evangelized whose natural thirst was made the becomes an Evangelist to. share occasion and•basis of His appeal the Evangel with others. ,to hear and believe the ''Good . And what can we more say? For 'News;'. While John writes. time and space would fail us to list primarily td establish the. Deity of the name's b f those whose Christ, yet he uses the personal personal'Believing a n d evangelistic .oritreach to Sharing'' has .perpetuated the o drain re -action through .these twenty centuries since John'the Baptist and .Jesus ,initiated the program of ''Making disciples of all nations." "The thirst that from the soul doth rise, Doth ask a•drink Divine." Nothing short'of the E•Ga'ngel. personally believed, and personally shared, can meecthe deep needs of the human heart "Deep calleth unto deep", wrate an ancient Psalmist, and we -are Divinely assured that "there is a deep in the Infinite Nature, of God that calls to the deep in the finite nature of man, and whenever and. wherever there 'Is ;a reciprocal response, the issr is. beautiful ;.Harmony."' Is there anything „ greater mortal man can do than to "Believe and Share."? demonstrate the effectiveness of the' Evangel receiyed, and thus -prove his,point: Ne -ups: good news. always relevant. always "demanding personal derision. always issuing in a personal decision, always- issuing in a personal sharing with others. This is "the glorious gospel of the Blessed God." AFTER LISTENING TOALL „THESE 1 V.. COMMERCIALS, You PEEL. SILLY "" PUNIVIING P ACHED ICOR - T ELLIN6 40E LMONEL.- ' UNOCO At, The Five Points Mechanic epaft t; Ali -Makes Your i3lOod is the GIFT of BiAglieLdOp DONOR' Another interesting item read was.a letter from a missionary Sister of St. Joseph in Peru describing he'd work amongst -the. - Indians -living in the m-ountains. The president, • Mrs, 'Diane Buchanan asked for further assistance in the work bf sewing articles for the Children's Aid. • A Leadership Course will he sponsored by the September and this will he open to any member of the parish wishing to participate., , 'OiTSimday. J:urte- 25th:_trie nbers• will cater for a Communion Breakfast to be served to members of the Youth Group, their parents'a•rrrd counsellors. ' A presentation of 'gifts was mode to two members who are leaving town: Mrs. Donna Fisher, a Lorimer p.r.esident of { ,W: L. -and Mrs. Mary DeMarco, presently secretary of the' organization. Mrs. DeMarco will be replaced -in office by Mrs. Phyllis Steffler, Mrs.. Diane Buchanan gave ,t a WrOi .. ' THE BIBLE BY CORNELIUS R. SIAM PRES. ! / BEREAN BIBLE SOCIETY I^ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60635 "TRE VISITING PREACHER" Paul. and Barnabas had seated • 4aw, he .proclaimed Christ who themselves .:in the large, syna- -in love" had died, for all law gogue in Pisidia;n Antioch. They breakers, closing with these were•soon recognized as "clergy- . words: , men, however, for "after the • "-"BE IT KNOWN UNTO YOU reading ort he law -and the pro-ph-.THEREFO! E, MENAND BRETHREN, ets'' they •were asked whether THAT THROUGH THIS MAN IS either of them might have sone • PREACHED UNTO •YOU THE FOR, word of -exhortation" for those GIVENESS OF SINS; AND BY HIM . who had'ga.thered. ALLT1-IAT BELIEVE ARE JUSTI- These, details•ke important, FIED FRIM ALL THINGS FROM for as Moses, in`givng the Law., . WHICH YE COULD NOT BE JUSTI' had dec`t•ared God's, moral .stand- .FIED BY THE LAW OF ne MOSES" ... prop .ce ra .A"1�'��r;3 J•1� turies challenged the people to. • How we need this message to - •obey the law and had warned day! We may forever exhort ore them •of,the dire consequences of another -Ito keep the law, but who breaking its .i1rfmands. Hence, of us has not already broken it-? in the synagogues, passages Let us thank God, then, that He were•generalty,read from the law is a loving Savior as well as a, and the prophets•,, Arad the, reit-, ' just Judge, -arid -that as, God the , gious leaders would then "ek- Son, He paid for our"sins,Him elf hort" the people to heed the at Calvet—Y. so that we might .be prophets and obey•the law. ' ''justified freely. by His grace.'SJ Paul and Barnabas,the visiting "CHRIST HATH REDEEMED US preachers; therefore', were as ked FROM THE CURSE OF THE LAW whether either .of them had a BEING MADE A CURSE EOR US" "word of exhortation for the pe -o-- (Gal: 3:131. • ple." Paul responded the invi- • "'BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS tat:on, but' rather than merely CHRIST .AND. THOU SHALT BE exhorting his" hearers to keep the SAVED" (Acts 16:31). 1 114 report on the Dioc"esan convention- of 'C,W.L. held in Sarnia last month. Highlights of . the meeting there were talks Stewart. The' entleman will he 90 delivered' by Rev. Rev. Mother years old on this day. Spencer, newly appointed „/, ..*,He,__.r-ecent-l-y -celeb-rated his'. Spir,,ittiFirDirfauFof C W. 1.. and sixty-fifth • anniversary as_ an Sister. Mary Isobel. Public ' ordained clergyman. To, mark Relations Officer for St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Theme of the address was Communication. with._.. God and our fellowman. Following the•l,usiness meeting there was a showing of films and. slides 1 Clem Ste-Me—rand three: of his students. They gave a 'very 'interesting presentation of their visit to the area of Moosonee and Moose Factory, which pupils of ' ;St. Jo'seph's School: Kingsbridge., enjoyed last year.• ' G�Ieiich obituaries MRS. 1.ILL IAN WATSON Joseph Webb and was a member of before moving 4o Goderich in Mrs- Lillian Victoria Watson St. Patrick's R.C. Church. . =,,,:4 1964. died Thursday, June 8, at the age 'Her husband Earl predeceased , . Mr.. Eadie had been a pilot for of 74 in St. Joseph's Hospital, her in 196Q. the past nine bears, working at Sarnia. She is survived by one daughter Lynn Lake, Manitoba: Wawa. Mrs. Watson was born March 3, Mrs• Charles (Betty) Leo of Ont.; Kenora; and Thompson. 1898 in Colborne •Township, the ° Niagara Falls, N.Y.; nine Man. At the time of his death he daughter of Charles and Elizabeth _ grandchildren' and one ' great- was elnpl•oyed by Lac la Croix (YOting) McPhee. ' ' grandchild; four sisters, Mrs. Quetico Air Services. She was a life-long resident of John (Cecelia) Seigner, London; He was married to Beverley Colborne Township until she ,Mr's. James (Helen) Wormold, Chapman May 7, 1971. Following moved to Goderich in 1963. Toronto; Mrs. Roy (Margaret) their marriage the Eadies moved Mrs. Watson was a member of McIntosh„ ,London; and Mrs. to Thompson, Winnipeg, ant Knox Presbyterian Church, Knox - T.C. (Patricia) Kelly, Winiripeg; , Atikokan. Women's Mission Society, and the two brothers, . Frederick, The deceased was a member of Women's Institute at Carlow. Toronto, and William, Goderich. . the Royal Canadian Legion, She is predeceased by her late She Was predeceased by two . Branch 109. ,husband, William, ,and her sisters,Mary and Claire and threeMr. Eadie is survived by his daughter Dorothy Pfrimmer. She brothers, John, Joseph and wife; his parents who reside at .is survived bye a son Charles, . Albert. - 108 Arthur Street.Goderich ani Sarnia, and four grandchildren. The funeral was Saturday, June three brothers, Thomas,Michael, Rev. G, L, Royal conducted. the 10 at 'Hetherington and Deans London; John, Kingston; and service at McCallum Funeral Funeral Home with Requiem David, Goderitch. Horne,,, Mass at St,' Patrick's Church and ,, The funeral took place Interment was in Colborne • burial in Fairview Cemetery, Saturday, June 10, at Knox Cemetery. The pallbearer's were Niagara Falls, Ontario. Cliff McNeil, Charles Tyndall, Bud Oke, George Caldwell, , - Arnold, Youq and Earl Schilbe.' JAMES MacGREGOR EADIE • Fired Larsen, Allan Ball, Ronald Presbyterian Church, It . was conducted by Rev. G. L. Royal. 0 Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. The, pallbearers were 4 a g r a e, --MftS.".-EARL P.-DAVY€ W - �o�c ericl�, tried Tciesday, June -6**,-- at the age of 29 years in Atikokan, Mrs, Earl P. Davyes°t • the , Ontario as the result •of a plane crash,. The deceased was born February 16, 1943 in Dartmouth, N,S., the son of Thomas and Margaret Eadie: Mr. Eadie lived at a number of R,C.A.F. stations across Canada former Teresa M. ,Webb, died Wednesday June 7th at Greater Niagara General Hospital in her 61st year. Born in Goderich May 4, 1911, she was the daughter of the late Mary Teresa (McEvoy) and John o Riley,--•-Da,uid -.Beach,_. -.George -- Vollick, and John Edward. Relatives and friends who came from some distance to attend their funeral were Miss Dale Evans of Nicaragua, formerly of Galt; Mrs. John Moyer (an aunt) of Waterloo; John Eadie,, Kingston: T.M. Eadie, London; and Mr. and Mrs. A. Fordyce; London. 4 WILLIAMS Minister honored CEMETERY MEMORIALS on his birthday And. Inicriptions Stratford.- Ontario On Sunday, June 18, at 8 p. iri. in . Northside, United Church . at eaforth', there will be a birthday party held for Rev. J. Ure Huron Men's Chapel AUBURN HEAR- Bob VndersIagt.. , BUSINESSMAN FROM TORONTO SPEAK ANP Horsi Family SING SUNDAY; JUNE `18 t�# Westfield Fellowship Hour --2.0.11/1. Huron Men's Chapel Evil Prevails When Good Men Dp Nothing • these momentous occasions, Huron -Perth Presbytery ' is holding a special ser'vice:'., "T?re Stewart .N r'ht „ - • ' Representatives from former congregations will-becpresent to -- ,bring greetings. Rev. Stewart will, be presented with a framed scroll i 'on the occasion. There will be a special'setion SUNDAY reserved for all clergy who attend -and a fellowship hour .wil1 be held after the Service with lunch pr'ar,•ided by the Presbyterial. Bob Mctallum Representative • . 21 Cambria'Rd,, North, Goderich' Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 ,..rte .4 T. PRYDEllt-50N CLINTON-EXETER-SEAFORTH-GODERICH Memorials Markers and Cemetery Lettering 'M Frank c'llwain 524-9465 200 -Gibbons St., Reg J., Bell 45 Cambria ^d. S. 524,-7464 J �uRifICES— FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH qtr (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. W. H. MCWHINNIE F R_.,GS. ' Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett ' 10:00 , a,,.m. - Sunday: School. 0;15 'a.m. Morning Worship. 'God is movini,b Hrs Sp,i•r,t" A_• Special Music, This Church has, an Evangelistic and Missionary Vision. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US 'W ° WESLEY MEMOI1 kL- CH-LJRC,H • THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park St. at Victoria H. ROSS NICHOLLS, Pastor.' 16:00 a.m. - Sunday School -orship 7:00 p.m. -- Evening Service. WELCOME The family ' that prays 'together , , -s to s to ;e ther ARE YOU ATTENDING CHURCH THIS SUNDAY? IF NOT, YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US. Bethel Peniecostal Tabernacle: Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada - CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. PETER G. 5T. DON, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 18 10:00 a.m.- SUNDA'( SCHOOL. 11:00 .a.m. - WORSHIP' SERVICE. 7:00._p.m EVENING SERVICE Stud'Y grid •Pt•ay,�r. • Friday, 8:00 p.m. 7 YOUTH N1TE. For further information about church servicds call 524-8506. "WE USUALLY TELL THE FAULTS OF OTHERS BECAUSE IT TAKES LESS TIME THAN TO TELL OUR OWN". CALVARY BAPTIST -CHURCH BAYFItLD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "EVANGELISTIC = FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BFtUBACHER, Pastor Church 524-6445 Residence 524-9497 SUNDAY,, JUNE 18 10:00 a.m. Sunday School For All Ages 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Don't Fail lo Hear YNZE FLIETSTRA" from Belgium 6:30 p.m. Young Peoples' "Word of Life Club" Wednesday, 8 p.m Midweek Service WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knax. Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHARVROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, JUNE 18 Time of Service --11:00 a.m. Sermon: " "SERMONS FROM CHRIST'S PARABLES: ; ' .4 (3) "The Prodigal Son" The Minister will preach (Nursery and Junior Congregation) THE RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS Enter to Worship Depart oto Serve 1N 'ST.. GEORGE'S CHURCH' TRINITY :III SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 1972 Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. POSTPONED FROM LAST WEEK '- Outdott"r' ervice=and- Picnic at 11 a:m. at MAITLAND •CONSE. VATIOIJ AREA PARK. Cars leave Parish Hall at 10:45 a.m. Dress informal. Everyone, welcome.- • Organist-Choirm ster: Mr. -Paul C, Baker, ' - - F..R.C.O., Rector: THE REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B-D-� e.. Victoria 'Street Unit -ed Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR ' 10:00 a.m,-Bible School For -All Grades 11:15•a.m.-Worship Service Sermon: "SHARING -YOUR MORSEL" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH - 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service & Bible School --W-E-L-C-O-M-E-- Mrs. J. Snider, Victoria Sf. Organist & Choir Director Mors. Leonard Warr Benmiller Pianist & Choir Director North Streit United' Church SUNDAY, JUNE 18 'Worship -01 a,m, MENESETUNG CAMP SITE Briing a lawn chair • Lunch provided 1