The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-18, Page 43r . ° --b 0 • ♦ . ' . e • 0 CompliKnents. of ' W. is DENOMME FI;.OWEfi SHOP 140 Square ._._ GODERICH - P 524-8132 ' " • „ Compliments of WOOLWORTH ` '<-Square GODERICH 524-8731 Compliments of FINCHERS SMOKE SHOP North Side Square Goderich ' 524-9664 Corhpl invents of ' n BANNISTER MOTORS •Specialized Services 50 P i cton St. E . 524-7761 ' Compliments of FRIED CHICKEN ' • y 87„KINGSTON ' 524-7359 . Compliments of BLUEWATE.R BODY &•",FENDER 232 P i cton ' 524-7161 . 0 Compliments of ' WORSELL BROTHERS . For All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs ,. 122 Square . 524-7952 Compliments of CHAS. W. BRECKOW MASSEUR 118 Anglesea St. 524-6281 Compliments of FRENCH DRY - ” CLEANERS • GODERICH 35 West 524-8452 Compliments of. CAMPBELLS OF GODERICH '168 Square 524:7532 ' ,, 4 • rr Compliments of . ROSS SHQE SH6P _1.4,2:Squa.ce 1CH. [ - • -„ • ' .,P,.P - . 4 ........ • . . _GoaE ' Compliments of SHORE GIFTS & JEWELLERY 56 Square -_,GODER•ICH 524-9241 , Compliments,; of - PICKETT.& CAMPBELL'LTD. ti ' MEN'S WEI R GOPERICH 36 Square GODERICH Compliments of BISSET B'ROS'. LTD. DAIRY 'SALTFORD HEIGHTS 529-7561 • Compliments of -,ARGYLE MARINE & SMALL ENGINES •8 Britannia E. 524-9201 YOU CAN BE SURE IF IITS WESTINGHOUSE . ri ,terome Hines: Metropolitan Opera Star ul k In a period of less than ten years 1 can say that 1, in spite-of:ao. skeplica ialentllically lrained.nnind,. came to .l°ecognixs'. JesusQ Christ° ,as Saviour, actually lex- ,perlencing the Joy of direct commu`nlcatlon with Him. l found that miracles exist and that God is a, personal God who cares for the individual—in fact, He cared enough to die for me. (From This Is My Story, This Is My' Song, Spire). In this book Mr. Hines, who shares sincere concern about America's spiritual mooring, tells the remarkable story of why and°how he wrote the opera, 1 am the Way, and performed the lead role be- fore Premier Kruschv during the height of the Cuban missile crises.) • Malcolm Muggeridge British TV Analyst and Editor it was while I was in the Holy Lend for MI Purpoa. Rot making throat BOC•'Televialorr,prc faM$ s therNOW - `'Testament .that a certainty ,seized' ,me about Jesu** . birth, . m nistry and crucifixion, 1.becamtr aWaf'1► that there really had been a man, Jesus, Who was also God: / was consclot!s of His presence , . , Ho rally had died on a cross and rispn from the dead , , , YJesus Is alive and very truth, Ti. a Cross Is where his- tory and life ... lime and eternity, intersect . R Some suppose -that you ,can halve a C.hrlstien civ" !fixation without Christian values. I disbelieve this. I - think that the basis of order is, a moral order; if there le , no moral order there will be no political or social ordet . , This is., how civilizations end.. (Froin Jesus, Re* discovered, ® DQublcday & Co., Inc.) • Fashioned) in The Heart • Forceful Purpose THE JOHN WOODHOUSE CRU SADE DeVERNE MU N Song Evangelist PLUS "THE WATCHMEN QUARTET". AND "THE TABERNACLE TRIO" Rev. John Ashley Sunday Woodhouse has travelled over 1,000,000 miles speaking in 45' countries and 40 states. He has participated in 3,800 Radio -TV programs. Hp is' a skilled musician, composer, • former pastor, . • and youth worker in Florida for • 19 years. He was commended by, the Senate. for, his contribution toward youth in Washington.- Thousands join in to "sing along with Woody" in the famous' Florida Winter Sunshine Musicale directed by Rev. 'John Woodhouse in Si. Petersburg,eaalwinter: • - 19 4 Focused on The World Fpunded on, The Word •\. ROMAINE BLrENDING EXQUISI E TASTE TO DELIGHT• THE WHOLE FAMILY N SOUTH HURON SECONDARY SCHQOLI CLINTON IK F.E. MADILL: SECONDARY L 1NU16!tlAM. _ ., IN KNOX PRESBYTERIA CHURCJ(r 611:: EVERYONE WELCOME hen Good Nen RISTIA If any one song could be said to dempnstrate to me the awesome directness of God's force in my life,it would have` to be the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." More and more 1 sing it as a' hymn, not a battle song, and emphaslie the coming of Christ. Our battle today is that of living for Christ. . . When I sing "God Bless America" I'm aware that Americans yearn for eXact/y that. People's reactions convince me that they feel a tremendous need for God to bless America again." Because my husband and I want .our children to grow up knowing the Lord'calways, and because we waintHlnn t&beceme Master of their lives, we start very early to oulde them ... Oftentimes newspaper report, ry ere ask If I'm not afraid of overemphasizing such train- ing in our home . . l tellthem, "11 anything, we Should make 11 stronger in order to counteract all the other Influences Which' can lure 'our children away from 0od," (Prom Mine Eyes •Hahre-Seen the Glorynand Amazing Grace, Revell) • • (1101 Nothin ASSO C lATION Paul Harvey Radio -TV News Commentator If / were the Prince of Darkness 1 would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. . So I should set about, however necessary, to ' take d'ver . North America. I wou/d begin with a campaign of whispers... ro the young 1 would whisper, "The E#ible • is a myth. " 1 would conrince them that "man created God, " instead of the c `her ,way around. I'd 'confide that what is bad is good and what is good is square. In - the ears of the young married I would whisper that work is debasing,, that cocktail parties are good for you. l would.caution them not. to -be "extrema`' religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. r'cI'educate.„ authors in how to make lurid•liternture exciting:„. I'd peddle narcotics to whom )'could.' I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I'd trnnquihie the rest with pills... l'd' designate en atheist to front .- for Ino before the Highest Courts and ;IV ' get preachers foosay, "She's rrghf!” (From You' I1, Paul Harvey!) , -