The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-18, Page 41etting
REGISTRATION—Mom is a good person to know when it is time to attend the preschoolers' clinic
• before kindergarten entrance. This mbther is makingcertain,her little daughter gets off to the best
start possible—and the staff from the Huron County Health Unit is vitally interested in the health and
well-being of each child present. (staff photo)
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THE BIG INTERVIEW—There's lots of paperwork to be handled before youngsters'are ready for
school this fall and this young lady is completely relaxed as she and her mother answered the nurse's
questions. The Huron County Health Unit keeps a complete set of records for each youngster entering
school and'it is ready for easy reference when the need arises at some future date. (stiff photo)
OUCH!x'-They said it wouldn't hurt much but that's only if you are
• not the person.who has to sit 'in the chair and have a blood sample
. taken from your finger --and all so you can go to kindergarten in
the fall. The blood sampling corner of'the pre-schoolers' clinic
was not the most popular spot'as is evidenced by this photo. (staff
THEY LOOK JUST FINE—Teeth are an important barometer which tell the nu'r• se'a great deal about a
little'girl's general health: The.tiny lass pictured here is just Iittle•tense—judging from the
wriggling fingers onherlittlehands.Butshe`sbeingbraveaboutitall-=and the nurse is as friendly as
anyone can be who is about to brush your teeth. (staff photo)
OPEN WIDE -While brushing one's teeth is supposed to be a personal thing, at the Huron County
Health Unit clinic for pre-schoole,rs Monday at Victoria School, a fellow's privacy was the last thing to
be consiaered,,...This little fellow is getting his teeth brushed with •a special fluoride papte which will
prevent many painful cavities for up to one year. Mom seems to. approve. (-staff photo)
WON'T' HORT ONE B1T—If going to school this fall causes as much
app°rahatiaion for this little miss as her booster shots do, it won't be
the 1y pleasant experience she's always Wed,. But
immunization' is a wayof. life these days for tittle people, and at
Monday's r+��schooleb' of,
it was just one more "'must" �i*fo* '
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entering kindergarten. (staff photo)
a i ..., mothers se;th. im. to -advantage a foto visaing—and +exc ..b i
THE L�NE�Up�T�ere seemsto�eplenty of ,waiting -when one gets ., !ai � h� � r1�.
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notes on atm r
�i a� b stn an aitixlous r��l�tohoorar t � Yalta
older,ptfi�`theao up and comingkindow�srten people find it difficult to • � g +� I� �, i a Ik,
sit still and be cake in the face of such gar exciting situation*. /heir drag. (stuff