The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-08, Page 20t"40D RtVigNtck$TAR, THURSDAY, • 1 .R I, 0. • Mrs. Jack McGee and Mrs. Thomas Webster conducted a demonstration in; quilt making and other related crafts during the DungannonUJ,nited Church Women's Ladies Day fast Thursday. The day long program consisted of interesting displays and demonstratibris in many fields(staff photo) .4 uburn BY MRS.-WES BRADNOCK • jstrIct P�irny sa•ie of bulbs, slips The rne.i►thly meeting of the The minutes of the previous W.ilkerhurn Club was heli, at the meeting were accepted as read_ by Di. R .home ut Mrs: Walter Cunningham the seer-etary, Mrs. Worthy sail a good attendance. The Young. The treasurer. Mrs meeting was in charge of the vice- prestdent, (Mrs. Garth " McClinchey who opened with • sluing of 0 Canada followed by Prnheir, Thomas Cunningham presented the financi;.l statement. The draw prize, donated by Mrs: Elliott Lapp, was won by Auburn Socials Mrs. J. Machan of -Listowel visited a few days'last week with M(• and Mrs. Robert Arthur and Miss Jayne. • Mr. Robert Turner is a patient Go teri•ch • hospital:- Mr. ospital .Ma•. and Mrs. Robert Arthur ani Miss Jayne Arthur visited .on Sun,lav with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W ll and fa,rn'ily at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Wall recently returned from a visit with Mr• and Mrs. 'Bill Riddell at Mantu; Manitoba. Mr and Mrs',• puncan Mackay spent the weekend in London with Mr. and Mrs. 'John Weir and Mr. John •MacKay. Mr. Ben Hamilton is home ... following eye surgery last week in +tr+ia hosial; 1�er�dn--«-- " Misses Jean Houston; Jean • Jamieson and Jean Wilson 'of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Frances Clark. Miss Laura Wagner returned on Saturday t� .Syracuse, N.Y. .following •cher, vacation with her sisters, Misses Ella and Minnie Wagner and brother, Mr. William .Wagner. at Dungannon ° Mr. Ed Dayies,.Mr. Courtland Kerr of Benmiller and Mr. Harold Carter ,,,of Goderich have be1en prize winners pitching horse shoes at .Woodstock and,' Bridgeport. • We are pleased to report that Mrs.• Charles Scott is irrrproving in health .in Clinton hospital; .her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Lorne Popp returned home from , Victoria hospital following major spinal surgery. Sor'ryto report that Evelyn will be off work and unable to do anything -for the next nine months including .n'o"sitting or bending, - The local librarian, Mrs• Wilfred •Sanderson.requests that ail Countybooks be in on June 10 for the exchange. • , Mr. acid Mrs. Fred Youngblut of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and other relatives in the village. Miss Blanche Dalton of Blanctes,.. Hairs ling _ Shop . has accepted a position in Stratford with Paul's Beauty Shop. M..r., :arrd ..M -r __K eh.n.etih -._.- McDougall spent a few days last week with their son, Mr. Allan McDougall and Mrs. Mcl augall at,. Sudbury. Mr. Charles Boulanger of Courriai,lielgium is'visiting With his sister, Mrs. Julien Delbergue and- Mr-. Delbergue. ' .-- --- Mr. _—_Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies attended the 210 convocation ceremony of the University of Western Ontario, London .last Friday _ when . their niece . and nephew, Mr. and Mrs.' Michael Sewell of Sarnia graduated. Mrs. Sewell 'graduated ,from the Faculty of Nursing anMr. Sewell received the Bachelor of Science and Engineering-. • A reception 1'`to To�'wer n fhe Friar's Cellar: Mr. and -Mrs. Donald Cartwright, David, Derrick and Lorie spent the weekend at Lansing, Michigan. Mrs. Frank , Raithby attended the, convention of the Baptist Women's Missionary S#ociety at Woodstock last week. Mrs. Henry flunking, A letter 'from the Korean foster child was r•ead •thanking the club for her birthday gilt. Plans• were made fot- the next meeting to be held at the home of 526-7595 Mrs RoyDaer and Mrs. Carmen Gross. The lunch will he in charge 'of Mrs, Walter Cunningham and Mrs. Lloyd McClincheyp, A penny sale of bulbs and slips was held...and a social, • time • Mrs_Garth McClirrctrey. This is. enjoyed. A delicious was to be the election of officers and served liy Mrs. Roy DaerV anti the program will be in charge of Mrs. Carmen Gross. • • Father's D-ay.S�ie-' �I 0 Discount ON ALL GOODS Get dad something he will appreciate at ... HUCK'S SPORTING GOODS 73 HAMILTON ST. 521-6985 1 AY SPECIAL DINNER FOR ONE Our Regular 3 Pieire Dinner TUESDAY ONLY Colon- sand.", RPope [entui �9 rteChickn® a Col. Sanders makes it " finger Iickin' good" GODERICH TAKE HOME SHOP 524-7359 87 Kingston St. at the Stop Lights Please Clip and -Save NGt1SS1 swmQavv..e w • T e 6unganno'n' ni%d"" fiur'" cFi"°V'Domen s" `roup sponsored'therr annus '"La`diesIYay at the ciur`cftlfi Dungannon on Thursday. Among the many demonstrations given during the day was a rundown of the art of flower arrangement. Mrs. Ewan McLean, who gave the instruction, is seen here demonstrating some techniques to the Iadiesi(staff photo) �1�f6pp9Ti:m Judith Gooderham Pool Reg strationi Paoli -Office Thursday,June 15, 4-6 p.m. Friday, June 16, 4- Saturday, June 17, 17, 9-5 p.m.. Classes Offered: L FRMS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE 3 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS • Tiny tots (ages 6 Months --•5 years) Iubbllrs (5 years up) Gliders Motor boats Peddle wheelers (Duration 2 weeks) Sharks Begineers Junior Intermediate ,Senior Survival (Boating Safety) • (Duration 4 weeks) °"' ' Duration •6 weeks 'Special: Tiny tots lessons Comment, Morfday, June 19th, Baily --2:36-3:15 p.m. All others commence Tuesday, July 4th Mee.. Merit Outiby"expisi ►ir1 tate e of the work bePdi d her, pottery diSillY fit O. 'Dud gainnon United Church Wetheree ladies day !mat • TF'ur da . Mr, Gunby o's discy � Ia was one of several Craft and hobby '. deronstratrons at theeday Tong event.(staff photo) .e. o • 4 • s Pool Scheele ,dor hones , r• Public Swimmingomason' ces week of JUNE 1 2 Weekends 2 5 p.m. Days 4.6 Weekp.m. d. U • Regular Scheduler Commences y c.�s July 1 °fit • Rel istratien Forms Fie lirational Lifeguard Cour le Arrailabl. At towel Hall